HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1962-01-11, Page 8CRANBKOOK. Mrs.. Donald Cotton is a patient in Listowel Memorial Hospital and ;Mrs. Harold Jacklin is in, London undergoing X-rays etc. Knox W.M.S. The '..3anuary meeting of • the Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyteronn Church Was held at the home of ,Mrs. Dick Bradshaw .1 with ao attendance of eleven. Mrs. Stanley Fischer was the leader and opened the meeting with a, New!! Year's 'verse, followed by prayer. The Scripture reading from. Joshua and 'Psalm 8, 'was read by Mrs. Earl. - Dung. The '1"Giled Tidings!, -Prayer was given by IV.firs, Mac Engel. A reading "Resolutions" was read by Mrs. Alex Steiss. The roll call was responded to with a New Year's _verse, Several in embers brought in, used Christmas cards and Post- 1 age stamps and these were handed to Mrs. Earl Dunn, Literature and Librairy secretary, and will be sent away in, the near. future. The treas- urer. Mrs. J, Perrie reported a sub- stantial increase in money for 1961. The _February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John perrio withMrs, Earl Dunn as leader. Plans I 'were made to attend the Annual Meeting of Maitland Presbyterial to be tem. in St, Andrew's Preeby- Wean Church, '‘I‘Tinghairti. on 'Thea- ' day, Jan. 9. The New Year's message was given. by Mrs, Wilfred Sttrickl.er. The Benedicition. Was protiOnneed by the leader and refreshmerite were served by the hostess and the lunch cone mitlitte.. -. WANTED — International Riding Plows, one furrow, Wilfred Nicholson, Monkton, Ont. II DO IT NOW WITH A HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN Home Improvement Loans are available through your bank „under the National Housing Act for alterations and repairs to the exterior or interior of a home and for a wide variety of other improve- ments. You may borrow up to $4,000 with up to ten years to repay. These loans are also available to the owners of rental properties. III DOIT NOW WITH A FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN Farm Improvement Loans, backed by the Domin- ion Government are available from your bank— up to $7,600 at five per cent simple interest and up to ten years to repay. These loans cover the purchase of all types of farm equipment and improvement to the farm house and farm buildings, la DO IT ReVir WITH A SMALL BUSINESS LOAN Enquire about Government-backed loans for Improvements ' to small business establishments through the chartered banks—'up to $25,000 and up to ten years to repay. 1961 Chevrolet 'Behar with automatic transmission 1959 Plymouth fout-dotir. Sedan, 1958 Pontiac Delthte. Sedan 1958 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan with radio. 1961 Ford Sedan 6 cylinder 1950 •Oldsmobile Sedan with radio and 'automatic 19566 :Plymouth Sedan VS 1.956 Meteor Sedan • 166g Ford TOoliPkk-U0 1958 GMC 1/2. Tors on 44-roust ilmdfia4bItO fir THE BRUSSELS. POST Thursday, jaguatry 11th, 1962 • ••••••••!!!••••,!. ..1.•%*„•••!••!••••••1•••. 1,,...••••••••.,, 0,:ete,roVoar.r „,."..7,..,!••111r,,,, *10.- , 1111011iielli.01.1011111104114:541 11151beilhi 3 aT ZT .j1 W TITITITIT RiwiR;44, AGENT MARY MAXIM YARNS 13,Q1,10t. Ti,, WPM 0104 SPA ,Qt the late W10.. 40 Mrs. Work, pesiiied 24 Stationery For -"'41,Z0301-titaCtEfieZEZZOngliWoeiefikre-174M "5"":77 1962 ..: Records You Can't Do Better in1962 . • .• • Than at TOPNOTCH DISOOUNI^ SALE Tots Sets — Velvet, Orion, etc. Children's Coats and Jackets Children's Coat Sets Children's 1 piece Suits Ladies Car Coats Ladies Coats Ladies Wool Dresses Men's Jackets Boy's Jackets Lets 20% ► Ledgers Diaries Statement Pads Envelopes Writing Pads Paper Fasteners veer •••••••••111.4.•••• '1 Robert Work. .Phony; . panty Sunday .Pv0.44.4g, Dec. 9104 suddenly fiwaY,, Tie Wee:bora 10 grey Township, graduated from. Seatortit High $011091 and apprenticed Willi. the late. Mr, Jas.. Fox., as a druggist. He 'raduated from the ,College of ,Pha.uniticy• in 1910, and last year was presented With his golden year. certificate.. For 30 years he conducted his own business on Queen Street, Toronto, retiring .Tanuary 1949, Although his health was•poor for several years Mr. Work enieved. life. His interests were in his home, and his family, where he. was always kind, and understanding'. He was a member of Royal York 1 ‘ United Church: He, leaves• to mourn his loss, his wife, ' Mary MeAfrter. ' two ehildren,. 1 Jean (Mrs. D, R. McQueen) of iGnelinh and .T, Erie of Toronto, and three grandchildren, Roderick ' 'AlcOueen and Mary Lou and Trudy Work. _...,......, Burial was in Park Lawn .cmne, 1 tery. " ► ► Some Children-s Winter Sets & Mens Jackets & Coats -at Y2 price Day Books Journals Indexes. Ball. Pointed Pens Pccket Memo Books Counter Check Books Receipt Pads Skrip Washable Ink Blotting Paper Type Writer Ribbons Red Ink Invoice Files Now Is The Time To Order Your SEED GRAIN a n d GRASS SEED to be sure you have your order in while the supply is plentiful We have the most popular variety of Seed 'Grain available, so please order early to avoid dissappointment in the seeding season. FERTILIZER — We are booking - orders and delivering the famous SUPER-FLOW C.I.L. FERTILIZER this year in polyethelene bags. FOR SALE — Woods 15 Cu. ft. Chest Type Freezer. txcellent condition. Reason- able. Phone Brussels 485 LOST — Part Collie and Beagle, pur e black, answers to name "Sm,oky". ..iy Phone 848W8 Glen Corlett° LOCAL MAN REQUIRED Vicks Special Buy the $1.09 Economy Size Vicks Vapo Rub and get the attached Nebulizer Free. Rexall New Improved Triple Action Cough Syrup is Quick Acting 98c Bots. OPROICH FEEDS LiurrED APPLICATIONS WANTED — Applications will be receaved by the 'undersigned up to 'February 5,. 1962 for the position of Maintenance omn for the ten sohools in the Grey Twp. School Mea No, 1. Salary $1.00 Per hour plus Sc. per mile travel allowance. Duties to commence February 15, 1962, Norman S. Hoover, Secy. Brussels, R. R. 3. " The Most Value For The, Farmer's Dollar " Brussels, Ont. Phone 199 T SMITH'S REXALL DRUG STORE Brussels BILLS TO PAY ? CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implernentt will be held on *WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17, '1911Z One mile s outh . of. HighwayB a t 4 1 p.m. Igravt 41 No.14' Phone 62 ATTENTION FARMERS Cattle sprayed for lice. Warm water used. guaranteed kill Op lice. Phone 95 Brussels 3'. (Mac) Bselter CUSTOM WORK WANTED — Cattle Spraying for lice. Satisfact- ion guaranteed. Lloyd Weber Phone 43237 41. Did you spend too much money at Christmas? Have you 12 hours weekly and a car? BECOME AN - AVON ' REPRESENTATIVE in a profitable territory near your home. Openings in Morris, Grey, Hullet and McKillop Twps, Write Mrs. E. Bell, 84 ALBERT ST. WATERLOO or phone collect SH. 5-0751 before 8.30 a.m. LISTOWEL WILL SHORTLY REQUIRE, ADDITIONAL FEMALE EM. PLOYEES IN. THE PLANT BOTH FULL AND PART TIME. Attractive wages, securing benefits and cafeteria facllltIet are available. APPLICANTS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL. DEPARTMENT Ninsussommilmr Implements Massey Harris Tractor, 44 eriulnflet with a Super 6 loader 3 furrow Plough (Case) join Deere, .8 ft. 'Binder, used 5 yra. John Deere rultivator. 4 yrs.. International Power Mower International Side Delivery Rake }bay Loader NT Ow TelPn Mernire Snreader Mneeee . \T^ 11 1711 ettt40 ATTENTION CAR BUYERS - ,.,,Our Low Cost elnancIng and In- surance Plan .will help you make ig better deal. BEFORE you buy tall; to us. GLENN M. RONNENSIGRO Monkten — Phone 1147414.1 Brussels — Phone 65 ' Thintday Gild Friday NEW LOCATION (CLINTON) J. M. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Beginning January 8th, 1962, Clinton office will be located In Clinton Medical Centre (Dr. Addison's Office) New office will be equipped with complete set of instruments for examining eyes and fitting Masses. OPTICIAN Oculist's prescriptions tilled locally offers you convenience when adjustment or repair needed. CLiNTON OFFICE Monday 9.a.m. to 5.30 p.m. -* SEAFORTH OFFICE Balance of week, Idmaminminew,, CAMPBELL w SOUP 11 _ COMPANY LIMITED 'lo be our Representative in this +County, pleasant, dignified work with_top earnings, Full or part time. Repeat sales year after year, no lay offs, no slack seasons, age no barrier, car needed, Territories are filling fast, rush your name and addreg for -full information. No obligation. Development Director, Box 817, London Canada„ ••••1111,1[7.1.001104. WEEKLY SALE or-Aasseis Livestock Sales - Yards EVERY FRIDAY I F. le:L, Your home market where you aro erstataa Visitor. Gonsignor Qtivt0 Cream, Separator TTniveesai Millciran Maehine pewee,- fired Wagon • le ft. TN at Pa liaTr rack Grain inns bIls. 7.)Tixed (;raln 50 ten Loose, Mixed Hay 1700 haled T-Inv filx!Irxle eteck T),1,-hero .e "TT 017,,i• 0,11 Tinc,1" f I Terms Cash Cameron Walsh — Proprietor George Powell Harold JacksOW ` Clerk AuCtioneer Wit Watt" *OM DEAD STOCTS WANTED HIONES1 PRICIU PAID IN SURROUNDING DISTRICT, FOR DEAD, OLD, SICK OR DISABLED HORSES or PAT: 'L For Prompt, Sanitary DIspomg Day or Night erov Acheson ATWOOD ZENITH 3-4P' (No Toil CUM) Plant License No. 10-EP-02 Colleetitte Lice fee No. 1110 ?0 0-IriONE 42 misTsrsiisonaisaufmr7E2enno.— ORVAL HARRISON Brussels 3220 R. R. 1 teonkton ELECTRICAL CON4R4lliCTING RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR PROMPT GLARANTTIEL) SERVICE TV AND 1412ISTRIIC Ontarte 010040$04011.01%*01001111.11000411011401111106VVII MSIVISItMAISOMMISINAIIV RGAINS In keef and Dairy Feed WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP QUALITY, SERVICE, CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Week Day CBMETERY LEITTIIRING Yon, Guarantee ter Over 35 Years of R. A. SPOTTON 'horse 260, Wingharn inst4ailed, 'Molasses mixer . we are able to your grain, -and also make OUT Beef and Dairy feeds TOP' QUALITY, LOW • PRICED: Concentrate g and Rations With our newly to add niola.sess own GoOd Used. Oars can now be purchased for your . winter feeding requirments by contacting e ra ssociato for advice and assistance; tall year kid riaticrtil titiployinent Office lathed by authority til Horn Michael Siati, Minister of Laholir,Otriada ttELMAVE0,ONTARIO' Phone B' russets 388W10 Phone Winghain 1091 11rnise1s $, 027 lie 66 1