HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-11-09, Page 57111111047, /101Mhe 14141, OPL AND. SCOUT NEWS October Ath: saw the best .414 Pay ever in lirussleaa and area with. the 1)97yo, of the. Prttosele group collecting under $299,00 with a. profit after expeaeee ..of over f1e(),00, ,On Friday after 5 cubs and 2 gIceate were on .hand` at 'the Dri/Pcie .$teele 'Verde and starting et '9100 ams. 'Saturday both the Troup and Pack, went into antion. By 1010 P.M. 15 1 bushels of apples were sold, During • Saturday 11.0t chocolate sPd. 000100 were served at head. ettlartere in. the library by Mrs, Cbucit. Arnold, The boys, leaders, and group .comenittee wish, to take this opportunity to thank the people of Brussels and area for their most generous. support, NOTICE OF APPLICATION The Liquor 4icence Act I,ileensieg District NtitnI)er 4 TAKE NOTICE that Tif0MAS TAW' the VIT.44407;of lill.U$SEL$•in. the .00liNTV of THIRON willeulake p.Oplieetiou at le SPecica MIAting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held. at the CANAINAN LEGION HALL, 18 Ontario Street rprth in the CITY of I<ITOTTRNATt in the COUNTY 011 WATERIe00 WEDNESDAY, U10 29th day of NOVIOTIMR, 190, at the laOler 9C 9 30 o'clock in the forenoon for the issuance Of a PUSLTO 1-10UM4 '..4017NTE for the following Premises:: in the. Queen's Hotel situated at No, 1.37 Turnberry Sti•eet, in. the Village of Brussels. plan Nee a of ,lot No, 12 and part of lots 13, 29, 30. Any resident in the licensing district May object to the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shall be Piled with Mr, R. B, Trott, Q. C. the deputy registrar of the licensing district, whose address is Dunker Building, Suite 402, 251 King Street West, KITCHENER. at least Ten days before the meeting at which the, epplication is heard. ATED at Brussels this 91st day of October 1901.. Applicant — Thomas 10. Leek Address Brussels, Ontario 7 • STOPS SCOURS IN HOUR Terramycin ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS Animal Formula • Poultry Formula with Anti-Germ 77 New Liquid Terramycin for Mastitis • A & D Scours Tablets • Terramycin injectable Solution. siNCe 184$ eestA Pfizer Research Contributes to More Profitable Farming end ;Cell) actieities. Miembere include; . Mr. Jack 41'01)0120, 3fpr, J, Hanna, ; Mr. G. Elliott, and Mr. Gerald Excl. -,71621111W1,7:377017, ATTENTION CAR BUYERS ....Our Low Cost Financing and 1n surance Plan „will help you make a better deal. BEFORE you buy talk to El 3. GLENN M. RONNENISERD Monkton — Phone 347-1243 Brussels — Phone 65 Tuesday and Friday ORVAL HARRISON 13%mill: Brussels 32.11J4 R. R. I aeonktOn Onterue ELECTRICAL CON.CRACTIND .1A MESTOWN On Thursday evening .of last week the members .of the James- town Intermediate softball team were guests at a turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nicholson, Progressive euchre was played. High priz.es- went to Ism Adams and l?,on McFarlane. During the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson were pleasantly surprised When they wer e presented with gifte from the team, Mr, Nicholson received a moss green pullover and socks and Mrs. Nicholson a moss green cardigan and nylons. Daring the season th e JameStow,n team never lost a gam e in its regular series or in the playoffs. PO. ...PP CRANBROOK RADIO ANO TELEVISION REPAIR PROMPT GUARANTEED SIERVIBE TV AND at-SOTHIC Pipe 'Band, the Salvation Army 1 rand of IVing-ham and a ,massed choir under the direction of George Tiurgoin, choirmaster of Melville Church: Other COuSinS, who is • BELGRA.VE Phone Wingham 1065-W 'Phone 13russels 388W10 speakers included Roy as master of ceremonies, a past president of the Agricultural Society, John Hanna, M. P. P,; Douglas Miles, Agricultural 1 Representative for Huron: Robert I 'Campbell, Disrtict Director for quron-Perth and James Mair, past- I i president. s ANNOUNC EMENT A new development in the optical field is the lightweight, plastic lenticular cataract 'bifocal and single vision len*. These lenses are only half the w,etght of glass, have greater edge clarity, and because of thin. edge can be used in gin/less mountings. The great saving in weight makes them much more comfortable on the nose. Your present lenses can be exactly duplicated, or nevi prescriptions from oculist filled and kept adjuSted, You May compare Sample pair in the office at Your cenvenleace. Oculists' 'prescriptions filled here are kept adjusted as eerviee. J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOM ETA I ST OPTICIAN SEAFORTH (Ground Floor) CLINTON ereereet Alsiness anis R. R. W. STEP ENS iirrivuulity a Toronto eaeei D, A. 'ANN womukt, AND riONAL7,7. sed:JA4A1 Irmtif#41! ifKe.lx1.trat yes";ik• l'ertitAtlisot 3 7111K01841,11111111140 FOOT HISTORY OF EAST HURON ABRICUleTURAL SOCIETY 1861 ee 1961 (Oolnelled by Airs, gormuk lrea/obt assisted by'Mrs, Martin McDonald) (C031011%00 In Writlilfe about the Best Huron tt mAgardie o Agricultural a Stcrientyua,11109)0 Mr of entleafa wi rase, Of those fairs, there 'was nettling I new or apeetttealar to note. The prograMs for the years follow the same pattern usually, The first day) all exhibitors bring their entries of Indoor exhibits, 'which are judged in the afternoon. In the evening the Palace is open for the public to view 'the exhibits. A abort musical program was usually given, in recent sears, a spelling match was held, and public speaking contests by Public school pupils, proved very interesting. On the second day (Friday) all the livestock is entered and Judging commences at 11 pare In 1900 the first, concert on the second night of the fair was held and'netted $41. This was an annual climax to the fair for many years. The Town Hall was always In. adequate for the crowd, so some Years it was held in the arena. .In, recent years, th e concert has been discontinued, and a dance Is usually held in the Palace, These dances became popular in the Palace after the new hardwood floor was laid in 1949. The first dance was held May 17, 1950 with Ferriers orchestra suppyling the music. This is a fairly general account of the Agricultural Societies for the Past century. Now in 1961 in honor of the Society's one hundredth birth- day, a new Centennial stone gate- way was erected at the Turnberry :Street entrance. The official open- ing was held on Sunday aftereeeon, September 10, with well over 500 people in attendance. Mrs. Ida Davis and Miss Bah Hoover dressed in. Centennial costumes, unveiled plaques, on the two stone pylons, dedicated to the Society and the Pioneers. Tho ribbon cutting ceremony was performed by George Edwards of Engelhart, President of Ontario Association of Agricultural Fairs i assisted by F, A. Lashley, Super- intendent or Pairs for Onthrio, and i (Tem Steffler, president of East i Huron Agricultural Society, Rev. H. 1 L. Jennings of St. John's Anglican ! Church, dedicated the new gates. i Others assisting were Rev. A. K. 1 Griffiths of the United Church, Rev. IV, J, Morrison of the Presbyterian. cemch and Captain Newmen of the Wingliam Salvation Army, who received tho offering. Music for the afternoon was pro- 1 vided by the Brussels Legion Pipe keep !em healthy r .0,f,"11!IwA'S CUB NEWS The new let Brussels Cub Pack has been holding investitures at their regular Thursday evening ,ineetings for the =pact three conse- cutive weeks under the leadership or Doug Callender and Mr. and Mrs. %luck Arnold. Danny Arnold has been appointed Senior Sixer and on. Oct. 12th Sandy McDonald, George Valiance, Murray ICeelington, Greg Wilson and Allan Devries were invested as Pack Sixers. At this meeting Rev. K. IGiriffiths officiated. Th e following week, Oct, 19th, Kenreth Ritchie, Brian Workman, Donald Pletch, :Gordon Meehan and Charlie Exel were invested as. Sixers Seconds with Rev. W. j. 11Torrison assisting. On Oct. 26th Rev. H. L. Jennings was on hand to help invest Mairra,y McDonald, Robert Pipe and Murray Workman and to welcome 15 new Chums. A meeting of Scout and Cub fathers, the leaders, and representa- tives from the Lion Club, was held Friday evening, Oct. 6th, to form a local Group Committe,e Mr. Don Rennie, Field Commissioner from Hanover, -supervised proceedings. The Executive is as follows: President. Mr. Charlie Thomas Secretary ,Mr. Max Oldtield Treasurer Mr. Bob Raymond. Various other committees were set un to assist with the Scout and Terramycin A&D SCOURS TABLETS Save money by preventing stunted and unthrifty animals. Terramycin A & D Scours Tablets provide potent antibiotic action against the widest range of scours-causing bacteria plus the vitamins most needed by newborn and sick animals. Terramycin starts to work instantly in the stomach and intestines against harmful bacteria that cause scouring, and also gets animals back on their feed more quickly. Terramycin is also absorbed into the blood stream where it continues to fight infection throughout the system. Added vitamins promote appetite and avoid critical vitamin deficiencies, Prevent costly scours damage, maintain weight and condition by using Terramycin A & D Scours Tablets. Recommended for calves, cattle, pigs, lambs and fur-bearing animals, Always have a supply on hand, Full directions on package. Available wherever animal health products are sold ••1 Protect your engine with permanent type The Ladies Aid of Knox Church have set Saturday, lerovevenber 23 for their Annual Bazaar to be held in the Community Centre at 3 o'clock. • Mits. Clem Steffler was taken. to St. Mary's Hospital, Kitehener, on. Sourda,y and underwent surgery on Monday, Mrs. Earl Dunn Is home foliowing an operation performed last week. MiSs Alice X, Forrest and Mt. • and Mrs. 'Gordon Vnget visited with in Pitris over the week-end. oranbrook Features Friiits Eighth Meeting The eighth meeting of the Oran- brook Features Fruit was held on. Nov. 4th. at 9,20 ton. et Carol and Other guest's whb hold various 1 provincial offices included: Mrs. Teffer, Mrs. James Grum.reett, MrS, George Ironsides. Miss Stella { Kirkby, Donald McTavish, Mrs. A. Koehler, Win, MeDoUgall and Mr. i Charlton. ',.f i7A I Me. George McCettcheen, Reeve of 1 Brussels, introduced the Peet pre, sidentS and secretaries. Regret was expressed that Mr, D. M. MacTaviSh, a former secretary for 15 years, was linable to be present on account of illness, Following the National Anthem, the Legion I lbe Band led th e parade of color parties through the gate- Wily. 'need included the Salvation: Arley timid, massed Choir, trieditibera ' ,8ae d etc leiseel eei ti o.the. of ioeal Legion,. anti Ladies itintli., Tho ItEi•Utg ••Vitt opened with the flarer, Toy Scoots and dabs, Girl IT Vodgo• folloWed by tho initiates' li by Sandra risthef. I: 'Guides and: 13roWiiieS, ' Everyone was invited to the Pelitee .-4 : zietielfa Il4iScher derabtistrated I 1:..." a. ea° of tea `tail' a l'Aeee of the l Grano Snarklo, whfoli was very' ftotid, "lit-N."110 Cake, served by . the '. leeeney She:tee-I'm' ilerhOtiStrated leillOrl- I.adies Division with Ms's. 'Marl 1 tid e Syrup. and it was geed tots. (",sdniore as et-telt:lent. . l. Since eet-41 del ryas was to brine a The Vienteentai Cate, a re}Sllea tit i fruit 1u•r'sc7 0'4' gt144. OP sonic of VIP rryetai Palreee. and Small .PA1 II one. nr1111011 tq' r.rMinila including the new ":"6 •"st4i'"t: Tht14", V"- (4.• ,liee ey was doglativid and dooratm ' 8trielt1 er. troll flt f If different lthule by nee'. lance ',ebeeereee there wet°. : Of names wild let each gi,r1 take what t y'cll'Y favoarahl„ c.ntatapnts •bii thfe , 5110 wArkt"(1 ntg'<'., 0-1•'"'""'11.sr -1 104 aietoitititid Best'We*" : The- members took. siol,•‘$ and Mit i heen Mid The. dillerent Mild', ti 'i. artistic creation. meeting 'closed With. "The- Odcall*. eeel'reeeieeeeeeeeeekeiteee ''inelleds.tejeeeeeeeedeeeeiesis&iee. -- ..... .. ...... A brand new car, the Chevy II, is introduced for 1962 by Chevrolet. It is larger than the Corvair and smaller than the standard Chevrolet. Shown here is the Chevy II Nova 400 Sport Coupe. The Chevy II is available with four- or six-cylinder *engines and comes in nine models. eeeeve—, eeeeee.4e:e*.' Ue• --- - eeeeeeeeeeeer.e.ereeeeln'' Agniatiiit*.s szrmott ,-xzer-trat_. 1962 CHEVY a totally new room, 09 }tere is the 1962 Envoy. CItslr,In Lc:Jar-door sedan. The new Envoy is redesigned Uhii..teattlitS tiibre headrooin, hip and sheulder. wider doors. 1962 ENVOY