HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-10-05, Page 4TIM BRUSSMS FOK HISTORY OF ,EAST HURON AGRICQLTURAL S t,GIETY 1$01 1"51. (Compiled by Oirs, Gordon Knight assisted by Martlo, MCPOUald.) (cant,irawa) 1 in 1Sgi Annual meeting of the, Gio.y Branch we find .tho. . a fiaockti ..tatoment, 'as, follows: ReCoipts: Bnlance from I.00 report. $304.0O;, -Legislative grant, $31.00; Municipal iwatlt U 4,0 0 ;- l‘lonther ls subscription's, 4;117,011; Admission fees to exhibition $491,45; heft for ground anti •stalks, $10,011; Miscellaneous recelpts,.91,00; Total. $903.47. Expenditures.; Grant to union exhibition $200.00; Fitting un grounds etc., $8.5.98; Paid on. mortgage, $100.20; Paid on interest. $60.10; Miscellaneouo. expenses, 8245; 'Total 448.43: Balance On hand', .507,04; Value of Land, $2,000; Value of Buildings $800; Mortgage, on property, 87001 Interest .nn. mortgage dim $25,26. The union exhibiton was the Fall Fair held jointly by the Grey Branch and East Huron Agricultural Soc- ieties. It. is interesting to compare the financial statement or Grey Branch with that of East Huron and also with the 1960 statement. The following is the treasurer's report for East Huron 1898: ReCelPts, • Balance from last audit $1.92.18; Legislative grant, $426.00, Member's sUbscriptionEt 86.00, From Grey Branch 'Society, $200, Total 90.4,18 Expenditures: Prizes at Fall Fail • 4 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Wen Partner owned ant zontrolled Esz•vice a,t Cost Cgtoice of bull and breed Ouir artificial breeding ser'vic'e w$11 help you to a more atIcient livestock OPerittien rig. service or more informatien call: atigton PTT 2-3441, or for long dist-7" co Clinton Zenith 9-5650. BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER • LIVING 1 Live Better Electrically wlyrieellimmillW97177.4•74rJos7momr*I.O.V.I.W.:7Mo. Wit, 7 ----.-froutiepeirle001301,,t12,' Bu iness rds DR. R. W. STEPHENS G,@; Unirieralty cc Totals% PHICSMAI .04 awl alEtatali liasemese Arnomits, gEks D. A. RANN eilefAlOtia:Ateemee.ieeenersoinei PLIMAIAL AND ASIBULANCE 5-Mir-Are Lkitnzed Vta2=-1 Dizztaor "e:ALIgkraral oviim.selokartrtimmiak.moissaio.gligq*. . . MOM ZB 86 tz,,Tgn. FOR SALE — One year old fowl, blood tested, ,pulonuni free. Delidong roasted, boiled or fried. Oven ready, 30c per pound. Mrs. Dorothy McCauley „ Phone 188J" "AVON CALLING° Airs, Partiiiiiite Need extra money for Christmas'? "And who doesn't" with just a few hours weekly, -You ,can earl that eXtra inceine. operchigs in Grey 04nd ;Morris Towel, Alps. Car apeeSsarY, Write Mrs. Bell, MB Albert St. Waterloo, Or ohrme collect Sit 5-0/61 before P.10 A, M. Ma, LOCAL MAN REQUIRED I nerd representative' tot ttly, firm, avert may he worth up to $8,000 in rails area, The opening in this for the right men. Can yOn. .."-to short auto Full or part 7t)irrriele-oriNerto. 11Wurrititlei ri'mvil nod City dwellers?' Are yoti„ Sales atiager bet 817, Londetti tAtiOla, M 17,0119.i77.r7., 1.:04 01TIONING, (lit c'ults ,"••. v ,1••••r ur:tk-sating, dine. t.:,;•:,.•,;.:,!:,•.•••.•-••• • :•learVi.t.I.E.,vcri:7.i.,11..dal. iii000 to, -teioaos your bowl, .n-eds. od zo. -04:01' service is a new (nth 1,7% ;1;*,.217 e • oo 7' Ql0 Irtal tr-V • 4•0, tho u ootOer was ideal, with an estimoted attenda11e0 Of 5000. There wore WO7'I 0177:1' 120,1 entries iii the, various Masses, This was the first year a eolteert was held on the 8ocond night of :am. The. Town Tall was .filled to cat icily. Proceeds $11.00 alley expenses. Entertainers were if, itt,thl. an Mi-Ilopald, baritoue sol-Otot ,1. il, ('ameron. Toronto, Storleo and humorous oongo, • Misses. Lyda, and Liazie .Salopie, local Wales, assisted with vocal solos, Miss 111cLattehlia tOlre Rabt, Thom son) anti 'Mr, Phelps acted as acc•arrnpanists. (Continued 'next weel\O Does. Your ;lerci Sire Ever LIE ON ON 7.11E JOB? NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the estate of ELIZABETH KEYS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late .or the Village of Brussels, in the COanty of Huron. widow, deceased,, who died on the. 21st day of August,. 1901, After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claima of which .they than have had notice, DATED at Brussels, this 22nd day of September, 1961. GYAWFORD dt ITSTITERIMON Brussels, Ontario, FoolicitOre for the Executors FUEL OIL! Whatever type of home you have — no matter where you live in Ontario — you'll enjoy the winter more if your home is kept snug and warm with CO-OP SUNGLO FUEL OIL! SUNG1.0 burns clean — no threat of rust, dirt or corrosion. Keep your burner working at top efficiency with this tow price, high quality fuel oil. See us today about a worry-free winter . . protect yourself with a SUNGLO Contract! FOR SALE — Heavy Roasting Chickens. Oven : ready. Phone 331W6 Brussels If one of our Unit sivrs takes time off be- cause of ill health, injury, or just laziness, we have others of the same breed to use in his place. On the other hand, many farmers have begun using artificial insemination when the herd sire they had raised (at con- siderable expense) failed them at peak breeding season. Can YOU afford to take that chance? For service or information, phone before 9:30 a.m. (For Sunday services, Saturday 6:00 to 8:00 p.m,) to: CLINTON RU 2-3441 or SEAFORTH 96 Or Long Distance, Clinton Zenith 9-5650 FOR SALE -- Dressed Chickens, ready for oven, ' for Thanksgiving. , Phone 254J B LGRAVE 00,0P BELGRAVE Pkone Wingharn 1065-W Phone Brussels 388W10 Prizes paid for 1896 $23.75, Working expenses, $76.00, Printing on judge's expenses $64.73, Balance en hand. $99.03, Total, -$904;13, Prizes yet to pay, 478,30 In the report of Brussels 1898 Fair, the Brussels Post had the follow- ing headlines: A Record Breaker, "37th Annual" Fair at Brussels — Increased Entries, biggest crowd, 'Said Greatest Success Financially. Phone 342W6 FOR SALE -- 6 Chunks Pigs. Jack Stevenson WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" is Heavy icontittued from page .1) Being a centennial fair, there were Many special .awards for the In baltiG • •"tr"ies, &''t 1le,;. Lewis' •StOnclious0„ Iteloolve, well Oat in front with ti tiii;,a 4'37 oulnts.. Mrs. Il,411- ard Proctor, •1t:tL::•els„Miss Ethel 1?ea111., Walton, 7:Ars. Fari CittiallOre and -C 1.1„ro„ lit a tlr•Nrcl.; ••,•t 4,•:•,•ev rot,t43$;tt soeond place in that sN-tion.- In the hamecrafts. Mrs. Wks . ley Beimpol, Wrotwt4r, had wti pat.; to her crelit and i1414 followed. by Mrs. 4'.t,07.3 `Ltlytilt and Mrs. Wilfred Monkton SPECIAL .AWARD Its t.7‘o.. s000lo: open school pupils .014, Patricia Ducharme, SS 3 Grey, tool; first for her collection of gartt ep vegetables. Mrs, Richard Proctor won 33 points, and the special. cash award for r..1::t points, in the domestic field, She was follows ed by Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse, Mrs. Urban Ducharrne, and Mrs. Charles Johnston, Blyth. in that order, In the fruit division, William Stratychuk, Brussels, took all the first prizes in apples, Blake Brother, Brussels, took all second prizes. Included in the centennial special awards, a pencil sketch of the new Centennial Gates by Mrs. Ella Shurrie won first prize, while four antique house- hold utensils, not used on a dinner table, claimed first mention for Russell Knight. Mrs. Ella Shurrie had a very well-preserved butter bowl, butter print, and ladle, together with three farm tools, all an- tiquo, which took first mention. Ruth Wilbee, Gerald Wheeler, Douglas Wheeler, and Jim Wheeler all had a toy or game used by pion children that found favor with the judge. Muriel Jacklin's doll used by pioneer children also took first prize, ilaroloormsormuoThiej FOR SALE — McCiary Coal Space Heater, brown enamel, good condition, $16 Phone Brussels 338J6 WINCHAM MEMORIAL SHOE QUALITY, SERVICE, CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Week Day CEMETERY LETTERING PIANO TUNING — • • ATTENTION CAR BUYERS .,,.Our Low Coat Financing and irw surance Plan help you make a better deal. BEFORE you buy talk to us, 33 year's experience. George B. Ctlarke, Organist St, Thomas' GLENN M. RONNENEERG ; Monkton Phone 847.224,I Your Guarantee tor Over 35 Yesrs1 of Phone 256, WIngham R. A. SPOTTON DEAD bIOCK WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID IN SURROUNDING DISTRICTS FOR DEAD, OLD, SICK OR DiSAELED HORSES or GATTI& For Prompt, Sanitary Dismal Day or Night OAR Leroy Acheson ATWOOD ZENITH 34200 (No Toll CtariM1 Plant License No. 10-11241* Collecting License No. 111100 There were the usual attractions The newest contest was a "Comfort Soap Race." The enterprising cola- pany, which manufactures this well I known soap, Messrs, •Pugsley, Ding- I man and •Cpmpany, Toronto, gen.er-•' onsly donated eight prizes for a race, 60 yds. picking 'up a bar of Comfort Soap every 10 yards and carrying the same in' aprons sun- plied by the than, There were 10 entries and prizes were as follows: :;'old Watch, Edith Jackson, Morris, Silver Watch, Dora Simpson, James- town, CP'oek, Kate Mullen Grey, .2 Opera 'Glasses, Mabel 'Watson,- Sun- I shine (Morris), Lady's Chatelaine Bag, Mary Simpson, Purse, Janet McGaBtun, McEillop, Purse, Bessie McDonald,. Grey, Purse, . Jessie Teller, Grey, Mr, Robinson, the / gentlemanly representative of Comfort Soap, was so well pleased that he gave a nice picture to the other two ladies, Mary McCfallum, and. Grace McDonald. Each compet- itor became the owner• of the 7 bars el soap picked up and the aproO .n;lso. During the day thousands of , copies ef two s.elections of music arol advertising matter were distri- buted and Comfort soap got such an advertising as it never had before Pomo, The yanng ladies had lied about as much fun as the j "pc'etatnrs, Brussels — Phone 65 Tuesday and Friday Church, Seaforth, Ont, • '"'`77J-7,,700J. FOR SALE --- 0 I-Ty-Line Pullets, & months old, laying; also Baby Buggy', in good condition. Mrs. I. 11letir Phone 431W4 FOR SALE — Apples $1.00 a bus. and up, Quantity of pick your own, Bring- containers.. Stratychuk Orchard ,Phone 724 7.....••••••• FOUND — Borg light colored zipper jacket. Owner may have same by calling at the Brussels Post, NOTICE Comfortable Home available for ,persons who need rdom and board. Elderly persons preferred. Phone 243, Brussels, or apply at the Post. 0 John Longstaff, Optometrist OPTICIAN OF SEAFORTH Goderich, St. W., adjacent Setsforth Clinic Ground Floor Parking Facilities Oculists prescriptions filled entitles you to all subsequent sainstments t bath; water, hydro, particulars apply to George Davidson, Brussels Messrs, Melville and Morrison of , Exeter had one of their automatic Acetylene gas generators at the Fair and had it running fall blast Thugs- day night. Also exhibited was a butter-Moking machine, mite in Sweden. It manufactured butter direct from, the milk i11 less than a minute. In the 1900 financial statement, tit the annual meetings, Grey Bratth showed a balance of $629,01, while East Huron had a deficit of $113.60„ j Apparently there was some trouble dividing the money between the two' societies its F, 8. Scott was appoint- ed an additional auditor for that purpose. At a meeting in: Febrtiary '1000, the Directors "East Huron decided to hold a big concert on. the Friday nieht, following the fair; in the ORVAL HARRISON t1l.iw: •russets I. Ii. 1 Monkton ELECTRICAL CON-rNACTINO RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR! PROMPT GUARANTEE0 samos TV MID ILIENTRIO FOR SALE — Girl Guide Uniform ineluding dress, belt, and tie, size 12 - 16, May be seen at Pollard's Chain SOW, Brussels, Phone 64 or 448,W13 FOR SA -.;k7: - Frame House, plaster east on outside, good location; 2-piece For further SIGN .OF THE TIMES! 'ft. • The Medallion Symbol of Electrical Excellence .77.7m6.770temiee,isemiiiiiitraesmisr PERSONAL CLEANERS BRUSSELS, ONTARIO S ilyth.ci-apert.ry.r1 media you ore. providing for , .1 ,.! al revirt.;". Wri kr.t1 :7 rytt 177:7 ; ' `rrti`di:iii4n1,7,111 I r in there chosen to repres- at Toronto in the excursion to with lbe G. 'I'. 11, building a new , was discussed, and two secretar- a ottuunittee estimates to lay 3 f" n. A I;, 1,t vitrvvi •••• , A ;r,i; ).' .t 1.t .." ',„I ay . . • ittnfu recovery; two-element, fiamelesswator heater ready to keep an abundance or hot water on tap". at the lowest possible cost, -LIGHT CONDITIOINING. Another im- puttant "eotra" is the planned lighting -which adds charm and beauty both inside anal , makes u ork and play areas brigloor and savr. A -cr Ad Medallion” Mole is all-electric, includiu heating. Itifotinatlun about the Medallion Electric tIone.s in .i;our cult lx' obtained ficoo your eltoirital coutractor or your local Tiydrri oilice. .1 „.• We Now Have Our Own. Cleaning and Pressing Equipment Installed And Are Ready To Give You 24 HOUR SERVICE Pres$iror While You Wait Sanifizirte and Mothpr6ofing ,SAtitsfattion 'Guaranteed .AN', IT, •Ktrr was tvirt Grey Branch connection With the Alotir.1 Foriit The (t oollen. of elfoilt Hall The two presidents we T. 11011104 preoure 1,7,1t,,g and k.vfore the Piretorft. At a infer meet- infr.„ Witt, ostiipatr-s worr, 4,011,14101W too Melt awl they decided to Post- , oone building operations for anOtllor 11 year, At the annual ran Pet that tate Pre to i'vot.i"