HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-06-15, Page 5Thursday, ,fune 1.5t 001 The Modern Way To Be Traditionally Correct The ouquet Invitation Line Your ,Hydro announces THE .0,00 3,00 0 .00 KO 0' 1 Mrs, J. Saab, P.Q.. NUL M. Framer, P.R.O. Mrs...D, CtrI4135 P. Mrs. Geo. Campb(9,I, Mrs. Tf. Wright, P,C. ONO G. Martin, 11.0. ;45.00 Advance Times, advertising 33.90 Brunsels. Post, odVertheing 19.75 Relief account 50.11 0. Martin, hydro for hall 10.12 PC4r5on, Edwards C.O..aUditing 8 2 0e05.' peatage 5,82 13elgraye 0000p., 'wari.)•le • powder 301.08 Callender Nursing Home 185.50 92..75 Brokokhaven Miming Promo 1R0.50 Victoria, Hospital Gordon :Nicholson, spraying 102.00 Cecil. Wheeler, fox bounty 4.00 Wrn. MeArter, fox bounty . 4.00 Chas. South, Warble Fly Inspector e42,94 Telephone calls 8,70 Reeelver-Gelieree stamne • 4,24 ,salvation Ar.m.v, grant 25.00 Pinecrest Nursing Wedding Invitations Thermo-engraved (RAISED LETTERING) Wedding and engagement announcements, birth announce. nients, confirmation invitations, golden and silver anniversary announcements, etc. Thermo-engraving (RAISED LETTERING) Looks and feels like the finest hand engraving. The-fettirn-have an elegance and individuality only the finest hand en. graving can match. Thermo-engraving (RAISED LETTERING)' Costs about half as much as hand engraving, because it climin. ates the copper plate that makes hand engraving so expensive AND IT'S READY WITHIN THE WEEK Of course you can order matching enclosure cards, reception, response, thank you and at home cards, etc. Select from our giant catalogue of flawlessly correct papers. Il distinctive styles of lettering. Woddings priced as low as 50 for $9.00 and 100 for $13.50, win-plete with double envelopes and tissues. SEE OUR DISPLAY AT The Brussels cost 111111•111110.44. EVENT- MAY 15 to JUNE 30 WHEN YOU BUY AN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER OR HOME FREEZER Here's how you get your free $20 food certificate Buy an electric home freezer now, May 15 to June 30, at any appli- ance store displaying the "Super- market In Your Home" insignia. This money-saving offer will apply to an attractive range of chest- type or upright electric freezers, or dual-zone combination refrig- erator-freezers of 13 cubic feet capacity or larger. 4 WHERE APPLIANCE DEALERS DISPLAY THIS SIGN Check these four ways a home freezer can cut y ur food bills 1 You can buy in bulk when prices are low. 2 You can take full advantage of special food sales. 3 You can budget your food needs more efficiently. 4 You get a free V0.00 food certificate if you buy now. Co-operating manufacturers include the following: Beatty Brothers • Belwood Appliance Co, • Canadian General Electric • Coronado • Dominion Appliance Co. • Frigidaire • General Steel Wares • Gibson • Gilson • Kelvinator • Philco • R.C.A. • Roy • United Co-ops • Westinghouse', Attention Hydro Rural Customers: See your local Ontario Hydro Area Office regarding Information on this special offer, MM..* • ▪ ^v, eiReeleee,eit'•,• ..,....7-044...rocatoaxevassavestmarommx "I've tried most makes and found #4,forr. 4ieeetteeeeetetete ,eeetteeeeteeeeia: eteiteleteiteeeeleel most economicall* * w; _ LESLIE E. MorcAY INSURANtaE AGENol A11 K 1 ads of Insurance including Llfsk "In the past we have owned a number of different makes of tractors, and we tried many others on our farm before deciding the air-cooled, diesel Renault was the tractor for us," says Mr. Robert M. Grimwood, R:R. 1, Thorold, Ont. Mr. Grimwood is engaged in mixed farming, has 16 acres of grapes, and does custom baling for neighboring farmers. "Before deciding on a Renault, we gave it a rugged on-the-farm test in competition against 4 other makes under the toughest, wet and hilly conditions. We found the economy, power and stamina of Renault best fitted the needs of our farm." Mr. Grimwood reports that his Renault air-cooled diesel is alto used fOr the tougher-than-average jobs on his father-in-law's adjacent farm. Mr. Grimwood sums it up this way--"Not only is our Renault economical ... its as handy as any small tractor, and it's got the big tractor power too." BEFORE-YOU 81.1111TESTDRIVE A RENAULT You too can cash-in on Renault tractor economy and performance this year! Before you buy your next tractor, make sure you see us--your Renault tractor Dealer. Ask us aboat the various diesel or gaS, air-cooled or water-tooled models. Wall Ns happy to give you a demonstration 60 your own farm. A, test-drive proare that* Renault tractor. makes farming more profit- able, Give us a sift 401, eseeteteeeeeeeetteeeeteeeteeeetteetteeNieeteleeinielleel'iMteeWii•ieel"De, . • • • v..... .... POLLAR iS (HAM Ohenat 1 • Moved by Walter Shortreed Bee- ()tided by Wm. Elston that ROSS Smith be commissioner to look after the Bone orar,, and Turvey Drain — Carried I Ratepayers from the 'vicinity of , Walton presented the fa/lowing petition to the 'Council: — We the undersigned are in favour of with drawing from our present Wm/ area and request permission to establish a central school at Walton, Ontario. Moved by Jas. Mair, seconded by Bose, Smith that we concur with the petition of the ratepayers in the vicinity of Walton and agree to the proposed school at, Walton and a,djust the boundaries as follows: Lots 16 to 30 inclusive on conces- sion 10, 51, 9, Niee. 9, 51/2 8 and Nee lot 30, concession 8 including the lots in the Haartlet of Walton — Carried Moved by Walter Shortreed sec- onded by Wm. Elston that we approve the petition to have the 'Engineer make a survey and' estimate on a repair on. Branch 1 of the Hopper Drain Carried. Moved by Ross Smith, seconded by James Mair that the road accounts as presented by the Road Slperin- tcndent be paid — Carried Moved by Walter Shortreed sec- onded by 3-as. Mair that the general — Carried Moved by Jas. Mair, seconded by Ross Smith that we give the Salvation Army in Wingbarn a grant of -25.00 — Carried Moved by Ross Smith, seconded by James ,Mair that Wm. Elston be a Commissioner on the Hopper Drain :"errel - Car?led. Moved by Walter Shortreed See- onded by :Tames Mair that the meet- ing adjourn to meet again On July 3, at 8 ,,30 p,m; The paid. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs, Mrs. Mrs. — Carried following accounts Were Sohn McNichol, D.R.O. L. Scott, P. O. F, Walters, M.R.O. A. McCall, P. 0. Richard Proctor, D.R.O. Earl. Andersen, P.O, Pletcle $ 8,00 6.00 8,00 600 8.00 6,00 8.00 '('ENDER FOR Otitt4 Oil. Sealed • tenders eetistietted an /otitis sepplied be tedillyeed the 'Undersigned until -6:66 it iilayr azii6 29, 19 41 huriker -o" Fuel. Oil. for the heating sociten for the Huron County Iforne~ Clinton, Loweet any tender no tiedeli4 eerily neennted. Tender armlet he secured feeth the midersigaeit JOHN tl iltitief dierk-treaenfor, delltitY of titteti tiefibia dederleti, Ontario accounts as presented be paid Carried Moved by Walter Shortreed seer ended by Roes Smith that a special meeting to deal with the Walton School By-Law be held on Thursday, June 8, 1901 at, 8.80 p,m. — Carried. Moved by "gene Elston, secan.ded by Ross Smith that we give the following grants: Brussels Fair, { $200.00; Blytli Fair $100; Belgrave Fair, $35.00 TENDER FOR COAL Sealed tenders submitted on forms supplied will be reeieved by the nfidersigned Until 5:00 Pan. Priday, June 23, 1961. Stove Aiathracite deal (supply tipecificatione Of analYSIS) ter the fleeting seam' fOr the Huron County Cioderich, Lowest or any tender not iteciee eerily Itedebted. Tender Corms Meet be Seen ed from the underalkned. 3OHN G. imititt derk-Treasurer, County of Ibiron 'Conti House Gederibli, Obterlo TEE BRUSSELS POST 4 ,?•••Intlerooter7,1!1,,. FOR 5A.L.,a MeCeelnicie Deering Side Rake.. Mono .2744W7 Morris Twp. Ccrnncil The eelleleil Inlet on ,P040 6 with. ell the eteeebere. present., Allnates of the last exteetila,0 is oro read and adopted on. naetten., of Win, Ellstop, and Ross Smith, FOR SALE. ee..• 7 ft. Power Mower, *In fit a Ford :ra etor, Ce Earl Phone 11.711 NOTIOE i'rep area to do all kin4s or weed and brush spraying; also hay baling. Steffler Phone 75.13 Moved by Walter Shortreed see. ended by WM. ;Elston that we de not concur with Canadian Pecifle Railway Company to take away the station agent at Walton and replace with a caretaker CArried Moved by Wm. Eleton, seconded by Ross Smith that Jas. Mair be appointed as Commissioner on the Mustard Drain — Carried FOR SALE — 1 Registered Hereford. Bull, 15 montbs old, George Martin, R.R.4, 13ruenele Phone 376W4 AVON CALLING — For representatives to meet demands created by National advertising, write Mrs, F Bell SIB Albert St. Waterloo. FOR SALE 2 Trailers; one with one ton box suitable or holding grain; the other for car or tractor. S Iiiernstra, B.R. 2, Brussels Phone tOr4 Stewart Procter Ceo. C. Martin , Reeve Clerk Thomas W, Bone The death occurred in C1ty Hospital, Saskatoon, of Thmoas W. Bone of Tisdale, Sask., iii his 83rd year. He was born in Morris Township, a son of the late Henry. Bone and Sarah South. Hei is survived by two brothers, Russel Bone of Morris Township, and George Bone oe Brussels; 'two sisters, Mrs. Joie). V. Warwick of Morris Township and Mrs. Ti7rn. McMichael of Detroit. The funeral look place from the United Church in Tisdale on Monday, June 5th, with burial in Tisdale cemetery. - _ ^ WANTED — Reliable party leaving by car for, Cask., abOut Tune 30 to July 15; to accept responsibility of delivering teen-age girl to relateves in. Sask. Will share expenses. Phone 153 or 228W FOR SALE --e• Cedar fence posts (anchors large and smell 10 ft. and up) cedar pole barn timber; poles, some 30 ft. hydro poles. George E. Pollard Phone 04 or 443W13 re FOR SALE — 1955 Austin Sedan 55, in good condition, Contact J. McNeil, Shell Station, Brussels, or Rev, Thomas, Walton. 7";' WANTED! OVER 1,000 PERSONS TO ATTEND MONSTER CHICKEN BARBECUE R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q. C. BRUSSELS PHONE 120 Office Open Every Day WINGHA'M Tuesday and Saturday All Day - BRUSSELS and Plan to attend the monster Chicken Barbecue to be held at the Beassels Fair Grounds on Weclnes, day, Time 21st, sponsored by the East Huron Agricultural Society. Following a feast of tasty barbecued chicken there will be fun for all includirig, a program, bingo and a dance, Come one Qome all. Join the crowd. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW. John Longstaff, Optometrist OPTICIAN OF SEAFORTH Goderich, St. W., adjacent Seaforth Clinic Ground Floor Parking Facilities Oculists prescriptions filled entitles you to all subsequent adjustments now; FOR SALE — New Bray summer pricelist, day- OMs and started, immediate ship- ment, RIRxelt, RTRxIS, Parks H7. Ames Series 505, 424, 434. Order suimmer broilers some for quick delivery. Agent — Mrs. R 13arrett, Brussels. ATTENTION CAR BUYERS ...,Our Low Cost Financing and in- serance Plan ..will help you make a I better deal. BEFORE you buy talk to as, GLENN M. RONNENBERO 1 Monkton — Phone 247‘1 Brussels — Phone 65 TuestitTy and Friday A NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of ROBERT JAMES, PATRICK ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased who died on the ninth day of April 1961, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the twenty._ 'South day of June 1961. After teat date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then have had notice DATED at Brussels this 3rd day of Time A, D. 1961. CRAWFORD te. HETHERINGTON Barrister c.. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Solicitors for the Execiiters' REAL ESTATE, Wilfred Meltitee Drolter — LISI'IlvG§ WANTED Lonely Cottage, Port 5 robins;. 3 bedrooms perfect con- dition; midway between • *sitar• front and 1:instate/SS section $12000.00 bee' 3 beditoile home plus four eottages in Port iLlgtti., all farnlitted for quick ,safe:. rettatinible payineitt. Geed reVeritie., Ode Inettilifiek cottage at Ma, biiiiongit, lake, hilly Hydro; -$1666.06 down' Another frame, 3 hedraan eat- Age, 1 i miles- north, of iiOnth- ntntitodc living roods and 'kftchat, priced right; Phone "gib': PAW On"' Local Itepreseiitaiive oi' Nktif:,tAtti itetiqTtird 'ft-baiter Walkerton, Ontario' l orilenir and 'Wein:ten to ewe 70L TENDER FbR FUEL PAL. Staled submitted on fOritiO supplied Will be reCiand by 'the iiiidefeigned until 5:06' "FridaYi, 1551, NO, 2 Light intinstriat Oft Rot the heating season for the Htteciii •dotinty Omni, House in 1, Goderibli, Lowest or (thee feticide' net •itedde. • steely acetinted. Tender ' initiat be Seared , from the tokiereigned; JOHN dr. t itttitt, Clork-Treadtirer, Count*" of kitten Conti, iteliie diittiritt • 9 Obit SALE Elected Pitsli Rnttoe Range With beiteteettle tiVeit etelfeed r 2 tO0k14 Dohix ttiiti6tIt4 White *till Tires, like tie*, Phone 271