HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-06-01, Page 11), Post Publishing House I ;fl • 41 4 4 • 4 HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION MEETING The Home and School Association I meeting will he held in the school On I Wednesday, June 14th, at 3,30 p.m. I Guest speaker will be Mrs. M. McDowell, S'witriming Instructress.; free-, Walkerton, who will talk abext Water Safety and aLio show films, These same films will be shown to the• schael elfildren in the afternoon. The Nom•inating Committee will ming in their report and the new I. officers will he installed. • All parents and friends are urged I to attend to learn about water Yifety ritle for the children.. ATTEND CHURCH PARADE The ist Brussels Scout Troop 1 attended the Scout Church Parade in rielgraye on Sunday. :Miss Thomas has been guest of . honor at a number of showers, one by friends of the Bell Telephone II Co. in Kitchener,. where she was an employee, Mrs.. Drayald Lahti of Kitehener entertained in her honer, and a miscellaneous shower by Brussels trIends. ENGAGEMENT :Mr, and Mrs. Carl Fitch, 11, It, 1. Wroxeter, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter; Lois Mae, to Melvin Keith •MeCretcheou, son Of 'Mrs. Harry MeCuteheon of Paergsels, and the late Mr, McCutche.on. The marriage will take place In the United Church, Belmore, on June 17th. at two o'clock. • CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Chas. Pollard wish to thank the friends and relatives for their their acts of kind- ness.' during the long illness and bereavement, They wish to espec- ially thank Mrs, Callender and the members of her staff at the Nursing Home for their efficient and loving care also Bev. H. L. Jennings and 'Rev. W. J. Morrison JAMES PERRIE, elder son of Mr, And Mrs, W. J. Petrie, of Rn b, Prtissels, graduated with his Bachelor of Arts in the General Pre-Theological course at On Vire Convoea- Om of the Waterloo University College. The degrees were con- ferred in the Mutual Life such- tOrititn at Waterlon on Sanr. day afternoon, May 20, _Mt% Patio is a graduate of Sea I forth District High Schools and is now oil the joint mission thargsof ,ast tattle and An. gus. }le Wang ta eMnifiened studies this fall at Mist t Col- lege, Toronto. Guests for' his, graduation were preSent ,froni Kitelieher, Woodville, ton acid Brussels. FRESH BREAD and BAKING DAILY Fresh Fruit and Vegetabler. At Al! Times PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA , metVrikie cn tar Reif. W. J. Morrisen, B.A., Minister Organist, Mrs W. C, Kind 16 A.1Vi. chiitth §e116al 11. A,Ikt. Divine Worship Q'' • The Willett Chtireh tT CANADA 460.60: Rev. NA.t 4roirlittit Mr". A. E. MAMA 10.4 A. matt 86641 34- '"Doifiiit tohtfitiih.0— HE ST 'Aatimiromat &4lici10044iss; topcm Depenapier., $2.00 per yensi Thursday June 1st, 1961 Mrs. Harold Thomas entertained on Saturday afternoon and evening at a treeiseeu 'tea in honor of her daughter Jean, who is to be „married on Saturday. The hostess received ; her guests in rooms bright with flowers and was assisted by her • daughter and Mrs. Winnifred Edgar, mother • of the fiance. The .guests were admitted by Dianne Thomas; and 'Coleon Burst was in charge of the guest book. They • are nieces of the bride. In the afternoon, Mrs. Emily I Elston, ',gingham, Igrandmother of the bride, poured tea; and the .gtiests 'were served by Mrs,Donald Laho, Kitchener. Mrs, William Irwin, Wingharn, Miss Betty Doerr, and 1 - Mrs. George Cousins. In the evening - Mrs. Melville Dennis, Listowel, and Mrs. Harvey Dennis, aunts of the bride, poured; and guests were ser- ved by Mrs. Gordon Workman, I Mrs. Melvin McArter, Mrs. John Hall, and Mrs. George -Cousins. • Mrs. Bernard Thomas showed the j guests. to the rooms where the trOttesseau and gifts wore shown. Mrs Jan van Vliet, Miss Esther ; Smith. Toronto. Mrs. John Edgar of Georgetown, aim Mrs. Roy Thirst of Walkerton showed the tronesean and gifts. 3$c 31c Stokleys Ping (Pineapple Grapefruit Drink) 48 oz. Rose Brand, sweet mixed, Pickles 16 oz. Clarks Pork and Beans 20 oz, ANNUAL "FLOWER SUNDAY" 1 APRICULTUBAL SOCIETY TO ENTERTAINS IN HONOR OF SERVICE AT UNITED CHURCH i SPONSOR cHICKENBARI3gCUE PRIDE. ELECT DAUGHTER i / ., i ' The aunual Plower Service was The Nast Huron Agricultrarai 1 Heir' last Sunday at tirmaiels Belted. I Society held a special Meeting in : Church, the theme presented being theLibrary en Friday, May 'filth to "iOur Unlverse." . make plans for a Chicken Barbecue i The world was depicted with a, tf; be held Jane 21st, at the Brussels, i farm home and a church. Sky Fair Grounds, starting at five i rockets, with deacniptive signs, 1 o'clodk; supper to be served '1W 1 "Onward and Upward" pointed to * seven O'clock. 1 ,u, revolving heavenly planet, Vim -Chairmen - 1 Chairmen in charge of S are . I ors banked the altar and Windows. . 1 Eldon Wilson and ,Harvey Craig; Miss'Thvendolyne Martin presided at the organ, and Miss Marion advertising Committee, Dick Proctor i and Mon Wilson. The committee Hoover at the piano. 2 for 39c ..„. .. , ... .... .... 79c Brooms 4 string The Listowel Kinsmen invite' you to their ANNUAL KIN KARNIVAL TWO BIG DAYS — JUNE Oth Midway for all Games 'doge --- see s'SGT. ELECTRO" RCAF ROBOT — see SKY DIVING DISPLAYS I—. both evenness HELICOPTER RIDES, — Saturday "Miss Canada" PRELIMINARY PAGEAf4T Semi. Finals — Friday 8.30 p.m. Finals .— Saturday Night during, CKNX RARN DANCE — 7,30 p.m. Live Broadcast — 8,30, p.m. Miss Canada 1961 -- in attendance Plunklt Dunkit Kfunkit Bingo- Two Car Draw — Saturday Finale Admission 35c Pubilo School Children Free. The smaller members of the Sun- day Sehool formed I Processional to the steps at the altar where their nosegairs were placed, They ; I sang "The God Who Cares for I / Me." ale° planned a Bingo, Program and. Dance to follow. Bingo Chairmen: Rill Turnbull and Stu Hixnaphries, representing the Lions Club and the Canadian Legion; program and dance eommittee to be, Sack Knight, ....•••••••••••••••••••4.•••••••••, ,.••••• - • - ".`""" • MCCIT.CgON GR9CERY. _ISTOWEL FAIRGROUNDS Tickets are now for sale from any Fair Board director or at the grounds the night of the barbecue, Don McDonald and Thu Bowman, The remainder of the sebool occupied the choir loft and sang "Onward and Upward." Miss Ann Cardiff read the poem "TO-day." The Centennial. Gates at the Bev: 1*/. Brown stresed the on- Fair Grminds are now under constru- ward and upward side of life, /I Won, These- will provide an. Upward is a very descriptive wor„d. .atitractive entrance to the grOmadls We must choose some goal for and will 'be a fitting improvement ..which to live, train for ft, and put I , to mark this 'Centennial year. ourselves at God's disposal, People I are chosen to do - certain things, ; -.— because they have much to offer, I. FORMER CHAIRMAN AND if. ihey will. / MRS. BROWN HONORED The evening service was in charge BY BRUSSELS SCHOOL BOARD • of the Young People's Union. Mr. James Spivey, the President, led the ; The Rev. Lloyd Brown and Mrs. r worqhip sod David Hemineway read I Brown were guests of honor at a the. scr i n t urc, 1\.T.,s, Nan cy mcwil le. gathering or the Brussels School ear sang "listening to God." and a• Board members, and their wives, ohm '10 Benny •Hours" we., sung 'n'or to their departure for his nree liv misees Marlon Herreee and charge in St. 'Thomas. firee•eiejvne Martin. The senior ! • I Mrs, 0, Elliott, secretary-treasurer roelie ese;sted the Yentury reerde. We Deliver Phone 293 FRESH STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM. Season is here again, featuring COUSINS STRAWBERRY FRUIT ICE C RE AN and COUSINS STRAWBERRY RIPPLE ICE CREAM IN CONES, BRICKS, and HALF GALLOWIC Get some from your favourite COUSIN'S ICE CREAM DEALaTi. often, for that extra treat at meal time, party time, or any tImOr, Waiwee...44-770-Jawy.04.s.,130....enocraftme ;BOXED PLANTS FOR SALE Marigolds Alyssum Tomatoes Zinnias Cabbage Petunias Snapdragons PanSies Asters Hybrid Tomatoes JOUWSMA MARKET GARDEN Windham Phone 583 BL-A01 1! SHOP ! A Sesoially Cutting Styling Cold Wav'n Phone a rime z • o th Board 1 Mr Elliott e t r- ei , - , e Dr. Lavander, a retired minister, ! tamed the group at their home but now assistant at Mt. Forest Friday evening, May 25th, United Church, was the guest -Mr, Brown, who was chairman of ions and Biblical references he speaker, By using worldly ill!istrat- the Board for the past two and a ! • .! half years, was presented with a vi.v4 dly brought out the three words, gift, as a tangible token Of apprec- "See! Hear! Act! laden for his service in that • capaCity and 'as an expression of th capacity and as an expression of Phone 22 Brussels, Oak, LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAN2, OrZTARID - Two Shows Each Night Commencing et 7.15 0, r7', BRUSSELS MAN HAS NARROW ESCAPE their regret at his leaving. Mrs, Brown was also the recip- ient of a gift. The Chairman of the Board, R. W, Kennedy, and Mrs, Elliott made the presentations. The honored guests thanked the donors for the gifts and good wishes and Mr. Brown again ex pressed his deep appreciation for the exciellent support and ce- operation given him by the Board members. Vire Chairman McWhirtcr everessed rit)orerir; tio/1 of their hospitality to Mr. and Mrs, Elliott. CARD OF THANKS ,0•11011.01.01milowelKINW,..46•Wr.row* , John Seddon, who is an employee Of the Alex Mowbray Construction Company of 1,Vingham, had a close brush with death while engaged in painting a bridge near Hanover, last Friday. He fell from a scat, folding under the bridge, 40 to 50 "feet above t'he river. Fortunately •• he retained presence of mind enough to straighten into a dive into the water and swim to safety. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express a sincere thank 701a to the friends, neighbours, niinster, and pallbearers for their wards of sympathy and acts of kindness shown during my recent 'bereavement and also for the beautiful floral tributes. Jean Eraser ! ,e.-c111 Me to thank friends and • neighbours who sent cards, flowers, I and visited the late Mrs. George,! Eraser while she was a patient In I 'the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. 17. Munn 'and the nursing staff, Sean, Eraser 'Thurs„ Fri., Sat., June 1 - 2 - 3 Jerry Lewis Ed Wynn Judith Anderson in CINDERE L'L A • WEEK END SPECIALS White Cross Toilet Tissue, 4 f Bordens Chateau. Cheese, 87z. 33c Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 32 oz. ..... ..... 71 Kraft Miracle French Dressing 8 oz. 2 for The celebrated fairy tale has been AlIZEMill.MEEMEEFATIMILSEL BROWNIE 'S brought up to date with, a setting Southern California.' DRIVE -1N LTD, CLINTON, ONT. in 45c- CARD OF THANKS Alex Mann and family wish to ex- press their appreciatien for the many acts of kindness extended to them by their neighbours and friends, during their recent bereavement. Thursday Etna Friday June 1 and 2 Double Feature "BABBETTE GOES TO WAR" Color CinemaScnpo Brigitte- Bardot Jacques charier "THE SECRET OF TREASURE MOUNTAIN" Raymond Burr Valerie French One Cartoon 45*- OF CANADA ST. 091-i N'S Rector: Rev. H. L. Jenninfo 19.- A., L. Th. Organist: Mrs. 8, efilOtt First Sunday after trinity • mettnnoim •• FOR SALE Phone 132 Free De=fivery MALE 6Eit, MAIL MOSTLY' FEMALE' gothittg brings stifle to a PerfOriner'S fade like a of fan t ail. Tour riy Coniinfin:DOpular radio and teledsioxi strifi luu good rodadn to he haliPt gets- more than 1,60,0 letters a *roik, tilottly tit% girls who low his looks and voice. TO,Anity. tia4 WO' redid show, The Cfeitihoii Titeaday tiftertiotine on thedid- Tt4iits-Canadtt' 11 Evin. El LB. 78 L. EAST BAG ONIONL,' 11.50 BAG POTATOES $2.00 HURON PRODUCE LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL awanidroarmeen Thur. - Fri. June 1- "Ti-. MOUNTAIN ROAD" James Stewart Lisa Lit Sat,. Mon., Tues. :We 3 - 6 = 6 Doubl e Feature utHE BELL BOY" Jerry Lewis "FOXHOLE IN dAlitoo James FlObertiori Justice. Wed. Thurs. - Fri ,tune 7 >3 .; 9 HOLE fN THE Coler SeOpe Frank Sinatra, Edward C. 14ebliison Thelma Ritter, Carolyn jailed) AdentSsion 650, ;Children tinder 12 In bars Free N . Office Opens at 8:60 Isteldek Pfret Show at &fah TWO Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear 101y CoMmtnion and Ohureh School , St. David*, Henfryn • Saturday , Monday June and 5 bOiThie Feature "TF-ft MOUNTAIN hdAd'i James Stewart Lisa Let "SIERRA STRANGER" Howard' Duff Gloria IVICOhee One Cartoon toesdAy and Wednesday Attie 6 and, 7 "LPL - ACNErloi Color Vista ALL, STAR. CA'1' Stooge doniody One dArto"on, Wedrietclay. Stine 7 SEA-FORTH LIONS CLUB 1-ItAthe TWO Shows Nightly, Rein 60 tloiliv -Fle6t §tioW At Bil* AdMiddlON't-, dt.dttkitt Children tiff l4r 12 fri dare FOOS -0111001,Valgt.tYMMV.VM".1rgri 9,30 &in, Morning Prayer and Church School CANTO! THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONT. -; Sat =Men. , Tues., June 2 .3. 4 - 5 If it's laughter your after don't eritt6 WALT Dist4EVIS "ONE HUNDRED AND ONE, CALMATIONdio in, Cofer „ Pitts the tend story of the Paiefiline horse riTl4 HORSE Wttt4 THE 0:-Ly1146 TAIL' (ooloo, Oarinationa at 7.36 and '016" The l-torgo. Wed, ThurS, The . vanity eieatthid tale- of One' 0'01e Wories most ruthless 141§t FALL OF Ltd§ bikikioNIP)• A4olt tfitet4Ahiffibiit