HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-12-15, Page 1For Chdf, Read the 4 I G. 'tins 114 svoioswgigmftwriw-i% --wiwo‘f.coit R o CLAMA.TION BOXING DAY MONDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1960 and MONDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1961 A Public Holiday For The Village of Brussels Reeve of Brussels George E. McCutcheon, ww.,Ivo-Temesrigawaiwffecvel z,'Ff-vg PERFECT FOR PARTIES SNACKS DESSERTS ICE CREAM FRUIT ROLLS VANILLA ICE CREAM. WITH RICH STRAWBERRY FILLING AND COATED WITH CHOCOLATE CHIPS ALSO ICE CREAM PIES and ICE CREAM CAKE ROLLS IN ASSORTED FLAVOURS Available At Your Favourite COUSINS ICE CREAM DEALERS or at Door Prize: Beth Pennington Specials: Dorothy Elliott Mrs. Lawrence Jacklin and. D. A. Rann Sylvester Fox Ordinary; Douglas Lowe Bev, Riley Jack McWhirter Mary 'McCall Tom 'Willis Mrs„ Ed, Henderson .Joe Smith Joe Smith . • Mrs. Mac Backer p. Murray Lowe Cliff Bray Bill Stephenson Mrs, 'Stewart Humphries Mrs. _Albrecht (Winghant) Mrs 'Ray Bronson James Clark James Clark, life-time resident of the 141h concession of Grey Town- ship, died in Stratford General 'Hospital on Wednesday, Dec. 7th, in his 72nd year, A son of the late David and Annie Buchanan - Clark, fro wlas born on :the 14th of Grey, where he resided throughout his life-time. He is survived by his Wife, the former Mary McDonald; one son, Donald Clark, at, home: a daughter, Mrs. William (Isabel) Cilaig, Morris Township; also one sister, Margaret (Mrs, John Evan8), Brussels. He Was predecOsed. by five brothers. Funeral service was held from the D. A. funeral home, Brussels, rot 2 pan, Friday, conducted by E. G. Nelson of Knox 'Presbyterian. Church, Cranbrook. Pallbearers were: Archie Engel, Mark Cnrdiff, 'Richard Carter, Martin McDonald, Alex Steiss, and ]hhuer Dariby. Interment Was in Brus-WS cerietery. NOTICE Tile Judging committee of the EforticultUral 'Society ChriStrna8 Decoration 'Contest wish to say this will he Tuesday, bed, 20th, between seven and eight 'On, Will' all business Plaices leave their lights on. Thank You. Mrs. William Brewer Mrs. William, Brewer, of • Morris Township, died at her home on . M6n- day, December 12th, in her 62nd year. The former Teressa Robb, ,,she bad resided in this community •during her entire life-time. She is survived by her husband.; one daughter Mrs. Albert (Betty) Kitchen, Bluevale; one brother, Harry 'Robb, of Owen Sound, and one sister, Mrs. Armand Lawson, Stratford. The funeral service was held from the D, A, Reim funeral home, Brussels, at 2 p. in. on Wednesday. The service etas conducted by .; Rev, Welson, minister of Bluevale United Church, • Pallbearers were: Ed. Garniss, Frank Garniss, Chas. Brewer, Geo. brewer, Chester Higgins and Walter I Sellers, RWMaig5WMgatt9 AgMc:WAI..t f .aV d ry Flower bearers were: Ross Duncan, and Ernest Pletch, Burial took place in Brussels cemetery, Frahk Shaw Frank Shaw, of Morris Township, died in Wingham Hospital, on Satur. day, December He is survived by his 'wife, the former Elsie Johnston; son Chas., of Brussels; two daughteM Mrs, Gordon (Nora) Stephenson, Brussels, and Mrs, (Frances) Bremner, of Grey Township; two brothel's, Alex and Mph of Morris To'wns'hip, and eleven grandchildren. Mr, ShaW was keenly interested in sports and iii his younger years was an active participant, rL memorial service was conducted On. Sunday evening by members of the local branch of the ,Canadian Legibil, The Rev. H. L. Jennings Of St, tedimfS Anglican Church officiat. ed, Funeral Service was held from the B, A. MO% funeral home 00 Monday aftera0611, Tieceinhet 1.8thi at tWO Conducted by •Itm ketiiiedY of Bluevale PreAbYteltian Church. Pallbearers Were Ross TurvoY, Rey Sellers, titlyd Wotkitiati, Russell. Harvey l Oat, and William Tglaten, Pioiver,.beareta Were, .three tepheIVS, Jack JIM and Ilitrtfts-Y PHONE OROstikLe 41113•Vg.”11.,~11 WEEKLY SALE 8roustels :LivegotIt Salet „lent& 1,' "i IPPIDAN 1 P. M. ktnit '40. Your home market *here .you are weicoine Ialt Visitor -6.atiodetai, or ausibe notitento. 00. Thursday, December;5th, 1960 42.kg.) per year - •i„8 ..e.6 east Publishing House . • • , . ,••••n ••,•••1•••••••• r,••••••, • MR. AND MRS. A. JAC.K4.114, CELEBRATE THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Congratulations are eg,endekl. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J'acrklin •••• • • • . • • • .. • • • ..... • • .• •-••••••••• • • Maxwell Houk Coffee 1 lb. 73c Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 16 oz. ............... - 37c Bright's Apple Juice 48 oz. ........... 3,1c Mount Royal Cream Style Corn 20 oz. 2 for 35c Weekly 'Draw Weekly •Draw, one ticket free with each $1 DUrchase. 2nd Draw Dec. 17th for 5 lb. Box of Chocolates. ••••••,•••••••••••...w, •••..•• • • ••••"' 411111••••• to of rtissels,. Will) quietly celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary at their boine here, on Wednesday, December 14th.. Surrounded by a host of cards, bearing congratulations and good wishes on this happy occasion they were at home to callers during the afternoon and evening, A family (limier honored the -golden milestone. Mr. and Mrs. Jaekliii, (the former Gertrude Stephenson) were married. by the Rev. Cameron, at St John's Anglican Rectory. They farmed first on the 6th con- ,cession of Grey • Township., moving. later to'the 2nd.. concession . and in 1923 to the Jail concession frem where they retired to Brussels I They have a family of two sons, Melville, Brussels, and Lawrence oi Morris Township; and two daughl tens, 'Mrs, Violet Machan, Brussels, and Mrs, Jack Wheeler of Grey Township. There are also 29 grand- children and 19 greatgrandehilq yen. UTCHEON ROCERY C Phone 293 We Deliver '4,4••••••••••,........r.,Isr? :3; • ,........,,,mrioarantelaY131.01.urdiesao•rtokmusnememarres . • • — BRUSSEL LEGION ELECTS OFFICERS CHRISTMAS CONCERT BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH Sunday' Sch0111 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21st At 8 p.m. Silver Collection Ever7one Welcome VittiFiarIS OF CANADIAN LEGION TURKEY BINGO, DEC. 9th He will visit Brussels on Saturday, December 17th. Kiddies of the community .are invited to meet him at the Town Had at- two o'clock, when he will have treats for them all, aided by local. Lions and Canadian Legion members On Wednesday evening Decem7 t ben 7th,• 1960, the Brussels Branch,; 218 of the Canadian Legion, elected I the • following, officers and Corn- I mittee's for 1961. Presi dent -- Stewart 'Humphries last President --Ross Duncan let Vice President --E. A. (Ted) Wilson 2nd Vice President — Herb TraviS Sec,-Trews Ray Bronson SergcAnt at. Arms — Leonard Ward ExecOwe -- C. L. WorkMan, Russel and Ross Bennett Welfare Officer C. L. Workman rablic Relations -- Ray• Bronson Chaplain — Rev. H. Jennings Building Committee Gordon I Workman, Orwell Elliott, and Russell Hall Canteen Committee — C. L. Work- man, Russell Hall and Vernon Grenke MELVILLE W. M. S. NAMES NEW OFFICERS • Annual Melvillt Sunday School CONCERT FRIDAY ' DEC. 16th at 8 p.m. Silver Collection COUSINS DAIRY Brussels, Ont. no WMS Or Melvill e Presbyterian Church • met in, the church parlor I for their Christmas n'reeting. Miss Bessie Moses presided, for the meet- mg and. Mrs. W. G. King_ was Monist.. The devotional period on .the Christmas story, 'was in charge of Mrs. William Little, Mrs. George Evans and Mrs: John Phone 22 Everyone Welcome LYCEUM THEATRE W I NOHAIV1, Cl' TARio . I Short annual reports were given 1 by Mrs. Dan Ithether, Mrs. Charles i Davis, Mrs. lames Mair, and. Miss i Millie McFarlane, secretaries for Glad TidingS, welcome and welfare, Literature and librAry, and supply, i , respectively. Mrs. Sohn Bowman reported for the nominating corn- I mittee and pesented the new officers 1 for 1961. Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p. 'MATINEE SATURDAY at 2.00 p.m. RESH BREAD anti BAKING DAILY Fresh Fruit and Vegetables At All Times Thurs., Fri., Sat., Dec., 15 - 16 - 17 'Yu' Brynner Kay Kendall in ONCE MORE WITH FEELING WEEK END SPECIALS Sheriffs Good Morning Marmalade 29c Cream Of Wheat 1 lb 12 oz. pkg. 31c Maxwefi House Coffee 1 lb. 73c Special for Saturday Only Layer Cake 39c Phone 132 Pree Detivery wozezftimmwmmiziwgk:::%tszoigi Come In And See The New COMET Now On Display At Bridge Motors USED CARS 1959 Ford 1955 Ford, automatic transmission and tad.% 1957 Oldstnebile, bardtoP, automatic transmission and nislid 1956 Ford, automatic tranSiniSSion and radio 1956 Ford, IttinehWagOn Other older thadelg to choose !tern Now Is The Time To Purchase Your, Snow Time Priced Fran.: $14.98 gRIDGE MOTORS' President — Mrs. W. W. Smith -Past President — Mrs. J. H, Greene I Vice-presidents — ',Vase BeSete i Moses, Mrs. W. A. Williams, ! 1 Mrs, W. L. Speir A bright and light comehy about a l'empermentai orchestra leader, Poppy Committee — Walter Mac- 1 Farlane, :Norman Young, Eldon I Mann and 3'. Mac Baeker I Membership :Commitee — William 1 Elston, Torn MacFarlane, and) Morris Wineberg . 1 Auditors --'Vernon Grenke and! Orwell Elliott i 1 I NOTICE The draw for the Christmas i nianiel piece will be on Monday December 19th. 1 The piece may be seen in Mr, i Grant's window. Tickets are avail- .there or from Toy directo rs: • I This' draw is sponsored by the : East Huron Agricultural Society Centennial Committee. 1 HOME AND BUSINESS I HORTICULTURAL COMPETITION 1 The •Hoticuliiital Society are ' again spOnsoring Home and Business places Christmas Dedorations competition, open to all. Entries to be in by the 20th of December. Contestants please call: Mrs. B, Cutimore, Phone 464W5 Prizes to be: $5,00 $3.00 $2.00 in cash and $5.00 $1.00 .2.69 worth oil nursery stock, for both classes: CHRISTMAS DANCE! AND DRAW WALTON COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, DEC. Garnet Farriers' Orchestra. Admission 75c Lunch Booth *.••••••• •••••• ••••—••••.. • •••••••,-.... Secretary — Mrs, 1.), C. Matheson Anglican Church OF CANADA Assistant secretary — Miss Nellie Jardine Treasurer — Mrs. Amy Speir ASSistant treasurer — MrS. Sohn Secretaries: 'Glad Tidings -- Mrs. Daniel Hilether Welcome and Welliare — Mrs. JOhn Gibson. Literature and. Library — Mrs. James Mair Supply — Mrs, Harvey Dennis, Miss Millie. McFarlane Mi4s. Wilfi4 ed Shortreed ST. JOHN'S Rector; Rev. H. L. Jennings B. A., L. Th. Organist: ''Mrs. B. Elliott 4th'$unday of Advent 11 a. in. Morning Prayer and Church School Niely1;_te Mr, LOWS D. Thompson Organist and Choir Director 10 A. M. Chutdh School. li A: M. Preacher — Mr. James (Perris Special Christmas MUSIC- Tenet Soloist = Brian Prescott The United Church AF dANADA— Ortiiiitoot Rev,. L. Brown OtAil A, E. Maki/ 44th Sunday of Advent S.46 tt Cliuiirch School if A, M. f'the 'Minn of '14. Oitnittay„ 'bee, 1:0.10' tan, ditiottito itfe'Service CARD OF tHAtstk§.. The Officers' lino inanbers of .the 13t11:1Sels Braildh of the C.latiedifin 'Legion would. like to thank all Who attended . otir Turkey Bingo's Made it Silolt a, Alieteaggiii Oradea your, tilsO oar tliaii ks to cterY000 Who helped and. contributed to '61011 Ilth,. itleinetribrenee Wishing everyone a Very Merit V 'it E A ..1.).'"1 V' 8 dtittlyid. • •StYliiid. doid Way • SpeetAiti, Phoitt. iii tritliSelS Pianist — Mrs. W. C. wing, Mrs. W. C. Fen. Social Coniniittee Mrs, iOrtrdiff, Mrs. Robert Getrithill, Mrs. W. C, Kerr .1\1otninitting ComMittee — Mrs. WO. Xerr Auditors — Mtg. Jitcoh trisChet, Mrs. George :Lowry ft5ress — Mrs. D. C. Matheson Mrs, Amy Speir teact Christmas Message, prePared by Mrs, Eldon )k-bn ivag not table to be 1 Pt0Stiit, ,Mrs, W. d. Kerr contrib. Wed, a piano solo .nisi' Mrs, W. C. 'Xing toad Reins of interest from the book tty Peel-fie." Written by Mrs. laari,08. DieltSoti, missieriary FortOtida. 11110 roll, rail 'Christmas \+0,0' And the see- reperted 7A calls OP sick and Itietribetti. ...,._ dtvilgtalaa and a Happy and iPttiSPetOila flew' Year. 13iitia1. ttiOlt place t.tditig dedilterY.