HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-03-16, Page 4'tea party.treats::. better with. Free; Marie eraser's new butter recipes, .."Teei party Trots”. Avail- ablelneeantity tor women's groups. A DIVISION'OF DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 499 HURON STREET, TORONTO / Nue- etRie, 11 mararwommonk The March -F,cs$iOu .of • liaren, County ,Ootmeil. will lie held godolch, On March g4th, eornmenotig at 10,00 .41 .00lnumaieoiono in connection tlierevalitli. must he In the hands of, the Cleric agt, later than • Friday.). 31arch 33., 1661 JOHN* )31I -3,11Yrr .CIlerit-Tree. mire, - Deputy. of.Huron, Court House Goderich, Ontario. • * . '' • ''''''''' 1.0 loam* 'a ileimS 'SW ItGa 11'41 *Mtorio 01101.LYI3OSSII 13V1151-14S11.11111 NVIOYNY3 Ascoaloas ato 03 owm 4.013130043 al-14 Qi uoPriP0-11u1 1"/.. *Pima 3311:1 ino Adop .1110A 104 — ii iflOilY il0A. 1131 0.1. 3)111 131110M 3A% Vousintiun luogin pus iszTA Jo zmpat 3. trf suonsariduri slT ;INV AlBtrain 9141 p uomaBoaai plena e ;mu `suompuoa assess STIO Teta qouzsi .110.nuT1 pus eau get ~xas s‘poo Jo sluspaaasop arp SaIdoed noxes-01100 ;rep altzligq OW TO BEAT A SKID — If you're going too fast when you skid, the car won't always respond to the wheel When in doubt — slow cloWrd if you start to skid, turn the Irani wheels hi the direction of the skid. Don't brake and don't ccelerate. Remember skidding is more apt to occur when the Ammperature is about 32 degrees than when it's colder. pj.totil luRSO.Id ID AIDIA ITT 'pus ippusa p ono. uu, at;; 30 nonentneuee alp Sr ormatu, aSossafil puoTio.v y.alcug criT' Halla Fi 'se& eeeieeie 6 fgagattip AMTWIIMIRSE• rimer 4.. • and IFILe., pOie,th t OconoMicat Effective as'nchly February 261b, loot For-act abCd.it saaffic: Watelee-ee Odhzult your ic,cat nc';ni for the new t eitali verritnt finli;ner schedules. „... The.' Fin6st Fertilizers for.Your Goat Edith PARRS LIMITED 1ALLAilli -,t01000 CHATHAM GORDON GRANT Phone 280 Brussels Ont. Local Representative of WILFRED MeINTEE Realtor Walkerton, Ontario. 8 'Offices and lM .ri,lesineri to serve yob. STOCK WANTED HIGHEBt ORtOtt Piklet RI 1 SUSSOUNDING 01STRICTS FCiR DEAD, tiLb, Bidtt OR' tilBAttiLto HORBEB or CATtlift 7 or prormit, Sanitary DISPoliti Drty or Night Call. .!..,4&;4JV AtheAoti AtWO0D ZENITH 3.4360 (No To . diaito Platt tieenete il Noe io-tus-co deiim4frig- 1.ica ie8 rte, 41036 .mm04. ...the analysis you want, when you want it! SERVICE... providing Shur-Gain "Selected-Granulated" Fertilizer with the analysis you want, when you want it ... now and throughout the seeding time. SERVICE...supplying Shur-Gain "Selected-Granulated" Fertilizes locally, without delay . • ,. in bags, or in, bulk to give you additional cash savings, POINTS OF SUPERIORITY are combined in each grtintilt. Each granule is selected for size. • Shur-Gain "Selected-Granulated" Fertilizer assures more even crop feeding, better uptake ofphosphorus. o No bridging in the drills, easy-to- • AU the necessary plant nutrients clean equipment and far less dtist.. Plan to use Shur-Gain in '61 call yout local dealer now MICHELL SERVICE PLAN f te1.348-9012 SHOHAM proven for Nnadian ddatitOtti8 • Shur-Gain"Seleeted-Granulated" Fertilizer is the modern, up to date quality fertilizer, • Not "granular" but, geanuiated... made by scientifically-blending the different fertilizer Materials and then granulating the mature, —• eieet • Tbeetellee,t March 10th eeeeeeedeekeeeee.ereee — I rs" PCI$1P • , FOR, P.414.k; • 75 lb. Rieg Potatoes 50 Re, leper, Onions — 440- • En,et Baron pra4ape, 13.russela fe.t.f ▪ USED CARS READY FOR ,THE ROAD -053 ':Ford VS Sedan Autetelltie Radio -P58 rairleee• YSSedan AeteMetie 107 014. ,$q1391' 58 Hardtop, Automatic 1.957 Clew. Relate 6 GyL Sedaia AUtoMetic Rad,te, 1-957 Plymouth 0..Cyl, Sedan 4155 Pontine 8 CYI.. Sedan 1e50' Ford TR Sedan, Automate* Radio 7.950 'Ford V S Ranch Wagon, 2 Door MI Ford gestomline Coach, 19E3 Chem Sedan, Delivers "MANY OTHER MODELS TO• ,(1TTOOSE. FROM .Anyone wanting Manure have same for hanib4 Phone 103 Brussels, FOR SALE — Herta 13lerle)r, erewn from regist. , erect seed; also Chencellor e Peas. Herman Whitfield Phone 361.W0 WANTED ---- Elderly lady weeld like lady to live fn and do light housekeeping. Duties to commence in April, Apply to Box 50, Brussels "BRIDo.E MOTORS 4. METEOR MERCURY and COMET PEALER IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS. BRUSSELS, ONT. Rohde Cenvention Lawson Ward, to Good 'Roads Convention Kenneth Bray to Good 'Roads. Convention Two, of Morris, Court' of Rev- ision Binrke Drain 25,00 Isabel Meeletylish, print by- laws. McCallum-Win- throp Drain If, M, Cardiff, by-laws 'Mc, CallemeWlinthrop Drain W. E. bah salary postage and eXchauge Geo. Wesenberg, Assessor .part salary 50.0) Victoria Hospital, hosPital account 11.05 Provincial Treasurer, insnlin, e,00 • Twp. of Arthur, relief 13.51 Stoves with 6' x, 8' Range asher, Phone 32A9.14 'Pl4ONE 249 9.30 96.1S 72.43 46,66 10.00 10.00 WEEKLY SALE Brussels Livestock Sales Y ards EVER Y FRIDAY 1 , P. M. FOR SALE — Day old Clacks and started Pullets'. Get your discount now on Phone Collect Charlie Scott NOTICE we specialize in Wall Washing and Cleaning, Phone 132 Seaforth Box 335 • Ray Squires Superior Maintenance ATTENTION CAR BUYERS ,.,.Our Low Cost Financing mid surance Nan ..will help you make a better deal. BEFORE you buy talk to us. GLENN M. RONNENBERO Monkton — Phone 30224.1 Brussels -- Phone 65 Tuesday and Friday early orders. Auburn 84 FOR SALE — '5 Coal Brooder Hovers and. four Shelters also Egg W Orval Harrison e5,00 le, A. Harrison, groceries, 25.00 Harold Swift, groceries, re4eg moo Relief • Robert, Cionniegha,m, stove 01 office 13.01; fire hail Assoc. of Assessing. Officers, 50,00 membership fee Assoc, of Era. Mayors and • 30,00 Reeves membership fee Federation of Agriculture 59.1.° .Itoad1s06a0nldev•Byridges 923.38 2.579.01 Pefeur home market where you ire welcome am Visitor- Consignor or Buyer 0$1;, 42 4e $4,1118.e2 PT', f qvIrtf, C'erk Cluierd. Duneer, Reeve Grey Twp, Council' Meeting was held on March 4th, Moved by Lawson -Ward seconded, by -Glenn Huether that the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as read. — Carried ,Moved by Kenneth Bray seconded by Archie _Mann that we accept the ,gravel tender of Robert Parrish to crush and heel at 66c per yd, subject to approval of Dept, of high- ways, all work to be done under supervision of Road Supt. — Carried Moved by Archie Mann seconded by Glean Huether that we accept the ender of G, A. Gibson and Sons Ltd., to construct the Crooked Bridge to comply to the specificat- ions ef the Engineer and subject to the approval of the Dept. of High- ways - — Carried Moved by i;elenn Huether seconded by Lewsen Ward that we open Court of Revisin on the McCallum- Winthrop Drain — Carried 'Moved by Kenneth. Bray seconded by Archie Mann that we close the 'Cclert cr Revision on the McCallum- Winthrop Drain and, finally pass By- T.ew No. 3-1901 — Carried Moved by Lawson Ward seconded by Archie, Maim that we pass By-Law No. 4.1961 to authorize tree planting fee the Hueen ,C'ennty Reforestat- ion Scheme in 1961 as read a first, second and third time — parried. Moved by Glenn Huether seconded by LaWson Ward that we accept the tender of Charles Fischer for warble fly spraying at Sc per head — Carried. Moved by Kenneth Bray seconded by Lawson Ward that we accept the tender of Wm. Brown for •warblo fly powder at $5,55 per 15 lb, bag — Carried. Moved by„lean T1uether seconded by Kenneth Bray that the CollettOr'e Roll for 1960 he ;Accepted and the Colleeter ee relieved re farther responsibility Ca reiee Moved by 'Glenn Huether seconded by Lawson Weed that We finally pass BeeLaw No. 15.1960, Betke Man idipal Wain atiid instruct the Clerk to advertise for tenders to be, in by -One O'oclock, Saturday, April 1st. — Carried. MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH BUSINESS -- Sell to 1500 families. Good profits tor hustlers. Write to-day. Rawleigh's Dept, C-152-S, 4005 RichelieteMontreal, n Mitchell • • • LOST — Will the person to whom the late Harvey Mason loaned his book of ,songs, or anyone knowing its where- abouts, PLEASE contact Mrs, Mason at 137 Seaforth or Box 53. It is a much treasured keepsake, FOR SALE — Durham -Cow, 6 years old, due April 1st; Holstein Heffer due in. April; 400 Bales or good Feed Hay; - Burner Sunshine Electric Range; Frigidaire. Torrance Dundas, Walton Phone 390W5 Brussels FOR SALE — Motorola 21" Cabinet Television in real good condition, 2 Egg Wash- ers 1 large and 1 small also 6 Egg Baskets in real good condition. Electric Brooder Stove. National Adding Machine as good as new, Apply to; Elmer Tellacott, Phone 1.e9 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING I ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used Farmer owned and controlled Service at cost Choice of bull and breed Our artificial breeding service will help you to a more efficient livestock operation 'For service or more information call: Clinton HU 2-3441, or for long dist- ance Clinton Zenith 9-5650, BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING .„... REP L ESTATE Wilfred MeIntee • Broker — LISTINGS WANTED On Farms, Aomes, Businesses and Su nimer Properties. 100 Acres, West Wa,wanosh; Brick Hotise; Bank Barn, cement stabling; Hydro and Water in both; lh mile to villege, church, and school. Low down Payment. Full price $8000.00 110 Acres, Howick; Brick House; Bank Barn; Drilled Well. No Hydro; Hen House; Impletnent Shed. All /or 8306.00 For these and higher priced farnni contact Moved by Archie Mann seconded -by -Glenn Hnether that we renew our membership to the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario, fee $10.00; also to the Association of Mayors and Reeves or Ontario, fee $10.00 - Carried. Moved by Lawson Ward seconded by Kenneth Bray that we perchese a now Addo-X addier meeelee from -- 8keoch Office :loderich for tbn stint of $fl2fi.0 0. -Carried. no.ved by Teeneetb That Wended Illeme f -ent **ve adeeel'ee rot tenders for v. nee het,' fen teen, wohiOr't to the hpnroval of the Denavlineot of tticaiwIrs Tenders to he hi by Aire; at One o'clock. Moved hi' ITonnoth 'Bray sceondAd by <Willi Mother that all approved acetroltg 13e paid Oittrled. t Slovpd by Lawson Ward seconded bY Arphie Mann that we do now adjourn 'until April lat., or at the call of the Itbeee The following accounts Welt Bald ,. CiitFord Ditinhar, to. -Geed :Roads. clotivehtiori Arehie Mann, to Getia ritiride -conttntibil 25,66 Wenn Itnether to doott