HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-03-15, Page 5op 18% TOPNOTCH GROWING CRUMBLES -, .._1 At 8 weeks of age hold the grain level constant and gradually change from Starter to Grower. t petwecn 9 and 13 weeks, gradually increase the Scratch Feed until they are getting one-third the total ration in Scratch. Maintain this diet until birds come into production. Mrs. Janet Scott Mrs, Janet Scott, 82, of Brussels, died at Huronview Homo Clinton, Tuesday Born in Grey Township, she was' the former Janet Simpson and widow of the late Robert Stewart Scott. She lived in Oranbrook before coming to Brussels. Funeral service will be held to- day at the D, A. Rann funeral home at 2 p.m. Burial in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Ethel. ETHEL MA RUSSELS $4.80 Corresponding Fares from Intermediate Points For Tickets and Information Phone Your Local C. N. Ticket Office. Canadian National 99 61 New tiLhevrolets dWnd Chevy Irin Stock 1961 Chev Belair Coach, AT. 1,960 Falcon Station Wagon 1959 Plymouth Sedan 1958 Chev. Sedan, Radio 1958 Chev, Station Wagon. 1956 Choy. Slcif.tn 19517 TAleaci,),v Se,lan 19Fiq Fie,c'Ln.~1 951c Cheva Seit-lotrt rt 2 Nevi I iN3 Tans S 1959 4 TonI:vair 1958 IA Tun. Gtr' C 19 E1 Trqt. 1("”- mr P Pia,d 1961 1. Torsi with Dials, a .r Ratiamormonanstynuoideft*Ranvanizniemivemottuntromisonottmamititc,;* fiCiMiltiniglilthtfigselMcip.h5nrcararr, .21-,....."=KOMIZIMINIMMEMIX*Stepil7shibTife.arargrenlIE the hikger the needfor a .Chevy *Optional at extra Cost Z..: .Z.,;::=Wfritlet117 ma-...z1=tot MO IT A., 7f 46:1‘70N Can be. both pleasant and profitable in a rural territory. A car and a few hem weekly is all yon need, Donn Wait for spring, start now. - , Wrhe Mrs. Bell, 04 ALbtAti or phone belied' g.6701 before' 6.00 a.m. . • A 4,444tii4 tgket6;41 eCtitcheon o ors Vok# enpoteint Brussels, Ont. Phone 56 TIM -uvsms_ pwr Thursday, March 14th„ isimmiceimesommommosiiiiimillN1111111111111111111111 J.M. McDonald ittmdb. e Complete Line of Building Materials 44411 111.11M.. FOR SA4E — JO Inch JOhn, 9,30rQ 1.04141ner Mill; &Se McOorolleir Deering h111X, ing Machine. Emerson Mitchell Plloao 36841.0 T1T1T1T1T±T T For Top Producing Healthy Layers, Use The ToP Y OTOH "FEEDING F' OG AM" WANTED Reliable woman. to. help with housekeeping; two ,adults; no extra, • attention, pJ;), Box 73 Phone 256 Wiogbfun NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN, THE ESTATE OF THOMAS HAROLD WILLOUGHBY, late of the )(lane of Srussels In the county of Huron, Labourer,. deceased, CREDITC.R.51 and others haying claims against the Estate of the abovo named deceased who died en or about the 7th day Of November. ; 1951, are ,required to send full 'Oculars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the , seventh day of April, 1952, after : Which date the assets of the estate will be distributed, having regard only to such: claims of which notice, has then been received. FOR SALE Black Spaniel Pap; also. )31:044 Cog, 4 years old, registered. 24 % Topnotch VITATONE FARMaRs,„ Get more for your money when you buy a POLE BARN BUILDING DaSed at Listowel this 15th day of March, A, D. 1962. 21% Topnotch Chick Starter Crumbles Start feeding at 1 week. At 3 weeks start feeding good quallity Whole Oats, start at a mere token and keep Increas- one fifth oats at 8 weeks W. M, PRATT, Q. O., P. a Box 307, Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor to the Executrix Extra Vitamins Antibiotics and .Start Baby Chicks the first until ing and Minerals, NF 180 on Vitatone for week. of the You are feeding total ration of age. — from — Phone 392W3 110, A. Fraser Walton 1 1 HELP WANTED — MALE!, Men wanted for customer service, Permanent, Full time, For interview write giving address, plume number, age and other details to R. W. SERCOMBE, 1.015 Adelaide St, Apt. 5, London, Ont. cud 0:4 LASTS and LASTS', and LASTS, ECONOMICAL pole buildings-can be built (or less thin the c:o‘st of conventional stra:clures. 4 EASY TO ERECT" 'Psis. McDonald Type" industrial buildings using modern construction methods: ilZ;172:47:;-';'7'4.74-2':-.` FLEXIBILITY— Simplicity of de., Lumber 'Ltd sign for multiple uses. Ito LONG SERVICE LIFE — pressurtv creosoted poles and lumber last . . . Brussels, Ont. last and lam, _ Let us Quote You on All Your Farm , Building Requirements FREE PLANS FREE ESTIMATES , Compare Our Quality and Prices Before You Buy PHONE 77 BRUSSELS MAN WANTED vise at times of stress when grow- ing and laying. Aire CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY LIMITED LISTOWEL Require a Shorthand or Dictaphone Typist Education to a minimum of Grade 11 will he an asset. SalarrY commensurate with education and experience. An. attractive range of employee benefits and Cafeteria facilities are available. I day week Applications should be addres- sed in person or -by mall to The Personnel Department.. When you get the first eggs from your pullets Our Supervisor in this- area finds that public demand for the new. Ontario Automobile membership plans has made it so that he requires a full time representative to work with him in; • this area. The man selected will be between • 25 and 55 with a car and be prepared to work FULL TIME to create a better than . average income that . will continuei year after year because the renewal commissions on his sales will be. guaranteed. Our Training program. tor the man selected will start the last week in March. Experience not necessary but those having a successful sales record in this field 1 will he given special consideration. Anply by letter al once to Dent. OA, Pox 317, London, Canna?, giving full details so that your application can be carefully considered, ' W Grit (Rine Grit beginning when they are - TOPNOTCH LAYING FEEDS PAlley should be changed to Laying Feeds. Don't forget two weeks old). And Fresh Clean Water (your cheapest feed.) program, we FREE FEEDING PROGRAMS if you follow this are available at the Mill PLEASE ASK FOR THEM I think you will agree that your flock is an ABOVE AVERAGE ONE I PH NE 199 BRUSSELS "THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR" T finiflitMigMFY.917.1 ImaPHIFIVIRIFEMRINFAEMFin. R. S.' HETHERINGTON, Q. C. otiotha 1211R US'liaitlst, Tr:etc/ay aria tlai.ONZy Ail Pay Mee Oa SINAI toy SRU LS mid WINISHAM 117a601111SUMMOINNIMMINWS V12111311•0 .011107:10••••• POINOWaliteR13.20•110.1 414101•01111111 Faturday Excursions to Good going and returning same Saturday only. Excursion return tare from 1 The fourth meeting of the Ethel Busy Bees was held "March 5th, at the home of Mrs, T. McFarlane. The meeting was opened with the 4-H Pledge and roll call. The minutes as read by Raren, Cain.nitig- hain, were approved, The business Was conducted followed by a, demonstration, discussion and home assiganient. The next meeting Will be held on March 12th, at 'Karen Ounningliam'S. Ethel Busy Bees FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, all in Brash; good. Well and tvindmill; frame drive shed. Located at lot 30, , UM, 12, McEillOp TOwnship, 8 nailed north of Reaforth and 2 intleS south 04 WaTtori. This farm is loOated In an excellent fanning area. ApPly to: Barry Marshall or Mrs, C,Ora Barrows. at Walton. rugged, good-looking cab. It pays to team up with a Chevy Heavy on tough tasks. See your Chevrolet Truck Dealer now. The tougher the job, the harder the haul, the more reasons to turn to a Chevy Heavy, In Chevy Heavies truck power is tailored to the job. There's new meaning; to High-Torque power in the husky 348 VS and the mighty 400 VS* engines. Durability is another reason for owning a Chevy Heavy. It's •evident in the massive . . the extra-strong Indt pendent Front P:uqi,, '.1: ion that combines with Variablc.Rate Rear Sz lrift:s to lessen shoi'k and in the unitized construction of the ENinAL 'MOTORS VALUE A NEW WORL17.1 Weleirht..NEW 15FPICIENCY:..14,7; C1%1062.0 V vilPititiv, Fit=,? VOL If