HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-06-15, Page 3TEACHERS WANTED KINOSVILLE Separate Schoul requireif 2 teachers, modern 5 room school, situ- Med In the heart Of Ow town. Duties — commence Sept. 6, 1001, Apply stating qualifieatIons and expo lence to Fred UeSrilltis, SeeretarY-Trensurer pox 014 T sE 1A0C Hu ExE S WANTED LOO KO UT ET Separate School Board For Grades 4, 5 and 7 STAPTING salary for nretmlase Heats' $3,400 with yearly increment $AW10017:1:Y ait)otillcation 'please state runtfi-eatiOns, experience and the name and address of your last inspector. MR. L C. BOWER, SEC.-TREAS, C. SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD BOX 338, SIOUX LOOKOUT, ONT, eQnUrA;L:FellIFItD23.teAnephvelyr sitotirttorgurnsal laarycho:xl, . pected qualificationS and last insP00-tor to Mrs. Herb. Smith, See. rreas., ilia 1, Grafton, Ont, ST. CATHARINES COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE AND VOCATIONAL SCHOOL requires t hreeteachers.dttie duties 'to begin Septem ber;in HOME ECONOMICS I. COMMERCIAL WORK, including Senior Stenography, 3. SENIOR MATHEMATICS, E.$544511::I2568a000017_____Schedule Annual Increment. $300. Cumulative Sick Leave and Retirement Gratuity Plan, Generous Experience Allowance. Preference given to fully qualified and experienced teachers. For the 'first two positions named consideration will be given to others if background appears adequate- Apply, glyFi.ppvcfumllA jtInvfolErTatIon, te Superintendent of Secondary St.15 Catharines, ! Welland e Av enue,. ennutea,ri TRADE SCHOOLS LEARN I.B.M. OPERATION WIRING ALSO KEY PUNCH TYPING NOT ESSENTIAL INTERNATIONAL DATA PROCESSING INSTITUTE in KING ST. E., HAMILTON PHONE JA. -81108 TRAVEL TRAILERS SHASTA TRAILERS, more people buy SHASTA than any other Travel Trailer. WERNER TRAILER SALES, SELKIRK, ONT., RR 2, PHONE 776-2373 SELKIRK. UNITED STATES RESORTS' PARK VIEW HOTEL 1TH and Ashbury, Ocean City, N.J.,. near everything, double rooms, $24 week up, let and 2nd floor, modern apartments, $45-970 week. Free parking. Bathing, Phone 309-7414. WELL-TO-DO LONDON OFFERS YOU The best investment opportuni- ties in selected apartment and commercial buildings and first and second mortgages. For free brochure and information, call, visit or write: RICHARDS NEILANDS LTD. Realtors GE. 4-2169 360 KING STREET, LONDON Specialising in Investment - Income Real Estate since '1955. 00Y$ AND (HMS 8 to 15 can have a wonderful ono-work holiday at our Braeside Camp (near Paris, Ont.) tinder experienced Christian supervision. The, tow fee of $14 covers registration, roore and board, swimming and other sports, classes with handbooks, evening meet. logs with "Aunt Phyllis" Mason — the children's friend, treats, handerafte; insurance and other items. Boys' Week July 17 to 23. Girls' week — July 24 to 30. For folders, 'write the Camp Director, Rev. W, Jr. Moody, 064 Fen. net Ave. E., Hamilton, Ont, Phone FUlton 3-9681 or FUlton 3-8745. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AUTOMOTIVE accessories Only $1,. 000 puts you into the highly lucrative year•round Automotive Parts wholesale business, All service stations, garage. car dealers, tiger and drug stares, etc„ yoer customers, Details available on request All replies confidentlei guar- anteed exclusive territory All Parts Automotive, Limited. 1084 Kipling North Rexdale, Toronto. EARN EXTRA MONEY IN YOUR SPARE. TIME. Coest to coast public opinion company requires men living in Ontario to conduct door 'to door interviews, in their spare time, on con- sumer goods and ,servico Basic rate of pay, approximately $1.25 hourly. Previous interviewing experience de- sirable bet not essential, Write to Box 236, 123 18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. "EXTRA Dollars from Your Garden". New folio, 60 plans, tells how. $1.00, Other homemakers' "how-to" hooks, Write Lucerne, Box 133, Stoney Creek, Ont, LIMITED number of active and Part- time distributorships are available with a progressive established Ontario Lim. Red company now expanding. Experi- ence not essential. Company will or- ganize. Minimum $2,000 capital required. Excellent prospects. Appointment only. Box 235, 123 • 18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. IIUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALIN TORONTO CENTRAL location. 42 rooms total, Butte apartment building built from pre-war materials; this extra large building will outlast and outproduce most of recent structures, excellent street, yearly rentals close to $10,000. No problems with these rentals, $0.500 cash required and the price Is low, be-cause the vendor left for USA and, has to sell it. Call Mr. T. Warawa, RO. 5-3553, E. Kurdydyk, Realtor, 514 An- nette Street, Toronto. FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS FOUR position Chaise' Lounge Cots — $11.95. Portable Water Softeners and Purifiers — $29.00. Barbecues — $9.95. Clothes Dryers — $11.95. Transistor Radios. Many other Ilnes. Catalogue. TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING CO. FERGUS 18, ONTARIO FISHING TACKLE CATCH FISH, every few minutes, with device made in five minutes. Enclose $1.00 and self-addressed envelope, un-stamped. J. Adams, P.O. Box 82., Sioux Falls, South Dakota. ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA whet purchasing Nutria consider the following points which this organize. tion offers: 1. The best available stook, no cross• bred or standard types recommended, 2. The reputation of a plan which is proving itself substantiated by files of satisfied ranchers. 3. Full Insurance against replace.te ment, should they not live or inh event of sterility (all fully explained In our certificate of merit.) 4 We give you only mutations which are in demand for fur garments. 5. You receive from this Organization a guaranteed pelt market in writing. 6. Membership in our excluSive breeders' association; Whereby only purchasers of this, stock may partici. pate in the benefits so offered. 7, Prices for Dreading. Stock start at $200. a pair. Special offer to those who qualify:. earn your Nutria on our cooperative basis. Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd., R.R. No. 2, Stouffville, Ontario. PERSONAL UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away -with Saea-Pelo. Sacts Polo is different, It does not dissolve or remove hair from the stirface, but penetrates and retards growth of un-wanted hair. Lor-Beer Lab. Ltd., 4, 675 Granville, Vancouver 2, TLC, HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS TESTED guaranteed, mailed in plain parcel, Including catalogue and seX book free with trial assortment. 18 for $1,00 Finest quality) Western Distribu-tors, Box 24-TPF, Regina, Sask. Ate"- a atery nice apartment; but there's riot Mileh closet apace!" Swarms Of Fish .,'[`Lear Thq .N."-rai ' About five in the eslierre.ift .-We' submerged and set our cour,ai. for the North Pole. All through the night as we sped northwara the ice detector and television scanned the surface in vr.in Ii i patches of thin ice. lt hr; an to seem that our belief 'we would find thin ice frequently enough to surface at will was overly optimistic, Our plan to surface precisely at the North Pole begot,. to look hopeless., Cramer 13.acque had a , daily routine kr checking out. -his television eet to make sure it was operating properly. Fart of this process invelved switching on the forward floodlight end using the beam of light it threw as a sort of test pattern while he tut- justed and focused his camera. On Monday, Cramer was work- ing away at this task. The up- ward cone of light was plainly visible in the television screen .end it -became alternately sharp and fuzzy as Cramer adjusted the controls. Suddenly the screen, was flood- ed with fish. At first we thought Cramer's adjustments lad gone awry, making things appear on. the screen which didn't belong there. But us he adjusted the focus the, fish appeared even more clearly. Individually they were lairly small—no more than 8 inches long—but their number seemed countless. Men came from all over the ship to watch the show: Here we were, 400 feet below the surface and less than 300 miles from the•Nerth.Pole—what sort of fish' could they be? No one could be sure, but both Dr. Lyon and Walt Wittmann thought they most closely resem- bred ordinary North Atlantic herring. The. school was enor- mous. On, we went, mile .after mile, and the sea appeared full of fish. It was possible that the same school of fish 'remained with' us, attracted by the light, but we were speeding along at 16 knots, a fairly stiff pace for such little fellows to keep up.- Furthermore, they didn't appear to be swimming along with, us; rather, we seemed to be passing through them, The hypnotically undulating pattern was .rudely broken when a huge black shape shot sudden- ly through the picture, jaws' agape and eye flashing, And that's about all the description 1 can give. All of us were watch- ing closely at 'the time but what- ever it was came and went too swiftly for identification. It was apparent that he was up to no goad, and, at first we all, thought it was some sort of predatory fish, Afterward it occurred to us that it might also have been a seal, but whether or not seals can go that deep is not known. The appearance of the stranger did not spoil the - show, however. As we sped on, the lithe shapes of the school continued to flit through our floodlight, The black villain never 'returned, Then, as suddenly as they had appeared, .the fish were gone. Who knows how many other displays of na- ture we missed beneath the arc- tic •ice simply for lack of eyes to see thein?—From "Surface at the Pole," by Commander James Calvert, USN. A Move In The Right Direction ! Home building is a huge, $20- billion-a-year industry with an enormous capacity to absorb loan funds since the bulk of money spent on homes is borrowed. In earlier recessions, home build- ing, albeit after a time lag, re- sponded to the ready availability of mortgage credit. But it is now less responsive. There is no back- log any more of housing demand carried over from the Great De- pression and World War IL The home butidang industry, taking advantage of bountiful government aids, has gone far to price itself but of the market. Home building could benefit Most from actions like that re ported in the following Associat- ed Press dispatch: LOS ANGELES, Feb. 18 — A Los Angeles local, of the Inter- national Association of Plaster- ers and Cemetut Masons rejected last night a 121/z cent-an-hour wage increase offered by em- ployers. "We 'feel our present wages are sufficient," said Burt Chap- Man, President of Plasterers Lo- cal No. 2. "We turned down the extra money in order to support President Kennedy's plea to hold the lint oat it flatibni arid; because iii. May stinlittiate construction Weirit,)% NAticitiAl hank, alontbly Letter: have you noticed how youngs- ters coutit the clays until school Vatatieril And how parents then start counting the clays until the youngsters go to tamp?' ISSUE 2'4 t9gI MEW The Perfect Gift for Father's Day! IN YOUR ada-6-Qui, GRILL, rlasittAcE & CAMP knit Hoe.: thifivond n.wny i. cnr *ery Re wnibn5 , kVEN' 010w 11.:0,.y.rownie.1 th hiViti 5s pirliil thorcerl not rn thqiii,14fl tarri'l;rne, fuel, kod 0.4.44 :say men 04,11. a.,,,, ma to yo lit 1.0.1411i' Prfi ..ig,10.16,1( Ask fer it et Moredn't ded Setter Stores Everywhere Send Postal Note or Money Order to l01111SOR Series kie.ncics P.O. BOX 68 POeTio, sT*6TION "C" nv,nNT, ALL SUMMER SPORTS Pine Cuisitie Cocktail Lounge Sport Director* balking Writs rot folder AS Miles North of 'Montreal M1E • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Haven't The Decency To Be Asbamed Tile third installment of the continuing 1900,01 college bas- ketball scandal last Month, brought forth, predictably, the sanetirtionious protestations of educators, the pitiable cenfes- eions of players, and the mud- died logic of coaches, Each strip- pea the blame from himself, but none tackled the moat ernbarras- sing question: What had been done to 'alter the conditions that created the first major scandal ten years ago? The answer, to be 'blunt, was nothing, Basketball in 1960-61 remain- ed the same commercial opera- tion — big business rnasqeeracl- mg as amateur sport — it had been a decade earlier, Tail boys with eyes sharper than their grades still received college scholarships. Teams still played in the large metropolitan arenas, such as New York's Madison Square Garden. Even the games an the campuses attracted gam- blers. The result was inevitable. When New York District Attor- ney Frank Hogan announced last month the indictment of Joseph Hacken, the second gambler- fixer indicted in the current scandal, he revealed the names of five players who fixed games at three colleges (NYU, St. Jdhn's, and Setori Hall; all three play often at Madison Square 'Cbn'den and all three award .erany sandlarehips based on bas- 'ke'fball ,ability'), seven players firm ,six (colleges 'who felled to report attempted bribes, and even two (college freshmen who were paid to introduce fixers to varsity basketball players Am- ong 'the reactions to the scandal: "It was quite regrettable that Mr. Hogan, a friend of mine, was forced to makeem announcement involving two of our former players," said the Very Rev. John A. Flynn, president of St. John's University. "St. John's does not intend to de-emphasize basket- ball or any other . sport," he later added. During the week, St. John's opened a $3.5 million ethletic auditorium. "I did it for my bride and my baby," said Ray Paprocky, a remorseful NYU star who dump- ed gaMes. Amid regrets, excuses, and logic, theeleasic ills remained un- cured. Only when some school has the courage to admit its //Its- ..., 't takes, to stop recruiting players, to stop the win-at-any-price philosophy, can anything worth= while be accomplished, Until then, .young players, unable to resist the temptations offered by colleges, will be unable to resist the temptations of gamblers. In- evitably, the scandals will con- tinue. , • If you hear that familiar re-, (rain, "Happy days are here again!" buzzing through the air, don't be alarmed: It's just the thousands of schoolteachers in the nation humming, in one vast chorus, a tune acknowledging graduation time. Rogers Hornsby made 485 base hits in twe consecutive seasons, 235 in 1921 and 250 in '22. AGeNT OhieNPPOR AND TUNITI WOMESEN FOR pga. $ALE .MISCELLANEOUS 1'.01; SALE- Dragline Double drum, portable mounted. Al eunititlon. cote Pletely equipped Docket and Chrysler powered. Apple: Aid. berooge 011 end Gas CeilleanY Wards. ville. Ontario. STOREKEEPERS DEALERS Wine for tree limy Summer seeeteite I'atalogite.• teatitrin ,l large.assortment. ..epsonable elerehengiFe. l'OYS Dry /fends, lieuseware,, ete Domingo. deal- t rs .931V Phillip, File:, .Compam Husby St. 'Mont t I. AUTOMOBILES: tur icEli Atilanu ;-ile! reture. test. 10 Tom i‘leCatilli, News,paper A brochure, collectors collectors lin af, POSt- paid. Send $1.00 tOday. Jerry Moore, 1 ilex 07,• Grt.nd Rainds„ . . BABY 'POCKS • NEW • Bray summer prieelist, ti YOWS a ri ci started, Immediate shipment, ItrAxCE, THRxl.S, Parks H.P7, Ames Series 105, 424, 484. Order stint- mer broiler chicks note; some for quick delivery, See local agent, or write Bray H-eceery., 120 John Keith, rhmilion, . . BOY S' AND GIRLS' CAMPS HELP WANTED—MALP BE A HAIRDRgSSER JOIN CANADA'S LEAPING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn ilairdresaing Pleatient Signified Profession; good kireIVS. TheLlaatuiS of successful Marvel Graduates. America'a Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING scHook. 356 Bloor St, W., Toronto branches: 44 King SL W , Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PHOTOGRAPHY . , FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Films developed and, e enema prints 400 .2 magna prints 6(4, Reprints It each. KODACOLOR Developing roll 000 Mot Including. A Prints nsco ), and GeieEkr tae print brome 3s 3 005 tn eacrn. 20 h ext ex ra. - posures =tinted in slides $1,20 Color Prints trom slides ,320 each. Money re-funded in full for unprinted negatives, travel Canada; neatness eSSeigiel. This j.1)2,0, pet pert,, .pm:.0nItvhi.lsonA,ppcily th Circulation t,ziol no Dundee., St W., Toronto. 9 a In • 5 p.m. position offers an enlisted opportunity learn saleemenship. Starting salary wirert.td re 40 young men, free to 'or ambitious young men, 17.00, to Young Men „ HORSES RA,SH!! HORSE SALE TIIE Ohio Quarter Horse Association presents its 2nd Annual Sale with 76 bead of halter and performance horses consigned. These are of top bloodlines and Is undoubtedly the best set of horses ever presented for sale at auction east of the Mississippi River. TIME: 2:00 r.m., JULY 1, 1961 PLACE: THE OHIO STATE FAIRGROUNDS FoIck and Wade, Sale Management R. No, 6, Defiance, Ohio Phone: 7-1916 PHOTOCARDS COLLECTORS, Traders; Beautifully printed Phobacards. Specify: Baseball, Movie, Television, Western, Girls, Rock and Roll, Old Baseball, 500 dozen post-paid, Boston Trading, 4763 Milwaukee, Chicago 30. PONIES FOR SALE FAST MAN — In about the time it takes TO read these words, Dennis Johnson, 22, above, has run ,1 00 yards. Termed by some experts as the fastest man alive, Johnson has tied the college record of 9.3 seconds on four occasions. He's from the island of Jamaica. HOUSE PLANTS SHETLAND Ponies for sale, grade and registered mares and stallions and child's Ponies, Bridgewood Farms, Woodbridge, 11.11. No. 1. ATlas 8-0713- AFRICAN VIOLETS LEAVES, Plants. Newest varieties. FREE list. Louise Johnsen, Box 107W, Hudson Heights, Que. MEDICAL PROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS GET Big Mails, Comm-Circulars free, and cash besides. Money making op-portunities for everyone, Guaranteed Instructions, 250. Edward's Enterprises, 37 Gates Street, Holyoke, 'Massachusetts. Bus Conductor's Joke Backfired GOOD RESULTS—EVERY SUFFERER FROM RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Celled. PROPERTIES FOR SALE A London bus conductor, serv- ing on a route which passes the Elephant and Castle, South Lon- don's busy junction, had a plan. Several time's within a month, his bus had been boarded, early in the morning, 'by, a man who wanted to make a short, three- penny journey but never had any change. "Sorry, no change. Can you change a El note?" he would ask. Invariably, the conductor had to shake, his head, and let the passenger get a free ride. Then the busman had his brainwave. He kept lour bank bags, each filled with five- shillingswarth of coppers, ready far his no-change client. With glee he spotted his in- tended victim in the bus queue at theafErephant and Castle, one morning. To the passenger's usual ques- tion he gloatingly 'replied: "Yes! I have got change." PrOdu.eing the four bags of coppers, -he took three pennies from one, and then, grinning broadly, handed the others, with '4"tacieet; to the man, It was not until ten minutes, later, when the passenger hap- -pity left the bus at Waterloo Station, that the busman realiz- ed his error. In his joy at the joke of load- ing his victim with 237 pennies, he had forgotten to ask for the El note! FOR SALE New Modern Home over-lookin g beautiful river; and real estate business. One hundred mile territory separate office, $27,000, terms. Write to: Metter's, Chapeau, Que. FRANKFORD, Ont.; S rooms, all tows conveniences, large lot near Trent River; terms. Contact 'J .W. Summers, Colborne, Ont., or call Colborne 66, svgs. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scalding and burning ecze- ma, acne; ringworm, pimples end foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Prate on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER, JAR POST'S REMEDIES ¶665 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO 16 ACRES mixed fruit and nuts, on Main Highway between Vineland and Hamilton. Large House, Levi Houser, Beamsville, Ontario, ALBERTA 640 ACRES West of Edmonton on Jasper Highway. Ideal for two families or one large family. Year round work. Pulpwood Pulpmill nearby. Good demand for pulpwood atgood prices. Start to make money first day. Land price from $25 to 980 per acre. Terms cash or ex-change for property nearby. For in-formation write Mr. Frank Bosse, 48 Regent St., Toronto 2, Ont. or phone EM, 6-3689, MONEY TO LOAN OPEN Mortgage Loans on farms, homes. commercial, etc. Fast service. Phone, write, or drop in. United County Investments Ltd., 3845 Bathurst St., Toronto. RU. 9-2125. NURSES WANTED STAMPS REGISTERED NURSES 100 MIXED Australian stamps for 24. We supply stamps to fill your Domin Ion store's stamp albums. Write Sutton, 1927T Upper James, Hamilton, SUMMER RESORTS HOLIDAY IN Ronnechere Valley, heart of. Ren-frew County. Good fishing, beaches, sight-seeing, Write EGANVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EGANVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA. Salary Rang. $306 - $320 required by Metropolitan Toronto for Home for the Aged in Newmarket, Ontario Permanent and temporary positions. 40 hour week, good employee benefits, Apply Superintendent, Green- acres Home for the Aged, New- market, or Personnel Office, 387 Bloor St. E., Toronto. Chalet Bungalow Camp GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUE FRENCH RIVER, ONT, AAA—ATRO & DUNCAN HINES RECOMMENDATION EXCELLENT fishing, golf, tennis, water sports, Delicious meals, accommodation and service add up to a relaxing holi-day at this informal resort on the famous French River, Reasonable rates include meals and maid service. Dick Brock, Manager. Write, wire or phone direct Noelville, 808-2244 or Toronto, HO, 1.2081. SEE THE WONDERFUL SUNSETS AT New Hotel Belvedere SITUATED on wind-swept bluffs, over. looking 30,000 Islands, Georgian Bay, Golf, tennis, fishing, bathing. Rooms with private bath; rooms with private toilet. All rooms with hot and cold running water, 13eautyrest mattresses Meals tops. SOOKLET—A. G. PEEBLES, MGR, PARRY SOUND, ONTARIO PHONE RIVERSIDE 6.5581 AND RIVERSIDE 6-9990 BACKACHE May be Warning How Can I? Ely Roberta Lee Q. What can I do when bluing has left a stain on some or my white material? A, Soak the material in a strong =monk.. and water solu- tion, or in kerosene, and wash with naphtha soap in lukewarm water, rinsing thoroughly after- wards. Q. How can 1 remove mustard stains from linens? A. By washing in hot water and suds, .then rinsing in warm water. Q. How can I frost some win- dow glass? A, You can de a quick and, easy job of window frosting by patting the glass with some putty softened with linseed oil. When this has dried, your win- dow will thwart all "peepers." Q. Is there any way I can rectify scorched linens or cot- tons? A, If the scarab marks are burned in too deeply, there is nothing much you can do about it But if the stains are slight, wet the spots with soap and wa- ter, a.nci expose to the direct sun- light for a day or so. NUTRIA MERRY MENAGERIE Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, dis- turbed rest or that fired-out and heavy- headed feeling may seen Follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel heuer—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 59 Progress, So-Called Life is a man running up a "Down Only" escalator. At least we have known it to seem that way on gray mornings. Unexpected confirmation came this week' from the State Com- mission On Governmental Opera- tions of the City of New York, "Motor trucks driven in New York City today average., less than six miles an hour in traf- fic," the report says. "Horse- drawn trucks in 1910 averaged 11 miles an hour." Fortune mag- azine wryly quotes that as the Productivity Note of the Month. There are days when we' can hardly wait for the whole durn thing to grind to a halt, so we can go fishing.—Tulsa (Okla.) Tribune "At!,--;;, k>" - nC MONTC STE. ADOLF: Province of Quebec THE KING WILL DINE — Bozo, self-styled king Of the hobos, 'etileys 'a free., knich — with a finciriCial journal far et 6i10. The reOctit was part of a program to help down-cind-outert in New York's Bowery Section',