The Brussels Post, 1961-07-20, Page 3XDAY St11001 "MON This bed - one of many - contains 121,000 of the bright, showy blooms. THE FARM FRONT Jokzuusea Check Fore and Aft The Traffic Flow Aen Decide .When to Go f •`. TULIP TIME IN OTTAWA .out' sinful nature by Use miredr of the new birth. If we turn from our sins and fully commit ourselves in faith to Jesus Christ we shall have the disposition an4 the power to live the life that is pleasing in God's sight, Let us :remember the patienco of Job. If we keep loving God in the 'midst of our afflIctien4 'we shall come through victors* ously and shall receive. the. crown of life. But it is most unlikely he will ever leave. hospital. ills arllxs and legs are still .crlopled. ills brain, too, remains ,dSormed. Nevertheless, Ream has a host of admirers, He .has long been the. pet patient Of the hospital and has attraeleel hundreds of eisitors. Many couples have tried to elaipa binv. as their son, In letteee. from abroad, a French girl • proposed • marriage, and an American organization. once offered two hundred thou- sand dollars' to exhibit the boy in the United States. But the 1101)1411 do not want to lose Rainer; Who they named after Rama, a Hindu god. He is the first such bey to be studied scientifically and a huge file of data has been compiled which is confidential .pending 'Furth e r tests, IVIeunwhiks he. las been made a ward of the state. Dr. D. l‘TS Sharma, the medi- cal superintehdent at Balrampur, says that X-ray examinations of bone formation prove that Ramu must have been about nine when he was found. He believes the boy was rear- ed by wolves from about the age of two. "The years between two and nine are vital to development," he declares, "Because Ramu ac- quired few human habits then, he is unlikely to acquire them now," Children who have been rear- ed by animals and missed human companionship during their for- mative years seem quite unable to catch up. Nor, as a rule, do they live long. For Ramu's case is not unique. Many, of course, are unauthen- ticated. There is, however, im- pressive evidence concerning two little girls, one about two, the other eight, who were dug out of a, wolf den in another part of India. They also moved on their el- bows and knees and ate meat raw. The younger was gradually humanized by a missionary, but died a few months afterwards. The elder, who lived for nine years, stayed little more than an animal, Then thete was the boy found some sixteen years ago running with a herd of gazelles in the Arabian desert. He was captured with great diffiCulty because, al- though only about fourteen, he ran as fast as the deer! In a Damascus hospital he was persuaded to eat food other than grass and milk, But he could only make noises like a gazelle in pain to the end of his short life. Anniversary Of A Great Bible Ley Bey, It, Barclay WaTralk BA., A.D. When Grod's Wisdom Prevails Jolt 42: 1-12a illeMorY Selection: Let not the Wise inait glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory In ills might, let not the rich Man glory in his richest but let him that glorileth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth Me, that r am the Lord.-jeremi- all 9: 23-24. We learn a great deal through afflietion. Someone has said, "Sometimes God has to lay us on our back so that we can look Up." We see life's meaning and purpose and its real values more clearly when we look up to God, Job was a better men when his affliction was over, He said, "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee." While he was a good man at the beginning of the trial, he was a much better man at Its close. As his understand- ing of the greatness of God in- creased, so did his humility, God commanded the so-called friends of job to offer up for themselves a burnt offering and Job would pray for them. This was a complete exoneration of Job in spite of all the hard things which these men had said about him, Then we have this signifi- cant statement, "And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also . the LORD gave Job twice as much a's he had before." Pray- ing for one's critics is good therapy. It helps to cleanse the mind and spirit. If he had en- tertained a bitter attitude toward them-and by worldly stand- ards, he had good reason to do M.-he would have died very unhappy. It's the forgiving spirit that wins. If we do not forgive, we cannot be forgiven of God, Following the standards set up by our Lord Jesus Christ by His example and teachings is the best way to live, for spirit, mind and body. But how can we do it? We must be changed from sti9 should be peeled immediate- ly before treatment, • s Seasoned posts must be peel- ed and dry before treatment and may be treated at any time. They are effectively treat- ed by standing in a tank of creosote for one or more days. The c r e oe o t e will penetrate better if the tank is heated for about four hours, After standing In the heated creosote the posts should be transferred to another tank of cold creosote and left for a few hours. Discriminating tastes of the Canadian consumers are being pampered - even to the shade of yellow of egg yolks. Though the color of the yolk has no effect on the rood value of the egg, many people find a pale yellow yolk unappetizing and others object to a dark yel- low color. With this in mind, the Poul- try Products Division of the Canada Department of Agri- culture has come up with a yolk color chart which may yet be- come a standard in the industry. * i * Color of an egg yolk is de- termined by the pigment in the feed offered to the hens. Thus, if the eggs being laid by a specific flock are proving unpopular with housewives be- cause of 'the color of their yolks, the problem can be overcome easily by 'altering the diet. * Still Cashing-in On Poor Valentino There have been good and poor Bible translations, Some have Contained ludicrous errors which have marked them for posterity. But 360 years ago this year, in 1611, one of the recoge nizedly great translations was published-the King James Ver. sion. - It isn't without its obscurities and its errees-one whole chap- ter is used twice, But its Ian.- guage not only fitted its time but echoes until today. Probably most Bible quotations in English come from the King ,James Ver- sion because it is the most quota- ble. It was written in the style born in the Elizabethan Age. It is filled with passages stated so memorably that they have be- come a part of the thinking of every English-speaking person. Modern versions may set forth in simpler words such utter- ances as Ruth's to Naomi--"whi- ther thou gOest, I will go" - or Paul's injunction to the Hebrews that it is better "to suffer afflic- tion with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season," But no translation is ever likely to capture the imag- ination of the faithful as h.as the King James Version. It had a number of things in its favor from the start, It came at a time when English-speaking Christians were hungry for a Bible of their own. It gave its readers mind-filling phraseology which has endured through 3% centuries, It had the name and, the blessing of King James, "the most high and mighty prince." It was accomplished by indubi- table scholars who went at their task humbly, "supported within: by the innocency and truth of a good conscience." This is not to detract from the Revised Standard Version or any of the other translations of the Protestant Bible, nor from the Douay Version of the Catholic. Bible, But it is to agree with Dr. -Geoffrey Fisher, the Archbishop of Canterbury, that the bend gi scholars who put together the 1 King James Version produced "a version of such superb merit that it (has) entered imperishably into ' the language, thoughts' and lives of English-speaking peoples ever since," -A r i z on a Daily Star (Tucson) MOUSE EYE VIEW - This mouse's nightmare scene was captured during the National Photo Show. The enlargement is from a quick developing camera Which yields negative as well as positive photo, ISSUE 17 - 1961 CROSSWORD PUZZLE WQives Reared.. 'Ors Jndicm Soy The Wolf Boy of India will never become a superman like Tartan, that fictional character .With animal 'foster-parents. lie • W'Ill never find a luscious hum n• Male, or rule the • creatures of ble jungle with biceps of steel. There have been ninny laces •of• children reared by wolves from Romulus and ;Remus, the legendary founders of Rome, to Mevgli, the wolf-boy of kip- jungle Books. But the reality is stark tea- gedy. For heredity in humans is a very fragile thing. A cat will mother puppies, hens will care for ducklings and, when the young grow up, they will become almost normal members of their own species, This seldom, if ever, heppons in the case of a child who has been brought up by an animal with maternal feelings. If he- leas missed that essential something the human. environ- ment glees a baby, he will probably remain at least half animal. He is unlikely ever to learn to talk. One of the worst cases is- that of Rama, the Indian Wolf Boy. Today. seven years after he was found in the jungle, he is still in Balrampur Hospital,, Luck- now, Most of the time this• six- teen-year-old boy lies in bed playing with toy _ animals like an infant, When taken for an airing in a wheelchair he can now smile his happiness. That, however, is about the extent of Ramu's progress to normality! • Despite every care and, atten- tion he remains pitifully deform- ed, He cannot walk upright, let alone talk, Yet tests show that Ramu's brain must have been slightly above average when he was born. • He has wild, yellow-brown. eyes, long double incisor teeth and claw-like fingers.. He can sihtuffle along on all fours, whim- per, snarl or growl. -Doctors who have. examined him over the years doubt if he will ever be any better, Indeed, • it is feared he may die between eighteen • and twenty - a wolf's usual life span.! Ramu was discovered in a, part of India where wolves are the only large wild animals. Other evidenCe of his strange upbringing is; One: Ramu laps milk or water like a dog. Two: He can smell raw meat, whioll he loves, before seeing it. Three: When taken to Luck- now Zoo, he tried, with excited yelps to scramble into the 'evolves' cage. Fair: The tuberculosis bacilli with which he is infected is of an animal type quite different from that of the human. When Ramu was first brought to the hospital, emaciated, hun- gry and with long matted hair, he was terrified of his own kind and so scared of the light it was assumed he had been living in a den. His body was filthy and. badly scarred, writes Basil Hai-, ley in "Tit-Bits." He almost starved in his railed cot until he was given raw meat and a pan of. water to lap. At the first attempt the patient's teeth bit deeply into ward at- tendant's hand! One day Ramu caught sight of an elsatien, dog and yelping. with joy, tried desperately to reach it, Today he will take a vegetar- ian diet and even wear clothes. 9. First-rate 33. Small 10, Regret . Protuberance 11. It is so 35, Unsophisti - ie. River islands cated 17.1i:1nd of 26, Urgency velvet 19 Wailk tered 35, Deposit a s ballot 1 21. To beg- 29.13acterlolo- 22. Anon gist's wire 23. Diffuse 40. Belgian river 24. Kind of 41. Group of So. cheese Amer. Indians 25, Girl's name 41, Itidichtl 26. Female sentence horses (slang) 43, Study 45, Singing syllahle DOWN 1. Puff A.rehitecturai Pier I. Relate to 4. Amer. anatomist 5, Work trif •41 gg Pedal digit 29, Quotes 7. English letter 3D. Strolls S. Contention 32. Grew light Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking 1111111111NiliiiiiiMillillin 1111111611111111111.6111111111 11111111i11111111111A11111111111111 I EMI IIIIMIIIIIIIIIM MEM EVIII111111111111 IIIIIIKAIIIIIIIIIIIMJIIIII 111111111101111111111111M111111 IIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIILMIIIIIIIIMI 11111111111111111111IMIVE MININIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIImi illA11111111M1111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 111111111 D. A. Fletcher, special pro- jects officer with the Poultry Division, started the task of creating a new yolk color chart more than three years ago. Working closely with the National Research Council's paints and oils research labor- atory, he tested about 200 shades of yellow before settling on a representative group of 15. Having determined the 15 shades of yellow, Fletcher and his colleagues put the colors on metal disks, each of which. contained a hole the size of a yolk to facilitate the job of identifying the kind of eggs preferred by the average con- sumer, Visitors to the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, asked their preference in yolks, unanimous- ly selected numbers six to 10 on the color scale - rejecting the top five as too dark and the bottom five as ""anaemic." * * Not' only could the new color chart set a standard for all of Canada, but it could be used to good, advantage in the froten egg business where the color of the yolk. is an important factor. Given wide applioation, the chart should result in even more palatable eggs for the breakfast table. Charts can be procured !rem Canadian Government's Specifi- cation Board, Montreal Road, Ottawa 2, at a cost of $15 per set, The sun-scorched little town of Castellaneta, perched in the Apulian hills of southern Italy, he's little to offer tourists except a distant view of the Ionian Sea and some fat and juicy oranges. Last month, however, its publi- city-minded mayor, Gabriele Semeraro, announced his plans to bring the world to Castellane- ta by honoring the town's most famous export - Rodolfo Alfon- so Raffaella Pietro Filiberto Gugliehni di Valentiha d'Anton- guolla, otherwise known to the world as Rudolph Valentino. ' An Under Secretary in the Italian. Ministry, of Tourism and Entertainment, Mayor Semerero worked for almost two years be- fore he could get a civic commit- tee (Associazione Pro-Locco) to raise money for a statute of the great man. The group provided $2,720, and the project was en- trusted to it 'professore Luigi Gherio,e Roman sculptor, but Gheno was dubious about how to proceed without having known his subject.. "Whet is it," he re- calls •asking himself, "that made women go so mad for this man?" Yellowed press clippings ehow- ed that the hot-eyed. Valentino had been the Most popular movie idol of all time. When he died suddenly in 1926, women lined up for eleven blocks on Broadway for his funeral, arid seems of them were injured in the general melee. Even after he Aortose 3. Hiatus 4, Apportion 2, Full of life 1.2. One (dial.) 11, Ferrous 14. Exaot 15. Outlandish 17, Ferrets 1,2, Courtyards 10. Disable 20. Siamese ooln Si, Admit IC Goddess of discord 26, Pine Tree State 27, Exclamation of surprise 23. Racket /9. Pram ewOrk 50. Snawn of fish 31. Near 32.111oSical lament 24.1Virtgician'e S4, liesesew 36, Amateur nat.° opera tor 27. 'Windmill Italia 32.1.:trge glass container 41. Smiles 1)1.01011Y 43, Mess nien.ts 44. Roof edge 65, PewIldered 43. Adiertive 'suffix 47. 'meet swiftly Far ins's shay,: 4 s.R, Indian -weight It is not necessary to use pure creosote, says Dr. Denyer. Half creosote and half diesel or fuel oir, or waste crankcase oil, is satisfactory. _ Another solution that has proved satisfactory is a mixture of diesel' or fuel oil with five per cent, 'by weight, of penthachlorophenol added. Also recommended by Dr. Denyer is copper napthenate mixed with diesel or fuel oil to give a solu- tion with two per cent copper. Poplar, pine, spruce and tam- arack all give long service a's fence posts if properly treated, he reports. A Montreal man and a meat wholesaling firm were fined at Montreal for misbranding and offering for sale several cuts of beef, Pleading guilty to charges that he misbranded the beef as "Canada Good" when it was of an inferior grade, L. Abramo- wicz, of Montreal, was fined $200. Melrose Packers Corp. plead- ed guilty to having misbranded 'beef in their possession and offering it for sale, The firm was fined $100. The beef was sold by Abramo- wicr to Melrose Packers who delivered it to the DVA Hospital, St. Anne de Bellevue, Que., Canada Department of Agricul- ture graders who were called to examine the beef, had the charges laid under the Canada Agricultural Products Standards Act. * Pleading guilty to six counts of selling and possessing butter containing fats other than milk fat, Laiterie Picard and Pits, Inc., St. Gilbert, Portneuf Co., Quebec, paid fines totalling.$450 in a Quebec City court, Judge Henri jolidoeur fined the firth $75 on each of the six counts. The adulterated butter was ordered confiscated. was buried in a white marble Hollywood mausoleum, the. Val- entino appeal survived - at first with sonic help from press agents, then as a cult. Every Aug. 23, there have been mem- orial services at the cemetery, where representatives of Valen- tino clubs from California to Calcutta usually read poems ("Gold shot with fire/Song of love on a silver lyre - Gone!"). There have also been at least six different "women in black" who appear, heavily shrouded, weep copiously during the cere- monies, and then slink mysteri- ously away. After doing his homework, sculptor Gheno decided he had discovered the secret of the Valentino appeal: "He looked like a young man in need of help; that is, he needed to make love in order to live." Thus inspired, Gheno spent eight months turning out an 8- foot-high ceramic figure show- ing Valentino in his great star- ring role of 1921, "The Sheik"' The robes are yelloW, red, and blue, The face, for sortie reason, is also bine but it delighted. Mayor Semeraro, Who had the statue carted off to be installed on Cestellaneta'e Via Roma dur- ing the Easter festivities, By May 6, which is Valentino's birthday, the mayor said he hop- ed to have euch movies stars as kirk Douglas Wand Silvana Mari, gano conic and inaugurate a Valehtino Museuni and a Velen- brio oldsege bonne for eetors. beyond that, lie hopes to have the body of Valentino shipped bade front .Hollywood to his old borne teem. Hollywood officials didn't seem to know anything abotit it, but that Was the plan at lent. And What would the mourning "woinen in black" do then? "Let them' Make their pilgrirh ages to' Castellaneta," said the tottrist-hungry mayor. "We have ,a floe'climate here," From NOrsArktx, Answer elsew iree on this )age One of the many !lobe that should be carried out on a farm in spring is the treating of green fence pegs, states De. W. B. G. Denyer of the Canada Depertineht of Agriculture's research Station at Saskatoon, And just in ease you did riot know it, green posts arid SOS.' sorted posts require different treatment. Both are satisfactory if treated properly. s4 e To treat green poets effective- ly, says Dr. Denyer, the butts ate stood in a tank of unheated preservative rot three or four days in warm spring weather, The butts should be imitereed to about eight inehee 'above the expected ground level, The preservation solution re- commended by him, for green poets is Made with half 4 pound of dry thrornated tine 'chloride, or one' pound of 'a SO percent commercial eoltitiert Of this chemical in One gallon 'of water, The Posts nitist be fully 4reeti lS WCiliSt ENEMY This pugnacious peacock unleaShes his fury on his b 'Midge hi 'a mirror. The jealout bird clowed and pecked in Vain. Statistics can be used to sup- port• anything- especially Ma- LET'S CHECK THAI' 'OLD' MAIL AGAIN - These people aren't ah a detour. They're denionSittifa ing a dual purpose' 410 i't5 in Lake Michigan, Four.passenger Convertible is capable ofta en land a rid noi wcifei, according to Est Ge rm an manufactur r. " k I ito4