The Brussels Post, 1962-02-15, Page 7Planning To Beat Banknote Forgers G Inge specializing.,in ciptt,ate#. feit ftloney'have becolnitsttchla menace throughout Europe thea Secret plans to beat them are be- ing nut into action, irzterpo1--=the Ine.rnational Pot.. lice Organization ---has been so worried by the situation that It' 11sk('.1 the Hank of England and the British Treasury t.a' advice. One of the results is that coun- tries whose banknotes can be Jairl?' easily forged will adopt snore .complex designs, especially with. watermarks. Si .4 .}{ a r•: Currency experts believe that xnc,ny of the old banknotes should be immediately withdrawn from u is and eounterloi:t-pseof notes i issued. :Modern counterfeiters usestlae, LS .ss latest printing and photo- graphic processes. Some gangs sob banks and government offi- ret s of the official paper used in cui•ronty-making. '.1 t.e• eisly;conce ,lectillicle;.at} s tars, Lc ueterfelt specialists .bruit nal t.n1,r' British, American and (74rman+'pa,pela:honey, but bank- sietfs used by a dozen different Caludit But Interpol, now steadily m creasing in ypoVit:r-,pnd i•apge,sbe lievcs it will s,cnhe able to sn1;,.h tete eo .pterfeit racket. itskilibadquErtiesitu Paris,�' li .1 4 n. el s 1 a..a 1 u' 1 � 1high P at.. r g. rE�.. ur ,_; to{, ; i , � '1.1�a111�5�5 P�he Lap', crooks responsible for the recent spate of art thefts. D toiled ;dol., tier.; are being built ups . hichj.' Is i it is 'hoped, will pu nib1�yl p '•: Vie se e 1'acketeei^ b 111 ' a e d' b yrs a . But Interpol, .though supported by Seventy-si,x, n as.tions, and . in - ds * d311 qtr oil is Ln t . e ritotrCs.,� acs ..:n p d otic have a Tingle det:clive on its pay- roll. Its staff fsgrnsists hug*, of, French civil servants.. Interpol's power lies in the fact that it can ,aali al,;tlxil police forces of its member -nations to help in e searches e� o .' u'r" P ,lllq a les. And in its files -in Paris and at the Hague, in Holland, the or- ganization. 1?p assesses full details of 500,000 international criminals. Just as vital ,to •the organza- lion's effectiveness is the speed -with which its staff can transmit important information about wanted or suspected men. Now, within seconds, it is pos- sible to transmit copies of a pho- tograph ,by radio ,to, .het• i�lice• _forces of,all th r rsti� - enato ^ •1 laser b ing to Interpol. 'ifIn this way, a crook tlyr seg+to 1 ` another country to escape the € penalty for s}� is crime Is...often snot en arrival ly policeivl'io can establish his identity. I SalT..IERRO1t.. 't -t.' 'Prince Minister•'af:° Iglaricl• W. E. Gladstone used to tell of his IaSp.een'tj sissseXROs lends • at ,Ftoo: under the terrible little ead:' "h mlaster Dr. Keate. The latter always b"a'd' 'tftto-• xiarnes ^ of0;g1u'se k'lpomed to ripelr; flogged. wiittes't1vn on a nor Tow slip of paperne day, pick- ing up such a list, he caljeesl lip„ for flogging the boys srosesA; names were inscribed upon it. On such. lbteaYioil`s'''1.1i+e `rlelin-1 quents were not permitted to of- fer explaraatioi'i's so boy after boy was castigated, and returned sore sand- savage"to,=•his,'sects.ss s,e ,-,: n= Not until the operation was Collipl:ele C is 'lelearri `tliat; "in- "'d stead 'the flogging list, he had m of gg g i picked up the slip on which were the .namet'tf, th boys Omittko si be confu+rile_ �, ; s.�' t . 11; tis it sr , .t TWO RECORDS — Peter Snell of New Zeakind;who r"eceti'tly set afne` ">i oil' ` record for the rnile, established" fwo teW°• d r`' .. r e3 o s. I t A. s conte'-.' a ran'' w� I e me the'8 0' a t. H 0 meters d r in 1..'44',',!bahti 40" oIf-mile in 1:.45,1 at the Christchurch meet, k• 1McsiL rtler Guns Under U.S. Scrutiny wOl `arlA. inanei'1S'4 of. last Year, a young boy in Washington, D.C., -4111e5most.11 package by Railway ,Express, opened it, and excited- Iy called a young friend to come overhis tir•h e to seeiw � e, � p c as . It was a "mail-order gun.." In the processvaksexamining it to find out how it worked the young visilcr was fa'al.l shot. Y g iv r..at Y The boy who received this gun did not have pareltal,approval for its purchase.•�tlley` did not know he had.,its }Teihe,a no legal right, as a jus;en'i'1`e, tto•possess it anyway. Incidents such as this have touched off a searching congres- 'slorial."hquiry—still. in grace -s into' this rnultabill'ion-dollzr busi- ,nest 'cL r;'mail-order guns" which hiss' sin -ling up within the past few years. lIrives'tigatorsllr the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile De- linquency, under Sun. Thomas J. -boars (1) ar.C.3An€SiiciA, report , that. most .of „these, guns are of Yi t r , . si �'Oljei- maalt`ftrctta_� '- „y g They come from Italy or West Grizh'iony,;. ME" 3r arcie asr ,mai] as toys. They sell from $6 up, but are,as.._ded4x,as any six shooter, r '£hjy may be o'dered` 'l;y mail witili Ifo g'Clarattto as to the age tsI tlitg pusichiekk.IS nd shipment r by Railway Express avoids the stricter requirements of the p.lst- al laws. '"The siibcotnitiittee has reason to believe many of these guns are finding.,,(Ihesr. Tis ;jy,fTnto the hands of juvenile gangs and into :rth a .•.p o ssessio n�af...sth e.m emtally irresponsible. °'''''TirrIcr t'''Ir'tlrleltolice`told in- vestigators of one company charged with converting blank 4 ns Ir,into '22' ass selling them I Orchi ldren. 'J s cl, in one case, suss 4i fw i'i �a fir` 1.tk , , . , . John ... 'I I ' a� .. . rnan ow serving, F'IR5111"991AN'—Jahn L�el�Ses �� nail_ a German n..... ever to In the U.S. Ntdr ne C"ot � oi13es thi TI r5t marl eve pole vault 16 eq,,q„beptler•,as.het,clear.s.n16f?fee' t, inch for ti world indoor record in the W�illrose Meet held in New York. ipt'p,iest,',isat :11d' fi,ftktRE14$ to a tragedy similarto the brie itti.Vtroabfngton. The Senate sOcemrnittee has a' veritable 'arsenal' of 'exh'ibits,' :frotnr'the"tiny vestpocket Italian import to larger guns, obviously' rebuilt Army castoffs. In fact, it hasbeen found that it rYy 'tfrthe mark=down, bar- ° gain; • iiiail=order "-gu'nsi` are "''ot Army Origins n 1t having. been:old as scrap and reconditioned for sale by "cutting d'owb the bafrel' and putting on a neist,3tianller,Writes .Josephine Ripley in the Christ- ian Science Monitotr. '' . J S,tabeWimit,"tge,, ,i,naiestigators pesx are 'n,ltle p,rrpcess of ,going throueh thous ads' of Ra'ivv � ,� ray lax zes`s `rt ceip'ts lo''fin`d'otif bow MAY,' of • th.ese . guns` goile to juveniles, :t •a',: ' ];n the Icoureeiltil investigation they have various dodges by i which those who ship these guns are avoiding tlle'`'firearrhS' taxa A'1coiilmittee iri'vedtIgatdle edi thief correspondent several ` type4 of a evelvers•lwith= a: phony barrel , svhiich can be unscrewed: and; a re9l ,_barrel inserted, „TA "softie cases the authentic 'barrel c1i11ieS 11l''tliei`sanie box; iii other Treses it riia r 'be' dbtained 'seiA:r-. atel.y.. • i' Guns With' a' nonusable' 'bat - .rel «are, not, taxed as firearms, Hence, . the shipment of the _good • barrel ;ils..a .separate part. But as the investigator. pointed ou.ti, the gun could be used even without the real barrel simply byt're4reving 'file' plidny orie and firing the'builet through "the stub of the `gull.' , • ,• ,••The* biggest-rnaileorder gull business is done in, Californiaand N w Yorlc. Both of. these: states have tight laws regulating the sal.i o ''firearnis' within their owfi borders,, bttt since the mail- order hotase 'dells in interstate oomrnerce;. it isnot hampered by state restrictions. Such business. can be started on asrnall.capital of a few thous- and dollars and run up to amil- lion dollars' ,in a short time,, Many "shady characters" are reported to be engaged, in this proi;ita,blet,enterprise',. One iii said to have been a previous peddler of pornography.' :. -i, ; 'Th'e'se 'guns` comic 'to the atten tion of juveniles' through 'adver tiselrrignt in, sports magazines such ,as Guns;, True,•,,and ;Male -- 0i the so-called "girlie” type,pus.-- }icatibn. AInited States gun :manufactur- 'eh have Itditt Senateinvestigators that it Wol11E1•cos'kririrililliall $40 ' hererlto procltreenthe Italian gun whic1.s Sells hero .tai around $12 • and, wllichylt;they estimate, gOstsr lessthan a�ldollar�to maneufacture. ..the(re.. 4 wewdy f « 'lie §ubcort5tnittee has, r fot+'exltibitioii !n its firearliis 'pley a 'peri&il type'' gun,•''`vei'g `iiii4chwi�ilce, si•:'isalf pcliht' peh tditli speeket eliPs twhichr''sells;for:r$2,~. .il''t'wwas t]nanutfhcterejb as a ,tear; • gas'gun, but can take a, small ,`t2 • lel go, though ,a i:.ps A age es u teleplllote r dlrtec• tory!'`, r 1" * ir;' ._ •t `' 1,,'. 'THE' GREAT P"ODC i'� ' rr ,1 r, t e' I is, vises -14,11W Oloye P}epgstel; , ously the affairs pf theworld are managed.We asserixble 't5a�lla� menta' and 'tiott5lclils" to 'haver the ' "benefit of eoll'ected wisdom l;uit we necessarity(haver,at the sarM)f tins, the inconversiern e of ,their collected ppassions, pre udlees,and private' Iliterestst for' regulating ebindlititVlat rrtSse51 }Jly bi t e&c' Mettle Vier greatesf (bol'earth. onr wit .QAY CHICKS 1P111N01 ehlo a, Should bo ... orde re4 new. r has lull rouge of varieties avail - tprora tty •v4e k old t4Tead Y 4•1ay.puIl pullets, prompt t dhiptelf Ito. cost pricelit. See local agent, or rite Bray Hatchery", 0 John Nortti , Ironton cot, 11 - BOATS & MOTORS AIRBOAT a's`'tltett "tn "f'iat'liia '4,verrf edea, easy to build with used air. raft engine Pins $2.50. Air •Cratt,P O. lx ii, ovares, Florida. ea-401.A+sf, v UP TO 50% OFF CLEARING au 18(11 Arklznsas, Peter- borough, S'tteplcerd boats ;.Weynloat, cruisers, Sterling trailers and Evin^ rude motors. Leckie's Acarina Ltd., 4 , South Kingsway, 'Toronto, i(O. , 2.0321. 'No Life Of Ease For The Old Mon! ,t: 24 Chain & Sprocket $1600 SproeIc145s to fit any Direct Drive Saw °v Quantity of °ltcconultloned Chain Saws. complete ile}auilt and klepatnted, m nest. Yar1c as dirket and models, Clear. ing at 868.00 each. Sante day service on all orders re. gUSINEsa PROTITY 0Qllt 540' OR" ENT YAIa1Et X Mere anti Mock tor sale' or rent, and .etodern 7•r0001 apt above, BttSlhess established' 20 yrs, Cash or erms. Write Harold R. Cooper., ,Boat b, -61114,841010 1, SAWS-I __... _. O C' ,MgWJJFACTURER S CLBAR ANg 1sOX63,NO.TH'BA'r ONTARIO Matched Chain & Sprocket Combina- tion, for ail popular mnaltes of chain length. nSP icilst;,4sai , IIJ.cl and >la<idei -I6' - barn .& Sproctet l Z Q12 'l(il aor $0" Cham{ & .Spa'ocs `,. 614 00 ' We note that a Gencrrfill: ;l ,6.- ' trio Corporation exgea:l,tive pre- diets many timesaving knaves tionsfor the horn". Dishes, he says, within l0'years will be automatically Washed and stored in minutes. Cooking will be done in seconds, Auto- niatrenl fc "v"iees"Vill"Mir'" out and evaluate, cleanly prob- lerns. Closed-hrethifif tc °ev s, ori will be installed in the home to watch childiI>`ia. tl(e, heron monitor the :'`°rant door. Surely all these wonderful. labor-saving devices will make home management easier on the. Mrs, But we are wondering what they will do to the Mr. As it stands today, due to the high cost of the expertise of il- lusive I lusive repairmen, he must of ✓ necessity, and in self-defence, be a jack of all trades. WF, Then the ~)-aNpar.^I>ltoKel •dies. in protest, Mr. tinkers and brings it back, to lifer If"the 'TV 1b1'aw4' a tube, Mr. changes. is or suffers the wrath of As) kemitss. 'peaks; fauGis, broken'ele'ctric ordZ r saggingdors 1'�' �w doves inoperative washers arid" dish washers are taking up a great deal of 'Mi"s"" WWe7re nre— We ca.o„, Jhear. the call from .IvD ten yea . eltge, "Henry, fiX the yard TV moni- tor, or you're going Mohave to - stay home from work tomorrow and watch the chalxeni"•- —Pasadena (Calif,), ,Star -News fr'1' 1 LAST STRAW — Kooky pig- tails grow under the brim et, o beach hat that mikes•>'its, unseasonal debut in London. How Can 1? By Roberts Lee Q. What can )( do When Ink has been spilled on a rug? A. BM? Lit up as quickly Sas you can. If you can't find enough blotters, use newspapers, Apply salt to the stain, and brush it off in a second or so, Add more'salt, and brush off. When all the, ini+t a is absorbed by the pn ;again -sot(-; again method of applying salt," wash the stain with soapy wa- ter, and then liaise 'and let dry. Is. Q. 5Uo 4 . eanf i,T r remove Sonne: grease spots Froin wallpaper? A. A1,pastet.; macle;aof ,regular>;„ flour and carbon tetrachloride, of the cons,istencyag ,sgftv.putty, can. be used to reih$ve - these grease spots from�you ll a er ITsin; a spatula or a .knife, 0/1 tthe grease -spattered areas, be sure that you ha ieeesd el` past the actual edgeo , r the $potS'Aft, e>r five to 10 minutes, flake off the 'dried paste, and the grease' will usually come ol:'f rtu<i"ti1'iit: '11f"r, a ring remains on your paper, rub it lightly with di'il I. Ui1i eraser, or daub it with nttk-ib of` the carbon tetreo1110 itle FARM HELP WANTED Married iiiln, Around 30 years old, ,«400,, Acre dairy f r•m. Aiust have work- , kitg art r4int lace experience, of Modern fa ni mac r TWO bedroom r h>piteY n barns with modern conveniences. Ap- Ply, ASTONW C;RBEK • 1)AIIIY FARM, R.R. 2, ST. 'ANN'S, Oti1', WEI.LAND- PQR1. 386.6321. FARMS FOR SALE • da}ry_fazln .,.15 "' acres Gt"�TiIv"ayE��""tlart 't'eEe'-of• f:ri bauirldy inhs' andnemachik ryo21o 1 nesin gdan mil1rpt}wi$olte c*erril x (ram , New Liskearcl, For further information co pact,•. Donald lleline, Bij�r 71, Earl - oh. onfio'.1 . ... ..O z'.« .. 700 acre two home farm for sale. 105 mzi iated balalcr r ina tinber.Estab- lished na lrLtpotatoes, turnips, etc. Complete line of equipment for this 'orf'erallon717' 0s'salldble.' Will sell as a going concern, or in part, For further det:aall,s contact• Afr. ,,.idpey II. Edwards, H&C 405'EN(?,Li:FIA'RT, • Ontario, PARO0tlaeres:y"11;0 14, Con. 13, McKillop 'Township, Huron County, t Iseven rtlgztt.inodezln .house with new dol.(bld'garage. 50 x 70 steel barn, never been used. Drilled well, has never been 'dry: ,Pciod eland °:and goad fences. School on farm. Buyer gets first chance of 117 acres of grass farm. across -the road -with ..49, acres work- able l�itid spring water front and back, goon fences, gravel pit. Price, $30,000, Apply Fred ';Glanville, RR 2, Walton, Ont. r., ,. EgUC4TI,ON HIGH S€H0OL • "ti lOsr mobs°'earl->•Porex lyighlsehooi u - cation. American School can train you „at'home in 4>our' spare time. Progress rtjp1dly.' All ;` 6gol s .fircriislmid; Low monthly payments,- rot Eu11 ,informa- tion. write or phone GE 8-4212 Ameri- can $chppi N•Dept.. .}LE.P., 439 Emery St.. London FLORIDA'.VJAl ATION RESORT SUNNY Florida vacation on beautiful -I1'ledingt oh Gulf Beach. Fishing, sports, free TV, heated pool, low rates, free ;folders, prices. Efficiency apts., hotel infos:. El Morocco:312biet, St. Peters- burg 8, Florida FORMULAS ONE way glass formula. Mirror front, transparent back. See without being seen, $1:00. Atlantic Enterprises, P.O. By ,;is, Saint ,soh I\ B,,L.Canada, FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS 11 7'A IES—Famotfs i[en'dex nylon hosiery on approval. Pay nothing now or on delivery. write, . for detailst ,George's House, Box 1302,"San Mateo,tCaltf. GUNS CASH for old Gulls, Colts, Remingto`ns, Sharps. Winchester Lever action Rifles. Avis, 79 OakPark Ave., Toronto, =pnt, r,'* (HONE:Y FOR SAL" '` . t ' CLOVER Honey, finest quality white, unpastenrized 30 Ib. pail $6 00 Light Golden •$5,50. JAM C. Sproule Apiaries; 4390 StlreettaVraee }Lp c ,,, Erindale, Ont. HELP WANTED .t �nLAl3O'r. TrOI�Y�; • ;1'EC�lNICI�I+` fa:i'`:, C's si >."sf8r1'f •. 4 CANADIAN, REO Ross BLOOD TRANSFUSION. SERVICE THcrmilton' Depgt... 3 R T. or U 1 e n v rsi ty Graduate wfth„ade• quote :science- courses,' :Excetlerif, work- ing' conditions Vacations '`and" Staff Benefits, Apply stating experience; and qualifications .to '461'° victoria Ave; N.. Hamilton, Ontario. HELP -WANTED -'FEMALE Sfewardessesi ', 5'VRANStCANAD,+ QII.AIR LINES,i w . WE ARE ShE{ING.`ATTRANI NFDn' WEIRS Eit.tA 'REWARDING CAREER. AO. 20 TO 26 s � ,10! TO IaN1CLUIIV HEGHT 62 to ? INCHES WO(HI1I;is Las. IOUCATION-SECONDARY SCHOOL ORADIiATIoN ',DIPLOMA i , WHOLE. `'Nd GLA2SES OR`.'ammo* LIINIES IF YOU IVIEET MENTS WRITE OR PHONEuFOR AN APPLICATION FORM. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 6 YI NGE S — 924-2101 TORON'r0 ' f t : 've don't like to boost, E3trt'iiftenkly YOU. Owe"tif td' ydurself to) tRY R RE':CORN i'^Iiptl,H',BI „k'd1p%+i�n.Y�,4RU aw„{ c 4 ?T",4«w..,4e41 4 xi:tlT.4n",i,* r.', h;a , •,,..6 . -A, •,.i,.+... MERRY MENAGERI "t,.,it' This ecir, 7 011 hi n str? t7Sy �itl'ltnt tiS to leat•n to i+ittd lis i1'i '' + Contact your dealer today, As`'llrfi about Pride 5, Pwl " '1 1,' kris I ' 20; Pride' D57 Orta tlride 63 tIEY'R. TCe MCS" 'kV,�iW:•S,ww,situ�li,WUYPo1ln+,,,vpry .,s, .3�'!.: r.;., k�✓t.N...w.K,ig —Wrlth till or literature today— l'dotifvbrid Company Oanadairi i 315? Q��ieenlsi . St r chaitam illi d ,ld t k+ • HE,Li* WANTED *- FEMALE. START RT e �O'� �-•E N, �,r We require several) sirj{fle4using ladles 17.23 for circulation department .of MaeLean•Hunter Publishing Company. Neatness .essential. No experience ne- cessary. Complete tralning given. $200 monthly to start with rapid advancer meat. Write Mr. S. rilrch, 6th Floor,;: 21Q Dundas St W. Toronto. Please enclose photograph and phone number, . . MEDICAL •Q: DON'T DELAY: EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS. AR' „NEVI RITIS SHQULD TRY DIXON'S - v REMEDY, RMt1NR0'$ DRUG STORE,' 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 •,Expre54 citneei +' POST'S ECZEMA SALVE r BAN1, r1 the torment of dry eczema rash• s en0 weeping sian'• Aroubies -t Post's 1Eezelara Saaiiy.c will not disappoint You. if tc1aln4',clsealc}ing lend puriliitg. eezg• 4' ma, acn0, ringworm, pimples and' foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, `odorless ointment regardless. of how stubborn or hopeless they seem Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St, Clair Avenue East Toronto MERCHANDISE CATALOGUES BARGAINS are our husinesst„Satisfac- tion guaranteed. For the family, the individual, everybody, Catalogues free. Write: Harvey and Helen, 916 East Mag. none, St. Paul 6, Minnesota. MORTGAGE LOANS MORTGAGE LOANS Money available for immediate' loan on First and Second Mortgages, and Agreements for Sale, on vacant and improved property, residential'.Indus- trial, city suburban, and country, and summer ^ottages. ember of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association. 40 years experience. J E. Harris, F. g. Barris, and R. C Bint. SUMMERLAND SECURiTIESrLIMITED 112 Simeoe Street ]North, OSHA WA. Ontario. Phong; 720:356,$. ,OLD COINS WANTED a PHO tOIaAY` l C 1 1 h i Solt SPk. AI,, 1'n 'halt 1 0 a ad r II 141, "- from your f v ita . it >lloiy', 411y A1z 00. Anyt Ietu e 5.00 unt. Salts Tex,'$ 4• . a. !iii Ji ostru0tioris to PAWSTAN SALES .Box ,51.1 8, London, Ont, SORRY,, NO P.Q.D. PROPERTIES 6000 rash -will boy 191) acres facing Iwy . ba..?fourtieen miles south Parry Sound. Bunting with trout.stream.rtrr . Haropeity. .('all or write R, Barris, Ila ondas„t•Iwy. East, l(ooksvi114, Pima* N0. 277.3080. r PROPpjtTIES WANTED WANTED' Hush lots abandoned turns,: solid icr'eages Sencl .1f/cation, desprip• tiob aitd -prise to d?, • 1".',MUI3II01;4w 156. Statt,n I', Toronto 5, Ontario n•_.. k a3 .,, STAMPS' • volt�l ' WIX)111 Used • Want ,liste,411leud,,- Satfslact100 guaranteed. d. Immediate re- ,r'ftixlds Deposit 3CIi 00', 19982 Septts,. ,ii - Mum order $3 00. ''Statrip "'l ear , 4 ,l tatbush Avenue, 13rooklyrt all New PLEASE write to me what you have in old coins, I will advise you what thy are swarth „A:•. : -Nelson Deg*son, Ohio, a 4' • 1' OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN(; '' ,c .., i:A/ HAIRDRESSER IN` CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity _ learn Haardres'sing Pleasant dignified profession, good vargsk^ThoneandsotugQessfug Marvel Graduates aw America's Greatest System Illustrated =.Catalogue sFtea y Write sit Cali Marvel Haid e, siting School 358 Bioor '`St. W,, 4Tor 1 to t �"t Branches: 44 King St, W., Hamiltoq,ip; 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL. OVERWEIGHT?' • safe,etfeotive, reducing, plan with. "Way -Les” Tablets. Medida'liy aptitoVsd, 1 month's supply $7.00. Lyon's Drugs, Dept r471 Danforth Ave., . Toronto. TESTED GguaranENIC ieeb0, vmailed,gOO n plaits pareel Including,.. atg gtlQ,- nd sex. book )tree with trial 6s of 'tmbn , 18 for $1.00 (Finest quality). Western Distribu- tors, Box 124711aF,1 Regind; •.Bask+ WANT TO BUY FOR CASH 01d eolleetions and ltcejr ntdati s 4111 or off covets and a nrcirPrroo but will take as Como•^ good ,,relefenees bank or otherwise' (.a511 'lay return Mail Sand write, phone or coil r1AROLP WALLIS, 110 Sheppard Ave W tt'llla�tsd ii+, Ont, SEED FOR /SLE THERE IS NO NEBO 'i tJR l'OLI"t''t 13UY DISCOLORSOATS 1'rzlb Ask for quality. Ask for 1{IIYr1S'' Gold Seal Seeds' when 1ot1 vi d'is'$er dealer. He will gladly show you a representative tam»10 Of Trite. 010.6 we have to; offer, For, all ,our seed grain requirements, it's Kitig.s Grain and Seed Company Limited, Chatham:, On- tario. .1: RUSSELL. OATS ONTARIO'S AAwest rind Most oUtstti4ut- ing. oat, outylelrf,ing Garry and. Rod- ney by 0 and 9 bus. 136 acre thistyear i sir v thinner with shorter to stz7s , t n r hul1 and bigger grain. Ask your ,own dealer. to get Russell or any of our other 'gds for you, from us. Alex M. Stewart & Son Ltd., :.:Seed Gritig-, pecialists, l�,A 1sa Craig, Ont. 'TREES 1.,- Blue Spruce, White Spruce, rnamen- tats and seed- Sevep varieties Nut Seedlings, "l eith ,,Somers '•Illsonbutcg, Ontario. - .+* TRADE SCHOOL ACETVtf electric welding and Argon courses. Canada Welding. Can- non and Balsam N„ Hamilton. Shop, 1,I 4-1284. Res. LI 5.0283. so `3 9 „ASSUE 7 — 1$62 P,ARP EN BOOK of 1962 with Treasury":of' information fdr successful::gardening FREE - , tIt.' Write to "''WHITE ROSE NURSERIES , UNIONVILLE, ONT. Quality seeds/ bulbs and 'vrrt g tolr nursery stock.. st. F.tr:1.. • -t • 1'1 fft ...%F " as; r " ,u ` k 0Cunar - Early,. Spring Sailings from Montreal and Quebec • IVERNIA APRIL 13t HAVRE,' SOUTIIAMPT'ON"' SAX6NIA' l '''APRIL 1Ot' HAVRE;:.SOUTHd`MPtON CARINTHIA* APRIL 21 GRLENOCKJ1IV RPdOL IYERNIA MAYI4aJJ H COBt �a' . , HAVRE SOUTHAMPTON :.. plus: sailingsteye,ry9F,r cry all seasQr2 *Frons Quebec the follolvtrl0prdu'...q , t10% reduction applies on round trip bookings. •t ' u atep•.tntd-.sldrih 'cite hor ntsyoYir' it step'aboii'i4ny-sof ltf5e'S`e graiausta' CUNARD' liner& At attertiatet route to Europa§1'irptiiltblEMIl4gprd the Magnificent gnificent Queens, stiE ngarregy,Iakly 8:"',1"lt' ,from New York. •See:your.-tr„aveI,'pge' .Enquire ab u; .t j Cunard Pay-LaioePlivn tr 0 rtW7.' r, •Jl