The Brussels Post, 1962-06-14, Page 411iis is "Vow- OUR of t:AVK 0:WZ in as real a sense as in the Billy Graham hour. You have noth- ing to vote for but debt, more debt, itixeli -and more taxes ' with its increasing Statism, Socialism and even- falai (even imminent) Communism — UN, LESS YOU VOTE RENT These columns the past three weeks have endeavored to alert you to the extent of ,our present debt and danger and that the aver age Canadian family pays visible and invisible tax of 21 hundred dollars per year. Social Credit is the 1V L Y Political Party dedicated to ;day-as-you-go. The other three (troika) are based on debt. • 0. fREDIT has the answers. it is not just some vague theory, but has given 37 years of sound gov- ernment and a buoy- ant economy to Alber- ta and B.C.—has paid off their provincial debt and in Alberta has built up reserves of over 400 millions of dollars, It can do the same for all Canada. —0-- Proven Performance and Efficiency Will: 1. PROVIDE MORE BUYING POWER 2. ENCOURAGE FREE ENTER- PRISE 3. ENAP LE CAN- ADA TO GROW STRON' G THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL PARTY For Your Children's Sake WANTED — Calatte to pasture, about 55 head; running water; plenty of shade. Close to Brussels. Tohn Galbraith Phone 23r8 Tlair4541ar) Juno 14t$, O9 sEAFORTH vplico4sTgRy Goitre Street TELEPHONg' 446 For all 91" 41holutering, F3riltwele Flepreeentattve SELWYN BAKER PHONE 263s BROSsEL$ *0.01 "..,t "What has been done is proof of what yet can be accomplished" A statement to the people of Ontario from Prime Minister John Dieferibaker "Five years ago the Canadian people gave me and my colleagues a mandate to end the years of indecision and neglect of Liberal rule and make a start in the New National Policy which we put before the Canadian people in 1957. You gave us a renewal of your mandate in 1958, "in the succeeding four years we carried on that policy and as a direct result of the many bold and even revolutionary measures which we undertook the recession of 1957 has been superseded by the boom of 1961 and 1962. "Our energetic trade policies have produced the first favorable balance' of trade in nine years. "Farm cash income has reached an all-thne record high. Prices are now supported on 23 farm products. "Old Age Pensions and Old Age Assist- ance have been increased from $46 to $65. Other pensions have kept pace, "Ontario received $607 million in fed- eral payments this year, a huge in- crease 'over- 1957's $215 million. "Canada stands today at the commencement of a 'great new era of progress and prosperity—first as a result of the action we have taken—second, on the neces- sary condition that the plans we have made and announced for the next five years are carried into effective action. "Five years from now Canada will be celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Confederation. Our plans for the future are already five years along the road to fulfilment and they can, will and must be realized between now and 1967, What has been done in five years is proof of what yet can be accomplished in the next five years." Progressive Conservative JUNE 18 HURPN HAS PROSPERED UNDER . THE DIEFENBAKER ADMINISTRATION A YA9T9Rt,k PPABRATE .. ppi3OgN, .1\ir, and. Mrs. A4 Mooney, 2rt6. Grainger lid,, Victoria, .eele- brated their Golden s'l'edding '4",',Ittliti1 4th:;-?They.,... were ximrrivil. Wylie 'CIO* and,, lived On the twie.s. xn,osc. of .their- leArrteit life,. the last 17 years in ' wthixien, Manitoba. When gr. Mooney retired they moved to Victoria. Mr. Mooney was born in Brussels son of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mooney,. end hae a number of relatives still: in Brussels and, vicinity, rhildren Nits, David Smith: also a cousin. Mrs. Clarence Martin. :Mrs, Mooney was Myrtle Me- Ilonsid, daughter of Anthony and :)leDonald of Ce-an'brook, They have four children, Dr. C. M. • Mooney of Ottawa; Mrs. George) Graham, Toronto: Mrs, B. K. Scott, xr1,-eorie ) Flieht Sgt, G. M. Mooney, AY., Cold Lake, Alberta; ten erendebildren, and two great grand-. children, There ere piney in this area who rewenther Me. and Mrs. Mooney e 7Tr Mooney IJnelr'i went to eeherd here sins inter worked in the ATeN, .gtrsehart store for s. number ot VO rg, Mrs- lei-envy attended school "t reeinhroob, where her parents. beet. eno owned. Abe store. )46t;i1E4 be reggiiir *eetieg of 010 T-4.41,00,.. Aidt At the home of Aire. ROW: Cettinel-040 444, with the president, W. J, Morrison, in, the After the singing of the .openitig '10tixVill:310.W.Wttie tic tikut,.J31,0atk, • tb,e Meditadent was relleated in unison, The secretary's report Was read by Mrs, W. Kerr and the fipple, ital statement by Mrs. 0, Long, The Sunshine Secretary's report was given by Mrs. Cr. Evans,, busin- ess part of 'the meeting n'-as cone ducLed by mrs, Morrison, It wns derided that the July meeting Would be held as a picnic on the -park and a coMmittee was appointed to look After arrangements. Mme, Matheson conducted the program. 'The meeting closed with the Mizpab benediction. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs- King and Mrs, •Geo, Evans. FOR SALE SY TENDER Tenders will he received by the undersigned for the purchase of the property of the late Janet Scott. The property is known as Part Lot 425, village of Brussels, County of Huron. Highest or any Tender not neces- sarily aecePted, JOHN G. BERRY, Administrator of Estate, Box 640, Goderleia, Ontarle, Senior High :School Students and Young Women teat-trod for service at Snack Bar, various Shine. Evening). work, . Saturdays and Oen:lay, Pleasant work; supervised parking area, Transportation fittnisted at end of 6,5c. per hette, an excell- ent opportunity to earn extra Money for that holiday. 'Youtig women rethetWiee employed (1111111g day-time 'Will he considered, 'Kent-1g woman 'required to supervise and tinerater Drive-th Shack Bar PreVibile perience helpful but net essential, Apply to:: The Manager the New American Hetet Fott tAt-t 1066 Chev, 6, Sedan 'Paean Electric Range, 36" cattorinitie oven, clock, wattling closet 2.1tel.,,im.n. Bed. suite eon:11(4111g of double bed, dressing table and hone i, oliest of drawers, dresser, night table, WalmitWriting Desk and Chair 'Moline-env Coffee table with glass top and shelf VIE 'MUSSELS POST CR,--_NBEIOOK Knox W. M. S. The June meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held in the home of Mrs, Mac Engel with eleven in attendance. Miss Alice- Forrest was leader and opened the meeting with the call to worship. and prayer. Mrs, Gordon Knight gave the meditation on the Script- ure reading. Mrs. Sennock read Matt. 16: 13-18. Hymn 295, "The )(71turetes. One Foundation" 'was sung and a note on hymn was read by the leader, The topic "The Challenge of Tomorrow" -was given by Mrs. Earl Dunn, Mrs, Edwin. G. Nelson sang the solo "All for Me," accompanied on the .piano by Miss Forrest, A Bible verse containing the name of a bird was given in response to the roll call. It was decided to help witb the •C; (1.C. picnic , providing ssndwiehes and Freebie, The July meeting will be held in the home of Mrs, Fred Smalldon. Mrs, Alex Steiss was appointed secretary- treasurer to fill out the year in T}lare or Nine, Gordon 'Knight. The nrcsiclent, Mrs. Stanley Fischer gave a reflect on the recent Presbyter- lel held in Lecknow. story "The, Law Written on the Heart" was read by Mrs. Mae Engel. Mrs. .7ohn Ferrie lel in the (Glad Tidine)-e proyer. An cetercettee, i,,,,1117 .frOws n We.man's Yeeensl. "'Pleven rensens for i n. Miestemery meetings)* wets "'earl f. vise 'Forrest. -'l elso closed y'le w"1-1.1 ereyer. The lunch Mre. We MeEachern -erre Peed Sreglirlee aesisted I, no Fe: a 4,1 T.,(Yoy in 2; lunch}. Mrs. Glenn Huptliee snent several clays last week in London with Mrs. Tifni Me`Thir. who is home egnin felielgene, recent surgery. AT''S. Fd, Stnallden, Toledo, Is visit- ing with his brother George and other relatives. PEOPLE WE KNOW Mrs, Jack Wilson spent last week with her son Stanley and MrFe sett of Hagnilton, Mee. E. Plant is a, patient In Wern,en's College Hospital, Toronto- Clue LOW teat Financing acid ATTENTION" CAR BUYERS inattranae Plan witt help ynat inakt a better deal, BEFORE. you buy talk to it. GLENN' M. RONNENBERG PAOrikitin PSbne 10-220 tlrtitiela Phene Eig tuceday and1 Friday AI E'Al.00 cArILF VIEEttl AS8090.'1104 Estimated Grant ZS% of Salaries (eligible) $9,142.50 Debentures (approved) 5,958.99 Refund on Texts and Library Books 430.05 Grant on Attendance $24 x 146.18 3,508.32{ Special Grant on Attend- ance $15 x 146.18 2,192.70 $21.,242.59 Less Superannuation deduotion 1,212,84 $20,029.75 The assessment of Brussels for 1962 school purposes is $685,775, (Business and Commercial $194,900 and RTsiclential $490,875), The, assessment of Grey and Morris Townships included with Brussels. Is $15,900, In 1961, the rate was not sufficient to provide for the needs. The Board reauests that in 1902 the, levy be — for Business and Cora- Mocial 27 n-this and for Farm and Residential 24,3 mills. This is expect- ed 'to produce $17,576,92. In 1962 'the Council at the request of the 'Board has advanced $3,000. It is unlikely 'that further requests will be Made this year. The levy which the Board requests makes allowance for the under levy for 1061. It is expected that the levy in 1063 will be about 24 or 25 mina for Business and Commercial Asses.* sment, and 21 .5 to 22 Mille for Residential Assessment, In the Board's original estimate of the cost of the 8611061, It was stated that the rate would likely be in'cr'eased by 7 to 7.5 Mills. The rate before the .9011661 Was Wilt was 16.5 Mills, The estimated Ineeease was Made before the Board assumed the obligation Of enlarging the auditorium and makitie other elutnees. Sinte the cost of eonstrection and equiPPIng of the sehool -Was 314 .000 beyond the) grant eehedult, mind much of this' was due to elieneee. an increase of more 'than 1:5 Mille was tiecesaarY. This report is intended to eXPlain, farther 'the Mibilehed retiert of Ilectreber 1961. Truly, Kinkead, Inspector Or "public, Scheele WANTED — Tricycle, large or medium, in good condition. Mrs. Charles Guy Phone 22-13 FOR SALE — Circular Saw and Frame;McCorc. ick Deering 'Hay Loader; Woods Milking Machine. Norman Beirnes Phone 34115 Brussels MAN WANTED -'- For Rawleigh business. No exper- ience needed to start, Sales easy 'to make and profits good. Start immediately, Write Rawleigh's, Dept, F-152-190, 4005 Richelieu Montreal, FOR SALE — Ford pushbutton radio; Motorola, pushbutton radio; 2 Western Tire radios: pines for McKee harvester; model J winch Mchee rach; 1 Wing ham Annex; 28 acres of hay. Lyle Leake R.R.. 1, Walton Phone .392-W5 SALESMAN WANTED — Onr company, which is well established in this community, Is interested in hiring a, salesman to handle a, new line of merchandise. This program will be sold directly 'to farmers, so that a farm back- ground is advantageous, Commission basis of payment. Car required. No Age limit. There is a good oppor- tunity in this field for substantial earnings. Apply Box 50, Brnesels. WANTED — T9 gfriVS$E flATEFAYgR.S The _following Metter is to' infOrni. the ratepayers As, tc,• they financial situation cf hhe prnsacia Public Sclwel Ticard, Aay 23, 1962; NCe.. Kennedy, '01441IA441, MeWie reboot nea,rcl, Brussels, Onte,rie, Dear Mr. Kennedy; I have examined the Annual Financial 11,e,poit for 1061 and the statement of the auditor and have diseussed with the Municipal Clerk, Mr, Willi, H. King, ,the financial position of the Bruesels Public School Board, In 1961 the auditor, from the minutes of the Board, records a Maintenance Levy of $10,895.00. Actually the total levy for Debenture and Maintenance was $12,758,48, And the Municipal Council paid to the Board $7,000.00, Thus, at the end of 1,961 when the debentures were paid, *he overpayment to the Board was $7,000 less $388.48 or $6,611.52. The Annual Financial Report of the Board shows a Balance at the end of 1961 of $4,154.01. Thus, in, consideration of the overpayment by the Municipal Council, the actual. position of 'the Board was an arrears of $2, 457.51 — that is $6,611.52 less $4,154,01 4'046606 ('titter '6uits Are Gilled" owned -anu controlled voiMco Chniee 'suit broedittr4 tleririhts 110.116 Yon te. to hibrO. The 'Board's as follows; Salaries Instructional Supplies Administration 'Operation Maintenance Other Debenture budget for 1965 is $18,600 1,800 550 3,700 1 900 12,095 $37,145 ofrielcfilt bOotlitiffa 'Amp and S2tad'e tee.. e41*.tItie or Mores itifortaitioti trAti!. - '`11.41.011, Lamptold Chaile rtiintati tit 24441, Or for lob* gimp and Shade, i aikco ttintofi teionflot( Table sod tftoot igikfttti dAttLt orgtaletto. ) KO/due emeire, ebtomis ntidieethee f-"Nifitt t 'Wool-filled 8Atitt OonNtottets Brush, • ikrs..tioub,,,, lAftt ifitiLLOO titAtE6MAN grittee •tifIti'dttLt' PF40(ifE 261 titetibe Homes •diirity