HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-03-09, Page 3Speedy Growth Of Great Airline rrOm 74,000; pasaengers in 1955 to 786,000 passongera in 1959. This statistic, reported by Luf- thansa German Airlines on the eve of its fifth anniversary, re- veals the most rapid rate of growth in international commer- cial aviatiern -The German air- line established scheduled oper- ations within the Federal Reptile- lie Of Germany on April 1, 1055: between European airports on May 15, 1955; and to the United States On Arne ;3, 1955, It has BC- complialed a tenrfeld expansion in five years, developing to mat- urity with a speed that has out- paced all other international air- lines. This rate of progress is es- pecially significant because of the complexities in the development of an airline. For example, Luf- thansa's route network 1-as been extended from, 8,900 miles to 58,- 000 miles. Trained personnel had been increased from 600 at the beginning of 1955 to 7,441 in 1959, Lufthansa's -school at Bremen, the only flying school maintain- ed by a .commercial airline, had graduated 194 pilots, 34 flight navigators, 35 dispatchers and 31 radio operators. Ground crews have been trained at Lufthansa's maintenance base in Hamburg. The German airliners fleet has multiplied from 13 aircraft to 49 aircraft. Maintenance bases and ground service 'facilities have been established and expanded to keep pace with Lufthansa's progress; and sales' and service officers and personnel have in- creased correspondingly' to ac- commodate passengers, travel agents and shippers. Currently, Lufthansa's fleet consists of 32 passenger aircraft, including 3 Boeln" B-707-430 "Intercontinental" jets. Two ad- ditional Boeing "Intercontinent- al" jets, and 4 Boeing B-720-B medium range jets are scheduled for delivery in the near future. Lufthansa's w or 1 d network serves a total of 41, cities in 26 countries on 5 continents. Sche- duled non-stop jet service be- tween New York and Frankfurt was introduced on March' 17, 1960; ,service from San Francisco' via Montreal to Paris and Frank- furt was inaugurated on May 13, 1960; and from Chicago non-stop to Paris and Frankfurt on May 14, 1960: . Lufthansa also provides sche- duled daily service across the South Atlantic to 1VIontivideo, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile, and main- tains scheduled air service to Baghdad, Teheran, Damascus and Cairo. The airline has recently branched out to Karachi, Calcut- ta and Bangkok. Lufthansa's cargo operations have risen sharply. The Ger- man airline's cargo-carrying ca- pacity on the North Atlantic route totals over one million pounds per month, with connect- ing service to the Middle and Par East and Africa, as well as to all 'parts of Europe. Cargo service is maintained also to Great Britain, within Germany, and to other European points. Despite the fact that scheduled jet service was nct available un- til the end of the period, Luf- thansa's operations for the first auarter of 1960 indicated a con- tinuation of its record-making rate, of growth. During this pe- riod, 195,000 passengers were flown across the North. Atlantic, as compared with 125,000 during the first auarter of 1959; 2,830 tons of freight were transported, as against 1,749 tons in the first quarter of the previous year. WAS HIS FACE RED When Judge Beverly Boushe, of Memphis, Tennessee, showed up at church to deliver an eve- ning lecture on "memory traiti- ing" he found the place dark and deserted, The reason: He forgot the date, got there a.,night early. ested in the nostalgia bit, or ear- lier American literature, or the. Life and hard times of Mr. Al- ger's wail's, Actually they are trying to suggest they also came up the hard way, while probably ney never, had it any tougher than lugging the coal scuttle up from the cellar or sifting the ashes. The bid is not for sympathy, you understand. It's ITEM a hind of vanity, the old democra- tic pitch about up from the ranks, and having no right for a two-car garage, wall-to-wall car- peting and membership in the golf club. So when you come to someone like Ralph. Gardiner of New York, wIlao really knows his Alger — all 1118 volumes — and still believes in the strive and succeed ideal, it's quite a relief from the name-droppers. Mr. Gardiner is giving of his collection of Algeriana to New York boys' clubs because he be- ]Keyes, even in this space age, some youngsters will take Mr. ' Alger seriously and keep their noses to the grindstone rather than the , steering Wheel of a jalopy. It would be slanderous to say we do not have our hardwerking young people today. But the more we can recruit to their ranks, the less flabby our cul- ture will be in succeeding gen- erations. It's easy to laugh at the Alger books nowadays. But what is worth noting is that a few generations ago the people who built this country did strive and did succeed in the face of hardships identical with Alger's urchins — and that the 100 mil- lion copies of his 118 titles held a mirror up to American life with a truth that is a little dis; conefiting in these later, easier days. — Hartford Courant. Is The Curse Off Famous Diamond? Officials of 'the world-famous Smithsonian Institution and mu- seum in Washington are all wearing happy smiles nowadays. Why? Because no misfortune has befallen anyone there since, about two years ago, the muse- um acquired a 44 1/2 -carat deep blue diamond — the fabulous Hope Diamond which has long been said to bring bad luck to its possessors. When Mr. Harry Winston, its former owner, presented the did mond to the museum, it is said that he heaved a sigh of relief. The jewel was insured for $1,000,000 before • being ;sent, by registered post from this inter- national gent merchant's head- quarters in New York to its present "home" 'in Washington. Not that Mr, Winston had found it unluckye Quite the reverse. He had Used it to raise- funds for charity ,in America and aibroad. The diamond, which is popularly supposed to have been torn from the forehead of an Indian idol, travelled thousands of miles to various e5ohibitions— and no one seemed to suffer alter seeing it! ' Yet a Frei-loin-nail harried Ta- vernier who is said to have smuggled the Hope Diarriond out of India in 1642 was bitten to death by a pack of dogs. A Greek broker who nee owned it was killed with his wife and child le a cliff But is it really a gem of omen?' Millions of people refuse to believe this legend. one who didn't was a woman owner who Confirmed to wear it after her ; millionaire husband, Who lied bought it for $900,009 broke down in health' and was eettaliged ttrecni her, Then her son Was killed in a car accident, She went Oh Wear- ing it, but Mitch later she was reported as saying: "I arri Um- vinted now that the diamond is unlucky." She died a broken woman. "If you Want to Stay ybung, associate With young people,"' ViseS a psychiatrist, If you Want to feel your age, try to keep Up with them. BULBS GLADIOLUS Bulbs, treated, ready for planting, Large 1l/2 to 2 inches diam- eter — $3,50. Jumbo 2 inches UP e4.00 hundred. Post paid, William Bait' ley„ Waterdown, Ontario, ONION SETS 1st CLASS government inspected. Size eft • ?A, produce very uniform Onions without seed stalks. Price at request. State quantity. Newhouse specializing in. Sets N5WHOUS'E. RR2 Niagara on the Lake • BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR Sale, General store, full line, self- serve, good turnover, central heating, living quarters. Write: Dean A. Hatch, Belmont, Ont. BUILDING MATERIALS "CORNERBEAD, Cornerite, el a v e (roughing, Hammer Tackers and Staples, Special shipment specially pric- ed Write to Box 313, Oakville Ont." CATALOGS BIG Merchandise Catalog. Great Values, Send $1, credited, to first order. Sen. tine/ Services, 50 Broadway, Bayonne, New Jersey. COINS "COINS wanted, pay highest prices. 1961 Coin Catalogue 250. Gary's (8) 9910 Jasper Ave., Edmonton, Alta," DOGS CROSSBRED, from reg. stock. Dober- man and German Shorthair, a black beauty, spayed, trimmed, shots, guar- anteed watch, potential fullguard. 16 months $50.00. Crossbred, Bleetick and black and tan, excellent, rabbits, racoon, easy runner. 18 months $65.00. Cross- bred, White Terrier & Chihuahua, loves children, 12 lbs., 14 months $20.00. Please, good homes only. Conrad Mae- Vicar, 14 Foster St, Wheatley, Ont: Phone 825 -4119, after 6:15 p.m, • Beati Their Men At Own Game For years, Louise Suggs argued that the top women golfers could beat the top men if everyone had an equal opportunity to reach the green in, one shot. Eliminate the men's strength off the tee, she insisted, and the girls would win, At the Royal Poinciana. Invi- tational in Palm Beach last month, Miss Suggs, leading money-winner on the 1960 wo- men's pro tour, proved her point. She shot 156 over 54 holes on a par-three course and defeated twelve top male pros, Sam Snead, who can outdrive Miss Suggs by 100 yards, shot no bet- ter than 1.58. Sir Winston Breaks Long-Time Movies Ban PHONOGRAPH RECORDS WE are Canada's mail order head- quarters for all types of records, popu- lar, classical, folk, foreign language, country `and western we have them all! Safe delivery positively guaranteed. Send 25 cents in coin or stamps to-day for our up-to-date catalogue. Bob Destry's Music Centre, Box 747, Mont- real, P.Q. Please enclose this ad when ordering. HOUSE PLANTS •"Sir Wcitehis ''The Siege of Sydney Street!" MERRY MENAGERIE Welli So THA.T% What 'rote' niee11111"' ISSUE 10 — 1961 REGISTERED NURSES Immediate openings for General Duty Nurses In a 20-bed private hospital located in e modern Pulp Mill town in Northwestern „Ontario. Starting salary $259.00 per month plus room and board at no coat, Annual incre- ments in, recognition of satisfactory service, Accommodation provided In single rooms in comfortable Nurses' Residence. Employee benefits include Group Insurance, Pension Plan, and libera l vacation alloWance. Year- round recreational facilities. Apply, stating full particulars of age, ex- perience, availability, etc. to Box Na. 230, 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. FROM MaNtittAt 8. QUEBEC IVERNIA SAkottiA AA pp r‘': 21;°2'': MMal 2163:, July July 11.4i All' Aug,eg. CARINTHIA 15 {Apr, 28, Moe 19, Jun6 9, 30, July 21,. Aug. 11 1-froth t;i0obit followiaer do-9, FAST, FREQUENT SAILINGS TO ENGLISH, SCOTTISH, IRISH & FRENCH FORTS FROM NEW - Y6R1c & iii"A*SAXOSIIA Meet a; ao QUEEN MARY -Mai- 4, 22, Apr, 5, 10 "QUEEN ElltABETH Mar. 15, 29, Apr, 1 2, 26 thiVEiNIA Mar. tes PARTHiA Mor. 17, Apr. 2T MEDIA Moe. at ''''''SCVAtirii,lAtAIAMAcipii,,I, Al*. 14 ams.Tilitiliftie foliewitio int: ilikaicheit alt thilifcix a Saint John • Quliblle Montreal . Toronte Winnipeg a Edmonlott • Varniatiiiete : 1 Save '10% on tound ,Itip. until. April 14 .• PAY-LATER PLAN AVAIL ABLE SEE" YOUR •LtidAL AGENT ,-- Carnet Boy- & Wellington tts.., 0 .,. CI Toronto, Ont. 0. • Tel: EMpire. 24911. NO. One 'Can. Serve YOU Better a CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING atoPlEss oPPoRTYKITIEst mgp.icAk. GOO v . liAyritccE .EVERY SUFFERER OF PAIN$, OR NEURITIS. POMP 'TRY Plit9NI.littOPY, STQWE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA • 51,25. fxprs!...g celled , NURSING HOME FOR SALE • NURSING home, licensed for 9 patients, • fully equipped, in .reslelentlal district. Apply on or phone 6p6hGonl Gladstone TIE, A1.73.0,1.St. NTption4a.sl, estate dealers, ivipllEnN soft ice cream and food beeleese for sale ingrowing town of Port hope, Pccellent location on No, 2 Highway, equipment, inventory $12,^ 844. Selling for personal reasons, $14,800 full price, $7,000 doWn• Long Bros., Realtors, F. G. Long, Port Hope. DIETITIAN WANTED NUTRIA CHIEF DIETITIAN AGENTS WANTED IF )(04 Are Interested in selling two profitable tines, "Viking" cream separ. eters and "Viking" milkers, suspended Acid Peer types, As Legg Agent, we have some territories vacant in Ontario and Quebec, Write today for full de- tails to: SWedieb Separator CO. Limited, 720 Notre Dame St. West, Montreal (3), r.q. BABY CHICKS WATCH good market trend and order dayold and :darted chicks, prompt shipment. Some Ames In-Cross and other breed started pullets to 16 wee/t- old. Mee, hatching to order. Book May Broilers new, See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, H4ra, MO, Ont. — • BEERY a ROOT PLANTS ONTARIO'S LARGEST STRAWBERRY GROWERS ALL COMMERCIAL VARIETIES 12 MILLION PLANTS Returns of up to $2,500 per Acre under our new growing system. For complete Information and price list, write: B.B.F. BOSTON BERRY FARMS WO R.R. No, I, 'WILSONVILLE, ONTARIO PHONE: WATERFORD HICKORY 5.5807 f4::r4.0 EL):qmplg. C 4; C.:J*31dg Inrni„shed the World an example of gracious .giving vently when it turned ever to West Pakistan the Canadian nee ehinery and other .equipment wail in building an $8-million bye'roeleetrie project. Gordon Churchill, leader Of the. Canadian House of Commons, journeyed to Palciatan. to snake the presentation, He handled. it welt instead of making the gift seem like ..charity, Churchill, said;. 4We of the Western World should in such practical ways make recompense to yen. et. the East who have passed, on to us so much wisdom over the _centur- ies” Maybe it's corny but such ex- pressions have a way, of meaning more to other peoples than our own Cold War philosophy, often hinted. if not expressed, of ban, gaining for loyalties,. Churchill pelt the transaction on the level of equal association — an ulti- mate truth in Free World affairs, • —Denver Post, REPLACEMENT DUE TO RETIREMENT 500-15E0 HOSPITAL. APPLY Tkig- ADMINISTRATOR QUEEN ELIZABETH HOSPITAL 130 Dunn Aye, TORONTO ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA. When purchasing Nutria consider the following points which this organize. tion offers: 1,-'the best available stock, no cross- bred or standard types recommended. 2.—The reputation of a plan which is proving itself substantiated by files of satisfied ranchers, insurance against roidace-ment, should they not, live or in the event of sterility (ell fully explained in our certificate of merit./ 4. - We give you only mutations wnion are in demand Or fur garments 5. You receive frem this organization e guaranteed pelt market In writing. 6, -Membership in a u r exclusive breeders' association, whereby only Purchasers of this stock may partici- pate In the benefits so offered, 7. Prices for Breeding Stock start at $200, a pair. Special offer to those who qualify: earn your Nutrria on our cooperative basis Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd., R.R. No. 2, Stouffvele, Ontario DAIRY EQUIPMENT BASEBALL IMMORTALS — Max Carey, left, and Billy Ham .: on, right, have been voted into baseball's Hall of Fame, The Iwo were speed merchant centerfielders who rivaled Ty Cobb as base stealers, Carey played for Pittsburgh. and Brooklyn; Ham- ilton, now deceased, was a star for Philadelphia and Boston. Save On Milker Repairs Inflations, milk and air tubes, and gaskets, For all makes of milkers. Most pulsators repaired, Loomis & Loomis, Port McNicell, Ont, Do You,Remember The Alger, Books? _ . Name droppers come in as^ sorted flavours, of course, which. makes it rather hard to say which is the most obnoxious , There is a bunch of characters (Who-se) specialty- is referring to the Horatio Alger books. They want to know if you- remember Ted the Bootblack, or Phil the Fiddler, or Julius, the Streetboy or. Ben the Luggage Boy. Now the whole paint el this particular name-bandying is not because these persons are inter- FARMS FOR SALE • 130 Acres of workable clay loam soil on farm of 135 acres. 9 room house plus bathroom, hot and cold water on tap, Double Garage, 2 Barns, implement shed, silo etc. Apply Mr, Victor V. Carr, R.R. No. 8, St. Thomas, Ontario, This advertisement is published_ free as one of the many benefits of:- THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) P.O. BOX 1029, LONDON, ONTARIO DANGEROUS, HABIT If you happen to be in Don- easter, England, and see a dog lerning out a car window smok- ing a cigarette, you have owner Ralph Spencer's permission to snatch the weed from its lips. Taking • to smoking when only six months old, the now four- year-old Pido likes to puff while out driving, often making other motorists take their eyes off the road Spencer has had to en- force a "No Smoking" rule for the sake of traffic safety. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR sale; Sawyer Massey Threshing Machine with straw shredder and long feeder, also one I.H.C. grain binder, both in good condition. Apply J. M. Laird, Norwich, Ont, Phone Norwich 266-W-1. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System. Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St, W., Hamilton 7'2 Rideau Street, Ottawa NEW Manure Spreader Aprons with original No 67 chain. 75 bushel size, $38.50 complete. For information write Martin Metals, Route 2, Waterloo, Ont. FOR Sale — 1 Oliver 36 plate wheel disc, 2 years old. 1 John Deere 36 plate wheel disc, both good condition, Apply Dyer Stanton, Hyde Peek, Ont. Phone Ilderton 481(14. ,pgRSONAL. By TOM A. CULLEN Newspaper Enterprise Assn. LONDON — Sir Winston Churchill, 86, and retired, is still setting precedents. He has be- come the first living. British poli- tician to be impersonated in a British motion picture. This Is a ban that goes back to Queen Victoria and includes, of course, all members of the royal family. Now Britain's greatest modern statesman will be seen briefly in a new film, "The Siege of. Sid- ney Street" but ks Will be seen as a yoting, up-and-coming poli- tician. To make a film of the Sidney Street siege without , Churchill would be like trying to produce Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark. Churchill, then 37 and British home secretary, was one of the key figures in this classic gun battle, in which five London policemen lost their lives. He personally risked his own life to direct police operations at the scene of the battle. He GET 8 hours sleep. Nervous tension may cause 75% of sickness. Particu- larly sleeplessness, jitteryness and Ix- ritability. Sleep, calm your nerves with "Napp s" 10 for Si;50 for $4. Lyon's Drugs,Dept. 20, 471 Danforth, Toronto. GREATER Peace and Happiness can be yours if you 'learn to control your thoughts. Complete Instructions 500, cash or money order, Think-Be, 197374.. Coleman, Mount Clemens, Michigan. 440 I,C. W/12" John ;Deere Tractor, all purpose grousers direction reverser, lighte, bottom plate,., key switch, rain cap and shield ; '831 'Crawler loader W/62" bucket & teeth, counterweights, purchased new July, 1960 for $8000.00; 1954, Dodge 3 ton dump truck F license; Low bed mechinery float, total price for all equipment $7,000.00 — may be financed, must be sold to wind up estate. Box 188, Port Perry, Phone Yukon 5.7931, er," shot and killed four London policemen. The gang had been surprised by the cops while tunneling from an empty house into a jewelry shop. Scotland Yard concentrat- ed its entire force on tracking down the desperadoes. This is where Churchill, as home secre- tary, came into the picture. On Tan. 3, 1911,- Churchill re- ceived an urgent message that the anarchists had been cornered in a house at No. 100 Sidney Street. The gangsters were firing on the police; and had already killed 9ne constable, raising 'the total of police dead to five. Churchill was in his bath when the message came through, he recalls in his memoirs. "Drip- ping wet and shrouded in a tow- e1,4 as he describes himself, ha ordered out the Scots Guards as police reinforcements. He then dressed himself and hurried to the scene of the battle. "I must admit that convictions of, duty were supported by a, strong sense of curiosity which, FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away with Saca-Pelo, Saes- MG is, different. It does not dissolve or rerneye hair from the surface, but penetrates and retards growth of un- waeted - hair. ,Lor-Beer Lab. Ltd.. 5, 679 granville, Vancouver 2, B.C. HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS TESTED, Vueranteed, mailed in plain parcel, including catalogue and sex book free with trial assortment, 18 foe $1.00 (Finest quality): Western Distribu- ters, Box 24-TPF, Regina, Sask. BEAUTIFUL Nickel Silver Key or Dog Tags! Approximate size 11/2 x Tw5 for $1. Different engraving on each if desired. Penland's, Walker Street, Monroe, Georgia; - CHEQUE protector — recently over- hauled, 450.50, T. H. Graham,,206a Glen- forest Road; Toronto 12, Ont. HU. 7-2245. GIGANTIC$1.00 Offer! 10 •(ten) new retractable ball point pens. Free 10 refills with each order. Pen's 550 Smith Street, Brooklyn 31, New Fork. PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Films developed and 8 magna prints 400 12 magna prints 60¢ Reprints 5e each. KODACOLOR Developing roll 900 (not including prints . Color prints 300 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 m.m, 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $1.20. Colo* prints from slides 326 each. Money re- funded in full for imprinted negatives, STAMPS different. Approvals of above at I Scotts catalogue. T. H. Graham, 296a BRITISH Colonial and USA used, Se: 200. and 100 different from your du- plicates and have me send you an entirely diffetent assortment of 1 Glenforest Road, Toronto 12, Ont. CANADA, Fisheries dollar, catalogs $1.25 for 50e in coin, to adult approval applicants, for our fine used British Colonial stamps. W Franks, 284 Glen- forest Rd., Toronto, AFRICAN VIOLETS NEW VARIETIES — NEW COLORS Three newest -named varieties sent postpaid for $5.00. Plants shipped In 2" plastic pots, beautifully packed for safe delivery. Included is Tree sheet of in- structions, plus catalogue with full des. etiptions. CANADA'S LEADING GROWERS We ship from coast to coast, MERILEES AFRICAN VIOLETS cowlchan Station, British Columbia EXCHANGE your duplicates! Sand 100 stamps and 100, receive 100 different in exchange! $1 per 1,000! Approval QUARTER horse consignment sale, De, Ca., .242 East 5th St e New York 3, N.Y. troll; Mich., April 8. State 'Fairgrounds. . Write: Leetch and McKinley, Fenton, STAMPS from your favourite countries Mich. on approval by country collection. --- ' Stamps priced singly and per collection, INSTRUCTION J. Gazo, 1583 Central, Windsor, Ont. HORSES EARN Morel Bookkeeping, Salesman- ship. Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 500. Ask for free circular No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1280 Day Street, Toronto. MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you Itching, scalding and burning Ooze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn Or luipeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt. Of Price PRICE- 53.50 PER. JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO perhaps, it would' have been well to keep iricheek,"%he admits. "There was a coneideratilg crowd of angry and 05triiiif people, and I noticed the.CfmAs al Spectacle of metropdlieail conft stafbles armed with shotguns has- tily procured from a iota] gun- 14114 i1i;sit at this moment, hdw- ever; a shot rang out, perhaps a couple of hundred yerdt away, followed by another and another until there was a regular fusil- lade, "The bullets struck brickwork and ricocheted hither and thi- ther:7 Finally,, the besieged house caught lire, Found in the ruins were two charred bodies,, a t4rowiiing automatic, two Mau- ter Pistols and bomb cases. Of "Peter the Painter," nib trace Was ever lettrid. As for Churchill, he was ctiled Ili the press, and in the house of CoitirtienS. An oppoSi- fiat theither arose to remark acidly, "We ere concerned to observe photographs the illuen treted heWeptipere of the home secretary iti the danger 7000, 1 can tifiderStatid what the photo- grapher' ryas doing;"" he continu- ed;, "but net tNe horde secAtarii' • • CUNARD' TIC:KET 0 ALL THIS INCLUDED • 275 113,s. free, baggage alloviante • Superb cUisirie r l • Duty-free shopping • DCiiicing, parties, movies • Stabilizers for smooth Scaling • Flawless British service crouched in dooewaye under a fusilla.de of murderous gunfire, and wormed his way to within 50 yards of the liaise Where the desperate Sidney Street 'gang was barricaded. , And for his pains, he was severely criticized bath in the press and in Parliament. Regal Films International have gotteri around the censorship ban by an artful dodge. The ac- tor who plays the role is a dead ringer for Churchill, HO is pie;, Lured wearing the elegant-, silk hat and the"eciat With the astrak- han collar which Winston wore as home secretary: Even the ci- gar is t h er e. tut Chtttehill!s name is never Mentioned in the filth. the film a little boy asks big, mother, ."Who is that man, mummy?" "the tiOnie "SeoretnrY i luvi 'the mother replies, but his name has slipped her mind. the Sldriey Street Siege,: 50 years ago this January, is to the Britith What the St. Veletitinthe bay massacre Was to Americans of the prohibition ore, ft began in mid-Deeerrabela 1910, when a gang, bi it'ussian anarchists, "exiled id Ltiliden and led by a mysterious charac- ter known' "Peter' the Faint