HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-08-24, Page 1 Fr:iday, August - 3 to 5 p.m.. Sat., Aug, 26th - , TEA WILL BE SERVED 130TH DAYS Sale Table of Plants and Flovvere Silver Collection _Everyone Cordially invited -ssesessor's DANCE Cranbrook Community Centre WEDNESDAY, AUG. 30th (Neste By THE MERCY BROTHERS Lunch Booth Everybody •Welcome Carnation Milk, 16 oz. 2 for 29c Maxwell House Coffee 1 lb. .... - .... - . 75,c Libbys Tormaio Juice 48oz. 29c Kraft Cheese Slices pkg. ... 29c ...S.A. MON,. • the recipient .ef a, chip and dip bowl and carafe to match. This neighbours -and Club Girls at S. S. No. 1 tendered her a shower Of electrical gifts. Mss Daris French and her 'nether • were hostesses when Miss 'Heming- way wan presented •with a clothes hamper, • -• COME IN AND LOOK OVER- OUR STOCK, YOU'LL FIND SOMETHING TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS. COUSINS DAIRY . Brussels, Ont. Phone 22 uu, eticIP VAL 4 8 Be.Aris A Specialty FRESH mum moo $Ak'I (mum Fresh Fruit and Vegetables At AU Times •SIMMIIIMWMON..IMMi• "moo ottaroutmot. G. Bargoin Organiat and Choirmaster MlnYllie Presbyterian Chum% TEACHER •-•••*P 1 a n • *roan Th•ory i. Pupils Prepared For ". All Phone Brussels 4E1 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Aug. 28 - 24 . 26 "THE MISFITS" (Adult ,Entertainment) Clark Gable Marilyn Monroe (One Cartoon). EatUrday and 'Monday Aug, 26- 28 Double Feature . " A LAWLESS STREET " (eider) . Randolph Sdott Angela LausburY "SWORD OF SHERWOOD FOREST" Richard deeene Peter CUshing One Cartotin .Tuesday ay AA:. 29 36 Comedy Double Feature "OPERATION BULLSHINE" (Color) Ronald Shiner Carel LesleY "ANDS OF `THE DESERT" (Color) (Scope) -Charles brake Sara Brandli One Cartoon is,e's shows taitaiii, 0/St "lost litho* it 000k ileokNte Children' 1,4461.14 in Oar" *lea AUGUST SPECIAL, at SCHUETT'S, IWILDMAY 3 yd. wide (1st Quality) ClNGOLEUM 90cts running SpRINGFILLED MATTRESSES 3 regular widths $21.50 2 piece DAVENPORT SUITE (upholstered arm) $109.00 3 piece BEDROOM SUITE $08.00- GODFREY SCHUETT MILDMAY, ONT. foot OW* Thurs. - Fri. Aug. 24 - 25 "THE MISFITS" (Adult EntertaInmenN Clark Gabie, Marilyn. Monroe f e"-sew goatilt 'mil in Home Thursday, August 24th, 1961 ;WV rec. .1"ear - HORTICULTVAAL FLoWER SHOW TO THE VILLAGE COUNCIL,Brussels Counc URIDAL TEA, SHOWERS il eiCeerees E3RiPE-ELECT I gentlemen: - i 'rho regular =Merle or the Ina IN THE BRLIS$ELS LIBRARY ON. alre Care Itemineesay • and hell . eldest (laughter. Rath, were at home tes:r raiends at g bridal tea on 1 euturday, August ;.2B1. They were a' v01111011004 iii re('eiving at the floor by the grooneelestes mother, Mrs. Aetinann. Mrs. re Hemingway'. invited the gueFas to the tea table.), Mrs. Percy Robinson, grandmother ; of the groom, Aire Win. Bele and Mrs. elharies Davis were asked to pour tea from the service given to ; the brid e as a farewell gift tram the organization which she served I Wellington County. Th e dining room ' was dec'orated with peer candles As a tax payer and eitiatia of lags. Couneil was held in the elerifae 1 &easels, 1 Preteet the tmarjeg (Want t Office on Members being of Brussels Town Hall, unless oft present, course, it is .re-built, Moved by J, 0, lerauter, seconded by Len Machin that the minutes of the fleeting of Tune 20, 1961 be adopted as read On e strictly eaternereial basis, no doubt you ar t, justified, but surely there a,r e other things to he taken: into consideration. I understand there ere ,no record.; available as tO, how old the hall is len it is certainly one of the land marks or Eust 'Heron, When built donetione were no doubt received from Morris and Grey, and it was probably built, largely, by 1 - Carried • The correspondence was then read. almel by 0. ,S; Elliott :secondee by W, A, Williamson that the Itorti cultural Society receive their usual grant of $50.00 and the Recreats tonal Committee a grant of $250,00 - Carried volunteer labor. 1 1 Pollard's jamboree brings to our . Moved by Leonard Maehen, 50e- I and flowers and pink decor. Tillage large crowds each year, Last ended by T. C. Kreuter that a clause atm wedatne nee. Tea was winter they were refused the school I be n.daed. to By-Laiv NO. 4.1901. served by Mrs. Joyce Cooper, Miss I auditorium. so where do they go' ' whereby a 2% discount be allowed ' Bernice Manville,.e in the ,venbee, by 1 1 I What use will be made of the on the prepayment: of. the the 1901 taxes Miss Marion Hoover, Mrs, Anne vacancy? Where- will the fire engine before June SO, 1961 I Doberty and Miss Doris French, be stored? Does -the Bell 'Poweri • -- Carried 1 The linens were shown by Mrs. Moved by W. A.Willia.mson second- ed by 0. S. Elliott that the accounts. as 'presented for payment be paid -- Carried . )3-. M. -G. Telephone, 3rd draw of loan • 5,000.00 1 Brussels Per.G„ light and: I power ' Alvie ;Higgins, gravel Pollard Bros.; chloride Donegan's Haulage, .gravel W, S', Scott, Insurance Pollard Chain Saws, labour N CROCE Y IcCUTCHE 1. Sponsored by Cranbr5ok Hall Board. WEEKLY SALE Brussels Livestmk Sales Yardt EVERY FRIDAY 1 P. Voi, Your home market where ye are 10114111169 :1 Visitor, Censitaor lit SNAP anussais, rr We Deliver I come down with the belle / 1 '.. Why not give the old girl a coati • I of paint, pour a little. cement under i. one corner and she will be .standing 1 there for many years, after some of the modern buildings are sunk in ? the bog, I Have .a little sentiment, gentlemen, I At least find out the wishes of yettr.1 I rate -payers, Phone 293 Lena Whites 'Kitchen ware and I(• china by Miss Betty A,xtman, termaseau by eirs Marion • Codkin and the. gifts by Miss Elaine Blue, Those assisting in the kitchen were Mrs, Bert Hemingway, Miss .• were Mrs. Roes Knight, Mrs, Bert Hemingway, Miss Linda Whitfield, Mrs. Lloyd Tervey and Mrs, 1allaSel' Knight. Showers Miss Hemingway was feted at an office party at Arthur wh.erf she was 4 41111mommommirtut.:11...amionEmotiss ...... INTERESTED PERSONS C P1TOL THEATRE PLEASE ATTEND LISTOWEL, ONT. A meeting of the Boy Seoul _group committee will be held in tht Abr- ' ary Hall on Monday, Aug. 28th ' at 8.30 p.m. to -finalize arraggernents, to organize a Wolf Cub Pack in i i ,Brussels. 'Mr. Don Rennie, Boy Scout Field Commissioner for the ,Satigeen Dist- ) rict, will be the guest speaker. An , levitation is extended to all parental of prospective Wolf Cubs, boys I between the ages of 8 to 11 years, to j attend this meeting, All interested / Please try to attend. I Aug. 24 - 25 - 26 • A memorable suspense drama - A Real Thriller Kenneth Moore, Lauren Bacal "FLAME OVER. INDIA" Color CinemaScnpe Feature 7.15 - 19:30 ktIONE 46 160.00 13.00 455.34 '1 20.46 7.50i .111••••••••••••••••••.. If you tear it down one prominent it farmer of Morris suggests you then put in parking meters and pay 1 1 We Have A Complete Line Of, 11. FLY AND INSECT KILLERS FOR HOUSE a n d BARN toilets and you will not he bothered and repairs 7.90 by anyone going into the school i R. S. Hetherington, preparing I .40.00 I 28.00 1 6.00 1 . 1 auditorium with muddy boots. By-Laws Please re-consider, B. W, Kennedy, advertising Concerned Citizen. I Fred Selling, labour SUS TRIP TO C.N.E., TORONTO SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd Bus leaves Brussels 7:00 Returns after Grandstand 11.:00 p.m Call 148 Brussels or 36 Sponsored by 1.0.0.F. 149, Brussels ely Bait (Dry Killer) Dairy Spray Concentrate Malathion Spray Premium Building Spray Powder Stock Spray Concentrate and Rat Control (Cereal Base) PURINA a.m. Show CENTENNIAL GATES DEDICATION, SEPT 10th. Douglas Callender, July welfare Art Henry, labor L. R. 13ryans, repairs 'Hyde Bros., gas McCutcheon Motors *seerstra repairs, , 7,75 Ma,chan 1Twde supplies and paint 60.89 Elliott Motors, tape 4.99 WOrkmen's Compensation, 1961 assessment 78.90 M. McDonald, material 9.57 Reeeiver General, Tax deduct- ions 25.00 :lost Office, IT, I. S. 12.00 Editor's Note: We invite more letters from those I interested in this matter, 286,00 23.80 11.25 4,00 Plan to attend the dedication of ; I the Centennial Gates at the Brussels l Pair eieunde on Sunday, Sept. 10th, CARD OF THANKS at 3 per. A massed Choir, Brussels We wish to express our sincere I. leateation Army- Band will parte thanks „for the prompt action of the 1 I 'cipate,•There will. be guest', speak- Brussels and Grey Fire Deparments , ers. The Brussels Boy Scouts, i im coming to our aid at the-time of I 1 Guides and Brownies will be on our fire. We would also like to thank I . , everyonq, who helped in any way. I parade, i For The Best In ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS AWNINGS DOORS ETC Contact: BRIDE-ELECT FETED 1 1 T e io i Pi Band an Mrs. Wan, Bell entertained at a trousseau tea lei honor of her daegh- ter, Margaret, whose marriage -0 Ross Bennett of Walton takes place in Brussels aleitea Church, Satur- day, Attg. 26. Mrs, Bell and her daughter were nesisted in receiving guests by Mrs. Roy Bennett, Walton, in rooms bright with baskets of gladioli and other shimmer flowers. Connie Coutts, Barbara Bell and Beverly Bell were: door attendants. The trousseau was shown by Mrs. Wm. Coutts end Miss Barbara eel-suer of London.' Aers, Wm. Vasiderwoude, Wing- earn, and Mrs. Wm. Bale, London, showed the wedding gifts. ells. D. A. Rann invited guests to the tea room where Mrs. B. ,S4emmela Me. S. Burgess of Blyth, Miss Addle Cardiff and Mrs. W. A. Williamsot -shared tea table honors. Assisting in serving guests were Ales, Geo. afeCutcheon. Mrs, Jno. Wheeler, Mrs., Lloyd. Wheeler, Mrs, R. 'Bronson, Mrs, Merton Rackwell, .Mtsa. Walter Bewley, Mrs. Wm. Spelt., Mrs. Ronald Beenett and Mrs. Howard Haokwell. The-lace covered tea table wa-s centred with, crystal bowl of sweetpeas in Pink toned, Others assisting the hostess 'were Mrs. Thos. Brides, Mrs. R. Sherrie, Mra, E. Cedmore end Mrs. Ida Davis.. Miss Bell ham been guest of honor at aevetal. showers. Friends NEIL DIPPLE Listowel Phone 465J • • Eldon Feld Tate Wilson CARD OF THANKS • NOTICE .........a.r.T.;1-0.4,444,4orsttmokagurouratfa Th e Brussels Town Hall is adver- tised for sale. Building to be rem- 2.45 24.00 50.00 B,M,G. Telephone, tolls Dave Hastings ,pistol Hortieultural Society, grant Recreational Committee, grant Moved by J. C, Kreuter, seconded by Len Machin that Grey Township he billed $50.00 :for the first hone and $25.00 for the remaining five home for the fire at the Brussels 'Livestock Sales Barn We wish to thank all our neigh- e, , _Carried bours, friends and relatives who ovd by 0. S. Elliott seconded remembered us with get-well cards by J. G. Kreuter that the Village and letters of good wishes and who Hall be advertised for sale, the Visited es and brought es treate building to be removed and the land during our stay in Wingha,m Hos- cleaned up and levelled. Sealed pilot. Thanks to those who helpea MietatiOns to be in the hands of the SO much the night of the accident; Clerk by September 1 , 1961 also to those who so kindly helped - Carried the boys at home, it was a.11 greatly Moved by Leonard Meehan, see - appreciated. • ended by. 0. S. Elliott that Dave Dorothy and Mervyn McCauley MIUMNINIMMINIMMEMEINEM LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE I slimed like to thank all my owed, land cleared and levelled. friends in Brussels who remembered. I Sealed .quotations to be,.in bands of me with. visits, cards, and letters th e clerk by let Of Sept. 1901. i while I was a patient in Stratfera :Wm. Fa King, Clerk Hospital. Your thoughtfulness was Village of Brussels very much appreciated. • Mrs. Hartley Fischer WILL (Sold Wavina Outtele Styling ' Brussels, 140 1 Phone. 250.00 FALL -MUSIC TERM Mrs. Louis D. Thompson, will I resume teaching, on 'Tuesday, Sept. )5th. Will pupils kindly come at their I Usual time. Telephone 179, CARD OF THANKS WEEK END SPECIALS Kam Tenderflake Lard lb. 21c Tulip Margarine 2 for . .... 49c Phone 132 !PL7M11717FIM5171.11,9r..771MPLI BROWNIE'S. DRIVE-IN LTD. 43c CLINTON, ONT. Anglican Church. SF CANADA ST. JOHN'S • Rooter: Rsv. H. L. JennInp S. Ay L. Ileoolot: Mrs. IL IMAM it s. ix. *toning Prayer Yl ?Assam Musk Soling St. David's, Hantrya III am, Morning Prefer elhorek Sawa • • • Presbyterian Church IN CANADA Free Delivery T-Tastiries be reimbursed $24.00 for his Police pistol - Dog tax rebates were discussed d and it Was decided thet no rebtitee Would he made it was decided to send a dela; gallon _rem Council to meet the two Township Councils at their next regular -meeting. re: Fire Protection i. in Brussels entertained at a shower et the.. Hefted. Church. School and the lintn.ediete surrounding areas. friends obeearttheGreendunealti tlrioer all, o:iitoeweoef., Won, to be ordered. Three new lenetha of fire hose .)1 . Moved by J. 0, Kreuter, seconded, 1 Mrs. S. ittit l8t Jacksoelatidto .AI.Z00 (1- a . ,Tack- by o; Iv, A, Williaineon that the Meet- 1 son, lee adirnirri to Meet egabl Sent, .6; i shower iii Tor Mettibers re the t. 1 i 961 .03' at the Call or fe e 'R eeve, bank in Tormito, where. Miss Bell i _ Nail e d . Was it neetilbee of the staff, made a 1 George IlecCutchernt - Reeve 1 erreletitatioe and Miss V, leaFranee ", WM. 7F7. "King - Clerk 1 and Mies telleli May 011feet:tilted ll I,. 'Mice Bell and her fiance at i 1061 Callal'Sa1,5 STI0WS e3Ital8SELS 6' (11"6"61'fY" POPULATION INCREASED The 1141 Conroe had been an, 1 brf:_,eiN:i01:01;31,6L.F.vi t/IJ T R :7Hst,r6'.46A0.001,4 'i Ili iltithis7ie:ncoiroVti:11$'ticityll, Muir" ilo':daeltm' '' lleereatiOititil Odentrattireeiel erernedeeSetit70. '' ;rrt : f telpiaz asto1167: : n erztli f11 t110etOr;the flood iiel rtte8 el1 9 91 5;imo_;9:I .,ii f,01T,1111lt,.nocnrussot , All ball Mile' and local oreaseeetteee : era ilaerel to helm Ilertatione will he L°i.'5tth;,.47!,i At-tv-te;: :ads .koi,i,, toiott at'it Nee office. A Het or donors will be ereterellv tereived ref the allettleinel i vf.`"0"4,"‘wanted ; I'cli:' oat chatri titt... pithlielierl le the Brussels p,st,,tt is _ estimated the coat will be a1,000 c. -L • 28 Sat, and Mon. Aug. 26 Double Feature "HO-MICIDAL" Adult Entertainment Glenn Corbett, Patricia Breslin "TI-15 WARRIOR EMPRESS," Color Scape kerwin Mathews, Tina Louise Melville Church Rev. W. J. Morrison, S.A., Minister Organist: Mr. G. Dorgsln No Church School Until Further Notice No Service During Auglist PERSONAL CLEANERS BRUSSELS, ONTARIO" We Now Have Our Own Cleaning and Pressing Equipment Installed And Are Reader T* Give You 24 HOUR SERVICE Pressing While Yon Walt Sanitizing- and Allothproofing • Satisfaction Cluararittect Free Pidc-uth and Delfivery Photte 1 irh6 United Church CANADA MtnlitOr.: Ram K. Griffiths totinkk ett. ll. E: Itlwrrtlri' A.i tuftiiiig, 70'4601, itOtriee rribh llteipille A°r6iltS7s: • 1sa lax Otuirait Oitiiitti at tilitak &beet Tues.., Wed. Aug. g9 30 "UNDER TEN FLAGB,i Vari • -a Charles Leughton AdnilititIon MO; tinder 12: in Otto Feta itak Oftido• otOetia at st0o 00010Ott *Mit Shots st *kik wileoloilimmitafig moon* -APP Floor! Wrecked l trig, ' • irte(i §:161ute, Priideele. litann6 97W 1•wo tltiowe Nightly, Rein Or' Clear IIMPRIffititIMM t " -7* •