HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-03-15, Page 6ONTARIO
less frightened and assist him with his
talking and not scold hint or bo Impatient
if he gets behind at school.
ADOPTION—These Protestant Mothers
and sister have made up their ows Wads
that they intend to remain together. 'TheY
want Protestant parents who have suf-
ficiently big hearts and house to include
all 6 of them.
The eldest is 12 year old Louise who la
a little mother to her 5 younger brothers
ranging in age from 11 to 4 years. These
children are Anglo-Sagon Canadians and
all have normal intelligence. Louise is
pretty and the S boys are handsome and
active with attractive personalities, They
are well mannered with the exception of'
one who is a real lisle "rough neck", no
boys are in all the local activities and
sports. They are mischievous, but hays
never been In any serious trouble,
The fortunate Protestant parents who
are selected for these children have b
and active times to look forward to with
the responsibilities anti fun of guiding the
futures for a daughter and five sons.
* 5
VERA is -a healthY 5 year old Roman
Catholic child of Ukrainian and. Polish
background. She has blonde hair and
brown eyes. Vera is bright appearing,
outgoing and friendly and easy to get
along with. She would be happy in a good
Roman Catholic home with new brothers
and sisters.
* * *
LLOYD—This attractive 13 year old
American-English lad, istall andof average
build. He has brown eyes and hair and
poleiervsocnoamliptylexaiontal. n.Lloydeds has a ns d ert , as tt tariat dc tiinvge
Protestant parents in a horns where he
would have plenty of stimulation to
achieve his potential academically and
• * *
strung, fearful Little girl because of a
tragedy in her life, She has an excellent
singing voice, is in grade 4 and shows a
lot of promise if she gets the right horne.
Grace is thin and Smith boned with brown
eyei and hair, regular features and attrac-
tive. She is reserved and depends on her
older sister Doreen. She is well mannered
and responds to affection. Grace has a
clear true soprano sing ng voice and is in
grade 2. She and her sister need permanent
parents in a real home,
* * *
FRED-6 year old Fred has large appeal-
ing green eyes, wavy blond hair and evert
features. He is rather shy but will hold his
own and is quite easily managed. He is
well liked and loves school, but it is doubt-
ful. if his ability will carry him far aca-
demically. Fred has a slight speech im-
pediment which will be overcome with
help. Roman Catholic parents with
patience, understanding and love could
give Fred a feeling of achievement and
* *
DICK is it handsome manly little boy who
needs his own Roman Catholic parents,He
is an Anglo-Saxon of 7 years and in Grade
2 at school. He has blue eyes and blonde
hair with even attractive features. He is
fairly placid, shy and well behaved, Dick
has a slight speech defect which is grad
ually being overcome. He needs under-
standing warm. Roman Catholic parents
who will not be demanding of this boy's
school work.
* 5 *
MARTIN is a 51/2 year old Anglo-Saxon
with wavy brown hair, large blue eyes and
quite handsome, Martin is shy, easily
managed and affectionate. He has a speech
defect that Is improving, but it is felt he
may not go far academically. lie will
always be well liked. Martin wants Roman
Catholic parents who will help him to be
RICKY is e healthy 13 year old French
Canadian boy with blue eyes, fair hair,
clear complexion and regular features, He
likes sports add is happiest when at work
on a farm. Ricky needs hind, sympathetic
Roman Catholic parents of his own.
* *
DWAYNE—This bright ten year old
protestant lad Is of Indian racial origin-
Ple has is sturdy physique with dark brown
eyes, black hair and dark complexion.
Dwayne is quite shy and fearful, but tries
hard to please. Warm affectionate people,
able to accept Dwayne's Indian back-
ground are needed,
* *
DINAH is a healthy II year old girl of
French Canadian and Scotch Origin, She
is short and slight with hazel eyes, light
brown hair: nd fair complexion. Dinah is
placid and inclined to accept support from
others rather than rely on herself, This
likeable youngster needs Roman Catholic
parents who will give her individual praise
and encouragement.
* * *
ELLEN feels deeply the separation from
her family due to a broken home. Site
needs ,permanent parents who will give
her consistent love and understanding.
She is a- bewildered 9 year old Roman
Catholic child with hazel eyes, light brown
hair, pretty features and very attractive.
She is in Grade 3 and is an excellent
student. A Ranieri Catholic couple who
are steadfast bat light hearted and jolly
would be most fortunate to have this child
for an adopted daughter.-
:Er •
GRACE & DOREEN—These- French
Canadian Roman Catholic sisters, Grace
7 and Doreen le would love to stay to-
gether but this may not be possible unless
parents somewhere are hoping for just
such daughters as these. Doreen is small
boned with blue eyes, brown hair, regular
features and a wide smile, She is a high-
ELMA needs to establish a warm and deep
relationship with FroteStant parentst She
readily responds when given love and
attention which has so far in her life been
sadly missing. Elms is an average little
girl of nine years, attractive in appearance
With blue eyes and brotvn hair, She is in
good health with a happy disposition,
• *
OLLVE—Dlive laud her fourth birthday in
November. She has dark brown eyes and
brown curly hair. Her complexion is olive
due to her heritage which is Negro, Indian
and White. Her facial features are Anglo
Saxon. This attractive child appears
healthy and bright and needs to move into
a Protestant home with parents who will
love her for her own wee self.
* *
DALLIS is a shy but friendly little boy of
four years. He is of French Canadian
origin with brown eyes and hair, medium
complexion and attractive features. This
active and affectionate little lad wants
Roman Catholic parents.
* * te"
RENE is an 11 year old boy of French
Canadian Origin. He is tall, good-looking
with blue eyes, brown curly hair and fair
complexion, Rene is intelligent, very talk-
ative and friendly, He needs understand-
ing Roman Catholic parents able to give
hint a lot of attention.
SHERYL is an attractive 6 year old Indian
'youngster. She has brown eyes, dark brown
hair- and medium complexion. Sheryl is a
bright, observant little girl with a will of
her own. She needs Roman Catholic par-
ents who'are willing to accept her Indian
Racial Origin,
* 5 *
DEAN is a good-looking, healthy 12 year
old French Canadian boy with brown
eyes and hair and olive complexion. He is
of average intelligence and in Grade 6.
Dean enjoys living on a farm and needs
the direction of kind: and patient Roman
Catholic parents.
cbectode,, al a po-otarnefd /rogue paimatai &me and c4e ed. cr4ildizacit gizealaett oteed,
er4ddizeos &ciao," i4ed4a eta/opt& adaarfaavect a/te 4.401..tplut vaeez. attP-ide:aoz ikioarik atedz aividesesse014.
Deputy Minister
' •••• , .••• • • ••••. : • • -
trireaiii.ariimaitrenestratearawafetszerressaaarii=iiiiteretirrosarriai*siaininuasoreuziminsta --u=1;sreanmeties:ctersts
IT'S A LANTERN, spreading a 'bright light evenly
over a large area.
WS A SEARCHLIGHT with a powerful, long range
IT'S A SAFETY BEACON with a red flashing light
for emergenties.
Whether you're at home or in 06 field, on the road,
on the trail or in a boat, you'll find the Atlas all-.
purpose safety lantern the handiest, most useful
lantern you've ever seen. This offer is for a limited
li3110 only. so pTl;c., sure you get your Atlas all,
purpose safety Lantern 800t1
Hning the Alias
eavyDuty battery)
RitiC11-1 ;Ts ACTUAL, ran'All VALltig, (plus sales fax whom applicable)
Thursday, Mareh '15th, TIM ..BRI„.1.$5F14,5, PO.57.
I • 1 ••; . BRI1VE — in ieving pgunery Of •ar•
I dear grandson, Perry Allan., WhO.
i passed
away tw,Oyeara ap,. March I •
1" ftl
l' •
in our hearts your Mernory lingety.; ..
' liweetly tender, fond and true, l
• mere is not a day,. darling
t That wo do net think, of you.
1 Anlo.as reIneWhered by
. Grandpa. and Grandma
• , • t, to
The majority of Children's Aid. Societies are,
making a determined effort to provide perma-
nent homes for some of their wards. Every
attention will be given to requests for these
or other children.
Many suitable older and handicapped children
are available for adoption. Happily married
couples who are interested in any of the boys
and girls below should apply to the Minister of
Public Welfare, 'Parliament Buildings, Toronto. S VINO. IN
Morris Tiv,rp, Council W . VS 4111111•11.111.1111111111
The Red Cross
Looks to You
The humanitarian achievements of the
Red Cross depend on your generosity.
Your dollars provide and carry on the
,essentialRed Cross services and
programmes in your community.
This year—think of the many ways the
,Rod Cross serves you and your neighbour
—then plan your donation or pledge to the
best of your means. A generous donation
will tl do so much for SQ many in 1962.
Red Cross
Need s
Your Help Now
cavrvass, sponsored by the Brussels Lions Club, will be
conducted during the week of March 19th, by ladies
of church organizations.
pvial lows pew oar, tar. gra awe pea vas a. IMM U..... 'Mom MN.
u HMO -4203ARDS
Pullets a
- VI* ;meth fel-tithes al Rae Farts are new
' riprk .13;;;L4,41rIg the famous Marco Orchards .1bc1. 5cr.V.c11 , .. the unusual tear that has Mt_ ee llerilial'-i for egg production and all-round tine Perfat-man.ee for over 25 years, i Oder se daY-old, of as started pullets from . t.: won*a et sf.1 rlgtt lap to reedy-to-lay .
1 C. ARMS' ,a:ii; .ntfoiini ad rayed tinder ROBF
CA, • t 1 gerix1i
`V•a hers: eceti
•oat ',11 s :end
ja.:Lt.JrCet 011
iinnosulate prang
Stock is first generation, atria tree the
breeder, and batted by Soe Fermi' years of sg-
pertente In woduclag the (IMO Startild puttst1
arid day-old pullets and chlelts that can 111 bought anywhere.
Other famous strains also available as darall
and started pullets.
psi ce Write or phone for detail; add ritess4a41111111 s,
The Council met on March 5th
with all, the members present,
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted on motion of
Walter Shortreed and Wm. Elston.
Moved by Win, Elston, Seconded.
by Ross Smith 'that the tender of
'George Radford Construction Ltd.,
to supply, crush and. deliver approx-
imately 15,000 cubic yards of gravel
at 66 cents per yard be accepted
Subject to the approval of the
District Municipal Engineer
There were four (tenders received;
the highest ten,der being 72 Cents
Per yard.
Moved by Ross Smith, seconded by
.TaS. Mair that the application of
Chas. Sonch as Warble Fly Inspector
be accepted, rate of pay to lie $1.00
per hour plus seven cents per mile;
the application of Clark Thynne as
truck driver be accepted, rate of pay
to be $1.10 per hour and the aPPii-
ea lion of Walter Eacon as helper be
accepted with rate of pay to be $1.00
per hour
— Carried
Moved, by Wm. Elsten, seconded.
by Walter She/treed that we charge
ten cents per bead per spray for
warble fly spraying and sixty cents
per pound for powder for scrubbing
- Carried
Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec-
cnded by Jas. Mair that we purchase
1000 lbs. of Warble Fly Powder to
be divided equally between 13elgrave
Co-Op and T. B. Marshall, Walton
— Carried
Moved by ,Tas. Mair, seconded by
Walter Shortreed, that the route
accounts as presented by the Road
'Superintendent be paid
— Carried
MOved by Ross Smith, seconded:
by Wm. Elston that the general
accounts as presented be paid
-- Carried
The meeting adjourned on motion
of Wm,. Elston and Jas. Mair to
mek?t again on- April 2, 1962 at 1 p.m,
or at the call of the Reeve
The following accounts were paid
Ronnenberg Ins: Agency,
:Bonds on Treasurer
and Tax Collector .„,„, .. .. 49.50
Relief Account «.«.,,,,....-....106.79
Pineerest Manor Ltd.,
Luc knew 70,75
George Martin, hydro tor
DiStriCt Fire Area,
calls and deficit ...... ..... 287.05
Provincial Treasurer,
............ ... . ... ...,...,„. 2,12
Daily Commercial 'News,
advertising „...„ ....... .. .. 16,00
CoIla.nder Nursing Home 70,75
Brookhaven Nursing Rome ,,,, 141,50
Municipal World, supplies 21,09
Township of Millet, tryant
Drain 1121..22
ROgr3 Accounts
NreArteP, wages. niNeage
. 0.O.R.A. & truck lidetise 241,00
jos. C. Smith, -wag% 292.25
Mel Craig, wages. - 2,94,40
Citarence White, wages 181.60
Wing-ham Tire Service
Iry Inkloy, gas, rhea oil
tql tnx ............... , ..... „„.....,...„. 626,70
.1 nir.P., Tc.10011 Flo 1.71
'etrttsic,ly Co. Ltd,
f4tarrrrIt flat l 4.01
71, •-1-als
-Itr•beez ..... 4.44
' " ItnAll,narY
="r", 141 A "'"I;
't 44. pain t' r(01101irt• • nra A i
lewiy 01.'.n,- 0*
--"4 f•-• • !ir.t1 . f1 aril
j. Ver the rettirn Of key ring with
1.01`.,f 'keys, teat Btfrapeiti
Finder filear e 10,6-od fIt tbe
Brtiatel, Pelt
c mel yeti • •10 recOmracilded e4-op• ltMtUrearL,
thope trio Departmetit itrieulture.
Ire pro nTrA talti'Ag ardent', for Seed Irairis now
Whitt% vte ftel r•n•:" tae t14 ihart auPP?!/ at scedirij, tIrrtei,
L':,t9 C•ti~r el Fit
.Zttil Li
ALWAV6 LOCO* *0' ilitiOititiAL ClFZ tHt, BEST