HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-12-14, Page 1fri AliensApple Juice 48 oz. ............ 29c Carnation. Milk, tall tins 3 for .... 43c Cheery Morn Instant Coffee 6 oz. ----- 67c Vantamps Pork & Beans 20 oz. 2 for - ... .. 35c 4=61 ILLIS' FRDIN4 SROAD SARIN* DAILY Fresh Fruit and Vegetables At All Timm Mrs- 0. Hemingway After a short illness, Jennie McCullough, • widow of Oliver Hemingway, • passed away on 'December 9th, at the Callender Nursing Home, Bressels, Ontario in. tier 81st year. 'She was: horn in • Teeswater, daughter of the late James McCullough and. Jane Oreig. She was married to Oliver Hemingway on December 28th, 1904 and. lived near Teeswater until 1908, when they moved to Concession 10, Grey Township. Her husband pre-deceased her in 1941. She leaves to mourn their loss, her sons, Douglas of Brussels and Sinclair of Toronto, one Sister, Ada, of Leamington and five grand children, Peter,. Sharon, Neil, Susan I and Sheila, During her life, she. was. -a member of Melville Presbyterian C,butietli .a life member of the Majestic. 'Women's Institute and Past Noble Grand of Morning Star Rebekah' Lodge Whose inenibers conducted a Memorial • Service tie Sunday . evening The 'funeral was eOndeeted by the Reverend W. J. Morrison. of Melville-, Pre,Sbyterian Churn, and burial was in Prize:leis c The pallbearers and friends; — Fergus Connelly, Eldon Clark Matheson. emetery, were 'neighbours Neman. Hoover, Archie Moses, S, Armstrong and: CARD OF THANKS My sincere' blanks' is here' expressed to ell , who remembered Me With ,gittA, ealtde and letters end to Older who visited me daring my illness, Year' kindness helped to Make stay hi Hospital more pleasant. Sark Ritehle feekiJ. fex .V toe POLASsuS Thursday, Deembor 14 th, 1961 ast moues:PP Oise% 'oat Publishing licoutw LARGE CROWD WELCOMED SANTA HERE SATURDAY Brussels Public School Concert A Concert under th e direction of th e musical opervitioN Mrs,, Wm. H. King, will be presented by the pupils of artlasolk, Santa Ctiaus -arrived in, Brussels un schedule Saturday and-found, a large crowd waiting to weleoine. him, Santa, with willing helpers from the loeal. Royal Canadian isegieu and Lions pub, distributed about S50 bags of candy to the children. Peat the earlier visits of St, Nick 't0 SUMP naing. communities, the co-Operation the merchants • and business men, with the Lions Club and Legion, wiio sponsored his visit, attracted a large number of people. to the village and the stores were busy Pluce5. ,A BRUSSELS 'LEGION: ELECTS OFFICERS herb Trarts was elected pretit• dent et the liressele 1$ranels tlh of 'the Royal Canadian Legion,. at the. December meeting,. succeeding Stewart Humphries, who has held office for two -years. The new executive assume office at the reges lar meeting in January, Other officers are: 1st Vtistprosident ..„ Tom McFarlane 2nd Vice-president Eldon Mann 'Sgt.-at-arms Bill Dobson Sec.-Treas. Ray Bronson Chaplain Rev. Jenningil Welfare Officer C', L. Workman Executive .„. ............. Russ, Hall Ross Duncan Ross Bennett Ladies Auxiliary To The Royal Canadian Legion AN OPEN LETTER TO CITIZENS OF BRUSSELS AND COMMUNITY tir UTCHEON Phone 293 A IsiN•U AL 's M E,E.11144 G AND :BANQUET The ,annual-.meeting and banquet of the past Huron Agricultural Sodiety •twillsbe. held on Wednesday, January '.24thst.Keep this date open., We Deliver Public School in the auditorium of the School, on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY NIGHTS inCEMBER 19th and 20th at 8.00 P.M. THE PROGRAM WILL CONSIST OF ;- 1. Choruses by Senior Students 2, Choruses by Junior SI udents 3, Square 'Dancing by Junior Grades 4. An Operetta by Sernrr Grades entitled, "Kathleen," 6, Ap Operetta by junic r Oracles entitled. "The Stockings were Hung." 6, Dramatization of "Thiee Bears" by Kindergarten Pupils 7, Rhythm Band by Tuutor Grades Admission 50c ammelPIMIIIIMAkii1101111 Dressed Leg of Pork Prime Roast of Beef and Steaks At The Queens Hotel Sunday Evening FULL COURSE DINNER SERVED FROM FIVE TO EIGHT P, M. Csertacts have been made with 'a Young doctor who has signified his irtentions of practising in Brussels. Mary Storey was elected presi- dent of Auxiliary, succeeding Pat, Shaw, The new executive will 'assume office at the first meeting is.trey' 117Wps ::: Meeting held on PeeeMber 2nd., s4sicsas,perisin y us,„„oatzinISIVa rl,t1h,esIMPutiteella • of the last meeting be adopted as se- Carried Moved by Archie Maim seconded by ,Kennetti Bray that the tender or 'Rosa Hanna be accepted to repair Glee Iiislop Drain for the sum of $5'75.00 'Pile farmers concerned re- commend the work to be done in • the early summer when the ditch is dry on' account of quicksand bottom — Carried IVIbved by 'Glenn Heether second-. ed by Archie Mann that we appoint I James Armstrong to Wingbans High Settee] Board, Kenneth McFarlane to I iSerifortla High School Board and Andrew Bremner to Listowel High School Board as representatives of tbs, Township of Grey for ti one year term CHRISTMAS :DANCE Walton Community .Hall FEItUAY, !DEC. 22 Draw for Kroehler Chair General Admission Lunch tElocrth in 'the !Hall • 'Treasurer Mary Lowe Secretery Bertha Elliott Executive , Jean Lamont Beth Backer THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONT. Sarah Stephenson Mrs Harry Tminey Mr's. Bertha Elliott A committee 'has been formed of the 'in January. Village Connell, Lions Club, and iOthers officers ares ot'hler community minded citizens to 1st Vice-President ..... „, Kay Duncan co-operate with this Doctor in get- ,2nd Vice-Pres. Helen Dobson bug him established in Brussels. It is the intention of, thr, committee to form a syndicate to proceed with, and erect a suitable combined dwelling. and , ifice. 'We invite civic. minded citizens to invest 1n small .1 shares in this syndicate. Money Pianist in the form of. a first mortgage Will 'be available to cover fifty per cent I --" Carried ?Moved. by Kenneth Bray, second- ed by Lawson Ward th1at we renew insurance Policy on the Obey. dump 'truck premium $75.00, also renew grader insurance premium $72.25 with agent Selwyn Baker. — Carried Moved by Kenneth Bray, second- ed by Archie Mann thkst all approved accounts be paid — Carried Moved by Lawson Ward seconded, 'by Glenn Hnethler that we do now' adjourn to meet again, Dec. 15th or at this call of the Reeve — Carried , • - • , • ••••••••••• ••••• COM:1,NG SOON FUN a in d ENT.ERTAINMENT Watch For Further 'Details IN 'THIS SPACE NEXT 'ISSUE TURKEY BINGO TO BE HELD IN THE or more of the project. The balance will comprise moneys from synth: cate shareholders. This will definit- ely he an investment not, a, donat• ',el. An arrangement will be e stablished between the Doctorand the syndicate, with the intention that the Doctor eventually will pitreliase the .nrenerty, and the shareholders be reimbursed for their Investment. Signed cri beharr of the Committee, WINNERS OF LEGION B11100 The following accounts were i paid: Brussels Public School Auditorium — ON — FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15th, 1961 At 8:30 p.m, 15 Games $1.00 3 Specials 25c Card — 5 for $1.00 DOOR PRIZE SPONSORED BY BRANCH 218 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Bill Kennedy, Wingitam, Barry Currie Bill Kennedy', Wingliam Mrs, Henry; Winghatm Pearl Baker Mary Pennington Dorothy Elliott Marg. Ward Albert Nethery, Wingthani Mrs. Wit. Ward Peter Baker Albert Nethery, Wing:hem Mrs. Ken McDonald Marg. 'Ward Albert Nethery, Wingham • 1 µ YOU'LL ENJOY THIS DELICIOUS HOLIDAY TREAT FOR PARTIES SNACKS and. DESSERTS 2.97 Specials Bill Kennedy, Wingliattn Bill Kennedy, Wingnate, Jack Wheeler e5.00 1'5.00 50.00 OHRISTMAS DECORATIONS HORTICULTURAL COMPETITION There will he ten prizes awarded this year in the Horticultural Society Christmas Decoration Com- petition; five for the best decorated homes and five 'for business places. The competition is open to everyone In the Village of Brussels. No entry forms required, just leave your lights on EVERY EVENING during the week of DEC. 18. Door Prize — Mrs. Ken Shloldice Available At Your Favourite COUSINS ICE CREAM DEALER'S OR AT 12.40 12.00 I CARD OF THANKS 1 would like to thank the many friends who' so thoughtfully rem- embered me during my illness ,Janet Currie „_. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs, Oliver Hemingway wish to sincerely thank all who have been so kind and help- ful during their mother's stay in the nursing bolme and at the time of her death. Phone 22 Wilhur B. Turnbull, tax Collector, Mart salary $300; bink wallet '$5.00 $ 305.00 Norman. 'Hoover, school 'attendance officer salary Ie. 1N,Tt Cardiff, prepare financial statement '1-Tilda Sellers, rent dump 'Tale 'Brussels Post, printing contract & tax 282,50 Provincial 'Treasurer, insulin Callander Nursing Home 88.25 Twp, of Aitbur, relief Slept. & October 24.81 :fudge Prank Fingland, attend Court. of Revision Voters' 12.00 cp.o,71;i\r.egsenberg, attend of Revision Voters' Lists 6.60 E. M. 'Cardiff, revise' Voters' Lists & attend Ciourt 31,10 The, Listowel Banner, adv. drain tenders & -Municipal Stratford Beacon-Herald, adv. tenders Hislop' Drain Ro'bt. Cunningham, stove oil office 2:1090 8 Nelson Hanna, fox bounty E. Mi. Stevenson, lambs 46,60 Billed L. D. Frain, Yellin:tor, 5 trips 20,00 Fred ITalhert, repair Coates Drain; 70.00 Oat. Municipal Board, fee Hislop Drain 1,00 Stirling Hood, bulldozing ditch hank Machati Drain. 32.00 Miss Hanna, repair LaMont Drain 241.00 Ross Mena, repair Hoy Drain 96,60 B. MS Cardiff, Clerk's fees WdallumMindirop Drain 100100 glifford R. Dunbar, salat/' Reeive 4000. Archie ,Mann, salary Councillor 200.00 'Gleen I-Nether, selarY Cent cillor 260.00 .Lsesicin Ward, salary 209,0 rt'othiestii rtna, :tri.r3? 206.00 IfInreld Swift, greeeriee teller 42.55 Roe cis k fledges 2,564, iK Brussels, Ont. The United Church O r CANADA MIrtistor.: Rev. K. (IMMO Otganist: Mrs. it.. S. /Martin WHITE GIFT SUNDAY 11 A. M. Morning Worst** 140 A. M. Church School S Presbyterian Church IN CANADA Melville Church Minister: Rev. W. J. Morrison, N.A. Organist: Mr. G. Surgoln S.45 A.M. Bible Class 10 A. M. Church. School 11 A. M. Morning Worship Friday Dec'. 23 — -s CH RISTM AS CONCERT git 8.00 p.m. HI "T" CLue The Hi "T" Club held its second dance on Saturday, Dec.9 About 96 enthusiastic teenagers were present to make the evening very succeSs- ful, The chaperons were Mr. and Mrs, Murray Cardiff and Mr, and Mrs. Robert 'Raymond, Prizes were given for special dances. The next dance will be held on Saturday, Dee. 218. It wag decided to sing enrols around Own and anyone who wishes to go should be at the school at 7,30. 'lancing start in. in the school by 9 o'clock as usual. The executive is hoping fir a good crowd to make this special Christmas dance a success. ICE CREAM PIES and ICE CREAM CAKE ROLLS In Assorted Flavours CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank our many friends and neighbours Who gave us the wonder- ful reception on Dec, 1st, 1961. Your thoughtfulness is greatly apprec- iated, Betty and Pill sacklin 6•‘•••1 THURS.- ,ERI. DEC. 14 - 15 Horror in Color "CURSE TYE THE WEREWOLF" ;Adult Horror in Black and White "SHADOW OF THE CAT" 'Adult Curse at 77.00r and 9.45, Shadow 8.30 IVIERCHINTS' FREE MATINEE• — 'Saturday — :ROY eROGERS .01•0•1111•1•••••••••••••••MMINIMIIIIr SAT. EVE. • MON. • TUES. DEC.116••'18. - 19 "THE 'am ,GARBLEr$ Color CinemaSenpe First Show710 "2nd 9.20 WED. --THUR.--FRI. DEC. 20 --21.--2.2 "THE PURPLE 'GANG" (Adult Entertainment) OREVOLT IN THE -BIG ,-O,USEE'' Gang 7.15, '10:00 Blg Houser8:40 FIRE,MEN ENTERTAINED Fire Chief and Mrs, Gordon Stephenson entertained the members Of the local fire brigade and their ^Nivea on Tuesday evening. A pleasant social evening was anent playing cards. High adoring prizes Went to Alvie Higgins and I Mrs. Louis Ebel. Low scoring awards went to 'Nati Campbell and Mrs. H. King. The evening, enjoyed by ag, conk eluded with a delicious buffet ! sifter. i-loWit Mr, John Gorsalitz Will be at home to his Mends at the home of his . daughter, Mrs". 'Prod Haydn, in the sifiernoriti and evening of Monday Deeember 18th, it being the occasion of his 110th' btrtheto% Catsup, 11 .414.. 2. for 350. Pillsbury .Chet, .Cake Mix Pkg. . .. 29c Nielson: Cocoa %Ile. dos ....... .. 31e EEK ,,ENti SPLECIAL4 Light 'oje-Cheie. Layer Cake ---- ----- 39c Phone 132 t5.291.91 tik-letIte fteisl$111' relifnwrt R. ',,,roar IttieVe. Artglitat Church OP CANADA JOHN'S Rector: ReV, 1-1,. L. Jenaindo Oroanist: Mrs. 13, 11 Morhing VroYet Church Scheel Dec. 11th A. Dec, 16tli Dee. 20th ST. OatfirPti 8,N) CARP t-i' ti-101<t I wish, to thaiiit all those who i toreAmbeieri nib with flowers, cards, and 4 1 hmt, while I tvas 0 reit:toil in I St. ,I.Viary s hospital, Riteliener. t,Srpocki hanitti to Tit. ,.. tepl a a, ., t . . P‘. Cratbreek V', 'C., 11'1.6 itabils of S.S. i I "11 8, 10•0••tir4 'l'u'll.: the tteighbriuts; and Si, :,.‘ibliroari Altar Soetett Alt Wee greatly aPpredinted. I, Milt Atinie Sief.fler 441•1411i16.1, • Christmas' Part? BOttrcl IViiiiittgetitbitit lx n ti*er and thateh datititot OliOttliAt P,t4tif R diPIUM*1.6 r;AtirI4 7.-1) Thyr ritl Ala y X,. 41 3, A, cotti,of tANtA "Otis,. I xiiori Wittititio," At 1-to M 5 I ltfr. and Mrs. Wtrk. ,tratightiti, Auburn, Ont., Will ho at liOnte try i friends and iittighboiire on WednistS, ',I 'Shopping No ti's rieeelnieSt 2t0. from tWO to nye := and seven to nine P.m oe tli6 ' occasion of their Oolititt ittidlrit : A ntittaterw. 41ttp 0041111y 1601111k, it.410 iih;ti. **0 al MO ' W. A UY SHOO Otyiling Dow Whirtiqt tpoeilt1ty Obtfiki troOtch Nitta§ ited tift**14AVI