HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-12-01, Page 3Motel Operators Face Trouble IVIOtoriete are beginning to *hop. See their roadside Mem- ModatiOns With an eye toward *este rather than a swimming pool, wall-to-wall, carpeting, or "Tree" TV. Motels have become eo elabere este and, ittXttriOne that rates nee,- •searilY have, had to be boosted 'anal it new costs more to -stay tt one of these places than at he small pity hotel, The Meter- deg public has begun; to resist the high rates and, actually is Peeking opt the smaller hotel 411,4 even the guest home which 4Imost has been lost in the bar- lege of publicity given to the tremendeus increase in the con- struction of motels. The motel actually came into being—first known as overnight stabine—as the result of the high costs of hotel rooms. The motel types of accommodations boast- esd low rates, easy accessibility, end reasonable comfort. And be- Oause of their simplicity they ite^ew in popularity. They also grew in numbers 'until today there is the definite danger that there are too many Motels. Where there used to be One or two motels in an area there are a dozen or more. In- stead of those one or two motels 'being filled each night, "Vacan- cy" signs swing from the sign posts of the "dozen or more." With the traVeler looking more closely these days at his pocketbook there is the serious possibilty that motels are pric- ing themselves right out of bus- iness. Many motorists are returning to the small hotel and the guest house. The small hotel, it should be pointed out, reeled on the brink of financial disaster when motels came into being with their spacious parking areas and easy check-in formalitieS, But they have been making a strong comeback. They provide' free parking areas, They encourage the traveler to come dressed "as Is" and provides entrances which bypass the main lobby. Some of the chief advantages of staying at a hotel are the many services provided under one roof—a dining room, room service, laundry, and cleaning, to mention a few, writes Leavitt F. Morris in the Christian Science Monitor. Guests houses are another type of accommodation that is making a comeback. Their rates, for the most part, are amazingly low for what they offer. The traveler can usually tell by the outward appearance of the place whether it will suit his need. Often pri- 'Siete baths are available. But a, family of four can;save as much, as 50 per cent ,by stopping at a guest home. - Motel operators are quite aware of the price resistance by the motoring public and often will make, "deals" rather than let a guest 'get away, One trav- eler recently related„how he and his wife, on a motor trip to California, budgeted a set amount for their motel accom- modations. When the rate quoted was higher than -their figure they merely said they would pay just so much and in the majority of cases they were not turned away. When they couldn't get the motel owner to come down they mere- ly drove along to the next one and easily came to terms, Dickering over a motel room is something f disapprove, And 1- am sure the conscientious mo- tel operator does, too. But it is my feeling that the motel indus- try must take a good long look at itself and determine if it hasn't overpriced its accommo- dations from the viewpoint of what the public can stand. When a man says "It isn't the Money, it's the principle of the thing" — it's the money, s INSTRUCTION ,EAMNI gore! Bookkeeping, paiesinare one Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les. sees 500. Ask for free circular 149. Canadian Correspondence courses, leee Bay Street, Toronto. LIVESTOCK Ven!nenal clIARCLAW beef breed of the future, Choice Clawless Hereford Cress calves for ,tile, Butte e165,00. heifers 430040, weite for free booklet, Robin: nom, Thulium, Oat. FRESH a48ngerUtengraces tetgrd Area accredited,cows, sint t400dteedy;lict Of a quantity. We win deliver. acis, Cochrane 4 Sons, R.R. No, 0, :Barrio, Ontario, Phone: 141621 StrOtid, 12 Ptilli.BRED Holstein getters open, vaccinated, Kemptville unit; 4 Pure- bred cows due in January; 0 grade Cows due in November, all vaccinated, accredited area. 1 team of black Per- cheron Mares, meet, Hume McConnell, CHESTERVI41,18, Ontario, Hillerest 8-2406, MAGAZINES tSaPrEi9CAL Christmas rates. 'Your choice own included, Write Morley, Stephen- of magazine gift subscriptions. Your son, 174 Euston goad, Burlington, On. —se FARMER'S CAMERA clUR BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Films developed and. 8 magma prints 400 12 magna prints ale seepelets es earls KODACOLOR .nevelopteg roll 900 (not including Inlets): Color prints eeeeach .eetra Ansco getactirome 35 nun. 20 ex. peewee mounted in slides $1,20 Color prints from slides 320 each, Money re" fowled -1.n. full for imprinted negatives,. PHOTOS WALLET .pseer.ost 40 for $1.00, Top. quality photographs, overnight service, send any picture or negative. P.0, Box 18, New York 84, New York. POULTRY EXTRA profit IsSwhat everyoee wants atondyae, buslatuntessIt. We ha d any ysoeuenrsneakine more profit out of your laying hens. Others are doing it with Cashman Hi- Cash prodnetion pullets. Results on your own farm are what count, but we can also give you some of the offi-cial results of the Cashman pullets in laying contests. At MissOuri Random Sample Test, with 57 entries, Cashman was high pen in 1959-1960; 2nd place in, 1958-1959 and 4th place in, 1957-58; three year average 2nd place with 24 per bird less profit 1st place pen. Other 1959-1960 results — winner in the Florida National Test, 3rd place in the Minnesota Random highest profit of any of the franchised breeders in Penn- sylvania, Also among the top pens in other tests. You will make extra profit with Cashman Hi-Cash layers. Free, Cashman folder. Also available, other popular egg, dual-purpose and broiler rbrEeReadsu,sTurkey poults. Laying pullets, CHICK HATCHERIES LTD„ Catalogue, ONTARIO STAMPS HONDURAS; 33 different mints Plus 16 different values on cover, $1. H. Busson, (W), Apartado 544, Testicle- alpa. Honduras. U.S. PROPERTIES - FLORIDA MOTELS, homes, citrus, pasture and. development acreages in Desoto coun- ty. Only 40 miles to Florida's famous west coast, J. HAMILTON, SALESMAN JANE WHIDDEN, REALTOR 22 MAGNOLIA ST. ARCADIA, FLORIDA, U.S.A. IT'S EXCELLENT, REAL RESULTS AFTER. TAKING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR. RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1,25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you, Itching, scalding and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Pee* PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1665 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto NURSES AND NURSING ASSISTANTS NURSES and certified nursing assist- ants required for a new hospital open- ing in December in Kawartha.Halibur. ton resort area. Good personnel poli- cies, OHA pension plan. Director of Nursing ROSS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL LINDSAY, ONTARIO NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSES FOR general duty nursing in modern hospital in progressive community east of Port Arthur, Ontario. Starting sal- ary $259.00 per month. Room and board provided at no cost in modern nurses' residence. Excellent employee benefits and year-round recreational facilities available. Apply stating full particu- lars of age, experience, availability, etc. to Box No. 226, 123.18th Street, New Toronto; Ont. NURSING HOMES COMFORTABLE accommodation for elderly people, 24-hour supervision, registered nurse, tray service, Syming- ton Nursing Home, Orillia. FA. 5-1111. NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purchasing Nutria, consider the senowing points, which this organize• tion offers: '1. The best available stock, no cross- bred or standard types recommended. 2. The reputation of a plan which is proving itself substantiated by files of satisfied ranchers. 3. Full insurance against replacement, should they not live or in the event of sterility (all fully explained in our certificate of merit.) 4. We give you only mutations which are in demand for fur garments. 5. You receive from this organization a guaranteed pelt market, in writing. 6. Membership in our exclusive breed- ers' association, whereby only purchas-ers of this stock may participate in the benefits so offered. 7. Prices for Breeding Stock start at $200. a pair. Special offer to those who qualify: earn your Nutria on our cooperative basis. Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd,, R.R. No. 2, Stouffville, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN • BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful. Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System illustrated Catalogue Free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St, W., Toronto Branches: 44 King Be W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. AGENTS SeLs:seiate. Appliance dealers- to sell finest pulp, expelling juicers, stainless steel couSware, literature direct. .Jetes Aimee distributor, 11324 .50th Ste., gce elution. BABY ;HICK* . . SPF,CIA1, prices on Bray 10.20 week Old pullets, and started chicks, prompt shipment; dayolci$, hatched to order (dual purpose and SPecialty egg „pro.' ducersi. Order FehrliarY-Marebbrotlers agent now, contact local or write ,eress Hetchery, 120 John, Nerth, Hamilton, one BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES , ese DEALERS, Salesmen & Farmers to sell chicks and turkey mitt for one of the oldest and well established eries in Canada. Offering the best franeniSed layer and all other popm Mr breech of chicks and turkeys, Lib- eral commissions Paid. Apply Box Num- ber 224. 123.18tb Street, New Toronto, Out BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE HARDWARE corner store with 5-room apt. Long established town and term business In growing community 40 miles from downtown Toronto. Splen- did potential, no competition for nailesi Only 330,0011 plue stock at cost, terms provided. Mr, Grose, BA. 5.7711, Farquharson , Real Estate, 4969A Yonge Street, WIllowdale, Ontario, COINS COINS wanted, pay highest prices. 1961 coin eatelogue 250. Gary's (8) 9910 Jas- per Ave., Edmonton, Alta. Paying 500 each tar 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925 Canadian small pennies. Mrs. Mor. gem, 767 Wilson St., Victoria, B,C, EYE GLASSES EYE GLASSES Slipping? Use Dorsay's Ear-Loks, years supply glass cleaner, both $1.00. Meldie Sales, P,O. Box f67, Warwick, Rhode Island. FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRES rolling clay loam, excellent buildings, completely decorated, brick house, oil, modern convenience, sepa- rate lien house, pig pen; thriving vii. lage 3 miles, 4 miles Hwy. 9, high school bus. Harold Pratt, Grand Val- ley, Ont. FARM, 190 acres, A-1 clay loam, good barn, hydro and water, silo 13 x 45, henhouse and pigpen, 8 room brick home, basement, hot and cold water. Full line of machinery, milking ma- chine, milk cooler. 22 Holstein cows, 4 heifers 5 yearlings, 10 calves, For the right family a, down 'payment of $6,000 will handle it. .Tan Bosveld, Real Estate Broker, 53 Victoria Ave„ Chatham, EL, 2-9056, FOR SALE CHICKEN FARM & HATCHERY in Aurora, six acres, four large build- ings, automatic equipment, many ex- tras. Ideal for two partners or large family. Twelve -thousand cash gives possession, balance arranged. Phone PA. 7-9701, PA. 7-4846 or lt & M Chick Ranch, Box 1151 Aurora. FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS GIVE health and beauty for Christmas our jewelled magnetic bracelets are health restoring and beautiful to wear. Priced only at $12,50. National Products, 346 Sabiston St.. Nanaimo, B.C. Agents wanted. SHREDDED Foam Rubber, Stuff your own pillows and toys. 5 lb. bag $2.39, postpaid, Mail money order to Allied Products, Box 62, Port Credit, Ontario. PAL-PLUG COMBINED shot gun plug and match container, '$1 each. Box 63, Postal Sta. tien D, Hamilton, Ont. HATCHING EGGS WANTED '' — Flockowners to supply one of the largest, registered Hatch. cries in Canada, with hatching eggs. All breeds required — egg breeds, dual purpose breeds, broiler breeds. 'Extremely large premium paid. Apply Box Number 225. 123-18th street, New Toronto, Ont. HELP WANTED Occupational Therapist 190.13ED hospital with active Physical Therapy Department. Apply to St. Jo' seph Hospital Mt. Cleniens, Michigan, U.S.A. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES FOR SALE WATERLESS COOKWARE. 17-piece Triple Gauge Heavy Stainless SteeL New low price in Canada of $69.90. Fully guaranteed. Write for further de. tails Diner Sales Co., BOx 215, Isling. ten, Ontario, How Can I? By Roberta Lee Q. notv can I shorten a plastic raincoat? A. One very good way to ac- complish this is to turn up the hem and stick it into place with some adhesive tape. Q. What can I do about the dents in carpeting, caused by heavy articles of furniture which have been moved to other spots? A. You can fluff these dents in your carpeting back to shape by covering them with a damp cloth, then applying a hot iron, following this with a brushing with a stiff brush. A Letter We'd All Just Love To Write The following 'letter, quoted in "Taxation" for April 30th, 1060, comes from a report of. the Commissioner, of Taxes for Rho- desia. and Nyasaland, It was written by an African on res eeipt of an income, tam return, and expresses with beautiful simplicity ocactly what we have. felt about the things for years. "I have to refere to the attach- ea form dated July 19th, 1959, I regret to state: I :alit unable to complete the form as T do not know what is meatit by tilling this form moreover I am not interest iii this income services, Could you please, cancel. out my name in your boOks as this: sys7 ion has up:sett-id my mind. and I :do not know who register Me as one of,: your customers this 'natter." I ADDRESS. se— If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets It "tired-out" feeling, and may be bothered hy backaches. Perhaps :lath- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort, That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help cumulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may eaten cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red hand at all drug counters. You can depend on Dodd's.e0 Biltio ales or 'turnover 1/2 0/0-42 9 rofits of indUsfries Owned, h by KIemlink- '9%--$7 Billion .Income Taxef ' 'sees ‘-21/2 136—$2 Collective Form Tok sese7Feess ="s• i'Stmieir! Y01.1 ore net old enough lei smoke much lese In heel" i55 41' HO! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • HE MADE THE SAVE — His eyes glued on the ball, Spanish - goalkeeper Ramaletto heads for the turf at a London, England, soccer practice. British Duke Is More Than Showman WrierWri...14 PERSONAL FIGLRE SKIING $1.00. Refundable ten OAST. OUTDOOR INTERESTS Good- WOO, Gnat. MY. Avoid drugstore embarrasniont. Order personal needs by mail. Cone, °tidal, prompt service. Personal Pliar. may, Box 98, Station 0, Toronto. LOOM. Low prices, loge quality on. housewares, Tools Gifts, etc,' lingo paves inns, iittaranteee presittets, Catalogue free, Vance Sales Co,a ,015 Inn place, National City,. Calif, ,„.. . HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS TESTED, gutirentee0, rolled in plain parcel, including ceteloeite and' ses, hook free whit trial :assortment. 111 fmr tors, (Finest..quality). Western rilstrIbts. • ors„ Box 24.TPF, Regina, Sask. PHOTOGRAPHY to Women's- Clubs in ener'sca during October .end Not in 1901 he 'Vancouver on another leettlne tour, and the year after her booked for Auseeelee In between times, both 'Nev.: and in America, he wilt appear 'frequently on 1.W., But, basic- ally, this is not for self ,adv:er. Le does it because his. name has become synonymous. with 'Woburn Abbey. The more People ttlk about him, the more they'll come to see his staid, home, After work, the Duke occa- sionally drives up to town. Lon- don is less than fifty miles away and his huge American car (one of three in his stable) eats up the 'distance comfortably in about forty minutes, He bought it second-hand for about 43,000. Originally,it cost sE8,500 end was a present froM the owner to jockey Lester Piggott when he rode Sir Victor Sasscon's first Derby winner. The Duke drives very fast. He cruises down the M.1 motorway so smoothly that one seems to be floating on air, When you ask him what speed he's travel- ling, it turns out he's touching ninety-seven miles an hour. The Duke is a happy man. He accounts for his current content- ed outlook on life thus: "Making people happy is the greatest happiness in the world," he says. "An artist creates hap- piness with his talent. I strive to do it through the medium of my wonderful inheritance and thereby to preseeve it for my ,son and the generations that wilt follow." The, Bedford motto is Che Sara, Sara . "What will be, will be." John Robert Russell, the 13th Duke, is making sure that whatever else won't, Wo- burn, Abbey always will be, 1 4 4 4 I 4 I I HIGH -1 SCHOOL AT HOME IN SPARE TIME Those people who dismiss John Robert 1.ussell, 13th Duke of Bedford, 'as just a shovvMan, couldn't be more wrong, He is A man of taste, culture and dis- cernment, and an extremely shrewd 'businessman. It's true that at his home, Woburn Abbey, the Duke puts on one of the greatest shows on earth, It grosses more than eq.1.00,000 annually and is grow- ing all the time. Last year there were 462,000 satisfied customers; this year he hopes to top the half-million mark, But the Duke is not ashamed of capitalizing ,on his ancestors. It's the only way he can keep Woburn running and in good order. II i s forbears weren't above marrying for - money arid John, the 13th Duke, is quite realistic about using every le- gitimate device to keep the 23,- 000-acre Woburn estate intact, "They did what they had to do," says the Duke in a quiet but forthright fashion. "And I do what I've got to do, This is the age of the ordinary man. Everybody's got a car or motor- bike and he wants to use it to go somewhere and see some- thing. He wants entertainment and I give it to him — with a little instruction thrown in — at half a crown a time, and a shilling for " children, Call it escapism if you like. I call it sshow business." The Duke, tall, elegant in well- cut dark-grey worsted, moves smoothly about his library as he speaks. It's built on Ahe.same heroic scale as the rest Of the house. You can pack te fair-sized block of modern hats in the space it occupies. His Grace waves a well-tended hand in the air in a gesture em- bracing the walls, furniture and drapings. "This is show business. No doubt about it. Being a Duke today means you're in show biz up. to the neck, otherwise you simply can't exist, let alone live in the manner in which the pub- lic thinks you should live." The old 'nesters framed above the leather-lined books look doWn from, the walls. Could it be with approval? There's some- thing approaching half a million pounds' worth of paintings, in this room alone. A Rembrandt self-portrait, a Hogarth self- portrait, a Hals, a Cuyp. And a dozen other 'selected masters pieces. "It was the fourth or fifth Duke who was responsible for most of those," says the 13th Duke casually. "He thought the walls looked a bit bare, so he sent his steward to buy some paintings. Fortunately he came Low monthly payments include standard text books and instruc- tion. Credit for subjects already completed, Progress as rapidly as DIPLOMA AWARDED. ur time and abilities permit. THIS IS A CANADIAN HIGH SCHOOL COURSE AND WILL PRE- PARE YOU FOR COLLEGE. OUR 63RD YEAR . AMERICAN SCHOOL, 106 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont. Please send FREE High School Booklet, back with mostly Dutch pit- tures," He nods towards the Rembrandt: 'That self portrait there, for example, cost X:16. It's probably worth anything up to £100,000 'today. Ivialces you. think, doesn't it?" These astronomic sums mean very little to a man who, when he inherited Woburn and the Dukedom, also found himself saddled with a £5,000,000 bill for death duties. That was six years ago, since when he has paid off all but a million and a half, which he confidently ex- pects to settle within three or four years. When he took over Woburn, the Abbey was in , an appalling condition, It hadn't been decor- ated for close on a hundred years. Half of it had been knock- ed down by his father, the, 12th Duke, who was interested only in birds, animals and fish. What. was left was jam-packed with furniture, china and pictures piled higgledy-piggledly all over the place. Within six months; working eighteen hours a day most of the time the 13th Duke had everything ready for visit- ors. Queen Elizabeth didn't sleep Isere. But Charles I did, several times. So did Queen Victoria. And the magnificent State Bed- room with its fabulous tapestries (newly restored by a secret pro- cess) is one of the most popular sights in the entire Abbey, His forbears had the Mack of adroit fence-sqUatting. They fought on both sides during the civil war, as Roundheads and Cavaliers. Hence they managed to preserve the Abbey intact until the 12th Duke's bulldozers got to work on it, The Great Park — 3,000 beau- tiful green acres of it — is alive with rare birds, bison and herds of deer. That, and the house, should have been sufficient to draw the world to Woburn. But the 13th Duke decided it wasn't enough. ,He installed a children's ' zoo, a maze, swings, roundabouts and all the fun of the fair. At odd times he has staged parachute jumps, traction en- gine rallies (this drew 20,000 visitors), horse shows, a nudist convention (a washout owing to rain), scooter rallies and politi- cal rallies (Selwyn Lloyd drew a 37,000 Conservative attend- ance). "Anybody can held a rally here," says this most democratic of Dukes. "Even the Communist party. Provided they behave themselves, pay the bills and clear up the mess." In the planning stage ate jazz festivals, bowling alleys, fish= ing and boating lakes, swimming pools and tennis courts. Any- thing, in fact, in the entertain- ment, line that will tickle the' mid-20th Century palate, writes Sidney Vauncey in "Tit-Bits." These ventures need consider- able staff. Apart from the Duke's administrative personnel, he em- ploys 250 people. There are six's night watchmen. And fourteen Mrs. Mopps come to clean tip the Abbey every day, Not excessive, really when one considers Filet the 11th Duke never had newer then fifty indoor servants alone. All this is tremendously exact- ing work, but the Duke has come up the hard way, Re's used to having it rough. At sixteen, then Lord Hosvidred, he was pitch- ; forked into London to fend for himself on a pittance. of 40e per annum. Then he became a reporter on a national daily and later when he inherited some money, he started a fruit farm in South Africa. These days the Duke septets .1 himself primarily as a show- man, Fle IS always around at Woburn on visiting clays, sign- ing autographs and keeping, it very :sharp eye on things. Ile is propelled by a tireless determination to keen Woburn on the Mate. This Will take hire I r I ALL TIED UP — Project' Mercury astronaut Virgil Grissom, checks a maze of instruments before centrifuge flight. The centrifuge will record human stress at simulated high gravi- ty conditions, Lester Ditches That Bow Tie! Does a jaunty bow tie repel the voters? In the case of Michi- gan's Gov, G. Mennen (Soapy) Williams, most famous bow-tie man in U.S, politics, the answer is apparently no. But the back- ,room boys of Canada's Liberal Party have decided differently, So Liberal leader Lester B, Pear- son, at their request, no longer wears the ties that were his trademark in his days as Ex ternal Affairs Minister. "It makes the people think of bow-tie diplomacy," said one ,his colleagues, who went on to explain bow-tie diplomacy: An informal, free-and-easy ap- proach to problems of interna- tional relations, characterized by friendly, first - naine contacts, short-cutting red tape and proto- col. "It's a term of ridicule," he added, "like striped pants, Or ivory tower, or egghead, Ice bad." — from NEWSWEEN, MERRY MENAGERIE o.......4.watccomego Tax Sources for 1960 Soviet Budget of 77 Billion boilers TAX HOCUS4'OCU'S — Trick bookkeeping helps fool the Russian people into believing that taxes are being abolisheclAiutqarci facts prove otherwise. 80\40' 1960 revenue will total 71 bilfiori aoilars of which only seven billion Co-1'11Ra from Income taxes. i All the' rest are "hidden" tciket reflected in cohtUhridr priCeti EMI, ploy'6Npaid Seitiril security„ soles or "turnover" 'fax, Collective' farms levy and profits froni government-owned industries. Source: Northwestern 'Nettituiel life! Itisosessice Co. bulletin:, C,'Wsk. ,..,..,!.?,.. , NO GUNS ALLOWED - Jaime Cruz, 13, it kirrirried to the paves inent by a police officer Another palicerncin took from him a J5 "caliber automatic carried by Cruz at Seel. John Kehrtedy's torchlight parade in Chicago. Cruz ."denied he intended violentes eicilleted, in fati, he wai votIng for- Kennedy,