HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-12-01, Page 1orAl 06-4' ' y 3 • CHRISTMAS SPECIAL BAPTISM SUNDAY AT UNITED CHURCH Baptism was administered to• Julie Anne Campbell, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Campbell; and to Joan Christin e 'McArthur, infant da0ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Mc, • . • 4,2, • 11;A, .4i BISHOP CODY AT ST. AMBROSE St. Ambrose R.. C. Church 'was honored on Sunday,. Nov. 20th to i havo ,His Excellency Rev. Cody," Bishop of London, 'present to ad- ! minister the Sacrament Of Corifir-1 •mation. There Wer e 2.1 children 'and one adult receiving. Th e girls wore ankle length white gowns With red collars and barrets the boys wore gowns of similar length in red, Both wore orucifiXes. ektsistIng on the Alta^ -s•:ere Rev. Father Williams, secretary to the Bishop of London, Father Freker, Parish Priest, Father Reid-Lewis, Clinton, Father Higgins, Teeswater, and Father Sullivan of Seaforth. With Chewy Chunks of Red and Green :Peppermint IN BRICKS CONES j2 GALLONS and 2IA ',GALLONS Try Our EGG NOG Drink OURING THE FESTIVE SEASON Phone 22 For a Trial 'Quart COUSINS DAIRY M.,90WM::TgeVeM14—: :CALVMMeaa FRESH BREAD ano BAKFNG DAILY' Fresh Fruit and Vegetables At All Times totinebred. By BRUSSELS dkA N 1 218 CAiA01 L0ditttte PttittOta Town Mall At 5 P. MJ Pttit)AYJ EC, 2, 1960 FRIDAY, DEC. 9, 1966) is REGULAR GAMES 61.06' 6 Special' dameS 35c a data 6 bards fOr VIM boor Prit 0 *liawagoadAmtrollivA .turval.W1.0*m0`..., . ••• • :5 per Year ? 4441 0.iit, MIA DeVelmmoulte Ottawa Lu(tIsutine41 'Irsuovoll ekes max root Thursday, December 1st, 1960 Bost Publishing House that were necessary at the librarx ,,,nd why (mull or i2 per meeting has . to fp, ebare,ed, All these report4 are of importance to the taxpayers and ; ipeopi e should be more aware of these , matters. slipaingc ... . .... . , ... . •A' • ***”.****••••• ••••••• St. VVilliains assorted Jams. 9 oz 2 for 39c 25c. EL ECTION IN MORRIS FOR REEVE AND COUNCILLORS Moe, will be an election in Morris Township on Saturday De ember ard for Reeve and, Councillors, Folicwing bona nation, iiim•ting On iNeveinber 25111 two qualified Or 13,43l0 Parrott and .Stewart •Procter, so there will, be a two-way Lace for th e reeveship while six sceoanttseciers vlo for the four council ,Norni nal on s York Bread and Butter Pickles 16 oz. For Ciltistatiis Shoppin Read the Mvts. TIK: ost ACCLAMATION ,ACCORDED - BRUSSELS MUNICIPAL 'CiFFICER residents or this yiliage, 11.:iquayea a negretabl 0 luck Of interest in muuleinal affairs by their .corispieleue absence at the • nomination meeting on Friday night, 'Only a handful attended. All year One .bears numerous complaints from many quarters. about .the administratiOn of village affaire, yet,' iI ne one raised a voice itr protest about where all such matters should, be. discussed., being th e way their business 'was conducted at this- meeting, MAVMMA4?-atelt-aCririW*:2 0• COME TO VARIETY FAIR SATURDAY, DEC. 1,0th In the 1. 0. 0. F. Lodge Rooms Brussels, Ont. SPONSORED BY: MORNING STAR REBEKAH LODGE GOOD USED CLOTHING Candy Fish Pond Tea Table :2 — Brunswick Sardines :3 for 27c Delmonte Fruit Cocktail 20 .. .. ... 3Ic TWO BRUSSELS GIRLS WIN PROVINCIAL 4-/4 HONORS iilight homemaking crabs Dar- ticipated in the 4-H Achievement f. Day's program held la Clinton, I: Two local girls, .Miss Sharon I. Hemingway and Miss YvOnne 1: Pollard of the Brussels club were Presented 'with Provincial Honor Plns and certificates (12 ProJec s completed). Miss' Bette Tillman, t Huron Home Economist, presented t these girls with the 1960 edition of I the Drittanica Encyclopedia, Miss Jean Smith aleo received one of thesse hooks. — • c"I'A.,A` t•-"AA Et. `-`) /Z.- 4."7.0 r:"., 7CL*00-MA"'-0 0A"-0 Ve*-- •,..,:••• • - ,Reeve George McCutcheon was returned by acclamation. Two new faces will be spresent among village offieials, Leonard Meehan on the council and 0', L. Workman on the P. It. C. • . appointed chair- McCUTCHEON GROCERY Wm. H. King was man for the meeting. Nominations were as follows; Reeve — We Deliver Outstanding Christmas Values THE MAYDELLE SHOPPE LATEST STYLES lel MILLINERY Weldrest Hosiery Christmas 'Packaged 60 gauge 3 in box $2.69 Now Dark Print Dresses Special $2.98 up SLIMS 3 — 6X Reg. $2.98. for $1,98 Latest in Shirts to size 16 — $1.98 MANY OTHER ATTRACTIVE GIFTS FOR THE THRIFTY CHRISTMAS 'SHOPPER 1' ° Phone 293 BRUSSELS RESIDENT CELEBRATES 92nd BIRTHDAY cetr•oratioe in honor of her r 92d birthday was arranged for Mrs. Maegairet Cardiff on Friday .after-;' noon, at the. home of her: daughter, Mrs. Harvey Dennis. Members of her immediate family,' grandchildren, and 'nephews and nieces' joined for a, is persons, During a party of about 25 1 During the -jafternon and evening, 4., friends :and neighbours showe"d their good wishes and congratulat- ions on the the 'happy celebrant, Flowering plants„ gifts, and cards ; or congratulations added to the festive atmosphere, as. did ' day cake made in the form of an I onen hook — a gift from Mrs, 01.1a-: .Shurrie. !•• Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott. a long. tim e friend and a fellow member i• of the "Over-Ninety Club" was her • oldest visitor; and the youngest guest was jetitrev Cardiff, a great I grandson of Mrs Cardiff. Friends were present from Paris, Drumbo, Walton and Breaaele ; CHRIST 15I 'S CONCE"R'T SANTA'S. VISIT George McCutcheon P. U. C. — C. L. Workman t(1) BRUSSELS 'UNITED CHURCH Sunday Scheel WEDNESDAY, DEC. -21st ,At 8 p.m. Silver Collection Everyone Welcome Annual IVIelvilit Sunday Schodl CONCERT FRI DAY DEC. 16th at 8 p.m. Sliver Collection Everyone Weicome LYCEUM THEATRE WIN•GHAM, okTARto -4. Two Shows Each Night Commencing 7.15 p. MATINEE SATURDAY at 2.00 p.m Thurs., •FrI, Sat, .— Mcs., 1 - 2 - 3 Double IBM THE 'THREE :STOOGES In STOP 'LOOK AND :LAUGH and 13 GHOSTS Anglican Church OF CANADA ST. JOHN'S Rector: Rev. H. L. Jennings B. A., L. Th. Organist: Mrs. •B. Elliott 2nd Senday of Advent 11 a.m. Holy Communion and Church School meonwAy .•-• izoks4t-t.14-PA't..s$,z, Council — 0. McFadden CF. 'Workman L. Meehan (Q) C. Krauter (Q) W. A Williamson (9). 0, B. Elliott (Q). School. Board • G. Stephenson F. Mitchell R W. Kennedy returned for ,another 2.-year term) Reeve Geo. McCutcheon — express- ed regret that there were not more at til e meeting; said Village irate was'. same as previous year; he dealt at considerable length, with County Highway. matters, of which he 'i's chairman, and said • prospects of a Kippereitelmore highway through, Brussels were very albs -owing the extensive program on, 401; lie thoroughly reviewed the financial statement (which appears .elsewhere in this 'issue of this paper)' Councillor Kreuter — reviewed read expenclitutes -said 5 blocks bad EAT AND ENJOY • ICE CREAM ST. JOHN'S tai. A. 'The W, A. of St, John's _Anglican • been lowered, not all' were paved Church .held their regular meeting this year but will Tire completed next in the church ,on Tuesday, with the year, he said the county allows about 'president Mrs. IL, W Stephens, in 50% for this work. charge. Councillor Pearson. — said ;he! The Rev, H, L. Jennings presided would not qualify for council for at the °realen of officers, as follows; 1 61; during his term et office as President — Mrs. A. L. Jennings • .chaitman of the recreational coin- Treasurer Mra. -Bain Somers • inlittee lie had flood lighs installed Secretary — Mrs. E. Somers WE KNOW 'Mr. and 'Nits, Abe Frith and Barbara, London, ;pent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Jack Frank Mitchell is a patient in Wingham hospital, also Prank ShaW Who is Suffering a heart condition: ian 'Matliettott son of Mr. and Mrs: Matheson, Who is a member Of a Windsor Bank staff, feat preserit in Paris, Prance, While on at, Iunfor !Chainber of Commerce European tetir. have been Informed. that Santa Claus Will make his annual Visit to Brussels o Saturday, Dec. 17th, sponsored by the aocal Lions. I and Canadian, Legion Praha, Reeve (Q) Q jtClalIabl• Parrotifled Stewart Procter ((:2) Cottuoil ;Ross Dimcan (Q); Stewart' Procter (Q); Walter Short. reed (Q); Gordon Wilkinson (Q); Writ, Elston (Q); James Malr (Q); Ross Smith (Q) School Board •—• (2 required), Carman Haines (Q); Stanley Hop• Per; Elmer 'Young; James Elston (Q) Tho Meeting was called to order at a p.m. when norninations closed, Robert 'McMurray was appointed chairman. Treasurer Nelson Higgins re, viewed the Financial Statement' and explained different ' matters pertaining to It, Poad Superintendent Wm. McArter Offered to amswer any questions in vegan(' to the roads, Parrott, Reeve, thanked in•-•yor and seconder and all who Wilted with him, and the rate- payers for their co-operation, He en•plal„ned Onfinty road work. He said tln ,re were 5,000 articles in .the County Museum; the Cpunty Home, addition is coming along and there are 105 residents at present and when the building is completed Ther-e be room for 200. He stated he intended to staild for reeve agtiin, Walter Sbortteed, Councillor, thanked allover and: seconder and gave some of the reasons why Town- Chip tax has gone up. He gave some fieuree giving comparison of rates in the last 12; years; explained why Cieuneil' fumed the School Board down in regard to 'issuing deben. tires on a new Walton school; also h—' annlication of 0tintan Board for r (KR) onal debentures was turned down. etewart Procter, Councillor, thanked Mover rand seconder and stated he had Ikea in .Council seven years. Hewett Over some of the work done in Iles part of the township and ex- Oained the prOCedute • of letting the cOntmet for the Bodin:hi bridge and why it was held en so long;also the type of bridge and why It is so expensive. Ross Duncan, Cotincillor, :thanked mover and seconder, has also ser- ved on 'colleen 7 years, He temark- ed .about tares going up but said tie doubt we ate enjoyiag a lot of cenVenienees now that we didn't get years ago; also reviewed Work done hi his part of the township during past year. Gordon Willtinsoii, Councillor, thanked' Mover and seconder and , stated he' has' been Mineillot for-4 years; remarked that other council, lots bad pretty Well devoted the. Work and he didn't hale much Mere to add. Win, Elston, innitieee for donneil. stated he was ea& to See t hem gOitig ahead With the neW bridge; he offered to answer any questions it regard to the Whrighain General hospital as lie is Metris township representative •riii the boatel. Jarboe Malt, new liominea for Council, thaiiked MOM' and seconder raid Said he lialtilte it shoilid 4 1 at• the park, wheli bad. provded Secretary — Mrs. deo. Davis recreation for both young and old. Little 'Helpers Secretary — Mrs, B. He expected that $6,000 Would have , Watson' 'to he raised for nressarY improve-' Educational Secretary Mrs, R. W. Merits and repairs at the arena, , Stephens °Ifl" the approval of the peopl e has to CARD OF THANKS . 'be Obtained by vote for this exP 01-1- We Would Ilk„ to thank, ont.• diture, friends and ne4 ghboUrs for the. Councillor Williamson -- said he ovely • gifts and cards on our twenty- had been on council 5 years and `fifth •Wenditie: Anniversary, that it was good eXperteriee: during, They will Icing be remembered. teem. of office municipal office was Jean and Cleerge Bridee bought; rest rooms provided, ITo thought it time a youngm man was taking his place, KoMinees L. 'Meehan C, Wotk- Man and ft, Me-Fadden spoke briefly; Wni, Adams. P, I.7„ 0. — declined , to stand hecaase of hilsniess taking Um elsewhere, C. 3".k Workinali, consented- to ritrailf.y• for P. TT, C, C. ,Stephenson 'Mid R. W. Kennedy loliccl Tioteal, MeinhetS, spoke nail:Men Of the, 'Moot' -Board simite at length .or the Stare leading- uti to the building of the neW soiiboll aniel the present entelnient le an tithe high, and ti6668watti the, tilting' of en errtta WEEK END SPECIALS Cherrio Kernel Corn, 14 oz. 3 for 39c Sweet Treat, Pineapple Juice 20 oz. 2 for 27a York Peanut Butter Milk Sherbet 29c Mixed Nuts 1 lb. 490 Bread with a Bread Flavor Phone 732 Free Delioery CARD OF THANKS My sincere gratitude is extended o all those who remembered me n various ways while I was a patient in. Listowel Hospital, Your' many kindnesses :were :appreciated and will always be membered. Mrs, Aileen Chapman MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby eiVe notice that Nomination Of a Reeve, Four Councillors and Three School`Trustees to serve the Township of Grey during the year j. 1961: Will be held at COMMUNITY CENTRE, ETHEL From P. 'M. to 2' P. M. DECEMBER 2nd, 1960 If der:handed: a Poll will be ciperietl• at the following place§ Orr SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10th. 1966 •llisl • d' • • No. 1 at 1, Rouse S. S:, No, 4 Paling Sklb-division g at AtiSret*,k.lake.. -4- pv••••*„.er. --or71.-`14VM' BORN . — tct, 114k. arid Mrs: J, T. !Metter, of :Wheatley, on Sunday, December 27t1-1, —a daughter, Melville Church Mr. Louis Thompson Organist , and Choir DIrectir 10 A. M. -I bhuratt School Divine Worithip Anthem;,: Sing,Praise to God — 'Bach Tle music ,o? Bach throughout the eet.44tde. • $rierathent of the Lord's SitiVet. Sunday. betenlbet 11th, (ooubitinen on book Into) '41 r ey CHRIS TMAS DANCE titicy year holiday &the:trig {hi Centre Deedintlet 22ial to the of the ' Meifek Brea. anti dii Deteitilint 29th: to fait ar. &.y Y`ly&Y&Yi a YiY ; teabliot for the nresont term.: no nave a etritiptelleilailre review of the `school thirinettli statement; said that he expected ettiases Writitil begin tin the iieW of iyhtei•., An election lie held to Brussels residents should lie proud, • tettusitin or Morris On StittithlaY. erdelediatelY SAN' botiontlibr 3, 1660 for the nurpride of • the 'MUNICIPAL 'NOTICE NtOtIPt b-W1461.411* wlilt FIchool Notion S. S. No, I Skih-ditisidil NO, et C Grain ity Hall, Walton Polling Seib-cliVISlott No. 4 at iii Cenirrirtritty I-Tall, MOnetieft Polling ,..alb-diviaion No. 5 at Toiviishili Office, Ethel Polling No, 6 at itiliool Douse S. NO. 5 ' el „ eeve and roar donn-1#. (.464.18the, iltitseets represent- The United Chttrith Oil CANADA Otati, L. itjt.,i 6.0; okiiiiititt Moo: A. 0, 2nd' Sunday Of •Advent 5.45' A. it biltifulf #610toit itSelking tvitho ii 'theca& ii White. ditt vA126 rf • dilleta te SerVe the ToWiiship dtirtng I ptivn on taro libriA5 6, Winginvei ditiOutt bi ,tic; tuki Wtv.itd 1001,. n TT SI Area, and the Hosnitai and A Sci6etatty 1,0% will be 0150.1- frontlain",ehairman of the Pritseels f)bra.ry Po inp, • Su vis on . eteritte ' 1 Polls to be 'Spelled front a. tti, to' bp.m. Etlythe M. Cardiff, itettit'hirid Offidde • 6 phone Brueeet8 X40` Board, IniVe exeelletit repett on the affairs of those. hava rind plaiiie4 the •egtetisive linnroveiiietitn George di. 'Martin, ' Oterle.. ita