HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-06-15, Page 1rrz, •••• "Pa•••••• aweram,... year f* :i2tg.t) Thursday June 1961 a es0P4s4 Ostati mAtil., ruin otoct, torourAnw,, el asswu, 4408.1. PV4)114.1f.tag .11 ow • e 4- ••••••44,,,, A 411444441.141...40,4 01**,4 •••••,4•1,441,1•11•,,,««4• coma ONES COME A441; 1130 Chicken 4mrtokteue Is en ftrueolOti Foil Falr Grounds. talon :to Mu 1w' a monne.. 43w-beetled potatoe Salad, Tackles, tomatoes, f30,104F3', ire cream, :thrums, tea •of coffee, chocolate utillc ter children. Make you hungry? Well don't forget June 21st, Supper 'from 5 to 7 °Mock with a full evening entertainment and dance to 'fellow iii the nista! Palace. In emu) of rain the barbecue Will be held in the arena. Daneo In the Palace. WOKEN TEAQHgRS HOLD ,ANNIJAL DINNER MEKTING Tile Brussels group or 'the WuUlest 'TeaelierS' Federation held their- annual dinner meeting at the Queen's Iletel. VolloWing a suniptuou4; turkey d`micti, served by ,managontent and staff Of "Tile Queen's", the meet- ing Vas brought, to order by the president, Mrs. Louise Porter, Following a discussion on problems neotilar 'to many of the group, the Slot° of officers for the coming yyear was presented. President, Miss Bev, Eynns; Treas,- -arm Mrs, IT. rfue.ther; Secretary, Mrs. E. Elliott; Program committee, Mrs. I, Campbell, Mrs, .M. Micbie with Mrs, Backwell as convenor. NEW ..1.,,IQHT .STANDARDS HAVE BEEN INSTAI-14P Hydro .worionert itar:e been isisy during the past Weeks InatAiling' ;oven new r,onerote light .standards WI the west 81(10 of the main business section, The dew type standards were put in on the east fi side of the' street about two lean. 1 age. AP high tension wires have been moved from the nosiness blocks to 'back streets. The transference of the wires from the old wooden poles to. 'the 1 /i.rilvly installed ones has been • completed and the re:Mali:der of the wooden Poles. re:no-Yea. Our main business section now presents a More unite) ,• .madern..appearariCe, with the new mercury vepo'r ._, I . lighting, I NIELVIL"LE 'W.:NIS. Menther8 of the Young Women's1 'Guild were in charge Of the Jane 1 I meeting of the W.M.S, which was I held on Tuesday night, Sane 6, in,1 - ' the church, -parlour, Since the l• . I i President of the mind, Mrs. Mack i Cardiff, was unable 'to be present, 1 Mrs. W. 'W.• Smith presided. Mrs. 1, Sam Sweeney opened With a poem, t . 'Beauty is ili,veryWhare." I I The devotional ported was taken 'Iry Mrs. Wilfred Shortreed who read. 1 i 44CORATION SUNDAY; jUNEIRM intitulicrs el lite (J4l Val/11 4 Lteinit.a,104 Ltru.tuat 4 ot And fang% at the cemetery at 2,16. p.m. for simvicc. Drustik.in Ltagioft MIA Rend will bu attendance. The public arr. cordially invited ft- attend. Mount Royal Choice Cream Corn 20 oz. 3 for '''''''' ...... 49c I -4 -11 4 vz, • I, UelzazelzieWavaz,,,••••• ••• ra• .1,1, iparitsili • :elf ttrtl 57c Clover Leaf Sockey Salmon PERSONAL: CLEANERS Brussels, Ont. Sanitizing and Mothproofing Lxperienced. Operators Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Pick-up and Delivery Phone .2 Linger No Longer Order next winter's supply of top quality coal NOW whOz 'ow summer prices are In effect. Also, in the summer months, your oil tank should be full of Cities Service fuel oil.. Robt. L. Cunningham Ow I ut.ts Make Warm Friends 'St. Williams Assorted Jams 3 for ---- 65c .fitints Tomtato Juice, 48 oz. 2for ...... ... 57c -4 Sponsored. by the East Huron Agricultural Society. Give your Centennial Fair a boost and have, yourselves a good meal • and evening, ao••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4"....,•••••••41,04,...4** 4 .zz- Azzz ROCERY CCUTCHEON }is WINS AT TORONTO - Sack MeCutcheon, driver of the McCUtcheon stock car, was a double winner at the. C. N, E. Stock Car races at Toronto • on Sunday, Be won a first and also the feature race. 4 myrIcF. School Children or 1'russel:4. • Morris and Grey who wont to go to sen,forth f or swimming lessons must , enroll at the Brussels ithrarY op ; Monday night at 7 p.m. We Deliver Phone 293 • 118.00 Mrs. Winnifred Edgar and Mrs. GeOrge Elliott sang a duet,' neO0111.- prmfroi by Mrs, W. 0, King, Mrs. Smith introdneed the. gliest speaker, Mrs, George Malcolm, of IItliinghtim, Missionary on, furlough from Formosa. With slides to Mu- 1 strate, she told a splendid story of. Or, missionary on the Wand of. FOrmosa where she and ler !husband tf 0 P TENDERS We're working, At the close. f her i • -POR TRANSPORTATION I address, she answered several 'Morris School Board, will receive questions from her • 'interested I 'tenders- until June 27 for trans.-1 audience, 'porting pupils by car • from the I Mrs' George Elliott expressed. tile thanks of boil Societies to Mrs. : 'Walton Sch ool Area — two 1 seperate routes. McJcolm and presented' her with n, , gift, • - I .4 4 a ,APPLICATIONS WANTED BOr:N BOND — In St. Josephi's Guelph, on May 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Bone of Guell)14 daughter, Janet Marie. SISTER DIES IN CALIFORNIA 'Word. was received lucre by MI'S. J. C. Baelfer, or the death of her sister, Mrs. C. Dodds (formerly Applications are wanted for: 1. Caretaker and instructor wading pool 2 - 5 and 7 - 8,80, 4 4 4 .4 4 ETHEL. ONT. PHONE 86 -12 6 BRUSSELS SCHOOL BOARD days a week. 2 - 5 Sunday afternoon Slay and August. $20.00 per week Fannie Thompson), Of Long Beach, California, on June 8th. Mrs. 1.3aako visited her sister while in California during the past whiter. The Brussels School Board met in. the Mille School for their regular meeting, all members present. A hearty welcome was extnded Murray Huether who is the new momber on the Board due to 'Rev, Brown's resignation. The minutes of the- previous meeting were read and adopted on motion of Frank • Mitchell. and Jack McWhirter 4 , I 'the scripture and Mrs, Gerald. Gibson who offered prayer. a. Recreation Director, 2 - 5 CHICKEN BARBECUE AT BRUSSELS FAIR GROUNDS ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st SUPPER SERVED FROM 5 to 7 p.m. ADMISSION : $1.50 followed by BOXED PLANTS G days a meek, Month of July, FOR SALE • Petunias Marigolds Snapdrago'ns Alyssum .,3. Cutting grass in. park. State Pansies Tomatoes ..sruar(y2 aeixilidee3tecclan be combined)Asters. Asters Zlnnlax Applications to he in by Stine Hybrid Tomatoes Cabbans J O U W S M A .; 9th, 1961, Wm. H. King, MARKET GARDEN Phone '58E Clerk, Village of Brussels 1 W. 0. A. A. 1961 JUNIOR GIRLS SCHEDULE June 27 Brussels 20 Listowel at 30 St. Marys at Jluy 3 I-Tarriston at Harriston Sebringville _Brussels ,YWinghatri — Carried: Moved by Louis Ebel and second- ed by • Frank Mitchell the, items requested by caretaker lie pur- chased Good Program . Bingo . . Dance 'Tickets On Sale At — MoCutcheon Grocery, Machan Hardvyarb Walker Barber Shop, Selwyn Baker's, Grant Shoe Store, Bab Cunningharn's Ethel, Jamestown, Store, Humphrie's Store, and Ron Bennet's, Walton, or from any director. SPONSORED BY EAST HURON AGRICULTURAL SOCIE't' St. Marys. 3 Sebringvilie at Listowel 6 Harriston at Listowel 10 Brussels 'at St. Marys 11 Sebringvilie at. Harriston 18 St. Marys at Sebringvi/Te 14 Listowel at Brussels 17 Sebringvilie at St, Marys VAL't•8 E A 0 1 Y A Specialty — Carried and that "Cutting Styling Cold WavIns Phone Brussels 140 Moved by Jack McWhirter seconded by Murray - Huether the bills as presented he paid — Carried Jim o.x, work en fence 18,50 Barrie Median, work on fence 15:00 W. G. Leach, 11.75. Art He pry. work on fence. 50.00 Art Fox, 'bldg fence. 83.50. ,Post Pub. House, adv. 1,00 461 r r•or.r.1.0, • .r at, Listowel at. Harristoh at 'St, Marys at Brussels at Listowel 18 Brussels 18 St.Marys 24 Listowel 27 Harriston 27 St, Marys. Aug. 1 Listowel Brussels 'Route 1 — Pupils on Concession 8 I Following the benediction a Recto . i Route 2 — Pupils on Concession i lien" was e,nioyed with lunch served 9 I by the W.M,S. arranged by a corn- 1 and part of the Boundary ' to S. S. No. 12 f mill-en. Mrs, TT, Dennis, IVf -rs. Sohn 1 l'util. Alrs. 'Robert Gemmel], Mrs. ; pr•oXinvite distance for rack ' i-mb.. . route 'is 10 miles round trip. 1 c 8,1111Thell. Tor 'detailed information consult J ....__„...—____ , , — -....11 -the lloard Chnirman..Soines Eisten, CARD OF THANKS I "No tender necessarily accepted. My sincere thanks to all my rela- I fives, friends and neighbours who 1 were so kind to me while I was a I patient in hospital, for cards, 1 FOR -SALE:- i 'flowers, and treats, your kindness 1, I , l0 LB. BAG °MOM-, $to will always be remembered. i 75 LS. SAO' POTATOES $2.00 Bent Bray EAST HURON PRODUCE ) to S. S. No. 1 LYCEUM THEATRE WINDHAM ONTARIO 'Two Shows Each Night Oommeneing at 7.15 P. n24 FRESH BREAD aces EDMUND DAILY Fresh Fruit and Vegetables . At All Times a t Holliston at Sebringville S Harriston at Sebringville 11 Sebringvilie at Brussels 14111111111144.140444•••••• Moved by Gordon Stephenson seconded by Sack McVhirter• the secretary .contact Ross Mann to tune piano 41 4 41 'Ralph Shaw. Brussels WV.e.dt, -Thurs., Fri., Sat., ••••••••••,•4•1 (i•arrIer: Business being concluded the ; meeting adjournel to Meet on Sane 29th rr at the call of the chairman, ;. 2.0th or at the call Of the chairman. Carried June 14, 15, 16, 17 TENDERS WANTED For cutting grass in the Village of Brussels. Tenders will be accepted at Brussels Municipal Office to June 23rd, 1051. State. hourly rate, Wm. H. King, Clerk-Treasurer, z•••.- . • •••••• 4 WEEK END SPECIALS Mount Royal Cream Style Corn 20 oz. 3 for 49c Clover Leaf Sockey Sal,m©n 1/ 57c Oranges, size 180 3 doz. 79c Burns aicken Stew, 15 oz. 2 tins $9c 4 ,,,9:0A.VilD 'and GOLIATH', E. BIllott, Sec. I CARD OF THANKS J• 161 ffia- ImatMoMtVtal My sincere thanks Co all my 1 relatives, friends, and neighbours for . • • D their many cards, floWers, treats 1 RIVE-iN i.TD • And those who Visited Me during my CLINTONi•ONT. stay in hospital, Your kindness was . I appreciated. Thursday -• 'Friday • Mrs. Sam ▪ Fischer June 15 and 16 r - Double Fealure Inforagftp Nati y,2Z1 "THE TINGLER6 4.44z- •••••....zsozz.....,•••-•• 4 4 Angiiran Church OF CANADA ST. ,JOHN'S Rector: Rev. H. L. Jennint,. B. A., L Organist: Mrs. B, Elliott 11 pent Hely Communion and Ohuren School St. David's, Henfryn 9.30 Scan, Morning Prayer And Church School BROWNIE'S NOTHING Is As Delicious As es, • Phone 132 De'iv2ry VANILLA ICE CREAM 44.4.44•4 Ttgentro lust°, we, Adult Entertainment. I LLASHMAR Vincent Pricer Judith Evelyn "20 MILLION MILES TO EARTH" Adult Entertainment William Hopper, Joan "Taylor One Cartoon DRIVE1N THEATRE LISTOWEL Thur. - Frli. - Sat. - Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Covered With FRESH STRAWBERRIES 41/6441U MOO adk June 15 - 16 - 17 . 19 - 20 -•21 4eamairdaimazolz. Thurs. - Fri. JUtiC 15 - 16 Double Feature °BECAUSE THEY'RE YOUNG" Dick, Clarke, Victoria Shaw "GHOST OF THE CHINA SEA" • s r • PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA AVI" ,Church 11ROY. Morrison, BA., Midst* oroantst, Mrs W. di Oho 10 A. M. Church School Saturday MaiidAy June 17 and 19 Doohle. Feature "ti4t PLAINSMAN" ory Cooper Joan Arthur ,•+14-It Young CAPTIVES" Steve' Meld. Ltiaria Patton Orie"datttien FLIPPEO OVER 3f7Ig (tke +.1 G at • oo , ' Flews Sat. Men. • Julie '17 " SAMSON AND DELILAH" Cola'' Scope Victor Matkire 1-iedy ;LaMar lilt A. ikt. Divine tvoiehto or c • V MO 1'1 lbSintreitt E0 VW, t" 100 MAC \A JRRAYe OLSON 'WYNN .KIRK ,25,18 , ANrEd WALLY lorItIEgt 018.4AMOVISTER4Ild) 4nd 9)VNIIN '4"voi '10,t1,i74 4-1*. Also a Top bisney hot, "MYST'ERI'ES' 00 71-1d: bEttoi FOOtowe 7,30, Myttorleo OtSli MATINEE MIlde • Etc Tuesday and WedneitilA June and 94 ' A j t'Y Slnatra, Rita' i•laYk#Okif One Cartiiiiif • ttio6. l Wed. JOit -0 20 21' addtAigic6 ti Color Scope Frank Shiatrai bean Ssninly Davis; Jr., Peter Le*ford ,The United Church •= E1 OANADA RSV; IL, Brown' organist: mei. $. Mirth, i.41t .11„. it, " it it, Nt, a siteriidieni of itoir .P.o*tni9s tkotti COUSINS ,13 AIRY Yost Eitiory.Out Tabl-6 In Tea' Or Coffee, and on -derealt •Or Freak, Fruit, e-teswiisers, Shortcake Taste Better'' Wl4100E6 dittAik4 ON. It. iii•44•464iiii•romlemorau•sii4011•44it‘iiiii.m410mimi- Ad/1040bn 65c, Children tinder 12 In cars Free BOX' Office Opens at 8:60 Oclook Flrai th6w at built 'Pius ShoalstkildhtlY, Rapt or CletW gmt,lafflOMP.JIIIIIE1111n!IF.1.ritr Rain or ,C1isf First thew at dual< AOKOGGION.: es oaNts Ofoltdrett Dride4" 12' In Cars Free '10 **010111,0•Wittlgi;44 T41!"Ur • • •