HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-11-02, Page 8REGAL WALL SATIN Illsjif Goes on smooth, as satin 1111 Dries in less than an hour 41 Cleans up with soapy water a No painty odor ONLY PER GALLON I Madan Hardware" • • Iva 11.14011,,OVI.ihs OnVIRVIlilmln To11.1,111 triNniosORW0.11,41 nVfv..I:Vit, uvdtamr0Uk.: 0119.1.10 nti4dISIMV, ov11,0111;11164.1.111MR111vollt6 11.mliql 11',1: 11V.VvIr,l'rna at i/0111, 0111111,1111In.‘11,d11 oo,1 oov.holovt Itter, I Uhl In otthouoy ho rioolaroarol to .oilloolotogototlAndotool. th.on nOoeoflioli‘,1 iVior Memo. otrilto toino6 4.10,117Tv coorOnlOto dv.reolvoo Ito, ¶or. Wrolotrof ILVOisrin .1m44.1.1‘114,rtellf 11.41.150 Vowo.or Inc %howls lo mot IlltOptn .1001 001111V1V1a, IlionoittrI1011 r lOillidil,1 --114ra.10"....thmh """""'"*"""t ''''"'t.'''',,,,,Nrr lamb ItotkorlIVInot ovilmoo tiouqvurr l!toi tooloon thoonto:rnontCovitAt pilot otOoll,11001vdolo.V.,V1,0”,1O; olV;VOIWVV0,01.,11 tmothr“Ithoroson.,otool. ovontrolovilLotoo2i oho loravvd.. I'vpcnri••Avsv1111,44vmr•iet.beintil ivl10,11 ralIVIMV111110.1011 irdlo ,soar vPV.I4R1 uVrrRer lo.o of ttophoneolr OM 01,111:00 .ndiv mv11 lv,R,AVIVVIsIni tvirlovry01101,,,VA,VIC v1P4010 cl,s10.1 1...vil m111,111111 our OM, 0 PAICAVIMAL 13111rif11.1kAl .011111 la il.ille WWI kpovointOOO 11.10,0.a 000 1114.1+.101614.14 VAIVOilliqj WVItato Ils,Moto booboo!' floOlohoonol loom wOh nil coloonnollorl;an i t: anr5g2:287 •?...6701Nas1155,11.5.1SL ;, yogogo:5ozowmotst.1 IN • ts.:3,,s.r4i,:.0t.z12::1;:.07 zwox,,.: : ?T,x, ,E,4:17:: : : ,r; :. ,,,INTEILISST .ostee....:7:7; ...5raggiv!'svo.v.Eriw,04,.... i fi, 6 710:1:1":Nvi::. TE:1:4. 1 1:::::;:1:: T. 6!:1: ?: : 1; :2 3 :., . . , , 4 ::::::::14 sY NT T •t;.1 l:i 72;0:3:ss .s.:: !:1315. •Zarei.;4r7.414.;:ri, : ..,. ta nap.,,.rog.'ogoo•a• :NINTITI:ST .). ,,,, ::trkv,:?•::11:04::::Eir,.!g* ., • r4.41",, visiting Toronto? be our honoured guest eN in every room It overlooking Lake Ontario a hotel facilities %entertainment nightly HOTEL, free parking call RO 6.4392 at the door for reservations ► ► ► ► ► 0 I I- Thuyscluy,, Novei0or 2nd, no. POST •,••••••••••• • • s'"" As Phone WOOD'S 61'"v 1141" woo* es 24 esorraint 11010011651110110111CMP401110111galateelahl 1,11111 , FINEST INTERIOR LATEX PAINT WINTER CLOTHING Men's Hydro Coats Fine Qualities $13.96 and 16.95 Matching Hats and Caps WALL. PAPER .1.0 -E, SALE lk.Mr '44,t1g4.: 15 Regular Patterns 19c to 49c Roll Men's and Boys Coats in Wools or Nylons Children's, Can adian ,, .. . „4. .... Snq Boats, all Canadian, Wornen,s sixes; ... SHOP WHERE YOU PAN SAVE THIS ,STORE WILL REMAIN OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS 1,1••••••••••44•••••,,, NI e.. •••••••••••,•• Ladies and Girls Coats in beautiful fabrics, plain or trimmed Shop At Grant's Shoe Store Brussels, Ont T A TITITITs, to choose from Matching Borders are vailable if wanted Also some Room Lots at Clearance. Prices if wanted Just in time for Fall House Cleaning and Reclecoroting •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ** ** Girls Car Coats Special $8.95 vv. ** •• * •• Vete* The welcome mat is. out - Come in and browse around We offer latest styles ate; mt,.ilable prices et In The onth Savin s "aavssevv.v.r.vgvansvermotusaigsvainorvirszsgmazo. Super Plenamins Special Offer - Save $1.49 18 Day Supply Free with purchase of 72 size at regular price $4.98 Canada's Largest Selling Vitamin SMITH'S REXALL DRUG STORE iry WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP DUALITY, SERVICE, CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Week. Day CEMETERY LETTERING Your Cutrantte rer Over 35 Veers of Brussels Phone 62 Iii.MMM.artaMMTWalV.MOitiOWOW 1.m.r..•••••••••- WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used farmer otynod anti zontrolied Service at cost Choice of bull and breed Oar artificial breeding service will help you to a more efficient livestock operation .7.`,4:+r service more information calk Clinton HII 2-3441, or for long diet. anco Clinton Zenith 9-5660. SIETTER CATTLE FOR BETTRR LIVING We have a carload of BEET PULP at A VERY SPECIAL PRICE Good Supply of Molasses on hand ATTRACTIVE PRICES in your barrel or exchange barrel DEAD ScOCK WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID IN t SURROUNDING DISTRICTS 1 FOR DEAD, OLLI, SICK OR I DISABLED HOBBES or am-r.., For Prompt, Sanitary DIspeas; I Day or Night coin Leroy Acheson ATWOOD ZENITH 3-4900 (No Toll Margo) Vara License No. 'le-EP- Collecting License No. 22C0E) OPNOTCH FEEDS- LIMITED. "The Most Value For the Farmer's Brussels, Ont. Phone 199 I TITITI T y.T T (0, tikilmilmirnr-oirsec covalvraogsv eavhsgovonvoloroariel vossipreseommon...Zo74-sitiM • WEEKLY SALE Bmsselb Liveztock Yardt, ' CRY FRfDA11. I r. Your home mark" where you ars vi-gr,eflii Visitor Consigner 0* ii /01, eintisanz, cg.trr- -140111E 'Phone 256, Wingharn Co... ••••NOTO R. A. SPOTTON Nloore BRUSSELS ONT. Men's Flight coversh9C00 Imports at pRoi .. . $4•93 Canadian Made . I . • .. li55 and 0.91 Dor; Canadian „ . ... $4.95 Misses Canadian .. ,,,,, $3.55 The month of November Is Our Annual DAIRY MONTH During the Next 3.0 Days we will offer you a REDUCTION OF $5.00 per ton Off, On All Cattle Feeds Also, we will allow $4.00 off for Bulk (bag exchange) Thus a SAVING OF $9.00 per ton C.-4150:1021101VOVATI-S7G1-'%. Winter Footwear at. Low Prices DISCOUNT TRAIN FARES are offered again this fall. Take full advantage of these substantial savings bring friend or family and enjoy the best in travel, ser....••••,-,••••••* Good Used Cars for' rseoanc h 0 OFF pe travellind With ydu It's nice to know that if you should need money in a hurry, your Canada Savings Bonds are eashable instantly. It's also nice to know that, as long as you retain them, the interest steps Up from .44,4,% for the first year, to 43;6% for each of Ike next six years, and then to 15% for each of the remaining Ares years. Available in denominations of $50 Up to a limit of 0,000 per person - for cash or on instalments - $1 at banks, investment dealers, stock brokers, trust Orloan companies - or on the 'convenient Payroll Savings Plan. i / i • For two oeynore-rOUrid trip 1 t i • Any day of the week • Anywhere in Canada l I •1 I •Fiest,Class i Ttiuribtortnachiwhereitidividual t, f reg Ular routid trip fare is $1,66 Or more \ I • do together-return separately if you wish I • 150 Ihs, of baggage free Ode adult t i 1 INSTANT CASH .whenever you need it! 'vp • • '••• : . ••• 1960 Cbev. Biscayne Sedan 1959 Chev., Auto.-tran. Radio t959 Meteor Sedan 1959 Plymouth Sedan ins Ford, Fully Equipped 1966 Plymouth Sedan 1953 Pontiac Sedan Many Otter Models NEWP HEN,. TRUCKS and ENVOY C.A:R6 :good for Y6U.,and Canadi3 Call your local ticket office for the DISCOUNT FARE that applies to your next trip. 1041'. tANANAil NATIONAL •o# Alit' **EIS, ititteic Yowr ithiiYirOta litchirprbne Ad. NE. I 3 (Oh x 187 Me OWN ADVIItTlies10 ,t1MITtei, NOWA.*