HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-12-14, Page 7OIL FROM THE OCEAN — Farthest offshore oil drilling in- stallation is this platform 70 miles off Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico, Built by CATC (a group of four oil companies), it rises 229 feet above the water, which is 180 feet deep at this point. The tender alongside the rig holds the pipe and other drilling gear and provides eating and sleeping quarters for the crew. Platform at aft end is for helicopters. lie was hunting deer, and as he approached a raspberry growth this animal leaped about 36 feet in the air and bounded away through the woods. .Anybody might think the best way to prove this unusual event would be to shoot the animal and 'bring it forth, There is na law Maine on kangaroos, Teta thing;; don't happen, that way, When YOU are hunting deer and a .k.an- garoo. jumps up, it .kind of un- nerves you, and even the most accomplished woodsman would fail to shoot, There has never been. a case Maine where a hunter, expecting a deer but see- ing a kangaroo, has shot one. The experienced Maine woods- man has, it is true, an inner sense that lets him judge the die- ferences. When he hears some- body tell about seeing a long- eared black panther, 'with hind legs like a seal, he feels inwardly that the man has probably mis- taken an ordinary fisher. These things can happen and do, Not that a fiSher barks like a seal, but that such a bark is inconsis- tent with a panther, But when a reputable gentle- man with no personal reason for misrepresentation comes in and describes an animal with a knot in his tail, the usual Maine woods probability of error is im- mediately eliminated, If the kan- garoo had been bearing a knap- sack, or the alleged cougar had been strumming a guitar, this same consideration would apply, Such things, in short, are not made up or imagined.—By John Gould in the . Christian Science Monitor. "HIGH" WAY—Residents of Piedmont often take a second ,look when Dwight. Strickland pedals by on his self-fashioned bicycle. The 12-year-old finds riding more like running. Frogmen Get Their Own Code of Signs When a frogman spots a shark or some other dangerous creature he can't shout to warn his under- sea companions. Instead he makes an upward sweep with an extended' thumb. But sharks aren't the only snags that flippermen encounter. Realizing this, an American sci- entist has devised a eomplete alphabet of twenty-six letters for use by frogmen. ` A thought is expressed by a single movement instead of the slow and laborious spelling out of each word in this underwater vocabulary, About six two-hour lectures are required for frogmen to learn the alphabet; Only one hand need be used to 'make the twenty-six letters, The man who invented the sys- tem is Dr, Peter Wisher, head of the Physical. Education Depart- ment of Gallaudet College, New York, the world's only college fps the deaf. Winters Are Warmer Than They Used To Be Summer is past and the voice of the old-timer is heard in our land, recalling the blizzard of '88 and the "good old clays" when winters were really bad. Well, the old-timers are right, According to a survey released last month by the National Geo- graphic Sbetety, winters aren't what they used to be, A warm- frig trend, possibly a reflection of earth's emergence from the last ice age, has been evident since 1900: The mockingbird, a South- ern bird, now sings to New Yorkers; codfish, once unknown to Greenland, is now a staple there; in Sweden, the timberline has climbed 55 leet. Within this over-all trend, litt*ever, the, society sees minor fluctuations. The earth is now going through one such at pre- sent. Forecast for the next fee, winters: Slightly colder through 1965. DRESS REHEARSAL --. Wearing plastic "surgical" suits to' ensure rticiXirturn cleanliness,. workmen preittlee' loa d ingd.. simulated fuel cell obaard the nuclear merchant ship '5CiVidri., hall, The cell is identical, to the 'red tells, 32" of Which Will be loaded to power the ship at ii later date, The eiCtucel 'fuel., irt§" Will take about .foUe libUri. MEDICAL POST'S .ECZEMA. SA‘YE BANISH the torment mono rashes and WeePlee skin troubles. POWs Eczema Salve ,will not disappoint you Itching scalding And burning ecze- PIE1, gene, ringworm, pimples and root eczema will respond readily to thos stainless, odorless ointment regardloss of how $1.1.1bborn or hopeless they seem. ;sent Fost Free, on Receipt of PrIca PRICE, 53 40 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St Cialr Avenue East TORONTO GOOD ADVICE( EVERY SUFFERER • OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS $1.101,1LO TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect MONEY TO LOAN LOANS to Puy a business or farm. T18 improve and expand. Business and feria debts consolidated, payments reduced. Equipment notes refinanced. Can invest In your business, inactive partnership basis. All-Canada. Symington Field, 57 Bloor St. W., Toronto, WA. 1.4022, OF INTEREST TO WOMEN PHEASANT SKINS, $1.00 each, these are processed and ready for plucking to make your own beautiful feather hats. Mrs. Rufus Hollingsworth, Woon- socket, South Dakota. 10 INCH MERLITE Fry Pant The non, stick skillet, Dupont teflon coating lets you cook without shortening, or fats, Easy to clean, specially treated surface. Postpaid $5.00. Amodio, 1648 first 14th Street, Brooklyn 29. New York. OPPoRTuNI I IES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession. good wages. Thousands 01' successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 356 Bloor St W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St W„ Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL HYGENIC RUBBER GOODS TESTED guaranteed, mailed in plain parcel, including catalogue and sex book free with trial assortment, 18 for $ Otr0s0, Box tFinesat4.TqupaFI g quality) Di stribu• 1. Regina, Sask. PROPERTIES FOR SALE OWNER offers Beautiful revenue pro-during garden property on Paved road. House all conveniences. Age forces sale.Particulars: Win. Brethour, Sev-ern Bridge, Ontario. STAMPS FREE mint Africa set and 5 U S. com-mems., with approvals Litho, Box 5i, Canoga Park, Calif. TIMBER WANTED HIGHEST prices paid for standing elm. timber Apply McAllister Mills, 200 Cardigan St., Geulph. Phone Guelph T.A. 2.9351, TRADE SCHOOLS ACETYLENE, electric welding end Argon courses, Canada Welding, Ca n., non and Balsam N., Hamilton. Shop LI, 4-1284. Res. LI. 5.6283, ELECTRONICS Evening classes in radio, television color automation. Transistors and semi conductors, Visit or write Radio Elec-tronic Television School, 725 Dundee, London,, GE. 3-2001. WELDING EQUIPMENT WELDING Machines, Electric, Used, Good Condition, Very Reasonable. May be seen or picked up at Saltfleet Equipment, Belgraden Avenue. Stoney Creek. Norman 4.4461- WANTED — EGGS FLOCKOWNERS WANTED to supply hatching eggs weekly on a yearly be-, cis. Large premium paid over market price. Apply, Box Number 243, 123 18th St„ New Toronto, Ontario. That R04;06911 • .Con B,e Useful Too 110e much radiation is too ,ceech radiation? That is what severnment end 'other experts ere attempting to determine, le the meantime, • the radiel- egiceti health division of the US, public Health Service is trying unnecessary fears And panic and shed as much light as is pnsaible on a murky subject, Radiation. itself is nothing new, Men have been exposed to ite tbraughout the Ages., Dr, Donald. Chadwiek, ehief of the radiol- ogical health division, puts it this way: "Wfankind has always lived -with radiation—from cosmic rays originating in outer space and from natural radio-activity in the environment." Added to this in recent years has been the radiation which comes from "more widespread use of medical and dental X rays, fallout from nuclear weapons testing, and some aspects of nu- clear energy production," Dr. Chadwick points out. The government now is ern- barked on an extensive program of research into the effects of radiation and such countermeas- ures as can be taken against excessive exposure, in the meantime, authorities emphasize that "the actual and potential benefits man may de- rive from the controlled use of ionizing radiation are manifold." Nuclear power, with adequate safeguards, may be the world's answer to dwindling supplies of coal and oil, it may be the source of needed power for more elec- tricity in homes and factories, It may be used to excavate harbors, develop water sources, heat reservoirs, and mine low- grade ore. It is even now being used to heat and light cities, to propel submarines and merchant ships. Radioactive isotopes are . now widely used in medicine, in in- dustry, and in agriculture,' So far, according to the PHS formation booklet,. the most. in- tensive exposure to ionizing radiation has 'come from the use of X rays by the health profes- sions. Now that the adverse effects of over-exposure are understood, "concerted effort is now being applied by these professiOns to reduce, as far as possible, the exposure of individuals under- going X-ray diagnosis and treat- ment," It is readily admitted that there. is still much to be learned about radiation and its effects,. but it is obvious that mankind is going to have to live with it—and live With it in safety. Toward this end, the govern- ment has now' developed two different processes for removing strontium 90 from milk. As much as 98 per cent of the radioactive material can be removed in this way. It has not yet been decided which oft the two processes will prove most practical for industry or how much this extra process- ing may add to the cost, This development is considered of particular importance since milk is such a substantial part of the national diet. And also be- cause strontium 90, wherever it winds up, remains radioactive STILL SWINGING — Slugger Mickey Mantle continues swinging with power, only this time with a golf club in Las Vegas. Whitey Ford (in back- ground) checks Mickey's form and distance. for as many as 27 years, writes Josephine Ripley in the Chistian Science Monitor, This fallout comes to earth on pastures where cattle graze and thus enters into the country's milk supply. But Public Health Service au- thorities stress again and again that there is no danger from this source at this time. They do not want the public to misunderstand the situation and stop drinking milk. "We are not recommending any action by individuals or by official agencies designed to limit intake which would interfere with food and water supplies of large population groups. The amount of radiation is not suffi- ciently high to justify any such action," according to one au- thority, Hunters See Some Strange Critters Although game in the Slate of Maine is abundant, it is not in excessive variety, and when a gentleman comes out of the Woods and reports that he has seen a large green animal .with butter - colored spots, shaped something like a wapiti, but with the head of a Greek Auk, there is a tendency to look upon the report askancely. In Maine, however, one does n o t appear incredulous, f o r strange things do happen in the woods, and odd animals do get seen. After all, the great John James Audubon painted several birds nobody ever saw except John Jariies Audubon, The biol- ogist will therefore approach this whole subject with an open mind. Instead of hawThawing at the gentleman who has just reported seeing this strange and wonder- ful beast, you will, instead, merely say, "Is that so? What kind of a tail did he have?" just recently a hunter up around Linneus reported seeing an unusual sight. It has the head of a cougar, he said, but is about three times as long as an otter, although no bigger around than a weasel. The gentleman said it slunk from spruce growth into the shadows behind a yellow birch, and he was so astonished at the sight he forgot to shoot at it. Somebody said, "What kind of a tail did it have?" "That's the funny part," the man said. "It had a long, skinny bail, with a knot tied in the end of it." Now, you see, what is going on here is a fact-study in the area . of twilight imagination, Coming back from the chase, alert fora deer or partridge, the hunter is psychologically set up for about anything. The vesper may gently sway the forest, so two trees rub their limbs together in what is known as a "tree-squeak." This may be a rustle, a squawk, a chatter, a whine and a groan — but whatever noise it makes it can suggest about anything to the eager sportsman. Sometimes they empty their guns into a fir stump and run for camp claim- ing they shot a bear, Again, the "animal" they saw may be less credible, like a kangaroo or roseate spoonbill, But when a gentleman reports an animal which has a knot tied in the end of its tail, you know it's tactful not to ask too many questions. The upshot was, when the man described the knot in the tail, that Herbert MacQuarrie spoke Up and said, "Oh, yeah—that was my cat." And the explanation is very simple. Mn MacQuarrie is by profession a timber cruiser for the Oberton Pulp Sz. Paper Company, and he has a small camp' in on Slumgullion Stream. One evening after a day in the woods he had made his supper and put down some evaporated milk in a dish for the cat, Then, just behind the cat, he sat and cleaned his .45-70 bear rifle, which accidentally discharged, The cat, taken by surprise, leaped up and went outdoors through a knot-hole in the side of the camp, which of course ac- counts for her subsequent elon- gation, But that's not all of the story, Several evenings later, Mr, MacQuarrie came home and found that the cat had sneaked in through the Idiot-hole and had laid into a brace of spruce par- tridge he had intended to use for supper. So, to keep the cat from corn- leg and going by the knothole, he had simply tied a knot 14 her tail. In Other words,- the halite actually had seen this creature, end it'wasn't a strange animal at all. Nor is it odd that nobody evet sheets One of these sights. At North. Leeds,: not long ago, a gentleman came Out of the wools and Said he had seen a kangaroo, AGENTS WANTED sALESMEN, PSALEItS. AGENTS WAN 'rED to sell Inerchanelee slid drede et outstanding lines For eases, Apple Box No see 123 18th Street New Toronto .4)at MEN to start own soap, detergent and bleach routes in rural areas. ?adieu. ler interest to parties now ;Pro- tected territories, good returns, high quality products only. Old established manufacturer Give etunrnary in your first letter Lily, .Box 101, Scarborough, Ont. BABY CHICKS & POULTRY' THE SHAVER STAIICROSS 2311 layer Is making a significant contribution to Canada's export trade and is now sold In 28 countries abroad. Achievements 01 Canadian agriculture are web knew' abroad, and the profitable and reliable Performance of SHAVER STARCROSS 288 Is further adding to this repute, Don Perhaps you've not tried this Out. standing layer vet; this is a good year to do so There's an authorized Shaver distributor near you, or write for prices and catalog to. Shaver Poultry Breed. lee Farms Ltd., Box 400G. Galt, Ontario. New Facts About "Athlete's Heart"' If anyone worked to develop an enlarged and overstrained "athlete's heart" is was Clarence DeMar, In his lifetime, wispy and frail-looking DelVlar, who won the Boston Marathan seven times, ran 1,000 road races—in- cluding 100 marathons of 25 miles or, more, As a young man, DeMar had been told he had a heart murmur: yet he ran his last marathon — 26 miles — in 1954, when he was 66 (he finish- ed 78th in a field of 135) and his last race (only 9 miles) a year before his death, June 1958. Cause of death; Not heart dis- sease, but cancer. DeMar's amazing stamina had been probed as early as 1953 by two Boston heart specialists, Dr, Paul Dudley White and Dr, James H. Currens. When the marathoner died, they were per- mitted to perform an autopsy, last month, in the New England Journal of Medicine, they re- vealed what seemed the secret of his durability, The arteries which fed oxygen-rich blood to his heart "were two or three times the normal diameter," al- though the heart itself was of normal size (about three-fourths of a pound). A "moderate" amount of fat lined the artery walls, but not enough to begin to block the outsize blood con- duits. Their conclusion: Regular strenuous exercise does not weaken the heart, and "prob- ably" makes the arteries "in- crease in size to care for a larger demand in blood flow," How Can I? By Roberta Lee Q. How can I remedy a pair of gloves when some of the fing- ers are a bit to tight for com- fortable wearing? A, Insert a clean, cold curling iron into each finger. Open the iron slightly to stretch gently, pulling the iron out slowly at the same time to avoid "fan" shaping of the fingertips of the gloves. Q. How can I renovate used Christmas wrapping paper, rib- bons, and the like, which I have saved from past Christmases? A. With a damp sponge, wipe the ribbons and the paper on the wrong side, then iron them — and you'll have "new-looking" package decorations. Q. Any suggestions on the making of good'stew? A, Be sure to brown the meat on all sides in a little fat before adding any liquid. Chopped 'on- ions may be added during the browning process, if you like. Add other vegetables to the stew just long enough before the meat is tender so that they will not be overdone in the finished product, ISSUE 50 — 1961 Apt...ay CHICKS AHD POULTRY , — — BRAY has available, for early egg pro- dectIon, 6.18 week old Amee and Other ,good pullet varietiee. Da olds haicfre4 to order,Book yope nest let broilers now. See Weal agent, or write BRAY Hatchery, 120 John North, tiontIltpn, Ont. age U. & N. ""Nisi E Chicks," winner of the most random sample tests tor pre- lit per hen housed, from Logsdon 111&N Hatcheries Ltd., Seaforth, Ont, phone e58. BUSINESS PROPERTIES PP.8 SALE,: . „ , . BILLIARD Nom in the heart of the nickel mining industry, Well establish. Rd for over 20 years, Completely equipped with 5 standard snooker tables practically new Good revenue year-round. No opposition. Also barber shop. it is a gold mine for a good barber. No drifters please, Cash or terms. Write Gerson Billiards. P.O. Box 123, Garcon, one WOODWORKING BUSINESS MANUFA.CTURING window sash. Year-1Y turnover $50,000, Net profit in ex- cess of $7,500, after all wages. Price of $18,900 includes new 5-bedroom home, 30x60 shop and all equipment along with additional 1,548 feet of storage space. $9,000 down, balance on 1 mortgage at Oct. Investigate this lucrative opportunity, }T. Keith Ltd., Realtor EM. 4-4610, Orangeville, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MOTEL, modern, 1.8 units, each con-taining TV, radio, phone, bath and shower. Selling price includes 2 winter. ized cottages and completely modern 3-bedroom bungalow. Located in Perri-broke-2 minutes drive to centre town. wOeilel uhpaa:deyie.rate about 70(7, Triple A rating. High net profit, $75,000 down P.. .1 Brennan, Realtor; 304 Pembroke St. V. Pembroke, Ontario, DOGS' FOR SALE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL — Registered American Cocker Spaniel puppies. Champion bloodlines, all colors. Males $25, females $20. George ?lege, Al- monte, Ont. FARM HELP WANTED — MALE MARRIED man, fully experienced, cap, able of taking charge of herd, for year. round employment on dairy farm Sep, crate living quarters for small family, Heat, electricity, milk supplied, Apply stating wages and size of family, Mel, yin J ILR 3, Carp, Ontario. FLORIDA VACATION RESORTS DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. ATLANTIC SEASIDE COURT FOR ideal vacation, swimming, fishing and plenty of warm sunshine and fun. Come to Florida. For information, write to Pauline and Joe McKay, 3119 South Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach, Florida. FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS SALT AND PEPPER SHAKER with Grace on it, $1.00 postpaid. Cahill, 4385 West 49th Street, Cleveland 9, Ohio. FALLOUT SHFLTFRS e6% of the country will survive — if they have a place to go. CALL: KERNOHAN LUMBER Days GE 2-3896 Ev'gs, GE 2.6197, GE 9.5522 620 Adelaide St., London FREE. 1 pair men's week socks, I. pair men's fancy socks or 1 pair ladies' nylon hose with every 5 pairs of each kind purchased, not at the regular retail price of $1.25 per pair, but at our mail order price of.850, .750 and ,790 per, pair, Postage Paid. Goods returned if not satisfactory. Free catalogue list-ing hundreds of merchandising lines. TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING CO. FERGUS 11, ONTARIO HELP WANTED FEMALE DIETICIAN REQUIRED immediately for 105 - bed hospital. 40-hour week. Salary corn• mensurate with qualifications and ex-perienee. Apply Administrator St. An- Hospital, Midland, Ont. HELP HELP WANTED MALE MALE Help Wanted. Good positions. Office workers, male and female' farm managers, farm workers, truck drivers, managers for, other departments; also more than 100 men with $100 invest. ment, earning 7%, either working or silent. Apply Harold G. Dales, 3664 Howard, Roseland, Windsor. Phone 969-0687 HORSES FOR SALE PONY or Horse for yoUr child: Safe equipment and reliable books on the handling of animals: Ideal Xmas gifts at 3 "C" Ranch, Flying Goose Farm, Erindale, Phone 826.3533. INVESTMENTS 8% GUARANTEED And secured, With no collection, Invere tory or management problems. Interest and principal quarterly, Call or write, Income Investments Ltd., 42 James N.. Hamilton, IA. 7-4558. • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MERRY MENAGERIE "Surely, Myrtle, you can tuee derstend why our love Won't last!" BIGGEST WITH THE FASTEST— Nuclear-powered USS Enterprise, 83,000-ton flattop, has been commissioned at Newport News, drid it described us the biggest, fastest, moss Powerful Warship ever built.