The Brussels Post, 1961-12-07, Page 7To some historians of magic,
who recalled that the first re-
corded feat of legerdemain was
performed by Dedi in Egypt 5;000
!Fears ago with a live goose, it
seemed that the art had gene
circle. The stunts lidrtford"
again featured fowl. Collectively, ei
the conjurers produced some
twenty doves, six chickssee end
three adult chicken.S. "Pail :try in
motion!" one wag punned. Only
the Amazing Scalzo, respienden0
in white full dress, produced a
rabbit, and that was an imperfect
breech delivery, because the .
'full insisted on SIPP'eaiirf.g.elaii;
first, "Scalzo washed his hare
and couldn't do al•thing with it,"
it friend quipped
"The dollar doesn't go far these
days," complainS» , '/housewife.,
Igo, but what it lacks in distance.
It more than makes up In speed. FREE mint Africa set and 5 U S. cord-
mems., with approvals. Litho, Box 51,
Canoga Park, Calif.
HIGHEST prices paid for standing 'elm
timber. Apply McAllister Mills, 200
Cardigan St., Geulph, Phone Guelph
TA„ 2-9351„
Evening classes in radio, television
color automation, Transistors and semi
conductors., Visit or write Radio Elec-
tronic Television Scheel, 725 Dunda5i,
London, GE. 3-2001.
WELDING Machines, Electric, Used,
Good Condition, Very Reasonable. May
be seen or picked up at Saltfleet
Equipment, Belgraden Avenue, Stoney
Creek. Norman 4-4461.
ISSUE 49 — 1961
This violin maker—with tha?
appropriate -name .;:of _John
Note—fiti neatly inside a Vic-
lin cutout in his shop.
regarded me Intensely, "The wa y
1 count it, yet got !.'eat, sleep an'
not worry. NOW, I ain't got much
,rnjust this old place an' a few
skiffs an' a little credit at the
grocery. But I git by, an' the
only time I git real worried is
when X read the newspapers.
Don't ,forgit -to write that down,
Tell 'em I said that."
A gray gull gliding over the
water gave a harsh cry; a school
of minnows flashed silver in the
pool, I had started toward the
car when Will called, "Az long
as a man don't lose hope, an' as
long es he's got faith in God, it
don't matter how lonely he gits,
make it, Tell 'ern that too,
I waved and started the car
up the hill, I wondered what
kind of world this would be it
populated exclusively by Will
Tracys, Probably not much pro-
gress would be made, I thought.
But I was certain that there
would be little strife; much of
man's Inhumanity to man would
doubtless cease.
At Tower Hill, where River
Road meets the main highway,
I looked back at Will Tracy's
place. In the distance it resem-
bled a child's play house, sprawl-
ing in awkward, tumbling diser-
erey.. And beyond the house flow-
ed the winding river with its
man-made sand bars and muddy
I nosed the car ahead thinking
of the stories I had heard about
Will. The landmarks of civiliza-
tion were going by: ugly gasoline
stations, garish billboards, ornate
restaurants and motels. A car,
filled. with speed-minded vaca-
tioners roared by, the resultant
air 'concussion causing my car to
veer sharply. It was then. —
surprisingly,— that I heard my-
self muttering: "Will Teacy, I
really believe 'you've got some-
thing."—By Dean 'P.'Gutman in
the Christian Science 'Monitor.
Digging -Ne‘rs -
'NeW-Old ChiCago!
Bill Doherty, a crime reporter
on' The Chicago Tribune, had a
busy day on his beat recently.
His, car windows were smashed,
he was slugged; and he was
chased by an uncooperative sub-
ject pointing a gun and threaten-
ing: "I'll kill you and yopr whale
The episode began when Do-
herty's city editor, Clayton Kirk-
patrick, told him to drop• by the
$70,000 home of Sam DeStefano,
a shady Chicago cbaraetere, who
had been missing from public
view for a while. Kirkpatrick
wondered idly. what' DeStefano'.
was up to: Two months earlier,
Doherty had exposed, .DeStefano
as the "juice ,man" (moneylend-
er) to Chieago's underworld. At
that time, DeStefano, unirniefess-
ed by free publicity,' 'had 'men-
tioned he might impair Doherty's
health in the future, So Bill Do-
herty was the logical man to
check on Sani DeStefano'ihealth.
Doherty drove to DeStefano's
Northwest Side home, rang the
doorbell, and askedfor DeStefano.
Clad in white pajamas, the white-
haired DeStefano greeted Doher-
ty in the liVing room with a right
to the cheek, Doherty countered
with a left. Thee host scrambled.
toward the kitchen, where he
kept a loaded revolver, and the
guest scrambled toward the door.
After dropping his car keys, Do-
herty ran to a drugstore; called
The Tribune, and asked for po-
lice help. Then he walked out-
"All of a sudden," he told an-
-Other reporter later, "a black
Chevy pulls up to the* 'curb and
there's a gun in my face." Behind
the .38, DeStefano snarled':'
`going' to kill you—and then I'm
going over arid finish off . yder
whole family." Doherty ducked
into an alley and escaped, Later,
hack at DeStefano's with two po-
licemen, Doherty found his car.
windows broken and his Intee-
vieWee raving fee .revenie. ' —
The following, day, DeStefano
was indicted for assault, with in-
tent to commit murder—and re:
leased, pending arraigninent. The
Tribune carried a two-column,
straightforward story on the front
page without Doherty's byline.
Was he disturbecleby:DeStefano'ee
threats? "That giVes a nut," I5o,
hcrty said. "I'm not worried."
Was he disturbed by .his 'ad-
ventures? "Well, it's one way of
getting a story on a after-
A snccesdul malt is an drilin,
ary person who either had e
chance or took a chance,
''And hoMe peonte•
iibeitit tatitiitt"
GRAVE SITUATION Although it looksry like the landmark Of a former Republicanleadeet.
this Six-foot-high stone elephant Is dedicated to the trieniory of William P. Duggan, Ai
former circus owner, The statue WO* airected'in ettnetery flea. Moultrie; Go
BREATHER Glover 'Dale
perches amid the ropes 'that
raise and rower scenery at the
Broadhurst Theatre in New
York to take a breather after
12-minute dance by means
of an oxygen tank.
I like to go crazy sometimes if it
warn't fer Smoky.'
Hearing, his name Smoky,
large, charcoal-colored, cat. bear-
ing numerous battle scars,
stetched beside the wood stove,
blinked greeriish eyes, yawned
swieidepely and dropped back off to
Will continued: "I been 'round
salt water all'my life—in fact,' I
was born heah in 1911." He did
some mental arithmetic. "That
makes me 50, don't it?" Without
waiting for agreement, he hur-
ried on. "I rent skiffs for oyster-
in' or yeller-tail fishin"; I go blue
crabbin' an' clammin' an' in win-
ter when thar's ice on the river
I cut a hole an' epee" eels. Skin-
ned eels sell fer 35 cents a
pound," he added with satisfac-
Then, suddenly, his tone be-
came somber.
"But things ain't the same since
the river got built up," he de-
clared, shaking his head. "In
July an' August when city folks
are heah the river gits awful
muddy. So dirty rkin hardly see
down six inches: But by Novem-
ber I kin spot a dime in twelve
foot o'water,"
Will explained that under /lore
mal Conditions NarroW River
flows fast enough. to clear itself.
During summer months, though,
when seepage and oil and all
manner of refuse fouls the water,
the shellfish are often spoiled.
He complained bitterly of speed
boats, saying, "They come tearie'
up thrti the Narra's, roil up the
bottom, an' then when the mess
settles back it spiles the oysters
an' clam"
He rose and mevede to a win=
dow. '!Look heah., See that sand
bar?" 'He pointed 'a thick finger
toward the far river banker
I nodded.
"T'warn't thar last month.
Couple weeks ago they was
fish seviminini in that spot. Now'
a gull's eettin' on it, That's' be-
cause the summer people lugged
in tons °teach sand an' spread
it along the shore, Then, first
good storm we got, all the sand
washed down an' made a bar.
Pretty soon the rivcr'll be filled
With sarid."
Questioned about great storms
iii recent years he said: "The '88
hurricane was worst of all. I set
right heck an' prayed all day.
Houses On the lowlands was
swept away like match boxes,
but this. old place rode 'et Ott
fine. Then in '54, when that
Carol Storm toree (Hueriearie
Carol), the House enapped. I Wes
Sure she'd 'split in two, but it was
just the patch that let go, Guess''
it's still a little rocky,'' he added
apologetically. "I Ain't never
tried to fix it none."'
It Was time to leaVe. Will took
my arm, pointing to the river,
"Ain't she beautiful?" he said
ihnost reverently. "Makes a fella
think, don't it?" His blue eyes
PIXQN`S. Rgmgpy.
4140 gaprosa. Collect.
COMPACT (AIR)CAR--A flying machine for suburbanites
is o possibility for the Avian 2 /1 80 above. Built' by Avian
Aircraft of Canada, it combines features of both a gyro-
plane and a helicopter. With its rotor blades rotating freely
as in a gyroplane, it can take off like, a conventional fixed-
wing aircraft. Forward motion is provided by a propeller
in the duct in the rear. Or power can be applied to'the rotor,
spinning it so that the ,craft can be jumped into the air like
a helicopter from a 10-foot-square plot..
DRAY lies 5,15 week Old Ames and
Other good varieties pullets available,
for early egg production. Hatching ,day:
olds to order, Book your next lot of broilers now. See local wilt, or write
Brea' Hatchery, 120 John North, Hem- Ilion, one
GET H & N. '"Nick Chicks," winner of the most random sample tests for Jiro-
fit per hen housed, from Logsdon lldiN
Hatcheries Ltd., Seaforth, OM, phone
is making a significant contributien' to.
Canada's export trade and is now sold in 28 countries abroad, Achievements
of Canadian agriculture are well known
abroad, and the profitable and reliable
performance of:SHAVER STARCROSS
288 is further adding to this reputa-tion Perhaps you've not tried this out-
standing layer yet; this is a good year
to do so. There's an authorized Shaver distributor near you, or, write for prices
and catalog to Shaver Poultry Breed.
lag Farms Ltd„ Box 400G, Gait, Ontario.
MODERN self serve groceteria. and
general store in fast growing corn.
munity on main highway near Lon-
don. Good turnover, Large modern
apartment. Store and apartment paint-
ed and renovated in past year. New
clean stock, oil heat, stock and fixtures
for sale, Building rented reasonably,
First time offered. Illness reason. In-
terested parties only, Box 246, 123 18th
Street, Toronto 14, Ont,
BANISH the torment of dry eczema
rashes and weeping skin trouble!.
Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint
you. Itching, scalding DO burning ooze-
ecazem"anev,' iflreadily a nide, f tohost stainless, odorless ointment regardless
of bow stubborn or hopeless they seem.
Sent Post Free on. Receipt of Price
1165 St. Clair Avenue East
Great opportunity
Learn Hairdressing
Pleasant dignified Profession, good
wages. Thousands of successful
Allimusetrricaate'sd G
Greatest Free rearatedsutatSeessteni
0 osci.;pot.
43454KminitiA ogWerBdisRrtts!
72 Rideau Street, Ottawa
Worries Only When
He Reads The Papers
Deep in. Rhode Island's South
CountrY where 4 lo n g, ;sanely
beaches meet the Atlantic; a
winding strip of water — called
Narrow River — makes inland,
crooks around tideswept mud
flats and,sand bars, .qurls north-
ward through Narragansett and
South Kingston, terminating aft-
er six twisting miles in wide
pool inhabited: chiefly by fiddler
crabs and' minnows:
- High, above,: the , pooh Will
Tracy's Weathered, gray-Shingled
cottage overlook's e sagging pier
around which, scattered in des-
, elate abandonment lie sections
rusty c pipe 'and
pulleys, bits of rotting rope and—
piler .ODIrierent lobster pots,
their wooden ribs bleached white
by salt air and a merciless sum-
mer sun. In this nondescript set-,
ting, (,Will Tracy' :ioriieliowe men-
ages to wrest a living from the
'river. .z
-For,soene tlaiee had planned,
to meet Will. If possible, 1 hoped
tee:write his story. South King- k
stows naives had assured ire
that "no man in hie right mind
would live so, alone, exposed to
everyestorm b l.o, w i n' :off the
ocean. Why, he, don't even have
electricity -- still ` uses an oil
Colorful anecdotes concerning
the* eccentric' fisherman continu-
ed to reach me, until one day in
mid-August, curiosity thoroughly
piqued, 1 found myself gingerly
mounting shaky, wooden stairs
leading ',to a porch which listed
sharply, like the hull of a beach-
ed 'ship. MY knock was answered
presently by a man of middle
"Mr. Tracy?"
He nodded, eying eree closely,
I introduced myself, explained
my mission and was waved in-
side,,where strong odors of mixed
smoke and boiled 'cabbage clung
tenaciously to the atmosphere.
The room was filled "with mar-
itime souvenirs. A highly polish-
ed ship's compass, evidently the
piece de resistance, was display-
ed on a table placed squarely in
room center; yellowing, plaster-
ed walls were adorned with
faded photographs of sailing
vessels and' seafaring Men. A
huge lobster, its claws bigger
than a man's ;hands, wase mount-
ed over the piano. „,
Will was eager to talk, speak-
ing in colloquialisms similar to
the vernacular of 'the northern
New England states,
Answering m/question he Was
saying: "I beerie alone in this
house since '49. Livin' heeh haS
its good pints -- an' bad." He
sighed, "It's nice t'be free, but as
a man gits older, liktin' alone gits
harder. I ain't never Married,
Winston Wasn't
A .Model Scholar
As student At Harrow from.
WOO to 102, young Winston.
Churchill displayed no •great,
love for the •school, and evens,
less respect for its authorities.
A story • PPS ,that• the head-
master once summoned him .and.
said; "Churchill, I. have very
eeriella reasons • for being chs,
pleased with you," "And 1, sir,"
Winston replied, "have other
reasons, equally serious, to 'be
displeased • with you," In later
life, Sir Winston stayed .away
from the old 'school for 40 years,
But his memories of Harrow ap-
parently mellowed with age, and •
last week — nearing his 87th.
birthdays -'Churchillmade what
has. become an annual pilgrim-
age to the .school for its songs
ceremony. With a smiling Lady
Churchill at his side, and with.
the cheers of some 600 students
ringing in his ears, the ex-Prime
Minister joined in a round of.
sentimental songs, one of which
ran: "Nor less. we praise in ster-
ner days the leader of_ our pa-
lion, and Churchill's name shall
win acclaim from each new gen-
Amateur Magicians,
On .. Loose. • The ....
For three days. and •two nightS.
* Hartford, cenn, last month,
Mains material ized out of ears
dollar hills were ripped to Shreds
and restored to negotiable shape
lighted cigAretes were picked •
from the air. The occasion was
the New England ?prvention, of
Magicians, a gethering of moon,
lighting Merlins who, in daytime
life, are accountants, bankers,
.ealeernen, and truck drivers,
They had come to Hartford to
swap secrets At lecture demon,
„Orations and to shop the dealer
iliSPlaYe for new tricks (there are
fourteen dealers in the nation
whose sole business it is to sup-
ply 00,000 magicians), •
"Take a card," said Dick Dee
Bois to a fellow befuddler, hold-
ing out an apparently guileless
pack of cards. The companion.
.agreeably chose .one—the fifteen
of spedes. DuBois took the card
back, ..shuffled the deck' and
threw it into 'a. Hindu snake
basket, whereupon a mechanical •
cobra reared up, the fifteen of
spades in his fangs. •
Magic, according to profession-
al performer Roy Benson, is the
second oldest profession. "Poetry
is the oldest,'' Benson, said, ,shat-
tering a cherished „illusion "And
magic, in the form of primitive
medicine and religion, is second: •
The witch doctors thousands_ of
years ago, pre-empted some of
our best material." •
MARRIED man, fully experienced, cap-
able of taking charge of herd, for year.
round employment on dairy farm. Sep.
orate living, quarters for small family.
Heat, electricity, milk supplied. Apply
stating wages and size, of family, Mel.
vin J Baird, R.R 3, Carp, Ontario,
WANTED—Experienced single man for
mixed farm. ?dust be able to milk by
machine. Apply Craig McClure, RR No.
2, Norval, phone area code 416, 865-
10 INCH MERLITE „Fry Pan! non-
stick skillet, Dupont teflon coating lets
you cook without shortening, or fats.
Easy to clean, specially treated surface.
Postpaid 55.00. Arandio, 1648 East 14th
Street, Brooklyn 29, New York,
PERSONAL 100 Acre good clay loam farm for sale.
Well drained,, with drilled well. 6 Room
brick house, oil heat, 4 piece bath
down, toilet upstairs. Large barn with
straw shed, milk house and drive shed.
Apply Edwin N. Drager, RR No. 2,
Listowel, Ontario. This advertisement
is published free as one of the many
benefits of:—,
BOX 1029, LONDON Ontario
Now They Can Get
Buried In Style!
The press party is an establish-
ed ritual of the new civilization
Gutenberg unwittingly spawned.,
Given the printing press, Socra-
tes would probably have called a
prese party for his suicide, and
'Caesar would have served up
cocktails and passed out publicity
releases on the banks of the Ru-
. Twenty newsmen marched pur-
posefully last month thrrough, the
iron, gate of Pittsburgh's old
Allegheny Cemetery to a press
party for the opening of a $2
Million white granite "Temple of
Memories" mausoleum_ Thomas
0. Hornstein, cemetery flack,
passed out press' kits' and led the
reporters on a tour of, the-tomb,
pointing out the 5,000 above-
ground resting places in twenty
different kinds of marble, Soft'
recorded music hung in the air,
and the ,light through the' stain:.
edeglass windows, bathed. the
newsmen. "These mausoleums
have given stained-glass artists
a Whole new horizon," said Dr.
Henry Lee Willet, the artist, who
had done the windows.
It was getting late, so Horn-
stein hastened the group on to an,
Inspection of each window, say-
ing: "The Lord very soon is going
to take away our sunshine,"
He did, and the group adjourn-
ed some blocks await for cock-
tails .at a hotel where' a chipper
redhead greeted the men cheer-
ily: "You the crowd from the
cemetery? Right this way!" And
she led them to the canapes and
Martinis on .the rocks—that finale
to press parties that is as sure as
taxes, and death.
LOVERS OF GOD! Learn His deeiaree purposes_ ,-fear_._ not but rejoice in confident hope. Write ,filblev,Truthaldisaaz..
sion, Box 811 Brantford, Ont. 4.,“
TESTED guaranteed, mailed in
and- parcel, including catalogue and sex
book free with trial assortment, 18 for 1.00 (Finest quality) Western Distribu-
tors, Box 24TPF, Regina, Sask.
PEDIGREED Racing Homer Pigeons.
Sion Strain, flown up- to 200 miles.
Price 55.25 either sex, papers included.
}Casper.Sperie, Heron 13ay South, Ont.
OWNER offers: Beautiful, e'venue Pro- -
clueing garden property on'Paved road.
House, all conveniences, Age forces
sale. Particulars: Wm. Brethour, Sev-
ern Bridge, Ontario,
FOR ideal !vacation,. swimmirig,
and plenty of warm sunshine and fun.'
Come to Florida. For information, write
to Pauline and Joe McKay, 3119 South
Atlantic Ave.., Daytona Beach, Florida.
PECANS, (NUTS) Postage paid to you.
Write for prices. Blaine Mere. Co..
Darling 1, Mississippi, U.S.A.
95% of the country will survive
— if they have a place to go.
Days GE 2.3896
Ev'gs, GE 2-6197, GE 9.5522
620 Adelaide St., London
REQUIRED immediately for 105 .bed
hospital. 40-hour week. Salary cons.
mensurate with qualifications and ex-
Ho spital, Apply
ator St. An-
NUTRITION is important to safeguard
your'family's health. Nutri-Bio vitamin
and mineral supplement is new and '
revolutionary in its field. Write, for
free details. Greenbriar Nutri-Bio, P.O.
Box 271, Downers Grove, Illinois.
PONY or Horse for your child: Safe
equipment and reliable books on the
handling of animals: Ideal Xmas gifts
at 3 "C" Ranch, Flying Goose Farm,
Erindale. Phone 826.3533.
HOW Can I? •
By Roberta Lee
Q. Hoiv can Improvise a
glue, ,when I have run out df the
real thing in my house?
A, Colorless fingernail polish
makes a good substitute glue for
most purposes.
Q. How can 'I remove a piece
of paper that has become stuck
to the polished surface of a
table top?
A. Olive oil will usually do a
quick and easy job of this,
Q. Hoi;i; can I repair a Shoe-
lace th'ai has lost its metal tip?
A. Dip the eed of the lace into
some colorless fingernail polish,
give it a twist, and let it dry.
It'll end up stiff enough to poke
through the eyelets of your shoes.
Q. How edit I inake a better
jOliVof cleaning ashtrays?
A. With denatured alcohol, a
kite hrilih;"-inid 'tots 'of -scrub-
bing, This procedure will clean
either brass or copper ashtrays
that are discolored by tobacco
arid, nicOtine.,
And secured. With no collection invert.
tory or management problems. Interest
and principal quarterly, Call or write,
Income Investments Ltd., 42 James N.,
Hamilton, JA. 7.4558.
TA% or 10%
Depending en the Plan
Your capital is secured by mortgagee
en selected real estate. You hold all
legal document* in your name,
Phone or Write for Free Brochure
Eglinton Credit Corp. Ltd,
97 EGLINTON E. HU, 7.3325
as the new "Stadium Look,"
this costume was introduced
in a fashion collection. It com-
bines sleek stretch pants and
bulky stadium coat,. ,,Furry hat
ond mitres comPlefe,,tilebout-
fit. .4.
..<4.444< ,
ROUND FIGURE—This'' ballute--balloon plus parachute-=it
arapable of inifaCing In one tenth of a second to 'control the
high-speed decoration of manned and unmanned. re-entry
Vehicles. The 9-foot diameter balloon eases the vehicle
through the critical hoot. barrier' of the earth's atmosphere.'