The Brussels Post, 1962-01-04, Page 8TH4 Wit Salk P0$T Phone .4,PA 74 AGENT aAXIM 1ri1 /4 111'4 ,4 :94,•••Pois..4014.44.1+44,0•Iy•••yr • 41 • , • 4.4, .4 • 2 g 44, "'N.. • .• rvq-, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Gaviller, McIntosh and Ward teoll Totopitorio Oolong Walkerton — smallness 433; d; E. ICaNNEDY, O. Ed., Ie. A. G. A, Cluoicrarit Marano& "...and this kind for Jimmy — he plays football in his sleep." TEX-MADE sheets—a type for every sleeper stock up now—at "WHITE SALE" prices! S I EFTS Made RIGHT...here in Canada DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY MUTED, 1956 SHERBROOKE ST. W., -MONTREAL airialinogiiiti." • With our newly installed, molasses mixer we are able CEntrpf 5-3331 1961 Cheveolet Belair with a.utornatic transmission 1959 Plymouth four-door Sedan 1958 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan 1958 Chevrolet Delttxe Sedan with radio 1957 Ford Sedan 6 cylinder 1111 , 1956 Oldsmobile Sedan with radio and autOntatic 1956 Plymouth Sedan V8 1958 Meteor Sedan 1955 Ford f2 Ton Pick-Up 1958 GIVIC y, Ton Pick-Up • l'iturettayi Juitus.try 40, 1i16.14 10.#UUvii Tots Sets -Velvet, Orion, etc. Children's Coats and Jackets Children's Coat Sets Children's 1 piece Suits Ladies Car Coats Ladies Coats Ladies Wool Dresses Men's Jarketz Boy's Jackets Less 20% ► Ledgers Diaries Statement Pads Envelopes Writing Pads Paper Fasteners owo .••••••.,.•........*14..1,4 mol," +1111 Day Books Journals Indexes Ball Pointed Pens Pccket Memo Books Counter Check Books r. ATTENTION FARMERS — Some Clnldrerrs Winter Sets & Mem jackets & Coats at /2 price To Our Friends We pause on the threshold of 1962 to express our gratitude to you - our friends and customers. One of the great joys of life is friendships,, and we like to think of our customers as friends. As an expression of our genuine appreciation of your friendship we wish you a New Year brimful of good things. ri ware empotogigmmmv,ummeotta :.1$gOOK Air, and. Mrs, Frank Smith and falrrtly Spent New Tears Nvith friends in 'Toren o. Mr and. Mrs. Allan Dunn and $0a Rickey, Kitchener, .spept ii,. holiday. week 'end with. 14.t.. and Mrs. Earl Daum, NOW VI •61.'8 visitors with lifr, and :qrs. ,Stahl-cy Fischer ineltuled Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Bill LOollau Nal Miss Penton NieRwettier, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jamieson, Kitchener, (Intended,for last -week). At the regular morning service in Knox Presbyteria-, Church combleted by Mr. E. (1, Nelson a 5010 wag F4 ,1111.7? by Till's, n;k1.lon. the evening at nine o'clock a tehristinni Eve (landle,ligtt sonde() was held. Members of the assisted in the sorvire. Mr. and Mr's. Harold Knight and Miss Helen ;Knight, Toronto -spent the .("hristmas•weelc-,nd at 111n home of Mrs. Gordon Mr. and .Mrs. Roy TIndson, Coder- spent CttrisfrnaA with their soll4n-law •and danghter, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cl.. Nelson at th, manse. and two slaters, Ms's. Annie Carter and Lucy, Mrs, George Ballaatne, and a brother, Will, all of Stratford district, Receipt Pads Type Writer Ribbons Red Ink Invoice Files 4.1 ••• 4 114.1.411•••••••••4404 404. 114••••••••••.4 • 0,441114 • V. 4 Hap/ay New Year To A 1 Cattle sprayed tor lice. Warm; water used. 'Gnaranteed•kill oru lice.„ Phone PA Brussels J. (Mac) Baelter, Skrip Washable Ink nlotting Paper I WANTED — International Riding Plows, one furrow. Wilfred Nicholson, Monkton, Ont. • .4 •••444 WAN'I'ED HiaHE61 tatRIGE 11 PAIRS ii SURROUNDING U/OTNICTS, -1 FOR DeAD, OLD, SICK Oli DISABLED HoRt3at5 or CArr',41, For Prompt, Sa,mitary ih Day or Night Cali Leroy Acheson ATWOOD ZENITH 34000 (No Till Charge) Plant License No. 10-ItP49 Catoctin e. Mamie No, gem CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY LTD. Listowel, Ont. F Aka Special Buy the $1.09 Economy Size Vicks Vapo Rub and get the attached Nebulizer Free. Rexall New Improved Triple Action Cough Syrup is Quick Acting 98c Bots. WAITI-04 Miss Ruth A. Rams, Reg. N„ Kitchener, and Ronald. Ennis Hamilton, with Mt. and -Mrs, Douglas Ennis; Mr. and •Mi.'s. ; Edward Smith, London, with Mr. and CUSTOM WORK WANTED — Cattle Spraying for lice. Satisfact- ion guaranteed. Lloyd Weber Phone 43237 Mrs. Roy Purcell The sudden death occurred on Friday at her home near Listowel, of Mrs. Roy Purcell, the former Gertie Alderson, of Cranbrook Interment took place on Tuesday. December 26. Mrs. Purcell' was the youngest daughter of the late Mr. end Mrs. 'Chas, Alderson. Besides 'her husband she Is survived by three sops from a previous marriage Mervin, Edwin, and Hartley Kreitzer, ATTEN CW1%1 CAP, ...1twYER$ ...Our Law Coat rinanelng one try surance PiAn -will help you make it better deal. BEFORE.' you buy tal): to us, GLENN M. RONNENEERti Monition — Phone 6474243 Brussels — Phone 65 Toilday aid Ireddry SMFTWS RECALL DRUG STORE Phone 62 y Brussels 441L.K444•14.•••••,...4. Mrs. Wesley C. Rackwell. Mat. and Require the services of a Senior Mrs, Edward Miller, with Mr. and. Shorthand Typist. Applicants must Mrs. Roy 'Tnrvey, Brussels. Stewart be capable shorthand typist with Brussels, with Mr. and n number of years of Office , Mrs. .Arthur 'McColl. Mr. and Mrs- extpetrience. Attractive salary, 1, a ,L wrence Marks, . Centralia, with Employees security benefits and, I = Mr. sari Russ Marks, Herb Kirkby', cafeteria facilities are available. ^ Chatham, with Mr: and Mrs, Douglas Applications should be addressed toy Kirkby and family, and Frank The Personnel Department, Kirkby, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin am family, Burford, with Mr. and J•••••• LOCAL MAN REQUIRED— 1 Ma's, -Cilarence Martin. Mr. and Mrs. To be our Representative in this iFrank Marshall and family, North County, pleasant,• dignified work •i Bay, -with. Mrs. Ella Marshall and with top earnings, Full or part time. 1 Mr. Fraser. M. and Mrs. • Horace Repeat sales year after year,-no lay Rutledge, and family, London, with offs, no slack seasons, alge no ;' the T-Impliries, Mr. and Mrs. Burke. barrier, car needed. Territories are .and family, Winghom, with Mr, and filling fast, rush your name and 1 ,A51,.s. Arthur McColl. Mr. and Mrs. address for full information, No I Nelson Reid and, Mrs. Ethel Hack- obligation, Development. Director, ; well, with • Mr. and Ma's. Rae I 'Box 817, London, Canada. 1 Houston and fainily. Mr, and Mrs. 14l,PZ.147•••••••••."1414 Robert Gordon. and Bill, Cranbrook, Going to need extra money for Mr, and Mrs. JerrieCardiff, Sarnia,. I LET AVON HELP SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM CHRISTMAS BILLS? i with Mr, and Mrs. Walter BroadfoOt, I I Mr. and Airs. Donald Gray, Bobble, I Linda. Stratford, with" Mr. and , Mrs, Can. 'Hey and family. Miss Norma I-lioegY, nurse-in-training at I 1 St. Mi.ary's Hospital, Kitchener, with ! 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford, her file Buchanan, Profitable territories available in Fibs"' Mass . i t I nurse-in-training, St. Mary's UN- Morris, Grey, Hullet and MoK111610 I pital, !Kitchener,' with her parents, 1 Mr. and M1CS. Donald Buchanan, Vick Uhler, Sioux Lookout, with his parents Mr, and Mrs, Ernie Uhler. Jerry Dressler with Mrs Ethel Ennis. Mir" mid Mrs. Mel Culbert, GOderich, 1 'i and I.ew 'Colbert, Stratford, with 1 ills'. ;led Mrs, Fred Culbert, Mi', and Mrs. J. Lease and fantily, With Mr. 1 and Mrs. R. Prager, Galt, Mr, and I i I Mrs. Welter -Shortreed, Blyth, with I Mr. and MIN. 'Clifford Ritchie. Mr. iand Mrn, James 'CoattS, Mr. and I Mrs, Wm, N;Tilhee, and Mr. and, 1 Mrs. Roy Bennett. Waiten, with Mr. i and Mr's. Wm, Coutts. Mr. and Mrs. i Georg . Hibbert and family With , frields in Mount Forrest, Mr. and. Mrs. Wm, Mauler with Miss Marl, i Than-yet% Seaforth. Mr, and Mira. I Walter Beiwley and family with -hie'. and Mrs, John Yttill, Brussels., ' Carl C'otqts, London, v"^"` Mr, and 'Mrs, Earl C,otitts, London. with Alit. I and Mrs. Audie Cptitts, Mr, and ! Mrs. Edward MeCreatb with Mn'. tirticl Mrs, Earl Coutts, Toronto. i with Mr^. and Mrs. A. Coutts and Curl With Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Smith. Mr. and Mate, Gordon i Murray and Susan with the telper family. Mr and Mr's. 'John McLiwaiti, / Smforth. I'vtr. and. Mrs, ,David Ffackwcil, Stratford., 'with Mir, at& Mi^S. 3orrio Ryan. Miss Rion Ryan 'Reg. N., Montreal, With Ma', and VIM, Lawrence iRan. Townships. Car necessary. Write. Mrs. E. Bell, 84' ALBERT ST. WATERLOO or phone collect SH. 5-0751 before 8.30 a,m. ..4••••••••••••4... WEEKLY SALE trusIs Livestock Sales Yarde iF rERY FRIDAY 1 R. Your home market. whsro pass asrakta..z., Visitor, Coneioner cw ORGMBEI" r- tW14414.4440NINNWINIA4N1.2.4.4;ryg 04,4;4 .ikl Canado'F Capital, Elgin Boulevard at Laurier 4.0 Outside Rooms - Free Wand Radio Air-Conditioned Lounges FREE PARKING FOR REGISTERED GUESTS' i:AMILY PLAN 13oorn Rates: 7Prigte 47 50.=19125 V Clio January session of Huron COunty Council will be field at Goderich on January 16th, comtnencing at 2N60 p.m. Doubles $10412.30 1 All communications in Connection therewith must be in, the hands of the Clerk not later than 'Friday, Sanuary 12, 1062', at 12:00 noon. JOHN C. BERRY, Clerk-Treas., Comity of Huron, Cloderich, Ontario. to add Irnolasess own 41••• ..4•44444.144 to your grain, and also make ours \Beef and Da,:ry feeds TOP. QUALITY, LOW PRICED 44:44s 4..4... 0.444.k Concentrates lid Rations c. now rbe purchased foe your winter 'feeding requirMents deriffargf r;-- e A MD"Vii wiau rig C EPANY W114 contact dag ss+ca ton LISTOWEL WILL SHORTLY REQUIRE, ADDITIONAL 'FEMALE VA, PLOVEES IN- ti E ANT BOTH' #ULL. AND' PA'R'T TIME., Attractive Wages, eedLIN benefits and cafeteria. iabiltiki are APPLICANTS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNt4 4 DEPARTMENT 411111111111111111111111111111.11, Katie 13)4ticisels U8W10 Phone Wingliatin 100 001101610601— 11101' 'renders will he recesreci by the undersigned until Friday, JJanuary 12.00 noon fort ;1 One id Wil'n,..,Ler sound projector land screen, be its-Nit for Instruct- ional purposes. Speuifieotions for tenders Must be Seetired freiii M. Tt., MacDonald, Cellar 06',Ordttid,tdr, ; tbdeilleh. If any Are, retliiired l'iteaSe teiittlet Mr. 'I Maerrientild 3k 4410, trAlVeSt Or' any tetilitof flat iliSte1.14 sari 1y nedetifed, ct. Mitt*, County of Midi, - POfiateelt, Ont4itte,,