HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-02-16, Page 7„against the.cruelty in the home Sean F. Lemsss, the Bepublic et Ireland's Premier, stated, "This is the kind .of campaign in 'iNhich the more sensational type of British, itewepeper likes to engage." (Mr, Leneass wee re- ferring here to the mass-circula- tion Daily Mimes. which Was in the forefront of the campaign pvinst the livoliorn Some Irish senators denetmeed the campaign as a product of the `gutter press." But this charge .was etontrae 13iztea by the last that several e'f :the most responsible Britishh, neWspapers like the Daily Tele- graph and the Guardian, of Man- chester, Were themselves ceons paigning against the live-earee trade from the Republic, of lee- , leed, writes Peter Dyne in the. .Christian Science Monitor. However, it was the Deily Mirror team of pbotogra?hers cud reporters who were in the lorefrent of the actual battle which was fought on the quays of southern Ireland and contin- ental channel ports. They literally fought for their pictures and stories against the. agents of the vested interests. And now, with, a major victory eschieved, readers are writing in to pay tribute to the courage arid determination reporters and cameramen in the battle for the veteran horses. Just how long this battle against cruelty to old horses has been going on is shown by the reprinting of a cartoon publi-in ed 50 years ago in Punch, Bri- tain's famed hanneurous The cartoon shows a gaunt horse shipped from England present- ing itself at the customs counter al -Antwerp. The Belgian customs official says, "Have you anything to de- clare?" To which the horse re-, plies, "Only this - that I am ashamed of my country." Britain eventually made the traffic in live horses for use as meat on the continent unprofit- able by setting an age limit of under eight years, and a high minimum value (now 2100, or - e280) for any horse exported from. Britain, Credit .for• the victory is due to . others, including. animal lov- ers in the Republic of Ireland who picketed the qUays to try to prevent the horses for slaugh- ter.-being driven to the ships. In London the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals secured more than 1,250,000 signatures to a protest petition. One of, the many letters to the. Daily Mirror says, "The success of the campaign against the horse trade ; waged by millions of British animal' lovers proves. once and ifor7all that good 'causes can be won if enough people shout loud enough and long enough." How Can 1? By Roberta Lee Q. How can I clean white telt bats? A. Mix ,equal parts of corn- meal, salts and flour, and rub the powder well into the white hat. Let stay overnight, then brush out thoroughly. Or, make a paste out of plaster of paris and benzine, rubbing over the hat, and allowing to remain for awhile before 'brushing off. Q.- .How can I make a substi- tute maple syrup? A. the peelings of pears or peaches are covered with water, sweetened to taste, and boiled until' about the consistency of syrup, you 'will have an excel- lent substitute for maple syrup -- and at a much more reason- able cost, too. Q. How can I prevent dis- tolourations in sliced bananaS? A. By dipping the freshly- sliced bananas into fresh orange juice. Q. Is there anything I can do about some depreised spots on the gasket around the edge of MERRY MENAGERIE "Therell to nothing, left but tAirlat tlikei time fret their P_HOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S, CAMERA ,040 BOX 31, GALT, *NT,' Mime developed and magna prints 404 12 magna prints Oa Reprints el each. K9PACCH.4.1! Plecloeing roll 0411 tit* ineludine prints . Color meet* 301 each extra; ,ii,nseo and redechretne Se Mm. 20 ex-, POWs 'mounted 1n slides 5.1.20. Color prints from slides 521 peen, money re- funded In full for unprinted negatives, POULTRY TRUE-LINE leo. 365, iwhite exe.layero,„, Red Pressed Columbia Beek 114, Red crossed Leghorn. Red 3 WAY masse. Available now at Austin's: itetchery. Intone 8692 Arkona, Ont, • . HAULING POULTRY? Do It with Stad Shipping Crates. Write today for dca-eriptive folder and prices. '.5150 Menu, lecturers, St. Jacobs, Out. •• PROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS ,• MONEY Making Ideas from Alaska! Booklets loaded with ideas. Airmail 360 coin. Eve's Secretarial Service, 195 So, Seward Street, Juneau, Alaska. PROPERTIES FOR SALE • IDEAL! location,Western Ontario; about 11 acres with large winterized residence, 2 large spring fed ponds - room for another, stocked 3 years ago; fishing river 100 yards away: several more springs available. Government parkland being constructed nearby Ex, cellent for fishing club, motel or cot-, Loges; less than 100 miles from Termite, Total price 616,000, reasonable terms. Send for details Fred H Reid. Broker, 43 Victoria, Toronto. EM 8-6302. ESTATE SALE DOCTOR'S home with office attached., easy terms, 'phone write or visit Arthur BraclieY, Richardson's Real Estate Lim-ited, 270 N. Christina, Sarnia Edge- water 6-2226. SALES HELP AND AGENTS WANTED — FEMALES. Wonderful earning opportunities seh- lag the fastest growing line of Cos-metics in North America, the Famous Studio Girl Hollywood Cosmetics. No territory restrictions, Highest commis- sions enables you to operate your own business, in part or full time selling. Write Studio Girl Hollywood (Canada), 602 Hopkins Ave„ Peterboro, Ont, SEWING MACHINES SAVE ON SEWING MACHINES Must clear 700 machines! 25%, lower than elsewhere, Standard Model Elec-tric Portable - reverse and drop feed, $52.50 Best quality, $65,50. Send cheque or M,O. shipped Prepaid, For C,O.D. send 20% deposit. Simcoe Importers Distributing Co., Box 315, Barrie, Ont. STAMPS AM breaking up accumulation of stamps of 30 years. British Colonie and USA only. 25 different 100, 60 ferent 254, 100 different 501, 200 ferent Si.No junk. Add postage. Bet- ter grades and covers on approval. T. EL Graham, 296A Glenforest Rd., Toronto 12, Ontario. EXCHANGE your duplicates! Send 100 stamps and 10/, receive 100 different In exchange! $1 per 1,000! Approval Co,, 242 East 5th St., New York 3, N.Y, I WISH TO BUY old stamps arid envel-opes, Prefer material pre 1900. Write A. D. Day, 17 Lauralynn Cres., Agincourt, Ont. • New Issue Deafer TOPICALS Maps,- Flowers, People, Planes, Flags, Animals, Children Ad- venturers, U,N., U.S. British Empire. FREE WRITE for fully illustrated catalogue. Published weekly, Irttl. Bureau, Phila-telic Division, P.O. Box 2092, Buffalo 5, N.Y TRACTORS WRECKING (2 only) 9N Ford tractors, Used parts for sale, 25 used tractors to choose from. Special this week! Cockshutt No. 60 with cultivator, $229. Call PRospect 6-7371 or PRospect 6-7172, ESSEX FARMERS LTD. 27 VICTORIA ST., ESSEX, ONT. ISSUE - 1961 SAVE" UP TO 40% ON FUEL 011,1 With FUEL ECONOMIZER Easily Installed •on your oil furnace Important -- state smoke-pift diameter when ordering. Winter-end Clearance-$39.00 Regular Price $89.00 Express prepaid if cash with order- SAVE-ON-FUEL COMPANY Dunsford, Ont. BACKACHE When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and wastes, backache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better—sleep bets ter, 31ork, better. NUTRIA ATTENTION. PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purchasing Nutria consider, the following points which this organiza-tion offers: I.-The best available stock, no cross.' bred or standard types recommended. 2,-The reputation of a plan ,which,is proving itself substantiated by files of satisfied ranchers. 3._Full insurance -.against replace-ment, should they not live or in the event of sterility (all fully exPlained in our certificate of merit.) 4.—We give you only mutations whit:IA are in demand for fur garments. 5.—You receive from this organization a guaranteed pelt market in writing. 6.-Membership in o u r exclusive breeders' association, whereby only purchasers of this stock may ,partici-pate in the benefits so offered. 7.-Priees for Breeding Stock start at $200. a pair. Special offer to those who qualify: earn your Nutrria on our cooperative basis. Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd,` R.R. No, 2, Stouffville, Ontario., OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdreasing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages, Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 350 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PERSONAL WOULD you like a penfriend, or part-ner for life? Write to "Penmal" ' Box 65873, Los Angeles 65, California. En-close $1.00 and stamped envelope. HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS TESTED guaranteed, mailed In plain, 11.00 arcel,including catalogue and sex (Finest quality), Western DietrIbu-ook free with trial assortment. 18 for tem Box 24-TPF,, awn., Sask. UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away with'Sava-Pelo. Sack Pelo is.different. It does not dissolve;' or remove hair from the 'surface bfit litnetrates and retards growt1Loi un-tinted hair. Lor-Beer La k.440,4 ; 679 ranville, Vancouver 2, B.C. lettulT PA1iMS POR :OAP! mmt APPLE FARM, 62 acres, over 2,e00 ,YOung trees, popular varitqle0, 0 rem prick tenant house, CA Jaw Creek, $40,000.00. 72 ACRE fruit farm, 40 acres grapes, balance /niece, two tenant houses, full line equipment, $06,000.09. rat Acjtss, 24 gyres grapes.„ 7 serer( nears, balance in wheat aed hash. $32,000,00, Harold ,Jarvis Real Estate Limited, I30 street, least, Grimsby, Ont, FARM HELP WANTED SINGLE man 10 ,24? With ferming ex• nerience wanted tor general farm, raising "slues cattle and beef feed lot, Will provide excellent living accommo, dation and, wages for the man with ability and,character. Write or phone G. L. Borrouglips, ran, No, 1, Klein,-burg. CY, 6-1550, HELP WANTED MALE _ - TRAINING retinired If U want a Job. stome-stuav Course with loan $75.(8) code machine qualifies for Telegrapher. First pay over $3e0, Free fOlder-Cassan Systems, 10 Eastbourne, Tor-onto, 14. - BEEKEEPER, PIDEMOTI open April 17, 1961, in one of Canada's largest bee,: keeping businesses for experienced beekeeper with chauffeur's ileense, Write to 'Rideau Timmy Co, Ltd., Kemptville, Ontario, stating age, experi-ence, height and weight, references, and any other helpful information, en-close photograph. MALE OR FEMALE HELP WANTED LABORATORY TECHNICIANS (REGISTERED) Required by March 1961: SENIOR, with advancement to CHIEF TECHNICIAN, must have blood bank experience; also JUNIOR Modern Laboratory in new hospital wing, attractive personnel poli-cies. Applications stating experience and salary expected to S .1 Johnston, Administrator. LEAMINGTON DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Leamington, Ontario INSTRUCTION EARN More! Bookkeeping, Salesman-ship. Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les-sons 50/. Ask for free circular No, 33, Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1200 Bay Street, Toronto. MEDICAL. READ THIS - EVERY SUFFERER Of RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 MIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scalding and burning ecze-ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1665 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO DINNERWARE ENGLISH Bone China Dinnerware, ATI leading makes. Big savings. Write for information, Emerson's China, Simcoe, Ontario. DOGS FOR SALIII SIBERIAN huskies, beautifully marked puppies for show or racing, good with children. Phone Paris, HI. 2-4310 or write Ken Boyd, .25 Burwell St., Paris, Ont, FOR, SALE - MISCELLANEOUS CHEQUE Protectors:-Reconditioned and guaranteed. Several models. Very rea-sonable, Information: T, H. Graham, 296A Glenforest Rd., Toronto 12, Ont. my refrigerator door, which are permitting air leaks into my re- frigerator? A. You can often eliminate these air leaks by placing strips of adhesive tape behind the spots under the'gasket to bring them out flush with the edge of the gasket. Q. How can I launder chamois gldves successfully? A. When rinsing them, use clean water, but just as soapy as the water in which they were. washed. It will keep them nice and soft. After washing, slip off the hands, squeeze in a towel, blow out the fingers, and hang in an airy spot to dry, COINS TO BUY 1913 liberty head nickel, write print to Ewald Engel, 485 Douglas St., Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada. 1961 ILLUSTRATED retail price booklet of coins, bills, medals; coin and stamp collectors' supplies, 40 pages 35/. Wholesale, retail. Canada Coin Ex- change, 80 Richmond Street East, Tor- onto, EASY CHIC:VE 75141101 Oncti*APti' OUR 1st. year aerying Canada's poultry itithistiy with baby Chicks, famous for heavy eying or effiCient Meat produc-tion See our catalogue and price list. before you order, Early order savings available on day-oldrots to yore. T ary 21th. 1961. he Meer Orchards, Box 175, iltirlingthm ntario. BE TutlApit., yriarkete improving order Bray started Pallets, 'prompt shipment, several varieties alienable, Ames In-Cross polletS, dual purpose, dayelde,„to Order. May broilers,' order now, See local agent, or write Brae Hatchets,' 120 .1 01)P Horne Hemmen, n e e BOAT'S SAVE SAVE BUILD YOUR OWN BOAT Moulded Mahogany Hulls _ From 12 ft. (4 ply) to Cruiser Hulls 25 ft. (12 ply). Second Hand Johnson, Evinrude Outboard Motors, Boat Trailers and Accessories, JOHNSON'S BOATS & MOTORS, PEFFERLAW, ONT. 1109K5 IQ HARD cover novels $2.0. 15 Pocket Books S1.00. Send want list, books, magazines, Michael neiSchhaeker, 1642 N. Fairfield Ave„ Dept. 2, Chicago 47, Illinois, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE A TOWN HERO I and INCREASE YOUR EARNINGS UP TO $5,000 A YEAR Many of your neighbouring communi-ties are now enjoying the luxury pro. vided by a coin-operated laundry. You will be loved by every housewife in your locality. COINWASH will provide you with the finest coin operLted laundry equip-ment featuring SPEED QUEEN com-mercial washers, and will completely plan and supervise the construction of your store, A. complete package deal will include special Promotional Assistance, Opera-tional Guidance, Merchandising Aids. Be the first and the only member of your community to own a protected fully licensed and exclusive COIN, WASH STORE. Call collect or write Coinwash (Eastern) Ltd., 125 The oueensway, Toronto, 18, Ont., CL, 7-6633. BUILDING MATERIALS "CORNERBEAD, Cornerite, Save 5- troughing, Hammer Taciters and Staples, Special shipment specially pric- ed Write to Box 313, Oakville. Ont." BOOK NOW! • • • - 0. Save 10% on round-trip until. April 14h. . • Flawless British service l") • Cuisine. to delight alt tailei. • Dintinti.partiet, movies • Duty,ftee.-shOpping. Stabiliiert for smooth tilling. ..215.11tt, free baggage allowance All included ie your Cuoittl ticket Val .06ov. Cote? SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT. Na one can Serve you. liettet, 1)1' tooneiziti4 'it Wellington Sts.e. Al TOtititilifi .1)A PAO', FREQUENT SAILINGS FROM NEW YoRk TO ENGLISH, SCOTTISH; IRISH RL FRENCH litikts QUEEN MAO Feb. It Mar,' 4, 22, Apr. 5, 19 *CA11111tHIA felt. 10, Mar. 10, Apr. 7 QUEEN' EiliAittil Mar, 15, 19; Apt, 12, 26 *NUBIA, Teti, 16, Mar, 16 PARTHIA telt, It Mar. It lot. )1 44 ttlYANIA Fell. 24, Mat 11 MEOli, Mar. 3, 31 *SAXONIA ,hiat. l'', JO . ,, L 01411. 10114iikitto day tioin,l+,1Atific _ -Y,14ettEMITatt REGU LAR SAILINGs, ieRibM.:McINTREAL toMip#,...tiVitic Tels EMol.ie 0.. . tiebrie Mitintreat Toronto a Witinfisig '` Vent:400i a.: Ala i .4‘,. TICa a. :dri: X s • AT LEAST a feW American boys are trying to stay fit. say than the American college freshman, The newspaper also claims that it is possible for an Ameri- can to go through four years of high school without ever writing an original English com- position. Contrast this with the young- sters in Nottingham who claim they are fed up with TV' and beg for more homework, head- master Walter Bond says in the Times. And if the American young- sters want to melee something of it, let 'em put up their dukes, the British say, and that will decide who is smarter. Of course if Americans read the result of tests conducted by the American Assn, for Health, Physical Education and Recrea- tion, they wouldn't dare tussle with the British. Even the British lassies beat American boys of the same age - 10 and 11 - in "endurance for sustained activity." In "leg pow- Small British -boys in light clothes play soccer in the rain, sloshing around in the mud, Altogether, there is much more emphasis here on physical education in the schools and such. outdoor activities as camp- ing. "Most British children like to get out into the country even if they live in: town," says Dr. Dalzell Ward, medical director of the Central Council for Health Education. "But in the U.S., even young people drive cars and a coun- try walk would probably seem a bit odd to many of them." Dr. Ward says a British com- mittee was set up in 1904 to .examine the "physical deteriora- tion of the nation" while "it is only in recent years that the Americans have gotten, around to talking about this. That could mean we have a 50-year lead" in physical fitness. So ya wanna make sumpin' of it, huh? Could I. Costly >Bit lly for sIfebn Bay Whitney t The retiring .American. •apaleares zador to Britain, in a farewell .sPeeCh, linleaeted :broadside at the `"extraordinary picture .of a trigger-happy. Amerlea" Which Many Britons harbour. \7011.0 happy .that "J.eck" White evet;lenee for his ambassadorial 11CY 1141" nationwide British veledietoey„ The pseudo concept. of the United States' desire to itee force in the Laotian crisis rIceevves to be destroyed. ger, thinly nothing is further' 'Irern the truth,. Britain, of course, seeks to re, activate the International Con- trol Commission .as a solution to the problem in Laos. In short, Britain has not supported the American .position in the tiny, landlocked country, Beyond the Laos question, Bri, tons are miffed because the United States' economic course has steered clear of -the Euro- pean Free Trade Aesn,, prefer- ing to back the European Econos mic Community. Let's keep the Anglo-American friendship free of petty criticism. The erroneous portrayal of. Uncle Sam as a "warmonger" .o n 1 y vexes some Americans to coun- ter with "John Bull is an ap- peaser," And Americans would do well. to study seriously the editorial comment of the Manchester Guardian: "You have to convince the enemy that you may intervene,. but at the same time, not fright- en your friends." Distorted caricatures of allies cut a cruel swath both ways across the Atlantic. America and Britain must continue to be 'united against the common- ene- my, international communism. • It's time 'Whitehall and Wash- ington realize the folly of mean- ingless .bickering while Krem- lin agents are I:necking at the Tree World's gate. - Daily Sun (San Bernardino, Calif.) Rats, Flee From Ultrasonic Waves Ultrasonic waves broadcast by an ingenious, new device are the latest method of banishing rats from large office and factory buildings in the U.S.A. The device sends out vibra- tions at a frequency heard only by rats and mice. The sound is so nerve-shattering that the rats, which often infest buildings in large nurnbers, flee and. during flight they can be poisoned. Cats and other pets in the buildings 'are completely unaf- fected by the ultrasonic waves. Different countries have dif- ferent ways of dealing with the ever-present menace of rats. At London's ,Law Courts rats once forced their way through a bookcase into the dignified at- mosphere of a Chancery Court, eating a path through thick law books. A professional rat catcher was engaged to keep them down. During an earlier plague of rats at the Law Courts forty eats were kept there to deal with the invaders. These rats were so ra- venous that they ate the parch- ment tabs off the lawyers' gowns so that the owners could not identify them. Thousands of rats, migrating fiom Siberia, swept through northern Mongolia and western Manchuria thirty years ago, even attacking human beings. He Was A Happy Millionaire At 28, Alfred Carlton Gilbert had already .accomplished more than most men achieve in a life- time. frail• as a child, he had punished mind and body to be- come Yale's outstanding all- around athlete, an Olympic pole- watt champion, and expert hun- ter, an accomplished physical culturist, a top scholar ' with a medical degree (although he never practiced), a sleight-of- hand artist, and a successful manufacturer and retailer of magic gadgets. Then, ;in 1912, while riding home on the railroad one day,, he watched fascinated while a' etrew of workmen constructed a "'4 . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING British Boys And. Girls, They Say, Tougher Than American Youngsters By TOM A. CULLEN Newspaper Eenterprise Assn. London -r" American youths are "soft" the British say, And the British have the muscles to prove it. Even sortie 'British girls, with one hand tied behind their back, presumably could liek American boys of comparable age, and size. And the girls have the figures (mathematical) to prove it. To Put it simply, the Ameri, can lads flopped in a recent series of, fitness tests given to 10,000 on both sides of the At- lantic, It aleo indicated that the Scotch and Welsh, who took part in the test, are tougher than the Americans. To acid insult to enjury, the London Sunday Times says that the average 14-year-old British schoolboy can write a better es- network of steel girders into a high-tension tower, From that fascination sprang the idea foe the Erector Set - a collection of miniature wheels and girdeia from which a boy could build almost anything. The sets had a universal appeal (the designer of the World War II Bailey Bridge used one for his original model) and supplied a solid un- derpinning for the A. C, Gilbert Co. The company has sold more than 1P million sets, last year grossed about $13 million on everything from electric trains to "atomic energy" labs. Gilbert himself became one of the happiest millionaires, en- titled his autobiography "The Man Who Lives in Paradise," Still active as chairman when he died in Boston last month, Gil- bert, 76, had already written a suitable epitaph: "I've never worked at anything that wasn't fun. If I had my life to live over I don't think I'd change it, Ex- cept Maybe to take up mountain climbing." MEV PLAYED WITH MATCHES - Howard (rancher, 42, sobs in his New "York after, he dearns that his„„Wife • Rind six Chilcken perished ih a fire, He tilree'othei:"chiP! Oren, the laicize began Vskeri one of the tots (played with Matches in the apartriteril. wet)" the lassies from 10 to 13 outscored. American boys of the same age. The British boys were ahead in six out of seven, contests; the Americans only proved su- perior in arm power because they did More ball throwing , than the British. On an. average, the British lads were 14 per cent fitter, Britishers interviewed claim America's affluent society weak- ens the American youngeters, While children in Britain gen- erally walls or pedal bikes to school, American high scheol students too often are driven or drive their own cars, An American mother probably would be horrified at the sight of school girls with dripping hair after a swim in a public bath go- ing out into the cold. It is com- monplace here. Animal Lovers Win ,,Irish Victory Animal lovers in Britain look hack on 1960 as a year in which •a' notable victory Was won in the battle against cruelty to horses. It was a, year of fierce clashes between the humanitarian forces and the vested interests in the Irish horse trade with continen- tal Europe: But the year has ended With new regulations announced by the government in Dublin. Henceforth, live horses will not be allowed to be exported from the Republic of Ireland un- less they are taken immediately to abattoirs near the ports of arrival. This is to avoid the, cruelty of rail transportation on the continents. A new abattoir is to be built lit the Republic of Ireland to work in close cooperation' With the government in order to avoid the export of live horses for use as trieat. When the new abattoir is built - its completion is expected by tire spring of 1961 - it is in- tended that no horse over the age of seven Will be exported ex- ported except in special cases, 1 ,. ,,,,,, Now that the beineeriiterien forces haVe won this big gain, it is appropriate to recall hoWt. it was the yoke of public opin- ion expressed through several newspapers, and through aid-, final protection tocitieS, Which played the biggest part in Writes mg, about a change in the, hot* trade conditions.. ‘ It WaS led goVettitnerite which fought the Major battle for the I ", litirsek In 'fact, great indignation was 'eXpreSSed in the Dail and In' the.Senate in Dttblin about the oehipelgti in the British press