HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-04-13, Page 1EUCHRE PARTY Cranbrook 'Community 'Hall FRIDAY, APRIL .14th AdmIsslor. 5Co. Prizes Ladles 'please bringolunch Sponsored 'by Centennial Committee of East Huron Agricultural 'Society Everyone Welcome FOR SALE — 50 LB. BAG _ ONIONS 411'.50 75 LB. BAG POTATOES 12.00 EAST 'HURON 'PRODUCE At.' 8 ;BEAU -, V SHOP A Specialty Cuttinp Styling Cold WaYlaS Phone, RrusselE '140 isimopireippa. Teaching Traffic Safety starts at flame FRESH ASSAD .ios ,ilAiONS Fresh Pettit Wild V466161011: At All times ENGAGEMENT Mr. end Mrs. Pltner Ella-cott wish to announce the engagement of their datughter. Helen Georginla, to Donald George Bevan, son of. Mrs. FranCis May Bevan and the late Albert David Bevan, of London, England, The Wedding is to be the latter part or April in Dishy, Neva Scotia, „„ CARD OF THANKS 'would like to thank everyone who sent me cards, gifts, flowers and treats and called On me while I Was in St. Joseph's hospital, London. .Also everyon.e who helped out St home hi mit) way, Your thoughtful- nesS end MN-1y acts of kindness Will always be remembered, Gordon Blake CAPITOL THEATRE LIsToWtLI oNT. Wed., Thurs., PH.) 'Sat, April 12; 13, 14, 15 You haven't really laUghed Until you have teen Cary Grant and, Tony COOS" "' 60044046N' PETTICOAT CinenlaSeope Color niature "..*and 9.20 Mon., April 19 kirk boodles; Kim •Novak, STR Ernie 'Kovacs" in • ~' ANGERS Wi-lklq Wk. thieniaSCope Color • They Were iii love and Married' birt not to tabli• S.I 14 ICTED l'oPssous yzAits Or C OeattUre at 7.30 and 9.30 listbotrtP34 ("s mewl aka* usual, post& 0.104:4 issse.conent, °Stowe Post Publishing House BRUSSELS TRANSPORT Safe Dependable. Motor Transport Phone 122 Brussels PROCLAMATION Daylight Saving Time SUNDAY, APRIL 30th, at 12'05 ENDS SUNDAY OCTOBER 29th To Fall In Line With Other Municipalities For The Village of Brussels Reeve of Brussels George E. McCutcheon, DO YOU HAVE BUILDING OR RENOVATION PLANS For A First Class and Satisfactory Job Call GER ALDKFX,EL CARPENTRY and MASONRY PHONE 23R12' BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Libby's Deep Browned Beans 20 oz. ... 21c ........ 45c BRUSSELS MORRIS, AND GREY GAME :PRESERVE, For several yaps ntev„ hoth I ituntors •rola nons-erVatimsAminaed 1 people ho,Vo been discussing how *te bring back the ducks and geese that Once made the Brussels area e stop over On their spring and fall Migration f.lights. Al LOgan toile OT seeing the mill aeon 'in the morning ceyered with wild dttelte,'"Old timers sneak Of shooting geese in the fields. , 'Why are These seldom Seen now Robert 'Rob jrilrete 4' ,f,•':t:it;kica k 74. died Sunday in Westminster Hospital, London, where lie bad been ill, all winter, Ile was born in HoWick Township, a son Of the late 'Mr, and Mrs, Hugh. Patrick;, ror some years he operated an antique shop in Brussels, He was a widower and is survived by two brothers, Peter, St. 'Thomas, and H ugh of Windsor; two slaters, Mrs. Barbara Lindsay, Vancouver and 'Mrs. Janet Doig, Wroxeter. The 'funeral service was conducted ; from the i, A. Bans funeral home by the Rev, H. L. Jennings, of St. John's Anglican Chai1reh, nt 2: M1 pm. / on Wednesday. A. special service was held Timed:ay at S:20 by the Brussels Branch ar the Canadian Legion. 1 Internment was in Molesworth cemetery. i I Pelibeerers were: srs sr, -e-sss is .: Tess, A rm ,.1.1.0,,p,. Alvin -Wilfred Willis. prarce PutierTop T...a Target !Cohoe Salmon BreakfastDelight Grape.Apple Drink 3,2 oz.. Gold Reef Crushed:Pineapple 20 oz. BELGRAIIE FEEDER STEER CLUB TOURS KENT COUNTY • •County's two. 'seder steer Idirbe from Belgrrove sans $eaforth 'pins 'other interested beer feeders joUrned by bus on Thursday, April '6th, to Kent County where they 'visited rive beef cattle farms, the Westera Ontario Agricultural School 'and that °aunty's decidedly different 'drainage Setae.* A total of .35. men - made the trip including Agricultural representative Doug 'Miles, The b'ue left Beigrave at 0..30 asn. and arrived at the first farm at 9.30 .a.m. All of the beef feeding setups visited had saline things in common, niamely, a large upright silo,. a -pole barn for bedded, area, a, Paved, exercise yard, with matare corn: silage and pasture as the major crops, The . farms visited • were ; owned by 'George Kerr. Dresden; Lloyd :Cravens, Eberts: Murray Polk,. Beare Liee; •Geerge Morris/ Merlin; and Aehie Ball, • jo 27c , our tsiren, -end What Oahe (-Rule 'to lining them, back? .1 The increasing drainage of 23c i 'marshes and milerril ponds, the ; g-eatly expanded number of; hunters has reduced 'the dunk number's and, • forced them 'to seek :safer ;flyways .1 and 'to nest 'in safer areas, The answer 'is :Plain, and has 'been, demiceletreited et 'the Loither Marsh near 'Grand Valley and at • many i other preserves in 'Cantarla. and the ; T7. S. A. 1 I Nature- !rsalt;b'e'given a helping ' 1 • 1 1 4 4 .41 4 CC CHEON GROCERY We Deliver Phone :293 HAVE YOU GOT'efOUR'1'110KEKT RECEIVES GOLD ON THIS WEEK'S "N. , rOORD CERTIFICATE siSSesess,,,suSSESeSsFieSS,S,SeSSS.S. hand. • A meeting wfals held last 'week or t nembel Of new structures were seer' the Brussels, "Morris and Greys including a feed grinding and MIX- ! Recreational Committee, to sponsor setup, two open. front beef hares. Mae IVIoIntorth was ;the 'winner of the $50,00 N. :H. L. Hockey Draw. sponsored ,each week by:the local Lions Club and you can get your tickets tram any'Llons Club member, t a game preserve this area. The and the inset modern abbatoir on Miss Gwendolyne Martin was "presented with her Gold Cord Garth Mete at a Presentation Ceremony in `Convocation Hall in Toronto, last , week. Gold Cord Guides from all oevr Ontario wore presented with Clem tificates. Preserve Will' inalude the section ; Ti:ny college campus Can, : sda, I and ' The president of the School invited the group back on Tune 6th for beef t Prattle day which was Med last year at The Ontario Agriculture College at Guelph.: • Land drainage is a Much more extensive operation in Kent • County than it IS in ..7I-turon. Because the lend is so flat the surplus water has to he drained off in deep ; ditches, The tile drains an each 'farm empty into open ditches and the water from these ditches is pumped into larger muniripal ditehes which rrirry. the water • to the rivers :and ; St '13 sa, of russe s one mi e . quarter and a -seCtion West of Brussels along the Maitland river, 1 A, total ot about twelve Mindred 1 ;lures the -largest game preserve r. COULPLE HONORED ON • 1 SILVER' ANNIVERSARY 'Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Leach were guests at a surprise party given in honor of their twenty-fifth wedding Ism versary, GET YOUR SUPPLY of RED or LACK CHERRIES, RASPBERRIES or STRAWBERRIES PREPARED FOR YOUR LOCKER OR HOME FREEZER COUSINS . DAIRY Brussels, Ont. Phone 22 The hest rountsoe Agriesiltirel Representative Don Reherfard and Assistant, Dane Keyes made arraerrements for rind n•ri I ring fnr their four 1 tiirniurb the cfm,ntv, 1111•11•1•19.11MWRIC. A grotp of their friends gathered .1 at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. - Gemmel on Saturday evening to i extend their congratulations and i good wishes ' to the 'guests of honor 1 on this happy occasion, - A pleasant social time was enjoyed i during the course of which 'Mr. and Mrs. Leach were presented with a 1 handsame mirror. At the same time a - beautiful pair of sterling silver herricane losn.ne were presented to' them on behalf of their daughter Path Men°, • The teresentations were made: by I 'Mre-s(7. Tutzi and Mrs, R. Bronson,] . • Tbs reciniente of the ;rifts e7e. ; ,,,nca nil ti, f?ir thanks for • the ex- ' asses-Inns ni' 1-.,nrwqn.,,4-s ;.-'marled to . +1,0%, nn film es n on q; rrry , 'in this part Of the country. 1 The Recreational Gontrnittee has -contacted the farmers within these bokintiaries; .-and secured their 'co-operation for'the project. This i area Will -be posted within the next 1 two weeks, 'No 'hunting or. trapping j. will 'be allowed- 'within the area of the preserve, The committee hopes that the prOject Will. evsotuAlly be taken ever 'by the iSrsitia;,.1 Auth 1 'The preserve -area is a natural habitsit for water fowl so first, efforts will 'be malls to attract. f, These 'birds. 'Plans ,acre underway for the purchase of 'wild clucks I that have been raised on a game farm to be released :With 'the hope of attracting the -Wild birds to the preserve. -It may 'he :possible once, the preserve is Solidly estab- lished, to pat swans also on the lake above the dam, There are at -present, about fifty 1 Ring Neck ducks, a dozen Mer- grineers and a few Canvas Back 1 ducks making their home on the 1: lake above the darn where they I have beeus attracted by grain 'thrown 1 out for thein. Last Friday twenty five'Canada I Leese were spotted behind jack Pennington's. • 1 If the game reserve receives the Co-operatten Of the Inititers it the ; area 'arid the backing of Causer- I vation-minded citizens, we can look for large Melts of ducks arid geese within a"pr 3 years, The birds Must have a. retake Where they Will net lie oloSted and where they can If a large concentration of water fowl can he eatahliseed in the preserve then during the hunting setatoa they are bound to be fouhci, alt theolight the areas bordering' the preserve, 'Flute the: preserVe rilin0114. benefit both the hunter and the netillre lover. The Rectiedtliiiitil Committee Wishes to thank the Pbbile-apirited eitiZetia Who haVe Made this preser4te, uossibiSt: Mr ,foie Logan Alt Logan Charlie ThatiMe Leonard taitietht. T1 don *teed -JittOlt Pennington , br, Anderson tan IV( elcinald Tt"rh Bertreeti 'Cal Kreider l fin Valiance anneinteit Mots's-tart -44 the eofriniltidA Vise Betitrieit 'Were -1111-illeirited Di:retro-St I The t-ip was sponsored by the t, 11c1,2,1t.ve and' Seaforth Co-operatives. LAWNMOWERS OTACO 18" CUT, 2 CYCLE POWER LAWNMOWER& Either With Or Without Recoil Starter In .StoOlo, GARDEN TRACTORS We give complete service on all mowers sold Equipped to repair Other makes also. PEOPLE WE KNOW -Mrs. Gordon McDowell and Miss Florence MeNaughton attended the Quinn-North wedding in Oakville i on Saturday. .Mrs. Carl Jacklin is a patient in Wingham hospital. 11 'Mr, and Mi's. Mel. Moxness of Ottawa spent the past week at the !lame of Dan and Miss Sarah McKinnon. * * * Bruce Edgar has received an annointment as accountant with the Cana.dinn Bank- Of Commerce. Oshawa. He is a sop Of Mrs. M. Edgar. Mr, and Mrs, A. Rawl,. Martin and fievendolyne visited with Mr. aud Mrs, Bev Says of Toronto nr.d, *Mr. anid Mrs Harry Teellts of cirteensville Met week. J. I. CASE TRACTORS and IMPLEMENTS New Stock of Parts Just Arrived LYCEUM IHEATRE WINGHAW., CsiNCrARio Two Shows Each ,NIght, , Commencing at 7.15 .17. MATINEE SATURDAY at .2.00 p.m Thurs., Fri., Sat:, April 13 14.-15 Starring Alan Ladd; Sidney ,P,oitier, Ingemar Johansson lrl " ALL THE YOUNG MEN" Par melodrama • Angiica.n Church OF CANADA ST, .OHN'S Rector: Rev. H. L. Jennint:.. B. A., L. Th. Organist: Mrs. B, Elliott 2nd Sunday after Easter 11 a.m. Holy Communion and °buret School 1St. David's, Henfryn 3 P.m. Holy Communion and. Church School NOTICE TO PARENTS Any :child caught carrying a 1 Beelbee gun will have the gun confiscated. Also any damage in 1 curred by bee-bee grans will have to 'ha paid 'by the parents. DaVid Hastin gs , Chief of Police Village, of Brussel$ BRUSSELS It, melviottiA,m. VvittA„AmgoN4 -- le loving itiernorY of Milt parents and grandparents who departed this life, Thomas. Wiliialthatin, April Otb, i§dO, and his wife, Gertrude PorbeS, :troy 10th, 1990, They Say :they are 'gene but We Still' hoar their latighter L'I&o bells that debt, on a frosty night. Mid 'We will kin,* their 'etnifttge ever atter. "hie pain" they bore mod Sinned to ratite it 'bright They rieVer. abetted A ititititit ;When life rterIS'ed :givIng The gift Of health 'tliat id:theta watt' i I so debt. T hee wat'Y they're gene but their' , strotith S,ii 'valour ilenio,tfi 'With lii,s ivlia ftwki. tiicif .„ llielnory 460,r,, Refill- in'tsaoci and touiily re- ''' iliettbered- lay 'us all. :P,RESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Mrs. W., C. Ning, Organist Rev. W. J. Morrison,B.A., 'Minister ChtirCh 10 Church SChool A: t:, AtOrnlak *Orgill) 0 iF 0 The United eilinrch tilt CANADA wintitier: 11v. R.O. Orpailistf 'Am Morita 1.44 A: it, diutoit 8644 • n: betiefis mg.* COOLIOUC Church," AA. 1011. teach them to never doh from• between 'parked cdrs SPECIALS yons Coffee lb. . • . ••• 59t Square Deal Peas 5 tins --fa-4'4.-4... 69e. Saltine Sodas 1 lb. bok 2Sc. Delmar Margarine PhOtie 732 ,,•••••. . Fred, itOttitioy Oneario Agricultural School a 1 In Ridgetown at the Western- ! CARD OF THANKS r wish to thank' all who sent n10 ;cards, letters, gifts and flowers 'while in hospital also special thanks to Dr, Myers and Dr. Lackner and the nurses on 2nd Hoer of St. Mary's hospital. ' arg St., who died in Stratford General Hospital was held at 'the Heinbuek funeral home. The service was ; conft ted by Rev. Wm. Stewart of St. John's United. Church. Pallbearers I were Lloyd Schlicter, Simcoe, ! Howard Galloway, John D, Douglas, Grant Kropf, F. R. Crawford, and Roland Swanson, all of Stratford; I: Temporary entombment, • was made: in Avondale cemetery cbanel, with ' burial to he Made, later in 13rnagoIs.. 'Cemetery, Friends and relatives attended the funeral from Brigden, Tara, Woodstock, New TT151nbur',T, Simone, Dnrobetcw, and Winnipeg, A funeral service for Miss Jessie Scott Elliott, late of 74 Cobo ' Mrs. Jessie Elliott Orwell Elliott. Bell, Leonard Oaltlev such 1 flawt,e heaver 1 Bernard Ten Pas s Sons POLLARD'S CHAIN SAWS Phone 64 Brussels, Ont. SPRING IS HERE ! Get. Your Order In NOW For All Kinds of 1114/114121.11.4.masemnimmar.m.,..ass, 4,.J71....remarancrIbirtnrousimmi41025.411 BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS PHONE 384W13 Masonary and "Cement Work Call ta r See Us LADIES Before You Get Tao Busy With Spring Housecleaning or Gardening 2 ibg,, 49e,