HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-09-07, Page 5Hydro lines carry electricity at extremely high voltages . .. up to two ' thousand times greater than the volt- ages used in the home. Any model plane or kite enthusiast holding a wire, wire-reinforced string or even a Wet string that touches a hydro line can suffer serious injury or loss of life. The danger is increased if part of the air- borne object is made of metal. REMEMBER these safety rules: 1. Always keep to the wide-open spaces . . well away from hydro lines and electrical ap- paratus. Warn others to do so. 2. Do not use wire or wire-rein- forced string. 3. Never' try to recover" a model or kite that is caught on hydro towers or other electrical apparattts. PARENTS—Safety education begins at home. Be sure your children felloW the aboe safetY rules: ;a,"lata ti4(4. 11.0G.a.••n 11. Tie GASOLINE 5. 5. DependAble. Farm. Service S. 5' 5' MORE TO ENJOY MORE TIME TO ENJOY IT AT GRANDSTAND SHOW & SAT. AFTERWS, & EVEN'S, SEPT 8 & 9 -•:4; Adventures On Ice and R.C.M.P. Musical Ride — thsterXirls' Choir. MON. TO SAT, EVEN'S. SEPT. / 11 TO 16—Famous Revue "And. Away We Go" k"s•-I with June Taylor Dancers—Famous R.C.M.P. Musi- cal Ride, Johnny O'Brien, comedian; Wes Harrison, Mr, Sound Effects; The Gutis, Jungle Fantasy; The Sow Duo, Aerialists; Ferry Forst, Magician; Chuck Brown & Seta, Acrobats, pszergammirml=smosmar PARADE OF DAYS Friday—Opening Day; Saturday War: dors' Day; Monday—Ladies' Day; Tues. day—Students' Day; Wednesday and Thursday — Harness Racing; Friday — Children's Day; Saturday — Harness Racing. 4- DISPLAYS & COMPETITIONS Farm Machinery; Agricultural Products; Art; Handicraft; Hobbies; Women's Institute; rftlit; flowers; Poultry, etc., Thrilling Horse Show, tr' AFTERNOON RACING Harness Racing on Vied., Thurs. • & Sat, Also Heavy Horse judging and Gentlemen's 'Road Racing are locludA w:th races, W2.74.,4 ,—'01722aafillMossese l Two Midways — Children's way and giant Adsilt Midway f,21- tering "The Wild Mouse". DRAWS The Fabulous Western. Fair Shrine Show-House. - Three big 1961 model cars. saa..bidi-g414SIR se. Pit I E). WAY S WESTERN FAI;61:1;y7 LONDON, ONT. SEPT. 8-16 613 .urna-ii=issiwerlusarzesr.7..r•-7.43- —assi ---a7seiris -ra4i1117soiovxrepi RCMP ,MUStCAL RIDE- WESttitt4 Stelae:tie of the 11,01VIR. MU-4feet Aide Will he4dlitie :Vetterit Pairs, .it star grOtidatkiid The thrilling and colourful ana evening, wi tl the eketiptiori of perferilvititec this year, The Monittlea• wibi appear 'SePtetitteri to. 18, —diet:Innen: Wednesday and Tlitirtilay tifterneella September arid IA. Here 'are the .32' Scarlet Clad riders gtriti their eat korses hettg 'mudded: hoefe the keel; oC th6 tido hy, ittKis Imuddlet jdeeth tolhey. 7 ad •Sev.teMher 1961: For Car, Truck or Tractor ! When you order CO-OP Gasoline from your local Co- operative, there is no long delay . . . you get fast, depend- able farm service, always, And you can be assured that when you buy CO-OP Gaso- line you err buying tIsseilii• *sound to none. With CQ-OP Gasoline in your tank, your car, truck or tractor will give you the best possible performance at all times, plus maximum mileage for your money. BELGRAVE, CO-OP — BELGRAVI., Thone Brussels 388W10 Phone Wingham 1065-W / / 5, 5, .5- / 5. S. 5' ALTAR. SPCIETY .MEETING Assnst Meeting St. All'.1)relle Altar Society was held at the home Cif the Vrealdent Mrs, 'erg. he openir f,; prayer wag read sty Mrs. atIllepll The minutes and treasurer's liejNorts read, and those of other comillitteeS gi`ren. Mrs, Gerald Ryan volunteered with Mrs. TI,,awrence Ryan to serve as Visiting Committee for Sept. ember, After a brief basineaa discussion a sooial. time was enloyed, during which Yvonn e Connelly rendered two piano solo'. The door prize was won by Mrs. Ruasell, Refreshments that were served by Mrs. Sebastian and Mrs, George Blake Jr., closed the meeting. CRANBROOK Knox Presbyterian Church will hold its ninety-sixth anniversary on Sunday Morning, Sept. 10, at 11 o'clock. The special speaker will be the Rev. Lockhart Royal of .Goderich, Mr. and 'Mrs. Philip Stewart, Lucknow, will provide special music. """ On Sunday morning 'Mr. A. M. Deans, Humber Heights, Toronto, a representative of the Upper Clanada Bible. Society brought an interesting message in the regular morning service in. Knox Church. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Knight, 'Toronto, were holiday visitors with the Knight family. MiSs Alice ,T, Forrest left on, Monday, with Mr. and Mrs, :Archi e Forrest, of New Liskeard, where she will .visit. for two weeks, ,Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dunn and Rickey and Miss Linda, Dunn, Kitchener, spent the holiday week- end with. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Dunn, 'Gerald • Huether left on Monday for. London -where h e has secured t an office position. • School re-opened here for the fall term with Mr, Harmon Brod- hagen as teacher, Five beginn- ers enrolled. Cheryl Smith. Velma Locking, Bruce Fischer, D•le Knight and Mark Nelson. M. and Mrs. Wm. Sinclair and daughtei", ;rano. Detroit, 'visited over Oa week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Evans, DEAD STOCK WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID In SURROUNDING DISTRICTS FOR DEAD, OLD, SICK OR DISABLED HORSES or OATTIJ For Prompt, Sanitary 'Amami Day or Night Call Leroy Acheson ATWOOD ZENITH 3.43M fNo Toll Obarp,....,” Plant License No. 111-RE)-= Collecting License No. Mel OP ENS FB17glAit daysY. N .14,1i entertaiiinicat and excitement,; C011.1440400 Friday at • Queens Park, London, 'when Western Fair, evens its 88th "lIllibitit 'fire fa i r1 wilt be .officially .opened :Friday night, .eptentber 5, is froiPt of the grandstand by The lion, Jona Tobarts„ mlatster of gidocat, leo, and MLA, for ,Londen North, Mr Reburts will take the officio,. snlotte of the scarlet coated Menaties of the Itemp .111tisical Ride as. they .pass the ,grandstand on. their black chargers, .The Ride is an added attraction to the exciting 'Oyening Grandstand .show — the bent in the fair's history, The Musical • Aide will also be seen every afternoon except Wednesday and Thursday 'afternoons, "Sept- ember 1.3—and 14, Other features includ e the Atomic Energy Display, direct from Chalk River, and the Westeru Fair Shrine Show TTouse worth 425,000.00, Some ludky person will win this. lavishly 4”.rnished home on Saturday, night. September 16. There are also. three 1061 car prizes to b e won by holders of Advance Sale admission tiekefs. The el:ening Horse Show in the Ontario Arena, September 8, 9, 11 and. 14, promises exceptionally keen competition and shciulld draw full houses, Livestock entries have never been better and the Agricultural Pavil- ion will he filled to capacity with Prize cattle, horses, sheep' and swine, Western Fair will again have the largest display of farm machinery of any fair In Canada. All in all, Wester,n..Fair this year bas something for. everyone, includ- in a the great Conklin Midway and Kiddyland, 'Man to attend, not eince, but several times. One never tires of visiting Western Fair, Wouldn't you like to win one of th e three 1961 car prizes? Get your Advance Sale Tickets N:OW at THE BRUSSELS POST. Blacklock Armstrotig Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gordon Macklock left their garden reception at the Strathearn Rd. home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. J. 0. Filkin for a honeymoon trip to Cape Cod. They were married in St. glair Avenue United 'Church with Rev. G. E. Ashton performing the ceremony. Formerly Miss Glenna Armstrong, the bride is the daughter of Mrs, Armstrong and the late John Wesley Armstrong, and the groom's parents are M.r. and Mrs. Bruce F, Tilackloek of Little Semoque, N.B. Mr, David Armstrong escorted his couSin a she entered the church. Her gown Of white re-embroidered Alencon lace was fashioned with yams de sole overskirt, flowing to a, chapel train. Her fingertip veil was gathered to a small crown, and she carnied a ciaseade of spray orchids and stepha,notis. Mrs, Wan. Tynkaluk, as matron of honor, and Miss Marlon Blacklock as bridesmaid, wore sheath gowns DEAD STOCK SERVICE ti Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASH VALIUM Please Phone Promptly. Call: 183 — 24 Hour Sondes BRUCE MARLATT Limo** — No. 11441, Brussels, Ont. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION, "Where Better Bulls Are WOO warmer Owned and controlled Service at coat Choice of bull and breed Our artificial breeding service will help you to a MOTO efficient livestock operation For service or more information ran: Clinton HU 2-3441, or for long dist- ance Clinton Zenith 2-6252. BETTER OATTLIE FOR BETTER LIVING Advance Sale Tickets Available At — -• THE BRUSSELS POST or blue peau de sole with silk carried baskets of Shasta mums. organza overskirts. Their head- Best man was Thomas Blacklock Crosses were short veils and they and ushers were Rae Blacklock and, carried Shasta chrysamtheraultas and Wm, Tynkaluk. stephanotis. Mr Triowergirls, Miss Sandra and. Miss in Orangeville, Dl's.evilie 11,1acklock will live , Catherine Joyce were gowned in Mrs, Blacklock is a blUe orgainz'a, over white taffeta and pharmacy. gTaduate of