The Brussels Post, 1961-10-12, Page 3• BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR 1.4.* PliiirgciaitA:ipinc Studio and Camera Simla; fully-equipped_' established 1.5 Yeriral P.O. Brix 109, Forest, Ontario. COINS 1092U5A11,9A51rE0E.D00 TO for P1A021 :40- 3, 1.0,1000pa/goer illtistrated buying list .25# refuodabie on first purchase. Toronto Coin Box 397 Terminal "A" 'Toronto, Ontario, CHINCHILLAS LIQUIDATING Chinchilla herd, and all equipment, Best offer. Dull° Chin. chillas, 7875 Chandler, Windsor, Ont. • yr. •- - • • • DEER HUNTING HUMS Falls, Algonquin ?ark area, for deer; everything supplied. C. Sher. raft, Emsdale Phone Burks Falls, 152W5, DOGS FOR SALE SPRINGER Spaniel puppies, also cocker Spaniel, Shelties and German Short Haired Pointers. Registered, well-bred stock, healthy, reasonable, Ormstrum Head Kennels, R.R. 2, Tecumseh, Ont, WEIMARANERS - Registered males and females, 6 mths, to 18 mths. old, Contact Clarence Holmes, "Ghost Inn Kennels" Reg. R.R No, 1, Blenheim, Ont. Call OP, 6.5757. Fash;c;is In Dogs Over The Years To the elderly who live alone, a dog is another heartbeat in the house. To the modern American family, the dog is the capstone of togetherness. No one doubts, then, that there are sound rea- sons why people like dogs, But less sound are the reasons why they prefer one breed to an- other. As Jerome Van. Wiseman, the proprietor of Gimbels' pet department (which sells more than 5,000 dogs yearly), put it: "It's like falling in love." Mulling the riddle among the New York department store's noisy pup populace last month, Van Wiseman ventured some general notions: "The mother of the family is usually the deci- sive factor, in whether to get a dog, and in what kind of dog to get. Nowadays, poodles are first, then beagles, then dachsh- unds, then Chihuahuas. Poodles don't shed, and the next three are all short-haired dogs. The dog shows don't have much to do with what breed is popular. Last year at Westminster, a Peke took Best in Show. We didn't get a single call for Pekes all that week. But when Dis- ney's "101 Dalmatians" opened in New York, we got 101 calls for them. Outside the city at the West- chester Kennel Club show last month, it was a 100-pound bloodhound that won the day. While dog fanciers milled about in sun helmets improvised from inverted cardboard elogfood dishes, a high-born hound nam- ed Short Bred's Marc of Giralda took top prize in the country's largest one-day show. Still, Ed- win -Sayres, manager of the Giralda Farms kennel, admitted: "It's unlikely that the breed will become more sought after as pets. They can get very unhappy in confined spaces." Presidents, Van Wiseman ex- plained, influence pooch pop- ularity, Charlie, the Kennedys' Welsh terrier, upstaged' as he is by Caroline, has still managed to start a small Welsh terrier flurry. "But it isn't what it was with Coolidge's airedale, or Roosevelt's Scotty, Poodles lead -now, but that's partly fashion, and partly that poodles are fine dogs. Very intelligent. It was for those same reasons -- intelligence and character — that German shepherds were the most popular breed'40 years ago. With the crash, though , they gave way to the Boston terrier which eats less. The cocker spaniel, mournful and affection• - ate, caught the nation's fancy from 1936 to 1952, as the world went from bad to wars. Then the energetic beagle became the totem of the '50s until the poodle ascendancy in 1950, There are, of course, quirks in dog buying that are impos- sible to explain. Gimbels gets ten or so letters a year front men, enclosing locks of their wives' hair, for Van Wiseman to match with a poodle. Psychia- trists frequently call up to pick dogs for their patients. General- ly, for high-strung people, a beagle or a hound is prescribed. Terriers are good for lethargic, depressed people. "Pugs," Van Wiseman said, "are coming in, in New York—the Duchess of Windsor keeps pugs. German shepherds are still popular . . , they're good watchdogs." it was at the great Dane ring of the Westchester Kennel Club show, where 105 of the huge dogs loped about or suffered the judge to examine their teeth, that Van Wiseman's ideas had their most pointed illustra- tion. A harried mother spoke firmly to her little boy: "No, you can't have one," and steered him off to the beagles with a lure of ice cream, — From NEWSWEEK Mass Killer Is On The Way Out War on that centuries-old scourge of mankind, cholera, is being waged so successfully to- day in India and nearby coun- tries that some medical scientists say it may be eradicated from the earth before the end of the twentieth century. What causes cholera? It is an infection spread by foul water, by raw food, by flies and by soiled hands, In past centuries fearful cholera epidemics have decimated large populations in some countries, but big out- breaks are now comparatively rare. Bathing in some of India's holy rivers by countless pilgrims was once a principal cholera risk, but mass vaccination and stringent regulations have help- ed to defeat the ravages of the disease. Hundreds of sweepers keep river banks c 1 e a n. Wells are purified. Fly-breeding spots are sprayed. Squads of sanitary po- lice make sure that all anti- cholera measures are carried out. Once cholera gets started it's very hard to stop. Parts of Rus- sia had an epidemic which led to 220,000 deaths in 1892. At. St. Petersburg (now Len- ingrad) a wedding feast ended abruptly when a young bride- groom who had married that morning suddenly collapsed while dancing and died. His heartbroken bride re- mained with him, declaring that she wanted to get the infection. She had to be dragged away by the wedding guests. Cholera epi- demics caused many deaths in various parts of Europe during the first half of the nineteenth century. Britain had its first serious epidemic in 1848-9 when 53,000 died.• Five years later another epidemic carried off 20,000, Theatret were closed, towns bar., ricaded themselves against re- fugees and people fled to the hills. A very extensive outbreak oc- curred iii 1865-18'75, and in 1884.85 cholera ravaged prance, Italy and Spain, Tn Paris they carried young girls to their graves in the fancy dresses they had been dancing hi a few hones before. These periodic plagues lasted until well into the 1890's. • 1 ^ it's PreSident Gibbs, President Of the latiritilig secretarial sChtiol that qtrippedi "ft you kineW 'where put a eciiiiiiitt j it's ac sigh of eflucatiou if 'yen know where` to put a Schillediiini IN a sign of culture." 13 YEARS AGO — Another United Nations official killed in the quest for peace was Count Folke Bernadotte. Leader of the U.N. team to arrange an Israeli-Arab truce, he was assassinated Sept. 17, 1948, in Israel — almost 13 years to the day before the death of Dag Hammarskjold. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Films developed and 8 magna prints 404 12 magna prints 600 Reprints 54 each KODACOLOR Developing roll 900 (not including prints). Color prints 300 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 m.m. 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $1 20. Color prints from slides 320 each Money re- funded in full for unprinted negatives. PROPERTIES FOR SALE HAL1BURTON, solid house, chicken coop, 300' x 300' lot on Hwy, 28 near Bancroft. Ideal business site, $3,800. Ian Glllies, R.R. No, 3, Bancroft, REPAIRS RAZOR AND PEN REPAIRS FACTORY authorized repair depots. Overhauls and parts for all makes of electric razors. Ronson, Philishave, Schick, Remington, Sunbeam, etc. Par- ker, Sbeaffer, Waterman Pens. Mail to SHAVER SHOPS 88 King St. West, Hamilton or 418 Talbot St., London. STAMPS SPECIAL offer - 100 different select- ed Br. Colonies used stamps - $0,50, 200 different 31.00. T. H Graham, P,O. Box 378, Beaverton, Ontario. MENAGERIE "Stop beefing about the heat? It was YOUR klea that travel would be educational f or Junior!" WRONG Ritkit Reversed' irgit on 'hood may be eon, Rising for but seem fn another vehicles teat. View triirtark it teads . correctly„ thit an Suffolk Veteran§ of 'Parel§it 'We:it-a Oil ':014- albibutelha !,hey, b operate iii Medfarcii, Here's A Really Rig Fish Story CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .0IPicAt, PlitRIIIVTORS WANTED, VN VS VAL oppORTUN1Tar for men and Women te head their Olen httalneSa. P rod uct s have national Prontotton. Commissions, Bonus,. i.ifetlme over=rides, Write R. pannier, 30 William St. West, Water' loo, Ontario. FARM CATALOGUE FREE fall farm catalogue, write Wile item C. Campbell, Realtor, Listowel, Ontario. • ot.,,,,w10., IstoY Pitclal . 'X' has Stetted Ames pullets, and " pernengtria leVolqeteottni %al daavaldbel-e order i cloher.Noyember broiler chielts new, our requirements hatched to order, is local agent, or write firay Hatch. ry, )20 Sim ,North, HamIltoO, Ont, pON'T ...PfkAY1 ,EVERY 5VF.Icqlk RHEUMATIC PAWS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY, .1:OXON'S REMEDY, Allti.NR9'2 ONO ,STORIk P2..LtPIN„ OTTAWA $1422 Express Collett NURSES, WANTED ILttx rololggs 19r lvt,x1 1;0940, os 11811,". That's. net An. .xtrapt troth one, of MTh, Bel- *WS, the sooret of 1n4l7. tunny whole-- dis'cover'ed by ohc14. at London restaurant, That .tuppy was so large that kt was found possible, when It 'was cooked, to $o...mt bath hot and cold fish 'from it, At a spe- cial luncheon guests were serv- ed from the head, carved over hot plate, or keen the tail, in lee ee the whole Wally still 1Y- ing in. 'the tank in which it had been. boiled, 'runny even larger than that have been caught in British waters, Many magnifi.- eent specimens are captured in the North Sea off the. YQT.ksbiTe. coast during the tunny-fishing season in late summer. This could be a record tunny, fishing season 'around British ehores, say the tough men who practise this strenuous sport. It's a rule peculier to the. British Tunny Club that this mammoth fish must be taken from a row- ing boat Fishing elsewhere is from power craft, although when a tunny has been hooked the en- gine is switched off and man and fish fight it out. It's fairly common for a tun-. ny fish to grow to a length of over ten feet and weigh hall a ton. Only an expert fisherman can deal .with these monsters of the deep. There is considerable risk of injury in catching them, but the sport has always attract- ed the robust angler. A founder-member and • first president of the British Tunny Club in 1932 'celebrated -the in- auguration by landing a .798-11s, fish, beating the world record of Zane Grey, the writer of Wild • `MTMEI.M•1[1,19r A V.,gorid Mare Silent Than The Sea my two fe,vgurit. /{1n 9 of places in this World are coral eeefs and rain forests, I don't know how I Would vote if I had to cheese between them, had to decide that / could 04 only to reefs and never to forests again, or vice versa, My idea has long been to live by a broad, sandy beach with a rain forest behind 'me and a coral reef offshore be- lore me, with, either open to explOration or contemplation. !Maybe someday achieve the ideal. There are places where it is possible, Certainly they are different enough, the rain forest and the coral reef, They have no inhabi- tants in common , They have this in common: one is the pro- duct of the most favourable pos- sible conditions for life in the sea, the other for life on land, Sunlight, warmth, moisture, are always abundantly present, sta- ble, and favourable throughout the year. Moreover, they have remained about the same over long stretches of geological time. As a result, there is a tremen- dous variety of different kinds of organisms in both environ- ments — and these organisms, among themselves, have develop- ed a tremendous variety of dif- ferent kinds of relationships, "Rain forest" and "jungle" are frequently taken to mean the same thing. But I have never liked the word jungle. It has all the wrong connotations „ . The true rain forest, untouch- ed, almost untrodden by man, is a very different sort of place. The forest floor is open, carpeted with the richly variegated browns of many different kinds of fallen leave s, sometimes brightly spotted with blue or red or yellow from flowers that have fallen f r o m' unseen heights above. The carpeting is thin, easily scuffed away to show the red lateritic clay soil so charac- teristic of the equatorial regions. There is no thick accumulation of leaf mold like th5eefenorthern forests, no rich accumulation of humus. The processes of decay are too fast to permit much organic accumulation in the soil. There is little vegetation on the forest floor since the light Is too dim for plants. There is a thin growth of tree seedlings (which have no chance to grow unless some catastrophe to a for- est giant should open space), ferns, sometimes dwarf palms, or scattered thickets of huge- leaved aroids, the sort of plants that also grow well in the dim light of hotel lobbies. But basic- ally, the forest floor is open, with vistas of a -hundred feet or more, vistas framed and closed by the straight trunks of the trees that disappear into the vaulted green canopy that they support above. The rain forest is perhaps more truly a silent world than the sea, The wind scarcely pene- trates; it is not only silent, it is still. All sound then gains a curi- ously enhanced mysterse—From "The Forest and the Sea," by Marston Bates. FARM HELP WANTED ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF NURSES REQUIRED for 54.13cd hospital in West, ern Ontario. Addition planned. Must he qualified. Salary open. Liberal Dingo benefits, Apply in writing, stating qualifications and salary required to 4, F, Mills, Administrator, Groves memorial Community Hospital, Pergu; Ont, FULLY experienced single man for dairy farm. Good Wages and steady employment. APPly Andrew Carter, Phone 843-2750 enelgrove, Ont, --• FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRE farm, good hunting and fish. ing area. Apply Joe Robins. RR 1, Graveahuret. NURSERY STOCK GoVgaNNIENT certified Latham Nee. ono year raspberry plants $60.00 Per thoueand, $7,00 per hundred.„James Radbourne, R, 4, Tara, Ontario. NUT RI A FIFTY acre farm, level, good build. logs, Conveniences, 11/2 Miles west of Palmerston on town line. For infer- ruction contact Roy Torten, phone 607.3, R.R. 2, Palmerston. DAIRY farm, 100 acres, modern build- ings, 1200 pound milk contract. $35,000 full price. BEEF farm, 300 acres clay 1 o a m, stream, buildings are good but need modernizing, Asking $22,500. POTATO farm, 160 acres candy loam, stream, $22,500. STOCK farm, 190 acres, modern home, scenic location, $27,500, Call Jack Will, sop, Sheiswell Real Estate, Parkway 8. 9961, Barrie. WHERE'S HE RUSSIAN? — High-stepping Russian dancer exe- cutes one of the precision routines which delighted the 10,000 who came to see and hear the Red Army Dancers and Choir while they were in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The group made triumph after triumph as it toured Canada. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA. When purchasing nutria consider the following points which this organize- tion offers; 1. The best availabie stoc bred or standard types commended.r 2.Tho reputation of a Plan which is proving itself substantiated by files of satisfied ranchers. 3 Full insurance against replacement, should they not live or in the event of sterility tall fully explained to our certificate of merit). 4. We give you only mutations which are in demand for fur garments, 5 You receive from this organization e guaranteed pelt market in writing. 6. Membership in our exclusive breed- ers' association whereby only pur- chasers of this stock may participate in the benefits so offered, 7. Prices for Breeding Stock start at $200 a pair Special offer to those who qualify, earn your Nutria on our cooperative basis Write: Canndian Nutria Ltd., R.R. No. 2, Stouffville, Ontario, DITCHER FOR SALE SPEICHER TANDEM TRACTION, two years old, with hydraulic ground con- veyor and 14 in. buckets. Roth Bros. Phone 217, Wellesley, Ont. Polite Message Gets Polite Answer OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN END OF SEASON CLEARANCE SALE I---M.11 Clipper $ 575 1-Cockshutt "132" Self- Propelled, 10 ft. $2,300 2-M-II No. 27, 12 ft, $2,300 1-M-H No. 26, 10 ft. $1,800 1-Allis Chalmers No, 66 PTO $ 500 Pickups Available For All Machines Lloyd Beckham & Son WOODSTOCK & INGERSOLL Located 2 Miles West of Woodstock On the Governor's Road BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto. Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS In London, The Journal of the Institute of Chiropodists report- ed recently that a member of the organization, highly exasperated and frustrated, parked his car in a no-parking zone, He left on the windshield a message that read: "I have circled this block 20 times. I have an appointment to keep. Forgive us our tres- passes." When the gentleman returned, any hopes of official leniency he may have had were dashed by the following note: "I've circled this block 20 years. If I don't give you a ticket, I lose my job. Lead us not into temptation." The chiropodist got a rejoinder in kind that still managed to maintain official integrity. It is agreeable rather than otherwise to find relations be- tween offender and police con- ducted on such a genial basis and far be it from us to contend that the chiropodist put his foot in his mouth.—(Memphis) Com- mercial Appeal. GRIMM Evaporator 5 x 20 feet, also buckets, lids, spites, tanks, draw-off cans, sleighs. Priced low. Earl Thomp- son, Colborne, Ont, SURPRISE Boxes, Value $2.00. Now selling for $1.00. Useful articles for all the Family. Send $1.00 to: Mr. Gerald Gillett, Herring Neck, Newfoundland. PERSONAL AUTHORS Invited submit MSS an types (including poems) for book publi- cation. Reasonable terms. Stockwell Ltd., Ilfracombe, England, (estd. 1898). HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS TESTED guaranteed, mailed in plain' parcel.,including catalogue and sex book free with trial assortment, 18 for $1,00. (Finest quality) Western DIstribu- tors, Box 24-TPF, Regina, Saak. PHOTOGRAPHY JUNIOR PHONE $8.95 COMMUNICATE from main building to barn, garage, boathouse or basement. C.0.10., F.O.B., Montreal, Gemsoc, P.O. Box 345, Snowdon, Montreal 29, Quebec. ALADDIN KEROSENE HEATER. For barns, sheds, cellars, summer cot- tages, camping or emergency heating. Operates on non-explosive kerosene, burning up to 25 hours on a single gal- lon. Produces up to '9,320 BTU's per hour, enough to heat 3,000 cu. ft. It burns with a blue flame, hence no smoke or odour. Perfectly safe, quick to heat, easy to operate. Completely portable. No flue pipe needed. Ruggedly constructed of heavy gauge steel with green enamel finish. Satisfaction guaranteed. Only $29.95, we pay freight if cash sent with order. Aber & Sons, 36 Van Horne, Montreal. HELP WANTED MALE How Can I? By Roberta Lee Q. What is the best way to remove rain spots from a felt hat? A. Rub the surface of the hat with steel wool until the nap is raised, and you'll find the spots have disappeared. Q. Is there any way I can re- pair leather table tops that have been marred by deep cigaret burns? A. Sometimes melted wax will do the trick. Use wax of a color that matches the leather as closely as possible, and drop the melted wax into the burn hole, then smooth it flush with the leather surface, using a warm knife blade. Although this re- pair is not perfect, it will be al- most unnoticeable, if your colors are well matched. Q. How can I go about remov- ing the old whitewash from my basement walls preparatory to painting them? A. Soften the lime in the whitewash with a solution of one part muriatic acid and five parts water. Afterward, this should be brushed down with a stiff wire brush, followed by-a hosing with clean water, CAUTION: Wear rubber gloves when working with muriatic acid, and be very careful not to splash any of it on ydur clothes or skint HOSPITAL ORDERLY PERMANENT position open for man qualified by training and experience. Medical, Hospital and Sickness Benefit Insurance, Pension Plan, 40 hour week, $200.00 per month to start. Apply: Di- rector of Nursing, District Memorial Hospital, Leamington, Ontario. STATIONARY ENGINEER (4th Class) PERMANENT position to satisfactory applicant with papers. Mainly on shift work, but interesting opportunity to learn maintenance of hospital equip- ment. Medical, Hospital, Sickness Bene- fits, Pension Plan, 40 hour week, start. ing salary $225 monthly, Apply: Ad. ministrator, District Memorial Hospital. Leamington, Ontario. MACHINERY FOR SALE Imagination — something that sits up with a wife when her husband's out late. DODGE power wagon 4-wheel drive complete with winch ,portable derrick and leg, Jack arms and connection for electric trailer brakes. Good condi- tion. Louis Lejeune, R.R. 1, Fort Erie. Phone Fort Erie 871-2332 evenings MEDICAL West stories. The president (Sir Edward Peel) later beat his own record with an 812-pounder. The season this year ,in Bri- tish waters is expected to last into October — unless very high seas suddenly make fishing im- possible. Tunny fishing remains one of the few types of big-game hunt- ing which the Englishman can still practise in the waters of his• homeland. After hooking a tunny he may tow you in a small rowing boat for four or five hours over the waves of the North Sea — and at times, it's like a prolonged trip on the giant racer at a fair- ground, When first hooked, the tunny tries all the tricks it knows. It makes short, swift rushes and frequent doublings. Sometimes it dives as a preliminary to a muscle-straining up and down tug o' war. No wonder tunsly fishing is called "the strong man's sport." Yet the tunny is no more than a giant mackerel with a girth double the thickness of a nor- mal man's body. The contour of the tunny's body is said to be the most perfect specimen of streamlining known in nature. Tunny feed largely on squid and smaller fish and when first sighted early in August they are. usually from thirty to sixty miles from land, but 118 the sea- son adviiaces they come as near as ten miles, Salted tunny was a great deli- cacy among the Romans, and the Phoenicians established a fish- ery in Spain at a Very early period. tunny fish are depleted on some of their medals. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you Itching, scalding and burning ecze. ma. acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt or Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St, Clair Avenue East TORONTO LEARN WELDING NO TIME LIMIT Also Certificate Courses in SUPERVISION - INSPECTION QUALITY CONTROL A.R.C. SCHOOL OF WELDING 92 John St. N.1 Hamilton JA 9-7427 JA. 7-9681 ISSUE 40 1961 41111111M pl ''1 got all this for inodairig" firoudly proclaimed the lady of the hi:Pate as she diSplayel lief Collection of antiques obtained at stililifier atietiel) A ANtid CITY GETS A TASTE OF ESTFIER•Maim di tight runs or tevte as huge waved ru:ti under boardwalk and trash against d seawall in Allomit Gil”, N.J, Torrential rain" dud gale-force Windt hit the New Jersey Coast in the cifferriaan as HUeritane tsthei. feared Ulo !'110 Atioritic. r.