HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-12-22, Page 8&G. wasimaller / % a 0;4-4 d , itlfpcs e At this time it its nice to pause in our every day tasks to take this opportunity to extend to one and all best wishes for A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS . and A Happy and Healthy NEW YEAR To all our patrons a sincere thanks PitiniitailMIMICAlieRWMINOWASOWOW SEASON'S GREETINGS : .1•11,....,•••••••••, In appreciation of your Friendship Kind Wishes for Christmas and a New Year of Good Health and Happiness Bob Cunningham MIXSVOIVOWAVOilleMage0745tAiMatt. WEEKLY -SALE Brussels Livesiiock Sale" Yards EVERY FRIDAY 1 P. M. Your home market where You are welcome at Visitor, Conolgnor 'Ilr Myer MOM 46 museum*, C*41'. tg LIST OF U C 011 Had . For Sale. • 1960 Chevrolet Corvair Demonstrator 1960 Chevrolet Y2 Ton Truck, brand new, special price 2 — 1959 Chevrolet, with automatic 2 — 1958 Oldsmobiles, 1 hardtop, 1 Sedan. 2 1958 Chevrolet Passenger, 1 automatic, 1 standard trans. 1958 Chevrolet Station Waion - 1.956 -- Buick, 4-door Hardtop, fully, equipped 2 :--- 1956 Plymouth. 1955 Dodge 1953. Chevrolet Pickup ••••••••••- LI•imm•••••,•••••• '\r•00,4 0.010110MOVaki3145 AltaiOVAIMIt. PIMA' III" AMOY wOOD9S rear 14 menrsom For Quality Gifts at Competitive Prices Do Christmas Shopping Here mRs CHRISTMAS CARDS For Variety and Something a Little, Different, look through our large assort- ment. Also the Christmas Parcel Wrapp- ings, Tieing Ribbons, Seals and Tags. May The Many ` BLESSINGS OF CHRISTMAS w be with you 'throughout this Holiday Season, and the New Year The. Management and Staff BELGRAVE CO-OP AND W., A+ W, 14, s, Meeting The W. Ill, $. end W, A. Mot ou Thursday evening, December 8th, at W.e, !ItO#110 of .Mrs‘ Charles 'Iialte.. Mrs Ralph Machin, the leader, used a theme on "A4irePt" 4441 opencil the Ineeting with the hymn, "Away In a 14„4114Seri. During the I business period arraagemente were, 440,(10 for sending a quilt, some! toys, and Witte to an Indian, Mission, The, birthdaY, ecilondara were,, eollected along with the replar i 1 offering, Mrs. Elston .Speiran read a Christmas story, Which was followed. 147 the hymn ff(). Little t Town of Bethlehem". Oen and Marie Lake, accompanied on the Plane .by their sister ,(7arolyn, sang "Away in a Wmagero and, Carolyn also played "Joy to the IVoritl", Rev, Lloyd Brown brought a Chrlstnias massage depicting Joseph's role in the birth of /eons and the eha"nges tit mast have hroitglit to him. 'The 'meeting was closed with "Silent Night" and prayer by the lender, voitavits..zwfwaveasclealit ,atitalemovitoit& Dresser Sets, Kodaks and Flash Outfits Flash Bulbs and Films Snap Shot Albums, Leather Bill Folds Manicure Sets, Fountain Pens Boxed Stationery, Ball Pointed Pens ..11••••901.4.1.•12, •"•,••••••10.1•••••,.......• •10•••••••••••• WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Betters Bulls Are Used" Our Director's and Staff want to extend to One and All Their Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous Year in-1961 ! FIRST DRY 4-YEAR-OLD 1960 C.N.E. Evening in Paris Gifts Yardlys of London England, Tiffany, Old Spice, and Others Games for Winter Evenings Christmas House and Tree Decorations See Our Store Display Lowneys and Cadbury's Boxed Chocolates W. A. Meeting Mrs, Her:Alin Whitfield presided, for the W. A., and opened with hymn 50, followed by The Lord's Prayer, Mrs, Tim Dilworth reported that :$273, $0 J bad been ireelited from the turkey supper in October.. Mies. Everett. Robinson and Lindsay McKay were named to prepare the beige of candy for the concert on December U. A donation of $100 was voted toward the capital. 'fund of :the church. The date of the annyHmPetine: was set far January 21 with a pot-luck dinner at noon. Rev. Brown 'conducted the election of officers for both the societies which resalteid as follows: Brussels viglieRNATiMAYMMMMOORgAgaili ••=••••••••• •••••••,Ir •••‘••• SMITH'S RECALL DRUG STORE Phone 62 A Sample I Daughter of one of our Holstein Sires REAL ESTATE 1,00 Acres high rolling land suitable for cash crop or pasture. Good water supply. 00 acres clear. $7000.00 100 "acre farm with good louse and 'barn. On paved highway. Furnace and 3 piece bath. $8000.00 Apply to: WILLIAM C. CAMPBELL, Ustowel, Ont., Phone 550W W. M. S. Officers President — Mrs. Elston Speiran 1st Vice-iPres.—Mrs. Mac McIntosh and Vice-Pres.----Mrs. Carman Baker Sec. — Mrs. Cliff Morrow Treas. — Mrs, Everett Robinson Pianist Ws. Leslie Liake Temperance -77 Mrs. Fred Cox ,Supply — Mrs. CI,Vman Baker Press 'Mrs. Mac McIntosh Missionary Monthly — Mrs, McKay .Community Friendship — Myrtle Locking, Mrs. Go4don Speiran Baby Band — Mrs, Harvey Smith Mi.sions Dmid — Mrs. Lindsay McKay, Mrs. Carman Baker ,1•••••1' to•apor•••••••••••••••••••••••••• DR. R. W. STEPHENS u15...weratti, ot Toronto PHYSNMAN and SLMOSON Totzi-disme 41.1, *Maas, OW, W. A. Officers President—Mrs. Herman Whttfielid 1st Vice-Pres — Mrs. Leslie Lake sec/Dreas — Mrs, Leslie McKay The cotuntnunity friendship col- lection was taken, and a happy Hine wish spent in exchanging Christmas Aitts. ,Finch was served by Mrs, L,eslie. Lake and Mrs Wm. Tiremner. /!.• ot: TrI WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP QUALITY, $griviCE1 CRAFTSMANSHIP' open Evofy Week Day CEMETERY LETTERING Your Guarantee Tor Over 35 Years of R, A. bPOTTON COLD WEATHER AHEAD Now is The Time To Have Your OIL STOVE OR FURNACE CLEANED and SERVICED for the steady winter months approaching For RELIABLE MAINTENANCE WORK Contest HOWARD BERNARD PHONE BRUSSELS 47W Phone ass, Wingham MAPLEWANNA TRADITION CANARY V.G. This cow was second prize 2-year-old at the Waterloo County Black and White Show in 1958; second -prize 3-t'e'ar-old 1959 C.N.E. First prize 4-year-old 1960 C.N.E. and Waterloo Coun- ty Black and White- Show, and also a member of the winning county herd at the 1960 C.N.E, As a 2-year-old in 305D-2X, she produced 15,288 pounds of milk, 528 pounds of fat 3.45%. 'Breed Class Average 160 milk, 150 fat. As a 3-year-old she had calving complications but still produced a 305d 12465 milk 445 fat 3,57%. For the third year in a row, she calved in September and has averaged 75 pounds per day since then. Several top breeders have offered to purchase this cow. Other 1960 Winners By Our Bulls Included: FRIEDVIEW BENEFACTOR EX—Now in service in our unit Grand Champion C.N.E. 1960. EBYDALE RETAINER JENNIE—Jr. Champion Royal and. Water- loo Black & White Show, sold in Sale of Stars, $2200.00.. GET OF KING SPRING FARM RAG APPLE V.G.—First at Western Fair, London. . BECKHAVEN SOUVENIR MILESTONE—Jr. Champion C.N.E., Reserve Royal 1960, three crosses to Unit Bulls. MYRTLE IL—Grand Champion, Ayrshire, 1960, C.N.E. FAIRMOUNT BELINDA GENERATION—First Sr. Yearling Jer- sey, C.N.E., London, Royal, and Chicago. TANNERY HILL CHAMPION'S ROGER—Newly purchased Guernsey bull, first Jr. calf Royal. ICINGFIELD BRAGGART—Another newly purchased Guernsey bull, second Sr. calf Royal. Donald Crow showed the GrandThampion Shorthorn. Queen's Guinea steer, who was also Reserve Grand Champion over all by our Killearn Howard. There are many other winners at Major Shows and Fall Fairs that should be listed but space does not permit. DEAD STOCK WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID IN SURROUNDING DISTRICTS FOR DEAD, OLD, SICK OR DISABLED HORSES or CATTLIE. For Prompt, Sanitary Disposal Day or Night Call Leroy Acheson A ('"WOOD ZENITH 8-4000 (No Toll Charge) Plant License No. 10-RP-60 Collecting License No, 22060 romrae•••••••••••••••••••••*. ......••••••••••••••••-1.••+i ..••••••-• ORVAL HARRISON Use Waterloo Bulls and Breed your own Winners For Service or More Information, Call: CLINTON 2-3441 or for Long Distanco Clinton Zenth 9-5650 collect Seaforth 96 BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING TV AND ELECTRIC • • R. R. I Monkton Ontario Phone: Brussels 329J4 'If•,%'•%- -. - •,* • ' ELECTRICAL -CON-I*RACTING SAO10 AND TELEVISION REPAIR PROMPT GUARANTEED SERVICE • re! • `V' _ • ' ^ • • voxn g. MOt3ALLy R esporstsrs1. „ 4 DRIVE AS WORD AVE CMS DRIVE R. S. Hetherington IC • C. atig 7ri - AT Ana r Plias* » c,..•mo Sataiiiier- — 16 IL Ek. 6ttie 1 I 4** tr6 — Arid assturobsy. t44 thesiit Es OW gis, 1, wir4comvi iota amisips am John Langstaff, Optometrist OPTICIAN OF EIEAFORTH iumnailbee change Of office Iodation to tiOdOrielik atihteent Seaforth Clink fironnii Floor Parking Vdelittiei OCUlleti PreSeriptIOad filled 'entitles IOU to all rattlieetutenteidluatinente • 1111=1.1....•••••••••0•1. D. A RANN ittAgragAiL /OM APAtutAtitet itioomia1 u or 1 /1j4rOiAtIO' ;9t ti Avir. eon ,totors Vonii Chevrolet olneniotilie Dealer SUPerteit firealuatii Brussels, Ont. Phone'56• of lig tototAtt.. tot* 11