HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-03-01, Page 1•SQPVT,S, ATTEND eetleRCH SERVICE i The Bey Seents, elites, Girl 'Guides, Brownies end their leadere, attended Melville Vresbyteriae c'enreb e,unday morning for a fineeisi sIerviee conducted by the minister. Rev. W. J, Mtorrisen, SPEC I AL ! New Winter Taste Treat Be Sure To Take Home Enough COUSINS DAIRY Phone 22 Br us cis, Ont. FRESH BREAD and BAKING DAILY Fresh Fruit and Vegetables At All Times CARD OF THANKS sincere thanks is extended to all My relatives, friends and neigh, beers for their Malty kindly remeretheaticee and Helpfulness white I was a patient Witighan1 hospital. It was all greatly appreciated. Mrs. Donald MOM-Mild APPLICATIONS WANTED MORRIS -YOWNSI-d0 kopticatious will be .received by the undersigned until noon, 'March ititig for 'Warble Mv Instet"tor, Truett Dive end 'Role& for Mort-IS t ToWeshie to Welt 'cinder the Warble y dontrei, Act: doo, 1titatd6, lt, it, No. 4, trieisete, Ont. K . SELS P .4eaK0*.t4, send 'al** WA' -PAY" U!"4lirs Thursday, March 1st, 1962 El'ost Publishing House ..0.• 4A$.MA1R ,PRESIDENT 0T. FAIRS 'ASSOCIATION. AT TORONTP coivvgNTior..4 PREBSYTERIAN UlLP CEI,ORATE. 10th BIRTHPAY The ereshyterlau Yeeng Wernelris Guild t'Ailebratett their 15tle on birth- day at. their regular :meeting, le;breary 20, in the .elleree. Twenty- se, members andseven visitors 'were -present.. eiroeearet SweeeneY ,,opened the meeting with a. poem, Hymn 99 Was sung. The prayer Tee given by Mee:gavot SWOOliey ;eta the '1962 president, George Edwards, a"ti the scripture lesson eves, -rea in a most capable Manner, responsively, A solo "Mere Leve e 'Others who attended, the to Thee" was sung by jean Benl. representatives of I Jessie Little gave a very interest- Annual :Pa.ucake Suppeir. John's Anglican Church TUESDAY, MARCH 6th Pancakes, Sandwichee, Pie James Nair. of Brussels, was elected president 'of the Opted° Association oe Agee:4411ml Soeietiel, at 'their annual convention, held at the King Edward Hotel, in. 'Toronto, laet week, eft-. Mali also officiated as, (deer- man of the veneentien in the absence, because of illness, of the Suppers served 5 to 8 p.m. enue; Universal Cohoe Salmon ...... •-••.• ......... . • ... 43c Kraft Cheese Whiz 16 oz. • 57c Aylmer Peaches 20 oz. Admission: Adults 75o Children 4Cie . • Mon,Lson addressed the group, stressing the importance of their organizations .1a teaching obedienc,o discipline and their duty to God. 2 for .. .. nelk.1,1“ ....... ..A, 49t 29c SALE Come in and get Any Parts or Accessories While thor bat. Ail are cut at least 20%. or no reasonable offer -will be refused during February. Elliott Motor Sales, Brussels American Hotel brussels, tint. s 0 Being a Winter Shut-in This Sunday Come in for Sunday Dinner ---- 5.8p.m. ROAST YOUNG TURKEY -CHICKEN FRIED STEAK SWEET and SOUR SPARERIBS WE ARE STILL FEATURING 'OUR Tasty Takeout Spareribs ,i0c tail or Drop in----- Week Days to 10 •p.m. Sat. 'till 11.30e pen. Have a 'Party or Friends In Call Us For the Snack Libby's Tom Juice 48 oz. cCUTCHEON F:k ,tams ROIR Convention as the East Iffuron Ageloulterel 1 lee topic on •"Ciadet Love is Over Society were Clifford -Bray and Bob I followed, by hymn 465. Grasby, vice TreSidellts of the local report on the work the Guild has society; Norman S, Hoover, score- done and 'interesting mee ti ngs. h em; Lary treasurer ; Mrs. Harvey Craig I ever the past fifteen years was and Mrs. i!tIordon Knight/ directors given by Isabel Adams, A hymn and of the Ladies' - l the beeediction ended:-this woe, of Win In Photographic Competition the meeting, The East Huron Aerie-Metre) AT".).,i0rifra 1Trfaol!,,, Trf 3S4 /1P7 101 We Deliver Miss Carrie McCracken Miss Carrie Myrtle McCracken, 73 of 13russels, died 'Sunday at her , home here. Miss McCracken was aa., retired school teacher, and had taught in eloneton, Morris Township and, Toronto public schools. She was bore in Brussels, a daughter of trio. late Williten and Jean (Carveth) shone 293 • MV,WM, Ap.T1111.••1601111111.11WIIMMMINIORWROA-Aopi.melf.res,==r4111,AIRI MM.,"" 111111PINFA NOTICE 'IN MEMORIAM MITCHELL -- In loving memory of Society were winners 'in. the 1961 1. the besinese. The secretary's end Frank W. Mitchell, who departed enotographie Competition sponsored iteeaserer's renerte were read. and McCracken, and had attended school in Brussels, She retiree acme years from this life so einidenly, and f by the Ontario Association, to trattrially, year ago, March which the C, N re, contributes 1500 They petered six slides and ; in prize money. The: 111-T• Club will be "heading e, dance` en Friday night, Meech '9,e11„7 a,t, the Pubic:A school. Admission 250. There will be special dances, •prizeis and"bf course, lunch and pop. :So • ' end. eureteel'atteed. . ""Gone bat not forgetten," Mother received six prizes — 3 firsts: one second aril two thirds and were LACK' 62 PLATES?' IN 'MEMORIAM I also awarded -the Reserve Champion ; T of" el"." rtv. if fi."n"), former trIelnl)Pr te, ^fin,r1 A • -. - • ,M.... 1 n” ',vs) eri 'VT F,:, ..11 r+:1 "()W nilrOzn hf"1,011' rsr "o4,7 4fro'c An enirninhla inns V beneeht the reeetent "to a alt.-es. ago to Brussels to live with her sister Miss 'Olva 'McCeacken, the only survivor. She WaS a member of Brussels Milted Church and of the' werren's organizations e • rat ee for class C fairs, There is going to be ffor ..-snisturts -- 'tone ono loving 1 1962"licenees tiniest motorists 'act quickly, The•deadline for obtaining 19627eicensee is midnight, Mara llettit. NOTICE. The Annual Meeting of the -'inc funeral service was held from. I. the D. A, Rann funeral home, on' Tuesday, at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. A. K. Griffiths. Burial was in Brussels cemetery, Time Slides -entered WPrea 1511'01'5 taken of the riodioaeion cif the Contovninl acid snerlpC of the ; Centennial Vein memory of a Bear Daughter who I ^passed peacefully away, Safe in tile Arres -dfleTesus, on -March 3rd:1 1 .,.1:961. Always a smile, never a frown, Always a' smile when one was down, •-••••••,- p••••••••• I Belgrave School. Fair W11 -be 'herd PEOPLE WE KNOW IN MEMORIAM on Monday, March 12th at 2 p.m. 'in 'the Belgrave Convnunity 'Centre.. Everyone Welcome. Sellers — In loving memory 'of :a dear- daughter, and sister, -Ida' M.' Sellers, who departed 'this 'We, enee,year ago, March 4th, 1:962 Pallbearers were Roy Cousins, Jack Mitchell, Wm. R. King', McFadden, C. L. Workman and Jack McDonald. .Tohn and -Barry, Currie were flower bearers. 'Always so true, ehmightful and kind, 'Whet --a 'wonderful • memory she • 'left behind, 'Always Missed and sadly re- tmenibereel 'by "mother, Mrs, Lillian, There' is no parting, from the ;one Wee -love No •-tlistance can divide For to'-day, in memories garden, We stillevedk side by side. Each 'dawning day — a thought of eher At eventide — a prayer. For inethe -hearts, who loved 'iar -She elwayseevill be there. Always "remembered and :sadly sisters :and ALTAR SOCIETY MEEI1NG Tee ladies of St. Amorose Altar Society met on Thursday, February 15th, at the home of „Mrs. George Blake Jr.. IN'MEMORIAM :MITCHELL — In loving memory of i. "Prank Mitchell, who passed away ! 'one year -ago-March 2nd. 'He "bade no one-a 'fond farewell, And he said geed' bye to none, ! 'The' heavenly -gates were open wide,. A -keying voice said comu. -Teseblow was,great, the shock severe Welittle thought-his death was near. Only those Who have lost can tell, ! ,The 'sorrow of parting without • CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all 'the faleeds who sent tae cards -and I treats while in . hospital, also to my 1 neighbours who have been so 'kind, :Since my- return home. -It -was all very much appreciated. ; Mrs. Lillian Cox Mrs, Chester etintmil, Of was a week, end visitor at the home of her "parents, Mr. -and 'Mrs. E. J. Pollerd. Murray Raymond, son of Mr, 'and Rebt. 'Raymond, who 'broke his leg in a -toboggan accident in ! January is still in the Children's- ; Hospital in London. It 'is expected he will have to remein'in hospital for I DANCE another six weeks. James Mair was -Winner of the Lions Club Saturday Tight, -Herlro-y draw. Mrs. Ferg Connelly preSided, and 'the meeting opened with prayer led -by Mrs'. Lawrence Ryan. Tice roll call was answered as each member read the verse on a,. :Vateentin.e which she was given to e*.--ear for the. afternoon, et, --was decided that the Altar -Sce'iety sponsor a feW euchre. parties to he held in the library, .Mrs. Jim- 'neither and Mrs. Van, NPSS are in charge of a hale of used, clothing to lie sent to an Indian ; Mission in. Northern Ontario, 'tire, John Rieke reported far the I visiting enernettre. Mrs. Steffler end I Mrs,. Cormelle offered visit the sick for Millet. Durine the sweat hoer which I, fon/veto AT"' Geese' Pliko f4 r, 1 events, ;rcpt; 1 timely and eeleriolie wpi-e )01S11.110.1. 11.1.0f1, etoit.In711.crsect, or en loved, 1).1:1 1;frf:4,.(71 r.:711)6iP111, r"Rollio:ternti ft(,6:fir, oleo wee tee deer nelee. A domemetrefirm an melt- reieleeeep lee tele were. 1,4-01 1.trf re:teen teentod 9n ti epee:mile eleenes I ,A e ,,enette e missed -by • Mother i WALTON poMMVNIT,N4 .CENTRE ; 1 'FRIDAY, MARCH 9th 1 Ian Webee's Orchestra 1 A family birthday dinner .honoring 1, Lunch -Booth I Admission 75e ;Me. Malcolm/ Fraser, was held at i ieesereeesemee../emeeeneeneeee.....-e=e/e/eile.; ftel ,e'r ine Tiq ‘1111.11=112211.1.91111.MISMONIMIL CHOCOLATE 'farewell. Always rememberea - and sadly messed by sister Lillian., -John and MARSHMALLOW ICE CREAM AVAILABLE NOW AT COUSINS ICE CREAM. DEALERS IN HALF GALLONS MARKED "SPECIAL'S The Big 24th Annual ENDS SAT. MARCH 3 OPEN DAILY 10:30 qa M. to 10:30 P. M. CLOSES SAT. 4.30 P. M. ADMISSION CAP,TOL THEATRE LISTOWEL. 1 meethee. 50c Presbyterian 'crq,urch CANADA Melville Church orijoh,tee! tidy.. W..3. Moiledeen, B.A. lOrganitt: Mr. G. Stirgoin JO A. M. Church Sehtejl Ii A. NM, Morning Worship -Student Bursary Sunday Otedent Speaker: 14Ir. Ian Dias Shocker WEEK-END SPECIALS York Choice Peas, 20 oz. 2 for .. . • ....... ..... • .. - 37c York Fancy Cream Corn 20 oz. 2 for 37c York Short Choice Dessert. Pears 20 oz. 2 for •-•••• ..... .... .... •••-•• 37c ,GRAVEL TENDERS l'OWtsiti-ifij OF GREY Tenders Will be received by the undersigned tett' 1 Saturdays March 3rd, 1962 for crushing and MOW =TUES. WED. • taittiog 16,069 cubic yards, more or MAO. 8 6 tease of on.tt,i for the Township of TROY DONAH1lE Grey Critsiiet to be eretipeed with! The teelleed el-leert Throb'' of Phone 132 :,knglican Church' ,OF CANADA St. JOHN'S sector: Rey. H. L. Jennings B.A., LoTh. Organist: Mrs. 63. Elliott 11 a. m. Holy denIeenrilea Chuteh Sebool Monday, March th 7,16 1l,iri. dohdrztritioti, MtsoO 13.*0 wit A, It, P. A. Friday March 9th' 5.00 p,m, Welten's World Day of IT4aYet ST. eisidis, rOxo,, Eve/link voio 06601 Free De! 71relmirmarmra n. LONGSTAFF Childreit With Adults AdMitted ;FREE e e, Aftert'ACIO0 and Evening Programs Speciai Ladies features Animal le-f..*,! ;7er The Latest in Fatin. Machinery add Equipment Spate-erect by: Wttttilti. FAIR ASSOCIATION' ih Co-operation with the. MIDDLESE OIL 4. 611614. likitOtkC'kitMOit ASSOCIATION • WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS LONDON /Vs screen. Gravel to be supplied by' i Summer' Place" add "eV fame In SIPTOMEtRIST tile townalifit A, cortift04 6116(06' another peWei-fel deaela of today's' teneSit or hey tender net 00.1e' hadej+116. tor $00,06 mast ho,00to,PauY tofiflor, epeetote -A- WARBLE FLY POWDER TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY Tenders for supplying approxitne ately 1,400 lbte Warble Fly Powder for the Township of Grey will be received by the undersigned until, 1 le m, ,March 3rd, 1962. State price per lb. Lowest or any tender not neces- sariiy accepted. Edythe M. Cardiff - Clerk Township of Grey WARBLE FLY SPRAYING TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY !Tenders for the spraying of Cattle ; for Warble Fly in the Townehip of ; Grey will be received by the under- signed until 1 pen., Saturday, Mardi, 3rd, 1962. State price Per head per spray. Loviest or any tender riot neces- earily accepted. Edythe M. Cardiff Clerk Townehie of Grey his home on Saturday evening, when the following- guests were -; I present; Mr: and Mrs. Glen Fraser I 1 and family, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs, ; 'i Jeff Levinp,-storm and family, Preston; I Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fraser and family, 'Grey Township;• Mr, and, 1, Mrs. Don Fraser and family, Morris 1 Township, and Mrs, Ethel Ilackweli 1 of Walten. I, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGavin 11 ; spent a Few (11.1.-ys. in Toronto last I -; week where . Mr. McGavin attended, l the .anretel meeting of the later- . netiotal Plowmen's Association at the 'Fine Edivard Hotel, .AleXander 'Ottletzen and Jim Bolger allIe I attended the hanotiet at noon on I 'Tuesday, THURS. • FRI. - SAT. MAR. 1 • 2 -3 Edgar Allen Poe's Classic "THE BIT AND THE PENDULUM" CinemaScope Colour Starring Vincent Price - Pius ".r BIRD GANG" Pit 7.30, Gang 3.50, Pit 10.00 SAT. MATINEE MAR, 3 Lookl Look! Look! Cotiet Them 12 CARTOONS brethere, •••••••••,••••••W .VAL$t3 T °P Cutting, relIeyerig Cold Waving .A , iepeclatty Phone terussete 140 The tinited Chyarch ,OF 'CANADA Minister: ReV. K, Griffiths °epeeist; Mrs. ;A. E. Martin, 9.46 A. M. -Cthuteh School 11.0,0 A. M. MorningeWorship :'tiAt'041,14tt (Orstind Fl or) Ctodsricb, St. W., tiiJirsnf0iiiitOrtb Mink " A, 0: 0' t 0' I-I, io (66160 ditAitt (Adult: tteriblonioot)- ` .Clerk 14616040 .6( dreg i „._ st :Show 7.1 i 9nd ElhoW 9.90 Desolate pkwoeititiottt 0144 tit •