The Brussels Post, 1961-06-22, Page 3Watch That Sneeze, :149sy Be Deadly A Stockport woman Wet her life not long ago through fallipg down a flight of stairs during violent attack of sneezing, A Manchester man sneezed so vio- lentlY that he fell out of bed- and broke his leg. In Texas a motorist sneezed twine while driving along a busy read. His ear crashed into a lamppost, then bounced back and hit an- other car, which collided with a bus, As a result of his sneezes thirty-seven people had to be taken to hospital for treatment, A sneeze is a reflex action to relieve irritation of the nose and throat, and although, it only lasts one-tenth of a second it takes' such control of the body that it can have serieus results. A New York nurse claimed that she contracted infantile paralysis 'because a colleague sneezed over her. She was awarded $10,000 dompensation when she took her case to court, Not all sneezes have drastic results, however. An r,', ex-soldier had a bullet embedded in his head in such a position that an operation for its removal was considered too dangerous. There one day he sneezed and the bul- let shot out of his nosel A Londoner sneezed so hard that, he dislocated his shoulder. He was taken to hospital to have it reset. On the operating table he sneezed' again and the shoul- der clicked back into place. An untimely sneeze brought a wanted murderer to justice New York. lie was drinking a cup of coffee in a, cafe when he suddenly, sneezed, The cup crash- ed to the floor. The commotion attracted the attention of a de- tective eating at' a nearby table. Ye recognized-the man and are, rested 'him. An Australian bank clerk was walking along the beach of a New South Wales seaside resort when he suddenly felt the need• to sneeze. He took out his hand- kerchief to smother it, and then discovered that in doing so he, had lost a sweepstake ticket pur- chased that afternoon. A month later he learned thttc his ticket had won a $45,000 prize, Unable to produce the counterfoil he forfeited the prize. For continuous sneezing a '<elves vespeeen would take some,, beating. She sneezed forty dines a minute for eleven days. In 1949, a Buckingham schoolboy stanteciesneeiing in his dorneit9rY one nighl.''A'iter his schocAlatese had counted o er'fa thousandeJ sneezes, they summoned the spa- Iron, The boy was taken to the sick- bay„ and during the next eight days sneezed 130,000 times, He could sleep only when heavily,- drugged and the attack did not stop until a lengthy course of treatment had been administer- ed; A Pantomime was once ruined by a sneeze. TO encourage 'a ra- ther temperamental prima donna a London producer filled the front seats of the house with his friends to applaud her open- ing night, One of them, however, *sneezed while the singer was holding a top note. It, started a muffled tittering, then when the man erieersd again, the laughter spread. In a few seconds the whole audience was laughing and the singer be- came inaudible, She stormed off the stage and refused to return. "The average girl makes a poor wife," observes a philoso, pher, Maybe, but she makes a better wife than the average man deserves. TA!. .r 1D ON THE DRAW — TV cowboy actor Malcolm Atter- bury draws guns or 'pictures with equal ease. He's at work here on a painting for the Celebrity Art Exhibition in Holly- wood. .Between acting roles and painting, Atterbury writes plays, perforrns on the piano• PHOTOGRAPHY SUMMER COTTAGES FOR RENT VELLA - VILLA' COTTAGES 2 or 3 bedroom housekeeping cottages, city convenience, open April' 15 to Oct. 15 Reasonable. Phone Waeege 456 or write Robert Brown. It 11 I. wasaga ,Beach, Ont. • QUALIFIED Catholic teacher for Graf- ton separate school, to start Sept., 1961. Eight grades, about 36 to 39 pupils. Salary $3,200 plus qualification extras, or state salary required. Reply to Fred, Canaan, Sec.-Treasurer, Grafton, Ont. Our Lady ImmaculOte School ST'RATHROY Requires 2 teachers. Duties to coin-menee September 5. Grades 2 to 6. Modern new 5 room school. Reply stating qualifications; salary ex- pected and name of last inspector to MR. P. F, FLYNN SECRE'eARV.TREASURER STRATHROY SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD RR NO, 1 KERWOOD FARMER'S CAMERA' c.14.0 Pox 31 G40 OP 1 .trenerie printe Pit 12 "menu prints '108 .Repiente 50 each KODACOI,OR Developing roll 01k mot eneluding prints Color prints ilk erieb mitre, Anson ,and lektachrome 35 m n1 e0 ex, ponces mounted In slides el,e0 Color prints from slides 32e each. Money re, funded In full for unprinted nog:dives. - • • • •-• • PROPERTIES FOR SALE 165 ACRES clay. Perry Sound eietrict, lake shore, maple bush, large house, suitable for resort development qr farm or both. F. ,Jc•aldns, ;Box 30, meg. netawan, Ont. l$0740,0;trei'leCTi ott,"15esMinnesw P6e-feorVroplanalges0. ,m10tilabcrroeosikN,gcrirod el:Eta npdR, ot eprfm leins, man, R.R. I. Traserville 2)4J21 RTY highway frontage, plus 16 rental units MARINA SITE 752 FRONT ROAD, LASALLE $15,000 DOWN, boys acres With 220-ft lilno°111encOnirrilQe rdY tob riacti)tarGtneigt,mftitYlPly, occupied. Over 200 feet on 'Detroit River With 20-ft, canal now In. Fines!, MARINA site in area crying for development. Terrific potential for 2 couples willing to work for big returns. For fell in. formation, call JACK CLARKE, Realtor 660 Ouellette Ave,, Windsor Phone CH, 3-7625 STAMPS 200 CANADA ;tamestrot different, used, $1 Iblereeting set, 1 tomb, Si, M. J. Wilson, 1269 Canterbury Rd.,' Port Credit. Ont, TEACHERS WANTED', HAWK Junction Public .Scleoeti Board requires. in September one Protestant teacher, male preferred, grades 4 to 8, approximately 24 pupils. Pieese state qualifications, salary expected and name of last-' inspector. Apply, to; Sec- retary-Treasurer, Hawk Jenction Pub-lie School Board, Hawk Juridion, Dis- tricL of Algoma, Ontario. Saum BRIGHTON Twp School area requires a Protestant teacherefor Sept, 1961, For four grades. Salary, schedule in effect. Apply, stating gellifientions, salary exnected and last- iespectorate, to Mr, Cecil Alexander, See .Treas., R.R, 1, Brighton, Oat, e- Qualified Teacher Wanted For RYDE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA Duties to commence Septerebee. 1901. Salary $8,000. Apply stating experience, name and address of last inspector to MRS. FLORENCE RESMAN R.R. 3, GRAVENHURST MUSISOKA, ONTARIO FOR SALO MISCELLANEOUS RetelieeeshiJE water softeners - $29.00 Portable water purifiers 529.00. Chatee Lounge Cots $11.95. kleprerea Prepaid. many other line,. Cetalegee Biting full details, TWE 'OLIN elielICIIANDiSING co, 3.8.43(Jus 38,O NTARIO FOR Sale - One bag OMNI(' mixer with hydraulic bucket with or without Wisconsin motor. One bag tilting con- crete mixer, both In excellent tondi. Oen, One Concrete block machine in new vondition. Write: Enos s martin, VVallenetein, Ont. -- — HUNTERS FISHERMEN I CAMPERS l THE sporieman's best friend safe, economical, Don't be caught in the wet or cold with nothing to start a camp fire. Carry one of our resinous wood blocks in your iaeket or tackle box. Will light end "burn instantly, .even when wet! Tou r 14) blocks — 10 Dunces. $1.00 postpaid. Results guaranteed, or money refunded, Carlini() Pitch Chips, Box 672, Williams fence. British Co tumble. HELP WANTED NATURAL SCIENCE WORKERS. To prepare plant and animal specimens used in teaching Science and Biology, Technician's er collector's experience oorpel::taenrdestpoixnhalepsot panaryt otirm. Zoologye de- sirable. Permanent, full-time positions TROYER. NATURAL SCIENCE SERVICE OAK RIDGES PR, 3.5071 HORTICULTURE DAYLILIES NEW WONDER FLOWER BLOOM all summer, subzero hardy — last a lifetime Rush name and address for coloured catalogue of these emu, nig flowers, Floridel Gardens, Port Stanley. Ontario INSTRUCTION EARN Morel Bookkeeping, salesman- ship Shorthand, Typewriting, etc.Les-sons 500 Ask roc free circular No 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street Toronto. LANDSCAPING TREES and plants for home and *gar-den. Write or phone for free catalogue or visit Windover Nurseries. Petrolia, Ontario, Ph, 6. MONEY TO LOAN MORTGAGE Loans. Funds available on suitable farms, homes stores, apart-ments, hotels, motels,' Pleasant cour- teous service. For information write, phone, or drop in, United County In- vestments Ltd., 3645 Bathurst St,. Ter- onto 13, Ont, RU, 9.2125. MEDICAL WANTED EVERY eUFFERER'DF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS TO TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH "'the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching scalding and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 53.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES - 1865 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSE ONTAIUO Homes For Mentally Retard- ed Infants, Inc.' Plainfield, Ontario, (7 miles north of Belleville). requires ins rnecliately, additional trained staff. 8 hour duty, Night or Day. Salary $3,600 to $4,500 with car allowance and fringe benefits. Apply in writing with refer- ences to Mrs, Leonora Vellenian, P.O. Box 100, Plainfield, Ontario. THREE REGISTERED OR GRADUATE NURSES Required For 15 bed hospital, situated on the beau- tiful ARROW LAKES, B.C. Standard salaries, holidays and semi-annual in- creases, 40 hour week and living in accommodations at low cost. APPLY TO ADMINISTRATOR ARROW LAKES HOSPITAL NAKUSP, B.C. NUTRIA , ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purchasing Nutria consider the following points Which this organize* lion offers! 1. The best available stock, no cross- bred or standard types recommended. 2. The reputation of a plan whieh is proving itself substantiated by files of satisfied ranchers. 3.—Full insurance against replace-ment, should they not live or in the event of sterility (all fully explained in our certificate of merit.) 4. • We give you only mittations which are in demand for fur garments. 6. You receive froin this organization guaranteed pelt market in writing. 6,—Membership in o Cr exclusive breeders' association, whereby only purchasers of this stock inns' partici-pate In the benefits so Offered. 7. Prices for Breeding Stock start at $200. a pair, Speeial offer to those who qualify! eatn your Nutrria On our cooperative basis Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd„ R.R. No. 2, Stouffville, Ontario, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER', JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Geed Opportenity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant digriified professiobi good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illitetratecl Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Weer St W.. Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W. Hamilton 79 ilicleau Street Ottawa: PtleeONAL 'TREE Food Price with 52.00 Horitee- monitors elenilicsrship. it a ti e State wealth, Printed information 10e. Mitr.- ray Giteselt, 166 Junius Street. lerooka lyn 12, NeW York. MARE YOTJR OWN WieLe, Save Legal fee. Ceti:telly drawit Certificate contains Speeee 'foe name, date, beire Mid -edict etipelatithie, only 51,00 each poeiPtild, Send. dblide bill, Or brink money 'order to: jolty( Tt. Tayienit.n. 2, nest 215, West mititneteg, u.s,A, AYGIENIC RUBBER docibs 1115 51) guaranteed', melted in Otani' parcel, including Catalogue anti sax !Milk free will trial assort merit ill for h1.110 !Finest quality) Western DistrIbU, ots, ,Brix 74-TPF Rettine, Sack ....„ . A Great Game Fish The Pike ! Even With the lighter lines 'generally 4. used today, chances are that You can get a pike up to your "`boat pretty easily, You, may think that the old timers' contempt for him as a fighter was fully' justified. But when you reach for your net, he will prbbably whirl like greased lightning and be gone almost in- stantly — perhaps straight under Your beat and)toff On the other -side. One of his favorite tricks is to swim quite sloettly, as though e he couldn't go any faster — as if he were tiring. Just when you're getting used to: this, think he'll seen be codling up to the boat again, exhausted this time — in- stantly, jet propelled, he's off again... td who cub tell in what direction`, So raften, these who think I've exaggerated his fighting- quell- , ties eehould. yy„ fishing for him early in "the season — or, much better, to find him at 'his fight- ing hest, ,after some frost in the fall. Then, before they 'get through with him rather, be he gets' through' with them they'll- be ready to agree that I haven't overrated him one bit. What tackle is suited for larg- -er pike? Where they're most gel-levelly found, arouhd dense weeds or snags, the usual fresh- water spinning tackle, with about six-pound line, certainly isn't --- it would mean losing almost all the good ones, ,land- ing only 'the smallest. If yoU 'want tneuse spinning tackle, it should be the heavier salt-water type.- But tnost veteran pike an- glers 'seem to prefer casting tackle, a regular &tiling reel such as is used for bass will handle heavy line — though of course it won't cast as well as with Tighter line. Where you generally find them, if they run a good size, you'll need a line of 15-pound test. „If you think you may con- nect with a really big one; Make it 20 pounds. If you happen to hook, onto a„ real monster, even this will be too light — but don't spoil ,your sport by using too heavy a tine, Pike are temperamental about what lures they'll take best at a given time. Two or three good lams will practically always -get you as many as if you had a AGENTS WANTED STEADY PROFITS SItLLING rnpth, to .xnensoro :clothes di • red to .wearer .Then estobliseed, 1938 Mtractlee Olathe easily eted:. A,cremes cooirroolons• low prices,free Sell bonuses, Fon or Part thee. .Va.cperietute not necessary Trernendeeke opportunity write for sanipies Rodney Tailoring .Co. Dept X10, Box .3018, Montreal. y J. • BABY CHICKS BRAY Can give quick shipment ea day. Olds, moat breeds, including Anises In. Cross. Also hatching; to order, A few started also Prompt shipment, Order June-July broilers now. See local egent, or write Bray Hatehery,120 John North+ Ha mitten, Ont. BERRY .& ROOT PLANTS ONTARIO'S LARGEST STRAWBERRY •GROWERS A1.1, COMMERCIAL VARIETIES MILLION PLANTS Returns et up to $2,500 per. acre under our new growing syeterm For complete information and price write: B.B.F. BOSTON BERRY FARMS (REG.) RJR, No, 1, WILSONVILLE, ONTARIO PHONE: WATERFORD HICKORY. 3-5807 MAGAZINES We, $3 00 orders prepaid. Western, romance, detective, w a r, medicines, humor, sport, educational, movie, French, medical, men's' home, science. State wants. Freemans. .Corn. wail, Ont. MILK CONTRACT FARM 53,000 LBS. monthly. 200 acres choice level clay loam. 7 miles to Ottawa. Ex- cellent barns. Large brick modern home. Smaller frame home. Highway frontage. All power machinery, 70 head milking holsteins, Stable cleaner, bulk cooler, Asking $115,000, $35,000 down. Gerald Morris, Real Estate Broker, Metcalfe. FARM EQUIPMENT DEXTRA Ford diesel, used 105 hours, 12100.00 Holland 68 baler, slightly 'used, $1100.00. Spring tooth drag 3 poi nt hitch, new, $150 00. Ray Sider, 36 Eliza- beth St., Welland, Ont Phone R.E. 2-5562. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE MINNEAPOLIS Moline 445 tractor, 3.4 plow size, with torque amplifier, line power take off, 3 pt. hitch, power steer- ing and belt pulley, Like new with Only 600 bre, Real bargain. Walter Swanstori, R.R, 3, Rockwood, Ont, UL. 6.9712. WD9 DIESEL. INTERNATIONAL tractor, top condi- tion, Good cash buy. Ernie Duckett, concession 3, Leamington. Phone FA 6-6425, FOR SALE --- MISCELLANEOUS PHONOGRAPH RECORDS YOUR record requirements are as close as your own mailbox! Safe delivery guaranteed. Send 25 cents In coin or stamps today for our up-to-date cata-logue listing everything recorded in Popular Hits, Country and Western, Latin American, Polkas, Classical Folk and Foreign Language Music. Bob Dostry's Music . Centre, Dept, W LAO, P 0. 130'r 747, Montreal, P.Q . for their children and hospitals when they are ill. They know now that it is not the will of God or Allah or, destiny ,that they should live in misery, They know that jtistice should tot be denied to them because they are black 017 brown or yellow, or be- cause they were horn to certain parents in certain Places, And. when they know what freedom means, they want freedom, NEW Vtirtl< TIMES: BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE IDEAL FAMILY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GENERAL store, post office, snack bar, pumps and four bedroom home. On main highway between North Bay and Quebec border, 523.000 plus stock, Con" tact E C. Altpeter, Peconia, Oat BOOKS AMAZING NEW 1300K 52.00! Science, Religion, Education. The entire Uni- verse within your grasp. (Spellbindingi Aubyn Book Distributors, Inc.. P.0, Box 55-7095, Miami, Florida. COINS NEW!! New!! New!! 3rd Edition — 1.061 — "Guide Book Of Canadian Coins". 264 pages, 2,000 illustrations. Latest in- creased values on all of Canada's coins, tokens, Snd paper money. Thee most comprehensive and widely used book on this subject!! Just released. Pelee — $1.95. Regency Coin, 153 Rupert,. .Win-nipeg. FARMS FOR SALE 40-ACRE farm all under cultivation, not tiled, old' buildings, machinery, 17' miles south of Windsor near Walker Rd. 58,800, terms. Peter Simon, Real Estate, 1090 Drouillard, Windsor, CL. 6-9,949. 350 ACRE dairy farm completely, stock-ed and with all necessary machinery. Good home and barn, small orchard and a river running through the farm. Situated on St. Joseph's Island, one hour's drive from Sault Ste, Marie. This farm has had excellent care and there are good reasons for selling, There is a good milk quota for which $5.75 per hundred pounds is received. The farm produces its own feed. Annual income $11,000. to $12,000. For full in- formation,contact: William R. John-stone, Realtor, Box 456, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. POULTRY Equipment and Farm Sup- plies. Write now for your free cata- logue, Rideau Specialty Co., Box 277 Smiths Falls, Ontario. 1960 LANGEMAN asparagus harvester, used less than 30 hours. Reasonable. Lot Smith, 3285 Watkins Rd., Columbus, Ohio, BElmont 5.0749. DOUBLE-TAKE Featherweight summer suit looks double. breasted but is actually Sifted. breaeted. Clever button place- rent' and tut of the rollover -front produce the effect tin the design. t hundred. They go for shiny spoons much more than do bass; a spoon is best most of the time. But, it doesn't seem to make too much difference what type it is, wobbling or spinning,—as long as it is some standard one with good action. Invariably, I. think, you'll get the most strikes from spoons by using a perk rind on the hook. I use a regular length, split- tail bass strip'. But with this arrangement, you may get short strikes — the fish grabbing the rind and ,.only running with it. Still, there are times when a plug will ',let more"than eg, spoon. eAny type .'of ping that's good for bass is ,also good for But, for large ones, 'the *plug Should be considerably bigger, than for bass — your regular,- bass-sized plug' will get some, but the bigger one will get more. There are times, especially to- ward evening, when the beet lure of all for pike is a surface plug — and of course it's much the most thrilling' to use for them, when they'll take it well. Where are the best spots to look for pike? In spring, you'll probably find most, pike pretty well back in large,, dense weed beds. Or, if you don't like fish- ing in 'dense Weeds (I don't), keep your boat outside, and cast right to the edge-of the weeds. Trolling just outside the edge should do well too, especially if there's a sharp drop-off there to deep water. In istiminer, Carolling farther out in a similar place is a good 'bet: And always try well around the ends of long, narrow points of land — for some reason, they seem to like such points. In some places, especially in parts of Canada, you'll find reefs well Out in a lake — low, rocky sun- ken islands. Trolling in deep water around these is likely to get you a strike. In late fall, the big ones seen, to travel constantly and feed savagely. you may find them al- most anywhere. I usually keep trolling offshore in what I guess to be about eight feet of water. I generally get plenty of action there. — By. Jason Lucas, Angl- ing Editor of "Sports Afield," Swedish Dog Swims Under Water What fantastic feats will ani- mals perform next?, Russia has won world renown for her space dogs, America for her space chimps. Now a Swede, Sveh Nah- lin, has ,a dog Which shows a flair for under*ater The 'dog — called "Lovely" — Weare' a mask and, With an Oxy- gen cylinder strapped to her hack, dives down below, follow- ing her master as he probes the depths, Sven 'himself is an un- derwater expert. It was two yeats ago that Lovely 'first tried to dive With him. BUt, after keep- ing at his heels for a short dist- ance after he'd submerged, she Thad to resurfriee quickly, And then, having swalloWed Much sea water, she choked and seemed beaten by her Ordeal. But next day she appeared eager to try another dive. Seeing how keen she Was, Sven decided to equip her ptop-trly. NOW the dog can stay down below, investigating the sea btd, rocks; Crannies and tinderWater wrecks, for twenty minutes at a time', As het master Says: "She real ,, 1,v enjoys .lust as much as I do these briderSea explorations and gets quite *Felted whenever She spots, a fish oti, SOMething ants- Cal She tries to catch theth but they're toe quick for het, DRIVE 'CAREFULLY The WO you SaiNB ttiay be yotit DETECTIVE toot Rt ita4 Enti Okircredi, d tleteotiVe from rthrand, crosses the 1:iIrvIsik" brie Ito"S.MIIrt She65.tfi Boston AA, r &hail . tie n 6 #or 144011e, di Sit ivtiii "Iild.1 0. The Net 'efiiiiititird rilso 'took the i"ate lit 1959. eeeelekieeieeet: BACKACHE? ..nof me! For relief from iiiielische de thee tired-out feel na I depend oily MERRY MENAGERIE Ickazz,t;z:z "Rail to thee, blithe Spirit• bird thod never T r CLASSIFIED, ADVERTISING - fxperts, Aeen,fit- -$9 Hot! 'gXpeneiVelY., a 'French busie .riesernan named Alb*rt, Lorent leaned :back from a Riviera din- xtw .1.8131e. and 3inielo.ped one of his'favoifte themes: Most people. know nothing ahoet, art, fte of- Wed. to bet that "if you exhibit an unsigned painting by one of the great masters in between two dreadful landscapes by amateur painters,: no one would eve know the difference." "It's a bet," snapped one of the ladies at the table She promptly loaned Lorent '44,- 000 landscape by Modigliani. Lorent hart it placed between. two garish paintings at a two- week' "Exposition des Ind4en- (tants" in Villefranche. The price tag: 12,000 francs ($25) By last month, 2,582 art lovers had filed past the Modigliani, No one had recognized it. No one. had tried to buy it, HARD 341CK prtogR From the city of frantic dri- vers and even more frantic pe- destrians, a Paris correspondent sends this little classic; Stopped, by a traffic pollee- man at a crossroads in Genes (France), a car driver indig- nantly protested: "I was driving perfectly safely and within the sPeed limit I broke no traffic laws. I have a, driving licence. What's the rea- son for pulling me up?" Replied the policeman: "It's just that the car you are driving happens to be mine." The policeman's car had disap- peared from his garage „Several days,. before, fi BACK TO NATURE — By way of spri.ng cleaning, members of the Manistee County Boy Scout Troop are ripping down old election posters in their "Operation Facelift.." Posters. will be redeemed for cash by politicians and money will go to Scouts' summer camp fund. Don't Blame It All On Communism - It is always useful in a "time Of troubles" like this to step back and look around. The temptation, when the Congo erupts, when rioters storm Bel- gian embassies, when students in Asia stone offices, when a young man in Havana over- turns his country and tipseta a hemisphere, to look at the path- cu lar event. What we should do is to real- ize that none of these events is isolated. The now' 'familiar quo- tation from John Donne comes to mind when a political leader is murdered in a Congolese loge and American Negroes Hot at the United Nations in New York. No man is an island and the bell is tolling for all of us. Another temptation to be re- sisted is to think that the sound we hear is ,H1St the usual dis- cords coming out of Moscow and Peiping. There is Probably no more dangerous fallacy nowa- days than to blame everything 011 comrelinism. But corninunism takes advantage of the forces at work everywhere in the modern world to attack ter weaken the West end to build up its own power. 1r, by some happy miracle, communism had been banished from the earth, the Africans would still~ have struggled as they did for independence, the Laotians *Mild have quarreled, the Cubans would have had their revolution. Tile revolution cif ,our furies in so far as anything se Vast arid complicated can be pinpointed, is a demand by the people of the earth for a better life, for what many would call social itistiee: Merl arid women want lalld to till or jabs in the cities, ieheibit ISStIg