HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-05-18, Page 13‘1•05207,4 lit-VgaaelAti,W1 r••••••••••••••••MMe••••••••••101 1111011.1.1101111110.11, son, of Brussels was soloist, Presbytery Meets Presbytery met earlier, at 2 par,. ••at Knox 'Church and were served. .01,uner by the ladies of - the congre- gation. Reception Held Following the service of Ordin- ation a reception was held in the Community Centre. Mr. Alfred. Knight. an behalf- of the session. presented the newly ordained Min- ister with., an individual Communion 'set, Sludwiches, tarts and. coffee were, served at the close by member g of the Evening Anyiliary ;ind TAdies Aid, Among those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kristt. and Miss Helen Torortl, Mrs D1,-on. 1,Vordstoek,' mother or Mrs. Kenneth Kniebt, and Mrs. Dascan, Toronto, and her niece, Mrs, Te^^ I CHte, Loudon. I. 0. 0: F. CHURCH SERVICE Members of 'Western Star LOG,F, and Morning Star Rebekah lodges. will ,attend their annual • -Church Parade on Sunday,„ May 21st at St. John's Anglican Church, at 11 am. The OddfellowS are asked to •meet at I the Lodge Hall at 10.30 aan, FRESH BREAD flea !BAKING DAILY Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, At All Times ••.41Ailikila R THE8USSELS POST $2.U0 Per year - $2 ia711030004 mg" 014111 111-134 °Me* painix4u4wit" 0114." Thursday, May 18th, 1961 eoat Publishing House ,111.011,1. ?Am FATHERS COND4PT MAY H. 4 S, ASSOCIATION MEETING 1 K. KNIPHT ORDAINED , AT CRANBROOK CHURCH: •flenInsga Farrow Robinson Russell Farrow si, .died Monday in the Brussels Nursing T.I.L(m;:asr ..the sork or the late Mr. and Mrs. 'Willis I' arrow. Ile was kv• Iljao resident or this. village, • tie Is survived by his wife, time former .MOatileno Pethick,.• three sons, Russell and Jack 0.Galt,..Prgak of Preston; and a dalighter, .MPS. Kenneth (Nita) Gallaher of Oalt. The funeralservice was conducted. by the Rev. L. G. Drown of the "United 'Churelt. at the D. A, Ream. funeral home, at 2 p.m , on Wednes- day. interment -was In Brussels cerlte- tely, - 35c Kenneth, :Knight, ,oldest on of Mrs. The "Fathers" of the Brussels. Cordon 'Knight and the late Cordon . Home and School .Association were was ordained AU t mtnititer • in 14.e Program for the Friday evenipg, May 9,, at KnON, May meeting which was held In the, Vresbyterian Omni:gook, anditoriuni of the public 5011001, May Owing to the 'illness of the 10, With 0, Xrauter, chairman moderator, Rey. W, J, S. McClure, 'for the evening, Charles Afrneld took of IVfolcsWOrth, paSt moderator of the secretary's office for the eyon f i St. Williams Grape Jam ,24 oz. Rose Brand Bread and Butter Pickles, 16 oz, Puritan 'Beef Stew, 24 oz. .iVlaple Leaf Weiners lb. Vat ..... 29c 43c 1-furoorMa3tiand (Presbytery Others taking part in the pervice 1 The .H'ome and School creed was were Rev, David J. Lane, Clinton, • tead by Lawrie Cousins. and a clerk of the Presbytery, 'Rev. prog-ram of instrumental music Taylor, a former 'minister. now' of followed played by the pupils of Tottenham, who preached the Mrs. L. D. 'Thompson. Piano. solos ANNUAL FLOWER SERVICE Brussels United Church SUNDAY, MAY 28th et 11 A, NI. THEME : "COO OF UNIVERSE"' Sponsored By The Sunday School Everyone Is Invited to Attend EVENING SERVICE — at 8 P, M. Sponsored by Young Peoples' Union SPECIAL muste. Guest Speaker REV. A. 1,..AVANDE.?, C.O., of Mauna FOreet 7...r.vvoirvems.41.116.111a6; RSONAL CLEANERS Brussels, Ont, Annag.nce Their Opening.- SPECIAL TO MAY 27th Trousers and Skirts 49c Each Sanitizing and Mothproofing- Experienced Operators Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Pickup. and Delivery 4'5c was baptised, sermon. and Rev. W. A, Williams, Brussels, who gave the exhortation. Mt, Williams was minister at crivitirook and Ethel when Kenneth Mrs, Prank Thomp- try Doreno . Cardiff, Shirley Ann Brown, Bennie Pletch, Murray• Kellnqon, and George 'Valiance; Piano duet by Judy and Kenneth WoAtit'male onartette consisting of Jack Cardiff, Rev.. L. G. Brown, Lawrie Cousins ayitl. Lloyd Wheeler, contributed two numbers, 'The attendance -Danner which bad been in Mrs. Kenneth Tyerman's room was tied for 'by Miss Mary Jane Shannon's room and Mrs 1 Tyerman's room, so each will have it for two weeks. A nominati,ng c•-volittee• for new officers was chosen as follows — Gerald Pixel (eh ai rman 1, Murray Heether, Mrs. Lloyd 'Wheeler, Mrs.• Charles Thomas, 'Mrs. Robert Ray- mond. , The presentation of the Flotne. and :Cht101 trophy to Gerta l ve t for tb" 'nest points in junior work at the Brussels .Fair, was made by Mrs ',Robert Raymond, spelling match was an interest- -ling feature of the evening with Mrs. 1-1., King and Ian McDonald as captains. 'Ashton chose the words and the match ended, in a tie with all remaining contestants "go.• ing down" . on the word A delicious lunch was served by ! 'BRIDE-ELECT the men assisted by their 'wives. on Friday We }Deliver Phone 293 , . BRIDE ELECT HONORD Miss Joan Thomas was guest of honor when - Esther •McCuteheon, Mary Edgar and Lobo Edgar were hostesses for i, shower evening of last week. 'The Library ball was decorated in Pink and white for the occasion. Yellow candles and flower were arranged on the table. Mrs. Edgar read the addreag. while a wagon loaded with miscel- laneous gifts was wheeled in by two little girls, Lori McCutcheon, and -Dianne Thomas, exnressed her thanks for the agoodvisTlii rifts the mar lovely .nri i, ,,fi • Wal •••••• • wa, a* •••• ye Am. MCCUTCHEON ROCERY N T -CZ A Ni,lC'E 'CRANROOK COMMUNITY HALL. On -Victoria Day, May 22, Alt mail 'FRIDAY, ''MAY' 19 service will he as fellows.: There is one delivery and despatch only which is in the iivaning, Mail to be despatched 'must be posted 'by 10,30 Pan.„ May 21, as *usual, The wickets will 'be open for :;3I vice from It 1.0 11 aan, There is no Mal dellvezy On this day. 'Ken Wilbee and His Orchestra ,Admission 75c Lunch Booth 'Sponsored ty -261 -COF Ethel Canadian Order of Forrester's A1. et AtilV 6 H P A Speciaity 'Cutting Styling Cold Waving Phone Srussett • Matheson — Paskaluk The marriage is rrnnouneed of 'Patricia 'Nadia Paskalak,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paskaluk of Port Arthur, to Ian David Matheson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Matheson, B-usseis. The wedding teak place on Saturday afternoon, May .13th, at 2 o'clock. in , Krar: Presbyterian Church, Windsor, Davidson officiated,' BAND CONCERT The Royal Canadian Lexion Pipe! Band, Brussels will •parade on the Main Street of Beassols, wpather per- milling, on Saturday evening, May 2.0th, between the hours of 9 and 10 M, • A silver collection will ha -Calton to help pay for n.ew band equipment !, :LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM.,, ONTARIO Two Shows Each Night Commencing 4it 7.15 p. !!' MATINEE -SATURDAY at 2.00 p.m. --FETED BY LAWNMOWERS Root Built Line of Lawnmowera- 2 Cycle and 4_ Cycle 24" RANGE RIDER MOWERS CLOD BUSTER GARDEN TILLERS complete %/WI FURROWING TOOL and MIDDLE BUSTER PARTS and REPAIRS to ALL MAKES of fVfOgilIERIE and TILLERS J. I. CASE TRACTORS and IMPLEMENTS ?OLLARD'S CHAIN SAWS - Phone 64 Brussels, .0nt.. WHO HID THE TEETH? The Rebekahs staged an unsche- &lied treasure hunt last Week. Fortunately no one • was bitten. Barb McCuteheod was the 'best sleuth, she found the "choppers," 4 DAYS IS FRIENDS Miss Margaret Speir of London, bride elect of this month, was guest or honor at a shower at the home of Mrs. Earl Cadmare. on Monday evening, with over fifty guests in I attendance. The highlight of the entertain- ment, was a mock wedding. Partici- pants in this were, Mrr. Cordon McDowell, ,Mrs. R. Bronson, Mrs. Cr, Wheeler, Mrs, E. Wilson, Mrs W. 1 Vanderwoude. Mrs, B. Nay, -Mrs B. Morse, Mrs. K. Shuffle. This, with a contest, brought the ; time to present Margaret with a pantry shower. Mrs. Ti. Nov read the address and a sot of laTems. maga- zine table, kitchen, stool, and a smok- er tray, were presented to her by 1 Mrs, B. Adams, Mrs Goo, 7hroi Mrs. P, P,ron.nn. Mrs NVTu., Vander- woude nad Wifrn,, thaulred' elvid invited tItem • to e,,11 home el, ,•^ hy 111 ,1 lle,ote cm"! he,. 'FOR SALE — MONCRIEFF UNITED CHURCH GARDEN PARTY WEDNESDAY, MAY 31st Supper „6-13 Programme 2, one act plays by Y.P:U. Admission: S5c 'and 40c LB. BAG LB. BAG ONION' POTATOES 75 EAST HURON $1.50 I $2.00 PRODUCE - Wed,, Thurs., Fri Sat May 17-12 -.19.4.20 ,Gerhard Reidrnann, Willy ,Birgel Margit •Nunke FRESH STRA WEEPT4 V ICE rREAM Season is here again, featuring COUSINS . STRAWBERRY FRUIT ICE CREAM: and COUSIN STRAWBERRY RIPPLE ICE CREAlif IN CONES, BRICKS, and HALF GALLONS, Get some from your favourite COUSIN'S ICE, CREAM DEALER: often, for that extra treat at meal time, party time, or any tlittaL7 ,In H I P PO RO 'he Shock * the thrills ,i1= *.the cideath.defying drama of ,the :,circus. • BOAN MaLELLAN — In Clinton Public Hospital, on 'Tuesday, May 2nd, to Mr. and Mi.'s. Clement McLellan, R. 'R. 4, Brussels, a son, EICarnitIMMEMEIESEM LLASHMAR DRIVE-1N THEATRE L.ISTOWEL Get Your Permanent At REN VS BEAUTY SALON "Where Better Permanents Cost Less" Pay or Evening Appointments BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN LID. CLINTON, ONT.. Itiol•soay a no Fri day May 18 and 19 "THE GREATEST SHOW ON EART,I-i" Color James Stewart, Charlton Heston, Cornel Wilde and Betty Hutton One Cartoon FRIDAY ONLY — May 19 ;PRIM POPCORN for the children before 9,30 Pan Thurs. - Fri. ..xxxamacterawx.... May 13 . 19 Double Feature "BATTLE IN OUTER SPACE" Color CinemaScnpe "THE ENEMY GENERAL" Van Johnston a MADE BY 9,30 s Of Ifely Communion aJid Chttrch School CAPITOL THEATRE; LISTOWEL, ONT. Atei•Orrczaavetsailas*rwseguarnam 11A131.1.1.e M .utraul, Clerk. CItlelere if, Dummy, kl,etive Thursday May 18th Don't Miss Seeing LIZ TAYLOR'S Academy Award.Winning Performande In "BUTTERFIELD 8" S ICE CREAM Saturday Only — May 20 Double Feature ",IDOL ON PARADE Clnernaseope William Bendb '",FURTHER UP THE CREEK" (Scope) pavid Tomunson One Cartoon. ENGAGEMEN T mi.,. and Mrs, James Hunt, Sat. Only May 20 j Brussels, a nnounce the engagetruent Double Feature Of their datighter, Joan Margaret, to "I ONLY ASKED" Mr. Gerald William Miller, son Of I Me. and Mrs. Miller of Brussels, The marriage Will take place SatairdaY, June 17th. fo PERSONS 10 YEAPS Or AGE 0E oVEE n C hurch OF CANADA ST, 4OHN'S Reotor: Rev, H. L. JennIng, a. A., L. Th. °mania: Mrs. a, Elliott 11 .Morning Prayer and Olitireh School OddfelluAvs And Reboltalig :attend St. David's, ,Henfryn Phone 22 Brussels, ORA, Bernard Bresslan "DON'T PANIC CHAPS" DennisPrice PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Melviflie Church Rev. W. J. Morrison, B.A., Minister Organist, Mrs W. C. King A.M. Church School j3. .A.M, Divine Worship Mr, Bob Wyber, Preacher 10.0•VE.1111111MVVIreiminivme....., Sun. Midnight — Mon. • May 21. 22 ENGAGEMENT Double Feature Mr, and Mrs, M. van Veen "THE ATTACK OF THE I 1,nnounce the engagement of their PUPPET PEOPLE" oungest daughter, Agnes Mary to e Sunday Midnight & Monday May 21 and 22 Double Feature "MODEL FOR MURDER" Michael GoUgh, Mulia Arnali "FEMALE FIENDS" Lex Barker, Lisa Gaston! s one QartOon Tuesday and Wednesday May 23 and 24 "RIO BRAVO" (color) John Wayne, Rickey Nelson, Tics - Wed. - TtitieS, Fri. May 88; 24, 25. 20 "THE' APARTMENT" Adult tiiteotatnnient Jack Lein-Mori, Shirley MacLaine, Fred MadMtirray John Agar, June Kennedy 1 endrick Sohn. Ten Pits, son of Mr. "WAR of THE COLOSSAL DEA8T" H I and Mrs, B. Tell 'Pus, RR 2 Bluevalet Sally Fraser, Roger Pace 1 The wedding to ?eke piece in i Melville !Presbyterian Church, .; Bruatlela, at two thirty o'clock on. 1 I Saturday, June 10th, 1961. 1. . ENGAGEMENT FeatUre at 7.30 and 9.20 Fri. - Sat. May 19 20 Alan Ladd in "ONE FOOT IN HELL" dlnemaSeope Color Plies "SQ,U AC CAR" T.Men on the danger trail of Counterfeiters SatUrday Matinee — "ONE FOOT IN HELL" Mon. -'Tues. Wed. Thuo.. 'May 88; 23;• 24, 25 The Bent-Selling novel and hit Islay' actually' fHm Hong Kong William Holden in. "THE, WORLD OF • SUSIE WONG" Color '6IlerfiaSenne ADMISSION "RESTRICTED To. Persons.16 Year's .61 Ade* ehd° Over O'Oftore and C:.'2.E - and Mrs. Cieraid 11t Sets 'announce the engagementbt ' The United Church 01 CANADA. Minister: rev. 1. Drown S.A.; S.D, amnia!: film A. E. 'Martin Family Day i.45 A. M. Month Schoei WEEK END SPECIALS Five Roses Flour, 7 lbs. ... ..... 59d, Libby Deep Brown Beans, 20 oz.. 2 for ... 39e! Rose Sweet i'Mxed, Pickler: - 33e: Phone 132 Free Den'ocryt. 11 A, Ail. 4 The 'rite Ftinction of a Pariah" 'May' g$ avissimemosiaird.:46.. Admission 68e, ufidei, 12 of Utah.- eldest dalighter, Everdina! , Mr. Kenneth Robert Bender, Sett I In cars Free Box' Office Opens at 8100 0,066.1 of Mr. tltul. robot.Bender Float show at Doak o f nowtkoatowt. the wedding to take Two§kovv. Nightly,0,11.0 oe oleo Diaeo at Melville Preshyterian Church, Brusaels, at .t.',30 p.an, 8utur- day, June 3rd. Tvtro' ,Shows' IslIghtly, Oath' Or. Maio First ADM SS ION: 65 otKiTti Show at' Dusk' Children dare OTee atiii*MgelgrgrIVI,12BAtif, VIMILIZMVELAEISAY701139750