HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-09-07, Page 61
•IffOr8f .100**.
Service Helps Cut
Poison Deaths
So many .chiltftek.
cidentallv poisoned in thiQW
benieithit rriklL
be set tip in Britain shortly.
Tie alarming inereaeeinenact"-
Poisopillg-le. due to tha.49t ,lellat• •
hundreds gf new Preparations
are being „USA titclaY - Cleaning, •
tirade, gletcrge,ntS and .'!'de-tt4
yetirqlt? niatteigale •." • ,
In addition; Many kinds of tab-
lets are lett lying a:79111'1d which
,chilaren are tempted, to pick up
and ewaliow.
U nder the: PrOPesEA Serviee
feightened inuther could PO1.
for advice if her uhtia ssotowed.
$ormithina wi-.1ei might be clan-
Franeffaitiakis haS Miele a see -
vice, .Not; a da ases
scores of energency calls coming
in freniail parts of o iiQ for
help iciteitifying obseure poi-
sons 'or' l'ee antidotes, if they '
exist. .
So fee :the poisen specialists at •
the French Medical Centre oh
the Ruerke•Fgebeneg, M Paris
haydenbeen•cettglit cut„ despite
theelact that eornetimes upto a
huned cel*Are received „daily.
InlAneeeee=,,..e thee tepe of poi-
son i1a. to the -caller,
fri Brit•areee', .r•-•entle, a •`,Young
man. -lifted; be his girl. sevallewed
some Jere: of pothoe v:hich be-
gan fh'i.6.iii=rede ••the, roof .01.
mouth. , - .
Theeillectot -could not decide
what poison it was and he called
up the. Centeo ior ertivice.
"While I v. eit on the telePtone,
Monsieur Decte.M. you go to
•the patient.and • tale a small
pieze „oe blettine paper, roll it
into the fern of a matchstick
and rub' the point over the pa-
tient's ionetie and come back
and teet me what- you see," said
the expert in Paris.
The doctor was back in a mo-
ment. "The blotting paper has
turned' yellow-orange," he said.
"Ah," said the,expert, "now we
know what • he has taken!"
The expert dictated,• an anti-
dote and told the local doctor to
hurry because the poison would
start acting on the nervous sys-
tem in. a few minutes. The pa-
tient reeovered.
One of the.most curious of re-
cent calls was received by radio
from a French cargo Vessel.
A searnan had caught some fish
while the ship was at anchor off
a port in Madagascar. Five days
out at sea the cook prepared
some of then...Srinenen were
taken violent ill.
• The poison expert* was bald
that the fish. la,l'ew upililce`a, bel -
loon When taken frdinythe'eVater,
otteernereilayie eaten a rare •
fish ivhith
said the expert, "Now listen care-
fttily -
The ship' s master took down
the initruttions -And =thedieinee
were admirirsteredi'e .A,tter
hours the min began` to ledover: •
Qte 'Dapper •
• It.;< • t, = ,
ere ; Judging from the• ,dapper at-• *
"tire of the cowlaoye.,an.d.
television adaptations of the
• West' assume there must
stave been many. branches of • •
Drool& Brothers, Nieman Marcus
and Saks Fifth Avenue in those e,
old pioneer towns of Deadwood
wee -e .Laramie,„and Dodge City.
FRILLY FILLY - Dressed for ..le
weether, • Phillipa 'Keil, 3, ap-
pears at a London Park. Her
friend, at her feet,, pwets some
crumbs in ceal comfore
You Wo,nt rq Be...
AD.ress );lig$1.0noll 37:
• The eldthltigt teXtne fnclUs.
Ix t Alryi is•theleemul 141post.'biclurtt
thQs Vatted eStates, (Feed le
irst.), It leeit,Vast cPMPlcX.
field which covers every,thing1t.
which textiles are produced apci.
'Med, iiont'ttie gowifidot cotton
and • silieWermse, the sheering'
and lielatittfacturing Of
SPPletie .);re -M, te* the finished
article in _the. store.
° The )."ban'e.' student Whe'enters
• this field IS roriffonted ‘vith a
•• bewildering .choice of dOportuni:
• - dee•fur designing; Wilietiever
area„he er stle.000sesit
trial, aeOgn„ interior decohating,
clothfrig etc. a thorough knoW1-
1' edge of fabrics 's' esentia1. The
• student must leal`Ptlie "feel"' of
ceaeh fabric,what it is made of;
.its sebstance,*And the uses to
.,,w14ch eanehest pet., to
• Must" lea& will:, wash,
.di,y clean, streteh;
shrink, fade, and 'sew ton!, if e his
producta arte• tee be .reliable, •
• Fir,st,oand, most Ariportant 01
aI1 atiyene whewislees to, design
wearable clotherens', Aave
'khoWledgelil the' abatoile% or the
:human form; =what happens aa
• day movements.
r OfistitiFtia.is9 essential
in a gaernerit'lhat 1S- te 'fit 1ian,
'and .wealv.weil Therefore;"the
designeneneedseto hemp a. clear
. • e•• em
derstancling of lieW a,geernent
should.bled- cUt! Aci Put together,
Morrricals Stage 'sinde Mat inoberthht •-•searni are
directly related to a joirireor
Great Spectade muscleThe idesigner must know
110NIT to,telee,advatitege of the in -
A legendary city was dernol-•
dividual chaicteritics of each
ished. A young boy was offered fabric, to get the best results
in sacrifice, The prophet Abinadi •• •
froin a straight 'cut, 'or bias, br
was burned at the stake. Kings brosi-graine rand ho W various
and crowds, pagan dancers and fabeics •wielehang ..when cut in
fierce warriors e prieSts and pro- various wayee ,This th.partiep-
phets - hundreds ef costumed Jarlx 'revertant if _ the student
Mormons - swarmed over the wishes to entei the hie -priced
green side of Hill Curreerah, 23 •' ctistoni 'field, Where 'fit and 'hang
miles east of Rochester , N.Yq are Tsarainount,
recently. It was the nineteenth The most rthorough teacher, is
annual renewal of the pageant • expepience, There is no, substi-
celebrating the Book of Mormon tute ,fpr . The • stodept who
(scripture of the Church of Jesus makes her own cloffies and weirS
Christ of Latter Day Saints) at thgn 'will len faster° ftorn her
the very place where, in 1823, own experience in••tonstruction,
Joseph Smith said he found the *tharidling;and,finishing.themethan
golden tablet eri Which the book ; irr any 9#3er..waye. She willAeaen
is based.
the importance of proper seam -
There were'rnere -actors (350) placement fromethe comfort (or
and. spectators (100,000 at the dfseerefext) ef• the -dress she
four free shows) than ever be- wears,. the, practicality of good
entality febeige end •the •waste -
the music of the Salt Lake Tab-
-tore, Stereophonic tape carried
fulness of putting good work
into cheap materials, and the
°made Choir, the actors' voices,
time and thought that go*inttethe
and the sound effects -including
0Produetion of a really.. good . gap -
a thunder -making "rotatorion," ,
ement, ewritese Miriam. Morgan . In
an. octagenal box fult. of croquet
the Seience 14onfter. , 4
balls and marbles. ' She will learn that fashion is
' tlie fad of the' inament, -Whereas
, • ' ,
• ,Should 'Plane -Seats that'Whicle Suits the in -
face• Backwards r ,
• . - and the backgeound, .end looks
1 inde, leitely. She atho
Afairly substantial intramural
t4eairerait •
nytecfh fiom°. the cornm,ents
Lr 'friends: +"• '
industry is the value of back- .
The fleleis 'wide the oppor-
•dividual wearert." the occasion,
ward -facing seats in planes . '
tUnities• endless. And there is
There is„ son e e*vidende to sup- plenty= of room for •ideas that are
•efresheoriginal, and precticel, It
„is net enough. to leek at fashion
magazines,, or , display windows
'of stOies an Make adaptations
of)Wlikt has'bee.ii seen. This is
• riatttrtieldesigning,•but adapting.
• /The ttue designer lopks.at every-
thing that is to b.e.,seen, and then
,gge owok. te ineke s,group of
dresses comPletely different,
WeW, fed Wearablehot startle
Mg 'Or ittartemtleut etheelogical de-
velopment from the current
'Styles'. -Such a *designer' cannot
port thettheory that placirig the e
seats opposite to the direction of
- IlrglIt-cOuIrTaWiriret--Th-lhe
B6sion plane' miff thgt. killed ;
t 621'ilkbple,.*Aleaut- 20 • ofethe ',vie-
tims -died • from head .injuries
eeneed.by. kapact eveIth,the ,food .
trays which are stpeed, eire elp-
p,ered pockets in front:Of the
pe'ssengerS. AI the point"df irn-
peg these dictimi.hit trie tagstic
• traYlerhard 'Stith' their tfeireheatis.
Many of them had legs broken
by crashing egairist the seat hi
front, The evidence accumulated
after the crash suggests that the
majority of these injuries might
not have occurred if the passen-
gers had been facing the rear.
The assumption is that the
weight of the body would have
• "400.11t0s. • ,........r.i...01alre0.141.-.4evir-r.
When reading a hook, what the
answer \\Ill be to any .given
"qt•,,k MT“,440000a41, ,,r4;,:elit:,,,4414ai‘,,,o,q,,r,41:t”„ ri
Last Thursday, for instance,
while shopping l looked arena
for somethingor Sunday night
1 l
thVI n't4et onftreet1
• I tich--
40'1l Tin '11'•Xve
thiilgAe°1d6i0FTr". ThatALl4
• was really an odd thought he-
'..7 ' '''7q..,11. they have been coming
- everki other sunday without fail,
--.,,Witit0'41'hd„.stuntrier, spring and
All eknyWay., el decided on cold,
te el!. liatiCaziii*sgreelP;eAl,ed, So what
1 r '*; t• happdf434;4,m4tiy!,epeeening we
got faretzle•i,fra'bi4.4Vcilfhtift-a Jouyt
tolunchthey carne tViCILISse:01' 44,9g1:111.4teYit'
eeinsteatile=e(eiviced Irolielay). 'You"
will agree it wasn't ..a. matter of
earth -shaking importance but yet
it ,p little instances like that,
hal:Oen*fil frequently, that
1#11.9 441.43.eteei being somewhat
uncanny. I'expect there are
dozens of my readers who have
had.similar experiences.
N.ild. the itafto lexpM'e)cetll
,,,refereed.4o . ,, .1 knew exactly
' ' "*lenifiV inotliee, diVd. aitholigh
'we''''if ere"thide lliOnVeldre0:.
eves, apart. Iolelril sit -IV -grid ." dillift:16
e,, , .„,knOW .eerhy,.--.•.euntil the. cable
been much more easily alleeorbecr.'.
by thelettek of the seat. '
,eqergurrient over whether
eise.."Pt isn't an urgent j'pb •
.• •.
• g
No Mother-in-Lcsw
Trouble Here!
After a Brazilian Indian of the
Matte Grosso tribeg,'•en,erries he
is never alloWed to• speak to his
•• 'Mother -in -JAW!
Custom demands; l'hat h e
• brings home ' a gift eeieher, w-hen-
eeee,-.e ee,
ever:eht'gaes -httritineeser•.;nehing.
Hee,leys thisat- her fei,but
he mustn'l thank • him ••• direct • e: •
orilYe• ittirett ;eh' da'itglitere''
yetir;iii8-th'eFit:..1: a pleaniel,''.;e-ef•
1rU1e was rentiY' laid
• , ..1.;:erf;
a .tri
about 111°- -,-
Iilektili1aw:,friefie his , WOeriere;
;fKdetieled-ineStePS f anellye
15y '';±91.1•Ipid-',:,,,
SidlteL:Weert thoin.
o 1-44'ai'd; • .-the'!'•
.,„ •
--..70.ting.•••.,Weenan, with.. a
• jtitiglee her.boOk ifBreelle',••;
iaj Eden"7. • ,
MisS Bayard was icita,..eti earie•.-
• ae. still •
• irripeSSible, ap,oroeeen
*When, theme.' =ettpteired letpre.
thari: One. :Vietitie otilk,• •
e....thee One ;-..they intended 'eating
The pqrAtsriea
on the opine Itoin an iron -Wood,
clubeghey 'Were . then kept in a
hut and giVeil food and water
' Until needeCt.fdtthe pot, -
•Vet .4,, „girl htueteen Miss:
13' yard haa Stirring
}or tUreOr irietiiiieWild, remote jangle
COUtt,ftZ She records there
, •••i•••
••••• •- .
E alt 1OT Diana tynn cuid ber father Stied Pa' •
4:toes-ootse,:the,41eat»by to•;ci :ned.r,teeee city oda!, Hieioth�.Z.P;
month old type found thcit she caUirt ,relax and catch up PA.•
ilifte sleep, too, in tilt s6n. t
2,ak • e .• •
'7,...,44. •
• p.
„ EkAireel, etekne nee:4
P101 FOOT "Tk
oa !lout-act11hVslcish..4""
i'i,.youhg.'eter. found thafi,New York streets %lel' '1
hot .in the summer 'sere The'y' just aren't?'condt;eive totruneing• -How People'LSpeak
ilear,eteot",'`V;i•US; h'elidffoorted it over tst •*
' Setedre- finig? reIief
t. . t.,
• =•*- •
Tt peeplee oLthee1andfr
,'••• aicti61Y-cif Eritilslikuid•SeofelltI
Irish.bloed,„ Woodrow Wilson stet-
-1 • ' •
fauch- America was made. 'teen
J. Sharp, the British folk -song
authority, writes that, although
'" '
• cated, they "possess that elemen-
tal wisdom, abu4Aetif9q4dae
and intuitive understanding
which only those wheerip non -I z
stant touch with nattlife,lild face '
to face with vale -tee, seemtobe
able to acquit,f11.4
Madenn Etiq vette
_• „
Anne Astilee
•, is it proper fair ;,1111311,.
di Mg' hi a restaurant wie/h IMO
w 6,40 rise when another eimple
st Wilhheir table for few
W -ceree"'ee t •
•So ii*,)+51' the gifisetil,P.Y geeke me
at a
a.stops his tabl.
e eh guest per,
to vtt
%,:zz -,r4t
pis '10tOterretetsary,
is it all right for aelnan to
si oke a cigar at a soil?func1, even though alle.tfie ;other
g4esL're smokingeegigerete?
There is etebthingi at all
wring With a cigar at. any .affair
4. I am working and eai`rning
a ood salary, while the boy with
lwe' ewannIti gdfjoesstlei4dlymvise smtillilchiiit,Meelle-
ei to Spend, s it all right ror me
oe asionally to treat him tcsomo
ei ertainment?
This is quite all right Oe -
n, ionally you may say you have
ti ets for this or that affair.,
1Dle 0 efe ever,
b paylprepie tickets iwhile
Pr .0915 ttp4A.;
4784 SIZOS
< I -f-ie;
; 7 = wc,tvdoline P leta
• T ;•• ti,".::.!; °
Russia has just succeeded '-a"'littleibeytincrthe Cottage, ;take
eeding se'ctirld men.'"into
reorbit. Well, *that's toofleigea sub-
ject for this cohininiet to, eth.ekle.,
33We23, sttcle, to ;heneelier topieee
.,Last week Dee was in Toronto
as or biisiiist. Sh•e
'was' here for a little while Tues."
da' evening. ,01 course she had
,plenty .to say about their, first
month's, holiday. At the cottage
• -plus her, continual run o y,te-
• itere. During the' coiNersaVon
she said "Did you hear about
• •Dave knocking himself = out?" • =
'Heavens, -no- - what -happen=.
"Well, Daye and Jeery„ had
gone among the trees- and rocks
.;Porket it! -
J." s•
• rniitt:.";:t.bief,oauE;t111,;i••=„4, )troeeheolssteisristo oar
y crochet.
-.,Preefeeel7ePreet - crocheted
' pocleet,e;tito'' s washcloth.
Pette_rn, e' Ogectioris swan
fsthcieg ring, edging,
, cotton.
f.4 elaVtcycti ft cCENTSfor
pettern'..t0.1.:4104,H heeler, Box 1,
•123 Eighteenth St. New Toronto,
Onf. ,Needietraftet ept., Address,
• ;'1ai fjTERN NUM-
trit414;;;Sr;t5.4414$4 and AD -
Seed how for our exciting, new
1961 Needlocraft Catalog. Over
125 deliges to elTheliet, knit, sew,
mbroider, quilt, ,eveeee ease,
h•qinefernisliines,'toya, gifts,
ticr ".r s'et rnart veil caps.
'tLo 23e ifititin;
ingeaneolth blanket Withetherfieto
make a tent. After awhile Jerry
crtiffiebitelialerieel r asked hlni
iiatth w,asecloing.thonie-alleby;'
himself andewheee-ewae,,Deve.".
"Davey's dead!" he answered.e
•A"1i)7511.1't Wk. s111y • olf
and play." :'"•"..; -•
"But Mummy, Davey is dead
. . • really. dead!" •
Then Dee realized four-year-
old Jerry. eserieusee,.•
After that she didn't waste any
tine before running off to where
they had been playing. She
found Dave on his feet
ing somewhat bewildered as • hel
said "Murmny, I think l I t,went,
to sleefo." .
What, happened was this:. To
Their speech is flavored withy
many of the words whicKShalEekl.
peare used, end with thoseefonncl •
in the Kinglirntg traf/station 11. 4 *4
the Bilelee,kmeeefe these exprese
cions may also be heard in "hill
billy" spots of western Kentucky,
where the earliest ptgeAs htikk
'the same Anglo-Saxon heritage-
and were isolated on tlagefainuge4 eseee
ged side of the Green, the Cum-
berland, and the Tennessee, /en*
near the Obey River.
Here certain of the older folk
•."allow" that such -And -such is so:
They say something is "right
Amut!!.t..44414.1,1,1A.,PPI.Feet• -
you with an invitation to come in
and "set a spell" or "take the
night." They are feeling "peart"
orefe'right eetoreble,','
or, "fair tc„
jitilegs •.'they liave ittiee•
"Misables."' , are •.`erefeared"; •
• arbeholderi;" she -ase
be. They "fetchean-carry," and
make a tent Dave had weighted .they "hop' .6he.;,another. Salad blouses, Pin pat -
down each corner of the blarikdt.. juSt\ailt was in olden • ••• , tern to to. fabric--pregto! Cut out
on to a rock -with another .e.ocic,.' times, .andla bag' is a "poke."-• complete :blouse instantly. Top
- and then crawled under the "Clumb" is the past tense of off all your skirts, shorts, slacks.
canopy. One took, ,sito?d and chmb and 0et is usedfor ate, as Printed Pattern :4784: .Misses'
bopped him onthe.,,head, Ob-' it often Fr:inglend :.and, Can- Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18? 20. size 16
viously it;knocked him:but, That' •j Sia,? • " . ' \top stYle 11/2 yards.354nch; mid-
dle 11/4 yards; lower 11/2 yards.
Jitfy-cut in one piece.
Send FIFTY CENTS (stamps
cannot be accepted, use postal
many grow up to be edults. Or4 ,-,,orebears, and neakes ..tes eefeel 4s. note for safety) for this pattern.
that parents surviveeltie sfeelicg,, r654r 14,4ship .* ee,F,l6s,..sd 3
On the other hand some people.* , 'c)-theselour lrieigtibidis:*lidre • Print plainly S I Z E,
was when Jerry came home and
said Davey was dead!
What a scare children can give
you at times. It's a wonder so
There ie A certain cheemebput
these 'Archaic reionsa-i4-
talgic and
atavistic r Ulen/Ofry,
pert -labs, *hien unirea'tia With dor
• are so' fusey it's a ‘rii..• etyeleeloW', .. e . . - ' a,r.. • • ' ,,-1••= =
0 rend- to be ' 'Ad& eesecteel wnenee
they Can bear to go on living. aged, with the ancient courtesy
They Should have some kind of title of "Aunt" and "Uncle" - a
insulat;ion. Here is a sample. I title of accorded dignity and re
was talking to a young married
aboutwomabout swimming.. :She -
told r4 she f owed: it much easier,
swimming in the lajte than in a
swimming piol. "YeS," I agreed,
"and it is eatie'r 'Still swimming
in thesea. Theebuoyaricy of the
waves,just carries you along".
"I slippose so -but then after
swimming in salt water you have' •
to wash yontaelf 'off." • •e. ..
"Yon evhatl't Lexelaimed.
"Wash yourself off . .
know, ori account of the salt
water. It isn't . good . for ll-te
By ,that tribe I = Wee."ehnost
speecIlless. ‘,,e1 ; 'couldn't believe
she vias serious. Imagine eny-.
one ' ter taking' a chance in" a
public pool jf,--`1 fitWdYel.`:' • Welt
looke4 after -;4*.thinleincfnrorie.
minuiji that more risk is involv-
ed wl en swimming in the sea,'
The .1Jea, wilthe•=ils yeginess: ;arid •
depth its milipr else and •:iettire.rs.
own s stem ofeetirgi,catltin. WO
would it be necessary "tb wash '
yours lf off"? Where in the '
name 01 weeder do people get
such antastie l'rh'es'`?` '* ' •• *.; • ; .
An4 speaking; hbout. ideas' ley-,
eryon seems to be talking about.ESP t ese deys - extra-seesOiy-
perception, That is, knowing
thingby intuition, receiving;
telepl atic infotregt,iton.fenen.thtise -
you 1 ve, or being' foe'd*Atilecleinee•
drew s of in. -mending disaster. 1
suppo' e everyone, more or less,
has .a sort of sixth sense. 1 know
I hav had one major experience
and . y rituriber of minor ones,
I oft ii know what people are
going tr, tay aitoaa of time tit,
IsTANM Al) 1)11 E S S, STYLE
Send order to ANNE ADAMS,
Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New
Toronto, One
spect due their. gray heads and ,e biggest biggest fashion show of
'reatute,phillidOe;hy. -Front "01d.111.tr• nritiete 1961 - pages, pages,
ICentuckye Country," by Clark( ,pages eit, patterns in our new
McMeekin:. e, Color Catalog. Hurry, send :350,
.11iSt BEING fittigill ., #1ohly etidoWe• .hysledi eliettitiii;
actress KimNavtik 'het 'added an Ceti. sten cnid jpef
own !cleat to put her pei'ciiitiliiy cicroS 7. top .f Urn alet, Kih*
even cletidtis her dwii, clothes or some filen id 'help liitillati
t"'""ilit';'"'fiee,femiteeiteelf;;;;filtreelivehtlitieeNcitorietusee-Laiielladiiaeed'Apid lit
jetee 1enori,