HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-02-23, Page 3CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LIVESTOCK 12 PURE-BRED Holstein Heifers open, vaccinated, Kemptville unit; 4 Pure- bred cows due in January; 0 grade cows due' in November, all vaccinated, accredited area, 1 team of black Per-cheron Mares, quiet. flume McConnell, CHESTEKVIt4Lai Ooteri°s foucre0 2408. Tales of Br:tait's Mpqntain Ben Nevis, ‘Britalt45 highest and most isolated mountain, was dramatically in the news recent- ly when a climber fell 500 ft. to his death from its Tower Ridge op the north face after rock on which he had been standing gave way. This 4,400-foot whale-backed mountain has` m o r c sudden changes of weathet at its summit than almost any other mountain in the world. Experienced climb- ers say that Nevis hurricanes are the most• terrible in Europe. But if a climber, is lucky he can bask in the hot sun while sitting comfortably on a bed of dry powder-snow there and' en- joy an astonishing ailence - brok- en only by the remote murmur of a waterfall far down in the valley borne up to him on an eddy of wind. When many years ago an ob- servatory was established on the summit for the study of weather conditions—its ruins can still he seen on, the summit---Mr. Wil- liam T. Kilgour, the superinten- dent, and his staff settled down to live in "the highest house in Britain," as they called it. Theirs was a tough job, One night, Mr. Kilgour related, a ter- rific storm began to blow from the south-east• and within min- utes the wind was blowing at more than 120 miles an hour. "The boom of the storm, the creaking of timbers and the rat- tle of the iron chimneys was so terrific that the building, despite its ten-feet thick walls, shook to the foundations," he said. "The cold was - so intense that a thermometer placed six feet from a roaring fire recorded five degrees of frost. "All outside observations had to he abandoned because no, one could stand or even creep to windward.", The observatory was main- tained until 1905, when it was ,closed for lack of adequate sup- . port. A young London mountaineer was lashed to a rock near the summit of Ben Nevis for eigh-; teen hours iti 1948 - after he had been trapped on a ledge when his climbing rope broke. For several hours he directed rescu- ers from Fprt William by shout- ing and waving. They got him down safely. Using a rough track which leads from the foot, of Ben, Nevis to the summit, an Inveiness- shire man'some years -ago climb- ,ed the mountain on 2 3/4 h.p. motor-cycle in,three hours forty minutes. ' Althqugh on the ascent of five miles the average gradient 'is about one ,in five, no engine trouble was experienced. Special care had to be taken in the descent which was ac- eomplished with the engine cut off. When the base'was reached it was fonnd that the rear brake had been worn away till ,was practically bare. Racing on foot from Fort Wil- liam to the summit of Ben Nevis became a craze in Victorian times. A man named William Swan did the double journey in • two hours, forty-one minutes. Among: freak climb was that of a young man Who pushed a wheelbarrow to the top. Quite understandably, both he and the wheelbarrow were the worse for wear by the' time he'd,'finished, ANTED: Will pay cash for your oltl 959 telephone directpry Of your tow or community. Write or mail to W. 13., Alger, 340 Stiblaten„ Na,nalino 13,G. UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away with Seca-Pero. Saota Pelo is different. It does, not ilisselVe or remove hair from the surface, but, penetrates end retards growth of Ups wanted hair. Lor-Eeer Lab Ltd., 5, 678 Granville Vence:leer 2, B.O. NURSES AND NURSING ASSISTANTS How Long Con A rqh 1„;v0.? mit.,;t; i%ap, I/ were stolen f4:um a lake in an Austrian, public park were estimated to be so old that they had been registered under the Austrian °Mee for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments. The thief Was heavily fined. But experts who have been studying stories about the great ages to which Many of these freshwater fish are said to live are saying bluntly that the so- called longevity of carp is dubi- ous, "Carp certainly don't become centenarians nowadays and it's very doubtful if they ever did," says one, "The greatest age for a carp for which we have reli- able evidence is forty years." Yet fantastic stories about earp centenarians are likely to linger in many parts of the world. Strange methods for recording the age of a fish were once adopted if the story about a carp found in a pond in Swabia (an early Duchy of Germany) in 1497 is true. The fish is said to have had in its gills a metal ring bearing the following inscription in La- tin: "I am the first fish that was ever put into this pond by the hand of Frederick. II, Governor of the World, on the 5th de), of October, A,D, 1230." According to this, the carp must have been at least 267 years old. Many years ago a giant carp weighing 281/2 lbs. taken to the aquarium at the London Zoo was nicknamed Methuselah be- cause it was believed to be very old. This gave rise to the story that it was 150 years old. One writer hailed it as "the biggest fish in Europe." Carp in Britain are usually kept as interesting additions to ornamental waters. But in parts of Europe, particularly in Russia end Poland, the carp is a popu- lar food. Great farms, with acres of breeding, rearing and fatten- ing ponds, supply a ready mar- ket, NUTRIA ATTENTION • PURCHASERS. OF NUTRIA When purchasing Nutria, consider the following points, which this organize. tion offers: 1. The best available stock, no cross-bred or standard types recommended. 2. The reputation of a plan which is proving itself substantiated by files of satisfied ranchers, 3. Full insurance against replacement, should they not live or in the event of sterility (all fully explained in our certificate of merit.) 4. We give you only mutations which are in demand for fur garments. 5. You receive from this organization a guaranteed pelt market, in writing. 6. Membership in our exclusive breed-ers' association, whereby only purchas-ers of this stock may participate in the benefits so offered. 7. Prices for Breeding Stock start. at $200. a pair. - Special offer to those who qualify: earn your Nutria on our cooperative basis. Write: Canadian- Nutria Ltd., R.R. No, 2, Stouffyille, Ontario, OPPORTUNITIES. POLICE An Egyptian King Tells His Story The young king's accession to the throne came at a moment in Egyptian history when, thanks to almost two centuries of un- paralleled achievement both at home and abroad, the country was at the pinnacle of its politi- cal power, economic prosperity, and cultural development. More- over, the world was at peace and there was leisure for the sruler and the people of Egypt to en- joy the many pleasures and lux- uries which life now had to offer them and to indulge to the full a truly oriental penchant for opulence and display, Typical in every respect of the brilliant setting over which he presided, Amunhotpe III con- trived throughout his long reign to combine the unwavering pur- suit of all manner of worldly pleasures with a program Of self-glorification more elaborate and on afar grander scale than any previously undertaken. The king's desire that his, every •action be made known to the world is attested by the extraordinary series of large commemorative scarabs which he caused to be issued during his first twelve years on the throne and which, like modern OPENINGS FOR STEADY AMBITIOUS YOUNG MEN FOR THE POSITION OF Constables 4•1101 MU, newsletters, were distributed throughout the country and even dispatched to the more distant outposts of the empire. The first series, of -these scar- abs, carved at the very begin- ning of the reign, announces the pharaoh's marriage to Teye, a woman of non-royal birth; and with engaging frankness, which is repeated on many of the king's later monuments, gives the names of her untitled parents, Yuya and Tjuyu, adding, how- ever, that "she is (now) the wife of a mighty king' whose empire extends from Karoy in the northern Sudan to Naharin in western Asia. Three scarabs of this series, acquired by the Museum with the Ward, Murch, and Carnarvon collections, are made, as are most of their mates, of glazed steatite and. measure ' between three and three and a half inches in length. Character- istically, the first five lines of the ten-line announcement in- scribed on their undersides are taken up with the titulary- of the king: "(Long) live the Horns, Strong-bull-appearing-in- truth, He of the Two Goddesses, Establishersof-laws-(and-) Paci- fier - of - the - Two - Lands; the Horns of Gold, treat - of valor - who - smites - the - Asi- atics, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Neb-ma'et-Re', the Son of Re', Amimhotpe, Ruler of Thebes, given life!" — From "The Scepter of Egypt,'" • by Wil- liam C, Hayes, I I I. I The man in the neighborhood who exchanged his car for a bi- cycle saves his money in a 'dis- carded automobile gas tank. The device is neatly fitted with a slot for depositing money. -W h e"n questioned, our ingenious friend confided he was- following the habit' of his motoring days—put-, ting all his money in the gas tank. I 1116111 SCHOOL AT, HOME IN SPARE TIME I Low monthly Payments include standard text books and instruc-tion. Credit for subjects already completed. Progress as rapidly as your time and abilities permit. DIPLOMA AWARDED. THIS IS A CANADIAN HIGH SCHOOL COURSE AND WILL PRE- PARE YOU FOR COLLEGE. OUR 63RD YEAR „ ..... AMERICAN SCHOOL, 106 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont. Pleate send FREE IIigh School 11 NAME booklet. ADDRESS ..... ...... . ..... ..... %MO =MP 1•I•MMID MOMMO 11111•• WM* OMNI ISSUE 46 — 1960 Modern Etiquette By Anne Ashiey Latest Word In Keeping Time Enter the atomic clock, the latest, but not the last word in time-keeping precision, Devel- oped by the American Bureau of Standards at Boulder, Colorado, the clock runs to an accuracy of one millionth of a second. -At that rate, says- its designers, it can keep time for 5,000 years and not lose as much as a second! The clock "ticks" by register- ing the vibrations of cesium atoms. These vibrate at such' giddy speed, that they split the second into 9,20,000 parts: This contrasts with the beat of an ordinary wrist w a t c h, whose balance wheels tick to and fro five times a secoild. And, after sane years, that wheel is prone to Metal fatigue. The Bureau of Standards 41 aetually trying Co improve upon the atomic clock's accuracy, ,al- ready guaranteed. As its experts point out, in this age of initsile tracking and sputnik orbits, syn- chronization of superfine accur- -acy is En essential tool of space travel, man call project self smortg the stars, be Must Have Clocks set to celestial time tables, •and Under both fool and shockproof control, An error ef 6110 111'1111011ga part of a second could eneily cost a Space travel- ler his life. Q. When is it proper to begin calling new acquaintances by theft first names? A. People today call each other by their given names much earlier then formerly. One intist, however, sense the proper MoVes. orient to disap, formalities. U everyone -else in the circle 111 -Which you move uses first ames, you are at liberty to fel- --lbw the trend, Q. I've just been told that the double-sheet variety di personal Stationery is out of place for a man. Is this true? A, While not exactly "out of place," some men think the site, gIe aheet kind of stationery is ihore masculine than the double- sheet type. Sliduld the used silverware , be gathered tip before reitiOving the.plates from the dinner table? A, No; the silver should be left an the plates, said all removed from the 'table together, Q. is it tikopet to Ilse the hreViatiOns •-•-• 'Chas., ;Taa:, ittibt.i Iii Won: -whoi addressing en- vt lopes in the Writing Of Cations to`- letters? A. Abbreviated names are never peeper iii salutations. BM if a man abbreviated his name itc his signature, you MAY use the abbreviation in addressing your envelope to hire: Q. Is it all right for a ,,,trounce her hilsballiVWOMilit s tilt- ther to lies obit friends aS,•4 ThiS IS WY InOther,inAlWr A. It would be Much better to say,, "Thie is TOM'S, mother." Sometimes Crime Hardly Pays Breaking into a Texas wine and spirit store the other night, ' a thirsty thief made oe.f with what he thought was as perfectly good bottle of whisky. It -had been. But that particu- lar bottle had been condeithed, the store manager told the po- lice, because it had been eon- laminated by rat poison. Burglars are not always lucky enough to get away with a good haul even when they have "cracked crib" successfully, They are constantly-making eels- takes,-A shoe shop owner laugh- ed when a thief stole sample cases of shoes all for the left foot. Another blundering burglar bi•oke into a British south coast businessman's- dike and was delighted to find a half-.ton safe there. After two hOurer strenu- ous labour he managed to force the took, Instead of wads of banknotes and piles of bohiS he found a solitary threepenny piece inside the safe, In a Cornish police court it was revealed that a Man arrested for stealing liter had reinoVed "RATES MARKSMAN Harvey HaddN, ace Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher, proves he is as ateUrate with a S'IlofOun as he' Wilk el basetall. He poses With tvVri Caricidian geese he brought (town at: his farm. PERSONAL FREE! Booklets: On (Area Death, $0 Hell, Bible Standard, 2100 Seuth la Philadelphia 48, Pennsylvania, SHY. Avoid drugstore embarrearium „ Order personal needs by malt, .Con - - dential, prompt. service. Personal. stna .. macy. I3ox 98, Station D, Toronto. --- 4,4 FIGURE SKIING $1.00. Refundable to days. ournoort INTERESTS. Goad- wood, Ont. ADULTS: Free samples, priect list os. personal Hygienic Sundries} Special Assortment 5100, Mailed AO Pie sealed envelope, Cotter Company, 1089. Station "C". Toronto 3. 4.0M4414.4e4. MEDICAL, HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIXON'S NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAIN, REMEDY? IT Glyn YOU GOOD RESULTS., MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 E4DIN Q-TTAWA $1,25 Exprete collect. POST'S ,ECZEMA SALVE llANISII the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles; poses EcZema Salve will not disappoint You. itching, scalding end burning ecze-ma, sone, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, will ,respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment.; regardless of how stubborn or bopelesp they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price, PRICE $3,50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES' 1865 st. ciair Avenue East Toronto BABY CHICKS BRAY Pellets, 1Y-22. week old, also 'INdnechiSat•aOrIttlesdtoclo)11°'dicesr; iPtirtiodallPPtUr$pbtolg)entertInitsi specially egg producers), all at Special low pre-season pt wee. gook rebrnary. ?,larch broilers now, Contact weal agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. ^BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GIFT' shop and cu,-;ectionvey situated on Queen St., Niagara.on.tite.eatte, apt, above store. Further information eon. tact C. Paget, lies 392 Nieeara-onake- Service station, lunch counter garage. Highway 19, 8 milea from Tillsonburg, FOR sale, $15,900 $5,000 cash. 11A. App.*, Mary Grose, Straffordville, or phone Straffordville .184. HARDWARE STORE UPPER Ottawa valley; this is a real buy for Anyone interested in the hard- ware business in an area .of .over 9,000 people, This is the Only full equipped hardware business. This, bealness has a turnover of $150,Q00 for the past year. Building is of modern design, 3 years old, paved entrance, good location. Down payment $29,000. This, includea Suln0;90R0 eantletookr, ni3ohxan tenwea erpt C.R1Dveevr: 971, phone JU. 4.2061. NURSES and certified nursing assist-ants required for a new hospital open, ing in December in ICawarthe-Halibur. ton resort area. Good personnel -poll. cies, ORA pension plan. Director of Nursing ROSS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ,LINDSAY, ONTARIO -NURSES WANTED • *REGISTERED NURSES FOR gerferal- duty nursing in modern hospital in progressive community east of Pori Arthur, Ontario. Starting sal-ary 5259,00 per month, Room and board provided at no cost in modern nurses' residence. Excellent employee benefite and year-round recreational facilities available, Apply stating full partieu-hire of age, experience, availability, etc, to. Box No. 226, 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. PHOTOGRAPHY SALES HELP WANTED STAMPS HONDURAS; 33 different mints plus 16 different values on cover, $1. IL Busson, (W), Apartado 544, Tegucig-alpa, Honduras. U.S. PROPERTIES FLORIDA, MOTELS, 'homes, citrus, pasture and development acreages in Desoto coun-ty, Only 40 miles to Florida's famous west coast. J. HAMILTON, SALESMAN JANE WHIDDEN, REALTOR 22 MAGNOLIA ST. ARCADIA, FLORIDA, U.S.A. U.S. VACATION RESORTS FLORIDA Low summer rates to Des. 1, Special December, and January rates. Write for brochure. Lillian M 511llan, 538 Bayshore Dr., Colony Apts., Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Bow To The Prince Or Land In Jail! On a recent visit to his native India, Dom Moraes, poet and youngest Hawthornden Prize- winner, stayed at the palace of a Rana, one of the feudal lords who had`, life-and-death_ power over their subjects until 1951. "All the corridors," he writes, "were -hung with framed illus- trations from magazine's, alter- nating with the heads- of assas- sinated tigers, and photographs of dead Ranas, tiger-whiskered, soulful-eyed and clutching jewel- led swords." On one occasion •Moraes was sitting with a friend waiting to be received by his host. An en- -ormous Himalayan• bear crouch- ed next to the sofa. He assumed it was stuffed.— until, it snarled at him, rose and shambled out through the door! All over 'Khatmandu, he says, Ranas, originally Indian prince- , lings, built 'fantastic palaces where they lived surrounded by women they had abducted from their families. When a Rana passed, any citizen who failed to do obeisance till he was out of sight was, flung into jail, As late as 1942 the chief Rana would ride an elephant through the streets every month, while the women stood outside their houses. Whichever of them took his fancy were at once seized by soldiers and taken to his harem. Any husbands or fathers who protested were jailed. ,Halembu, a mountain village renowned for its beautiful women, was raided and every woman taken off to the harems. One ,of the Rana's sons told Moraes -that his father wanted to send him to Eton. To finance the trip they had to go to the family head, the grandfather, who flew into a rage' and said: "No grandson of mine will be, permitted to defile himself by crossing the black waters ' to' England. But I will be reason- able. If you like, yob may hire all the masters from Eton and bring them here." Later, the grandfather fell ill. A British surgeon was fetched from India. He found that the palace was on top of an unroad- ed bill and wondered how on earth he could get his equip- ment up. That night he slept in ill tent 'at the foot of the hill -- and awoke next morning to find a road leading from his tent door to the palace gate. It had been built in six hours by slave- gang relays working through the night! Moraes gives a brilliant ac- count of his three months' tour in "Gone Away," It included talks with Nehrtt and the exiled Dalai Lame. Von't tell Inc you've been veYkying lumber' on top Of' your heildek CHRISTMAS TREES CHRISTMAS trees: Pruned Scotch pine Christmas trees, several thousand ready for market, approximately 10,000 in one block, will sell complete block standing as is. Will also consider small contracts, Angus Cameron, RR. 1, Norland, Ont. COINS WE pay $3 for 1925 Canadian nickel; complete buying list 10 cents. Crown Stamp & Coin, 81 Queen St. E.. Tor-onto FARMS FOR SALE HELP WANTED MALE ELECTRICIANS OTTAWA WE require immediately qualified electricians for major construction and housing projects'-' in Ottawa. Current rate $2.60 per hour. Contact us im-mediately. FEDERAL ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS. LTD. 994 RIDDELL AVENUE OTTAWA • PA. 2-3953 HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES FOR SALE WATERLESS COOKWARE, 17-piece Triple Gauge Heavy• Stainless Steeel. New low price in Canada of $69.90. Fully guaranteed. Write for further de-tails. Diner Sales Co., Box 215, 'sling-. ton, Ontario. INSTRUCTION EARN More! Bookkeeping, Salesman. ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les-sons 50a. Ask for free circular No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. LIVESTOCK CHAROLAIS beef breed of the future. Choice Charolais Hereford Cross Calves for sale. Bulls $185.00. Heifers $300.00. - Write for free booklet, Robin Hahn, Durham, Ont. FRESH and springer Holsteins, grades and purebreds. Area accredited, cows, vaccinated or blood, tested. Your pick of a quantity. We will deliver. Jos. W, Cochrane Jr Sons, &R. No. 5, Barrie, Ontario. Phone: 14R21 Stroud. ,y. ATOMIC SUB HITS THE WAVES -- Queen Elizabeth pulls the lever to' launch Britain's first nuclear submarine, the Dread- nought, 'at Barrow-in-Furness. —AND-- Cadets Age for Constables,— 21 to under 20 Age for Cadets ... 18 to under at Must Have GRADE 10 Education Minimum Height 5'9" . . Good Working Conditions . $-Day Week .. Vacation With Pay Pension Plan APPLY IN PERSON TO Capt. D. A. Hogg Personnel Officer LONDON CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT London, Ontario OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND. WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System illustrated Catalogue Free. Write or Call MARVEL, HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 338 Blear St, W., Toronto Branches: 4.4 King St. Wa Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. the stoppers with his teeth. He was caught because the marks of his teeth on another stopper matched those on the Stolen bot- tles. A burglar got into a dentist's house but, Without knowing it, set off an alarm which: disturb- ed the owner. With great pre- tence of mind the burglar clap- ped his hand to cheek and said: "I'm looking for -a den- tist)* "Ceetainly," said the dentist, "sit here." placed the Sur- prised man, in the- chair, strapped Bill, d o Van -and extracted six teeth without an anaesthetic. Then he 'phoned the pollee. tqually unlucky was the burg- tar who got away from a jeWel- ler's shop with a bagful of rings, watches and bracelets. He started off for the Contits ent where he intended to get rid of his loot. But -as he 'vas boarding the cross-Channel atea- * mer he slipped and the bag with its precious contents fell into the sea arid sank, Highway sign reported out a r g t) North Dakota,- way: "Watch Out rat Scheer Children —Espetially If They're 11.1vingl" BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT GROUND floor offices, Cerner loofa tion; business block; suitable for den. tal clinic or ether professional offices. Reasonable rent. Alterations to stilt. Most progressive town in Western ,On- tario. Write P.O. Bpx 500, Petrolia, Ont. BUSINESS opporcruNrross7 TAXI BUSINESS OAKVILLE 8 CAR taxi service: Excellent turnover. Circle Taxi, 4 Cowan Ave., Oakville, VI. 4-3241, FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, DAL,T, ONT. Films developed and 8 mama prints 404 12 magna prints 604 Reprints 5a each KODACOLOR Developing roll 90e (net incleding prints), Color prints 300 each, extra &risco and Egtachrome 35 mm, 20 ex- posures mounted 13 slides $1.20. Color prints from slides 320 eaeh, Money re-funded in full for =printed negallveo. PROPERTIES FOR SALE $5,500 FULL price. In lovely town of Meaford. 6-room residence, city con- veniences, 21/2 acres orchard and lawns. Bargain for quick sale, $3;000 cash re-quired. H. D. Powell Real Estate, 2498 Yonge St., Toronto, SALESMEN WANTED COMMISSION SalesMen Wanted. To sell Chemicals for 'Septic Tanks, Cess-pools, Toilets, Sewers etc., Protected territories. L. a, Dumart Jr Co La, - vigne, Ontario. FULL OR SPARE TIME SALES WORK ARE you the man we require to sell, our plan in rural areas? If so, here is a chance, at no cost to you, to aug-ment, your present income, or, prove to be to your benefit on a full time basis. Interested? Please write, giving details as to age, schooling, sales ex-perience etc., to ALLIED FARM SERV-ICES (CANADA), P.O. Box 1029, LON- DON, Ontario. SALESMAN WANTED REAL ESTATE TO represent us in your own district, Large commission paid on every sale. You can Earn good commisssion In your spare time, Write for particulars to Epworth Realty Limited. Owen Sound Ontario. SALLY'S- SAilitS COINS wanted, pay highest prices. 1961 coin catalogue 250. Gary's (8) 9910 Jas. per Ave., Edmonton, Alta. Paying 54 each tor *1922, 1923, 1924, 1925 Canadian small pennies. Mrs. Mor-gan, 767 Wilson St., Vietoria, B.O. FOR Sale: two one-hundred-acre farms. five miles from Clinton. Each with house,• barn and driveshed. One with hydro and considerable bush. Carl Diehl, R. 5, Clinton. 100 ACRES rolling clay loam, excellent buildings, completely decorated, brick house, oil, modern convenience, sepa- rate hen house, pig pen; thriving vil- lage 3 miles, 4 miles Hwy. 9, high school bus. 'Ifirold Pratt, Grand Val..., ley, Ont. FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS PORTABLE HEATERS Heats farm buildings, pre-heats equip. 'ment, thaws out 'pumps, Pipes, frozen ground. Safe, clean, economical. 4 'mod-els 75,000-450,000 B.T.U.'s/hour. Roe Tractor ,&; Equipment Ltd., Cooksville, Ont, AT. 9-3161. „ SHREDDED Foam Rubber: Stuff your own pillows and toys. 5 lb. bag $2.39, postpaid. 'Mail money order to Allied Products, Box 62, Port Credit, Ontario. PAL-PLUG COMBINED shot gun plug and match container, $1 each. Box 63,, Postal Sta-tion D, Hamilton, Ont. GIVE' health and beauty for Christmair Our jewelled magnetic bracelets are health restoring and beautiful to wear. Priced only at $12.50. National Products, 346 Sablaton St.. Nanaimo, B.C. Agenti wanted. asaeateasraass • ''Sr...xas saaaeasayssasaws"-".. ,, ,,