HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-02-15, Page 14 s1 12•••<•,•••••,,,, •••••••••••0•••••• }- illoynct ear mime 0404 Odle* bermiltr4reat. ou.wa Thursday February 15th, 1962 $2,00 per year $2.50 Ut 411,N-44,00 `oat Publishing House ; .giRvw.1,.$ CoLiP4g HoNoligp i ON 5.th ANNIYERBARY A heppy event took place ireeent- i ly, at the lime of Nos. and Mtro. 1 ClIeeleti Themeie where n family dinner was eeeved in honer Of the , tniety-fifth wedding anniversary ef ! ner. and Mee. Harold Thomas. I Th e. entire family were pregent, I Which includes Mr, alid Mrs, Roy ) I Durst and four children, Walhertell; 1 1 Mir, and Mrs. Jan van Vliet and three children, Grey township; Mr. and Is9r5„Ta,mes Edgar, List- (wet; Mr. and Mrs. Celarles Thomas and three children, Bruesels. The couple were manned on jItne 1501,' 19(27 at th e home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mirs, Ernest Dennis 'by the Rev, A, V, Walden of Blue:vale, 1 in view of tne :fact that Mr. and iMrs. Thomas aro planning a trip 'to '1 Enrolee for th e mOnth of June and 'I early July, the occasion wes observed during the week of :six .QOYERNOR PAYS VISIT if TO District governor ReWard.. lin:Wean Moved Archie A10644. ,Peeendett • ' ()dine, nald. hie. •officiat visit ter by Kenneth Bray that minutee ; the, local .Ielone Cilub when he was A tne lnst meetiog be edepted rOgithir oupper meet- read, ing on Monday eight, Carried: ; in his addrese to tile ;nowhere mid Moved by Archie Miaint .seconded other guest.e. lie brought, greetings • , from T..)ione iinternational and emel- Plimented the. Brussels Club on, . their work, eepeclally in the field of sight conServation, and thelr slipport of local projects. His talk en the A, B, •C'e. ef Lionisin was (,*: both interesting .and inetructive, vice-president of the cleb, Lion Cecil McFadden, presided in .1 the absence of the president, Lion George MieCuteneon. Business ine cludect correspondence. mieutee and '. roll call conducted by Lion Chuck. Arnold. Lion ,Tack McDonald discus- zed the forthcoming 'Red Ce•oss f , Drive to take piece in Marcia; and Lime treasurer C. Parker. explained ,! C Air AM 77 4..VR Grey i wp. Courwil toey Towlww,i) ceeeeli held thek ,:;;Qtin g- February 3rd. • Brussels P'ublic School Auditorium, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28th .sat elii3P SHARP Admiasion; 50c (More If You Wish) Sponsored By The Betamels*Horne and School Association- •••••,•,••••"r1i. ...... J,A• 47c Paramount Cohoe Salmon Nabob. Coffee lb. Kam . .2 for 83c St.Williams, 2-fruit 1Viarmalade, 24 nz. '3 .for .. ... ... . 31c 69c by Kennetli Bray tniet we appoint Alok peerson, Bruce Speireen Robt, Gurneingnem, Mirs. .Geo, Peareon, Mrs. Walter Menlarlaue; and representing Coquet', Lawsen Ward Clifford Dnnbar to the Ethel Cole- munity Centre Board — Carried Moved by 'Kenneth Bray seconded by Lawson Ward that we appoint Clifford Dunbar and Glenn Huether teethe Cranbrook CoMenvinity Centre ; Board. — Carried-. Moved by Lawson Ward seconded by (Glenn Huether . that we appoint : Kenneth Bray to the Brussels SALE Come 44 tand get .Any Parts or .are cut eat least 20%. be refieserd Jzfurim February. tease:an° :::.442; Accessories •••.,-.•••••••••••••••••••• McCUTCHEON GROCERY last. will Elliott .Motor Sales, Brussels' , We Deliver Phone 293 Freezer Specials. 17 zu. It. Freezer $219.50, 22 (cu. 4-ft. Freezer $245.00 MACHAN HARDWARE Brussels, Ont. -1••f!",111,111.18.1. 'MUCH TRAVELLED CARD EUCHRE ;P.AiRT'Y M • rand Mrs Mervyn.Pipe Tee- 4 birtlidaye in th e family Mrs, Thomns', their twin daughters 'Joyce van Wet, and Joan Edgar, i 'little grandson Peter Thirst and I griendaughter Janis van Wee, Dur- i lug the .da.y. they were made the i recipients ' of lovely gifts. 'and good I esefehes from the family. ! Mse and Mrs.. Thomas have been I Teel-dents of Brussels for thirty- .I • the hockey draw being held dying` et the N.H,L, season. Program included 'Violin eoloe i• -by Robert Wegg accompanied at the t: Piano by Georpie. 'Burnet:re' and Lion K, L. Ashton and a sin•g. tong by Lion Teener Wm. King with G. Burgoin at the piano. • The guessing contest, on:how fast the Maitland. river was flowing on 1. • Monday. ;wee woe by' Lion Thomas; ; Leek. The correct• answer wee 4.7 I In the I. 0. 0. F. Lodge Rooms eived a Christmas card from Va n- couerer, on: Saturday Feb. 3rd. The I ciaird had a long journey before finally reaching here. Judging by' 'the postmarks it had been 'to Belg- ium, France, Germany and Holland, 'before returned to Vancouver i and forwarded here. The sender had omitted to add Ontario to the I -a'd'dress. lIlerris -and Grey Recreatiow Com- •mitte —hirrled Moved by Glenn Hitether seconded 'by Archie Mann. that we pay our membership fees to the Good Roads Association, $115.00,; Mayors Reeves Association: $10,00, Assess- 'Ing -Officer Association $1..00 — Carried TUESDAY 'FEB. 20 at 8:30 p.m. (Sponsored by the CRT. `Comniittee Everyone Welcome lAtinvistion -50o .6.11111.11WIS at- mericen Hotel EUCHRE PARTY one' years. the Ladles' Auxiliary 'Rooms AI 1 I Moved by Glenn 1-Inether seconded ; hy 'Lawson Ward that we give a grant of $55.00 to the Huron Soil , and *Crop Improvetrient Association — Ca rried t Moved by Glenn Huethee eeconded 1 by 'Kenneth Bray that we instruct the Clerk to advertise for tenders 'WARBLE FLY POWDER TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY the Royal 'Canadian 'Legion Brusseils, Ont. Try Dur TASTY TAKEOUT' S'PA'RERIBS Aeni.,IER, KRAUT, BREAD and BUTTER - • • I THURSDAY, FEB. .22 at 8:30 p.m. eeion Tack McDonald entroduced ; the guest speaker who was thanked 'and presented with a giPt 'by Lion Win Te;:Ing. LIon Teil Twister. Robert Walker 'kept things lively with his fine box. The supper was served by 'of the United Church. 'Mrs. James Kernaghan Me's. James Kernaghan, the former Luella McMurray, 87, died Friday February 9, at the home of net son, Lloyd, Brussels. 1 ,Tendere for supOying approxim- ately 1,400 -lbs. Warble Ply Powder 1 tor the Township, of. Grey will be :received by the undersigned until I 1 1/..m. March Ird, 1962. State price n per lb, i Lowest or any -tender not neces- t emilly accepted. : Edytbe •M. Cardiff 'Clerk Township of Grey Everyone Welcome for crnshing and hauling 15',000 Yds. ' She was 'the Widow of the- late ; I more or less, of giravel, screen James Ineratighan, and a life-long : I to he used. Tenders to be in by , resident ;of this area, having farmed ; • Miarch '3rtt at one o'clock. 'Certified ` with her husband in Morris Town:- cheque for $?;00.00 to accompany ' ship before moving to Brussels. tender NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Drop In For An Order for TAKEOUT SERVICE phone 26 Brussels FOIL 'WRAPPED FOR THAT PARTY or LATE EVENING srtkck POLLARP's CHAIN SAW CASE "SHOWCASE" Pollards Chain Saw report a very successful J. I. Case "Showeeee" hela on February 8, with a full : house both Afternoon and evening. Any person defacing or damag- ing the public toilets, in any manner will be severely prose- cuted. Or Surviving ere :three sons, Lloyd and Clifford 'of Brussels and lohn, ! of Clieton; two daughters, Mrs. 0- • T1 • 1.1 C • my (I (a) ack n, Sw ft urient, ; — Carried Moved by Lawson Ward .seconded hy Glenn Huet•her that we instruct eth.e Clerk to advertise for tenders' for warble fly suraying stating price per head. Tendere to be is by one • o'clock. • March 3rd — Carried I Moved by Lawson Ward seconded, - by Kenneth Bray that we instruct the Clerk to advertise for tenders :, for loproximately 1400 lbs. werble fly powder stating price per lb. ; Tendeis to be in by one o'cloc e 'March Iled MieVed by Kenneth Brey seconeled by Lawson Ward that all approved ‘aceounts be paid Sask.; Mrs. Earl -(Ruby) Thornhill: two sisters, Mrs. Duncan ) (Olive) MCNiChol, McRillop Town- shit); and MI'S. Walter Wray, Crand Rapide, Mich.; 10 grandchildren andI 15 great-grandchildrem 1 The funeral serviee was nerd from I the D, A. Rann, funeral home on, / Monday, at .?„00 p.m. when. the Rev. . 1‘,orriSon, Melville Presbyterian ) Chttrch, conducted the service. Burial wes in Benissels cemetety,-1 Pallbearers were Jas. Turnbull, I: Jecte Yuill, Sohn BoWman, .Glen and :Ralph McNichol and -Roy Wildfong. This damaging of public pro- . Telly • must be stopped. Council of The Village of Brussels WARBLE FLY SPRAYING TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY • Winners of ',the prizes were: , I W. Diem-art I Mildmay Diemarte Wm, 30c Piping Hot Room Rates Q.Uoted By Pay, Week, Month ATERINO FOR ALI OCCASIONS 500 Silverware 1st Tenders for' the spraying Of Cattle for Warble Fly in the Township of Grey willne received, by the under- signed until 1 p.m., Satutday, March 3rd, 1962, :State price per head per .epray, Lowest or any tender net neees- eerily accepted. Edythe M. Cardiff Clerk Township of Grey 2nd oil Bed. oil on • • Francis • .... . BEAL: T StfOP V A Btussels seine:no, otyiing Cold Waving *specialty Htiont terusseis 140 Murray Reid Londesborough. Mrs. Mel Carnochan retn .011 . Brussele Maitland Fischer ....... .... Joe Blaek 1vBrr.enssoesiss,. SPECIAL ! NEW WINTER TASTE TREAT 6th oil 7th oil fennel I he Wilted Church Le, CANADA Peel/. K. GrOfttiia 01 pits tat rt. al Ala rd 113 — Carried I Moved bv Glenn riuother seconded t: h by Archie Mann that we do now GRAVEL TENDERS TOWNSHIP oF GREY Tenders will be redeived by the undersigeed tied). 1 Pan., Saturday:, March 3rd, 1965 for ernshing and hauling . 15,000 Menlo yards, mote or less, of gravel for the TOwnehip 'Grey, Crusher• to ;he equipped With lfrscteen, (Grayel to . be minplied the Township, A .cettitied eheMte Presbyterian Qhurch for 1300.00 ninist etecoiripa,ny tender: IN ,CANADA Lowest or any tender Pot necee- eerily tieeepted, I Melvilie Church Edythe M, Cetdiff Mlilletdrt KeV. W. pi.ekotioni:,:, ILA. Clean( Townehin of Gteess' ($r(Mrfl*t MN 'di 1.0 A, id, Ohttreh 4ettoilit NOTICE adjourn to meet again on March 3rd, lEnterteinnient throegnout goa- i ot at the call of the Reeve : sieted af slides end novelty soegs . will hold a Bake Sale and Tea,. in --- Carried , , „ ! IV Jack 'Thytine and. Clark Jehnstati , ' the Library on Saturday, March 17th 1 The following accounts WM% , ' Pollerde Min Saw wish; to thank : ; At•Doineld,'s ireimber Vard, F,Xviont. Peckers for Sent Meterial Med The Brussele Majestic Institute 9.45 A. M. Cihurch Bohool 11.09 A. M. Morning Worship CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW ICE CREAM AVAILABLE, NOW AT COUSINS ICE CREAM DEALERS IN HALF GALLONS MARKED "SPECIAL" at II pen. paid: 0••••• Good Roads ASsociation et P t 01 I.1-1 .ATRE;. AssoeiatiOn of Mayore iteelies Tr^rriwal.p fee the Ilse of LISTOWELi ONT. Membership fee 10.00 their El I Aseociotlon of Assessing Officers FEB. le . 16 . 17 — puron CO. !SOil & Orop Itn- VJCILL/E BALL provement Association, W. H. S. CONCERT The etudents of the Wingliam District High School will present a. in rent .,........, .. . .... .. . ; . • . ... 26.0( ; Variety Concert ire the school The Municipal 'World, - Selwyn Baiter, treasurer's Be Sure To Take Home Enough I: COUSINS Phone 22 DAIRY Brussels, Ont. : anditerillin on the evenings de.i - . filultSdar, Feorttary 2241d, aid lt,11.- I 'i dal/. rebruSry 215td, 'at §.1t. '1 i There Will be tratsical. Selectiota. 1 20,00 i ' ; hn the Glee Cillib and by the Scheel : i -Oecheetra; a physical education _el denionetration by the boys, and' braiiiage Debenturet ..,.....,... 424. av ( . IN MEIVIORIAM 1 ‘THE FULLBR BRUSH GIRLo 1 MeLEAN — In loving 'Memory of a " Leer.„., PitIe cleat Inisband and Dad, Redetiele RED sKELTON 3 !, Clerk's Guide . .. 1 w r skip rii.figiican Church, OF CANADA St. JOHN'S Rai. H. L. Jennings tic, Lat. bond In iesiesed away six Years ago, ' ' M4. tItIrdiff, Division, Reg- "THE FUiLLER 'BRUSH MAN0 February 1966. eibOrge Wesenberg tak- ,, SAT, MAtiNtt Ottti. tl . „ ' ILLIS S AS We lavo .yoo, so. We tides, pit Gliel 7A5 Maw-A.40, DIM 9-As hti,eait obuces . Thetigi? ea earth you ate 110 Mere Still ifi tentinieet YOU' are With US , AS you iiitefoi. were before. 1 :FEB, t0 , 20 :brat! retheothered by Wife .and I :ALFRED HITOHOODWS ti.t.eatiott tainilly. A ROO SlioCketi Antheny tierkine; Janet Leigh. - Vera Milet,, John deViti• Iti , . f Adult.'tnteYtairitrientl 1st Sheik 7..36 itiele ShOW OS§ dances hy the girle, The Drama ' Nelson Hanna. fox boiinty-„ .... .. 4.06 Chub Will present a one-act play', Wne. Steveeson fo,t bounty 4,00 ' "The Ceetle of Mt, ,Simmeotei (by ' Wnyne Ciarrierori, fex botinty COO 1)°14mA"I°11 of :"I'1 "el riren4q1)" Nernian Dielteon, fok bounty ,.., 4.00 All Proceede of the concert, are t relief ,„„,„,„ ...... .. .. .. ... . .. 46,01 I need foe Selioel activities. Studentit I Harold SWIft, gtoeertes wee selling tickets now, Aftroission ,Amos groCerles FRESH BREAti and BAKING DAILY, Fresh Fruit and Vegetabler4 At All Times IkkitiNbAV; tUESDAY Recto: Mna. Milan it a. tit !telt' 764ot-itititittiett Sititiet Mon. Feb, 16 730 et, 'In 1,t6 pen. , 'Conti/inn:don diESii Wait tot,. .24 4 *tit joiiid de WEEK. EN la SPECIAlS: iN fn loVing trietiltifer of 6, 'dent, breither', flaindef 14nrris, Who niVity one Yenr 90, Fobr- , Uttry 1.4th, 19.01. OM • MitiLidAtIONS WAN'te6 . MORilit toWNS).410 tiott ioi• f.ettot .....„.. .. „ .. „, .. , .... .. *),O9 1 (liataildot Nut§ing itomo ........ tit,'M i . I j Atihil.,,,,ttooFt wtil bo .reeolved iiv ' 1 rinii+,.L. Ceirliellighem, atm* ell iiin nctiol,aiatoo Mien leoeti, Marth 1. ..... „-„, ............. Aylmer Tomato Catsup, 11 oz. Jiffy Pie Crust 2 for 63e Maxwell House Instant Coffee, 6 oz. jar 2 foe $1.9* WED. THURS. 2i 0161-imito WitiMASI4 eitke sttRet WAVS9, •A, #'stiott action, drittiti itto ktifigerien io show mid stio* SAS' tire hatt ottleo $17.93' tif,o $1.4S ithadS and iittito.:4 idas• try. Ir'rirlito, briver and ttelper. tot ,Merti4 Toninehin tte work the' •Warb16, deeieeet ( Date lit-6616i. you are net fergotten, . deg& tiithigli hit eartk,,YOit Sire to inotie;, , i§-tr.lit' tii titeilielt .Yint ifte iiiitil tie, - AS' '.0ii it*nfS, 'Were -before.. ' '111'0-- etilrie PraYef ' ,A1WitYS iteilierniiefed tik Slid ,Ohttreit Settee!' ..„. : titatitt il titiAHtii.iiii* 'iiik, ,tsi'' Atinkto '1,16. soma .- . tilted., Feb.( it, t FlY eontrol Act. 14.40011 1.AO $7,564,7 tiyato diefit difffo"rd titintiat itee.trn lino, IkTnrtiii, R. R. t,70. 4, trusAo19, out Fre Derive/71 Phone 132