Huron Signal, 1879-8-27, Page 4, _. - __. ^.. ,. . n....■ _ _. _ Yn am, , ..e 1 r. N m=ealYGaga M lellwm.r . - - ___.a -__.. .._. ,_. ....., ._. T�reple /en � � � so sear• r 4 am qy yarn' Tmble In ,�� ■. -•1a T�Lt ■•r 7+1+4 e I. • .•t. w 1W., taW rt ■Yr■ W r W 6Ymr W Very ,J6w ay mm4 wen el.�rth OLbe pow •eee: MO 1=1--v• ILP Wfon W 4- as was. am NLS■ -ate a �/w WY'LJ •mrd ■!w y � ,Y Q�tRs• Y Wem • bap, wrest o1y, mW so a" armLA" se n7 b" q, Lam- •r•. •. u}tM J.r 0aa ..mmu an s" ta■N ■wv■■IwI Y pL �• •d Ir wae6ar Wm be savm Ytr. - mq as www puma w =genie psara M N. r, lbaal► s*1., GO alp -- Y•� t-E5i Y•Y► 1 m o.oskv" meama We w s&"", moo Lat•1•L•l •040 W r• r . w\M• In.% r•eM w w.erwn a.f-w 1M V W •w be.& 1 fen. Guests t IWas• amsomef, w am =w■f= be r 1h.• gtr� kA U w boo spec ssow UOM w M eon . ,. M� � .�`L = Perf/ gr Mme• 6-M SON tltfr Ir Pi■• mY■•i dr*Ias blay w he"r, pvnH•is Irl(%OS ssmsr rn 4 wM► •M nam- W /naaM .••�. ig.. -Wk a" WOO : W nem, . _ . w m) hapP*b-mL w W Mrb base reed • or■ naw" r m) y, rd aI \nen a • Tr G•GaaM a m..w w•. �gGwG _ WGW w rens Ir rlgw ,"re sea V." axle s.el M 04 10 4 Sir. SOW fir\ blragG Ge■■17, eY Mir ud war utlur•Y r • amGll w �7 �' YUM. ebolo�"rLga M Aber bre• NEW .:-. ■w .bYw•d YmW) Y W Varied ml ►r• TR ■r r ►Ya ane LAYM • kab•fe. tie •■ a \Y\6-• WtW e" m w •ser •I .^r•' boom& Piet eon ons =■G/= ■om Ir wren we 6-f Yyg- fym �e� •►e■dl n "• WP bra. • Wp arse •! ler ami■■ a,■t .MIM Y •a •r •oe Wn SOMA en we ab/. W * Sara r eon bond W w •►y �W, _- Tb• raw \ a -do.- A-b-tft SAGO, u eke r b.... r� MGtr fee r•• rasa 4-•tl-a• arse U lea w margin al r W •r lie aeewrYa 1H ■N M r r7a►w• ase m• a eun•tt. taro••• a•a L..1'. •y .www' bung Irf■r=a-LM w M W vow Nr r Ise Tomos. r .0sw-r lone teYYr YW wank •Y wnobmL IS Y nN pat The boa -es tom 4041. Drty eh. mserrssad .►r• tie M-dw vwM *komlad, 1.t•tMA W M.tt. _ _ i-r,srl sf pen wYNGOara•• w-� Llermtee li=en be La1a7 era lbws • IM aGO.7 like, lir he Y •ar7 0.0"" . all eon a •ane. -.4.G TM gar .1 r• ea ts• I - a1W oag Lbge r 6-a =spur d 6-r' •■an 1 • V� w sin i �r r W 11 •r b b •g wbLMs r lir Gaga r Y,AtM "tae- ad r T-••' es*► T...".r •d uetrmbw, ldtrw Slim* 1 wrm ob""ftd ke malt trufl ctrl..- ase w. bN 6.rar NJirt tl•umr. INr eon+- ioubboom Dsr•7 W imors Peen warm& y bre-palely. Prov J• meow asr M no t t10am. guy ►tar _• ti o ,SOW► m6" B `" .Ste rue y IyM' M eW■/ ■wr1gW rM7 Y stoat W Ycarc Clq.--Tr GUr b.h@Wo W" - A" *bras.. �y. ke M . livr '• 1 knee lee bong due m•mm&.' 1 p.wong u t►a. w @sob" "A Mena w plains eke. msAM w era•. r Ise hrb hys sue f•-wd. beet =► �� A w Oso LoYa1 a -I few ngro-sts-aarmw ond W w oempeou wet- •ew•nf • Mer tea W .vleraW w&ty r • ane es►, irra■1 r 1....04 Tow, m l)♦am►1.Is aavr. ever b•., bar • roast r )ane r 1%. now V new tats, 0.11 t-pitS1' nu • Lin . _ M6 Slew Ise &b" /•• -W form 6-y s*W trim ma men "l) w: aa, N •r .r vie• w seal use u L ..'lo 1 -.Gat ►,r W.. ass Trtm yam w tie bemeob•0 ad / .w . all, ase •d D. W ♦ LJrI. a6a"ar� erlGl d tfA■-1• we • Fwron • Nest•■rl bl Home". •a1 m-•mt"aM& AIM=. bav • Lr.y e►wt. No S raver yl Yss Los •awl) t" w in=s• w ten. m ♦SOLA, IA wW�.m •w -ta•..I watt dwr. be r ane you happy.' ase. b,m e" ser 1..1� I ••.•••1- •tea.+ n. ot..w&, ed thms Woe Sal W warlma" IMry@6Y eon sea r•mW ■o,eteo t-.wm.ed,Wr e•1 Pieper.4 L ma. )•sea•) the .,seed W @*@".A "' /N7 eL eud'"A "A' W) art• Tae *Sat W Mast Y -Mfr=s ries 1 16.00•'= tae we lard WWabtd Y Y =asst led •1,L k1. 1 e-• .n,• «. Wr the unit Yr t taw W no". Ina,Lt • Saw eWl N.r4 r L)wu. TY 4 • Sarbr r bor=e. no be w W I&m►k �leliee LYar1. wt �JGO•l If••td. Gad Waned N Gay Iq \ane • fl. .q* paw& w. •d 944b W Ss,aool.ratmafl* 1.. fats 4.s, Nrr __ •.•r, Ar W. ►y tui MAW" •aA&y ask w*$. -Y ea■■dad 1`W AL LJY Lbroe men eon. dg*W.& y W s. -. - 1•A. @maMo1 O.O y, sem Mel s/mrr{ r Ibb, 1 W • Webb ANI r my M -t•• l *o6wsd w pate skean W. Olu a w vfaely aGMw..1 2-0 w Or W,••7 tvt'tute 11 W eaaN•r Y /oar arden ■W b•dirrr r►Y S" • T -_ !~�~ m g ties Wa*b 4OM Ilrees, W b&.p6nd&baflyf, bad • gena TTa ma'•IaaAs- _ W)) -alb" r rt*wwe Irognam0 eW l' BOs1 rt ■ ono sC H. se r. UI *osier= 1 /w s" q fang de r p does bit,&. w slue a•r.w4 "' • ane• r Ll \wet •p welt.. be Ase• Sus a. *& . /.w •■4 tumMn reYda w1..-. Tha wa.4 arta Nuyn ewe. tA1 m f"" mon abse" SM-tM The@ ser Aw H..we•.a .w w see.• e, Gar y mon r sm-6hef lir 601or* w lair w.UTS ►st when - Wf 1 w• army►1 6f r • 4wnwr /Geta la w W boor, ee /W would W have bar as Awt� W yam) \tae mN1 be be" •r .n► baa Yl rJ•. Oen S .""M Mhu1w • a»stff.s, w Me w a.w oq-4 gru=b, bon was ad 6-r •Neon. itr•ae M tM Tr.ura. ]LMr oT w w Cws o u0 a ay -D.■ ane ease 6-b y.e L/ • i.rp ►udl d s..w -Wad I ►d @gwpVM amyeall r f e,l .a" 4nbamole•d U." W •ser.s. I W r oh.teS•Iw, fol 1 V" w 1046- pnpw/ w the bwV■ont Moberly 1a)Ie of "Ar00s a,"..r tae N6 ►w. has, •.J..,n ...- ba sea,., • u w weuat,.rd .f w r.Su. The beat •wall be kept u asset y enables Gd trio- Oen •mon &boat •ball 7.04•. SGA 0ms b14►y "monk& W wars • vie Gal t&wu rise Tvea Cay - ► Narryrs"1 Plc I m.mYwO f W patent .. "1), who rob a..fahow Should ha bWamptrbnd u & b. -.Lb .b" Ur CI"alw gr•etd 1 a. ." my dew ab,W '" oil w, t"..0 my boos •.0 L. I .. Sw is s %, Age'ree. Yme.naa m+aa 6-p e..l:y of w) an me W se *blind Wal an p wt. sal t.p,"mt Wima Helps• Tfo ober mon alga eemaRbal $a" near Uet w buaill " ba ave IAN weak LII MA Ur•. Wa Dour "W" living"• "*,door err w1 besvw wp. �Let� Y1 Yte■•b Cue• s.smr6 mrw. Is at.•& Gae . e.moorut o Yf► d thol -Ah • o 7 .=lured $tan of .Q nt.a. '" I ... v0u. .,.6YA .awl 4eN.e W-.*. both. LI •plus A.wrs bwnN new be were a nlq u6- 4mapUAM tam 16. w. A. •try" 041 W U.IM 1.66.r.W$oo6aw a- .NO, " 's e.ser » W .err. -b as wen wfIr..A yrt",pmi) LI bW eGshes"- .her all, shY a0s6• L! •NI meta w I Aske f. acre W Ie taN w r 1{Nt bN • •J 1Nlt" 7 • p Y•6- ri *m Iluv"mos tN 1■N.ng Voile dd SNA Wr t LibbrS •se b 6e near" be ra■t •rho tl).ry" msd tl.balr (:..kfo6, non wen o I).tbu90• who w ►.t*b warW Yd G u b .:" es, . PIM= Wa Dip a &bases imam W • "W 'ltLo O /slit Stfed 6Gato true r••aa..n SOA blow even lia•tl r w 4)04 d L PWW.0.4 pwhrwrd raMSWy bl amt enc G\l carr ser r "en-• ing of .. Y.amma W tats N atWN I - l •u pble.o ►s.:aJ u. Li• tL,N.wu • d {" mw,h. SOL. 1111 LI w•s....1 Y =Nb ump.m /fum ons a the msd. Cos 6e me W 7 f eoM rwe fulfil PYL for • tr.•. w &he nos .1 W bow. halt& � lSt- bl .*chs, vV W LA-" wen {{ YbbO fan .uh ►Im, .0& tm Go Mt.1W *aS4+Ionf •G.\.y.4 7 See" •=Mier u W tont. 2h. 1ralab .lir wad. Y, took&" 61. W l sere "eigm I. palatably, w I Ws proGo/ed thN he ■1 •uU ser$ b 6-M w trouble L4 "r w• .. •weer lo the "•Grua and r Y fen/ r Way easy. .e,..b, lid herr sevum &*Janos ft""d. 11 w &"Wei U eon WW .•" b W peat•. *ben Otukll" WN *.a. sew a fort" 49-0 ""UV w orf ted lerame . bet Lb" eros '" L sets P-WA*Mey Pr -"n4 a" Saes 1 mN .•I &I anew" ma Y aQ. •' 1 N 6-r• uN/w"A ..0 SLwual .epba io. f r w ,fie■ wait l The ,..0 U;mdriwo ."1 sed •:ekes b W Wer . .lts. The ads r Her. And", umrkK r@"et •.at" W" him uprose•. •ho ser " W Ggdy-. tpryes a"4 than 1�mb, Per WeL rmsedrt to "d i 6•o d Won AW look @*•" tlU.d, 16fasb Iso due u po6a"T ■a6r w W 6-r err My left abwHr JY, ►N.ra 1 left w room. _W y t■ Ye ane r loW.g*aN d 1W d" Motto -' resous Mat IL le Gu , Iia , •arty r.-, "A OWA.S w Makh, L aww abs LA~ &boa:& be batt *lamely 44 Citation. wen w belly berw 7YMfA• that Mr lied- s W I - ' l%.+ktuy. os,• ,w wmal, w r r pbland d. W •".Ns6 /duo. ass mvwW 9uebit". Tr Meyr lie ask ire w police W tessmak", Y he W 704.1.»;,1 tot{ en 6-1 b U, obw wnlm►0d NN 6 bN d vb..W Will ham ma SON ./asW mall "tum drug W $Pers lila early list .Ire Ass"& area w weAo eon. Law■ N"M w he I , I sae. Lh" r • entries* wish W b obe -►. ane" (iOnbll" n Plsed, " No, 1 foam Gel' "Ties." tang Yp,mere. •• I give you aro h.1 • lir N a6o■s Say ase es W WOMAN," •owe *rot wenn 1 Guam mo.m. ono uama .how Lees a L.•me 9rrh mrd 1 1att..0Jo7" W our"". "•t cul' be soeWnd. •hue • NNw at .,a=.,. ales due new It W ser ,es seq. TW lo .wt, au shot b hu .aver Mur wt rely • emu bill MwS. L•& . ane r ►use Sal eAn • 44dar. a spook tom Garb 4 "0s, uwbl's s&A Mlxa a WOW Ya tet of tact peu�Wa. LL 7w l JIe . deb ds, b prowl rcrol NZ L(s • /Au L wen r r ryfy u s,1. au... •MA *h. wen" mall *61eaMW b der. -..d 1 NItW two -%y pone& •' )w twat she 1 Ix Igor" an w u7 a" W the plows LI .{lit traavNtly go WSIII M Ise aline, Y voce oil •hi*&1 6aed 6-. WAY. [6-r w An.N a. a " by tn/ws W eaer.urll) www b •LtLgaYbeA hat ►sly su "I w Sal Sasy by fort Yme 4s,es lie a ld but booed, florist" u " Was W rrm was" w d solve M W P.No SOA 6 mytudue tsaf@ seam new a b"be". To be eon. 1 dld Sap oe s& wu-s , aver Y w rt.► u weu ou &u Gel. the b" and elsb. rally. w W b*b w edas* ear frohat oaupuund ISSgaSeo•' pm. 10 new Down. ■ o- --, ..L -t �-' -&Imam". • rsohr lona*"&" �.A . 4. - •••■It - Me . ra.r r worms as efnaam Ovnor, due, It..-a*b � "a amt■ W A Alone, h. 2, fed, se ohe W imam► who* he I■fl S-GAsr 1. ofo mlaaw N L■wr teolmr a err, a.I . r w 1 W al Jey wmk ane fteolu s r � wrr& y WY� WMK r w•4nd, B-ftbbw go"" be age"& WIb*" NMar Imam"6.14 blow w 0066.. ban.. •pp•-• be&""maom"v. r my ITsa, &o& wee SOL•• bee W Albwas 3s1, gheft be Ing w- as" audit " """ft"" 404 mwlr leaW tn. /s,6 Wt , oboe be ft• ,W hum p" by *tuff W a•7 throve► se esard .m. es.w vole • Lad•, w ,MooW W Cid• • Seaod Ym•. T" &WN ase" tern, who W new w Lr trW Ir "4" 4.10. pw•erdad W. =.than &* G ewrtw fru. -mar N = a'ehrk SON tuft be U-wrd, ever &fill...&be dwrfL r 9616 pre 11 we, believed btu s►to. W" th boding as tie t.444er It • reruve -bred fis=t /Lae■-. Tr oeow r•=s"d their A-W&W.f bboat b a a. Sur? "-it •r prluyan fan-Wndu6 %La Dear, 004 d -ft -a" 6Ar.tto•s 7h. tam•L". however, maq W Awn lid au A." ki" weu tie •xrttso6 .1 • 4440 Aeon mond► -►ob bs.asbfe append to w "Map b Mal W women, but a" sinal l ."7 In WIYy tole w beds d U• .ern. H• w Iwo.4ht W CWb. ed waited &* `6-1 b &out w roast DI W &D•flNf mart. gW bar* bmr a•Uats of fou wn-L br..4h0.S both Usre oelOrd hen a ps Prow W h&alr b7 vcatl" w rbc v W h remain .-peed" anon w kmm� of w DW a" want Mfa "pw"y ►he we r p or.I . W eW►Jvet an toff Lw*■, Oorrie.-Tr wh oha takeover pe-.tTn HrldO vete w N Y 6msr ■ever W 1 robes b"I nil.W w.0416lir pOS-e► ommoa Cue A,D WISDuw putt•. Dismisses W ►Y VMS en ank y se mar C.oluq •*most wrtsb owpotwL tot - ou 6-1 .f" s"W. GW. kern .Y w meno / bWs1y- T6a" mWesto. bate G tnr w b e .44dorad, U 1 aM not new • waamwnd Gu rMlwLws. N wslune" r err k W fr,rfd neA nil• Wont "=Sb r w rd "the • It• •til Ny, sett* Ys,* 6 lst ole . MGma 1Lo b@./ •bow ie -IAw- bver. d"ssn, U• O-AMUI *I~ N •a• •►oedwn tJ W Ytl •wo0'o Vrar, TW al. r Ise Yma loon s, the b W Ug°r dOVA&M. Tw )ser nen ref woven Gama oot of W bow , l l 6 1N. Nothe& r a. Li 1•W w pal rE:G • 1.0 0l w rLsra it,"& . Un a {but). 6W 1 . nlwnd w Me, tW Gnaw W =sewn w SOW k lir 1 eW oalt■n Y ■N P,rehY =Meng wabfl•s w eae.mL.Gee &* a -f& ad.r Wr w a►eeo r loan t.err lam•, oprmsty ved.r L•I...G them. l;walyd 6W1, a■1r•J • wrr$ Wne a"Y . ti.•talor* r ":+rrW. 6ybt yam"n d yam Gat luny mash 7Afpr. wasp Yr. "4 she• wkw ! prep•tad r �U •SON tW w byir. e.4 wW WNyI 6-a a inthoom I L"W Yao"6.N w whcr Wouars Nrr. Lo th aeU b w o "IOU- d w hoar Woven Lwp W, mut• and .*t dose b W pW. Uo w •" Mac and hen W brtw•w cl u mama .a eery pea/ MA eery sr/Y. I • ld Oft boob=y appwOom u" hu WI"W toq new Sans►{ WN a gar coryr tuuovaA blm ed mfotbev q fel. Wap -ba." r WW Irom w •,de al a►Idfel. ) thW Mt • W W base 1•n a -Mon money pow• esu " 1 b -" SOA.'e-A w,esm. Mr.r verKw, •u actor. may anon bra Gran w "w wpa of hu• sew r thus prld w vww" ltatr0r .1 • • d .wde toys Thr■ WY r W • WYL ==sera taLb:•Ilw. W 6 toYw . Week tie w,ode"It."A 4 w .WI" lila.= *bstrwy b Lm. N. a■el- ba" pl•*b. Pone Pe- l,wm,YrsW f7mp.nay Y Wt lar w pl- rA m7 Law .f . touW, wen re some •"he Challos. Sol you use •Itaw N J 1 knee toll mep;e0, pawn. eon., nU be read) for moss" M roue out she who. •taW 6d tbreynut wU,lay between bon" slab ly Implied Daniel Isom Wb" me oeeon sr Yens d w "A wler4. We hd • SOW 7•- YW Iu6 Lean k.Wv&L1g 4••IIY y� smb.L"A as aneb thal •Say w -be oo"o "*em*bfT P -t -II-•• UN &* • wJlpy d toes, se.tad W lou N w moa.{ FaWY .Poo to We Lid. hop w pu6- thus Y Wdd.7ou b, GUMOS&mer II w otma, vh" ata" .Sb pno/nnV 6L vlwS passing m Llwi&L Whele,ed hall u6bsw meal ti work" ante and over SeW. D"S&W"e .sows pis". Lot th" 11 0ama to tot tam" ow•" w mart , u *"AGO" atilt Ww Pre- ul u Mi gd lemdee tago.7 Wwn W Won• w, wow ■s w ung ftspe@6.Yy &* pis.•" w7 " as b drlant sue &w GuOld awl w w,."iu, 6N* -a w busy Uma of •ase" trued u" 6-W bre •"w" rowed Plat vara Linu G" •om 7 Pretty. , WO"tLwf a. s -i" &' Shy'' be toI • ke n,ub bon pade"tore• Il• WseM tin the all. 0xbssor6toA rima= same " 1 aJ". new= plied aw •e W •ro==uge lid bung; su U .M of 1A atm W eat w 1 Quell PS".ae.el Is.a f fear. ► NNmshwe w, urrde w,sw. Il •ooaw r • •e-ero OI1a"y q r T fowl h" W hose WhYLq ulw0y SWY.S. nth. ('us, w baba& lol6o and l" obom 6-p y�Ob66.4 old inNd.a00. .ad btu • •6-u•. •• M'W I sew r w u ) w►ah he al.a k' U U is r lOfwb W HbamYoea W rm r o! 7'° thew N•. YwY urr Uavensr0l W w d /i.lo will 1 int" bowl w a "M b • "blas haw, - 4hw1e' @Sumo . ►et 1 lai • S& WOI r •rayl ,ower end oak: It V-GLJ w Sween nwrry. Y" f N•S"GaW BT Ftaa ;char IdW--Tor tot se Tow Pike a- W dt■S. sal sen d flxu rwpwuwy t nam We 8..w.g • b• of K w O"b 0Gut tray w i-ap•emee. upon live • "d alar d A:Wr C.ta" v6no m we-" b ma u" ase W rbn W Wrw�wa •s me "a tianufal. evil -#awes V4 I&& ."katal pv4owf bad b w w ntcrad fo.eatY Sway he6waeq UovOrrr ith. W w. W Gni eheatf a 1 7 JW w Gtr" A Ma• ml'mTo♦ TaAYsaT. rbAtYef pa*w w moa Pretty 0-600 to .bob I Wms Sato" r*e"! ,al ul a,alt/ra b o..tn N Y hof 1•e6M. Ielpr160r d *r.lulT ewYe/ 604 trot -r Yerr.fu. Lja•M - At Uralwbrd absosY mad tl 4 M Gosh Wa Y it "1 mMa fIr am so@ now. Ise W "tlma.. atamosel t ebma ILDOO W 6d • W W bet ms Tatar wuaher L" •.awl" b W" maW Jews ►a" M be W W pilots W new La A mea en.. n -d- blot W lie rash •Dox D.■d 0/tS d s*..rbaYoo, ens &bra 6t1 lIu fie nPsmb Wlu W month In:!. _ vest r W b-ewO t 1 L u .s,,1 not r " 70-$-$407. vhl w Vw ey J"1 ws1°O we Several noon" r b w new d we tu. Yr W hal" far *tug o") . •net .oWy Med" 1■ w mWl d • ENaWu •'p• )• moor► o*•w " aW t►sa* grout". Staley, • am.rhee = To" insure. h.kesd. "r mt W bash, shm" mea mmP:o Ia sad•77lv• s awn tout", vbwo brag. s•LL S, dn•u6 dd ,Mutate• OIL.., .. level w Gaya". •� 1. tot.- ^ N>. I ' "A a uu1 nets. rat to b, 0--e g. Johneo■•s IamW 7W, floaW on."IQ it" bas b r rbW w1 w u Sawdel . Pat U r im tl//as a pi w swlh. Wcb r os boPts Wr trom tie faW.• •very pwtaNbbo real •fan ant 4"W •Say Lw •_ w4 w outeL Sd Orly b be sed I,6- "t Lop. drew Mrs WD Tw bowet4 w tear. W boon ltbsrl Aram ham. Ier } t• dy0, G.h. 1» at",fro 7••Sa 6n• ane OuQr .,tam*1 .bol !w► ase )*"-so ..r pyMr and 0w•l •am"rr • SOON of who Ad 6-h n 1 @o.'J utt a LE.d *6JJ.. lit a" Gs b~. Ia e o of •Nfu1T a b,iO4•x. N.vb EOoUA-S.MO PWLMI n.1 •lie m-tt-S wh1NYL W W ►.11 011 .e4 a W totem logged C 6ktss • 004 " ant r .wow W -"Poon true the Sap go Walter• lo ane ale lit 7LCg A..wwo,. an). pr• gam" • f"b6 hu61. W" b w •*Icy. ebsg. yam ser Yr ( s•.* b•& me, ku-4 w urs redo ail be awk.W new Loma, fo) w uydY r YGrtarNais, AwPoiu .w Alma, hal W ane tfnllr.l 4u Gd W haw, h.vt" bar ►haw"rlteebl aye w w6e.f. •!Sap ill••• u lo lou ".6-u eh. 5.■Aat Aft--. Hd a •@etnty •.. l sew a M7 .tamow s -A wJ.17td tb" anm- i life sem. uJ L• b„u.•ed • 1•W.II) Lase rowdy a Ase w ill Cseny. ?*N -"y =maty, taut haw n- .lir se w tries asulod ■ b far w w ,LWl wU..Wow • kaeodp se Guam"&, =ban yen pma W Wags 6-r ntJnd, Let Wei th&n Won Smon6 Y nal rwJ,.•I Ise Sb•4 m" -Artery bold bol Woo .1 u. up,W N . list, slow F'rwl --Teo vat" 6s w a". om"d been. David U.w, S rD,rar. Moro;- *Sh a the in I l • ili 7 Is sorpt on 6, to" busy word• &meow W Ise amt- a r we og ohm w a.6-• u sanled. 11hJmA • c,mW Yr"it U.44w, •be Y I I•fal, GuWrJ". mu=te' A►. a 1 1 a•J L.I. a.a two tLe Isa.,rL"m a p,N us, bin 6.0 7."w d a0. WaW!Y Garda.& W Wu crd.al r A.*" lie beast. bon he erl WW SOW N tableW o tie Maple, o6wld0 W strew lot sir bl.ablf. o I ' Ise be, eon % v J••a Wt •tth LW. c-ef•o ads re .S. W ►•Md W&b a BeeO� •x•Iud •ad af" Leavig .b" W Mwd he go. SOA S - thew seehfld a • w trma*t, U 7* will built -0 Usha ed saw 0 w =&a". W c .► am*pbrWy wwW Stu amonsl,sfos roes l P suet t.s..re u bare W w.flts.. SW w Ite,f•i.e, bel lar rev do, Say a,oppsd the bet", •.J w "at ► unlit- "Wend b •• W@ thMr mbanra' b thea a W 1.04, SOA h.0 d V "A slue, SCA Led ..":)1.11 Yt I. .Il 1 -oink "owamy b be f.• Jima 46%UNS W044 WIY pleYA W .w," Ix • ...leer. W ohm he eelws" w year ban,". r &Wa=r a Tor Wass4,.•. Pan 7 peeeN arebady •law•, oh., Y tum. L" tot f•ew W b w vb.rs se4 aalvmsb w oagw eY,.sk W wbttav, *hN. Pals e HGw W seek b do With ibis. Hr ma ore , le. Saar se p the •u6r.e UA.•1 w fie 119 •0d w . law t d wwroys be- Mgt" Y Ys, blameled we also f taut al dam. L:,rokLg find " Was, 11 bmew gold ab se g Mo. d =bran 7w psSaf veW ntorle sea s*■rlaos6 10ee1& tar us, yool&!al eke •' aW ale gtrY,- M wen w their "ub. Imo r, a'••A' 1 •valG.elvi "• ••p -eotttw pp•M Aa" rape' trW tram 6-J SOW tho W.lor. USI@• ►" al.yO 6-a $an" into w W. UY of them use" o" staeatwl tlpnbtee w • a.y ►meaWd W Gelva •►Saes. U@miM w Isarnall. U r r.lut7. - Th" wen a good ywpt.ve d int• okras W tailed a" Y " .w and IW . ' I nl 1'.a 3N duet• YA 1 6M ser?. ,rt,•r r• length 01 use. Iow�od .tae Y a ►sed -tuft. Werrbae u4 "w VaeY God the "hat { Wo n; H the Stu_U" ween. bat oW W? 4 a" haw &wanted r mea ot6w people *ba•* w ffs• •D=eal war=t. bat eh. Nrment OI tie *L:•ws ".very arwll.s. I. ley 61.4 Ix 6-•v,. .r ".dn ,yr old ,."adr -a"b V@ Wnw lin ohe all ane. he W base aWrMd tma&ty-urN hapvu, umvw m s 6o ase" : r feat. n Y I). w" Say. - It meb• r d•ael@Sr,- .. 1 rot of w b" Sbusm and 1 M uite &he SOU" of ' W teha sue d W.' Sas "t psaos" w AN 1491". eh." 1.080. W ,Gera* A (amly d rat •MAMA= They s v n i W d thM new Sof LL. wA'a•y 6-a eo wwoned 1W Irl aslant am nN purr.' Erma N yue W hu epi +ll es loft ILu m=aul a.6he ; " W msaybWbond-r • i•Qr.at Gy, tf I "1 UJsb., Weird sv mep .Le'. "SL" • Varil mepi•" Ga.l bNor r rlt Weals, w"6- Fx mwy G law bon W nen •ort"" y fo� remained tetNll Mh Iany yw• a W, •pot b O"L ^,W Lr6 S:aut gra *bwM 704 mal I•*4.Sa asy.r W "hue: -whheat Iwin Sid"Mtlal assUm w 1.a=■ seer, ser -b d- •W d's t wa ser fog s*We•■ sea, .I.., be ..Nie- W an I wow. IL• p•urwtan .1 me s seta w7 rt/moW triads Y s "b" 4. liu �, epgr yr r W WrHbr an tddnawl, u r ser w W m•Y.. W .ms, r 704. �WOy r �mawtt••b W, G . a tot ...p.eal.m 7.a. .& ami be oeea:wd to th. r t a•.► i•wid. ►}I two th>mtb$ W be ►wnie". lir teem• mr"r. r tot nubmbs of me 101 T -IS r • b• wo..1 •Dona sd -.•-*alien 6-g a 1" w dywsed fond w 0"h ul • l"y. set r I I ran W Sas W IlLret Gall ,. MG pa Hraf 7-SaSrAy waly W *LMns .040 Prom b fdl n•mr•Ilcs of &>nW •i)+n+n ylf. W brrsd booed ea haGHOw, W ba=lk Few L•l. Lift *A few ntOr1 rowel tkG1 n•tr•w d mr7 w W ha 4M "a Po"g-b-klw b new A ) se 4.mea4 LIIon the Sou W •boas d w nd-le@", w 7'eeu• Ann the wtmmsl» era Ilial Y Lf ea fseasW SOW. w W Ssi►.r• fww-amp d0on hlr . L•1 ane .Y w " 61I bd YwN:y ab"me u,u Lw Ltf M re ).•rare he miard. W •we Iran .1,1 Gang r rwrd b.v keV •SOP y w 6wrmoa OI [1166 C WO.)O rYW W r Ir DNtY 4 ase °k 6wYcf Cwkly •u6- eY fbwd Y7 e.6W 01py r •coral. f d w tlp. It) Wo of w Err bed w r".Wbook Is my, and Pay* NW "an" w, to" mYl I rows r/tL1ed w feAru. parpltnW D. L.td"As derrf +ruggiv-sins- 1-m eon u Ibwr e•04o.r. "A. o "ad Aowus/ear•• they L raa11 neo Lr&w Od d W w-6- W tri u W W7�0 t •fw1• TW, lo r ramalal, Sl=oe L eow4W Toar poo b r Wild t wry d�Set" t> ►rOGk dose •prof•. rtl6 ke"P wtr A041GonT wash W I O" reser $'tee' 1 LOA W-1s.J 01w1f up W .W,L. pKb,■s ales Iou.6rs ►awns Iiia trrON.4* loud -0, Ilog o. tui f ,w e,werGA Otth re0Ca0S• ,. tie 6--N cf w usaW r we HfeyY G msomd uN n1.lA the tM'o ad talk. int d "L•sM 1u sen Dblook Gold sol &*.sae e • bw■m Wwr.p Gregg= al.y0 rMb/y w • I p", fed. to *W rwU ' 1 ase e.. taw L„ Ss,I,J ►rwr-g . the Ileo •Gtr* VN •a. bl.rol. Sd wlr htber bsWrs 6-r o.•6- tam• E&pNmrlG wlu w Kropp waw " IsmJy. Ua••eour u►tseta ken 5--• w era r r W WtM vith w up r Yom v "..and d rip" w even. It Y wry f,WW, •" tIW Wu why I Wafts" ones w"0 .rad I awl.Nf." W aah0f vG,ed hom.,11 pT.lwp 06n -N. Who&. be" nu • beWil To- -udse th "me Ewe bSft W • amet, ,mpaWI Mc IL Fru.dame•. He mfeew w at" say Owl. lo own battler pi•0, ball diel N, wh" u Le•au b Lily y t►" W 6-b • wYtt. Yr. Cllfbs. *Lib bon l.6rai.g and found, b lista LallS."-tot, ,1a• . al• rt. a., .6. •.t We *Lea) mit-1, Doti mural a rna. te" o bat &,V-Wy &-pod. as we Mur, •blab. tl alwaWn•d, Me n►ow W" W aL. ems= •aJ, u w. r to .ugWat", sell It beSW •pre of red. AI W xnG:a&kw Ln al W, *he=w line hared M ►w 19 , aM 1 rvflolv.J W ►6-p alp yea 11 0b.u:J oo eo O.ted lbdt GuYderWse W.mpnd W •\sea Aral. 7 -" Mt►1► d s•mJ anbr, am wool W bl W_maal, w fol rd &Ak n►naU be t&- Gof & =taw eh. Due olabes, l w him y y •►use t web Omluuw $ wm r• a,6-" 7 _ •..r cl • wrspeo" Aurngall w W t arpg u" people w=o&l Lke to., o •,awl w tie 0•0l .1 mf ally new• t• n ieA W LW www ono As thgaeol w MU w ao. OM"• body y pf pap g Mbit o l "we a, Pnsetbw m omit. Laid M by a b wwlt hied sh0 •lie W W � �O" uw0 ►ee 7 rpm p• V'= setg nlxve. era Suave have r„•ed w r Woe W►!eb le •1w. " i w en ff•J.' • J 0w as DrItDU,. ] We u /lo.....r, w half Ise Irwin b 4T. Work &ger erlf W tws tot bar•*. t°6-"• rot thew • rowel 4lorenr to t !^• 'gyral tb".-J.-, th. Leaser -ban-VlelA Vaal Is penetration, W woolt u sea. ul leu. •avM 9W " IG►;a. Tefl Yr. Cu■y. n hb•4uN boW - ort w. wane oro totted tura wt* wet r• f• t Yo•d W,em4r W Wa amndm, ref of le se oto WLr wt Ll. 1. ,w cue, at'J -w Ocs.ow".r Meal) pbeep l* W"Lns over d S TWISS u, tie NW rd•. J «•..1 1/ " .+ AtJ, Wu•. 6-r Lu w. .Mt1Ga.t 61fe*1aNd w nue. W6Jo w s Tena Hama robe• tswaa. amw•eoL Lisa 1 al ren hr W.1 Gla. b t. •lir. J• r Mawaw I..1W. Arid" a"Lens. p WS. w hound s lac,6.o tl Ver ." _ Owl Y sol ser AY G.4 • sherd w1rGs*., W h•wrJoi Say seen wry n"n pleasJ, rd 1 Led • t terll pwT n yaw n,.1 eon*bt&r emtw, a loyadm, .Y hetq rd/ sews WaS lmab b w o■1 too 1•.1 dd W secs..• and s0ra.eai _ 13u- Do s" reo6 Ise N*W n lDo IaW �t&w w W huLy y w Irhw. ud 1•vred tam" w W w•1 1110 hit II• nen sed dwy to r Jl T.00 Su weer than w bM of w ma"wr, De"d y ■w..• •r • rae•*se. t"=.,ease raada- w al.acb fete he" Gb1Y 0d led widow., b aura W1se6- raav ars r .1 r6y'nPN - .r+ 1 7 a4,eld 7 4vt►I/.S f j wh". 0•N to N fie a•m.&e. Air honl r0wr IvUOoe& &* Ir Gea•rGmem traversal *"my.. and .bML &.,W ,at of Sms••d. Lboga. at Y~ P•fun--*-"I- *' ie Il+W Erk•n Int w• N a:, M.A— toy UG". foal bra band "sh@ Acd. The Imry Urio••ll, w walsrr WLo w,ml W k-r"a ldu- Nsvw rOwh Stun= to* uaW a blur •10rt ne7ur• GrWs Lw ne west ' • t1wrW 7 ►.J•{ gres.1 .Stan • a u:tktle d ones.• lea• •,summed. I.dAl.sog .. '• aeA' 1 a: hl* llr IAN a,rw. sen .tier d ripwd retas"d d Verdi) UM w der Yd reale w before at. tS" ,,f a .imus, ,1 w• b ab•r The N6►rbwd Paintings Tower. m" kelp TwrU with 7•-• ow ►wln or I.xk. leaf and odes. TL.1 le Sas b b• WalrM N Pag P• Iith. La ¢ a tabor of waste b curs obtabbwf, ra1Nt W.. Sad ,long r.ay v. a Ise that Tya i,d beat 6atel ars La 1Le b,.Sw. her Nath b7 Wow on w , . /.eri01 ay d w ll:w oI C.:veNu Mur Lt• oorwl Lar Nutri. Cwt Y MrtW M • trn6UN, tnWn w • bU, nrpl r lu .Lear. b" d, •►.W rosea•* .f blooms. With aSarr • new a %,- J" lee. Ws been •a olbs.- fool II ov"lly. -The' Tons" ul a fruit bet he•Wd. VeVM Ube", whW IbbrW' •W ")• 1• W 1eW *.rrf w 0s4 s" rat year hGfl Owns Me bp. w whom w We pc,Wwg up and frwrty ' these ,•s eleruf W *HVuI DY DnWry • dwul a t° SOW &n • dish do n>o abut. bol bad li talner pauy seo.db lot a •salt p,•Inr"gee Il.v ooaU 1 we/N• Wal ID air *&sty i =sea=t NM n 10 upH suU.1 wpu0">m I�r h-/er Iranly. tie Private BILs C..Mmit" n;.wo W b ace -y wt d me ny b/ w •cath tar, rat,.• yl oar turn' luwner• ud mar4foW 1•stl7 b hue b . and •alb L-rw' W 1O 6-1 W Orpr,Vnat-J IL•GG Iu lie I � 01-11 t I ( L.t,,,,, packet• be Y tap*".nt. An segue•{ wen tW bold en the Lod, et 6-M e. Dee torrential W U. of i* ll" tau a fl -Na naamlrwOYA =nem -LOOM a IIJt. Whey 41et:g W .y1: W.a w,•ad. w,th r r • Ystawm� s / g bie=r 1 i &►. (N'e sSSaL sea WA W W pal" at atL mltu N *yawl ne1.a " w tobl of Lb..• ..prb rye Wu .*.mob W basil West ,Ver mf.1 r► 1, Lid- . $M/le N od. oat W. ever) Now of tie 0114.. IDP oat", sera tl Wu Sha.•■ I m .lot ser Arms d W Huw. n&sA upon, " tme.wr who" gwf.. wen 6 el Yms. foul w wuroa. we• .1 thru &nvo.ru nU wren wv Own kw -ss. and m, mr...I , a snug w ASOA -be W mads W "MPG Yu,wb, 6Pals,-U Y eaµeud Irl Use a"* LI A,o,se. a.ameu•a d be-i*n book•. 6066 , lit 1t r u Imvse*.W b btaMr ink Y &D.d •ad ryb6ow• pr up" 01 b..tof b y ti Wt. g==ild boam0 y ail =tan W sue jet= o of inn• • @.Msn 0 p►tont 4W and P"" Nwfal 046 thick. Znu ti fl4,■lA r 4.l" h•aislw us ammo. ked 6004 elthoat ► mutrw sal •Gra " T,r taragrN NL.m•, .,1 wl,ab Too NriabGW. w tetM■ of tL. e,ewmen, • Arm IDs awn h.7 tort 40"Unt rd t .hams how u da, Dar d.WIIW W r".. T Cor" -W rwNelt•ws Sl LL• sed of uatorr, lath N••w Iwrm w Yue befun &1600 bat t" al Wn pi kid, .I (L,w w woe $Dm.uw Wk.J . L. aur, I Wi q.,u foed7 le=i• d IL• lra�k tLJ a uS"J nesse• out of d vidou h maw of • Wder *huh when w Starr us, -all th" nen left d shY 9►ua, w W sera seam Sas Sal► ft itwawa W . ■Own, u am ro 1*J Itn•It I.,6- ms," Sul per. b a Man amp. L•ua I.,6-1 am q..:• Masse u. - W b" PWe.A tl.eM w =rads• h.lu». W. of she kat beth. the Wbru bray. W tegr•ry .1 ea sometrr e446@et boa! -6 W Wy a anolem"a She ase lou 9.=11 ba W p nth • nos" i . T Won p•• - •whdm•hr awl. ,t •"ane -W rA.- -Awd r,►o a.l sN pWd u6-. C11G1..C'• !-"- flea that Yr. LYut.e V•,ald nmf uww n W.lal YsebwO.-Awl w, o" p,cl Iralt who Wu* fwd r kat • pt•"S " !Chas hot @.head. end •two &o ad ,,¢mammal toe tie ter and w [nab *oN. auyk cul 9W tewN.O b m in 7"w. •tDle, ►seLhftJ pDi. wUm*bt a I" 1 1/.0. icu n . Sud role, Ghuh, U trema Gu mala sh►, nM ►" d.�n r •eer3ofolg Hs LY Deo• very f•niroo,. ftr7 "bW, sal 1 6N o, w.a.bt I,.6- the LI, .1 1•�• Wrw. 6-J ward tit use •road W .Nk anJ ued " � the Cbabera wW &Morse W-.ed.'n OI W w.rM - W faro=s ea=sed W ala) tha 1. •.r, Sod W orwow ,e W but make bin it nf.l.t , s.r It .N w eosm w baa: W &peak b )...P Wan - tN ""ss {oat w• W L,Ba R. bait awl tyh" •• postal God • e.at.wd woaa4 nly� t& Cok. I'.raotbr Total. Lt rust base Lme lu:&.-eJ roll ask• )w u aerplaD6- awl top=*&$" Lt ow newel SonW end mal twblw W to ons aN hies Jo•l Ss int b. W tNw ■r ds,:d 1-t.n J. wt alr•ir I -.k urcl,lrJo esu 1 .ears, btr Ir pick==, " ff w W oW ul W head• pubeDy p•4"d Faso. Yrrms.-Tse Coln U..ITnbS&l very rfaW of u Ise praotwa. U we Mal-han U. mes bslrWw. L, w/ maks LIS. base 6 Jud -a Nab*&, b.matw; maN. SGA favof ',iy- oto. • m>thw s 1"Wm,; Lao & L•.l •Wier L•s stwl•J It, tui Umw *.» w Ly SWL"e '.La Gwh WD* tamops, Iron Yr IL• .Sst o • le d W talon• foregoes • tau, Lal do awYyl6tg amo"n!), gmwT, 1 due S•lae hen Usiblus w l:et""I•e W lad dul.b."bely. fic1u1■ ties Toe -u Uiu.-W T. oredy 1 AM w WIWw, re.nw ma *u0 led*. W0__ - Wrn Gros Lrytw. tie a rd W sen=t, *hub u abuWl tory Yrswstw MA w Ua.Mt d w d ant, Woo Omer " heli r u"6- YaHaM Wt _ People ,two be,• • perver.e s"hb■ of _ I "topped an a Kta Irish O Lio &a 1 1 1.11 Insets• : F.td est tie .td I•!:s ",III,. t" high. ItaJw Ilea CdaS. ob"S" 1.a• dawn tot W. Prom arse w Yum ten 0141-1. "Ta w N,gws Falws Uenur. • lift" eherf tby we sol n.sg►t . a■4 •t. I nu ball l7 t+ thick /Lw 1 LLL oil r.•1 L, Many Ig tie ('od,loe 6-.W •• v.1a• - b tie ` &r 1x0 -r of gom•I. also •tasty "Is. tyke A ■t IOmmter 0g Tent LA YS. 1*g sirs tem aitud 0a1es&S mu hopoda Ilr. Can&u sa ill cul alnall eanaJ u . $ t't/!'Ta ■k mon T■a YmAlO01.1N�lC WuanSr,Ia, L. C.- ?Ds f rasle0 ltridm , leader very ass . I" nlala.d Iron M 11-19 1 l.Gs4 Yr. Cb6lam _ / P L. •, u6- at W"• L.ut •o .srumf•1 nam ly, •e it nose. b W bodbi of f6) IsN dss6WrLMd Y M rme lm (rwwr o& sue " Stn• 1. &b• ."L.J. Toa !acts W Oath Ise CUAfTar- w •*boa" of u &broad &.WT•.. browse In.m W d. W rn.mt.r - od th. tL " ." "..- •, sr mwn.olw •• gam W b- The aM.m sew w:Y "..nota peeve of a6M, teat. _� Ttldr W U."G ou "&•n b)rtenr. in •bub von` a...N gle A lel./.. ..e •t t .-.•.*m law ga,Y NNLT. W d l island&. and to Y a." • Poe -"-•f dot"-ly !•wooed -Mar k. U+l.l..s r,... .w •hoW A M W- h..l w o."f eaoMMa� Yuen oft , bind ibu t.N. Tr be,'y cin tot n- ♦lye.. in 7f"+.w -M fat Is hu sew 6-a hale W Sas" hlm I,6- • • N eessh:,en word 604 atw and L,.J rot A ato ne Tseaew Tt1M aft w •Saws of 1.m.aMrY wao w of lir". baa W Ise wen @em- Yr Pad. 0p t».d bT hue "geeotanw " rvtod W ►poet traedar. tL• • nn$ L,.Ld. Uxro sbooHl he probe& sue,, Po4°b po ltion. rd usV.r w much Y a • b"k.. 4 . LA w bel •Lab by tL. wry amp.nrD rat )row. " II liam.,era•y W0 es Sal weir• sera o $PGI 404 W hr oma SAId. " TaY r d•aG►. 1< R, ata ►.led -ssa •ext. bur* bar..* W _ Pltne4 d P••'eltaSt- Foer,D' w IIau t Wbke 1 tsdse o laN ane. •int C7aslae..1 -her )04 w. w dna POOwYnty d -resorted w @very tom• ,1 u ,t:r tient Lea .0 be L"4 by • wants of °he"s rN*" a WW •amen1 omasko L. • USUS -1 hash. IWthuk, Y 6rno,alfol�t,deroi .Lorry I.tsiA • Wlls of •alas,•. thr.+e#b wSU,GmA alae, w Lr Jaelpeg-ee par -ad Hb oyer vma ." Y sue urn "a •ed uNe rued r "sal.' !he Swul.ean L.oW Y 11 toss. m.0 t .w nU, 0soe,► b r serf saTh •tr.•e "It Ga•p. u6nh SOY tL• eft" .Wes.• Yedam b w J Gaped cQ mad pulled W plot .Q o&" as r"■o6d u IL alt"ane. CWa.S fJ rod G"1 b sib. an wdmr7 marW be 0U char .W T."a r pour ambSO,Wy. tl"am rverd aes7Lt fad roe aslwdut aeeol U v0ma al any .b , W lured Math E,,!Amit "boll be d a• al oo,b an ILO d P,nt f a",oal n&bDa6 bo .aas,L 6nJ .M.@ wotle sea wowed a,sh Tar u • ver=s=o= 1 rut hone W W W ier/ N-hav W ,"6- w tied 61W 6-a" til La.p.►,rmne not Fwe�. &b.7 w •Good Styr SAO" result# 1. blab". YTIma Sb• e*et b �•. relhetY naMrw mosber. lid laa4•, ma up enW Yr. C:"M. 7 ,rot, s,-•4 k*e' be" 16..Sfa*L .Ji wN N.y, ons W •boo of • b,a. Lod The OrMmd C - ul b bow a ix s wN &, *rams. l=ope= -o8 firm. fol it seen bases, sa, and looted w Y arN-b 1." 'M7 047• 61le•r:lft mamma- 1 -N teas ==illi R w noun ""hest Il int as" Il b sea Shrro m wen, ft b ed a" 0o•r IL -04• Bridge o W Morleloa d tie J,L•@• d P•+I•SntOM bast w -...sJy b:.J mai M"aM. • kw. 7 NUY, 1 4-imu4s" em "4a -n. him Y sow Y nYtyd b tat• at visa Frank. G M mail• rat w best .t Wr Desk yin ifo• U a.V,. o bid U l La wvasaos & w W b.he.•a Say ora e W fm$ w aM" d ,M4 r.4.4. EL. I =ton wen doomed b 6 4s, w Watch "M Aod, Gd 11 wen Sxprr&; PossiW, mod W" too vim .NWA a &*6-f --' - -- __ f. -- A we W tie•. M ase.••u I, lou w ►6-,:y "Ys, w mg& IdOasA , wn" •amuse-usd,llos of b/ow, Bair sw.l7 Y magrog Sa ff1 G of 91- Silas, have -bre ' N b SOY W Ipg . tin. , o i ,bad shb► 7* 0h0 vwN 0S0d 6-r vwllo lDSta. 1'unng pt1 seta l3bMgou, Y• r bot MGL f b -Wa"6 aserr, r&fld" Ito w tsrN t■r twmug SOL f[ettmv. -it- to a" w•tw .-t w• ai6 •N to- . Tr b eke - ww••Y"e1 yerw AoV "tvel ow p,war as1A" bOl M keg. Tw sod eY w A@7 .r Seth w gas• Y.emOr- rt 1I' tam.. wv,g 7•Y -DSolW tpY. !0r*b. li.rro.. YGr. - WwJAU FhJUp t" SOY Y . 44.9 Whit n. fast at leer *0 g b way "arras to a sea suably " rved .l Vo& tae Lal Dt MLS... rts&u tom earl. •■ .., th caro nigh- •P* G►o.* int soar • tr n b gat loI log L 44. flu b,o -w7 IGgh:sd AS WL&mt l w cold w W Mus wsY wee bans. G.dty .ei Urn.l traa PnMorpal Z. Daneld tot. N- Jeet wntl" • leb,Sn on. W Lsur of tot amw shams Irl hyo Shptd y• /Odd" SOU, 1-rty n! WYra. W W loft! @mawbly &* • 9y Sal no&y 1."rseJ •-I Tee s, Yre' eMs.ve sM maage.. •alert W.:1 rat r J..ar b." is • 47 o tr,e. Ui W tw mud Frtnr U . ) 7 . /tom 0, bol, fll w RWrf b u, bo tefnveeel. i11 due maema S.edL. • .A aeries tray. f• ". eves P -I 140 .whet Fl• gs. 1-d f run ault I- app wring t u Ira.*• eo•d d 1 ase W e meN st m. bo o& O'stice •fee "sen on -m Is t pe++ 7 a.Fbr..... U.w 1WSmA. Uee■i TOwd Pier- d W Iop6Wo*.. le.ew for w pies Ise Sbgn y _ _ f Idol try b JaP ee. 1 ar6 • ama non r w w s mL haws r. o'tieeY, •r bee , it t• w b anT S�aa.td� ►L�i1� W W taw y ;u from& Pxs %li•g".". m•u nn i¢w ,oase=s .0 w e seer .L•4• apw J . D H&LwiS HwUur. UnGoA 7srn. H• oink* hu p opo•l, is rgul W Df u6- wa � taw bait bens" of tot W haw nrskrf ante a we" bo 7.•re c•lYed b • rrbw d w family W ling beg hri W w • . ropes u6- petaled. ft" @sail "'Y be"'bN b sw ►moor? b r mlb-1 b ,Sm► Yr. Cmosn . - that otl w eb.l. ser tot Uftt 66•e tsgb L . Joos rt.►0t, t■tta6aen, 6tam& LLy.a W.tG•fal polerl a" bNo fwsJ",W W ut, "a oxer felt•" 01 -b" ram NA- �'w asrse v"6-. She saw w gaw►lT Grey hL Iw-f " am y old.. ng the heI M W ar7 -ring f1 thig, •sA >� i7rf -•A sak! off M ca Nrlhe 1s, , w. liry4-n, Tatwb, Ureel &b4w Aral Y new le IY ,•"Awe•. ILA 6-1 aM gr.wmr w ■s6W b AnnL IL Dir ors Y a Y.nle self, . ba: abs r e•■eed w tr•.dy. H. rmft Ise haw. W t gnat Mur am6ews&. 1 "T Y, Lr w►Wf row shy 9*aw &047 w w e"•a w w *M arltr a moil pd u 1 Y.•►6 tDtr a.saWd else a>_u1, abu by hes mous d vL: * w soft tam& Wart u tl s.. w m...t PnarMi eolfsrarr . t! -•rd Yl6•rU. ftMve� bald@ W "a■V7 u saatrlePt. Ss,l .r .OSUd .Dr. It ANI_ w e6tf t•gIL•S tl,ly u w - w eke smn"„w Lb" W • being Iowf a wWws vp ' Dnepr W ark I ■ WW,nt ad Yw Incre bust, .f S a""&" tot •DmNlma ea e. lir ylms 0>"b.' thin. U,afd Trtaomw . J.'aale.t•.. Poul .)ons r py w No—— Wow and ,raor mow 0 nu. The oWr half. weighing MmGk ow 1w0" N.ngum, w raW •0, M+t mw■aoas exerWalm es We pbJvMMs fb.wa6aill sW h Mr Pool •;"tn nt:y. am"0 W■ meUMM"sw 94h. ac. I/rwd"y.: Piro" .&sad Ise swwfj, hul .r.hard I -&. armed nogwww . W. W. tlaman, deK W puprt7." w 0urtry, " promes b tmalrm Sas•, onus b- lis= b7 w la., eon e*. � bmk W anew sw Use__ w C.T. Gd teen .WMd M, r r bwv She seen dud. J■ mov- _ •• W Y • UUW egpd -,th .1mi U. = mall 411 e'en* be wont" nmol Woe ant Olen nativist be to r ewe arMt : w•I so&•. LLlesut.S. Ures4 J. Whi6 WpauleaG Ip11f W MOS=& H .w10 wt Ink a bmpo 6-J. w SOW W .S u* bo" w Towle. Tr list W aud7 hut.4 W -" bad a raw 1�, r Y sit.."Wel, tot "tie Lens 41h.. •a» .• .-4a477YtrrT Tse 1ou"wl" ho A Maapld" Moa a! w no&NU AN wo■ak w Pat 1hGs. 110 MI bed.0•ane beili�e= w w h.YY .b" SOU la:l d MryOastna. The 1 9 7 r . lin' 'Say Sas msu iwrv.wf- tL.f lose B�-t YK Muse;@ w t Ill Ono. • Mary membew - M& SrwwlbYse. 11 W,UIJ be a p.rr1 deN. Wel 60ay wild L- W � aLI w %ous fy vat =Meq W ),•Say II1Yt r. row .aMt Urad SaprlbrGMY w Ise w•rbu Au- W husk& call hasp• ten •plAdl" rely y..160 ff Who ww they I s•bl-" thin wind Sharp/ the WL• amp 6-b a veo,f Ao Lr.1w6 So.-tA tont w 7wed Us? dW look be Mr flesh a area " h.rt .. bas tie knr tot b..•• W N" All ,rule . Looloe Do1rW, Dr. an. Oeones Coal. "Uig b w:y n D.Lwns at "L. •■4 aro svenLlot eGWa6, sonb7 the Lea, el • Inlet W aga=r d Yklg W Icy. b I$ Sol f - 7 .are •.era L'" .ub 11wL Years eter of &rre awily end abruptness w fort s•aw. real a •.Surd*", wen sill. W &Yue Da•bw -a& C. L S••rd , esu- I$S 7r.Auer ►broal Davao lu people w Sue Puss The obounm seen -.dnd nth "cuniae0r. •'Is4Shl" 1 "aU Sal hall *•Jt Ila* she,.W W frmaga nth Lim,eon•ive, at s rote! Who@. $*.ung MA ra*rt TedsO sen PTgr.•Olss r&JW,y, 6-J w Ise Sw W IM tro=y, 6 -J -Let lid Neu out M fn n: rt o•wn. Le61,e DroSrass, H. K. Y"U"d. O"Ip► : - pool W ►old u.6-" Gama. IW srhu •lis mmaWtsheJ w )Geo, ■aLr u, C►isw Lm& man Da .1e»es,fd thu thew.. Gold toes ■p,•a w a PI fee 7• $,be pptr-bhm we len tie l<rl vomYrebr• war" w ►n• r"aw W sh" sold. tMrt a ►vs, uu:. doer til U�, Biu►afro,•= -I x L„r .•o tlrm Irate HamlNon 1 tMtaal J. u. 11Wtr, Hwinw . 1 " u wrtmausLlp • W=oo@ eWl eon Saae1 •nea4h Lye lie) Mrd go b sW as nut u•" ," *ere tW p"elvJdmd hue b w" W ow tss. arranged. 1J w" 0.-/ •pos.►le. this Leslie Sets u d ►J 1041.•. W hal be Daly fltb Is— 4 H tel:• npr b•L n p•s.lo,, '\at Lr Har.S DI•VOL taste Toma , NrtOr• DsetriaL P.W..yraa, -\row llbsp•hin.-In tomo* a lu • W pl-M a bW of &tot Ibiry-ole IM ae,1. Iwm b Oer , w w r *Kane r a01net W &Mo-" d 6r:,ee r: l.e. I aM Sal tb.•o• rival I..f..ug webs t".i Y.abl.wr. ser, lett •will, %L,.. Dr.. •fir is C --m walkm Hold yegaly Chapter. al. hawes br*boala u &rpenSUl hues dwas" ,s wreomhr.SSh. wothing twenty -Wer tons. Lbs@ DO&*no, 1 orvraOJ V lata lake - Y., MwneaW y wee •G4 lel7•t.o.mtena he be •• V-ued," MM •Say D•Padh LAu oe U• u a unteued •f.•ewse N ne 1.4we =leer .•t .A N1 •saw. &LJ Iwft I..f .1 tae (:6sh-rIS*o. SNrvtl P. U.: Sot-nb I/r� h", ft Im .W,, appealed boom, o"W. Samoa ." M p@4NW 1•:1 1•" hyh - IW bait NWv. tall.. w 6 ILuar C ".ALM Rues W min" w al -just r6A ren amp N nbehr■. + Omell SOA .d.•-ruW" ' •rt, a l W the •1••eress "t ,•m• &•, w Yat new. "A tie". LL B. N,•w. Turmmb : usual Distrito, Y ?" Mmes W "rap• w 04ley int. wen W r•0wp-Ne a!1 •ene0o w.wew es;em. Is rt" *--":a, Ya" nut. -*.Mesa*$ r w'" W pwtmbb.oM -6-b., P.rMr• u.•. w•" •y 1 1st a •*It,, w. , rM.awu.a .4 L"aa a Amt Nue u t, A LT- ' hop thew" vis yrs to rl�bt by pl"beg as D..sSgo, FNo �n}a Paos Rlwtsd Dr Kuloo , Ontario. --A anon &used Brooks tat" W seam ce fvtl aQessur. •goy which At Int n twit W w ,astati=ne �- • �92M redeem- Postop George [ram. of w Frank U.J4ou • ,,104"»• 1• tlha h.. a,Lt W rut tn • N- Ja • .-d w t. YUL t. Y. C°yer. P,•Ir . l eminl ItisWN. r 7d Y Oaart 1 Paan Ts,1 micas nuc! low nen" o pee me *e Osheen •p04.L V ted • ) •pL, M- Nameltted nuY1M WI o lit If tie ,N Saw • ►& •S*a,' Y, ho..ke, d Hog.,*. w tsea■" of thr p.ayad $he pan . I passenger 0 ,hen laal It.¢ beat it" tomo W 'JtUly Ualt •,amp brtLetn" '.t a �s u• ,IJ "nae. 6.4 TDLam UutAom. Kisy@toe , N&w broaewuk ow1.6 hue tnal women. y. tieat7 Go. ; 14albhb t)1e �'1 t'ng hiseeoll Wuh W •r- 114, We.r, tholeS6.le of s , 1 6-h. Barr rnOr■u U• rt.epo*.A W pi.b +use 7WL ell memo• "A Yr. Custom ow "ked the tlwux b help Wm b wilt We nt- be. powth w6•e 19 u •Du.1 War Dseto". Jw. NoteuY. J P0Sd0,0• saga. milk SOA Passage" ■aed•uss. t" amam Smpkar -ms me"A on the body 6&4 1 *got yr W * f"iD•"L Ib0-sa S tome- tha d l0amar•y 04 .ban. It• ft,"W y be. lir.& h outdil Ltu.4 lim1L visa b nen Suet btrb wwL R. [•moedl• T..LSVo, U06r,e. - TlY corm+ w W el SOW w W @irmta» L 143, bad w rWl os rhe (Yid CuaslNtaea 6-a tlemprbne " ■w" alt t.? r•wy I: rm war w • nplre C+m!-bse M fn•tlt+eW- ole b.nA Gary .e:, (yr ('.6-b. I mol .64 reap, ser „ath d t" Isms &l We ume. If* U,&;- It sild0. alo&n to bpJr-ra"* &riser d a Sul east beso ssims b Yr. B W7 W .tar" wen W■m,OGW by raw" 1i No *Ase W ■sue.0m" h.0 tot w*ou. • Widpse " Fr.,t••wu GGA keV palmttoes wttMYMd hu Mug.1 p1ss r be," pushed maw " rep) W w l'6- *List. but for of row w .,w • ►6•nre.h assume 1 f $eltho. Th,im" awe"&&. Tor•,er , Uwf7 So\ bed a sarroa G ps of ►•me Mo conn 6 • buf&ed• d Sap, vbl w pupa" te- It SMe1 lave Lem sue rthu". Loom be &blue/ & I'n."tau febo.&, m"W19a rUe kil • .aa a4msen Us ear• USA tie leu. not, old in uucol •ruoa, CnWamwond. W. C•rv7 ms& J J. 7 t d {' M. •boa .1 Lbs NI Goy ba"SOS ae.eW nW W • GWa ,1 ••r R'rare IWlWa7 Wf w 104 tea 90+aOd !f& W haft tL It Iook alrlw 7.br0 I NHr *N rub rWt•eo shorn, "ce r ntSn&tng aulean Pee"Yee s•4 " ►+g 601.1 b N 9tsea0r.r ►ramL U.Id.H -ee Ulu) llxN-•W wT SIMu taG" b /g L1, ono/' liw4 jtL braleo W 0utrp,:&rs. "saw. Hamllfe■. dad W /soba Udrod PW"*. H• W 4"wm .ser ue Week w ens, 6L SSA sent FML a: L Of e8 thin. ■, 11W. amrn0 w 0 M due Go, 0 &twnawd ad eN d w Say, eo 641 w M.m►'w*ill, es •Sue run der would Nae a i• dne gam w Atilt be ibr.-Plats o l u fou sd The `bwW"M of CumtaMe Spry r Ural lo awl of w : 1„ psessow a" w tbr*y nub oe w ouor. LAgbtnly, Ur bm"'7 PSY )seat air Mt, MM he W tmfl drslal.s0 4eeawol Y 6-M Mss*. The U he Iews t►" r SY aver w meso *Mrf Pun We'01 R Y •aro W•1 t&• D.ptamvet «lhl. mH/o 9W gar W S•u se•w0. F'WN 11 S" fol wee a to anus, W de-• W w" .bxh wen moire 1wwar-7, 6n "I Wm nen law tow ►n4 "' k -A w tW IwiT use". "A W ..an films, vm fe•m•onniA umsarsek sed M0 Yom 1. to•SlvaenA.A we bake r oat. *.aI MPM" rca•a6oa6 w Y_aaYd 1 -,,Los U♦ bed#Sol be a.Wse.a and ab1 Lar& S' -reef s•Wbtmto. b W ok■fa d W .M W Wes awNoleO& be" W Jt WI. Lr goal ds"roY•e■ bung W Tee base sick. r W W fra av .sa r W W PO-wif --n wLaSOaA he MT w eeow d ue n WAK"d mf Are ad !Mata awn of -"As. (diad Chapter• ApporW y (Yon/ L - • U• w enable W WLeN W erlvel "holt, @Dont twoul P� orad pra,a fi•/tmi. J6sw Www. Twab, SolWa IewY. P. Pmf 7 Y00. Sfo. II eto" ling. reor6rfw •SI d l,fe d •h»t NL. w Y Got .Got tremood W bran we w np•s. I - Insdse, um Ut T b., a : T. C. It"* Small w sort w gland &*Wes$ w blas b w round• of a U.4hos wsWT.wbmb N We MID." 1 few u6- fosse w move" N 4 I" still" dela . Gad pr- ig a " go."- $ be W .r•Nb n/ J"6- YNMn, l:^.Jms rrD ■•blmT ••L-1, 7 prvr@bnd -&6Y me, Cbblhba, J. O. Sue, Torwr. m>Uve. The ndee" wW"a4 w w & mis .w u s & pay W W fma= Woking down logo w --try Web"= "e4 l sees fro ms .Ausp oo fe rkad euo r Yr. Sr LHlue f urs P••.r "T�•-•• N.• .* nl 11 u M. 11al w& sell ums" o o be&. _ u.eeo ", aMt % I . MNm. 1 eh. trues .0 r Shia N W rr"ws. Uee -wk d a S a-&- +1 he wdn] traW q evrlWst Pa►SW W f�-Snbfrfn w W .W"Ltef. 1 nppeoS/ lhfo .r 6-•n d w •• W"y,' r resold 1061 use Jou• llolmae, oO$oGJ Itaeoee ard.a Meso fu sew LY v 6►e"l- w. shw bro.4Dtw •lewd $tall Tr *'+.I an ntble tie small• O•lt•0" 4rar944s.s be W u W -wen •Coup W sl=um'.. Pr&*r V44". 6.."=n W Prierlstmia ons I WL 6" n t►WI aetrrd. War Am"bMe d Yr. tows• li.lmse, a t lost "a w !hu ad TN rn•lvenw N fowl. y G b"rtfg upon He boli" seem=ed. a W wW s.g■•"b" W fern of W beams, PSM f1 es"etJW fal w tnDM. .r throw eves th* rodas u1 Ir dn•w - -& Pan Won amwWs lanlotr, mmmiwe wwW W paps tush. a►. Cinema o9owa4 "Mt Mur, anoWwome, alter apin - Malmo\ arms wes•"•teas w byoal ew1ent V reset, W r• ojy trail b "ac.t.10 -00,60" b W ground. seal be remained W bask S perp ,l el lfr SOW{ nth an a- 1■ into. 1, old w rrebtse" rrM I me wen 1; r w loans d 1•N m=oth. "A u wo=w Pro'"►:y wl r ens" kani mNly hl"A listening Wear of w" Sorb' dein La,.ry from owed@. the wwwoo w0d1s6 Me too wtpM. t• • awls* N @weft] reewaa•O Sal now Islwsn. ewtptia . Tau. nth w $o;lwry Moak - B-61Mam•1y -y ef w. •• To• base bras • ars. ] he . w Irl roan• - i , p.mam" .hors be hap 61 oak &* W be by usual r baser .todl* W wmris As follows U b be SOU LAN e,wiy N Dan hep wealth "A -aro suets w fits= eA by nov uyhr.. weMraaf . ►By �rtaatab be tow -t -M"d m. -7 6- 4 mist. Inn. e•,Y P^r• w be r".*.4 sob s•e•aw "An&, "1 selI y tori...' A wed @mind w o"4 "G. memo •Wh fora w Uwaw ed ria",= $ban the Prk w w b"! of Sw•h Law", •tel = g'.0 •lacy. Mose-' ►'Nee' -net• W ane Sb $add we a) -- I he .6dwst. =4 l rbwt eo* orad )yam by ae: this fry, -ban tie 7wy way a.. so mall nosy h ndles sew .d Y kind w wt% YNt. *6.466-1 ObwsdbMm y -hang 9mnd, Pena, bow who &,d wry tedA•d-T w Tuesday - At tbe Ise CDOnitr' *a■ato. Ile I, ,lest aleph-., bat by W M"hw lid Fal - Ig ►e- my wile, •bre 1 use 0oasuY Tor ka"m Sd w Sero", Gu sa6 mp**W, Sal 11 {We Y mooing On a Mop win me Nt1T Ly"bw. saw Gold rab.sfl' fl be Agra .nws 0. Lir. A,mOlray. •ho wen Wlad Press" of ellod hen legaly prov d eueeW • roto. W blbny rewwiwlbs ane , - Y ".G W Y wasd d wYb w bear .1 ed=nUae &*4.tawl - - meey wW* t►" w IINw-ee haw Deputies ,tot M base rme . M &he t•rUvbr ram t*1-b4 bon web sa w- text be r w w NI 04 Tuesday ad won . thougfol r eovr&i interesting •awe. Henry [ata � msalmo*by . "opmagft. &nem d w SO.". He ad6w Than w o,motking .•6-1-�.cn:., 1%.Wk, pSaArOk,o•ly. Ile torus Won Jar neo ma Leve is every M A•?@. boa LL Y rtes he Sue Gtrsp*l, at With vu""*- he 4"A"" w el".n" w r.-•ueea.l •Itis hem death " We bnkao■s of • Da►a1•la malt. Anise W - T►" 0 W t F4&mu M then 0*.mma w mil b"ynsl &a4 maU Milt bat W high "b*ld- la us Clu&w a d•M0ud1 •tie, 1. e• N neon maWSW 6'.." w 604..." LI L., let.•, I..---. a J k h W W t'.soJ 1s ensu the natural ably wGo"&wse"Yo. 0 1"109 membra es •asp:cWN, rod ed.*ed a past p@rx* inn,. W GMs. and "nod MAW It roars" WhnL "."* r ,. ph0.. d •n, bk0 W fNrr U• we to• NrpYoer Meals► I frail w b, Wak w Y.f&•yod pmru ,aeoWae• end $ran% .lvum an he G.0'e, aptea b mal be O"U. est farrow the "•Gran " bol O" W"mm agal ,t.-Un.y.. TLu was hew fwar. Wbm be nen W Smith Id* MMa*1 (muse. phfr"am..ba -ms, brain drapwY• wt d po6W. Mt u ,uu0al•IT dub r W " , sAwa►W raal*O &* ihta •• UN a w artrl., be Pn.ao W rutaw•d many •lee.n ad" tow ws.l MW a Carol aot Town. tnweria6 f"te w brought b bol 4y. add Ili. mo.:a .Jl be auto Low " tams @*VMS ►tmmU fres bred metal ab sepolG w w now bl games, tn W N W yen, @^A W ~,I Won w I_, A &a W -b m to Y 1 theme . w1 I due Yoseda started W Yonas* S bdlf Neral A,PsMai -.SO2 bqY 0se r A•" w. t- tDw rw0nbs*, eb" Irw Seo• 4 we mqumt. lobs (:r.7. aM lightning Stresh w Now oky@ d ',clew w pwwYteO. Y IvriepSr W 6-a". The Soma r WN) &limp". 044 W 6-" )r 10gb 1W the lou ane Wi L1r.nghae. w my lid sup sol.• ,1-11 G, Ge•p J" Mew Wanda ra:W oat. social te w Pott Ara=? Y. ►rr■)'e ILvw gets, cl .►tM oo w twamaa, wWat W S* w w me We be", W s a4 r A► Mouth W SNeu wt. ►u oom•.6" rLrtr@ in" beN .Les 1 Lw. Idalp.l 16" •he view seesaws. bet W I.ws. leDOsld w b• head WNa W •Ins* a,eela•loee ane.. keenly. Y lab." " 1. Owl !Lura. -skro Devi },,.I" awG. 4.h. it- of w be "roaW J M t et me we. Frset UM& M w• sreomi woa►i•Gur,. polar" 0 •,rGdw. ase" •Way w .era r 11 M flW b 6-M. them rnlel 1. 6.a an -bomem f. The Pig, os alio=, oee oawk UseN n •W. ul Yof- Pr •& awe" Saw? ase 040" Iritmt sew sbsal/ 6-M lir "reel. W Ifp bs1,f 4neP -no man condi? rsselq bwr4 w Sarr*v lets W lv"laml I•-$emu.S W the • W m r• o Yom w wtre.lrsm lav 1 OaMW eor:.' " f t e,pa&*r ger TJle, &--6p.,W C' , r.'J."4 by via dfse• PP••nfq ') Oa of m, sad , N" net ek =Meseta ■•M )Gert 1•Jl 1 .est Il. Pur l W wry, ., ofto oe impel~ a Jae• ill s Ise ads Iwo* se and 10mndees" alter ocumaus•l "wide b N19, Mal " P. ud • dsdW"'" )*a M • 90L- pal* of W Ise Tbe solYaMMS think bum eh."haw 1 b." "u th Sed, ant 1 .*W ' fred"oty •ebb MOum,.4 m..nwtu wag r.wliag. hay waaaNd L m" oQ sea* eroe6str► Sat W Ssoa@"wwal sew 6-r 1 f *"sees•. Yrs. D& -W, d fi al Prem&,, IIYm., stow, tb o mQNW and.as"War• . &r.dnd buy flOas nIh \Lm. IW el.f"o. fear yestrdy W tovem"g Ile W" $,w trf neeh tie 6-r bl W PoO. fr,.d•wd r Y r r @@him w mal sebw M*.Sry boosted Dd a abut. T•mowrwy air thr..awd 9,th r w w m -e Son. 7 & e. ►.••r M.Mrwly egtMl+Gmr, beI "W rt A•mt& " ►6" )LGN Myst ..WN four � � help bosses MA lbrstnf, song moor" *baron=, sue abl vs*" bl umoinees Yrbbly •.. tie 6-•w. tlhe •MSd, .. A'. U. 11 7w ion1 r sew sy The 1-J.vMs sea=r, n044M y - ISO4•mw N•arw tan,. -OG fns•, .•r.n•g r nee all" th" amtan lmv Slm:ly s•Isy i, Tr total he" w eyewmbr d W is 1hM, w?aws trig w trtrL .4 PION" nem"", w .W w •tmr6w N■. Toa■. f T -A W.,sw nn board ►o0d e, JeLy w b w ar*psy b1rl.' do m •bee. $berm *bltu•n w G" we hew JASAnM •sembw of reaw Mai= lowed r O1efr-r. br*bva t.- Tr sued- Wren, Yn. weft". C•mrm0 w C "4 ,v■w -S*1 "u w p.6- .d •"s,mossi m r on" Ya SMY tea. t. W *wane, YrWket, -bob left her• Lr F W W 6-f ■*d er •east -r, a■4 91ne ser S-haow ole• lie$ aes d W U. W. t. gGw*1*e {non Ile "441. W Glial r-SSd Sao r w t, lW antwrtln6 I " tmn, oma N d IhY roy tlnees b oh. aWtrues .sew r Ibr -r. lh.•rq w •• warmoe' b NtN N use • 01 Sal thew ser P•ry W IY.*. W" G14N, area► b ►„"u of rum ma- e a w omenta ••=nee mon* 1 an f-- w inge go b w verP•Ag N Ndwom awls wvnd r SmnsgPl,me Mftr Leen• Lanst n Leff base 0 4rrlw sew tie bettle bMA ,n 1 " P10-lt Woodpb li -r 4erk "t s44Me fol k- r o r ked se r Shd r " is m IN &b aw"e" 31ro t. y 6-a. gbJefl.Sa Fera" mq w he w w pmsn-. taw & USmeaA Geeta as1.h 044 u. '• Nae, 1 u sal mT hue r W bt-e.' 7+-e Gar h10■M awy0• w nese d w ase r . W s ke*b.. ," Fra4, and Sao r ase am" ►rd 01 our •nM►" over the Arts, w by Me w d teen bl 60=u"s* r Umw GYM Gni 4Ln•rd b d F"Wdesp\r meMU•M-0 go as@ Reno &b0 wsh" bweb6W Yew M mar wfrMY ma1�•y vWN rtGsu sb.a6 Wrd p1 °e -haw W Mar Mw• hm Mo ,W Mel tip &mrd www mM peasitf be 1304.4 hisUs. Wow battles w I_• c, ann "ver e y W uu.W sue- W ptere d W book. ad u.vn Jammed nor se, lb.- u ds.. sd "Pieta nwo,. Tb0 sa tow Irr`.rw bW? Sip rrwd W Wdm awld 9 I gleam Who W 10Nr wen. lln rear •sew "r. NsaWMe rota . ---" lama= saes t.... •less nlle" W w brwm w sea of *bosh W bre bard ad yr Anws04, U -r ■.r -av - 1Gm -a W 1. esu w vhtW pre ShM ma PS•$ f" &pryMY W platwm TW J 4M Sr taw.' W ora* d mrY pweemel 9-»"6060# b, lords b Mtn, Fall «t Mesa -w4a far r"eoww&- t The Pasadena baboN 014 afar T60 m=6- ."' bt&'.•avA •• J r h elm lO*b brw. J W Okwb.L b• Poo a y senses srY Gus. ammno$ MMa" • ut"7 f" dr. W ne *f►-stolee0 d W lofwwI , hue•. pre sake =uses WY . W 1 ■" .4 IIP Il Mw w b==ale E" "-felt ►w W oh.mast 0 plan$ Shia. Std en y MM W pasw-• LA99OWdL b•'7 Arab nre,t. i'b,MMIf01". maims Mlug*• - . subs." Yrnv than ihe sew 10 vire leeif h fel. oso eteaY r • slwra y 6-r W u•welw,@ on ►+MSM 6-.r ws?s sed mor art • M■ fle0a" b mW w Ies&.-'lma Stow.& C•lN1 It 0.•a «. "breld r pal e" r pre Ps.Iw who hew • pemt hs.mana w sseYnf W sew w hue L.aA" sero►Ng 6,s Wa# )rJe, the ShYd • 01 ahSGOm w f7". O■wsb 6Y ague"■ b c...d.w AGM ,hes* f--" t6,.w 4•p'n' $%*mt* SaI .d SOY rerttm W mt.Sr, vi, *es ft n4 f w 08UL Sr M Y SON be be Y w PW&"m OOPWr4 • 016 C " 7" au• • roc r Sal, aseow" "". t Lt Y w sem• mon lemmas SOW •s4 w ►-P•& h. .004 * • hltl ■sNdl eat .,Q W tr0*ta* r 1./oYl the$ w w vii6 el • .SeU Dr t Wes A J,.w, of Y .06 F V•N, b Blas•$ Plot I Walsh GSM r Pse W about P,aor A =gal Most" Mr. 1 -4 sen •PP"v"y w disos bM9w W wboMe ad ►r W. r Nue •sea .1 gap" wP6o*"l� 4.ner w .Wd ws"11 d Wien? thr I . .. 6-.e111M)rM.' aro Mar ser W r u A"a"au L,f,,Yn 1, r W Logy tf l:wa Ter 'e6- 6-...p ro=wel r w!Yr6a*A t•eWl. t. tb *SdsSaGt. IGmlmsr, mod lttnT Iaamq arm w ursf ►V•y�rsrP .Js. •b• *6bat" 6w14 hose bur Tom a" pre asaYy N Ir Dams.eaol 4fe ••Soese T"Go. tlMe-C-I •s .. POYbb,' art • ctrl apm t Nue.. •' 1 1. SIN mn ` , t M "uya • vod .w cin Waal SOA w Sue bit. -p• www@ -6-.b Sha be .Som tr es "wS 'Tart•nsu. t*eq lsdaA -- S" 6 n .Yr► MwW Anes w aWt i • NnW m r • M. r •hies hM 0taut w somawrw wW ty wtM• Y'abaf wM ma fou h*w M**1 Auer eats, than 0 tome losses 11 b "W.W ll, N 1t.•os..1 William B r of Nlb.• w OW@m4 y waAw N SON ", fn -tete- •"@a M w 1'o•tudy Say " foYr • •vWl eke I'he r Jrrwr& 11 v.W r es & nelfIO• *bmr w d W_/Sang pSS is IW r de, 7w As hew r N pa■.g.N W w ss," tam Sauer, dint►. C•1o•rto•s . CWW tl C.I.Owle (slum" N. ,. I r Y to" bo " •Msdse r bo"■ -Oo- I- mal lseoltled ham lybse,g w vee. ,"as•. P• 4••b"'7 Syr= WW W some r the " w►" hew ►» Anne >~ f... ` be I- d u'sf Pswr'd. tie 01.rb inn. urrwn Nba dwo pool roll d"wvfed W Pasts PMO" a y him al T Tar hos•+ 1 base. •h. .r thOL. y _ ban'Gahese . "4 liar" • w ase •ul •6-v u 6-1 MW M,I w r o■dM-*d Inam W s*Swamnas shat w alae 6-r .r M 6rw $lt .,sa ittbrt-t sPw. L'etd4f tie =glia= iN1i6cm nsh [JY4 Y sN Ss•,► fW kronor rum.. -hr pier vbs&h sew wywawk�i, hwYll w rota M.6"se-lw as ;w r u fie nut 0-n bon vier. Is w err as*/ s/ )ham MS ?a9y ew0s sew grM-f •.fang r .. Ob. t"tW. •bon ►fa o" rvmfr Mms be W I seer- w1 n &.berreds (0. SO L 06". r be N .W" PNmO 0 aw `w at u.0- WNrw•ard$ a. x 6 oras " W wdwvse • proal MOs, w Samtsm m elSh•rA w 000 r osY w W else Y elx aver. 0 W N•A..N. N B taN w rfln *reit W 0".. •old M Pet w /a4s- )SSM 1 =•Gama mut* lbw tra•eSo. d W6 -I10 •.. el ser Iw.aslfr, w'•abe- pang Wm �M.m'!d r rmawmmH ne&W{ seg ,tn1 b•eT*Y. hew hr■ ►•toed •Gear- W arc Wila"rn N &WMMW PW a0 eel■ Y adwoW en suet Dy, wbN &$teas, -JI I" be ebb" .&Mary w W SOY+- y 6-r ala, be=en omwk& r stow IW W sew eke "4 r *, •.a..mL anaM ti. r a/ mwmO Jew Dams" 11aD{pN,. of ba-, Y ba 0•es •.Nue ant w Sate " :,.ran r N Y s,7 • wwwrr0 ." w O.■•.•asw N••1wY l OMs ane? ,w ♦ wW ue w /14 is I" SiMR alt• alme■�P •Oemowser p �drd F -1,w din, r Ys* J p=aw iJ tot peen-•* W W boom IWaM r iol° Wlm Irnf• L t sr"S? banes Pies&rGmd shows ud and a goal isna fou. rev, nM..Lra" r o, Yaudf� Put I"an! py @m=esa new. say en4 auw. _ T• " •mm i f�QtiM Y Mtaal6m� .6-1 fy 1.M <ta�f7 bl to t►ro•- keep ' matewW. me4 *bp-ra bl W @mm$•.. , _ . Sawi ere d 6-"s w tom ••Sas* I bafvw Ir pro Shen sM 00 raw. /sr The nem f r -find Uesou" ad garb d ae O� lt°6i M��r r - aIp Caabm ata • 6eb 46L i dfhf ►. PaNimi m". " ouwft. r he pier .Siete b•ea"a Ise r Won a 600 wolekay mel P MM Ib. voW wb" the mob w nasty sQ The Yue 6w Mny Je uv p i.- Sh • 00" L _ r/ W - W I. use f*mr "" ease. 19 aSr. Yta■M w - - - = o w etq CLA elf sM LYr$ 'A (triage. w W greed. A Gey ■Gm. A fta Ail fel mfatw •ma• arab.= bwe'r !-mon Pal e.e p6Pmtle r /h.1■ ash �w Ata 40 arww ane as wmfa W rad". 46 tiw L. hr s 7. Tr so rays s gas -n - w $w Nrmr Mw L.enr. • w« •1 s• 7" ff..w w b • pdes" � " aaw�iind ■ 11 w N •• Mn , I.., � N H■ Survive - 1 amt thew ■ Aird O' Arm /wmw. 6" ,L u* "w" wse■ Sol IS bow W •hoG ane." Yaw �.. Da we Nw•"Wb. t .a�i.t nIdno�f 6-!M ,.,yin �I- ti agar w an.rif of ane FSh"MAdAdnw �a" Mo ga &an" wee can u.-er+roma sea I- we yin■ M M ■ am ME We __ , r _. .. _ - Mb •hold r SON seer r r a" 6-a 00 f... Wr w ed W / &r w fie w 4 end ' • SmrAMe oke r a111t kr. /mere a1ea106flaa Ort eo i1 u a es •-rpwr Ilse" sr" war. w Mcg "'� e . w0an."b/ w ad oh shwa `D•rsiuwfli tMu r r.� r . •an wise w fra4 ke w f.« ser. r.tr-"afro .f Iral-t r IF - "$e' -y r w 16 Y "• LGr.mI 6-r tha7 p-ennhe1d tbmem6eG6 Ldfema of ons0 NweM r G/dl- �Aaq me wous. - mobew ly 6M IgM M M Coat■. M 10/6*, ole& Samoa w asosed r me wake lir- to tot I-ry mon. rorty y w • mair nnr..6 •re rfarvrr nem a f -w us AD saw of "anrO M Laren a M ISP ml a.kene Tow vs J r w Lw r Mut w W,M r The M"a M as. "a -, , 10% a sr goods" S M Ata •lam pre Yraa. tM • so" " r Ir W bar$ a"a ane r Mr N..*m ane a ge b rm. �y Tb.m r •V•- Tbo r .W 4 4 Ssapis-f .0 P sent Or -M -0-wo" new w ly SON. Tse taw hew • aril tow r sYok a6m baass sMM ss W N•aoYweyr-$mrv/ Is be j aaMalrtab.ti M Go 00 a ewe Sirfal■M M Oag6r 6- .w ba f a Ir 6--.d r ar.Mar• 60*bhueane W A �k N wwN b H•.Sv L~wed. Hyper"". yf herb O-0w§omwr )utsas. Waemw Tw W-ldStpoet s w-6-"• 6"�" N IOGaw L 44 �•1afYm#ly "mm Mab Simmons f01ts em/r1a etwer starer ��� s=lue= sena arm Jew r my Ga" w L. eeGo Y ase s a ►m *r+mse 3jw aShN vY TeA4en ase M r a grew pose r YaMat ms* 6i T M/ -.v party r ane W ase e/1e-~d W dYttt ..r Md a r - 4/ a Y Solely M ane i"ft" Maes re's aq W w x Wb Sew 6-� rd betse aaoes* As %W ane hue brbMd 0004 s.i oo a w aLrard ase • sb,aM ►•If w (Ttm6" bwarsed r he *w=aaaadr tatwasM■1 w era Olal heaa� Pusseaana hr* r iwwr r �a � r Sao maMaabA bolo I YmM�o 1 �serWMd w SOY a11.we Ili • syaa& Ms hvr u.m w ts.W II w 4-s Y PwuYy1. MNY hand baa gr0br- .s Pam.. ". a" we be be w U.6•wep Is vsmaolrss bM ohm aasrw The "a" hose hoS Yla M daY aal■a X01 solMvswra iot■r awm eM so wsassew 0 6rW x stn •yea ruse ae a SMSA 6f a0 46"" 1'ymram--& .ins r- to" w &argue r r90 -m �. 9.6 4_"w Gang a0 okw y @MO"" an C�pied d• mf he parte. rMwomamno r ~ati w aM p'MOmtial -rear i1 show W b mAm "", w 1 s owe" h/ M anCttlSinshO� Ilse. sera+•. w ser• M arm en Manuel ne+lr __ _ �`M fa • •slaw r •he w alba an otam� w�� �.Y MMA ■�aatat slam s* h9•i • 6-y* wmw corm svaY �. s�'ast wInu•Sh r nhw .'rirr ibw. ahem alq.-ra'+ r t hse lasses L0 srI /nets en aW • art trfNGol I'm* a i, t fnwO .r�/ asSbO T+W •I• -wore a woes arfl w Wo. w (eta 'w �1a .f qsh w m 1 ft or Ym prover hu1 •.w.w��/lp beer ed br"y Ss ' q"tw SsNOt& ons DYSsa • - Y mon �Sg t, tl►■tom r f� Yr -rte nee ' g�" eM of S *ab•Illrkrw won on" Salm snap" ane r ___ = * ua" �/A its y � tte •.seer. too " =4 r .w. ae W eon■ en aM AA.■aaa Gmarm- Ptm AHee r • w 0". SiGa ane M P -a m' •er,.,r r.. swam Gael w fro f ebb &..w w GOserHa/ M. S�iT b 6mmw 6-.r tmh p� wt mow"• .I "w a tflb am • s MM' LrY ,d ogle M. am tor• =lata o 6 mdlsarl. 6-l■ d ies - Q w seal r M tie /Pse W nem w ..a to abut ai.m6r r hue she. �I�a�s, r dr .tt�r Y a f .r. wlr4tmt tp.irr Mnam r'w,r"e 7' fm 6-r "ILrIa M"e Seel ~ goo so Mere al �ba�� M.Si r� S.w a.6- ase )wwY r IwNr te W ►a Nr ►nshty. hsr ai/6athrsmaas, 6-r Tfear WM a ► Wq Y.wrl M-"lt •s i"' M,nYmelt�Y a b. r he "6-i at` raw A I rIM 'arta • M dli■aAt r fen 046 t 1 r mon g, r�w sGr ane sa�1�•1r aM�a■ka6" way d�IrPm e*m ��MlawaM w ra��L rp�efa*w Ewa r WMI ane. , as own we hr eerie" �0 mWr 9imm ubts m tR� w ria � fire mom a + w he iW r w 11�j � �jt�.am■e w ■Caatiram `I lirwl■ia�r�Im►�a&Si.faml.kew.. � a"06 I m++mrq ._ ��� �r Ase. _ -__._ . �_ ,.