HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-05-10, Page 1,S7 P "s COUPLE HONORED. ON WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Tbe 1.ainaly of fir. ;And Mrs, 3, grdbered Sunday May 004 to 'malt the occasion of their 40th f; 'wedding anniversary- I A family dinner was held in the 1 Flginingo Room of the New I l'A);114 a 1ri r7cep4tHioonteL at (heir home. j;' followed 11 ; , Friends were present front I: i Drayton, Elmira, Guelph, London, ti i Brussels, ChePstQw., Wingham, ii and Hessen. merica Hotel NOMINATED TO AGAIN .CO N T EST H U R ON RIDING L. E. CARDIFF FIRST FOR THE PEOPLE WE KNOW ;Robert Armstrong, .or Erin, Out,: is visting with L. W, Armstrong. • Mr. W., G. Leach, woo nas been a patient in the Bitehener-Waterloo: Hospital, returned home on Sunday. We hope his recovery will be satisfactory. Mr. James Perrie, B. A., who successfully completed his first year at Knox College, left this week for a mission Charge on Pictou 1 Isand, Nova Scotia, • Miss Pamela, Porter, who is a I I student at Toronto 'University,' is home with her mother, Mrs, 114 1 Porter, , l'er ALTON Mr. and Mrs, W. It, Lockwood and family, of 'Oakville, were week end visitors at the. home of, the former's' aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilmore and faniily of Stratford visited' with Mr. • esti Mrs. Jan van Vliet Sr. over the • Week end. Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Merkley. Delmore spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Ronald Bennett and Mr. Bennett. The big attraction around Walton is the steam engine built by R. Morita. 13 Ft O'N DRIVE-IN THEATRE Limited CLINTON Two CeMplete Shows Nightly Children under 12 in Cars Free THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 10- 11 Douhie Bill'— "LOOK BACK IN ANGER" (Adult Entertainment) Richard Burton — 02 — Jack Webb (Cartoon) SATURDAY; and MONDAY May 12 . 14 OCEAN'S ELEVEN Color Sdope Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin Angle Dickinson (Cartoon) TIIESbA? and WEDNESDAY' May. 16 ''TUNES OF GLORY" (Adtilt. Entertainment) (Colour) Jdhn Mills Ake GnineSS (tantetteiti), Coming Neict "TNt YOUNG sAVAGeto, Pstles on ;tette 19. Mrs, Oriftitit relierteid on WED, - THURS. -, FRL - SAT. ttattS til' stinf-iiiA. A bele rit noW May 16 - 11 - 18 - 19 WALT 'DtRINTIVIS and tiSed; 'Clothing Will he Sent to "Nikki WILD DOG Oil tl.!litia reserve in Western Canada". OF ti-it Nollti-iio' ..,_ ..,,. h tiii hti f„ Iii flies oim„ b oob. mitt jaett§ Oliver ditotkrecid4a Story of a Mrs.. Beller& 'Rs trni mid reviewed , _ Uolalirl . Dag and a Bear 1, natal disciisslon riiiimYerl. wifli 'ivi'tss ' -.....-- rlii:(4',-, I f ill 0111. AitliFiAnit. MirWitlitilll "FOANdlS, 6OVERS, I- Kollin:Sten, Mita. titlysl Wheeler rand ,ril,..e.,., i s „, INN., ..,.. i Mts '0,tillift Pearson es" thensbers, A • ' ....". 8.°' 11)— --" ii , slirli: Mit ,i06.6 otti,5*.n, by to. Saturday 'Matinee' "NiKKI" '—rihr 8, 7, i.,.. ,,. - ........ a Nikki' 7.•Sfl. Francis S'A Nikki' itlAS '''''IN 7' LS i4,00 per ye .42,50 11,5 Ausiorlise4 as *woo' dial moil, rest °Mc* KleSseuxualt, Otiallys Thursday, May 10th, 1962 r- east Publishing House NOTICE Village of Brussels Re: DOGS RUNNING AT LARBE All Dogs must be tied during the gardening seauon. Alltr person yiolaeng vanne will be subject, to a , $50.00 fin* eq.' dog destroyed, D. Haistings Chief' of. Police , Green Giant or Blue and Gold Peas, 15 oz. 2 for {4. 35c Green Giant Corn Niblets 14 oz. 2 for - -- ' 35c Van Camps Pork & Beans, 15 oz. 2 for 29c Fireside Cookies, 5 different kinds, 4 pkgs. ( ,OVER FIFTY .APPLICANTS FOR. Tg.Aol.t-m4o POSITION The School Board seerettlr3S C). i7lliolt, received over '00 atiops ror the vueancy created oa the stuff of the Brussels Public School by the resignation of Mrs,. Louise Porter, teacher of Oradea five cud six. Metzger, of ffanover, who has had two years teaching .c.xperience, and is a graduate this year, of the Stratford Teachers' has been hired to fill the. vacancy, Miss Metzger comes to Brussels in September highly recommended by the president of the Stratford 'Teachers' College., V.00 MUSIC EXAMINATIONS 1 Brussels, Ont.- ISICITHER'S DAY Take ,Mother out for SUNDAY DINNER Served 5 — 8 p.m. .Announces a new addition to our Tasty Takeout Family 1/2 FRIED CHICKEN 'French Fried Potatoes, Cote slaw,• Bread and .Butter Piping Hot and Fail Wrapped 90c WNW emagar4MTIMWM2OpitilleMe. 11111•111.11M110141111.41111.44M04.4{~1.4114.44.$, ; CARD OF THANKS Mr, W, Leach would like to thank all those Who sent him books et% cards, and alit who transported ,Mrs. Leach to and from Kitchener- Waterloo Hospital, also those who have enquired after him, and those who prayed for his recovery, Thanks seems so small to stub wonderful friends. Following are 'the results of Piano Dxaminations held at Brussels, on April 16,th, at Mrs. Louis D, Thompson's studio, by the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music, London, Ontario. Mrs, Louis 0, Thompson's Pupils: I M CC UTCOON r GROCERY:. Phone 293 We Deliver Elston Cardiff, M.L,) for 22 years, last night was nominated again as the Progressive Conservative candidate in the Huron riding for the June 18 federal election, • • Mr. 'CiardirI, 73, was the 'unan- itnous choice at a nominating con- Yention attended by about 400 persons. The meeting heard Trade Minister George Bees reiterate his contention that the free trade .organization envisioned by the Liberals would virtually ruin Canada's secondary industry and seriously injure farmers who now enjoy tariff protection' ' against foreign agricultural produce, • Mr. Hess had high praise for Mr. Ir Cardiff and his efforts on behalf of farmers daring his tenure as parlias mentary assistant to the. minister of agriculture Mr, Cardiff, a Brussels farmer, was nominated by James Donnelly, and the nomination was seconded by Mrs Mae Mooney, both of • Goderich, - Platform gnests included. Elmer Bell, Gel B.xeter, president of the. Ontario Progressive 4 Amservative Association. C, B. (Cam Miller, PC, candidate Middlesex Bast; Marvin flows, candidate for Wellington, Hnron ; Charles McNaughton, MTIP (Huron). Chairman was ,Tolin Durnin, of West Wasvanosh Tp., elected president- of the Huron PC, Association at the meeting. Other 1902 officers are: Honarary presi- dents, Mr. Donnelly and Mrs. Mooney; Douala s Freeman, Clinton T-ifirvOy Colman, Stanley Twn,s Rev Cousins, Brussels; Flgin. McKinley, 7nrielts Barl Mills. McKillop TWp.; treesSter, Morrisey, Crediton: secretary, Mrs. Frank Thompson, Clinton; directors, Charles Roney,. Dublin: ITarry Bolger, Walton; Thomas Webster, Isticknow; Verne Pinsombe, Hseter; Valentine, ! TInes'es, DashWood: Glenn Webb, Dashwood, Did You Try Tasty 50c . HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY TO 'HAVE HIGH-TEA The Hortidultu.ral Society is having a High-tea on. Saturday, May 26th, from 4 to 7 p.m. in the Anglican Church, Brussels, You all come bringing friends and. your loveliest 'flower arrangements. Good 'food and entertainment, 50E Our Takeout Spareribs Any time Grade II — Honors Joan Elliott Grade III — Honors Carolyn Fraser George Valiance Dorothy Elliott Grade IV ,-- Honors Sherril Craig Marni Bronson Nellie Bann Grade V — Honors Linda Somerville YOU'LL EN-JOY Fresh Delicious M rs. Mary Lou Johnston's Pupils: Grade I — Honors iGail McWhirter Grade II —Honors Shirley Smith Grade III — Honors Blaine Snell Grade IV — Pass Marlene Nicholson Grade V — Pass Dianne Van Camp Ann McKercher CARD OF THANKS Allow me to use this means of thanking my friends, neighbours and relatives for their gifts, flowers, treats, cards and e ers and visits while a patient in Winghara 1 and since I've returned home, Special thanks to Rev, Morrison led Pr, Stephens. All these were sincerely apprec- iated. Mrs, Annie McDonald VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP Cutting, Styling Cold Wavinil A Speciality Phone 140 Brussels an{ CREAMERY BUTTER AVAILABLE AT MOST GROCERS AND ON OUR DELIVERY TRUCKS BRIDES-TO-SE Before you order yOur wedding stationery we ask you to see the distinguished "Boquet Invitation. Line", styled by "Rainbow" of Montreal, which we can offer you at attractive 'prices. This lovely tnermo-engraved stationery, is in the hest of taste "the modern way to be traditionally correct" and is sold by the smartest stores in their "Brides' Shoppe", Look's like engraving, but much less expensive. We can supply engagement annonn.ceinents, wedding invitations and announcements. also personal- ized wedding napkins and match boat, A full line of social stationery, graduation, anniversary announce- ments, personalized notepaper etc., is availehle, We invite you to come in to the office of the Brussels Post and see. this fine stationery for yourself. New Democratic Party NOMINATION MEETING for Huron Riding will be held in McKAY HALL, GODERICH FRIDAY, MAY llth at 8.30 p.m. DONALD C. MacDONALD Provincial 'Leader Will Be Guest Speaker NOW at the NEW LOW PRICE Be Sure To Take Advantage Of THE REDUCED PRICE, MADE AVAILABLE BY YOUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FRESH BREAD and BAKING DAILY Fresh Fruit and Vegetables At All Times WEEK-END SPECIALS Holly Kernel Corn 2 for 33c Wagstaff Strawberry Jam 24 oz. jar 45c. Hellman's Mayonnaise 16 oz. jar 45c Free Detivee The United Church OF CANADA Rev. K. Griffiths Mrs. A. E. Martin ENGAGEMENT he Movies LISTOWEL . Minister: Onganiet: Let's Go C Mr. and Mts. Carl & Johnston, Bltievele, wish to announce the, engagement of their only daughter, Ruth Marie, to Mr, Gordon Neil Medavin, son of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon MeGlaVin, Walton, The wedding Will take place Saturday; Tithe 2, at 3 p.m,. at Bin-Ovate 'United Church, THEATRE LISTOWEL THEATRE Admission 65c FREE — Public School Students and Infants In cars free when accompanied by an adult, Box Office opens at 8.00 p.m. First show at dusk 2 Shows Nightly — Rain or Clear I Phone 132 THURS. - FRI.., SAT. May 10 • 11 - 12 Now at Regular Admission Prices "THE. GUNS OF NAVARONE" ClnemaScolse Color Gregory Peck, Anthony Quinn David Niven, James Darin 1st Show 7.00 2nd 9.30 MONDAY, - TUESDAY May 14 - 15 A Tender and Touching Romantic Drama of an American Girl in War Torn Toky6 "BRIDGE TO THE SUN/ 1St Show 1.30, 2nd 925 BRUSSELS UCW The 'United Church Women of Briisseht held a Meeting on Wed- nesday, May 2nd, in the schoolroom of the eltnrch, With Mrs, Adeli ,Smttli, the nreSident in charge Mid, giving the dell to Worship, Scripture it's reed by Mrs. 'Verne Greitite, followed by prayer by Mrs, Nellie Seat. Plans were Made for the: :Minna spring tee, Which will be., held et the heirs of Mts. Thotrina THURS. - FRi. MAY 10 1 "'TALL STORY" (Adult 'Entertaltinietit) Anthony Perkins', Jane Fonda, "THEPlans THREAT/ MAY 12 - 141 s,COLUSSUS OF RHODES" 1 ClnemaScope Colour i SAT. • MON: Faryilly Entertainment 2 Piece Men's and Ladies Suits 1. Trousers and Plain Skirts *** * * .60 One Piece Dresses .... .. $1.06 We offer you these savings to celebrate our first year of business in Brussels. 9.45 A. M. Dhureh School 11.01 A. M. Morning 'Worship • Ili • Presbyterian ChUrth IN' CANADA Melville Chile& Minister: Rey. W. J. Morrison, S.A. Organist:• Mr. G. aureola Mother's Day 11 A.ISL Special Faintly Service g it gib Chutes OiF CANADA ST. JOHN'S iteotiirt; 14(04 L • Organist: Mt*. It 'Gillett 'Holy antiarn', dittirei Sclroh Wed.., May' 1:6 Board '416116e-6mo-it Si.. braid* 1406* Holt * tAittoo, 0004' th# ito6tonir 1 Tues.— WED. MAY 15 - it For Edna Ferber's Great story of Alattka "dt °ALAtt° s ONAL DRY E (c.,,„„) FitioNt gitttssEts 12