HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-02-16, Page 5-COUNTY OF HURON FENDERS FOR suPpLiEs Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5,00 p.m. TUESD MAR.CH 7t1k, 1961 for the suPPIY of 1061 requirements for ; and just what I've been looking for . , . the PIONEER COMPUTE-WITH TWO 16" CHAINS YOU SAVE 30% soctho cost of your spore chain (pivot grip extra) 411-1-2 • • • TM' — Carried There were no appeals to be heard. Moved by Willi. Elston, seconded seconded by James Mair that the Court of Revision on the Burke Drain be closed — Carried Moved by Samos 'lair, seconded by Ross Smith that the road accounts as presented by the Road Superintendent be paid — Carried Moved by Walter Shortreed, seconded by' Ross Smith that the general accounts as presented be paid Carried Moved by Walter Shortreed; secon- ded by Ross Smith that -we advertise f'ir tenders ta supply, crush and deliver approximately 15,000 cubic yards of gravel on the roads of Morris, crusher-to. be equipped With three quarter inch screen — Carried Moired liy :Win. Elston, seconded by James Mair that we advertise for anplications for Warble Fly cot-. trol Inspector at $1.00 per hour plus 7 cents per mile — Carried Moved by Walter Shortreed, seconded by James Mair that the 1.-rieeting, adjourn to meet again on March 6 at 1 p.m, ...the analysis you want, when you want it! SERVICE . — providing Shur-Gain "Selected-Granulated" Fertilizer with the analysis you want, when you want it ...now and throughout the seeding time. SERVICE ...supplying Shur-Gain "Selected-Granulated" Fertilizer locally, without delay . in bags, or in bulk to give you additional cash savings. POINTS OF SUPERIORITY • Shur-Gain"Selected-Gratmlated" are combined in each granule. Fertilizer is the modern, up to date • Each granule is selected for size., quality fertilizer. • "Selected-Granulated'' • Not "granular" but granulated Shur-Gain made by scientifically blending the Fertilizer assures more even crop different fertilizer materials and then feeding, better uptake of phosphorus. granulating the mixture. • No bridging in the drills, easy-to- • All the necessary plant nutrient-4 clean equipment and far less dust. Plan to use Shur-quin'61 call your local dealer now MITCHELL $ERVICE PLAN te1.348,9012 ,tt SlitlitatIN proven for Canadian conditions R. S. Hetherington, K.. Ci AT situains %me asis ANICOXIOW 11.1 a a eiPA anow tMld fir, S *le — mos opla sow fa 1 ISIINGIMM mod SINUSfillas Oir John Longstaff, Optometrist • • OPTICIAN OF SEAFORTH sitametteers a change of Olfos loosllloE b' &dwell, et, Usijident Itintertii aide —Patiring ()eights proscriptIOnst titled AuCties.yai SR all subsequent sibiltinsintri 21111.1.11.•00............e......1••••••••••••••••weem.emmossemii.gmlb RANN pi41111MAit. spswori 014 161111041011NSMil t tibia6071104"- (WM Selected-granulated SHUR-4GAIN FERTILIZERS Tll BRUSSM PO$T Thr:riay. ro'bruaty kb, t051 • Morris Twp., Council t/Wr .HURON AGRIOWLT-tiRAt- SOCIETY -N 9 C g OF -SPECIAL, . MEETINQ OF MaNISERB ti, :t niv.vilt1 n-190t- • -ng or the members- of the Nast nwron Agricuiturai Society will new in the Public Library building In the Village of Brussels, on. the .?nd day or March, 1061. at the hour or 8 p.m.; which said special mooting Is -called for the purpose of author- lZing the, sale of Lot N. 318, .being part of the lands now owned by the East Huron AgrieLit't;41 ty, and which is 'no longer required for its purposes. AND F1'IrriTE12. TAKE Nurrnq that thc"rm ..entitled to vote on the resolution concerning the sale of the said land, are such persons who are members of the Society for the current, year and who were memb- ers for the last two immediately preceeding years. DAT1i1D at Brussels, Ontario this 7thL day of February, 1061, Clem Steffler President T H E LESLIE E. McKAY INSURANCE AGENCY Alf Kinds of Insurance Pethidine Lift Phon,1 qruaros 40 r 7 Tender Tender Tender Tender Tender No, 61-104 Tires and Tubes No, 61.105 Wire Fence (Type 842) & Steel Posts No. 61.106 Cedar Fence PostS No. 61.107 Pressure Treated 2x4'S No, 61.108 Ply Plywood GIS Tenders must be submitted on County forms available ,,at the office of the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. W. BRITNELL County Engineer Goderich, Ontario. Court House, County of Huron, The OW1011444 Tov41.041P flail on Feb. 0, date- with ail the intobera itreeeilL ''.:a Mintitea of the Met MOO/4g: were read and adOpled, On ,inotion ,Liston and Rose 'SMith, • The Morris TOwnship Selmel Board was in Attendance. to _dhieuss the building of a new two room school at Walton,. A. potitien 'wee received , by the, C,outfoil from the •ratopayers. of S. S. No, 7, Morris to have a vote, on with., drawing from, the Township School. Area before the issuing of any, debentures.,, Moved by Wan, EISten, seconded by Ross Smith that we the Council ,of the Township. of Morris do not con- Mir with the request of the Morris Township. School Board for the 'issuing of debentures - for 40,000,00 for the construction of a Centralized school. Carried Unanimously Moved by Walter Shortreed, Seconded by James Mail' that we give the Huron County Soil and Crop. IMprovenient Association a grant. of $25.00 -- Carried Moved by Wm. Elston, seconded by Walter Shortreed that we request the transfer of $1300 from Main- tenance Bridges to Maintenanoe Roads on the 1060 Annual Road, Returns See it today, demon— strate the features that snake the all-new Pioneer 6-20 chain saw the choice of professional cutters. PIONEER SAWS LTD. PITIRION011eff, CANADA LIGHTWEIGHT (20 LBS.) BALANCED HANDLEABILITY SURE GRIP HANDLEBAR REDUCED VIBRATION COOLER RUNNING MORE POWER LONGER LIFE AIR FILTER NEW EXHAUST DER. — Carried It was agreed to pay the premium for 3 years on the Insurance for the hall, shed, contents and, tools. Moved by Ross Smith, seconded by Walter Shortreed that the Court of Revision on the Burke Drain be opened R. MARKS & SON Walton, Ontario n Mitchell ... REAL ESTATE 2f} Acres high rolling land suitable for cask ere, or pasture. Aced water supply. 99 acres clear. $7010.00 nB acre farm with good house and barn. On payed highway. 3turnace and 3 piece bath. $2008.00 Apply ta: WILLIAM C, CAMPBELL, IAlstowel, Ont., Phone 556W usiness ea. DR. R. W. STEPHENS arzazwitwveragty o Toectato I rfileSti-CP.AN Te601.14,a-23 45 Plro • EASTER SEAL. CAMPAIGN. : OPENS ••INIAR,91-i '2nd. • I i mis year lira month of Alareh becomes .the month of .hope for more 1 than 15,000 crippled children and tr nutgers in Ontario who- have been. f .- afflicted by accident, 41045o or i disabled..by certain :eonditiens. from . birth that Venally Mean despair and i . • dependance on o th ers, The mouth-long Easter Seal Campaign 'will be opened on March ' 941 d in 220 communities. in. Ontario 'by service clubs striving to raise 1 $575„000. That's the price that must ; be paid la 1961 to make life better ! for youngsters who would otherwise I find it harder -, if not, impossible - to become self-reliant .riid self. 1 dependent citizens. Darinz. the 88 years of the Ontario Society tor -Crippled Children, Easter Seal contributlens have- paved the ` way for' a program-me which now provides 27 specially trained nurses working- from 16 district offices, who 1 SerVe as bacon with the service I clubs across the province', seeking out crippled children and directing i them to treatment centres, provid- ing them with home nursing skit • and teaching parents what to do to help handicapped little ones to take advantane of medically prescribed Plans of rebsbilii•ation In five camps, unlike any other '• camps in the country, hundreds of youngsters will have a, chance at JJ sammer vacations, barred to them otherwise becanse they cannot play exactly as other .chldren do. In theso camps counsellors with knowledge of 1 what to do, teach the kids to enjoy life, to learn how to care for theth- aelved; and to give 'many of them hope. which, their conditions have not aroused, Tst0 Seals too enrol the ser- vices of leading physicians and surgeons who give their time and .skills at the clinics which the Soc- iety and, the service clubs organize at strategic centres in. Ontario, where local, Doctors may bring their young patients for examination and recom.- pied treatment, From the clinics the, children go to hospital if necessary, or back to their homes for a program of planned therapy or training supervised by the Society's nurses. In the field of Cerebral Palsy the Society's Easter Seals have made possible advances that are dramatic even though the task is painfully slow arid expensive. ,Ati, various treatment centres. throughout the province, teams of nurses and doctors are .teaching children ,. to walk, to talk. to feed themselves and. dress themselves -- to become helpful family members instead of helpless :viotinist of a condition that once spelled hoPless- nese. At • various treatment centres cainpaign, means a. membership in a crusade Of mercy and service to 'children, Who. • through no fault of their own, are enormous hardens of. affliction, but WhO need a little help to carry those burdens much Mir:a lightly, -^, HONEY FOR SALE — Clover. Honey, S lb. pails $2,00 Honey can be purchased at Bert Aliens, Londesboro., Wallace Ross Seaforth, Oat. WANTED Flockowners to start day old chicks in the next four months, to supply us with hatching eggs. Extrentely large premium paid. Eggs from some breeds taken every week in year. Also wanted: Flocks to supply its with eggs now, Apply, TWeedle Chick Hatcheries tin-Med i trergits, Otiteri6. CE it 16 R' MAIN THE NAN6t t V I 6 E- SEAF0litiar PHONE * *Wall Washing Floor Maintenance +- Changing gtering and Screens Cerierat ',tanker Work * Hotileateaninti erick arid Plastering FiePaiithig SUPERIOR Out Nitius !CONIC! 60 Alai • 1 RAY to,tititt sex sis IfEAP0f1111 • 5,00 lite guest Fertilizers tat Your Good. Earth I ••• • • • • • "•••• CANADA 1.1Eltit #41,1A0 a totOtio COMMA. 4 ATTENTION FARMEIIII It- net only Contraiiinten tie IlighitraYS "Mite let; tot it dittienit keep tn*tialtin Cane** • ions and siderotde tree of few ir the, eta* being coitlissa7 litted. for Mitt inns filth *alit* lett or the .northo et iiis toted._ We itiritiiiOt :responsible for any dairiage 4tutt MAT' oeeur. Void §Otoitftit4itulant of. Om 144., tart lower • ORVAL HARRISON ry AND aLSCTRCC WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP QUALITY, SERVICE, CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Week Day CEMETERY LETTERING Your Guarantee for Gver 35 Years of finfteme 256, Wingfiam R. A. ,POTTON Mhene: BrUssels 329J4 R. R. 1 Monkton Duturtu ELECTRICAL CON•rRACTING RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIIR PROMPT GUARANTEED 'SERVICE — Carried The following accounts were paid: Relief Account $ 51.32 Blyth Fire Area, fire calls 44,00 street 22.10 Ross Aligits ndi ersen, Delgralre Geo, Martin, supplies and telephone calls 3.0.5 'Municipal World, supPlieS 7.70 Howick Fire Ins. Co. 26,90 Baker Convala, Heine 185. 50 Brussels Telephone, extension Phone 15.00 Walter Shortreed, COtirt Of Revision , Burke Drain .5.00 James Matt., Court of Revision i -brirke Drain 5.00 toga. Smith, Cetirt of Revision, Burke Drain 5.00 Wm. Elston; COurt of ReViSibri Burke Drain, Stewart Procter, Court of 13firke Drain 5.00 Iteeel er-O eti rel, thi employ- Intent Inslitratied 9.35 Unroll Soil and Crop` TM, ProVenterit ASS beta den 25.06 Brtevo dee, C, 167it iti 6 Stewart. Procter