HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-12-14, Page 5iimmumnium SAVE YOURSELF THE. INCONVENIENCE OF AN ACCIDENT Make sure your snow tire treads are good. Carry tire chains in your trunk. Have brakes balanced and make sure the steering system's in shape for winter. Install anti-freeze. Check windshield wipers to make sure you'll see where you're going. Heaters and defrosters should work properly; so should headlights and tail lights. And do you recall any news stories about carbon monoxide poisoning? Check your exhaust system for leaks. Get your ear in shape for winter now. You might save yourself the inconvenience of an accident. 11 lbs.of easy cutting( economy the new Remington BANTAM ADL CHAIN SAW Famous Remington Workmanship and Qualify • MORE SAW FOR THE MONEY AT: Bryans Welding Equipment •PRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 15 Built for men who appreciate reliability, speed, comfort and above all, good value! • S /7.11m.11.1,011mio OflioiMoot type of home yeti helve red Mellor where 1414 , SVO l• ()world enjoy Vito winter, mono • if • yot4o tabixio1i,opt snug nd warmwifft, CO-Cif Vititgi4,0 /*it Ott; 0,101•44.6 h44.0tot sign Ae.tfifiithot h,totk, Eigto oatifoidooc, Soto iwtot.A# '.'''Oect001 *t tea, •ftftkajiraeit ti•ibth 441141400 ge•Utt i. I 460444 {iieiei Wt. the * it it 4440 !ii 41•400;utielh °Ma* lieWeSill SOHO* CeSolikekii0 ELGRAV BELGRAVE new* *Ingham 000-W th • 38SW10 The Roll. Call was answered by an exchange of !Christnias gifts by the MetriberS, Th e mitinteS Were read and approved. A disonssion cericerii- ing the t!oster Parent Plan Was then held. It was decided to join in with' 8 or 4 more Institues rather than take it on in the one club. This Was to be taken '1:IP at the first of the 'Now Year, Mrs, Samos Breilitier took the topic "I.ct us put Christ back into ,Cliristinas," Mrs. Mae McIntosh 'then led On caret Singing In the absenee of Me, Nelson. Mrs. Gordon :Knight read the topid which lAe had prepared. The theme ', of topic was "Ohristmas Theme Me,?agage." Mrs. Milan Ducluirme gave a most 3hforesti ng demons tration on the 'Inaidng of chocetates, A deIlefotta hitich •tittilt4 by that mitiute§, sowed w Mr& 1 /41aiiiir McDonald ti,hd MO: Maher; • Phone f% users 32004 1,1rteolo mwssigs P.M* Thursday, 1,101, 13(.11 -ttt tn."- 4.71. -0.0ttt ttt. Att• t ,„ • IN 'MEMORIAM 1D-WwKR — In toying tnemory of a dear wire. mother. and grand. another, Teresa U. i3rower, Whe • passed away Dec. 12; 1060, We are sad within our memory. Lonely are our hearts to-day" For 'the one, we loved so dearly Hite been, forever called away. We think Of her la silence No eye can see us weep, But many silent tears are shed When ethers are asleep, ,Lovingly remembered by her. husband. Bill and ,family„ Al and dietty aCitchen and granddaughter Dianne, "e, ew inericzoln ate!, Brussels N D W Accepting Reservations For Parties Wedding Receptions Banquets' Club Meetings Private Dining Room WE WILL BE PLEASED TO DISCUSS ARRANGEMENTS WITH YOU Our New Year's Date Is Available dir eRusse4s, MORRIS 4 .GREY MUNIOIPAi. TE,14R•119.NE •§Y?TEM. .f3AT.KS,1 To Be.:Effective. January 1st, 19.0a, RATE PER MQNTH BUS, RE4, Private Lino 3.85 0,30' Two-Party Line 3,35 3.1.0 Aluttl-Party Line (10 or lessl 2,85 Multi-Party Line (11 or mom 2,70 The above rates for individual 4)r two-party service will apply only' within the Base Rate Area which is deseribed as being wirbin the limits Of the Village of Brussels, If individual or two party service is required beyond these limits, excess circuit •Oharges. will apply. Th e above rates include the supply of a modern handset Telephone, Where old type wall sets are still in use, a reduction of thirty-five cents per month will apply. Supplementary Rates: Extension Telephone (Same premises) Bus. 1.35 per mth, Res, 1,25 per mth. CRANBROOK Thie annual Christmas Tree and C'foncert will be held in the Corn- 1 munity Centre on Friday evening, Dec. 22nd. Alfa Recent visitors at thie home of Mrs. Jas. Noble were Mr and. Mrs. Stuart Noble, their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Beirnes, all of .Guelph;. Knox Church W.M.S. .30 per 'nth. ,40 per mth. .65 per mth. fs Portabl e extension equipment — each jack TIxtension, bell — small — large access circuit beyond Bare Rate Area per 1/4 mile or fraction .liereof Individual line Two-party line (each party) .45 per Inth. .25 per mth, IN MEMORIAM SWYPZER — In loving memory of ray dear husband,' Leslie George Switzer,. who passed away six years ago on December 19th, 1965, There's a road we call remembrance' Where our thoughts and 10010 meet. 'We take the road thought to-day For the one we cannot greet. Dearer still as the years depart Your memory lives within our hearts 'With tender love and deep regret. We who loved you will never forget, Sadly missed by wife Jane and. daughter Grace and grandchildren Less and Gaye. CHESTERFIELDS, PIANOS Various 2', piece chesterfield, suites up to $240:00, ;Now clearing 2 piece suites only $159.00. Trade in your old suite. Also good variety of "Kroehler" rockers,etc; cedar chests, hampers, hassocks. New and used Pianos in stock. Ciodfr, y Schuett Furniture Showrooms (each side main street) Mildmay, Ont Driving conditions are worse in winter— winterize your driving as well as your car Highway Safety Branch ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Hon. H. L. Rowntree, Q. C., Minister /WINTERIZE kDRIV ING YOUR %am elf , IN MEMORIAM WHITTARD Ixj, loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Sarah E. Iwbittard whO passed away two years ago, Dec. 13th, 1959, Though sweetly 'neath your velvet turf Yoirve slept the calendar away, I do not think of you a, dead, For in jmy heart you, live to-day, Sadly missed by husband IN MEMORIAM WHITTARD — In loving memory of a dear mother, and grand- mother, Sarah E. Whittard who passed away two year ago, Dee. 13th, 1959 We do not need a speCial clay, To bring you to our mind For the days we do not think of you. Are very hard to find, God knew that you were suffering That the hills Were hard to climb, So He closed your weary eyelids And whispered peace be thine. Looking back with loving memory, Upon the path . you trod,. We bless the years we had with you And leave the rest with God. Lovingly remembered by son Earl and June and Grandchildren. The following is part of tile authority of .Order No. 321 dated, Mon- • daY, the 20th day of November, A. D. 1950, of the Ontario Telephone Authority. This, Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church held their December meeting at the ITICILS6 with an attendance of 12. '"fh,e Road to Bethlehem" was the theme of the special Cihilstmas pr 0 ., ran.) presided over by Mrs. Alex Steiss. Christmas music was played by Mrs. Steiss. Mrs. Earl Dunn gave th e Glad Tidings prayer. A reading "Living Sermons" was read by Mrs, John Sehnock, The C,hristreas Story from Luke 2:1-17, Was read alternately and the meditation; on it read by Mrs. Mac Engel. "Star of tli(e East" was) sung ac n special number. "Wha.t are we Cjemistian Women doing about Christrnas?" was read by Miss Alice J. Forrest. Mrs. Gordon Knight read the current events. 'The topic, "The "'Pil e Christmas Message" was read by Mrs. E. G. Nelson. Mrs. Stanley Fischer, president, presided for the business. The January meeting will, be at the home of Mrs. Dick Brad- shaw: A bhristm,as verse was given in response to roll call. Mrs. Knight presided for 04 election of officorFT and Mrs. Wilfred Strickler acted as secretary. The offiders for 196 . 21 are: President ,... Mrs. Stanley Fischer Vice ,Pres. Mrs. Alex Steiss Treas. Mrs. Jo Perrie Secretary Gordon Knight Supply Sec, Mrs, John Schnock Glad Tidings Sec, Mirs, Fred Smalldon, Lit, & Mb. Sec, .... Mrs Earl Dunn, Welcome & Welfare Mrs. Lynn, Evans Pianist Mrs. Alex Steiss Asst. Pianist Miss Forrest Auditors Mrs.. Nelson Mrs. Earl Dunn. Press Reporter .... Ms's. Mac Engel C.O.C, Leaders ....... ,..,. Mrs. Gordon Engel, Mrs. Stuart Stevenson The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. Sandwiches, Christ- mas Cake and Cookies and tea were served, by the hostess, Miss Perrest and Mrs. Bradshaw, cranbrook W.I. The December meeting of the Oranbrook Welnien's Institute was held in the Cenrimunity Centre on Tuesday evening, December 5th. The Meeting opened by singing the opening ode and repeating thb Mary Stewart Collect and the Lord's Prayer. THE A;i7THOR,ETY MITERS, that under and in pursuance of Section 80 of "The Telephone Act, 1954" (5. 0. 1954, Ciha.pter 94,•as amended :)y S. 0. S. 1955. Clueptei 88) the Commissioners for the telephone system of the 'Municipalities " or the Village of Brussels and the 'Townships of Morris and Grey, known as the Brussels 'Morris and 7.4rey Municipal Telephone System. be authorized to make the follow- na charges for telephone service, .:1ffective January 1st, 1957. when you feed PIONEER-CAFETERIA DAIRY FEEDS Supplements or Complete Feeds for CASH for VOLUME for BULK DELIVERY Come in and talk over our new pricing arrangement for Fall, 1961. Pioneer-Cafeteria Dairy Supplements and Com- plete Dairy Feeds have what it takes to get EXTRA pounds of milk out of your cows ... from the end of the first week of feeding to the end of their lactation periods. Here's why. Pioneer-Cafeteria dairy rations give cows a high level of Vitamin "A", which improves herd health . . and healthy cows make more milk than cows that are slightly "off color." Also, Pioneer-Cafeteria dairy rations give cows an extra- - high level of Vitamin D-2, which assures proper assimilation of minerals, and is your best form of insurance against milk fever.. Cows on. Pioneer-Cafeteria rations don't "milk themselves thin," even though they are producing extra milk . because they get all the necessary nutrients in their feed and don't have to draw from their bodies. Even at regular prices, Pioneer-Cafeteria dairy feeds are the "best buy" on the market. At today's reduced prices, they're -a BARGAIN. Cattle Feeders Ask about today'S favorable prices on Pioneer-Cafeteria 32% gest Cattle Supplement with Stilbestrol and "Tan-Q tranquilizer. Also Warble-Kil and Cattle Puritone. They're GOOD. Ootttrito R. alrt I Prop. Zu B