HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-12-14, Page 4HOW TO BEAT A SKID — If you're 'going too fast when you skid, the car won't always respond to the wheel. When in doubt — slow down! If you start to skid, turn the O front wheels in the direction of the skid. Don't brake and don't accelerate. Remember skidding is more apt to occur when the tamperature is about 32 degrees than when it's colder. Om. MED a.. NINO MINI MOM Thursday, December 14th4 001 • TIM 1311M1 LS POST • Morris Twp. Council 1 Aati" mount 1 g 5'" stewlixt vrocter INWO 4 ROOTO Clerit REGULAR AS CLOCKWORK • Saturday Excursions to ws6=4-44.7.7-.% The 'Connell, met 04 December 4, whit all the members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and aadopted on Motion Qt ,14k3. Mail' and Walter Shortreed. Moved by Walter Shortreed, SOO, onded by Win. Elston that 13y,law No. 16, 1981, setting the rate' ter Tile Drainage Loan No. 18, be passed, I as read, ) — Carried Moved, by Ross Smith, seconded by Ias, Muir that the road accounts as presented by the Road Superinten- me S.t,..3*4.4..ly only, exc ursion tw;co year you Will receive your interest cheques When you, invest in .0, British Arottgage Contranteed Certificate, Ii NORTH HURON, HOI,,P ANNUM., MEETING North Htl'On C..a.unty Orange 14043 met in Wingham, Dec. 0t1i fOr its annntlal meeting, the best attended meeting for several years, hear d of the activities of the lodge through its work in charity and etestantism, from retiring County Master Harvey Jacklia, of Brussels. The treasurer reported a Sneces, sfui year and and additional $125 was dent he paid divided between the Orange Child- pst.t.iu — Moved by WM, Elston, seconded, I rev's Home and local welfare work, I Past County Master Wm, Campbell n by Walter Shortreed that the general conducted the election of officers, I id accounts as presented be pa. assisted by Bros. Cooper and Good ping and return return fare from BRUSSELS $4.80 COrreSpAndi, from Intermediate Points, :AGENTS . interest for any period from 3 to 10 years paid from the day your investment is reColved in our office, 696! To invest see your local agent or send us your cheque. British Mortgage Certificates are approved for trust funds. l papaya Blundell of IGOderich. Bro. Ross Moved by Ross Smith seconded by Errington, West Waymnoshs school teacher, and a resident of St, Helens was chosen by acclamation to be the 41st County Master of NoriA Huron, Other officers are: Pep, C,o. Master, Robt, Hibberd, Fordwich; Chaplain, Torn Johnston, Auburn; R, S. Henry Pattison, Belgrave; F. S, Milo Casemore, Wingham; Treas., Joint McInnis, Bluevale; Marshall, Geo, Brooks, Winglia,m; Lecturer, Harold Hutton, Carl Johnston, Winghnin, Earnest Durnin, Dungannon; Tyler, ,Wm. Taylor, Delgrave. .„—,. FLOCKOWNERS WANTED — To supply hatching eggs weekly, on a weekly on a yearly basis. Large premium paid over market prices. 4-13111Y, Tweedle Chick 88.25 George Burgoin at the piano, Lion Ken Edgar of. Wroxeter was, • Master of Ceremonies for a hilarious program of capers, antics ans, program of capers antics and present. 1 tsT COMPANY LIIPNS ENTERTAIN THEM LADIES Members of the Brussels Lions 'Club entertained their ladles at a okay dinner in. St. John's Anglican March on, Monday night. PM George 111c)Cutcheon, presi- ent of the club, welcomed the &meets, Each lady was presented with a gift. A pleasant social evening was thoroughly enjoyed by 8.11. A (Li/lest/1ms Carol sing song was led 'ice' Lion Tamer 'Wm. TT King with, Founded In 1877 nearest British Mortgage Office Jas. Mair that the meeting adjourn , i to meet again on December 15 at 1 I p.m. The following accounts were paid: Geo, Martin, hydro for halt i. and shed $ 6,071 Mail to your 1))\ BRITISH MO Brampton, Goderich, Hanover, Listowel, Stratford. A short business meeting was; conducted, The Rev. II, L. Jennings drew the winning ticket for the "Suit of the Month'' draw won by Howard Bernard. ,Lion Bill King presented Lion Edgar with a gift on behalf of the local club. Town of Clinton, Debenture on High School 6115 Provincial Treasurer, Insulin 3,91 Municipal World, Supplies ,.., 16,35 Geo. Radford Cionstrnction Ellis Drain Sellers Drain I Victoria Hospital, drugs Bruce Smith, Laidlaw Drain To British Mortgage & Trust Company 25,00 132.00 20,45 — I enclose my cheque for $ for Investment for years. — Please send me a free folder giving full information. NAME ADDRESS •-••••••••••U. •••••••••• pim • ••• 105.00 I 28,55 FOR SALE SNO BLOWERS To fit any Farm Tractor. For front or rear mount models. Built to Your Specifications or 0 ,.r Specifications, Enquiries call. I FOR SALE — Dining Room Suite, buffet, table, and 6 chairs, all in very good con- dition; also ay, Motorola Television consol model, works very good. Apply to: Elmer Ellacott Bryans Vd elding & Equipment PHONE 15 BRUSSELS 322,00 ATTENTION CAR SUYER8 —.Our Low Coat Financing and 1r, eurance Plan ..will help you make a , better deal. BEFORE you buy talk to us. GLENN M. RONNENISIVRO Monition — Phone, 8474245 Brussels — Phone 65 Tuesday and Friday „... 14,00 Jack Kelly, Laidlaw Drain 15.00 Callander Nursing Home ,,,,, illealvin C.arnochan, Govier Drain Geo. Martin, Revising Voters' Lists Judge F. Fingland, Revising 'Voters' Lists 12.06 I Brookhaven Nursing Home .,.. 176,50 r Geo. Radford Construction I Coultes Drain Geo. Michie, Inspecting Tile Dsains Village of Blyth, Division Court Rent account 85.66 City of Brantford, relief 1 Ross Turvey, fox bounty 4.00 Wm. Elston, milea.ge to I Exeter . 6.00 1. 'Gooier Drain 1.00 1 Pincrest Manor Ltd,...... ......... 88.25 ....._71",--: i 5,00 1' isrTroatreitirieriai LiiiiararottorrtiWeei r—iiiiiiiiiii.iiiiita iiii•WaTaasoaslkewvezterstowsr erii meiernsinisioner 2/0.06 • "pAY TO THE ORDER OF..." • It took only moments to write Jim's cheque from home; it will take him only moments to turn it into cash at his local bank. Jim's cheque is only one of 2,500,000 handled every day by a clearing system operated by the chartered banks that reaches into every corner of the nation and runs around the clock. 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You enjoy a healthier atmosphere in an 1 ,ef-,,17;e 4,46r doe.q not deplete the important ail. Electric heat doe; not create draughts. dryness or dtu,t. Audi 14:It !heruntiats •rua% i t turncti up or do zt, at will. You control the ,oinfort rind thy heating, cost. say and inexpensive to ithAali. Electric wiring ttt tact: ,•1!,. ii a. 140;dirty, lutib., is all that is required. 'you tau haw' ill" jolt completed qui. 'KN. iliCn Ill millwititer—herath.e them iS hO need to distMr yorr present hcotin4 41,14em or make cotli; structural changes. I:41 yaw. rioPtP,t ,Y;rtrqr,'Pr yvar !treat yoiro assistance xtt the use qf ituttlan For Coiniurt For Cowt:p1401...e: For Ease of haitallation. Complete•losir home with heat. • 1r •