HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-11-16, Page 4enjoy the wonderfu world of warmth with. Esso IL HEAT Ask your Imperial Esso Agent to introduce you to the wonderful world of Esso warmth soon. It's the kind of home heating that gives a family a pampered feeling. Carefree, safe, - always there. And it can be yours so easily, because whatever kind of heating equipment you own, Esso has the fuel to suit it. GEORGE MUTTER Brussels, Ont. , 811•WAYIP LOOK Is imams. ran Tess Gorr MUNICIPAL NOTIO MORRIS TOWNSHIP 1 hereby give notice that NOrnin tien of a Reeve,' Four PeencIllors and TWO School Trustees to serve the Township of Morris during the year 1962 will be held at MORRIS TOWNSHIP HALL FRIDAYS NOVEMBER 24th, 1961 from 1 p,m, to 2 p,m, All persons wishing to qualify ',est either be present at the nomination by 2 p,m. or have a written consent for nomination signed by him or herself in the hands of the Returning Officer •by 2 p,m., November 24, 1961. If demanded a poll will be opened at the following places on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1961 Paling. Sub-Division No 1. School House S. 5, ?Ye. 1 D,R.O, Laurie Scott P, C. Leo Cronyn Paling Suleleivieion No 2 School House V. S. S. No. 11 D,R,O. Allan McCall P.C. John Ilislop Polling Sub-Divisio UN°. 3 School House S, S. No. 5 D.R,O, Mark Armstrong P.C. Christopher Nethery Polling Sub-Division No. 4 Morris Township Hall D.R.O. Howard Smith P,C, Jack Clark Palling Sub-Division No. 5 School House S. S. Yo. 7 A.R.O. Chas. Campbell P.C. Gordon Higgins Polling Sub-Division No. 6 School House S. S. No. 10 D.R.O. Jas. Bowman P.C. Thos. Pullman Polls to be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. C. Martin, Returning Officer. WANTED — Girl wants work 2 or 3 days a week. 384W13 By Carl Anderson NOTICE TO CREDITORS in. the ,estate of MARY SMITH ALL PERSONS Ile-Yieg Pl.r1,04P against the estate of the above tuuntel deceased, late of the Towel- Ship of Morris in the ',Comity of Huron, widow, who illod on the 20th, day of .0ctober, 1001, are required to file 'proof •of stone with the undersigned on or before the tad day of December, 1901. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the elabris of which. they thee have had notice, DATED at Brussels, this 11th day of November, A.D. 1961. poLEze, FOLKS USE LOTS OF cHRisimAs SEALS ill I Help Plipbt Ti ...... CRAWFORD tgt HETHERINGTON Barrister & c., Brussels, Ontario. Solicitors for the Exeputors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of QUEST AMBROSE DOBSON deceased 1.410ketteleteree•vekosee. leretadieeesees All persons having claims against the Estat e of QUEST AMBROSE DOBSON, late of the Township of 'Grey, in the County of Huron, Farm- er, deceased, who died on or about 1 the 17th day of August, 1961, are hereby notified to send full partic- ulars of the claims to the under- , signed Solicitor for the Executors on or before the 24th day of Nove- mber, 1961, after which date the 'Estate shall be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at .Listowel this 27th day of October, MIL C. JOSEPH BENSON, Q. C. lestawel, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix 1 lei Canada's Capital, Elgin Boulevard at Laurier Ave. 400 Outside Rooms - ,Free TV and Radio Aar-Conditioned Lounges fitEE PARKING FOR REGISTERED GUESTS *V PAMILY PLAN 41 gloom Rotes: Single $7.50- $9.25 Doubles $10-$12.30 CEntral 5-3333 T9:: heLord Stmeoe Hotel .eeekeeeeeeeeeeeee.ee,eeeieeee.eeeeeseeeeeeeseeegeoeieeemeieoeeegeeeeeeeee:eee.ie:ei.1ee'„eeeeieeee1t.e:eeeeeeeeee:':':'eeeeeteeieieeiieieeiieeet.'.eeeiee.'e'"'e•-ee .e ' •••,:ife,•%** :Ave.".4 .......... Then there are tile myriad of "small" features that help extend the life of Chevrolet Trucks. Extra-big capacity brakes • preci- sion ball-gear etecring to minimize friction and steering effort .. . torque-tailored eltitelic,, and super-tough transmissions! Thursdays, November 10th, Dimimu; rIO‘T NOTICE, TO CREDITORS • AeiL, persons ha.ving claims against the estate of Annie :Cower, late of 'the Township of Grey, 1,0...40' the Township. of WaWintoshs in the County et Widow, Who diett ,on or about the 1st day of Sept. ember, 1960, are required to file the • same with full particulars with the iindersighed on or before the 23rd day of December, 1001, as after that date. the Assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated this 15th day of November, 1961. J. 'KENNETH HUNTER teederich, Ontario i Solicitor for the ; Administwatrix, WANTED — Old Pine or Cherry Furniture; Toilet Sets; Guns and Lamps. M. A. 'Facer, Phone 329W8 ..„ FOR SALE — 30 Choice York Pigs from 7 — 10 weeks old. Apply to: Urban Jeucharme, R.R. 2', Brussels, Phone 343W7 FLOCKOWNERS WANTED — To supply hatching eggs weekly, on a weekly on a yearly basis. Large premium wild over market prices. Tweedle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. NOTICE Your new Rawleigh Dealer will be at your service in the near future. - Raymond Hoffele, R.R. 4, Harriston Phone; Clifford 222W4 "AVON CALLING" Mrs. Farmwife Need extra money for Christmas? "And who doesn't" with just a few hours weekly, Yon can earn that extra income. Openings in Grey and Morris Town- ships. Car necessary. Write Mrs. PI. Bell, 84B Albert St. Waterloo, or phone colleet Sh. 5-0751 before 8.30 A. M. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q. C. 'MOMS iss omm, opal, svw, BetuoiefiLis Ali Day reeetter pea ii,toureay BRUSSELS and WITIKIMAII CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Caviller, McIntosh and Ward Sell Telephone Sullins. Walkerton Telephone* — Business 013; Reelleses 1100 1. IL KENNEDY, O. Ed„ E. A., C. A., I nt Maseocr. • , .....,••••••••••••••••.... John. Longstaff, Optometrist OPTICIAN OF SEAFORTH Goderich, St. W., adjacent Seaforth Clinic Ground Floor Parking Facilities Oculists prescriptions filled entitles you to all enbsequent adjustments it depends on the driver—on the care that a truck is given—and on-the manner in which the truck Was built Lets assume the first two factors are average...the driver is reasonably considerate of his truck—the maintenance it receives is sensible and regular. Now, the mileage we can expect depends on how' the truck is built. SIMISM,SW WHY DO SOME SUSPENSIONS LAST AND LAST? Let's talk suspension. Hero's another way in which Chevrolet extends truck life ... truck- tailored rear suspension in iionibination with Chevy's famous Independent Front.Suspension with torsion springs. Before Chevrolet pioneer- ed this suspension system, road bumps used to be transmitted directly to the chassis — and to the sheet metal and load. But now with Inde- pendent Front Suspension and van-rate rear springs Chevrolet Trucks dissipate the bumps, reduce chassis strain, minimize tire abuse, load damage and driver fatigue. Another way of adding more and more miles to the life of a Chevrolet Truck! • OW-Anara.M.SMWOOS* ' movaso,i: *.v4kvAtoii •••••••;•;;;; WHY IS THE ENGINE YOU CHOOSE SO IMPORTANT? C.1 Let's talk engines. For this is the heart of truck performance. And it's here that Chevrolet V-S's and 6's have proven their depend- able worth. Naturally, Chevrolet gives you a choice of power plants ... but they all have something in common. Namely, over- head valves, Moraine bearings and full pressure lubrication, all specially designed for long engine life. And, as a bonus while you enjoy this extended engine life, Chevrolet has married economy to power in the performance of its various engines — so that with a Chevrolet Truck you have the pulling-power when you need it, and gas economy full-time! NOW CONSIDER TRUCK FRAMES FOR A MOMENT Chevrolet Heavy-Duty Trucks arc built with a variety of frames tailor-made for a variety of trucking jobs. For example; if you spend all of your driving time off the highway, Chevy recom- mends one of their flexible frames that supports and gives when giving is the wisest course. If your chore calls for extra heavy highway loads, Chevy has a frame that fills that bill, too, in fact, Chevrolet Trucks come to you with the "just-right" frame for your job. And 'because of that, monthg and months of life are added to your Chevrolet Truck — miles and miles of profitable hauling. eeeeeeee So hOw many mils; should yr,ur Chevrolet Truck last? Frankly — we can't pin it down toe figure, Certainly, there are ay.-Ay:tag% of `Chevrolf:t Trucks across Canada with thousands of profit miles behind them. Who knows, perhaps you'll ren•e17,,afore your truck the,?5. ut one t:iiiig we can with surety: your Chevrolet Truck has been built, to give you, the rx..,lormanco thmuzhout t!.e boc,;5;b1,e lifetirro. Arid with a Chevrolet Truck, every mile you drive will be a profitable one, Choose your Work-Prrived C:,,,r,vroiat Truck at your dealer's today. c CT-:2GiD :MVO SALES t!‘;,•.-.'f,Wr. TrrYTE Bffni MOWN FOP F7-7ORMANCI, SVIViCE, LNGiNEERINS, ECONOMY AND ALL 'ROUND RELV,31LITY aiding Invitations Thci`friti-a graved (RAISED LETTERING) Wedcfrig and engagement• announcements, birth announce- incittg, confiririation invitations, golden and silver anniversary announcements, etc. Thermo,eneraving (RA ISED berregiNel Li‘ki and feels like the finest hohd engravini. The have an elegance and indifiduality only the finest hand en graving Can match. , Thertato-eilgtaltitig tn. iStb thirTtnit,46) Costs about half as math as hand engraving, because It ellmir *tea the copper plate that makes hand etigraVillgiiootpoolvt„ AND IT,S ACADY WITHIN 'Mg AtitElt Of course you can order Matching endow* dodo; reception, reepeest, thank you nod at Lome code, ctn. Select from our giant 'Catalogne of nal/dewily e.. red papors. 11 distinctive stylus of litittritig. \V. Maga-priced as law oi 60 to $9.00 And 100 for s13.5o. cm* piew with denble entiblopoe an,.! themes: SEE OUR bltpLAy At 11116 1111t.1166d1S: ia tt$St CRANBROOK Mrs. Bob Peter, the former, Dorothy Tuck, and her son. Tan, from Tacenaeerie, and Mrs. Peter Sr., Paris, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunn last week. Mrs, Jas, Noble received the sad news last week of the death of her , brother, Robert Campbell, Flint„ Mich, Mr. Campbell will be rem- embered by many in this commnnity, having resided in the Moncrieff area before going to Flint. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cameron and Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Higgins attended the funeral. The Annual Bazaar of the Ladies Aid of 'Knox Church will be held in the Oranhrook Community Centre os Saturday, Nov. 25, at 3 p.m, Members of the Ateerrieen and Evening Auxiliary of the W.M.S, were entertained by the W,M,S. of Union United Church on Thursday eyetiling, Nov. 9. Mrs. Jackson,. Atwood, showed most intereting pictures of her work in. GypsteVille, Man., where she was a lay preacher' for six years. A Social time was spent at the close of the meeting 'with refreshments served in the church basement. Other geestle attended from Brussels and Ethel, W. M. S. Meeting Mrs. Stanley Fischer was host- ess for the November meeting f4 the W. M. S. Mrs. John Perrie was leader and the theme was "Peace and Remenibrance.” 11 member§ were in attendance, Mrs. Lynne Evans read the scripture passage and Mrs. Mee Engel led lin prayer, A poem, "Let, us have peace" was read by Mrs, Wilfred Striekler and "en Flanders Fields'', and lie* it came to be Written, was read by Mrs. S elm. Selmeek. Durieg the . business ,petiod, presided Over by .3 the President, Mre. Fischer; •pla.ne , were blade for the December inertir 2:, Mrs. E. G. Nelson will be rho hostess and the her , Of' Meet- ine wilt be 2 p.m. tirtribe the winter reimithA, Anyone eavine; Ilene stemee ;e eelerel to Mein!' them, to the Dee- ereeir.e *11 hrdittv, Of the manse. Miss , le S Pereest cage on interesititi 'Him elw 1.-inte.* on l'ItementliV a tie,O.,'' vrvr, rgrin.lari Ttr11,711f, led in eretrer, 1 -eel, ',..” 1 e e,nrwsrl of the otos+, 'or 41.., ,,,,,,,,,ft,,,, ,,,,,, ,s ceetal fiv' "ntortid. It'rw Ante * Cash Register, in cued shape.. 1' inns