HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-02-01, Page 4Whatever type of home you have — no matter where you, live in Ontario — you'll enjoy the winter more if your borne is kept snug and warm with CO-Op SUNGLO FUEL MI . SUNGLO burns clean — no threat of rust, dirt et corrosion. Keep your burnee working et top efficient* with this taw price, Mak quality fuel ed. fete es today anent a worry-fneo winker . . . prang poswealf with SUNKILO Connect, BELGRAVE CO-OP BELGRAVE BRUSSELS SCHOOL BOARD INAUGURAL MEETING The inaugural meeting of Brussels School Board was held January 8th with all members present. The minutes of the last inaugural meeting and the last regular meeting were rend and approved. Th e secre- tary then Palled for nonsinations for chairman. Boy Kennedy was nominated by Louis Ebel ard Frank Mitchell. As there were no further nominations Mr. T'CP".nedy was returned to the office of Chairman for 1962. The (bairn's') then called for nominations for vice-chairman. Jack MoWlitrter was nominated for vice- chairman. Again there were no other nominations 'sod ;Task McWhirter was elected 'to the °Wee of vise- ch aims n. It was moved by ,Gordon Stephen- son and seconded by Jack MeSVhirter Mrs, Elisabotli Elliott,. be appointed Secretary-Treas. for 1962 — Carried It was moved by Frank Mitchell and seconded by Ted McLean the The' Car thaa Hag' in"Engineering Excellence :SSiSSISSMs E: • eg..46'."::?M'''''4*;:;':.: • *,......71,01.1"1*. • '2W4L CW:VIRPT4 Nova 400 Convertible The car that incorporates the newest advances is the new Chevy II — .winner of the official Car Life Magazine Award for Engineering Ex- cellence. Car Life found Chevy' II to be 1962's out- , standing achievement in car engineering . • and made comments like, "Long-wear- ing ruggedness . . simple elegance . sound and solid delightful car to drive ... up-to-date as the missile age". So ran the praise .for the com- pletely new Chevy IL, And. Chevy II owners are. quick to • agree. So. will you be. Test the car.. the experts picked— Chevy IL A GENERALmeivias OALuE Isisssossos. Be stied to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each, Buriday. Check Whitewall tiro optiehal at eY2ra cod. our 'Weal liStirig for time channeh • Teach them to look both ways befor, crosling thc:. 01.00 aort44.61,- Teetchitle Traffic Safety darts hemo elf.1 •-• Tharsdav, Febiling 1;0, 1,902 tar Canadian VocAtional: For V4rsi,t..if UNION UNITED CHURCH WOMEN ELECT QFPIPERS. 1 The following is a, report ou the Mee. ti on on:leers of 'union rutted Olturcb, 'which tools, place at '4i,1 recent Ineetiu, Mrs. Mae McIntosh was elected president of the United Church Women, .of ljnion t7nitea C11111.01.. Mrs. Arthur Jackson was tit charge of the ineetnig, 1st Vice President Mrs. co-operation with. ‘no Federal prpyincial TrAdp. schRolp, municipalities where technical available, training for uneto- Pianist ..... Alexander lss't. ,Pianist Mrs. 0. punhar Autliteir. ..... Men. gee,. D44b4r DMAWog Assistants sos .... Mrs, S. Alexander gre,. Roy .cinninglinru Ethel W, lx, Mrs, .0e011 Tto,):attol. was, .hostese, the 'Whet 1'1''.I, with eleven. moMbers and two visitors present. Mrs. George Pearson • was in clussise of the ineetEng. Roll call was answered. with by naming a healthful recreation, Mrs. Joe Pearson, gave the Motto "Be ostiout at the crossing eau you may osS sesame .a patient. Mrs, Thos. ".V:aeloorlaue. Ms's, Clifford ,Tacklin are leaders for th r, club girls: iwn,ieet `kSeparates for Summer,'' Mrs, Norman Stephenson gave a `talk on cancer which was enjoyed by all, A community get to-gether is 'banned for Monday night Feb, 5, to discuss vocational and technical education in the township ball, Ethel, everyone welcome, Lunch was served by Mrs. Ralph Keifer. 'and Mrs. Cecil Raynard, os'n'Isssies.sesSfiStrisArmosmo coin- trade or certain ore to sufficient applic, The; Proviaqe of Ontario, in Government, will provide in upon request. In some local and commercial facilities are ployed persons. male or female, in mercial subjects, provided that there atlons. The aim of this programme Is future employment. MUNICIPALITIES WISHING TO SET LIP LOCAL TRAINING PROGRAMMES; Write to the Director, Vocational Training, Department of Education, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, PROSPECTIVE TRAINEES; Contact your nearest National Employment Service office for information about courses now offered In Ontario. LIVING ALLOWANCES Where Unemployment Insurance benefits are exhausted or do not apply, trainees are paid living allowances, train people for :Elarvey Smith Carman it Baker Mrs. Lindsay McKay Bremner ;hid Vice 'President Mrs. costing Sec, Mrs. Jim Treasurer Clontinunity Nitsimammiammoccroinion—sWinighAingimtenrwrineramemei • EVROL T k t -1 j C I lett OSile Friendship ......-- Mrs, Gordon Spot:ran, Myrtle Locking Literature Sec. .... ,—.„, Mrs. Jim Bremner Program Committee Mrs. Ever el t - 'Robin sen, Mrs. Leslie. McKay, Mrs, Elston Speiran Orods1 Fonctions — .... Mrs. RaInb Mashers, Mrs. Glen Rathwell, Mrs. Herman Whitfield, Mrs, Leslie iirosnaterpagamrom :insnguAwnlemrsxsparastrnwr-9474aw,Asamm‘S.Asiricv,....gr. • brings you a New World of Worth-3 wags! TUE BRUSSELS. POST Lake„ Mrs. clutp.. Lake Stewardship & Recruiting :ATM, fiat Boomer Press Publicity „„, gr$„ Lindsay McKay ocial Supply Asststaot Mrs. 70ti, Morrow,. Mrs, - TieimPtra. Roptiesentatire to Board of Stewards Mrs. pidop, Speiran Pianist Mrs. Leslie ETHEL. Knox Church W. M, S, recent meeting of the Women's Missionary Seeltet)" Of Knox Church the following officers, were Olecteil for 19 62 : President Miss Jane McLennan, Tire Pres. --- 'laTer. Kreuter Secretary Mrs. Roy Cunningham Treasurer Mrs. 0, Dunbar Flower Fund Mrs. AooLoansbury Quilting Fund .„. Mrs. M, Alexander Home Helpers Mrs, A, Lounsbury Clad Tidings Mirs, A. Noble T''tnrature Mrs A, Noble Press Mrs. A. Kreuter Supply ....... Mrs. S. Alexander A '7 The Car that§ FIRST in SALES...Finest in Features... Phone Wingham 1065-W ?hone Brussels 388W 10 CHEVROLET chairman draw up a set of com- mittees for the ensuing year — Carried Moved by Frank Mitchell and seconded by Cordon Stephenson the accounts as presented be paid except one until Architect Templin was contacted efttle.4. Impala Sport Sedan Once again, Chevrolet's out- standing array of values has made it the top-selling car in Canada . . . and no wonder, when you see what these beauties offer! Elegant new styling that does every owner proud! Fine features by the score make paying more seem pointless. Ever-so-gentle Jet- smoothness makes byways seem like highways. Spacious interiors make everyone more completely comfortable. Yes, Chevrolet leads in sales again because it leads in every other way again, See it at your Chevrolet dealer's soati. assesSia r. s:Sis — Carried Gidlield Hardware $110.10 included in this Is Cibristmas tree stands 4.00 Line for stage curtain. ,75 15 gal, drum wax 66,60 9 double condensers 13,50 Snow Shovel 2.25 Material for preparing stage for concert 3.38 1 — R ft. flourescent tube 3,85 labour 8.75 Returnable wax drum -5.00 Sales' tax 2,00 Moved by: Louis Ebel and second'iOl by Jack 11110Whirter that tenders be wiled for caretaker for Brussels School for 1962 — Carried Miss L. Mitchell and Miss Little waited on the Board to enquire shoot the use of the school by Teachers: Federation for a series of Science lectures. It was moved by Frank Mitchell and seconded by Ted MacLean permission be granted — Carried Moved by Louis Ebel and second- ed by Gordon Stephenson the Meet• ing adjourn to meet again On the reenter night or at the call of the chairman,. Mrs. E. Elliott Sec,-Trees. SUPERVISED SKATING Sponsored by the Home & School Association TUES. -- 3 to 4 p.m., preschoolers and Grade 1 4 to 5 p.m., Grades 24-4. THURS. — 7 to 8 p.m., preschoolers and Grades 1 2'- 4 Admission 10e ....nisse.sroceossso seresiisibses The Car thaa FIRST in Spirit and S.jorts-ear • •"'•;"-SiSr• , • t.4 • 0.4 Monza Club Coups 1.1 Here's what makes Corvair excitement possible. The en- gine is in the rear — giving outstanding traction, greater handling ease and superior weight distribution, The floor is virtually flat — whether you're seated left, right or centre there's ample room for your feet, And Corvair also features indyi .endent suspen- sion on all wheels — so na- turall:7 the ride is smoother on any surface. But words won't replace action, — so drive this peppy performer e— aler 1 , at your Chevrolet 's ;girl 0 0- .6d o a e e Ai - a a So o • O a 4' ELAN StUA14.? Though ;Alia doetna look like it ; travelling diplomat, singer Elan I Stuart has done her share to ire- I proVe internationel relatieta Aelre In her own show Along :Man, Tile day's an 'Cr3Cro Tran4-eon:4a network. "