HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-06-29, Page 8BELGRAVE PHONE WINGHAM 1091; BRUSSELS 388W10 For smoother non-stop baling, use guaranteed Co-op Twine. Ties more bales per ball ... ties right and stays tied. ELG E CO,OP 0 ► 0 • r ► ► ► C. r • ► ► • ► r- Envoy Custom Sedan Brussels e 62 Emergency Measures Co-Orclinator APTA/Cati 013S for lee position of Comity Co-ordinator for Emergeney Measures Progeleame. will be received by the Undersigned anti Saturday, sly 22, 1961. Salary to he $4,00e per annum, State age, qualifications. Applications must to submitted in envelopes provided by HELP WANTED — Agent, preferably retired farmer, to sell McIntyre Cattle Oilers in the i Brussels, Blyth district. Canada's largest manufacturers, good cam- mission. Write Jack le Cooke, R. R. No, 1, Mitchell, Ontario. HELP WANTED — A permanent career with security , and steady, above average earnings can be yours as a, rural Watkins ; dealer. Sell top quality necessities for, home and farm. No investment, For personal interview write today giving are to Watkins Products Inc. 250 St. Rock St. Montreal UNITED CHURCH W. A. GARDEN PARTY The lawn of the home of Mrs. Thomas Eades, Was the scene of a garden tea when the women of the United Church and friends were received by the hostess and 'Mrs. Cecil McFadden, president of the W. A. Mrs. D. A, P.ann and Mrs. Cecil Parker were In charge of the decorations which included baskets of flowers and: an attractive tea, table. Admission to the tea was the measurement of your waist In pennies, and Mrs. Albert Cardiff was in charge of collecting Pouring tea. were Miss Elizabeth Downing, Mrs. Leslie Odell arid , mtg. Pell and the guests were served by Mrs. James Bryans. 'Mrs. It 13, Cousins a tid Mrs. Thomas ,Stachart, Assisting in the kitchen Werke Mrs. Alex Armstrong, Mr.e. Olive 0allaglinr and Mrs. W. A, trillian* 44on. Oonvenota of the hake table. Weed Mrs. John. Rowland and. Visa Addle Cardiff and Mrs: Ceeil, :Porker, A en; iter Wheta coop books Were soli was in .elinege or Mrs. ltrhert Welker rind Mrs, Ti. it, Rent, PROVE IT YOURSELF SEE YOUR ANOTHER GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Manufactured for General' Motor's Products of Catiadai Limited;. by Vauxhall Motors Limited, Lutog, thgland, Parts and service' from coast to coast t. TlIZ BRUSSELS POST Tnur0,4.eT, 1.901 - "."'"r",.". .,"`",,;..,..^!,..',,tr.r..r."../trW, ObegPir 1.;1414 MAW 410411.40A VARtifil tat in-a-Dryer S W tore Listen to CKNX Radio and TV Drawn every Friday at 5:35 p.m. With Every $1.00 Purchase YOU Have A Chance lAglittaliV Pit 24 **** .. •••1/.4•,•••••.•••••••.,...••••••••••• . • ... At The End Of The Season 15 REGULAR PATTERNS at 1 9c to 49c Roll To Choose From Matching Borders are to be had for these if wanted. Bring in room measurements and get a bargain at these low prices but the best choice is right now. Wall Paper Tool Kits $2.50 Wall Paper Paste 1 lb. pkgs. 55c 2 lb. pkgs. 98c DRAPERY SALE No Smoke — No Fire — No Glanmicks Just , Amazingly Low Prices! Factory Clearances Store Clearances Values "Up to $3. 98 a yard" Now 98c to $2.25 Right up-to-the minute patterns. First come first served and get your coupons also Store Open Friday Until 10'p.m. Michie was highlighted by swingn;- ing in the pool at the Wills home. It was decided to hold the next vouni,o,n, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorno ,Nichol of Morris. Mr. John. Michio and sister Gladys of Saginaw, I.T. 5, A. Spent the weekend at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. Tames Michie and attend- ed the Michie reunion, 'Facade° Stove, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of MARY EMILY POLLARD MICHIE REUNION The annual Michie'reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Willa in Milton on June 17th, Fifty six people attended from Milton, Orangeville, Georgetown, Brussels, Morris Towship and Saginaw. Recreation under the leadership or Rae Smith and. Ruth Phone FOR SALE — Used 3 burner with oven. VT, J. Perrie LOST -- Hereford Heifer, Robert Wheeler Larvex Moth Proof Spray, Odorless $1.10 Large Pkg. 16.1•4111 FOR SALE — Strawberries H. Devries, R.R. 3, Brussels Phone 23-6 MT H'S MALL DRUG ST RE DEAD STOCK SERVICE 1+.19,-best Cash Prices For Old. Sick end Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASH VALUE Ileact Phone Promptly. Call: 133 — 24 Hour SerViOt BRUCE MARLATT License — 64-R.P.61 WANTED — Grade 8 student wants farm work for summer, on tractor. The Brussels Post about. 700 lbs. Phone 2451 ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late or the Township of Grey in the County of Huron - e,-iclowe who died on or - abe the 24th day or May, 1961, are re• quested to file proof Of same with the' undersigned on or before the 15 day of July, 1961. After that date the executrices will Preeeed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then have had' notice, DATED at Brussels, this 23rd day Or Tune, A.D. 1961. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Brussels, Ontario. Solicitors for the Execeitrices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of 'MARY ROSE 75-16 ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village Or Brussels, In the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on 20th day of June, 1961, are required to tile proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 15th day of July, 1961. After that date the Exerettors will proceed to distribute the estate flaying regard only to the claims el which they then have had notice. part time l DATED at Brussels, this 27th day preferably of June, A,D. 1961. Apply at; 1 CRAWFORD gr WETHERINGTON Brussels, Ontario, Folicitore for the Execetors PeOR SALE -- 40 acres of mixed hay, standing; 9958 Refrigerator, freezer top, Al condition. Phone 330W4 Lot 12, Con. 2, Grey FOR SALE — Good Size Holstein Heifer, due to freshen July 17th, Torrance Dundee, Walton Phone 390W5 Brussels the Clerk-Treasurer. Further details may he secured from the undersigned, J. C. Berry, Clerk-Treasuer, County of Huron, Goderich, Ontario. R. S. HETHE INGTON, Q. C. BRUVELS PHONE 120 Tuesday and Saturday All Day - Office Open Every Day BRUSSELS and. WINGHAM t You Want A set Cars To Suit You E IGH-FASHION STYLING . . . a wide, wide range of glamorous colors . . . sleek, prestige- building good looks - Envoy offers you all this (and much more!) at a truly economical price! And besides, you get the value of a well.bailt car— one particularly suitable for Canadian driving needs. Available in four outstanding series, three sedans and the sparkling Sherwood Station Wagon, Envoy, has plenty -to offer every family ! Low in price, low in running costs, glamorous in line and style, Envoy offers you more for less! See your Envoy dealer for proof positive! (IVhiteWall tire! optiopal at extrd cost) File 1960 Chev. Belair Sedan, automatic trans., radio, heater 1960 Biscayne Sedan 1959 Dodge Sedan :3 959 Belair Sedan 1958 Ford Sedan 1956 Chev, Sedan 1953 Pontiac and Chev. Sedans NEW CHEV. TRUCKS CHEV. OLDS. and ENVOY CARS This, handsome control partel is prac- tical as well as beautiful'. . instruments arid controls 'are grouped with your convenience in mind. These luxurious bucket- type seats, standard on theEnvoyeuetomSedan, bring you fine-car luxury at a fraction of fine-car cott I 1 Roadability is one of troioy'o big polo-to—plenty of pep, the horse- pewee you need when you tided Outstanding manoeuvrability !' The Widest range of allots in Envoy's class the gayest, blest luxuriouti choice Of fabrics and Interior Color§ . all yours In Envoy ! -OOP tkite. to LB. tiAd tiNtoRt Sib's 7s tikd teotAt6t6 12.60 Adt PitobtidE Brussels Ont. .,.. c utc n ADT „ wis votio ohlivroott ..,oicitiptobit4 tookio .„..: intOokait PlydwirtA, Phone 8