HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1961-02-16, Page 1Stith thoiii 'to MOO cross from ttWwein parhid COO- Mrs. Alex Speir We are sorry to report the death of Pit's, Alex Speir at Lloydminster hospital in Saskatchewan in her 75th I year. Mrs. Speir, formerly Rebecca i Aitcheson. Durie, was predeceased by-her husband in 1054, a son, Jipi in. 1953 and a -daughter, Mary in early childhood. The ftincrat serViee Was held on 1 February 1st. -With interment in 1 Cab Pi cemetery. i Surviving members of the family are George Speir, Hazlet, Sask.; Mrs. Chen failhani, Lloydininster; Mrs, Norman Cristall, 13, C.; Mrs- oit Spelt., Swift (Current, Snake; ten rgranchildren and three brothera, Bill Durnin, PaScitta, Sask., Da-vo. Toronto and ja.olc Of Seattle', Washington, CARO OF THANKS I vottld like to convey, my thanks to all my friends who so kindlY relnentliered ma, by visits, cards and treata, a special thanks to ;III *the misses and Dr..Stephetta, white lira,s it patient in Wingitn1 Hospital. Frank A J. BEAul V 4 rf -JP -A SpeCtaity ;:auttlop, .StYliog -Rhone, arusse44 ;40 • .•••••• • LYCEUM THEATRE ON'TARIO Tule ;Shows Each Night. ComipencIng at 7.15 p. :BATURDAY at 2.00 p.m 'Thurs., Frl.; :Sat., t; ,Feb., 16 - 17 18 (Curt ro ens, Victoria Shaw 17.1..erbert;Lern .14-t ii 4 THE :STARS A Volley' Afranta .,,atoot the-rocket icientiest Dir. 'Wernher ,Lgon Braun.- Ayigiican Cfburc i oF CANADA ST.., JOHN'S Pectorl- Rev. H. L. Jennin0 B. A" L. Th. Lent ti 'Organist : Mrs. B, eilloss g 4:10137 0, Comilla:110n and 011.111;e11 gtaIi0o1 • 18/telviiie ,Church to A, St. Church School 11 A. 'Morning WorshiP • P.„, A ,,'1...,Y .„ 10, 1A al 114* ...vparo,,m.1,!0•V*. ' . .0") CP r At, el• toA ••1,0114. DOPOOMEntift WO" ThursclapY). February lattA 4tanowiewi,1;7•sikoat odipa 40. feoot Polhlishiutt I W. D. H. S. VARIETY CONCERT I; EIJSY HERE THIEF AQAIN fiq Vries TOnnas The seal loot', of the *WingliaM a setting of white and )relleW lnslilet High School will present J "mums and White candelabra, Miss. l The 'T;eXan 'WAS rOreea•biy their unntIat concert at 8,150 on 'fetes; Teirs9us heCanle.the pride of entered daring the early betas of Mr. Klass de Vries, in a Ceremony in WrOinlay morning. Cignrete And juke Kilex Presbyterian C'hurch, Listowel, box money Were stolen. -on- Friday, February 100, at 2:20 r The tnlet entered the Preminea by I p.m, Rev. Simon TOrpstru, minister 1 been:king a hack window of a, of 'the Christ/Ian Reformed Church, storage room. Apparently not find- Perfcmrketi the tereitnenY. The bride -ing anything to his lilting there he y d'IsPlay of gyninas'tics by the boys I Is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, i then forced the front door of the daneee by the girls, And a one-act. BRUSSELS TRANSPORT Safe Depenclatate Motor Transport Phone 122 Brussel*, 50 TONS OF PRY COS COIN FaR 8M-et WIPER EARL'Ar:, 7..E. ke•vre•• Thursday and Friday el'tnin84, February 23 and 24, in the school auditorium. This year their wilt •co a variety of enterlainntent; mn`iic by the glee 1 (dub and the sc.:11'0'61' orchostrit n. 33c :13reak.fa'st Wiaxmal.ade 24. oz,. Pillsipury 01. agg,a, Chocolate (Cake Mix pkg. .. ....... 29c eut;rite Wax .,Pa.per 29 .Stolleys "Ring" Pineapple, Grat;fruit Juice 48. oz. 35c play, Henry's Maii3Order Wife, MI proceeds from the concert are used for student activities, (Outs and children) is 50 cents, either by tickets, which the pupils are selling, or at the door everlin' of the concert. -ANNUAL MEETING'. HURON COUNTY BEEF pROD UCERS AORItti LT kJ RAI., BOARD ROO Mt:, OLIN-TON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd AT 2 P. M. Guest Speaker; J Pt $A1131), Production and Marketing Dlivlsion, Canada Department of Agriculture Rot3Z-Pr McGREGOR; president J., C. HEMINGWAY, Seeretar, • ........••••••• • ••• Hertlard tenpati of R. R, 2, 111IleVqe, -I Grill; used a pinch bar to Pry out - and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob de Vries of it. the coin box of the juke box 'melt* R. R. 5, Brussels, are the parents of i ine which he rifled and left on the the groom. Mrs. Jobb, of Listewel played the 1 sfic7trte;rilillnina4pgeeici's- thb7itijghletftththee t15101,' ....-...-- the i Terpstra Wits. soloist, I length dre=,s of agate net, with detitchment. are investigating. The bride was gowned in a floor- ' Provincial police of tne Wingbarn Wedding iintriic and Mrs. Sim en I coppers which the till contained, un- 1 touched, I ' net yea falling from matching crown, , This is the latest in a series of i :11-,leocir rio)osrenst,e t was White carnations and I break-ins, or attempted break-1;1S, William Andrew Burgess, a former i f . here in the past two weeks, Others Brussels resident, died suddenly, in ' Miss WI Pril a rrenpas' as maid of I 'were at The Brussels. Sales Yards honor, and the -brideanahl, Miss where they ;rot away with cigarettes 11 Victoria Hospital, London, on Wed, Dianne Tenpits, were sliniarly gown and $5.-0i) in coopers. Lewes Red and : nesdaY, FebraarY 9th, in his 61st i year, 1 ed. in chiffon, the former in aqua ro,l.te 77ned Alarket and the Banker l ' blue and the latter in yellow, Both Thitcber Shop where they failed to i' He was the younger son of the late i 3m-A'es and Mrs. Burgess. ' I wore white 'carnation headband and, gain entry. , carried. a boquet of white 'carnations. Mr. Sandy de *Vries was best man Annarently the thief f n rev) ej rwvad Besides his wife and adopted ,daughter of Goderich three sistern ,1 cigarette smoker as' hetake, only and Mr. Randy de Vries and Mr. eienre oes, not e in'ars nr f ol,p ono, dell one brother suirvive, Three I t Albert Tenpas were ushers. anti SOf`rn-. ellocolates ha rs. I Tea was served in the church ft- parlor by members of the Listowel Women's Institute, anti supper in the 1 FOR *THOSE LENTEN DISHES — I Listowel Orange Hall. Be sure to use COUSINS The bride's table was attractively i'l COTTAGE claunsr.,, Smart home cameron A. Mustard, of Morris P 'decorated in pink and blue and 1- Township, 58th year. died. Saturday, in his I; ( GROCERY Phone '293 We Deliver Wii;iam Andrew Burgess le LITCHEON Huron County. Wheat Producers Association ANNUAL MEETING DANCE CRANROOJ( COMMUNFTY HALL FRIDAY, 'FEB. 17th Mercy Brothers Orchestra 1 Admission: VI.00 I Refreshment 'Booth I Sponsored by the 'Hall Board will he held in: the slaters predecease] -Burial took piano in London. DIANCE Brussels own Hall FRIDAY, "FEBRUARY 17th after the David Brown Show Salt's Orchestra Admission 50c Everyone Welcome DAVID BROWN SALES and. SERVICE iP jCTURE S H• W ;BRUSSELS TOWN HALL, -FRIDAY. FEB. 17th 1Farm'Bquipment and Other Films ;Friday-Afternoon, 2 p.m. — Free FPriday Ettening, 8.30 p.m. :tiLlunch..Elooth In Hall axe ant ,Agent; Wes Budnark AGRICULTURAL BOARD ROOMS, CLINTON' TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Cameron A. Mustard AT 2 P. M. motkers now consider Cottage i , centred. with the' wedding 'cake. Cheese more than just a Salad. i .The bride's mother received in a He is survived by one sister, Mrs. i 1. O. 0. F. Lodge ' Room , ingredient or a sandwich,. filler 1 green -.sheath dress with a corsage Of i or a standby for -reducing diets. I red and pink roses, She was assisted FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22ndNowadays- they cook and bake I by the groom's mother in a moss * at .a. -0,6,. .. with Cottage Cheese, using It • in ,' green sheath with a airP‘iii)r "r""-.1 Mr. and Mrs. de Vries will reside EUCHRE .F.ARTY in the John (Margaret) Fischer; and one brother,. Fraser, of Morris Town- ship. • Faneral. sfivviee tyro. 1141 from the 1), A. R.enn funeral home, t. Brussels. Interment took place In Brussels cemetery. Proceeds for the C. P. T. committee SOc 'on 1Rrnya-1 Street East, Listowel. • I Guests from other centres attended 'frelm 'Guelph, Ingersoll, Clinton, Winribair, Pri•+ton, List, Owol, Drayton, Stratford Tavisiock turd Woods.tock. appetizers., Omelets, casseroles, desserts and fashionable cheese- i cake t • Order an S oz, or 12 oz, package of Cottage Cheese or a quart. oe Buttermilk from, the milkman at your door or from your grocer, or phone the office 22, COUSINS DAIRY LENTEN SPECrAL For Colorful, Protein-Pich Salads and meatless Wain Dishes,.;, YOU'LL ENJOY DELICIOUS,. • FEATURED AT D A N 'C Wroxeter Community Hal! FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17th Sponsored by the GorrlsWroxeter Athletic ASsociallon Music By: Revers Oreheetra Admission at Popular Price:; Everyone Welcome Buest Speaker : REG. JVIVERS, Past Pres 0 it Wheat Prod. Assoc.- -This organization has done a good jab, It wilt do better wits... your suggestions at the Annual Meeting.. RUSSEL BOLTON, Chairman, J. 0 HENIINGWAY, Sec-Treace,.. NIGHT CLUB OPENING Jack Thynne and Clark JohnSton 'were featured at the opening of the first' night Ctiub. to be operated 1 between Toronto and Winnipeg. This modern Ranch Hotel i.S situated on NO, 11 highway between Callander and North Bay, It is owned and npetritPd hy- Rural Hotel Entortaiment rs booked by Cianadian and 2-American Artists Bureau, and. Arts -will he- nresentod lyerv -Friclay and Sapurday- Thyme. and Johnston were "held (were and will retine1 for at, least two more Fsnp-mo.I-rriOnt'8 yea' are ,weleer,e nt all t.tro4,;tit 1. WINS BURSARY Crmgratutations are extended to • Mass Sharon Hemingway, nurse-in- training at Brantford General Hospital, 'who has successfuly cam, pleted six nvinths Of her course. 'She 'was awarded a bursary at the serviec at which she received her cap. *The 1 award was -presented for the most I ;progress -in nursing, leadership; -interest; and contacts in and out Of tall 'for 'Prices- residential life. Her Parents, Mr. A N 2 -9 WELDING -and EQUIPMENT Phone 15 Erussels .COTTAGE CHEESE It's Your 'Best. Protein Food Buy Phone 22 and order So-me To-Day or pick-up Youi. Supply- - At The Dairy or at Your Groceris WALKERTON REALTOR OPENS IN BRUSSELS ;Wilfred McIntee, Walkerton _Realtor, opens branch in Brussels .this Week with Gordon Grant in ;charge. Mr. MoIntee opened' his first office in 1053, and now has 28 sales- -men on his staff covering western Ontario, - with head office in 'We nterten. Your local Welding Shop and Builder Of 'Custom Built 'Machinery (We now have a few 'Sno:Blowers in Stock.) Write or and Mrs. Douglas Hemingway and 1 ▪ of Brussels and Peter Herding- SCH EMU LE 101I0 way, Toronto, attended the MONDAY Night, Broom salt 8 ply_ Car/Piing Service in Brantford on Friday, Febl'ti ry 10th. TUESDAY Night, Skating, ,840 .P.10. WEDNEclDAY (Afternoon), Skating (Cailldren) 3- p.m. Night, Minor Hockey, •6.20-8 p.m Night Open 8 pm.. THURSDAY, Night, Skating 8 p.m PRIDAY Night, :Hockey (Samestovrn) SATURDAY Morning, Hockey (Minor) 941 San. Afternoon Skating (Beginners) and under 11 years Night, Skating 840 p.m. ADMISSION Hockey, Skating and Broom Ball Public Rehab! Cibitdren 100 Adults 28o ARENA visit the 'oanell Hotel, cu e of the finest In (7anada. CARD OF THANKS I. -wish to thank the many friends who rementhered me with cards, letters and treats while T Was a patient in London Hospital and since caning Your 'thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Helen Cox CARD OF THANKS FRESH BREAD and BAKING DAILY Fresh Fruit and Vegetables At All Times Would like this- opportunity to i thank my- relatives, friends and rielf.dibonts for their Visits, cards, nod treats while I Was a, patient in ' the Listowcl Hospital', Special thanks to Dr. Myers, and Dr. Kirk, and also the staff Of the: TIO011i tat SPECIAL S Maxwell House Coffee 1 lb. ......... Clethent McLellan Habitant Pea Soup 28 oz. 2 for 33i= 'WARBLE FLY SPSAY,NO TENDERS `TOWNSHIP OF GREY Tenders 'for the spraying of Cattle for Warble 'Fly in the Township of tarty will be received by the tinder- '- Sighed until- 1 P.m., Satardav, Mt -Wit 40, 1961. State prle,e per head Per apray. Lettrest or and tender riot neeeSs- arily ;incepted, Edythe lit, elm,atft, (idek, Township' Of Grey Ballet Toilet Tissue 4 rolls ....... • ... 47= Phone 132 Pree Deliver , SAVE At sirs' Ann . mt alt• 16% DISCOUNT 0 14 ALL ANJAMIS MOORE' PAiittit AND NAMItL NOW ill' ttitt titie irALk: 0ti ti4t alt a'tti all tile 'tie,. The to. dli*Vet TENDERS TOWiVSII1P OF GREY tenders wilt lid received' by the Undersigned Until, 'Mardi 4ttt, 16di hnulitig 12,666 cultic, yards, ire Or areiVei or tiff; TOS*nallift of C'tttsliet' to lie etiffindit Sernei, to- Seleinifed by the township. A Certitibil theilite tOf Iqq%rifi.00 1ptlst adedtiiitiltifY t titter:; toweSt or 'OM init'tneeitit, billy acOntitea., itidYthe- jit 64144 4i"niPiinidn ate dinje, Mathan Hardware 'WARBLE FLY tieiWbtO TENDERS 4 TOWNSHIP' OF GREY I ape aliotk 1,460 tbe, Wtittite- Powite' fOr the TOVViiShiP of they received by the iiiiideitignert Until I 1 tiff, Atittitc(14, Ithf -oti ibdt. At SELLS' dAN'Atik Shits Mae bet`" laitiYer,. *titer,: leettIrEir tn*nef. Or eta teiiitef. tint heeeii14.' Anti iinideaninei, tnein a lintels= folly lieceptello C1lerli, ti'ewnb$iti of ire salts fa Canada,, Anil' tin :NW:dint-1 114"cl° uatem• anteOnititsiiat **riot ihtaaiehL lire , tisivilatit, *Mt The Uhited Church. - Of OANAbA ilinistnr; Dikv. L Iielawit OA; ii.0, bolginbiii Milt. A. iii, *birds .at ,„Stiiitiey It/ Lent , t.41 A, -0, &mei idlest 11* at,, ai iiitivi iti dot tits' i arameciff, 1 : 4 ,Thw : I ,. , 1