HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-03-15, Page 1HURON COUNTY COMMITTEEMEN $Mk Americen Hotel Brussels, Ont. Your Host "Carl" Invites you to the Beautiful Flamingej Room, this Sunday; where we are featwinge Baked Tendersweet Ham, Candied Yams 'Roast Young Ontario- Turkey Swiss Steak with Potatoe Puffs 5 — 8 P.M. Reservations Phome TAKE OUT Spare Ribs, Anytime, Any amounf: P;--);n9. 5c- CREAMERY BUTTER You'll enjoy it's Freshness and Flavour on Bread, Buns and Rolls tool Vegetables will take on a fresh, new taste also, when you use COUSINS CREAMERY BUTTER Itinglican Church, 00 CANADA St.joi4N4 Rector! Rev. H. L. -Jennings . IA, Lilo. Organist: Mn.i B. Elliott li EL. Holy Communion Chuith Setickti 1.38 P.M: Lenten Service 1Wonday 19th 7.30 tin): Confirmation: Glues 8.30 P.M. A, Wed. 21st- Board of Myttiagenient tgb Evening Prayer and: Church SA** ►2.00 per year - $2.50 IX As_ utuorked, Wit,.,, 0.420 mat. 1,1„1. ottion otftsolkA Thursday, March 15th, 1962 Poet Publishing ion Majestic Women's Institute BAKE SALE a > r TEA, Brussels Public,. 'Library SATURDTY, IT AT 3. P. M, MAJESTIC W, 1. MEETING WORL.P PAY PRAYER, Tito regular Meeting of the Village 711e' xenon of T3 /3115Q14 and' Brussets Council Council was held on Mara' 5th;, st. The Majestic Women's Institute community ,Observed the World e ,loon's Angli-.t ,4,,,i.n.,.the .11,1,:.ihjr.;,40.71f .ihaslullitilw$itih the Ili the The .'gkOillt chose "food and nutrition" as first choice''' .and, "health. education hints for the home nurse" Second. chOice for a senior shirt course. The roll call response was, "What I eat for beauty and good temper," CANDY TABLE I t1,11.1 e41f4Mill'ilti.ei:iielp:t1,, 011100, all. members 'tt can Church on Friday afternoon. , 1 econded . I..,adcrs for the service, based on : I Moved by J, 0, Krauter, S. ' e tln-9e, "clods love for the 3 by 0, S. Elliott that the minutes of ,whole wood,,, were Aim George , 1 be adopted as read The meeting of February 5th, 1962 Thomas. DaviS. MirS. W. W. Smith, and Mrs 1 Carried PraYers for the Queen and leaders i TEA Cup READiNf Aylmer Catsup, 11 oz. 2 for ..... 37c The Tea That Dares to be Known 60 Bag Size . • '''' ''' • ... ..... 79c Snip Doodle Coffee Cake Mixes -cinnamon, cot.eanut or maple each ..... 31c Van Can Pork •& Beans, 20 oz. 2 for ••----- . • . •••• ... ..... 37c . . .MMIONIMINesiftif•sonr.a.,DiumravAi(191.1•01•1....aawformoda.asesmakar ^ • LENTEN SER-VICES ST„ JOHN'S CHURCI- '7,68 MARCH 18th to. APRIL. 15th Moved by AV, A. Williamson, see' of natlons were offered by Mrs, H. A noMinating committee for officers for 1902,08 were appointed, to include Mrs, Ella Shurrie, Mrs. Prank Nichol and Mrs. r. C, Matheson.. oralect by L. Machan that we L. Jennings, for Canada by Mrs, L. apply for the balance of grant on the for families by Ma's. Wilfred i '1061 road expenditures Shortreed, for the needy by Mrs. ; Carried O. Matheson, and for the whole I Moved by 0, S. Elliott, seconded I by J. C, Krauter that Daylight saving rti-istion world by Mrs. C. Parker, 1 The address was given by Mrs. time commence April 29, 1952 and W. J. Morrison, Mrs. A, K. Griffith'-. end October 27, 19n who sang a solo, was accompanied Carried on the organ by Mrs. Bevan Elliott. I 'Moved by W. A. Williamson, see. Mrs John Alcoek and We, G c waled by L. R. Meehan that theI '1,n' or to of yourself, for that is all there Is """.." Prayer Bring Your Bible Meditation ScrIpturtt Everyone Welcome CHERN Mrs. Douglas Hemingway, con- vener of the committee for home -economics and health, presided for the program: Mrs, W. A, Williams di6cussed the motto, "Make the most imie,AN,,,,,,a,1,44,,,t,1,41ag,tarn1 • ••-• - THANK Y U The Huron Hog Producers Committeemen elected,Merek 6, who stand solidly for good sound commonsense Pradvizel., marketing of hogs, wish to extend to you our thank* for the support you have given the marketing board in tlit- past and we feel sure you. will give us even gres40 support in the future. Phone 293 We Deliver 1 accounts as presented for .payment be paid of yen!, Mrs. Harold .Speir gave a, short I account of a visit to Toronto, where ,4111.111.111, AIMOMINXIMUNCINMIRMOT,A,,la -- Carried Walter Savage 'GUIDES, BROWNIES 'RECEIVE'' P.T.T.Cl, streetlights .AWARDS. ENTERTAIN MOTHERS C. J. Krauter, labour and 'Brownies and Guides held their "Thinking Day on March 7, in the COMMUNITY: !LENTEN 'SERVICE A large number 'of ;people attend- ed the Community Service held Jai Melville Presbyterian 'Church 11 Walter Savage, 75, of Concession, she attended the Institute luncheon at the Wingham General Hospital, birthday of the Federated Women's ' 1 2, Grey Township, died. Sunday , and pageant, which marked the 65th. .; He had been a farmer most Institutes, Mrs. S. Ct. Hemingway of hie 7ife. -who also attended, added her impreS- Surrivin•fr are his wife, the i glans of the occasion. former Mabel Heibein; two sons, Howard of Grey and Wilfred Joyce Huether contributed an , of IHarriston; three daughters,. 1 Irish dance and the. Highland Fling. Mrs. James (Laura) Ward, McKillop Mrs. R. W. Stephens conducted an Township; Mrs, John (Myrtle) 1 interesting quiz', -How to guard ,, ;g5 ; Rutherford, DLirlting, and Mrs. i your health in, winter," Mrs. John. ; Speir read a succession of health ' facts touching on pasteurization, nutrition, fluoridation, and imtram- i., iza,tion, Mrs. James Smith gave a demon- stration on waking- a feather hat. 1 She shown). the method of dying / white chicken, and turkey feathers to use in the operation. Three members received birthday ; greetings, Hostesses for the meeting ! were Mrs. Karl Cudmore, Mrs. John ; Lowe, Mrs, Donald McTaggart. 8 50 ....... parts..... ........ • . • .... • .... • . • . • .1 Brussels Coal Yard, fuel for 1 and firehail 86,54 Sunday evening. I Library, with their mobners +present. . Callan. Nursing Home, The theme of the service- was' "Brownies :held their opening. 1 "How shall -we 'keep Lent?". The ; 'Linda Wilson, Nancy Pearson' I prFavebinr ciliaall'y Treasurer,Welfal'e speaker was Rev, 'A.'Higginhothara 'Daphne mcWhirter, Laurel Hen-dug- of insulin of Walton United 'Churoh. Other' way, Cheryl McCutdheon, Kathy! • Post Publishing, ads and clergy who todk -part in the service 'IdeArter, Karen Mutter, 'Joan Elliott, were the 'Rev. TH.'L. 'Jennings Of Judy Work, Nancy 'Adams, Donna i ,TNSvtpa,t,eiMenrts charge St, John's Anglican `ChurCht Rev. A. 'Workman, Barbara "Marlatt, Pauline, ; McKillop • K. Griffiths 'a -the 'Unite'd Church McCutcheon, Delia 'Callander and ! bask for elief and Rev W. J.-Morrison of Melville Noreen Hanna were enrolled in the Alrie Higgins, clearing sil9P AlTreil (Dorothy) Kennedy, all of I Clinton; one sister, Mrs. Susan ' at corners f Hyslop, Wroxeter; and one brother, 220:00 :William of Aberdeen, Wash. I The funeral servicewasheld at • .3494 -the D. A. Rann funeral home, on, I Tuesday, at p. 22,0:G Burial was in Mount 12.00 eemntery Ethel. 25.001 241.50 Ij '7.29' 5.00 Church. L. R. I3ryans, snowplowing for February Brownie Pack. Seven Brownies 'received their '-GOlden Bar: Ann ..and Dianne ,Machan, Vonne 'MdCutcheon, Ann Davidson, Brenda Jamieson, Penny *Lowe, Kathleen Kreuter, EUC'HRS 'PARTY W. B. Willis, relief groceries -Receiver General, tax In the Ladies' AukIliary Rooms of the Royal Canadian Legion THURSDAY, 'MARCH 22 at 8:30 p.m. Joyce Huether recevied ben 'Golden Hand and Wings. deductions Posl O ff ice, nr.s. Brussels Cleat Yard, relief fuel z Plesant I • I HORTICULTURAL MEETING Everyone Welcome House Orderly Badges were 'presented to: Nancy 'Gibson, Ann, -and Dianne 11)/fachan, Joyce Huether, Anne .0,1dfield, Susan McDonald, 'Skaters Badge: Gail, McDonald, f Mary Gibson, Penny Lowe, Dorothy Blliott, Kathleen Krauter. Collectors Badge: Joyce Huether.4 Barbara Marlatt and Laurel Hemingway walked up to the Guide I Moved by J, C. Krauter, seconded by 0. S. Elliott that the Village purchase .a 40 ft. aluminum ladder for the Fire Brigade 'The Horticultural meeting on March 19th, will be held at St. John's Anglican Church at 2 p.m., instead of at tne Brussels Library, PEOPLE WE KNOW 'V A 'L. S BEAUTY -SHOP SPECIAL FOR EASTER MONDAYS and TUESDAYS from now until Easter COLD WAVES /$4.95 Phone 140 Brussels The United Church OF CANADA Minister; Rev. K. Griffiths Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin 9.45 A. M. CAntrch Schbol 11.00 A. M. Morning Worship fP Presbyterian Church IN CANADA Melville Church Minister: Roy. W. J. Morrison, B.A. Organist: Mr. G. Bargain Company- Norman Thompson of Listowel, was winner of the Saturday night Lions NHL hockey draw. David Hemingway and Larry Kellington spent the weekend in London where they attended the London Conference for Young People. HI-T ST. PATRICK'S DANCE 1 — Carried I J nereTheing no further business the meeting adjourned on mottort of 0, S. Elliott and L. Machan. Geo, McCutcheon Wm. H. King •Cierk Reeve CARD OF THANKS 1 We would like to thank the many friends and neighbours who helped so generously after the fire. Your kindness is very reach appreciated. I Grace and Glen Hood f CARD OF THANKS would like to express my thanks to my friends and neighbours who so kindly remembered me with cards, and flowers while I was In the hospital. It was all much appreciated. Lorne Nichol The Hi-T Club will hold their St, Patrick's Dance at the Public School on Friday, March 16, at, 2 p.m. There will be lunch, novelty dance'S, prizes and special entertain. ment. Admission 25c, or 35c a -couple. Be sure to wear some green I or a finewill be imposed. (you know how the leprechauns hate the non- Irish). Several "45's" will he on sale too, at a cost of 50c, Joyce Huether and Susan, McDonald flew into the Guide C°Brilr'PoawillY; Owl, Mrs Wm. Kellington, • was assisted by Tawny Owl, Mrs. i Ray Kernaghan, and Mrs. Wm. Porter who was the first Brown Owl and started the Brownies in Brussels. The Guides held their opening then formed the Horseshoe where the Walking and Flying Up took -Mace, The BroWnies were welcomed by Contain, Mrs. Kellington, and Lieutenant, Mrs. ,ic..en Sholdide. Ann Lowe, Linda Lowe, Judy' Moffatt and Joan flarniss were en- rolled as Guides. 'Second Glass Badges were present- ed to Lynne Workman, Joyce Kell- ington, Bonnie. Werkman, Linda Lowe, Ann Lowe, Joan Garniss, Religion and Life Emblems were' presented to the Guides, also Fire Badges. Child' Ntirsef Bonnie, Lynne and - Joyce Cook: Bonnie, Gerda and Darlene , Laundress: Bonnie Gerda, Darlene, LaundreSs: Ponnie dercla, Darlene and Joyce HostesS: Joyce, Lynne, Darlene Ann, Bonnie Needlewoman: 33.611114e, 'Darlene, Gerda Hoinemakert Bonnie, Gerda, Ann, Darlene, Joan IterSetvettiari; Bonnie, Ann, Thrift; Bonnie, Joyce. Reader: Bonnie, Daivinaid t Darlene, Friend to Animals: Bennie, Gerda; Friend to Animals! Bonnie Darlene, Gerda, and Bonnie received their Little litathe Guides Were dismissed train the Tfoi'VE•Stiee and gate a scene, Breyer. for Thinking ]lay WAS read by the' tantain: The Brownies and Guides held their closing and lunch was served: fry the 16-Cal, association, Mr*. T. Vottniiatil gave *64 be thanks rind Darlene *Chan spoke ter the diiidee and iRroinitiii, ALL YnUR BAKING WILL TASTE BETTER MADE Willif4 Brussels curlers were winners again when they placed first at the nine o'clock draw at the Howick , Lions curling tournament held in Listowel on Wednesday. They were- Joe, Adams, skip. D. A. Bann. Jack McDonald, Minx Oldfield CARD OF THANKS The Brussels Bantam Hockey Club wish to express their appreciation to the Brussels Canadian Legion for BORN CAPITOL THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONT. their sporleorship this past season also to the Independent Order of Forresters for the proceeds of the Cranbook dance on Dec. 15, 19,61. RINTOUL — Mr. and Mrs. Win. R. Pintonl, Winghaan, announce the gift of a daughter, March 1st, Elayne. ‘101:1010.1511111%111.4011101115.6.tn.erra, Use it recolarly, from your Church Stahokii, Morning Worshlp COUSINS Phone 22 Grocer's or Delivery Mar. DAIRY Brussels, Ont., THURS. - FRI. - SAT. MAR. 16 - 16 - 17 This Year's Comedy T Smash Returns `1COME SEPTEMBER" (Adult Entertainment) Rock Hudson, Sandra Dee Gino Lollabriglda MINE ISAT„ 2 P.M. "MA & PA KETTLE" "Pick Your Owen Show" Choice No. 2 10 A. M. 11 A. M, it • c PREEN' 111 .01111AD• and BAKING DAILY Freda Fruit and Vegetable,,' • At -All Times . II OF fk, LIY.A1...6poenc2,1w4 0.41.f.is.00ki•islortiitu.s,t97.?,V Ar•WritED11}425.T FCAT4f.A1M bi.lvif:?fiqe MST PI AM TcW,Y. Maus "O*30, OULY WU. Or..A.M4 MI-IC-7 • MON... TUES. MAR. 19 - 20 DOCTOR IN LOVE " Color Adult Entertainment A Top English Comedy In Colovi WED. = tHuFte. = FRI, SAT EVE, MAR. ti 00 , M We Are Proud to lereSent VAlTraCt dTITIVAJAItlt and LESLIE CARBON ice * F A N Beier Adult Entertainment 11/4101t! This picture is Oonitnaieet —.0e0 this yeerle Academy Awaed. 'tot 'show' 7.1e, :Z•pid §ficskif 9.* OAttrnakt tuattiktatit ',Pettis Prrkivt fibititztt*Ii 4Plok Your Olken '0'16\0' Choice i►io, •= WEEK.-END SPECIALS Aylmer Catsup. 1.1 oz. 2 for ".4.1"m" " 37'. 45e 67 40e„ '434 plastic .."0* . . . ""!"41.444444.iiii Javex, 1 dot. i Ce•bo. ... (i0' fiC0fi ‘ kif44iiehii.4 AS • .m.q4c ,r1611lif•46.1Vlit !teof.ke, %ia0 itgiqve ZPOt.-ktpTt re14,"1WINFOOI&D4 541ZIKS-1E.-5g-FtAtt14.-sini.P . e\tulitV4AAticisi.-11.1f*VOiNc051.1.;" „... . -Cheery Morn Itittatit:C6ffeei 1 Hot trOtit BuriS Avone 1'12— iiidifeeil I riiiiin.P0 Cartadal'.1,-With permission of thrartistil Free Delivery 4. 4, k