The Brussels Post, 1961-07-20, Page 4," Thero,,,o-engraving ..... ......_::,5. (RAISED LETTERING) - Leah and feels like the finest hand engraving, The hand en. GIT.,,:ielettiro hive an elegance and individuality only the fin graying can match. c.,' ..; ...-- :—;-..,.,.-„44:.,..f.cy-A. — Thermo-engraving (RAISED LE-TT" E;iii.i £o$ _about half as much as hand engraving, because it dings; stes the copper plate that makes hand engraving so expensive ' —Ali IT'S READY WITHIN THE WEEK , Of course you can order matching enclosure garde, reception. response, thank you and at home cards, eta. Select from our giant catalogue of flawlessly correct ripen. 11 distinctive styles of lettering. WeIdinp priced oe low u 50 for $9.00 and 100 for $13.50, cos. plate with double envelopes and tissues. SEE OUR DISPLAY AT The Brussels Yost I U.o.b. spring and summer pastures provide adequate bulk and protein bat are low in energy. On pasture alone, a cow can produce only 30 pounds of milk per day because of her limited capacity to consume a cQ.Tcient quantity of grass. Additional energy is required to maintain lady weight and to attain maximum milk production. The new CO-OP Pasture Ration provides this all-important extra- Ariergy that is required to supplement spring and summer pastures. reed CO-OP Pasture Ration and you wilt get more from your ;,gasture ...more from your herd. IMPORTANCE OF FEEDING CO-OP MINERAL IN, SUMMER Mineral consumed by cattle Is utilized three times more efficiently In the summer than is that consumed in winter. Much of the mineral reoulred for winter milk production must come from the cow's system. Consequently, mineral build-up In the animal's body must occur while she is on pasture. For a healthy, profit-making herd, feed Co-op Cattle Mineral, free- choice, throughout the entire year. BELGRAVE CO OP DAIRY FEEDS HOW MANY WENT TO A BANK FIRST? 4'4'4. • ••• • brit40..tVen,W4e,,, • ";,• • ief •• 44'..•;; pi John. Lotigstaff, Optometrist • OPTICIAN OF ilEAPORTH • • Onderieln AL St. idliCiint tientortii Clink I I tirotrin Floor,Parking Fnbllltles ' i. itooeriptteini tilled entities /On to 111 gibisotinent 1.11.11MINO THE BilUSSU$ vosrr Tlity3da.Y. August srch 1951 in „Ontario. When they reaeh Wine I they will hare tre,11•011ed 34.14$ CRANUROOK. PgC'Pl..74 Wg. KNOW 0 0 0 Miss Nvol,y,u Cunningham. 4rmt- , fug, called 04 .1300§utu friends on. Sauday. * * * Mrs, W. O. (Awl and 'Mrs, l)oughto and Wayne are on a Motor trip to Vancouver, it is 'tins Team otnee they were before aiteuding the funeral of his father, j The Modern Way • To Be Traditionally ) Correct * * Mrs, 4-, Smith and children: of London, visited, with her mother, Mrs. •Speiran this weer, LOST —^ iiereterd Heifer` about 700 11)0. Itobt, Wheeler Phone 145J FOR SALE — 2, large size fielstetn. Heifers, due in, 2 weeks, John Blake Phone 143J combining. Phone 34r1 " I FOR SALE --- Rodney Oats, after Oeo, 'Cense)). Ethel There wilt be no service in Kue,N. ;Qintrah„ granbregit, on Sunday,, ,44R, 13, and Aug. .2(), Mr. B. Nelson, student minister,. will he I oat holidays, Mr. and Mrs, Irvine Dann and son,. Toddy, Manitoba, are ; Mg with. Mr. Ana Mrs, Earl Dunn. and .other friends, yftss. hllicabeth 'Pfeifer is Droving mowing a week ixt 13. Wingham, 'Hospital with monnia • Mrs,. Jas. McC;allum, St. Thomas, I V 4 sited with INIr, and Mrs. Lytle Gordon, Mr. Don Cotton met with a , painful accident reeently when I his right hand was badly cut I in a rotary lawn rmwer, neces- sitating a few days in the hospital. .t* The Bouquet Invitation Line 1 ; Mr. and Mrs Norman Hoover. retained last week trout a motor trip through northern Ontario and Michigan. * * * Miss Mae Skelton. and Mr. and Long Branch were visitors in Brussels arvZ, community last week.. Mrs.. A. Stewart of MORE. PASTURE AY-OFF WITH NEW CO-OP PASTURE RATION FOR SALE . A good 600x16 Snow Tire; General Electric gar Radio; Spot Light and Sun Visor. Lloyd4Tall R. R. 3, Brussels Phone 55-26 and Dunn week Wedding Inyttations Thermo-engraved (RAISED LETTERING) Wedding and engagement announcements, birth announce- meats, confirmation invitations, golden and silver anniversary announcements,,etc. ' Y, 4 HELP WANTED — • .41 Mrs. L. Beckwith, 'Toronto, and Mrs, Isabel Wilson of Vancouver, were guests at the home of Miss Berrie Moses last week. * * Mrs, Stella Steiss and grandson, Robbie Grinister and Miss LindQ Henderson of London spent a few days last week with her parents Mr, a. id Mrs, Ed, Henderson. Mrs. were and Ost. Roibt. Kennedy of Division, R. C. M. P., .Ottawa, Kennedy, Janice and Robert, visitors with his parents, Mr. Mrs. R. W. Kennedy last week. BELGRAVE PHONE WINGHAM 1091; BRUSSELS 388W10 A permanent career with security and steady, above average earnings can be yours as a rural Watkins dealer, Sell top quality necessities for home and farm. No investment. For personal interview write today giving hge to 'Watkins Products Inc., 3'50 St. Roch St. Montreal Miss Alice, J. Forrest is. spend- ing the week with . the Dickson and .:Mitchell families at Amb- erly. Mr, and Mrs. Allan Dunn Rickey and 'MiSs Linda all of Kitchener, spent the end at their home here. CELEBRATES 97th BIRTH DAY Mrs. George Kerr, trnssels oldest lady, celebrated her 97th birthday quietly on Saturday juty 29th, at the home' of her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kerr. Lamely cards bf good wishes from friends and neighbours and). bequets of flowers brought mes- sa fa c oncrratulati OTIS to her. sbe is en p• fairly !Yowl h r wcf. and sn-pnii- • ^*,.er,), among the friends who visit with her A rnflic, q,71, .Tames. liars in Mr.rris Township, and she ha- :: ctewart .of • * Mr. and Mrs. .Halbert Keifer and family left here Friday morning for their home in. Vancouver, B. C after spending two very happy weeks with relatives and friends. They toolr in Niagara Falls and other points ATTENTION CAR BUYERS ....our Low Cost Financing and Durance Plan ..will help you make a better deal. BEFORE you buy talk tO us. I GLENN N. NONMEMBER° Monition -- Phone 154741161 Brussels — Phone 65 Tuesday and Friday Linger No Longer _Order next winter's supply of top quality moil NOW WEIN Isar itIoNnor prices am in effect. BRIDAL TEA Mrs. garl Hemingway and her daughter Ruth will be at home at a Bridal Tea for their friends on Saturday August 12th, after- noon and evening. Ala*, 1n the oummer months, your oil tank should be full et Oftles , Bonin! fpe4. oil. Robt. L. Cunningham Friends, ETHEL. ONT. WALTON Mr: and Mrs, Geo. Habkirk of Ingersoll spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, Miss Beverly McCall spent a few days last week at the home of Harry LandeshorO, Mr. and Mrs, Allan McCall - and Beverley, and Mr, Russel Currie spent the week end, in Hamilton, where they attended the funeral on Saturday of Alf. Arnold. Mr. Arnold. and Mr. Currie were cousins. ou Make warm MONA se - tie WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP QUALITY, SERVICE, C.RAFTSMANS,Filt Open Every Week Day CEMETERY LETTERING Irste guarantee Tyr Over 35 Years of Phone 266, WIngham R. A. SPOTTON S ness14,JA, DR. R. W. STEPHENS ' Grioit6zte Ur/ye:nit,- Tommo 71ri'Vb,:t a.AN 'fitagse 45 kirmsehl, D. A. RANK • "”. ERAL &MO AtiiiiiiiLANCE Meexage4.1 kttzonal 1.14onto4, uintt stroita otiCTIZI 3g. or 6.5 • flt4(..11V.AIAA 4.,4"tr,t ORVAL HARRISON TV 1041:1 BLISTRIC ; tieriat Eh/Steil 30J* R. R. 1 MOtiliten CORUNA ELECTRICAL CON*RAtirold FlAtitt, AND teLtvitsioN REPAIR PROMPT OUARANTEED ilititVICE t. before you drink Probably most of tliemlE'xperiencecl travellers have learned that a Chartered bank can add greatly to the enjoyrn-en.t and Contentment of travelling. Here• you can get answers .tof currency questions, leave vat lables in afokeoping, obtairi•letters of introduction. Travellers Cheques are ideal for day-to'-day expensetL.POr larger silms, you niaSt 13r6tek a Letter Of Crodit,, or arrange to have funds forwarded to yoU/A oliaaleted batik has many CHIARTEREto ACCOUNTANTS McIntosh, and Wiird *416001•64 Walkerton Ili • ' t *44 *6,V$ of dittid.g, for your travel twodti. See yOtte laical bank before you go. 1 THE CitAittk.R.E1 BAN 1:4m:iv/N.-a It at711., .4* • ...op:. a .