HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-02-23, Page 4GAT TNT' JUMP ON ORIN Free! Marie Fraser's new milk powder recipe bookleto "Desserts light and lescious," Write today l DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron 9treot, Toronto SEASONED CONDUCTOR Walte'r Susslcimi, internationally-famoum musician, has led some of the anajor orchestras in Europe, North America and Australia, Born in Prague, Czechoslovakia he began his career in 1933, con- ducting in various German opera houses. He moved to England in 1941, became a British subject, and served as conductor of the Scottish National Orchestra, Now regular conductor of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, suaskind coducts for the weekly pops and subscription concerts, heard Sundays on CRC's Trans- Canada radio network. „ DEAD STOCK WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID IN SURROUNDING DISTRICTS FOR DEAD, OLD, SICK OR DISABLED HORSES or CATTLi6 For Prompt, Sanitary Disposal Day or Night Call Leroy Acheson ATWOOD ZENITH 34900 (No Toll Charg09 Plant License No. 10-RP-60 Collecting License No. 22060 tit...narazialigamignow,a3 .2s;,m;sis BELGRAVe. BELGRAVE PHONE W1NGHAM 1091; SRUSidELs4 Wiwi° ThArstlaY..robrliar. 2.3131., 199 I. Ike.i.ina 11115M,MAT FOR SALE, ratateae• and Lust Buren. Pre.duce, HP•MgMAKgRa .t. Serv e this. nnw Lenten. dish to your family today or to-morrON),% COTTAGE CHEESE BEEF PARIvrigNTIgFt trp'COTTAGE cmizsn pound ground beer ' caps soft bread crumbs 4, cup drill sauce - 1 lbsp. chopped parsley cup 'minced onion • 8 tbsps. grated carrot tsp. Worchestershire w.twe 1•14'.. to 2 tsps., salt few grains of pepper 1: egg 2 to 3 cups hot mashed pot 2 tbsps melted BI1 TTER 1, Combine all inf,redients except PotatoeS and butter in a bowl and• mix thoroughly. Tack in an 3 inch square baking pan, 2. Bake in a moderate oven. (SHP) about 1 hour. Top with mashed pototoes brush with melted BUTTER and brown under broiler, Makea F:.:x Servings Get one or two . 1/.3 or T.,t lb, parka:res. of COUSINS oorrAGE ,OIIESE- today from the milkman at your • door, from your grocer, or Phone the Creamery office, • 22, A •. a at the same time get ft mart of our delicious BUTTERMILK with the old fashioned flavour and. ,tamr, for •Psncakes or drink inu. COUSINS DAIRY urut eta FOR SALE Quantity of baled Straw Ken Tyermau Phone 2,5r8 m • FOR SALE Ford Traetar and 2 furrow Plow; P. T. 0, Cobey Manure Spreader; also 32 Plate Tandem Disc, Mel jerinyn Plume 53R12 Brussels You save money! Because free -vow up to. January 28th, your CO-OP' EarlY Degirerf Db" .41kzunt is $2.00 per ton; and, to February 25th—$1.5O. Thalia not all either. For Cash Payment before March Itth, Omit *n extra 5% Discount, You'll save costs tool Because your lnarly delivery dollar sings can pay the Interest on stomp Acilities. Yes, and you save valuable hours by avoid* Ilrat seeding-time rush at every plant, when you order your CO-OP Fertilizer now! Early delivery also means that you're -enured of the correct analysis you require. ORDER CO-OP BETTER' FERTILIZER NOW ":*.member! You get bigger value with the better Fertilizer! O-OP Fertilizer definitely a higher percentage of *ter soluble phosphate, so portant on low-phosphate —a higher lime content —16w moisture and uniform particle-size—less seed- „'...'•Umming characteristics. ,,,••••••,,,,,••••••,,,,•••••••,Mie.l• -ear, r. es „ FOR SALE Day old Welts and started Pulleta,. Get your discount now on early orders. Phone Collect Auburn 34 Charlie Scott Samuel Harris Samuel Burris, aged 87 years, died Clintonat on Tuesday,, February 14th Be farmed on the 16th concession of Grey Township, A son 'of the late John Harris and ,Catherine (0,0onn, er) Barris, ihe was unmarried, and Is survived by only one brother, John of Lucan, FuOeral service was held from the D. A. Hann funeral home, Brussels, on Thursday at 2:00 PAM Rev. Lloyd Drown of Brussels United Church condunted the service. Burial was in Brussels cemetery. SUPtItIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE SEAFORTH — PHONE 182 * Window Washing *wall Washing * Small Repairs * Floor Maintenance * Changing Storms and Screens * General Janitor Work Housecleaning * Brick and Plastering Repairing SUPERIOR Our Name SERVICE Our Alm RAY SQUIRE SOX 335 SEAFORTH WANTED — A. good. reliable man to supply customers with Rawleigh Products. Write Rawleigh's, Dept, B-152.127, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. NO1 ICE We specialize in Wall Washing and Cleaning. Phone 132 Seaforth Box 335 Ray Squires Superior Maintenance N () T I C E Cattle Spraying for lice. Warm water used. Phone: Mac Baeker, 05 Brussels FOR SALE -- 1500 bales choice alfalfa and timothy hay. Also 11 choice Yor:t pigs 6 weeka old. Apply to Urban Du,charme, R. R. 2,-Brussels Phon e 343W7 SEE YOUR LOCAL FOR SALE ,Coal and Wood Renfrew Range; Hemp Duty Hot Plate; Electric Heater; Set of Steel. Band 48” Bed Springs; Dresser with good mirror Sheets, ;Pillow Cases, and guilts. Mrs. Laura Jermyn. Phone90 trmserrrn44.zzm, _II FFL:O:tarr.Fzzhts-_,ertasTasamemnse • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Caviller, McIntosh and Ward fell Telephone anneals% Walkerton Telephones — Business 0S2; Realdenes 1041 rr TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received until the first of March, for 15 cord of hard- wood (maple) and five cord of cedar, delivered to Duff's United Church, Walton, by the 31st of June, Tenders to be sent to Bill Turnbull, R, R. 2 Brussels, Sec. Board of Stewards TENDERS WANTED The Grey Township School Board will receive tenders up to March 6, for 20 cords of Maple and Beech body wood, 14 inches long, to be delivered to No. 7 and No.11 schools by July 1:t, Norman S. Hoover, Seey. EVERY , CARGO CALLS FOR BANKING ‘9,, C. KNPINEDY. B. Ed„ 8. A., re. A., — Resident Managar. Its destination may be Bombay, or Oslo, or even fabled Timbuktu. But wherever it is bound, chances are that a chartered bank is helping to smooth the journey. Services ,provided by the chartered banks sim- plify the task of those who buy or sell in distant lands, who often deal in unfamiliar inarketso languages and currencies. •. With a network of representatives around the world, the banks provide on-the-spot contacts and useful facilities wherever Canadians wish to trade or travel. Every day, services of the chartered banks help • to move the cargoes that mean so much to so many Canadians. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used Farmer owned and controlled Service at cost Choice of bull and breed Our artificial breeding service Will help you to a more efficient livestock operation For Service or, more 'information call: Clinton HU 24441, or for long dist- ance Clinton zenith 9.5550, BETTER CATTIp., FOR BETTER LIVING • •:•sce. ••• 462zicam•gottui.almommiosomrstowalmisom mossom 4, THE CHARTERED BANKS k SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY INCOME ,TAX COMPUTED F 0 R Farmers Businessmen Individuals REASONABLE RATES Glenn. M. Ronnenberg INSURANCE IN BRUSSELS TUESDAY and FRIDAY PHONE 65 'File Early Phone Today for Appointment ATTENTION CAR BUYERS ,,.,Our Low Cost Financing and In. surance Plan ,.will help you make a better deal. BEFORE you buy talk to us- Monicton — Phone 347-220 Brussels — Phone 65 Tuesday and Friday ti ,u1E9 SOU REk L ESTATE Wilfred Mcfntee -- Broker — LISTINGS WANTDD On Barbra, Homes, Businesses and 'ilimer Properties, Grocery Ditisinuss in town of 2000 puirttion doing nice business. Good lease. 125 acres, ilnigrave District water lull barn: Try4 ,1 mid Silo. A Illod price on this farm. 2 •• - 10'1 (tei,e farms i n Myth -1)1,4rIet: rtyrnsr-e, 13 ,tb, Ilvdro and Irnv .wrs othAr forms and r.:::49ptt and i -1-,.,..Trotliate 'points. last ...- er'r's.-snient , economical Elf.•.:litrt, 4: ,alay February 20th, 1961 Forget EfaOut tr;ific etrOn, parking lbaffles- danCia local i,:t1t for the new, eon, verdant Raifinef schcdulat, isltrrho '1,p; Gilt. Aeal ttepro.§enta,tiv6. bt WitiVATim. — itealtef Walkerton. Ontario • breflee'8 *t;, ',§olottriorft td