HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-11-02, Page 4The November session of Huron ()aunty Council will be held at (ioderich on •November 20th, commencing at 2;00 13.M. All communications in connect, ion therewith must be in the hands of the Clerk no later than Friday, November 10, 1961. 3011N G. BEIRRY, Clerk-Trenssre County of Huron, Goderich, Ontario. FOR SALE 1960 Meteor Sedan in showroom obilditiOiii in black finish With tett leather 'Metier; equipped with ...red, leather interior. EqiiiPPed, with• custom tadiO, white Walt tires, ante, Matte transmission, glittranteed I. p4leake Sotig miles Car is the Otitier& of Mrs, Tinsel Whitfield; ,Apply to; Mrs. 1FtriY rtirvey 484 Brffasels or Mrs, td, Miller 303113, A.diAMINNYILIP.11110•111111111 LOCAL MAN REQUIRED . TO be our henteientativo is this aounfy,.0iditatitit,, dignified Work 'With to earnings. Sr .Part` tune, to041 year, no lay ne Clock 'SeaOena; aed ttet, 'eat, needed', Territottea. are filth* •fast, your name and• addraria' tee tilt iiitorinitiOn. nbligniolen. belief -OP:Merit Needier.. EOlt 81,7,- 'Leiden, &Matta, mitztlay, Novotrnet 11415111BLii 114MIT figg Sprayed Spy ApplQfs, Howird Slilatll none. 45141 FOR SAl- About 265 Pullets, laying. Wm. Wheeler Phone 59W ••,•.• ,••••••••••,••• Or. k KELP WANTED — y. A capable housekeeper immediately Preferably to live in, For information Apply at; The. Brussels Post FOR SALE -- 'German Shepherd Raps, very reasonable, Phone 53836 Max Demary, Bluevalo Free! Marie Fraser's new milk recipes—"Vegetable dishes simply delicious". Write today. A DIVISION OF DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 SIMON STRUT, MONTI) It. FOR SALE $20.00 BUYS new liringroom arm chair; or new springfilled,Mittress; or 5-piece folding metal brfd0a set at Schuett's Furniture, "Mildmay. .1111.11.11 --- WANTED — To rent. a House by Nov 1st • Personal Dry Cleaners, Brussels NOTICE TO GREDITOISS In the Estate of QUEST AMBROSE 001311Ohl deceased ; -elm, and cherry VARIETY FAIR Omni to Variety Fair on Saturday. Dim 4th at 2.30 p.m., in the LO.O.F. lAolg• Rooms. Sponsored by Morning sillisz Rebekah Lodge NO. 314. The Salt features Baking, Candy, Good lased Clothing, New Articles, and * Ten Room. Phone 441J4 FOR SALE — (leder Posts; blocks. Chas. Martin WANTED — Old Pine or Cherry Furniture; Toilet Sets; Guns and Lamps. M, A. Faser, Phone 339W8 .„, ••••••• -.•••••••• 4••• FOR SALE 30 cords of Stove Wood at $3.50 a cord, Ernest Stevens, Walton Phone Seaforth 830R22 All persons having claims against the Astate of QUEST AMI3ROSE1 DOBSON late of the Township of 4GIrey, in the County of Huron, Farm- er, deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of August, 1961, are hereby 'notified to send full partic- ulars of the claims to the under- signed Solicitor for the Executors on or before the 24th day of Nove- mber, 1961, after which date the Estate shall be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Applications will be received by the undersigned until Friday. November 17, 1961 for the posit- ion of Assistant Curator at the Huron County Museum. Please state qualifications, marital status, and age. Salary range $2400,00 - $3000.00 depending upon qualifications. 5n Canada's Capital, Elgin Boulevard at Laurier Ave. 400 Outside Rooms - Free TV and Radio r' Fes Envelopes for apiilications must be secured from the undersigned. Air-Conditioned Lounges FREE PARKING FOR REGISTERED GUESTS FAMILY PLAN doom Rotes; Single 17.50- 59.25 Doubles $10-$12.30 ."'CEntral 5-333;3 DATED at Listowel this 27th day of Lowest or any application not' necessarily accepted. October, 1961. Protect your engine with permanent type C n_ OP TIETREEZE FOR SALE — Renfrew Range for wood or coal; also a Lady's black Winter Coat, cost $49.00 sell for $7.60, can be seen at: Mrs, Laura. Jermyn's Phone 90 FOR SALE --- 6 room. Rouse with 2-piece bath; new oil furnace, in the Village of Brussels. Phone: 75R12 STRAYED — Black Steer, about 500 lbs., from lot No. ,19, Con. 14.; with notch in left ear. Phone 551119 K. S. MacDonald Brussels ••••••••••,••••••••-•••••••—.G.,• HOUSE WANTED — House in Brussels with five or six bedrooms, will buy or lease for two years with option to buy. Apply to: P.O. Sox lie, Brussels FOR SALE --- 10 good ,Suffolk Ewe Lambs. These lambs are from Registered. Stock; also 15 chunks of York Pigs. • p 7m.J. Speir Phone 2303 FOR SALE — Dining Room Suite, Wine Leather Couch, Vanity Table and Stool, End Table, other items. Robt, L. Cunningham, Phone 86r4 FOR SALE - Ready-to-lay H and N Nick Chicks Pullets; vaccinated, debeaked and delivered in sanitary crates. Avail- able Oct. 25 to Nov. 10 Call: Henderson Started Chicks Ltd. ,Seaforth Phone 645J1 or 233.1 FLOCKOWNERS WANTED — To supply eggs weekly on a yearly basis. Large premium paid over market price. Apply, Tweedle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. "RURAL WOMEN' — Christmas selling starta early with ANTON. Turn your spare hours into profitable ones. Immediate openings in Grey and Morris Town- ships. Must have ear. Write Mrs. B Bell, 84 Albert St. Waterloo, or Phone collect Mt. B-0751 before 840 A. M. JOSEPH BENSON, Q. C. Listowel, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix JOHN C. BERRY, Clerk-Treas., Clerk-Treasurer, Court House County of Hares EL AV 00.0P BELGRAVE Phone Wingham 1065-W 'Phone Brussels 388W10 intesSnisssAr.; A New World of Worth nom Chevrolet FOR SALE — FOR SALE — USED PIANOS $139.00, $149.00. $39.00 DOWN buys 7 piece living- $219.00. at Scluiett's Mildmay Furni- room suite at $179.00 at Schuett's ture7Showrooms. Also new Mason Mildmay 'Furniture Showrooms. and Risch and Sherlock Manning Trade Now, Select from about 30 pianos. Hear the electric "Lowrey" living room suites by "Kroehler" organ. G, E. Schuett, Mildvray, etc. John Longstaff, Optometrist OPTICIAN OF SEAFORTH Cioderich, St. W., adjacent Seaforth Clink Ground Floor Parking Facilities Oculists prescriptions filled entitles you to all subsequent adjustments New Impala Sport Sedan— fresh-shaped elegance With Body by Fisher craftsmanship. The Modern lray To Be Traditionally \ Correct, Jaunty new beauty with a road-gentling ride! -JET SMOOTH '62 CHEVROLET The Bouquet Invitation Line In came the new '62 Chevrolet — and out went the days when you had to plunk down a big bundle to ride around feeling like a king. Look at that fresh styling — clean, graceful, tasteful, isn't it? Imagine opening one of those big solid doors, slipping in, sinking down in those sofa-wide seats and taking in the rich new decor, Now, you switch on your engine—a fuel-shy 135-hp. Six or your choice of new 178 vigor up to an optional-at-extra-cost 409-hp. whirl- wind --- and go, man, go. Isn't that Jet-smooth ride something, though? At each wheel a big steely coil spring turning the road into cream And inside beautiful new ways to bolster your pride! The Impala Sport Coupe interior, at right, shows just a sample of how Chevrolet makes you more than pleased and proud of your exciting new '62 car, Deep soft Seats. Thick deep-twist carpeting, Plush new upholstery in a host of dew color combinations. And, of course, you're sur- rounded by the =Mistakable, and unbeatable craftsman of Body by Fisher. When' Chevrolet gives so much, ship -ds pay more? See your Chevrolet dealer todayl who rte. and over 700 sound and vibration insulators turning the car into one big quiet zone. Ahead of you are front fenders with steel underskirts that give extra protection against rust, slush and stones (what won't our engineers come up with next!). Behind you there's that goods-gobbling deep-well trunk. And, in between, you'll find one fine car feature after another, along with Body by Fisher quality. Really, about the only thing the new Jet-smooth '62 Chevrolet leaves to be desired is—a prompt powwow with your Chevrolet dealer. Whitewall Tires Optional at Extra Coot Wedding Invitations ther.....graved (RAISED LETTERING) , Wedding. and -engagement annomicemente, birth annriunes- 'acute, Confirmation invitations, golden and silver Miniveristry intounCeinChte, etc. Thermo-engraving (RAISED LETTERING, • ArAiso ..0.64330k, Looks and feels like the ,finest engraving, The 'fetter have elegance inri individuality only the haat hand tea. graving' can match. „, Thermo‘engta*ing (RAISED LETTERINGi Costa about half as much as hand engraeing, because it AMA* eta the Copperplate that 'Makes hand engraving eo eitpenekl AND IT'S READY WITHIN THE WEEK , . , . Of course you can order matching ettehnierit..eitedi, reception, response, thank you ited at halite Ord., et*. oilelcedeet agfrolinioieaur O 50 (or nt.00ttle,gAtined Ofwollefolftleas;43.60761%edli: Opera 11 'digthiCtIVe Styles OF. lettering. WnI(Iiiiie piste with doable inielottes and tissuei. SEE OU DISPLAY AT Brussels Pont 1. A GENERAL Mtif ORS VALUE out the '62' eheciciet, the new Chevy it and '62 Corvair at your local authorized Chevrolet Ded/Or'S.'••='—"•••'.71a Find out a C tcheon Motorsii Watch "Bohm-4a' 5tuiday nights CVO` C11lC4V. thedk your local paper for gtaf 01.1001i0l,"—