HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-11-23, Page 5BRUS80145 PQM r truikrii4y, N.4Y *04*o Virtt. 144 Iltrrirs;"!•*.qr0r.e.f.". ere eleNteelts.PN 41•NeN Vser• tr. ..
• ^t., pappiestoews, ":ett,
••••••••••_,.. mom
..for homes on the grow
rzr,.. • •
irk I. MI a "a:
The Best, Most Modem Way To Heat Recreation Rooms '
...Unheated Sunrooms ...Home Additions, Economically, Easily.
*axe the treasureee report. Ills 1
tteriPPale 14094 was read by Mot,
gouueok MoPeriekcl. The 14ediee Aitt
decided to purchase, a new storm
door for the manse and to have l
.clothes clot/elm Wit; also. rt, arms i
decided to have a buzsar In. the
poinvinenuy Centre on November
35 at 3 p.m.,. Arrangerilent were made
or the neat meeting to be bed in
the manse, Arm !Gordon Knight gave
a reading "The beauty of Antumn,"
IOW/. 688 was sung and the meet. !
ing cloned with prayer,
M,ra,. Strickler presided for the
election, of officers and mre. Glenn
Haettier as secretary. Officers for
1962 are as, follows:
President Mrs. Aloes Knight
Vice Pres. Mrs. Ken McDonald
" Secretary Mrs, Carrion Knight
Treasurer Mre. Stuart McNair
Pianist .... Mies Forrest
Auditors ..... Mrs. Frank Smith
Mrs. grace Evans
Voters' List, 1961, Township of Grey
County of Huron
Notice is hereby given that T have
complied with section 1 of The
Voters' Lists Act, and that T have
posted up at my office at Pithel,
Ontario, on the 16th day of Nov.
ember, 1961, the list of all persons
entitled to vote In the municipality
at municipal elections and that such
list remains there for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters to
take immediate proceedings to have
any omissions or errors corrected/
according to taw, the. last day for
appeal being the 29th of November,
Mfg 16th day of Novell:ibex,.
Mr, And, We. Nee. MeZttgOrut
MaS Mlna Baker and. Mr. Herb.
ffewt5tne attended the wedding of
Miss Arenoe Martin and Mr. P1074.
Drown in the PretibYtariett Phareh;
TheAnearille, on Seterdillt.
Peal forget the annual' bazaar
sponsored by the. Ladies' 4Id of
Knox Church, Craribreolc, It will be
held in Cranbrook Community.
Centre on Saturday, Nov, 25 at !
3 p.m,
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Evarm and
Mrs, Henry Cprsalitz of Ethel and
Mrs. Stuart Evans and family and
Mr, and Mrs. Mug Evans attended
the baptismal service held in the
Varna United Church Sunday. Nov.
12th when Paul Thomas, baby son of /
Mr, and Mrs. Consitt was baptised,
Newlyweds Honored
Friends, relatives and neighbours
of Mr. and, Mrs. DelAg Vvans gather-
ed Friday evening, Nov. 11th, in
Crenbrook Community Centre to
honor them on their recent marriage
During the evening the bride and
groom were called to the front.
Alex Cameron rend the address and
Presented !the newlyweds with
Duncan Fyfe table and It purse
of monev, .Dona• thanked the neonle
for their gift and the ones who
helped arrange the presentation.
Jean also fraive her thanks to every- 1
one. Lunch was served and everyone
enloved an evening nr dfincinr,.
Knox Ladles Aid
The Ladies Aid of 1Cnox church,
met at the home of Mrs. Wilfred
Strickler of Nov. 2nd, Owing to the
absence of the secretary. Mrs. Ross
!Knight was appointed secretary far i
the meeting. Hymn 606 was sung
followed by the Lord's Prayer In
unison. Roll call was answered by
payment of fees. Mrs. Stuart McNair
attnritp: rod now makes it possible and practical to enjoy room-controlled
heating comfort in the added living space you are planning, without going to the
trouble and expense of extending your existing heating system. Built-in electric
heating units operate independently of your main heatingSystem.-Aelivering almost
instant heat, where you want it, when you want it . without putting an added
strain on your furnace... without overheating the rest of your house.
.0.14TRIB HEAT is safe, clean, quiet. You enjoy a healthier atmosphere in an
electrically heated room because electric heat does not deplete the important
oxygen content of the air. Electric heat does not create draughts, dryness or dust.
Individual wall thermostats may be turned up or down, at will. You control the
heating comfort and the heating cost.
gl,,ctue Ho't' is easy and inexpensive to install. Electric wiring to the built.
in electric heating units is all that is reqUired. You can have the job completed
quickly, even in midwinter—because there is no need to disturb your present
heating system or make costly structural changes.
Call your qualified electric heating contractor or your local Hydro for assistance in
the use of modern electric heating.
For Comfort ...For Convenience , For Ease of Installation.
Complete your home with electric heat.
Phone Wingham 1065-W ?hone Brussels 31111W10 Edythe M. Cardiff.
Clerk of Townsisin of gray
Illitorkso type el hems yew hove — we wow vapitese
Iv be Cork you% eetieby the reinter teenji'_y_for
its 011.1
bums k kept mous sod wane wish CO-OP =MO
MUM how duos •• thud OP rod, OS M IISPIROAPIII:
Zeus year loom wading of ankluity leo
pike, high tridits hod et
Oft SI WM, aloud e weary-fres whim .; petard . yeentrif kilt • MORO Coursed
open.* •ws•••••ta.1...mra•
is yours
keep 'enl
WITH NEW High-Torque Power!
00 tin ,'
Here's new earning power for Chevrolet
middleweights . the Chevy-GM 4.53
Diesel for 75 new D60 and b60-H models
with GVW's ranging from 15,000 to
23,000 lbs. Here's years-longer engine
nfe, rock-bottom maintenance costs, com-
pact size, low weight, top torque and top
power -- all backed by years of GM
Diesel experience, Ideal for operations
with high mileage and few stops or those
calling for extensive engine idling.
Torque 261 Six* that's available for the
first time in Light Duties.
Loads of other reasons, too. Like the new
work styling with downward-sloping hoods
that let drivers see up to 101/2 feet more of
the road directly ahead for better ma-
noeuvring, safer driving. Like Chevrolet's
proved Independent Front Suspension for
even smoother riding, easier Working trucks.
Like the beefier, heavier duty hypoid rear
axles for Middleweights and the rugged new
I-Beam front axles* (9,000- or 11,000-lb.
capacity) available on Series 80 Heavy-
weights. Like%Work-proved Corvair 95's (2
pickups and a panel) that haul up to 1,900
lbs. of payload with low-cost dependability
and sure rear-engine traction. Like to know
more? See your Chevrolet dealer.
*Optional at extra cost
Here's new High-Torque power for every
weight class — light, medium and heavy
the most powerful engines in Chevrolet
history, including a new 4-cylinder diesel.
Here, too, are modern versions of the
world's most popular 6-cylinder truck
engines. For 1962 Chevy brings you true
truck power in every one of its 198 new
There are plenty of powerful reasons for
Chevy superiority. High-torque reasohs.
Reasons that range all the way from a
mighty hew High-Torque 409 V8* for
heavies, right down to the thrifty Sixes in
the Light-duty models. Reasons that include
the brawny neW 4-53 Chevy-dM Diesel and
the tough new High-Torque 327 V8* for
Middleweights, and the eager-hatiling High-
409'1/8 252 lip;
390 ft. lbs. toiled
NEW NIGH-TORQUE V8. The huskiest vs
that Over powered a Chevy truck ,-
the new High-Torque 409 V8* with 167/2
per cent more torque than ever before
available "from' Chevrolet. Made to ordet
for fop efficiency on fop-tormcige hauls.
235 Six' 335spottai Si* 261 thr 135 hp; 217 ft. 135 lip; 217 ft, 150 hp; 235 ft, lbo, torque lbs. torque the. torque
Ct.2620 WhiloWeifi tires options i et eiii-Ap.900;
NOM Get two-way insurance On poultry Pratte "With Terramycin POultry Formula
With Anti-Germ 77. This &Ale-barrelled weapon, specifically designed to fight
poultry ,diseases, ernbOdiet powerful water Water ditinfeCtent that kills germs in the
drinking water while potent Terramycin fights tileeate in the' birds. The superior
antibiotic' Aden of Terramycin controls more poultry diseases, faster, Including
peotit,tobbino dkb, it also combats secondary Infections, enabling birds hi' get
.baok on.their feed fast aftertetheeka due disease Or Strete-,
Use Terramycin Poultry Formula with AG 77 for. prevention and treatment of
disease, against stress and to stop laying stumps, helps you get young birds
Off to a disease fie Siert and promotes greater. uniformity growth, EUll dived.
'006 iladatia:
Dissolves Instantly 8taye Potent Longer
Available wherever animal health products are sold
283 VII VS 148 V8 •145
160 hp; ft. 186 hp; 305 ft: 220 1114 325It; 80 41•
28 tt, lbs. torc lOO torque 1178; torque Ise; Toros
See your local authorized Chevrolet dealor
OTATr!' •,..;17"1.1n:ftr.‘CITTr. .._N 001( -,-A*7010..etZtr4TINTI05,134;•.!. ,
'Watch Sunday nights over C8c TV, check your lOdal paper ter tilde and
e r ratillYein
Animal toimolo PoOkry Formula with Anti-60'10# Lama tetrathydri
foi A.MtliN • A tiL Scouts Tablets retpamyctri. liVethbk ShctrtboA
flue/ Altf6e. aitti 004tribute Mote' Profitable
eReA.e.,1 /4,
er• Ar,,entoetnott
'tiac keir!"
• 1
• • ............... ,••••, ........ ........
sAltr'e goft, A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE °;47Voli. ,04664,..:5 0111k4, u"440a.PorPte i'AvAi4:114,>1,1 .4 F 16"
4.53 Diesel
130 hp;
271 ft. lbs, torque