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The Brussels Post, 1961-11-23, Page 1
A small deposit will hold any until Christmas " Free Gift Wrapping for the Men .1# r Ntts• Brussels, Ont., We Will Remain Open All Day Wednesday During December TURKEY BINGO TO BE HELD IN THE Brussels Public School Auditorium ON — FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 1961 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1961 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15th, 1961 At 8:3.0 p.m. 15 -Games $1.00 3 Specials 25c Card — 5 f©r $1.00 DOOR PRIZE SPONSORED BY BRANCH 218 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION t I hereby giVe notice that Nomination of a Reeve, Four Councillors and Three School Trustees for the Township School Area No. 1, and Five School Trustees for the ToWnshlp School Area No. 2 to serve the Township of Grey during the year 1962. ' will be held at COMMUNITY CENTRE, ETHEL From 1 P.M. to 2 P.M. THURSDAY, NOVEMItitlit 82th 1561 if demanded a pole will bit Opened at the following pliCal On SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 14141 ti011ing Stb4hditiOn No. 1 It School House II k NO. 4 Polling Sti.b.ditdeion NO. E at School House t R. No. t Potting Stib-diViSien NO, t it Community Hall, Witten Bolling stibAiyinlon No. 4 deltinitiliit*- Milt ttenerieff Belling 00,41MS:ten N'es;• ti; it torttittp &tine, Ethel Potting 'ith-dittslori No, a at Selidoi Ittihad d. §. NO., t• ' i. 'Bolting SitbAiVielati 7 St. dOntrattitity dentrn, dritii*rnok, Pella to be open from 4 A.M. to S P.M.' • — .04414 M. Dirtlit .,_ ... . ,„ „..,... -1'.1-7- NotifrilleS itiffieek' ,1 ir, - ..ewak. 4 ' At WEILER — Wellesley Hospital ence read. I. in Terentd,. on Tuesday, Nov, 14, Metien of Conley and WilliainSen I 1961; to Mr: and Arthur Weller, , that the following accounts • be Pala'. I • a eon. ° Iitiberial, :Scheel Desks Ltd.o $1Eititti31.0d 1 II Ennis, oaretaknt sapplienee 6.2.9 1 Oldfield Hardware. repairs „.„. 14.72' tigon,. repairn ....,,,,, . Mrs, Sack Johnstonll ,TeWeileit, clock Celine§ (nee 1311Stibetli Pine). are . rep a_ ....,. .... , ... ,e, ..... .. Pleased tia anti:Ancor the •artlintl.of• Irtithotirlds .k 0,5., oxitetittc6t4 tt dattglitor,. — I-inborn. .A.titiO, btl It §:iitiPit6s; ,,..,...,... ... ..;..,.., Viiii'ettiter ittii.,. at WIntiliain , •'.,.. — - ---- . ' ' fluton, ("minty Library I . boolts ..... ...„--„,„„ .180.04 „ W, C,. toanh, clock repairs 4.0 '.1. 6044tiii,. 2 .1-1 il Ov '. ;.w.rft's. centtrat Store, / 0..t/lXel, Intim' k rent:Lira ........ 1:04..gfl• 1. , Caretaker st1.11Plicet ....... ......... ',J.:04 , I ,Tiritrw.e.0 'IT.o&06i'; iii*of ....--- llt Ad t , . 'rho ninntliit adlotiftinit on motion .. 'Of Fischer to Meat on fiedeniber ii'l • hi 1...36 in, •, „ i • 1%IrtriAti r-S. :Hoo*er, .,,ed,. 1. BORN COTTLITS — Mr. and the 9.10 1 2.00 2,63 GnileritI 414, V A L.f 6. t Li 'O. .2tytitin lett A *WO* Phone eruesete 146 . 110441... Thurs N 4ay, ove Roane Natio fran. oat Nbashing Howe " Fists et.‘ • N-1.(rN FIREMEN HQLP hi4NUAL BALL The aratual Pireinen's Ball Was a, tighly succesful event this year. Held in the New American Hotel , last 'Frilday night, it was ail r ett.d. and a most enjoyable evening was spout dancing to the music or Ken Wilbee and his / orchestra, The draw 'was won by Jim Ildgar. LOCAL BOY, SCOUT BOTTLE COLLECTION filisa Mina MakelVey oceurrrli ;utlefelity,, ut tilt: Matt of Mr. and MM. thin McLellan in on, () -dies Willtelnlina 1Mtuti) Arr'Kelv/Y, 10. her 76th year, after e. Mira in Grey Tow:midi% elle WaS the, youngest daughter of the late McKelveyWillilrnA and plinPy Ray. In 1910 she moved with her parents to 0.10.ftemoll ...00•94014.14nritler1.0.!.. I Virginra 'hurl with apple kings Dressed Leg of Pork Prime Roast of Beef At TQueens Hotel Sunday E7CTO Zig PULL COURSE ID /NNER sEavEn FROM FIVE TOEIGHT P, M. MIPA•PRIr . NI.9140 Come In And See Our Ch Ti,,. litussi 1,s Scouts will coaduet, a bgttle drive 'en Saturday, Dec, 2nd, People are requested to leave'' their bottles outside where they can I be seen aud easily piclted up. Aunt Jemina Pancake Mixes Regular or Buttermilk each Clover Leaf Pink Salmon 1/2 's 3 for ' .......... $1.00 Cheery Morn Instant Coffee, 10 oz. Sltpport your Sepias, Get those / `bottles, out for this collection. 21c their Princess St. home in Brnssola. Mrs, Janet Shortreed wp„ ';14-44A the lived for many yo„..:.m I n F. Toronto and tramlIton retirine to Bruss,ls due to falling health in 1959. Miss McKelvey is survived by one sister. Mrs. Maude, Eeltml'er. Toronto, and. two brothers. Mr. Alex McKelvey. of Consul, Sash, end , D, Ti, MeTcrevey of Vancouver, D.C. She was .predeeessed by a Sinter. 1 Mrs. J. TT. (Meta) Tirvans, Bruesela,.! and two brothers., rklbert t Mich. and Lorne of Seaforth, The funeral service was held on Mourlay. November 20, at the A .1 Rana Funeral Bonin with Rev. „T. Morrison of Melville Preslivtririea •• Church officiating The nallbearers were Dr. W Russell Bryan. Messers. J. H. ; ,stretton, John P. Howard Wn Speir, Alvin McLellan, and Alex. McDonald. 4 finnroiren Benssole cemetery, November 4th. ,Meeting held on Moved by Lawsee by alone Huether t $1.09 • I Mrs. Janet • Shortreed, 82, of 'Clinton, died Sunday, Nev, 12, at -the I (Vinton Nursing Home. She ltad'been iiifor more than, four years, Mrs, Shortreed was born in Grey ThwnShip, the former Janet ; Meradleatt, and resided in Morris •. Township before eoing to . Clinton eight years ago. Het husband died in ( 1536. SurViVing aro one daughter, 'Miss Mary Shortreed, director of nursing, Beek Memorial Sanatorium, Lm'idon; I four sons. Thomas, James . and 1 "Wilfred, all of Walton, and Gordon ef (-Vinton, and seven axe-I-ii/children. .1./ The funeral was held free*. the Bed and -Mutch -enteral home, Clinton, I Ward seconded hat the minutes 32oz . 0 ..... ..... ........... to.101 69c Miracle Whip :meeting and Got,. 23rd, be of the last regular special meeting of adopted as read. , , e'..ee-o•'"""'"" •,...,1,,•••••••••••••11.. rt.., .....0.••••••••••••.............•,....r.,•••• — Carried Dray seconded t we instruct Howes to ex- I the area deser- ibed in the Drainage Petition ; signed by Win. Beirnes and ethers ; — Carried Moved•by Glenn Huether seconded i 'by Lawson Ward that we petition ; th e Department Of Public Works for a grant on the Hislop Mnnicipal Moved by Kenneth Lawson Lard tim Engineer ,Janes A. amine and report on C We Delivete phone 293 CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS We sincerely thank .all thcese%who expressed their sympathy in 'so many thoughtful ways 'at the .time of our bereavement. It was all deeply appreciated. I The. Shortreed Family • thank all those whc :I wish to .. mai was rn Britssets cemetery,. I Drain I *remembered me with letters, ;gifts, ,wo.thinday, at 2 p.m. . I .., 'arid flowers while .1. was a patient:in, i i .--- Carried. `Victoria Hospital, .London. I —. — „ , ,_ _........, Move d. by Kenneth Bray seconded i , Bessie. Moses 1 'by Archie Mann that we finally pass 1. ; PEOPLE WE KNOW 1 By-law No. 2341961 to assess and levy ; ,Mr. and Mrs. C. 1IcEadden mere I . i ., :Sunday visitors with Toronto friends. Tates 'for County., Township and i 1 School purposes for the year 1961 .5 * ST. AMBROSE ALTAR SOCIETY Mrs, Louis Blake was hostess at her -home for th e November meeting • Of St. Ambrose Altar Society. Presiding was Mrs, Ferg Connelly, and Mrs. Russell led in prayer. OMISSION AUCTION SALE An Auction Sale of Baking, Ca,.ndy, Aprons, ate. will he held VednesdaY, Nov, 29th at 3.30 p.m, 'in the "Legion Hall sponsored by The 'Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion.n Everyone Welcome. Lunch will 'he• served. Get Your Permanent At. IRENE'S BEAUTY SALON ''Where Better Permanents Cost Less" Day or Evening Appointments `We regret that the name et Mit, 'Hartley Rutledge, who placed a wreath on behalf of St, Ambrose Church ; at the Cenotaph on Rem- ellibrauce Day, was unintentionally omitted in, the account of the service, w I — Carried .Mr. Gerald Clermont, (ef "Toronto, I Moved' by Glenn Truether seconded 'was 'a week end visitor With 'his "b* Archie Mann that all approved ;aunt, Mrs. Louis D. Thompson, I accounts be paid * * I ; — Carried 1 Mrs. F. :Smith, our local 'librarian, I 'Moved by Kenneth. Thep' secomINI I -we are sorry to report, is still a i 'by Towson 'Wn.rd that • - now 1% 0 ( 0 n ! . Ili 5 ourn to meet again on December The minutes and financial report 1 were approved. Mrs. Leo Deltner told of work done by kite visiting committee, patient in Wing:ham hospital, e * ! '2nd or at 'file call of the Pecee, MUNICIPAL NOTICE I ‘.. Dr. Claire and 'Mrs. Arthur and - r'n rriP (1 'little daughter, Susan, of ;Preston, i 4 The following accounts were paid: I hereby give notice that Nomination 'Were 'Sunday visitors' with -their ' r i Parish at the, Cenotaph on Remem ) rwp. of Morris, Court of I brans. Day. The wreath was placed I of a Reev,e Four Councillors and grandmother. I Revision, Inglis Drain Trustees 'and One Corn. to serve the Recognition was given to the plaaing of a wreath from St. Ambrose $25.00* * by Mrs, T-Tartier Rutledge. Three School Public Utility Stratford Beacon Herald ; • I Plans were made for th e usual I Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Earl 'Whittord and ;I year tenders Bolton, 'Inglis, - , I 'Christmas customs, with deties riven, 1 family, St. Catharines, and Mrs, 1 Middleton, Atpood,• have been visit- tag with their father, 73, Whittard, I this week, 13erfelte Drains , adv. CtPITOL THEATRE. LISTOWEL, ONT. 18,00 Village of Brussels during the 1962 The l3lyth 'Standard. any. tenders '''Rolten. Inglis 13erfeltz Drains Isabel McTavish. print by-laws 1-Tislop Drain 20.50 RM.,Carcliff, by-laws Hislop Drain 1 The Municipal World, spindles 119..27 C.allander Nursing Home October account 22.75 Arlon Brown. for .5,00 Geo. wesenliere.. select 'furors 2.01 coltrnrd 'Dunbar, select iprors 4,00 E. M. Cardiff, select jurors and report 8.00' F.M. Cardiff, clerk's fees Burke Drain grant 7.50 David. Brown, main, fire truck 10,00 Cleo. Rowland, gas, fire truck 2,90 R. 'Cunningham, gas fire truck 2.37 E E. Hickey & Sons, fire hose 250.60 Firemen to Jas, Turnbull's , 64,00 Firemen to'Roy Patterson 24.00 Lloyd Weber, water supply truck 9.00 Chester Earl, water supply truck 6,00 Roads and Bridges (3,77.27 will be held at BRUSSELS PUBLIC LIBRARY 3.25 THURS. - FRI. - SAT. NOV. 23 - 24 - 25 ',VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA" Walter Pigeon, Joan Fontaine --- .4,-- : to willing volunteers. The Christmas tr;setine will he held at the how of MIA'siemeobietnrselt a- Teen nIisekco.(114.tht.0 wear a, home-made .corsaee, and brine an, unnamed gift. CeIenders riven oast at the beginnine of the year 111•0 returnable, with the desired ae- eompaniment, A. social hour followed, begun by Mrs. George Blake Sr. rola tine current events, local and distant. • The ladies were pleased to have as their guest sneaker Mrs. R. W, Stephens: The day was made memor- able e.g ,fleee,roatied in review. Mrs. Stephen's trip to Europe, and enjoyed an insight into. the beauty customs of other lands. Among readings given was a Recipe for a Haw lie Mrs. .Tim 'neither, Lunch was served by the enter Mitten elmarro find -e`011iqrSV nemaaiks made he MI,54. nnrrlo--; Ttlnirr; closed the meetil CHRISTMAS BAKING Demands your best talents and ingredients So be Sure to Use Delicious Nutritious FRIDAY, NOV. 24th, 1961 From 7 P.M. to 8 P.M. i; 'demanded a pole will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DEC. 4th, 1961 Polling Sub-Division No.1 in the Massey-Ferguson Show Room; D. R. 0. 'William Bell, Mrs. W, Edgar, Poll ,Clerk. Polling Sub-Division. No, 2 In the basement of the Public Library, D. R. 0. Ben Whittard; Mrs. Vera Hastings, Poll Clerk. Polls to be open from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Wm. H King, ReturnIg Officer -In• a race from bottom '1st Show 7.30 ouaer space to the of the sea 2nd Show 9.30 * * * I Set, John Bronson, of the Royal Canadian Fnelneers, ,Mrs. Bronson 1` and two sons, who have recently i returned from Germany, have been 1 visitors with 1115 brother Rav and 1 Mrs Bronson. Mrs. E. Farquharson Mrs. 411a, Farquharson died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on 1 Wednesday. She was the former Ella i Isabel Love, and resided most of her 1 life in 'Grey Township, Her husband and First Grade CREAMERY BUTTER SALTED o r UNSALTED MUNICIPAL NOTICE For Conking, Fying and Table Use *predeceased her in 1949. Surviving I are fiVe daughters, Mrs. David (Muriel) Allison; Mrs. - Harry (Kathleen) Trestle; Mrs. Jack I (Teatil Scott all of London; Mrs. 1 Norman (Isabel) Thompson, List- i owel; Mrs, Edmund (Helen) I Mathews, Seaforth; two sons, Alvin, I Niagara. Falls; William of London; ! five sisters, Mrs. Walter (Sena Broadfoot, Walton; Mrs. Ferne 1 Patterson, Mrs, Wm. Learning, 1 Seaforth; Mrs. Fred Kerley and Miss I Amy Love. Toronto; and two brothers, Samuel Love, Windina, I Sask.;, Daniel Love, Nev West-- II tninater, B. C. The funeral service I will be held from the D. A. Whitney 1 funeral home. Seaforth on Friday at p in. Burial in Brussels cemetery: COUSINS CREAMERY Phone 22 Brussels, Out. 7,136.75 Edythe M, Cardiff — Clerk C,liffoIel R. Dunbar — GREY TOWNSHIP . SCHOOL BOARD The Grey Township School Board met in the Ethel School on November 7 at 8.30 Pan. with all members present The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Smith and Fischer A number of matters were discussed and items of correspond BORN lainfno nmommo "ormialiolowe —sw ras-(7:"..,44.`;'-wesZ-V'tk 4;.'' WILLIS' FRESH SIMS all RAKING DAILY Fresh Fruit and Vegetables At All Times orammomparmemrlmar WEEK END SPECIALS. Nabob Instant Coffee — 2 oz. jars ••" ......... 734 Dainty 2— 1 lb. pkgs., 310. Iouai>ttRoyal .Corti 20 oz. 2 for • - 33C, Phone 132 Ftoe. • Delivery Re S5 I-IETHERINGTON; Q. C. DRODAOLD PHOtfi 'Nada* iMitniia# Ail s *Am 40080 OAR 0010 OfitOMILi OKI WINONA* ' 1'046E0'6 04'.504 DRAIN TOWNSHIP" OF GREY Tenders . be received' by the iiiiderSigned 1 P.M.. Satntdatio December 2tI*. 1961, tor the COnatit Cann- Of the HISLOP fitnnininal brain iit ilia of Grey wbinit consists Of G,635 lineal, . feet. of .Opeit drain. floats and, anaCifictititnia May 'he Seen' at the Oferies. office, Ethel, Ont. Tender ti} be titeetitnanieit by Certified for 10%4 of .atobitti: of tendef,1 LOWeSt: or titi.y. •tirit tinnesite, I ily annentnii. r. e clythe M: it Cardiff, 1 d44§*. ttItni,• OntatiEt • MON. - TUES. - WED. NOV.27 . 28 - 29 'Peter Ustlnov and Sandra Dee show ‘what'happens when a Russian Romeo -mete an American Juliet "ROMONOFF AND JULIET,' 'First Show 7.30 2nd 9.20 Armilcan elmrch OF CANADA IT. JOHN'S Rector: 'Rev. H. L. Jennirici D. A., L. °monist: Mrs. S. Zillion 1.1 a.m. Morning Brayer Church Schoiii It. David's, Hentryn 2.80 p.m. Evening Prayer and 'Ciburch School • Presbyterian Church IN CANADA Melville Church Minister: Rev. W. J. Morrison, D.A. Organist: Mr. G. Surgoin 9.45 A.M. Bible Reboot 10 A, M. March School 1.1. A. M. Morning Worshiti * '4F The United Chtlreh OF CANADA IWO. 8141161111 OEMs lir& A. it. items A. lc Wolfs* 141 A. It *Web Obis,