HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-02-23, Page 5n Mitchell... TM: EGE ...the analysis you want, when you want it! SERVICE ...providing Shur-Gain "Selected-Granulated" Fertilizer with the analysis you want, when you want it ... now and throughout the seeding time. SERVICE ...supplying Shur-Gain "Selected-Granulated" Fertilizee locally, without delay . in bags, or in bulk to give you additional cash savings. POINTS OF SUPERIORITY Thursday, '.ehrutt TtlE VALUE ,OF A P.M.114 It costs, nothing but creates mob. It enriches those who reveille without hnpeverialting those who give, It happens in a:flash. and the Memory of it somtimes lasts forever.. Noneis So rich that no (.0,11 get along withentit and none 00 poor but is 'richer for its benefits. It Creates happiness in the home ,and loatera good will In business. Yet it'.eannot be bought, 'begged, borrowed or .stolen. It 1$ something that is no, earthly good to anybody until it Is given away, If at times you meet someone who•faiis. to give you; a smile, may I ask that you give one of your own? For nobody needs a smile so much as those who hays none left to give. (Contributed by Mrs, C, Richards, Hamilton) 1•4414wirin imoorormatar* COUNTY OF HURON TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. TUESDAY, MARCH 7th, 1961 'for the sung.), of 1961 requirements for : Tender No. 61-104 Tires and Tubes Tender No. 61-105 Wire Fence (Type 842) & Steel Posts Tender No. 61-106 Cedar Fence Posts ,‘ Tender No. 61-107 Pressure Treated 2x4's Tender No. 61.108 GA" Fir Plywood GIS ;Tenders must be submitted on County forms available at the 'office of the undersigned. :Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. W. BRITNELL County Engineer Goderleb, Ontario. Court House, County of Huron, ess eards DR. R. W. STEPHENS Gradrzem llyeives-villy Tcekoirato 4n4i SURGEON ,$4.erfict,ove 46 ers. WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP .QUALITY, SERVICE, CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Week Day CEMETERY LETTERING Your Guarantee Tor Over 35 Years of Phene 2,66, Vv'i ng ha m R. A. SPOTTON .ORVAL HARRISON TV AND SLIKITRIC ',MOE Brussels -3290. R. R. 1 Monkton Onta110 ELECTRICAL CON.FRACTING RADIO AND TnevisioN REPAIR PROMPT GUARANTEED SERVICE 'CAMMEMMEMMINMP.AIII. R. S. Hetherington, K.11:7, Fr' AT IletkItiirilt t nese Zilis 1[161tYk. lkit:igezzto: is it. tA. POW MagOitrry 4lo4na-dvo ovipavo itelitnt ftnil mutr.diligtkOMANISPO. nr.M# John Lon gstaff, Optometrii3 OPTICIAN OF SEAPORTH clumo of office iverit,kin f4.1. Godelich, St. W., adjacent i,.!,ertferth EiV74? ground Irleor Parkirt,7; tietillattt lareseilotletoo filled entitles you to. ail gubteetiont aditIttirsients M A., R: :.Nrk 00.111a0 4.7.1.v.061001ft ,V9rnik MID AugulAtir-r iirrkerzaenti Fes r >titi etta, Er1,5143tisit MI* tit de as tAtttlinA ON% 1 CRANBROOK World Day of Prayer 1 The World Day of Prayer service was held in, Fool ;Presbyterian, Churph on Friday afternoon at three o'clock Leaders were Mrs, John Schnook, vice-president of the Afternoon Auxiliary and Mrs. Gordon Engel, president of the 1 Evening Auxiliary. Prayers were offered by Mrs. E. Nelson, Mrs. W. Strickler, Mrs. Earl Dunn, Mrs. Mac Engel,. Mrs. Frank Smith and Mrs. Rosa Knight, The offering was received by Mrs,' Frank Smith. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald sang a solo, accompanied by Miss A. J. Forrest 'at the organ.- An address on the purpose and history of the World 1 Day of ;Prayer was .gi,ven • by Mrs,' 1 1 Glenn Huether. . . oseStit.ted(r in oi Student IBno irx Church u3ho Sunday.cn March 's 5 will be . 1 Robert Wyber, a student from i • Waterloo College will preach and members of the Y. P. S. will take ( 4.1\1;t. . I Smith Sr. has been visiting with 1 her son Frank and Mrs, Smith. I . Mr. Mrs, Earl Minn and' Jo-Anne i . were in Atwood on Friday attending THE i •DRUS.S14$ 'POST EAST HURON' Awcui,TunAL. SOCIgTY NOi of sPEclAir. MEETING '-"rmallab APO, of Walton,, W.4.4 named winner of awards for the top. Htitdcat in agricultural .ongineer, I farm accounting, and Tnrm ma nagement at tho Western. Ontario, Agricultural School, nidgotown. joint Bum also of Walton, a first year .st!tdent at the school, was ner of the MO% County award for , 1061. 'WALTON. YOUTH WINP NUMBER OF AWARDS 1 congregations in Huron Presbytery and is known throughout the area, For many years he hag worked on the Settlment Committee of London, Conference. FORMER BRUSSELS MINISTER PRESBYTERY NOMINEE FOR CONFERENCE PRESIDENT Rev. H. C. Wilson of Thames Rd. United Church (near Exeter) will be nominated by Huron Presbytery for the office of PreSident of London Conference of the United Church of Canada when the Conference meets in June, The Huron Presbytery opt-eyed the nomination (Wed. Feb, 8) in Ontario St. United Church, Rev. Mr. Wilson has served many Applications for retiram.ent and pension were approved for three ministers in the ;Presbytery Rev, S. A. Moote of Goderich (Victoria St.) who has served 42 years in the Mini- stry will take tip residence in London at the end of the Conference Year in June and will become assist- ant minister of Wealey United Church. Rev'. -T. J. Pitt of Varna plans to Make his home in New- foundland where ho began his Mini- stry 44 Years ago, Rev. W. M. Thinvui Of Walton' United Chlireh, 'refit-Ito; after 29 years, will reside in Ottawa. lielefos from the 21 pastoral eharge g tie lIttreft Presbytery met to- ••••-4"-ar to 0:-."--4tis rep'n't of the fle-"rat roinwil on oThe Deetrine -Y04 Preetine Chttreh ramnber- ,4 • 0 len 7T—Inon. Of r' c+,46,ilt 541 nor, IT. t P n 'nen. T;+l. •,rd 11 e t. • lr.,,."•4 r-efer flames 1 mit- „,1 rtv ft r'ume'n rsl rvyntIsm. roc. ""14"6114(+4. in the report. Mr. Alex Dark, London. Mr. and Mrs, .Tack Clark, Susan and Steve, Auburn, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Engel. Knox Y. P. S. The Y. P. S. entertained members xtf the Molesworth Y. P. S.. at a Valentino and skating party on February 14. The early part of the evening was spent skating in Brussels, followed by games, con- test, and lunch in the basement of Knox Presbyterian Church. The Y. P. S. meets every Sunday (I-ening in the manse at S o'clock. 1! # l‘h.i<Av N U P. A N A (4 0; "N Alt Kinds of latereete h$eiucilnp: Lite OF MEMBERS TAKE NOTICE that a special Meet- • 1Ig of the members of the fast Boron Agricultural Society wilt he held, In the Public 1.ihrary building the Village of Brussels, on the 2nd. clay Of March, 1901, at. the hour. of 8 p.m,; Which, said 'special' meeting is called for the purpose or author- icing the sale or Lot NO. 318, being part of the lands now owned by the East Huron Agrieulturai Society. and whielt is no longer required for its purposes. AND FURTHER TAKE . NOTICE that those entitled to vote on the resolution 'concerning the sale of the said land, are such persons who are rit7ambers of the Society for the current year and who ers for the last two preceeding years. DATED at Brussels, Ontario this 7th. day of February, 1961. Clem Steffler President were mouth- immediately I. British Mortgage & Trust Ciompany, Stratford, NAME ADDRESS — I enclose my cheque for $ for investment for — Please 'send n a free folder giving full information. REGULAR AS CL. lB 0 5f 'Po invest your )(WM agent or. send Vis your cheque. British Mortgage Certificates are approved for Vast funds. Slif MORTGAGE &TEST COMPANY • .. Twice' a year you will receive year interest cheques, 'when You 1.117P0t in, a lrltish Mortgage Guaranteed Certificate,' interest for period from 3 to 10 years paid from the nay your investment lu received ia our Otago. Founded In 1877 Head Offices STRATFORD ..— years. 4 4 4 4 4 4M•10...••• )37.6,1461.111Millki.E.00414. 4 4 4 "Brussels, Singing • Shur-Gain "Selected-Granulated" Fertilizer is the modern, up to date quality fertilizer. • Not "granular" but granulated.. made by Scientifically blending the different fertilizer materials and then granulating the mixture. a. All the necessary plant nutrients are combined in each granule. • Each granule is selected for size. e Shur-Gain "Selected-Granulated" Fertilizer assures more even crop feeding, better uptake of phosphorus. o No bridging in the ddlls, easy-to. clean equipment and far lees dust. I I 4 I I I 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 tit Plan to use Shur-Gain f7ft call your local dealer now j4k Z SHUR-GA1N proven for Canadian conditions „ The 'Fittest Fertilizers F"ol. Y/qtir Geed Etittit . . . (AllAbA PACKERS llM1ttU VitiMCNO , *TORONTO ',- First Meeting (Group No. 1) i The first meeting of the Brussels 4-H "Cottons May be Smart" was held at the Brussels LObrary, Feb- ruary 11th at 2;30 p.m. with seven members present. The meeting was opened with the 4-H Pledge followed by the election of officers as follows: President — Yvonne Connelly Vice-Pres, — Meryle Wesenberg Pianist — Gale Wilson ,loan Alcoek was nominated sec- retary and press reporter for the i the silver wedding anniversary of meeting. ., T Mr. and Mrs. 'Carl Green. Mr, and he name suggested for the club I Mrs. Allan Dunn and son Rickey Of, Books were dicussed and it was ' , was, Brussels Busy Rasters, Record 1 ed aver th e week end with his I .Kitchener, also attended and visit- , decided to use three ringed books I . parents, I covered with black bristol board 1 1 with white lettering, i The next meeting will be held in j Brussels ;Public Library, February 1 18th, at 21:00 p.m. The leaders, Mrs. Sas. Armstrong and Mrs. Herman de Vries dicussed notes with the girls and gave them their Home Assignments. They also showed some Fm T:gested pat- terns. The meeting then adjourned, First Meeting (No. 2 Group, The first meeting of the No, 2 Brussels Club was held on Febr- uary 4th in the Library with seven members attending. They decided to call themselves Sewers.” During the course of the meeting patterns, colours! and measurements were discussed and notes were given. The meeting was closed with God Save The 'Queen, Second' Meeting (No. 2 Club). • The second meeting of the Brus- sels NO. 2 Club was held on Fehr- nary 11th, in the Library with six -• n embers attending. .Thring the meeting the girls made nnttern for books and were giVen notes,. The• meetinc' was eloser1 with the Queen. Second 4-H Meeting of Brussels Singing Sewers The second meeting of the Brussels Singing Sewers, group No 2y was held in the Brussels PnbliC Library on Feb, 18th. It Was opened. Witt. the 441 pledge 'followed by the minutes of the last Meeting read by Bonnie Worittnan. The roll Call 'Wag. answered 'with "One point to consider when buying Cotton," The cover of the recrn'd • 'hook Wits Shown and the girls nothin- ated to Work on, the nesters wetel Patriela. .11!anne Tentitia, ' flerda„ Pixel and 1-:!Ifie Workthari. TIonles Aaitipillients were ' ltte!l'ntremetits en Ole' dress were shown and Practised. Pattern alter, ations were done iiy Um KirkbY fold 1.\t'm Wheeler. Tile merting I sins:111p; or theotteot. WANti* toorkowners to start dry old. ?..11!4!:4 IA the raTt, four ritenthtl., rain's' 41 q with hatch -lit; 10,-.tremoIv Invoe *.ge from pirov4 B'ee't' talipti e, Pry Week !. in yeti*. Also Vented! Platita' fa I snrcrily Its With e!zgs how. Amity', tweedie Chick 'Hatcheries '[Merited, Otititik